J f ifr- n TH6 BEND BULLETIN t "For every man a square deal, no tess and no more." SUDSCRirTlON RATKS: One ycar................"..M..,...t3(' StK t210tlthe,t..MM, ,. .IM....MM, ...... W Three tnonthj(..M,lfe...M....w.t. .50 (Invariably In advance.) HOW TO REMIT. Remit liy batik draft, postal money order on UemVexprcss money order, or registered letter'. Make nil remittances payable to The Bend I.ullctltt. Stage and mall Schedule. lrom Sluntko tI frinerllte -.7 p. m. dally Prom Ukeeievr ami Silver Uke... ....... -.I a. m. naiiy except nin from Tumalo Tne.t Thura. and St-...t.iJ p. m. from Uidlavr daily except Sunday,........! p. m. t,KAVK DKNO. Vot fihanlto tU rrlncvflle 6 a. m. dally For .aVeTiew and Sliver Lake. - .. .-7'3o p. tn dally except Sun. or Tumalo Tuea., Thura. and Sat...S a. ra For UMlaw dally except Sunday .....J p. m. VOT Officii Hows Week day;Sa.m.to3p. a. 8unday, from ll a. m. to ti tu., and hall hoar alter a rrlral of all mail trom railroad reaching Bend before S p. ru. TKiF.riioR-0riCK Hoe Week day, from 7x0 a. m. to 9tx p. xn. Sunday and holiday, from Sm a. m. to i. noon, and from S"oo p. in. to :oo p. m. FRIIJ'AY, JUNE i, 1906 ATYPICAL PRINEVILLE TRICK. It may be that Crook county will .always be a mere tail to the Prttie . 5 vjllpkitc. It may be that Crook ,, rvequn will ahvnys pour its taxes v il tp-finevillc's lap; It may be "liff feo PnueVille gang will always ,bcVs iown to and worshipped , a.thc uui really noble institution ,nBtcilM'-,n. If the people wish it ,tbi,H...J they may have it to their heart s content. It is a really glor . ious thing for the taxpayers of - Crook county to be permitted to . - build an clcgaut court house for Princville, and pay public officers foc.ncglccting the public business, ,, for setting up jobs to plunder the ; county. .... This is the Priueville idea of al ..,,toi tin..... .t r .iJ"1" u wiu iukc 50,000 vines to " J -"-- . ty-orM expresses a different notion Priueville kicks and bites, bucks and rears and paws the air, squeals and howls and squaks, and goes on a spree more dreadful than its ordi- t nary state. .- It is safe to say that no part of ,. -Crook county desires that there ' Wiall.,bei -inadequate facilities for , -.transacting the public business. The lack has not been of facilities, ': Jjut of men to do what they receive pay for doing look after the pub lic interest. This court house teal is typical. An important measure, ot interest to every part of the county and every taxpayer, Is kept a dead secret in Princville in the hope that it wpuJd be fasten ed on the community before it -should be discovered. If there was real need for a court house at this -time the Priueville ring would have nothing to fear from publicity. But publicity-kills such jobs and jt has killed this one, or given it a fatal wound. The public, it must be remember ed, has some rights. Wheu a "court house is built. the taxpayers pay lor u. it tney do not want a new court house is it for some petty ring to say they must have it and pay a pretty price for it? If they do want it would the ring be afraid to discuss the" matter openly? A new court house will cost the taxpayers of Crook county 50 to $75 each. Yet it was to be con tracted for in secrecy and the as cessment roll so manipulated that 'those who get the most benefit would pay least. Taxpayers, how do you like it? The plans for the proposed new J court house specify Priueville stonei -J -- ..,Mviuiv duwu. uuu uricK. 1 uc pians also were first open for inspection May t2 at Salem, at Portland on May 18. Bids are to be considered Juue 2. Could auy contractor, who is unac quainted with the price pf Prinevillei stone aud brick, get a letter of -inquiry to Priueville and au answer 'thereto iu time to post himself arid' theu submit a safe bid? Some nee pie ore so queer ns to say tlmt such rt thing could not be done in tlmt limited time. The contractor who nlrcndy hns hnd the opportunity to suck the juice from an $18,000 county high school , plum lives at Salem. He Undoubtedly; . is well posted on local prices at l'rincville. Can it be that there is a little secret "hobnobbcry" in the letting of this court house contract? Kvcry vote cast for Baylcy will be a most effective rebuke to the present htgtVhaiidcd action of the Princville rinp andhc court house craft. A vote for liavley ntcans a blow agaiust boss rtilq and corrupt politics. Every complimentary vote cast for another candidate, no matter how worthy, lessens by one Uaylcy's chance to win, lessens by one the protest against Princville's grab policy. This is not the time to cast complimentary votes for a friend. Vote for Baylcy and fight this court house craft. There is a strange idea gaining prevalence in Western Crook coun ty, a belief that the county's busi ness should be couductcdin the in terest of all the county rather than for Princville. It may be a revolu tionary idea, but tliCj people ale get ting tired of the carism of the county court and the Princville ring. THE TRUSTS VS. THE PEOPLE. Liquor Dealers Fighting Equal Suff rage nnd Favoring the Local Option Amendment. The liquor trust, like the other trust, has set cut to fight the equal suffrage amendment. The Brewers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Association of Orccon has sent out to all the retail liquor sellers a secret circular declaring !. H!l ...III f. !..-.. . J ffluFAflf oman suffrage,"- and urg ing each of the 2,000 retailers to secure 25 votes agaiust it. The circular says: "Every retailer can net 25 voters. Besides his em ployees, he has his grocer, his butcher, his landlord, his laundry man, and every person he does business with." This hint of the wholesale dealers to the retail deal ers to coerce their employees nnd their tradespeople is quite in line with ordinary corporation methods. The circular encloses a postal card for reply, with significant re marks, "You need not sign the curd. Every card has a number and we will kuow who sent it in " The liquor trust Lnkca it for granted that the people who will stoop to hv-lp it in this dirty work will not want to let their names be known, even to the postman. When it is thought necessary that 'even a re turn postal card should be anony mous, it shows that public senti ment 111 favor of giving freedom to the mothers and sisters of Oregon must be strong indeed. OtherwihcJ its enemies would not be so anxious to cover their tracks. This secret circular from the liquor trust has been made public and is likely to turn out a boom erang. Ojtr-cox Equal Suppragk Am' v. The Circular Letter. The secret circular above refesred,' to follows. It is thus seen that the wholesale liquor men claim the, fatherhood of the local option ameimmenc uuu it evidently is drawn in the liquor business in terests. This should decide all voters who desire good govern ment to cast their ballot against the proposed local option amendment. Tlie letter reads: I'orixaxu, May al. 19.j6.- Dear Sir. 1 wo ijms are to ie yotwl on at the elcc- iiwijune 4 which are of vital import ance to every liquor merchant in Oregon, without exctjption. " The firit ifrwoiuau Miffrage. lie secouu u the amendment to the Iosfl option Jtsw. . J'fiiiT6 thin association have iio.VaiI ,.,l (, l., (I, ,. ,, ..f I diest: u-.atter. So far as the amend iiieut ja the local option law i concerned they liave pn pared the aiiieiidnient, ilefemled its title successfully in the supreme .court, and placeil it 011 the lif.llot. Jlut. lwImr ffta III liMllllur ftlpv ratmit 'hf themselves pass the local option aineudtnent oc iiefeat woman suffraire. - 1 naupart oiyuio tvork is up to tlie retailcro. We tvflte this letter to Earnestly ask j m; to help. ., 1 It.vyUl 4ke.- 50,ooQjQtcs.,U.ilefeat woman oiutrajje. It III. take 50,000 to PawUyaiuculuteirt lo tUe local option law. There arc a.ooo rctnllcrs'tft Ortyoin Tlmt mentis every retnllcr iittisl lilm self brltiR In 25 votes clcctlqtidim Kvcry retnllcr enn get, ax .voles', He sides his employes, he liasflit fttticcr, liU butcher, his landlord, his liUitulry men mid every person he does business with. If every man til tile business will do this we will will. , l Wc enclose a$ bAllrU show iiif how these two liuvs will nppcAf on the linllot mid how to vote. We also enclose n postal enrd ml dressed to this nssocintlou. If you will personally tnkc ae friendly votes to the poles on clectkui tlayjoul give cncli one n ticket sltowiiiftivhOwMo vote, please mnll the ixlstnl ctVd Utck to us nt once. You need not sign the card. Kvcry card has a number and we will know who sent It. . Let us all pull together and let us all work. Let hs each get 35 votes. Yours ery, respectfully, llKUWKK.H' A WllOLKSAUt I.IUCOH DkaV.krs Association. TIIU LAST LAUOII. There is no small amount of philosophy wrapped up in that old saw which says; "He who laughs last laughs best." and those people and papers who have maintained that a railroad would be built through Central Oregon nt no far distant day, arc about to have the last laugh over those who have diligently ridiculed such statements. The Madras Pioneer states present conditions concisch when it says: Some of our exchanges have Ixrcit in clined to ridicule our optimism in re gard to the railroad situation, and our publication of occasional news Items telling of some new move In the railroad game with icfcrencc to this section of the state has evoked several attempts at .urcuMii from other Crook county papers. Notwithstanding this we still Mlexc tue transportation proiricm for Central Oregon is taking definite form .utd tlmt its solution is now a question of only a short time. This is due to a good many causee, but npt the least of them is the menace which the presence of th Hill line 011 the north lnk of the Col iimlHa U to the security which Ilnrri man ltas felt in this section at all times during the past. With a Hill connection possible on the north bank of the Columbia, the water level route up the Deschutes will not remain much longer unoccupied, although the indications now arc that independent capital has gobbled up this cIioIm; railroad opportunity, and that Ilarrimaii will bac to deal with them for the Central Orcguti field, of which the Deschutes river is the gateway. The Citizen's Duty. (LalUlaw chnxtKt.) It is the duty of every man to register if he has not already done so and come to the polls iu June and cast his ballot for the national, state and county officers. It, is the duty of every good citizen to parti cipate in the machinery of govern ment and by so doing ashist in purifying politics. Do not stay nt home and then find fault with the people for electing bad men to of fice. If you voted and yet unscru pulous men are elected you have a kick coming, but if you do not vote don't say .anything agaiust the officers elected. SUMMONS. 'TATK ov ohxooh COfXTV Of CKOOK ) U Jattiw Coat! for Hand rtttt y -H. 0. J. I'rank Mroad and AlbartMrU.'l llattdW., ItHaa. K. M. Jamiey, lviida)il j To 8. M. Jaanry, IMradaat- In the name of the Male of Oragtw Voa an hateby required la antwar and aaawar tbe cataaUlnl fled aaaiaat von fa ik ak . lit ed eotirt aad eaiiatj on or before the rib day of July. ro6 aad il Voa, (ail ao to appear aad aatwer JJ IdalHliaTt will lifhc fadgawul agaiuat you for .....n.v.fjy. H)rjg -.Maarawri lor lac uircct payntentafraottcy. to wit I'or 18c balance of an account for the rare anu Iredlng ol a (ram of horaca the property of defcodaut. furHHdtad al hla Inttancc and rouueat. Ulwrrii Ihr ink day of inwnwn, -(raa. ana ie inn oay o Marcn, 1000, aaiouulliig lofno. nn avrnHHitia taroniMnea bv order ol II. .. H 'Ttl, .... . . ..- C hllit, Juttkc of the reacr, lor Iknd 1-rediKt No. 1. Crook Couuty, Oregijjiqwwle and entered on tneiiit ilavorMav. louct la ,i i,v ui.iri, order it It praaerlbtd that tt.lt wiuniont be imb lithtd for aix wecka in a uew.iuinr iHiMlthetl Iu trook County. Oregon The date of the firtt jiuWicntlon of thlt tuminoua la May it,, io6 .. . II C HI.I.I8. C K Hkwaox, Jiitticcofihel-racc Attortir) fjr I'UiudfTi imsjuiijv 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thadc MAflKS DCBIONB CoPVniOHTS &C. Anron lending ft Vclf b and deaerlpllnn may mc uiiuMn rraa wiictutr an ile cateiilable. Coaimuiitrt, llonaitrlctlreoiirtdanlfal. HAHDEOO onl'ataou lent fraa. Illdetl agatier for aaco ring patanta. I'alauia taken Ibroueli Muun A Co. recti M lrM UM,Z,,'IHtnnt charge, la Iha mricaii. A banjanlely llloitrated jeeaktri Jtwaeit clr. bA-biiractaniiia oarnL-rHrt; a orniontha,L Iiul4t)rli)leldtaltr. H Pa ii,;ii,:Vik-Ynrt titati etaoa, tW r BC, Waiblrgtos, D. u R. B. CARMAN, Barber HOTEL KI3DMOND Call nlill seb me. RHDMONI), - OKHOOR. . NOTICE OP SALO OF UNIUTEN TUD SWAMP LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State I.niul Board will receive .seated bids until two o'clock r. M. JUly 34, 1906, (or any interest the state may have iu the following described unpatented Swamp Lauds, to-wit: The NEtf , N$ of Sli X, SVtf of SKtf and SEtf of SWir of Section 24 and Wj of Section a f,; Tp. as S., U. 6 !:., the lands Section 25 licing unsurvcyed. All bids must be accompanied by an application and affidavit to pur chase iu accordance with Section 3302 of Bellinger and Cotton's Code ami declaration as provided by Sec tion 3303 and by cash or check for full amount offered. No bid far less than $1.00 per acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bills is reserved. Applications and bids should bo addressed to G. G. Brown, clerk Statc.I,and Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Application and hid to purchase Unpatented Swamp Lands." G. G. JJKOWN, Clerk State Laud Board. Dated this 26th day of April, 1906 CONTEST NOTICE. IIIII'ATMIINT 01 TIIH 1NTHRIOH. t'. S. l.ant OfTkt The Dalit, Otffon, May la , 1904. A uflkltnteuntut IThUI hairing tn Mnl In this ciffirc hr WlnfirM C CiHSh. nralrttaHt, again! Iiewrolrail mtry No. ijayt. matlr !' ttury 7. ivl. fw Ihc wShwV(. hKhwU, wi ncH. " 11. IM M . r lr. w m. hf fntin K Hlwhlaii. Cmlntrr. Ih MhKh It ! ll.l tkt Hkl John I' ShrtHUn hat wholly ahamimtAt MMlrart for motr Ihan mMth tail iMt. that Ur ha h ctlllatrtl or litiiKnl ukl iiart Mtttlml bylaw that hr hat mtt a-rttl-l Hm iwM tract, that ukl alUi-nl alMcmr i imH (Ih ta hl tinirfoynunt In iht army, navy or marlnrnK. oflh I'nltnt Mtatralu th llm of war. ukl iMttla arc hrrcbv HotlAil 10 attnrar. rrttHHl and nrr rvtonc touching aaMall tallon at 10 u clock a m oh June . Iv. rfVfr II C Ittll. a f S Cnmml4oMrr. at hit arTMclii Itcml. Oregon, anil that Ilitalhrarmg will l hrhl at 10 o'clock, a m. on Jiinc Y.f UIotp ttw Krgittcr ami Hrctinratlhc I'tiltol Maintain! other at The Itallea Oregoti Theaakl contetlant hatrlng. in a lgr am ilavll, nlnl May t, ivuiS, act forth foctt which how alter due illllgeiKr Jwrnmal terv4c of I hit nolkr can not l mailr. It It hereby ordered and 1 directed that inch notice I ! by due awl wuiier tmMtcatkHi nil7 MICIIAKt. T UOUAii. Krgttter. Timber Iitd, Act June j lf, NOTICE KOIl PUBLICATION. V. H. Und OfScc, The Ktllet, it gon. May 1, f. Notkr It hereby given that In tMt4larec wtth the iHoikm t of I he Art ot CoaataM at laae i- the Art of CoagfeM of Jane fTa, cnlltkd "Ah act for Ihr tale of Umber lamia rinrtairoi iiihim ula. IWevtMi. Mmm. In the atalet of California. Oregon. Ncrada, ami Watkringten Territory at eiletutcd ta II Ihr . Ihr MitaHclamltlalat kyAct of Augwtl 4, following named jn oa. on Ancil .trd and May ntd, ly4, Avad in thlt oAtcc I heir awotn Halr- ntaia,io-wKi Oracr A Joaca oi Head, county at Cm., atatref Orraoo, twotu atotctatntt No. JtM. for lb ntrcltat tyf Ihr aeK nW. J". H K and twncX. ' . r lie, wm Cora A Jotwu of Bend, county of Croak, ataU of IH raoa. awoca Matratrat No raya, for lb kwefcawc of the n awK.aoca. ndMrK. mcj. ta mj t. r 11 e. That Ihry wilt olrr tantoia ta ahow that Ihr lamia toaght arc mote valuable for the timber or taar inrrcoH inan lee agrlcallural tnnaain. aad u nnawa laetr ciaiavt 10 mm laaoa befon C- Mitt. V h. CamatttthHMr. at hb) oXm head, OftNrOM. on the 17th tUyof Jala. itM. TNy knt at wttactaea I'lauL O. Mlavae. Oraca A.JOHct, Cora A Jonaa. t'rUHg C. Ctx, roaiu Mjaataaka tra.1 aaatua ma aatta 1 1 Any and alt 11 at to in cialmlng attearaaty the abevKbiKiibrd land, arc ieoaMed ta k I hair foirnt In Ihlt oer cm or before the aM 17th day at jmj, tfn. miHIyiJ MICIIAIII. T. NOMX.KegMar Timber Mnd, Act Juue y it, NOTICB FOU PUBLICATION. U.K. Mad Office. The IktUet, Oregon, July , Iu6. Notice la hereby given that Iu r.miUamrr with iMpftnriaiaaaoriavc Act of Cong I eat of June l. laya, eMIXHal "an act for lh tale of timber lamia la the atalat of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WathlNgtou Territory." at ex ended to all the public land atatea by act of Auguat 4, iSoe. Thoodoec W. Jmmeemauu, of Head, county of Crook, .(ale of (u.i hu thtaday flail In Ihlt oflkc Ida tworn ataumeat Ni w, fur the Hirche of the nejf, t-ac 54, tji il. r ije, w m And will offar woof to thow lhal the land tough 1 1 more valuable for itt timber or atnae than for agricultural purjMMct. ami lo eataMlth hit dalm lo wld land before the County Clerk at rrtorvlilc. Oregon, on the ttk day of June, tori llenamea wltuettet' Charlea I). Ilrown. Thtoiihlle at MKhel, U'll'.lam Haldwin, ami I'roncia Marion, all of llend, Oregon. Any and all iieraom claiming adversely Die alovc4leacrllcalaiidiaiartiuMtMl r Mr nJr claim. In Oil. dlU con or IrtlorcuUl i,th day of a-8 MICIIATtr.T. NOI.AN. Hegltlc. Timber Cauft, A of June 1, 1&70, NOTICB FOR PUI1LICATJ0N. f 8. '.and omcc.The Dallei, Oregon, December to. im. 1 Nidhr It lirrrtglreh lhal In ciniipllance with tli- in.iia:iia I' Ac- uTanigrcM of June j, I ; ciilllled r'Ajl art i(T tboTalcof llmUr landt in uic.iaic.o, uu-iiruu, urrgnn, Nevada and W flthiiigtoii Territory,' at cxteudal lo all the public laud ata'cif by act of Atigutt 4, 1891, Ct'urlcal), Kowei -of llcnd, coiiiily dr Crook, alatc1 6h Oregon, lilt thli day filed In Dili olficc hla aworu ttatcluciil No 2767, for thepurchatcofthe uw of ace i, tp 30 a, r 13 c, vr m. And will offer'' I'WJPf i tQ alio that Ihe land nought .It more ,plu(il.leHJ&r Jl tlmhcr or ,".c .""S1! lu,grlcuWiyRlVrtVfea, nd lo rilahllth hit clsdu W MiiJi.fti1il,UltV II. C. -.1111, u. n, ccuiuiiatioiierr Ml, MO uTice Ind, Oregon, on Ihe i:tli,dy--litiir''Si Klllt, U, H. Ccuimlaalbnerr. -At l.fu ug'ice in in 1 wli Ifcniuieaaa wliiritct: John Kicldl.Jolin IllotJ, TliouuaJ. Tweet, Oregon. anu fl.i. ncan, ; o; lit nil Any and all peraont claiming adctticVilie aUivc-dcacjlfr-d l,Ud arc reiucttod, to, file llidr tlilimlu trtliofllctoniorlicfore tlie. faM' mli u au hflaaka --AJC ' - - - - T- i -3e kichaii. t. Nor.AN, Ketuttr. J Tlmtltt Uml, Act ol Jilne J, t?J, NOTIOH FOR PUUMOATION. U . ft. l.Mul onkf, "l lit Daltra, Oickum, Maltli II, lpOi V I Not Notke UJIficly ilvrti U1 1" oimplUnw " tlir iJiv i-MOIMiil me An u vuiiMir" im jiMir . isis. riillUttl "All act lot the Mle nfllmw !"! In the ttt or California, Orritmi. Ncvml WaslilMRtnit,T(tiloiriV "I xifnlrl I" i public Uml visit Uy ait of Ailt i, ityi, Ncvmlr. ami all Hip (.Via II. Hmllll, oMltitil.rotiiityuf CrtMik, stale ofOnioii, lis IhUdayntcdlulliU ufttve ll n utc iter nworii worn aiaifiiKni Nu. Mi, for tlie niiivhate Miivline ur Hie k,1d m. and nltticWv sec fitP l, r lie, w in Ami will dlicr pinol lo mr thai Die Uml mu Kill It mure,. atn!lc for lit llinbei or Iviie t tin ti lor. sitlrtilliiral i,iirit, and In etUtillth rx Claim tu Mid litnd- llir II C. Hlllt, If rt, Cvnuiiittoncr, nt lilt nlltce In llcnd, tlregtni.oti Die Htlidsy ol Jiinc, i hlir names at wltiirttct' Nklndat Hmltli. Dan llcUlitar, It A. Halter, all ur llcnd Oregon, and John lilott.urhltlcu, Oregon. Any and all tvttout cltlniliig ailrertely Ilia alMitc-drtrtllrili1atldl,airrplitcd lo file tlirlr claims In I lilt oilier oil or bclore aakl Mtli day ol June,ivo. 6-J1 MrCIIAKL, T NOLAN. Hrgliter. Tlinlier !i ml. Act liliie i, tS NOTICB FOli PUBLICATION. V. H Land OlTlre, The Pallet, Oregon, lieeeiiibrr ly. I. Nnllcc It hereby given I lit I Iu rm.llliife with Die iKutttkmanllhc Art ol Congiai hi June J, ijs. entitled, VAk art lor the wite-iiftlmUrlaiHlt In the tiatea or California, (lie ion, Nrtaila, ami Watliluglou Irrrllory," at rtteinlnt to all Die mibtlc laud tlate by Act of Auguit 4, l. ChiittlnaM Mlhrr. of llciid, county of C1M1V, tlate if Oregon, hit Ihltilay Aleit In thlt nltkr Iter tnrn tlalrmrnl Nit irs, forllie twichateof llit teutwU, ltt ;, arc6, andnejtuwft and l.oll.tec 7 in 1st, r lie, w III Ami will elTrr proof la thaw I lit I Hie land aooght It 111 ik e valuable for III timber nt ttooc than for agricultural niritrt, aiM tu etlaldltli ner Claim in aam latin irfmir 11. v. inut, u. H Cummltaloiier. al IdioRier In lleml. OrrgtHi. on the I Jtli day of June, ly4 nhe namft at wIliiMtet' Jehu Mcldl. John I. Keer. Nleholat tinillh, ami Itean A lUlher. alt ol llcnd. Oregon Any ami all mraont claiming adeeivly the aiMiecileterllinl lamltarr if.inetle.1 lo nie llmr dalmt liijIhltolTVcroH orlxrwc tahl IJIIi day of juue, iyv. 1 aA-JS MICIIAItl. T. NOLAN. Kegltter. limWf l,aml. Act June J. 1S7. NOTICE KOIt I'UHLICATION. V. M. Mnd IMIke. The latltoa. (Hegtto. Iiecemotr, a ta), Ndkr I) hf eby given that In cLMHUee wHh the iMo'ktiuwt 4 ih Act of CuttjtoM taf Juiw , ore. tHiHHHi.f-Aii acr roc tiw aair of untawr uhai ih the tlalea f CallfoeHM. OrMHrn Witada, and WathlHgtoH Tel iHoty," ai trntentM la all the o all lH. pontic land atalet ay AM Awgwtt 4, droit IMIUrh. f Tumalo, CMtaly of CnW. ttaleof (HevoM. hat that onter hta iwmm il,l,wwl No 154, hrlhrotttchatcoflhcMk tek. oftec ii. tinat. r new m And will ofltf tieoof to ihow that Ike Uml for Hi timber ne aianc aoughl la more valuable than for agrlcnllural ihiiimmm, and to e4aktlh hit claim la uM UndlKfofcll C lllllt f it I'lHHWkouMr.tl hrtolRcc In Hend. IHtfim.tm inr inn uar or jane Ki 1 iichimmhihhh John 11 winter. I'red I I' nm 11 aj, w uibun J Maker and V, J lllghlowtr all of Tumalo. Oregon. Any and all teegnt clalmlni tireoHt UlaiLn. adercatly Ihf . , ' , "."r1 "" 'eaaemett ta mt iwa-tr rtalmi 1 In I hi. otfxc otior belarr the kail ijtk aborrilrwribetl laadt at fMaratatl ta Mc lawtr MICIIAIII. T. NOLAX, Kagtilac . Timber Mrtd, At June J. laX. NOTICB VOn I'UHLICATION. U. H. Mod tWkrr.Thc Ik.Ua.. OcaatM. 1 Natlrc la berrtnr gtrra I hat In a - vm wh ., .. T- .. "I "F oii.ata. at ine Ml of vattarea of Jaair t. ya. taiiticd "An act Ibe Ih Ml of Uatlm laawU in im atatea at Califotala, otaatw. Nrvaoa. aad r TOHaaio itrvmary." at ratemtm to all Ihe paMic Uad taalea by ad of Auaaat 4. itai. ofltetal.cmialyof Crjotl. tub of rh-egoa. baa IbitdaraledialhMoAce bet awora MaUtaeal No mi. for the parcbaae ef Ihe aHaaV of era. lpna,r ne. wm. tad will oiler taroaf lo thow that Ihe Uad ought awee valaabie for iu Umber or atose Owajoragrkalluralpurp.-,. .ad to eMahltah ber rlalm lo aaul laml brfuee II C Klllt. f. a aa Ihe ijth day of Jaae. iaa Ithe nataea aa wflareaee Jaha MrNtlt. Albert ,"YriTl ,mSmmr " Nti rraak MaUtrr worth, all of Read. Oregon. ayaadajl ptfyt rUlmlNg admaely Ihe Ibuta daiiiibatl laoala -- -,. ai.'.kT. rUlma la thk after aa ur beibto aald 1 Jib day af Java, ipii, M.ICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. hrgVurr. Timber Uad, Act Jaae j. NT. NOTICB KOU I'UHLICATION. If. S. Uml OMca. The Italia., Oreatm, lleceMber , itaf .J,aik'Ji r.yJ that la coapliaoM with IM, enUlled. "An act for Ihe talc orUmUrUatC fe'T."" Cfllfoeata. tNeaN.ST3 Uaahlugttm Tetritoey." at eaTeudad to all I he bllc Uad Kale, by Art of Augatt 4, lag, Poliet I Harrington. of lt laeeille, euonly 'd Ctouk. atalc of Oregon uaa uim aay rural in Ihlt oflUr hla ewvr H tiabf. meat No ijtj. for the putchaae of Ibe eMnwlr aadrHawyTarriii, IpjCa. r 14 r. wm " " Aad wtll offer tieouf in akuaw ,i..i .1.. ,-j ought it mote valuable for Ita Umber of aioar S..7 iiu5 . .. watiaea, aati lo ealabllah huucU,.,M"" -M "" lrotr II C llllta, IT & I tllli aaa 1 a-akgtLaa aaav a l.l - if. . .. .. -..nn., , m, nia.onwa ih iieitd. Oregon, on the iithday ol June, n llnantttaawiliHMH fhieM a.tMrwatl. Una Wewait, John Wo.,, uf rriHevdle, Ore" gon and fncNarVl King, of Hand, Oregon iA,!'"LiV, JfT lmlng atvefaetv tb bavattaactlVMl Umla lie iciueiteVl lo Ala llarir 2ri? jft.." " w Ume ih -r ICIIAl1I.T.NOI.AN,legl.lrr. .. a TIniIjct Uml, Act luuc i, HtyJ. NOTJCB POU PUBLICATION. V. H. tjailil Ollkc. Tilt lUllaaQregoii, 11 . ape a, win oiirr prooi io allow lhal the laud nought it 11.ortval.10l.le fur ll. lln.lVror loi.e hrcii,;;o7j,,1nc:.c - AWKA Joh'Tlr'rfe'' JKL". '!?....' hetw.,, ,, hob,,, .tf.XTXlWlZttZ, in h hilr V...I..T. Iu Thlt'TOucirTtrfu SUB .f.1,! UHV Ul llllltF. Iixkfi. "1" -6- MtCIIAKKT. NOLAN. KtHilr,. SQiiM I I I I I'l-lV" tt,---.. . .- ,,.-,- a . a . . .. Read Till BUIETIN. .icelebyg.verilhatil'r '1, N0T,0H F0l PUIIMOATION. SSSS Ihe'" ' f-'" -'"'" 1 un.1 IUIM y n "f Auguit 4fc !-.. , IdtieialoHa nlbr Act uf Collate, of Jim. J, ri',ini.i ,,,"","' .'"ll1;,AiiartfiirthrMleoflliiilrlai..f 1 ,'.'.. !JllcV.tw.T.,yi,",f Ctook' 1' Hirgni, "' '" Wpilif'iriila, Oiegnu, Neiwla. mid ...Vm?1?" I lllU ."lcc '" ""uriiilate , ". ""lHn VVrrttory," a e.triuUal lo all Ihe incut No 717,forllepiifchtcofthel.oiaiid I'nWIcUiulalaiM by act of Augutl 4, iko., 3au(ieHiiwj(iarc, ,ptoa r 14 r, w 111 I Tlmlirr Land, Act June j, m;g, NOTICE 1Olt PUDLICJATION. U. H, l.aiid Offlce.Thc llallet, Oregon, Jaiiunry j, .,,t, Nrtllcr It liercliy given dial In TOuiaiire with lheiiuvlilouiiillticAcliir CoiigtrM of Jutlr , l7, eiillllcd, "All acl Htr Hie aaleof tlmlitr nll. Iu tlieflalctiifCallliiiuUi Oregon, Nevada, and Wellington Territory." aaetleuilfd iu .ll the iiilillclainl tlatft by Acl of Augutl 4, ityi " Chartnart, lulwardt, of I'rllicvll'c, -mini" of Cliwl, tlnlc (.fOirtim haalhla day filed Iu (lilt olfite lilt awioil tlalr liieui no iir, lur uir purcuate 01 me iwu ol trcij, tii IV", r tor, w in An, I will irrr t iniHiflu thow thai tlie Ian, ! uHight It iniirr Valuable ful III IlinUr or im,t than for agtlciiltuiat iuruea, and to MltWl.li hit tlalin to tnld laud Iwfoie II c milt, l H Comiiilttliiurr. al lilt iiltlr al lleud, Orrg 11 ll ijthdayof June, ivi lie uammat wllnettrt J.'N llunlrr, Hlvhara King, jamea iiHinrr ami j. i.awicuec. all ' Ikml 11 in legiiu. kny ami all peraoiit dallying ulrtraaly Ihf f-drterllMil lamltarr letAiealMl in nl. 11..1. rlalmt ih Ihli Hmcc on or beloir Mkt ijOi day of June. Iv'i ' ' aij J1 MICIIAItl. T. NOI.AN, ItegUlrr. Tlmtxr Land, Ail June j. ityi NOTICB KOlt IMJIIIilCATION. , i' K. I.aud Olfinr. The Datlva, Oiegon, AtUtli. I- Nolhrr It hereby given that In com HU net wiiii Ihr irltoo in in Hie ait of Coiia-iKa of Imhc 1 rullltrd "AN act lor the aale o( tlMtbec lamlt In the HUletollallloiiila, Oregon. Newnla. au.l W'aahlugtou Tmltory " at rtlemVeal In alt Ihr I'liblaC Laml Hlalra liy acl of A, gnat 4, Ifcai, IjhciiW Nulinaii. fdratille I'alt, rmiuly of hnuhmnlali, Ntalr ? Wathlngloil, hat tint nay flltal In Ihlt nriMT In. twotu tlalemenl No 7. fur Ihe puKhtac ni I he ae U of nee ji. I, w a, 1 14 e, w m, Ami will Hirer I'lwf la thow lhal the lau.l ought It more valuable foe Itt timber or . IImh for agricultural MirHite.i, ami la ltWi.n hlartalm IauM laml beforr Ihr Kegltter an. I HerHverallhr IMIIet. orrgmi. an Ihe nth ! ufjune. fi Mr namet at wtlnteaei Mat Klate J. I,n atrt, 1'iank Camnbell and frank Krute. all ,,1 rtranlte lalla, Wathlngton Anv and all wtwii eialmlnt- attvetalt lk almvcMleKribrd Umlt arr lnHlrd tu file Ibrh cUimtlH lhitonvtenor lielareMid nib da Juar. iwta MICIIAItl. T NOI.AN. heglM.i TJ Timber lind, Art June h i7 NOTICJ? KOK PUIJLICATION. V , tndtM. The laHa-. Otegtm March nM, l' Ntarbe tt bete by given Ihat In cuaipllaNce n Ibe peaviainaa of Ihe act ar Cnttrtrat id Jim- 1 lira, tainted ",n art lur the tale of litabei l.i In Ihe htalea at' Calieurnla. iiieaaH. Netada h.i Waahlngtoa Terrllaey. ' aa rtlead.,1 la all 11, ISablk Und Maiet by art ih Aagatt 4 l mill II. I.ytxtt, ofllead. nrnuly of Cftaik. tlalr of Iheaua ha. hit day Hied In thlt offtee lilt wm eUtenieni Na al. tut Ihe pMCbtte of Ihr N tt Ha tw (, Nw X aad Mw K tw K atec Jt. Ii t.r ll r w 1., And wilt oiler imiaf Itt abate that Ihe Un I Mag ht hi mnte valaahte fa Ha imkrr or tl.m. than fur agrtrtdtaial potjwtrt lad Iu a-t4tl.lai, bit claim la tatd land beehtr Ihe LotHtly Clerk rnamjie. otegoa. wNlhr iMhday or Jalv. v He aanttwi atwHiia.a P tl.tllUtof lAkllaw fhegam, X W llllrt, I ll Turner and Mary It Ulhtt. all of Urad UfeotHI. Any aad all prraottt Claiming adeettrly Hi. abora-Vacetbiat Undt are ivaiirate.1 la hie Ih.i daliH. In Ihlt aebe oa ur belbfe told nth dav July, itatt MICIIAItl, T NOI.AN. Reglan. ntl'JIya TlNahar Mnd. AM Jua j, i7f . NOTICB I'OU PUI.LICATION. U.K. .The liallr IMrtjon. A kt 1, Ita Netarr ta arraW gteen lhal Ih cotapliaaa-e wHh Ihr Mtaof lae Actor Cttaataaa of June 1 of Cttaataaa of June r .tL m-tZ. HmI. I-...I laTfl. eatWIeat. "Aa aat far IbcMle of Matbti Unl, la lawawtataf CaUfaraK thTMaa. Nevada a.i Waahlagtoa Tertlloey," at ealettdixl la all Hi. auMic Mad tialtw by Act af Aaguat 4, iyi Harry K Norlhap. ofrortlead.eaa.aly ul hlullautuah, alale ol .. gata. baa Ihla ita tied IN Ihla efare bla aa.,m Malrment No take, foe Ihe pari hate oflhe I ..(. I aad 4. tec li. IHt 1 , 1, 1 aad 1, aev iy. and I 1 1 aad , ace at, tp la a. r 11 e, w at Aad will offer proof lo hotr lhal ik Uad aaagbl a noee valuable far IU liml-i ,h aaa me agruuuutai parpawaaad to r.1.1 tu claim lu taldatad baaote Ihe Hrgiai.i ectiyer.alTbe Italltm. tHaauai.aa lb, .u. day of Jac, lleaaaaraaa irllnlatu llaaaae ianl l. real II flakvee. and llaiinan " ----- 1, .,1 of r-ueiUad. (Megoa, A C iJttaa aad Na-W t Utoat. 04 Bend. Oregoa. Michael O Coai. .11 1 L. O. HeWair. ol The IMtot. OrMtag. Aay aad all pertatw ttaltalag adtiar Iha above laadt are tauaeatad W 1W1 belt . i,m. lalhltaeacranae beWaa tile aaW iMh i-t "i Jaae, lata, aralu MICIIAIM,T.MO!eAN. Neglatar. Tttaber Uml. Act Jane j, i7t, NOTICB KOH I'UHLICATION. V. ft. Uad Otacv, Tha IhkUaa, uregnn March ilk a' Natlca la hereby given that la eotapltam. uiili iha protkaloat oflbe Act oTCoaiireaa of Jum , i7. ralllled "Aa act for the aaW ortlmbrr I.ihI. (NlhcataleaolCalllbcala, OregtMt, Natrada aud Wathlnglun Irrrllory," aa e (leaded lo all Hi-fufalk- Una Malet by act of AafMal 4, -) Vraak lUaat. of Kedmond, coualy of Crook, tlaae af Oitgiu. bat Ihla day it. In ihla affica bk awotu ti,.i. Meal No Vt, ha- Iha pucbtvM el Ihe ar (, o arc. a. Ip aut, r ije, wm, And alii oHrr p,m,f to teeow lhal Ihr tulid wighl it hmmc valaabie for Ita Umber ot an.ur than for agricultural ptttltatca. aud tw etaabliti hit rlaitu fc tatd land before Ihe Coualy Ikiku frlHevlllc, Oregon, m the i4h day of July. t lit uawet aa wltinmaa. John Ittatt, tafHIMrit Oltipi, end V II. ilaau, O W.TT Pie ami ClurttM tanUiougl.,all of lieml, Ortgtm. Any atul all iwiwu. lai.,!.... .i..ub !, atarrt-tutiiaaiiaiultararefiuailttltu fllr their - '' i .." .. ---".- ". !, ," "- July, itfio. aim in inu anwe on or bettH cl aakl Itlli nay ul MICIIAIII, f. NOUN. MtMcr rjav lohiiii.Hiatci, ornraiiile I'MII, dngiily of riiinhoiultli, italcnl natnjiigtoii, haalbjailuy tiled III lliliollicc hit -yy.,1 lairmrni r'i, JIII7, lierlt K,l. IHtJ fur II.m i.ttil.au. ill ""'f te UrC.4lAa r Mr, Will. Ami wUrtrjrr, iirrtof In ihow Hint the land ll-irr, mrtof In thow Hint ihe Uml ll'tirhTl .ealualila fur III tliuhrr or ttmic tough Ugl.M. a 11 IbrVigrlt t claim lot lifIMtliTuani.gid to rttalill.li t4ld 1 InJiilVcUirclhc comity clnk at rviihlh,, ll. nil. .U.. ..e ,.... ..-j. hit claim la 1 I'rlncvittc Orcgu II. on,... . . ' "rM-,'1 "mr "I Jims IV. It a a, V V,"11"!" " . JOIUOII, Ull ll)(ie, If.-.-ti0fr ",".'" l7''';Nll,e. ircgou,uuil Sar hall N. I'og ufOruullc ViX., Waahlnglon. ; AllVailll all ai.y,ri l.l...l ...I ...j k.. iyiiiri,r:..jr:.:,:v."..".".'rrj:."r ;.i..ii uayofjunr toofi. , v ' j MICJIAKI. T, NQltM, Ucftitt.. Timber Uml, Act June j, it. i.