'tJljpWtftlllflWIWW'WWWIPliiWiWI'y'T,n' 'fcVfW,., . ,,w MiWMUKMlriMMmWittWifclfrfafet, ! Mit .- .mitnvrcmm wammmimmmfimmmumt! I PROVISIONS OF BILL Power of Interstate Commission Over Railroads Enlarged, PENALTIES HADE HOST SEVERE Now Rnte Bill as Passed by Senato Allows Interstato Board to Fix Rates. fEWashington.'May 19. The principal purpose ol the railroad rate bill passed yesterday is to penult the Interstate Commerce commission to fix rates. Tho provision conferring this authority is found In the fourth section, which amends section 15 of the interstate commerce law so as to accomplish this result. This section directs the com mission to investigate complaints of unjust and unreasonable charges on the part of common carriers In the trans portation of persons or property, or of regulations or practices affecting such charges. It also authorises an inquiry as to whether the rates or practices are "unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential or piejudlclal, or otherwise in violation of the act," and, In case any of these conditions are found to exist, the commission is empowered to determine and prescribe what will be the just and reasonable maximum rate, and what regulation or practice is just, reasonable and fair. Further, authority is given the com mission to enforce its orders, and they are to go into effect within SO days and continue in force for two years unless suspended, modified or set aside by the commission or by a court of competent jurisdiction. A penalty of $5,000 for each offense In disobedience of the order is impoeed, and the penalty Is to accumulato at the rate of $5,000 a day in case of continu ous violation. Orders other than thoee for money payments are to be enforced by the federal courts through writs of mandamus or injunction, and, in case of appeal to the supreme court, these cases are to be given preference over all others exceptthoee of a criminal character. The bill was amended by the senate so as to give the United States circuit courts jurisdiction to entertain suits brought to annul or change the orders of the commission and to provide against the granting of interlocutory decrees without hearing and making appeals from such orders direct to the supreme court. There are no changes In the law rel ative to the reports to bo required of common carriers, and a penalty of $100 a day Is impoeed for failnre to comply with the report requirement. The commission is given access to the accounts of the companies affected by the act, but examiners are forbidden, under psnalty of heavy fine and long imprisonment, to divulge the facts ascertained. A fino of $500 for each failure to keep proper accounts is pro vided. TRANSIT TUBES FLATTENED. Sand and Water of East River Make Costly Work Valueless. New York, May 19. Mayor McClel land announced today at a meeting of the Rapid Transit commission that, crushed by the weight of sand and water, the roofs of the Rapid Transit tubes under the East river, connecting the subway system in Manhattan with Brooklyn, have been flattened so seri ously at various points that they must be rebuilt so that trains can pats through them. O. M- Jacobs, chief engineer in charge of the Pennsylvania tunnels under the East and North rivers; (Jus tav Undenthal and C. S. Smith, called In as experts, declars that the present conditions in the East river are sufll cient to cause a delay ,of from 2Vu to hree years in the work. Reoonstruc ticn is expected to be absolutely neces Bary for more than 1200 feet of the sec tion from Joralemon and Micks streets out under the Brooklyn waterfront. World's International Commerce. Washington, May 19. The world's international commerce will aggregate fully $25,000,000,000 in the year 1906, ruys a bulletin issued by the depart ment of Commerce and Labor. By the term "world's international com merce," explains the bulletin, Is meant the imports plus the exports of all countries of the world from which sta tistical trade reports are available. The figures given indicate that the trade between nations in 1906 will be alx times as much as in 1650, and twice as much as in 1870. New Delegate to Rio Conference. Washington, May 19. Paul Samuel Belnsch, of Madison, Wis., has been appointed one of the American dele gates, at the Pan-American Conference in place of Jamea S. Harlan, who has been obliged to decline the place owing to an accident to his knee. Paul Belnsch is professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin. DANGER OF QUAKES. Ono of Chief Reasons forlCommltteo Favoring Ssa Level Canal. Washington, May 18. That the earthquake, that destroyed San Francis co helped itelermino mo voio or too connto committee on interoceanic canals in favor of a sea level type Is apparent from tho fact that a feature of tho ma jority report is a discussion of the effect earthquakes might havo on locks and dams. Tho majority report in favor of a sea level canal was submitted today by Senator Klttredge. The report says that the canal struc tures would bo exposed to Injury by eartnqnakes. particularly tho locks at Gatun. It tho lock walls should bo moved, leakage would result and tho gates would be useless. In case of fracture of locks, months or years might be required for repairs, nd meanwhile traffic would be interrupted. It Is maintained that the dam at Gamboa proposed by the majority of the board of consulting engineers, is not liable to injury by earthquakes, for it will be built on a solid rock founda tion, reinforced with strong walls and buttressed at each end with walls of rock. Nor are the side slopes of the Culebra cut likely to be disturbed, but an earth dam on an alluvial base might bo cracked, draining the lock and ruining the canal. The committee says: "At San Francisco, where the water pipes were broken, the disaster was greatly augmented by this cause, for the water could not be held In the pipes and directed on the llames. What would happen to the aquednct, con duits, pipes and valves, buried in the concrete walls, nsed for filling and emptying the locks, cannot be well conjectured." It is stated that ships of all classes could be passed through the se level canal In 8 Si hours less than the time that would be consumed In passing ships through locks alone. The cost of annual maintenance is estimated at $1,840,000 for the sea level and $2, 330,000 for the lock type. A sea level canal free from all obetarlee could pass 100 warships in less than a day. Naval commanders and commercial shipmas ters oppose locks. The majority argues that an enemy could destroy a lock canal much easier than a sea level canal with explosives. Tho cost of a sea level canal Is estimat ed at $250,000,000, while the total cost of the lock canal would be at least $190,000,000, and the cost of trans forming the latter into a sea level canal would be $200,000,000. The conclu sion of the majority is "that the sea level canal can be realized in 10 or 12 years at a cost not exceeding $60,000,- 000 above that required by the con struction of the multllock canal pro posed by the minority." AIDS TO PACIFIC NAVIGATION. Omnibus Bill In House for Lightships and Signal Stations. Washington, May 18. The house committee on interstate and foreign commerce today authorized a favorable report on an omnibus bill carrying be tween 20 and 25 projects as "aids to navigation" and authorizing an appro priation of something in excess of $1, 300,000. Among the provisions are: Light station at Makapuu Point, Is land of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, $00,000. Light station and range lights at Honolulu harbor, $40,000. Fog signal at entrance to harbor at Humboklt, California, $15,000. Lightkeeper'e dwelling at Cape Men docino, CaL. $5,500. Light atd fog signal station near Point Cabrillo, California, $6,000. Light veseel for use off the mouth of the Columbia river, Oregon, $130,000. Lightkeeper's dwelling at Robinson Point, Washington, $6,000. Fog signal at Ediz Hook light sta tion, State of Washington, $10,000. New tender for Inspection servire in the 13th lighthouse distrlet, $110,000, in addition to the unexpended balance of $40,000 for the repair of the tender Manzanilla to be applied on the new tender. Rebuilding of Stanford. San Francisco, May 18. Stanford University will be reconstructed at once, and by next September every building necessary to the work of the college will be in perfect condition. The work has already commenced, and there is plenty of money on hand to as sure the trustees that the rrpilrs may be accomplished as quickly as they de sire. The structures will be rendered earthquake proof. Three experts have been appointed, and their report will be the basis for whatever changes are considered necessary. Withdraw Troops dune I. Washington, May 18. General Gree ley has reported to the War Depart ment from San Francisco under date of last night that the reported killing of a large number of people by the army during the Sin Francisco fire is incor rect. General Greeley adds that he has notified the citizens' committee and the Red Cross that the troop will be drawn from San Francisco not later than I June I. ;m i ; l J.JLJ IWMM OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICIAL BALLOT. Tlckot To Be Voted On In Juno Made Up by Secrotary of Stato. Salom Secretary of 8tato Dunbar has Issued his ccrtiflcato of tho Repub lican and Democratic primary nomina tions the nominations of tho Socialists and Prohibitionists and tho arrange ment of tho names on tho official ballot. The state senatorial and congression al ticket is as follows: Governor I. 11. Amos, Multnomah county, Prohibition; O. W. llarsee, Wasco, Socialist; Georgo K. Chamber lain, Multnomah, Democratic; James Wltliycombc, Bcntou, Republican, Secretary of State Frank W. Ren son, Douglas, Republican; R. O. Brown, Douglas, Socialist; T. 8. Mc Danlel, Multnomah, Prohibition; P. II . Sroat, Marion, Democratic. Stato Treasurer Leslie Butler, Was co, Prohibition; G. R. Cook, Multno mah, Socialist; J. D. Matlock, Lano, Democratic; George A. Steel, Clacka mas, Republican. Supreme Judge C. J. Bright, Sher man, Prohibition; Robert Eakin, Un ion, Republican; T. G. Hailey, Uma tilla, Democratic; Marcus W. Robbins, Josephine, Socialist. Attorney-General C. O. llrix, Crook, Socialist; A. M. Crawford, Douglas, Republican; Robert A. Miller, Multno mah, Democratic; F. B. Rutherford, Multnomah, Prohibition. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman, Multnomah, Re publican) J. E. Hosmer, Multnomah, Socialist; Henry Sheak, Benton, Prohi bition. SUte Printer J. C. Cooper, Yam hill, Socialist; Willis S. Dunlwav, Multnomah, Republican; Alvln 8. Uawk, Multnomah, Prohibition; J. Scott Taylor, Klamath, Democratic. Commissioner of Labor Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Workshops O. P. Hofl, Multnomah, Republican; W. 8. Richards. Llun, Socialist. United States Senator (to fill vacan cy) Hiram Gonld. Yamhill, Prohibi tion; Fred W. Mulkey, Multnomah, Republican; J. D. Stevens, Multno mah, Socialist. United States Senator (term begin ning March 4, 1907) Jonathan Bourns Jr., Multnomah, Republican; John M. Gearln, Multnomah, Democratic; B. Lee Paget, Mnltnomab, Prohibition; A. G. Simola, Multnomah, Socialist. Congressman, First District Charier v. Galloway, lamblll, Democratic; Edward F. Green, Benton, Prohibition; Willis O. Hawley, .Marlon, Republican; W. W. Myers, Clackamas, Socialist. Congressman, Second District W. R Ellis, Umatilla, Republican; James Harvey Graham, Baker, Demorratla; A. 31. Paul, Union, Socialfst; II. W. Stone, Mnltnomab, Prohibition. Spring Produces Clams. Albany Water from a spring flowing from a solid sandstone hill, three miles northeast of Lebanon, produces fresh srater clams. Though there are no clams In the spring, and, so far as known, none that its water could come In contact with in any way, yet the water, when poured Into a trough, pro duces clams, which grow to ordinary site. Water flows from solid rock through an iron pipe, about 45 yards, into a watering trough. In this trough the clams develop. The trough has been frequently cleaned, but fresh wa ter chins always developed In it again. Indians Want to Work. Klamath Falls It is probable that a part of the labor in constructing the Klamath project of the United State reclamation service will be performed by the Indians of the Klamath reser vation, who are said to be faithful workmen. It is understood the ques tion has been taken up with the Indian bureau through the proper channels and that from 100 to 260 descendant ot the braves who fought on the battle fields of the lava beds in the famous Modon war will work In digging the ditches. Flooded With Paper Money. Oregon City Oregon City is being flooded with paper currency in conse quence of a suspension of the mint at Ban Francisco by reason of the earth quake and subsequent conflagration. Local banks have received their gold and silver largely from the Ban Fran cisco mint, and have always been plen tifully supplied heretofore. Entire Sawmill Made In Albany. Albany The Albany Iron Works has just completed a complete sawmill outfit end shipped it to Medford, where it will be erected and placed in opera tion immediately. All the machinery from the largest to the smallest piece was made In the local foundry. Rich Strike In the Goldbug. Sumpter The Blue Mountain Amer ican lays: "Another wonderfully rich strike has been made at the Goldbug mine, in the Red Boy district, on north drift, vein No. 6, The pay streak is eight to ten inches thick. One assay gives $300 to $1,900 a ton." INITIATIVE MEASURES, Questions on Which Oregon Voters Will Pass at Juno Election. Salem There are 11 measures upon which tho people will bo called to vote in Juno, rive oi wnicn am propositi amendments to tho state constitution. Tho remaining six are legislative moss urea proposed by Initiative. Their ti tie and order on tho ballot, which are to bo voted "yes" or "no," follow: Shall act appropriating mnnoy main taltilng Insane asylum, pvniteutUry, deaf tn u to, blind school, unlvoislty, agricultural college and normal schools be approved? For equal suffrage constitutional amendment. For amendment to the local option law giving antl-Porhlbltlonlsts equal privilege. For law to abolish tolls on tho Mount Hood and Barlow road and providing for Its ownership by the state. For constitutional amendment pro vldlng method of amending constitution and applying the referendum to all laws affecting constitutional couven tions and amendments. Fo constitutional amendment giving cities and towns exclusive power to en act and amend their charters. For constitutional amendment to al low the state printing, binding and printer's compensation to be regulated by law al any time. For constitutional amendment for the initiative and referendum on local, special and municipal laws and parts of laws. For bill for a law prohibiting free passes and discrimination by railroad companies and other publls service cor porations. For an act requiring sleeping car companies, refrigerator car companies and oil companies to pay an annual li cense upon gross earnings. For an act requiring exprers com panies, tolcgraph companies and tele phone companies to pay an annual license upon grots earnings. Mammoth Canal at Klamath Falls. Bend Mason, Doris A Co. have the contract for construction of a big canal at Klamath Falls. The amount in volved Is about $400,000, and some thing like 700,000 yards of dirt will be excavated. The contract includes much concrete work and a tunnal 3.300 feet long, which will pass under the town of Klamath Falls. Seventy-five teams and about 300 men have been engaged. The contract calls for a trench nine miles long, 44 feat wide on the bottom and 75 feet at the top and 13 feet deep. The in-take is at Upper Klamath lake. Mop Farm Is Incorporated. Salem The Molron Hop Farm com pany, of Rickreal, Or., is the title of a corporation whose articles have been filed In the secretary of state's office, with Albert J. Ray, Clifton N. Me Arthur and Earl C. Kronangh as Incor porators. Tho principal olllce is In Portland and the capital stock is $60, 000, in shares of $100 each. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 72c; bluestem, 73e; red, 70c; valley, 70c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $-'; gray, $23.60 per ton. Barley Fred, $23J5024 per ton; brewing, $M24.0; rolled, $24.60 26.50. Hay Valley timothy. No. 1, $12 13 per ton; clover, $7.60ftl; cheat, $07; grain hay, $78; alfalfa, $13. Butter Fancy ereamery, 17Hfl20c. Eggs Oregon ranch, ltc per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, H(Q15c per pound; mixed chickens, 1310140; broilers, 20fe22$c; young roosters, 12H13c; old roosters, IlfllSHc; dressed chickens, lOMlflc; turkeys, ive, 16$18c; turkeys, dreaicd, choice, 023c; geese, live, 10611c; geese, dressed, old 10c. young;i2c; ducks, old 17c, young 20c. Hops Oregon. 1005, UKQ12&C Wool Eastern Oregon averaire best, 16321c; valley, coarse, 2223c; fine, 24 (3 25c per pound; mohair, choice, 28 30c. Fruits Apples. $2.503.50 per box; cherries, 11.2501.50 per box; straw berries, California, $1.251.60; Ore gon, 10c per pound; gooseber ries, 8c per pound. Vegetables Asparagus, 75c $1.25 per box; beans, 10c; cabbago, $1 75Q2 per 100; cauliflower, $2.25 per crate; celery, $5 per crate; head lettuce, 25c per dozen; onions, 10(3 15c perdozon; peas, 6 (30c: radishes. 15c a dozsn; rhubarb, 3c pound; spinach, 00c per box; parsley, 26c; tnrnlpe, $1 0125 per sack; carrots, 06Q76c per sack; beets. 85c3$l per sack. Onions 4o per pound. Potatoes Fancy graded Rurhnnks, 00Q66c per hundred; ordinary, nomi nal-, new Vaiiiornin, -i(&lfto per pound. Veal Dressed, 30(1 Ji,c per pound. yjet Dressed bulls, !lo per pound I cu, -iftusoftc; country steers, olsuo, Mutton Dressed fancy, 7Q8o per pound; ordinary, 630ej Iambs, with pelt on, 8c. Pork Dressed, 7Q0o per pout d, DELAYS RELIEF MEASURES. House Decides to Walt for Further Nows From San Francisco. Washington, May III, llor hearing Secrotary Talt and Supervising Archi tect Taylor, Iho emergency sub commit toe of tho house committee on appro priations today decided to delay action regarding tho $500,000 asked for by tho president for Han Francisco and the $05(1,000 asked for to repair the federal buildings damaged by the recent earth quake In California. As to the emergency fund, Mr. Taft explained that ho would 1k able In a week or ton days to submit a detailed rstlmato which would probably cover everything which would be needed for relief purposes. He was unable to state what that amount would ha. The estimate regarding the building was a preliminary rrcomiiieiulallon mado by telegraph on a cursory elimi nation ol the damage done tn the build ings In question. Tlieso buildings are In such shape that they are being used and the Treasury department Is re quested to havo detailed estimates made at once with the Intention of having the amount carried In the general defi ciency bill, which will he taken up by th committee in two weeks or more, Mr. Taft Informed the committee that there would continue to be a con siderable expenditure for relief pur poses for some time to come. MORE CHINESE ADMITTED. Increasing Number Come as Mem-i bars of Exempt Classes. Washington, May 10. The bureau of immigration today issued a state ment regarding the disposition of Chi nese seeking admission to the United States, covering tho month of April, 1906, as compared with April, 1906 The statement shows that nut of a total of 100 arriving In April, 1VU5, fit! wrie admitted and 14 deported. A largo in crease oi arrivals in April, luuo, is noted, 241 having landed in this coun try, 13 of whom were deported. A significant feature of the statement Is the number of Chinese arriving In this country on certificates Issued by the Chinese government, vised ly United States consnlar officers. In Aprlt, 1005, 12 such reached these shores, only one newborn was dcjKirted, whereas In April, 1906, 19 arrives), none of whom was deported. This showing. It was explained at the bureau of Immigration, Is a refutation of the charge which It la said repeatedly has been made that certain classes nf Chi nese were not being accorded that lib erality o! treatment to which they were entitled. PETS OF THE RAILROADS. Some Coal Companies Get Moro Than Their Shire of Cars. Philadelphia, May 10. Testimony tending to show favoritism by railroad oompanifa In the distribution of coal cars was elicited today when tho Inter state Co mm ei co comuiirsloti resumed its Investigation into the alleged rail road dlrorimination. Shortly More the close of the after noon session George W. Clark, a rar illstrlbuter employed by tliuPeiimyl- vanla Railroad cxjmjmny at Altoomt, Pa., admitted that he had received or ders to make spreial asslgumimti of cars to tho Rerwlnd-White Coal com pany. Arthur Halo, superintendent of trans portation of the HaltlmnroA Ohio Hall road, was on the stand thu greater part of tho diy. Through him It ss brought out that the Merchants' Coal company had frequently received many cars In excess of their percentage allot ment, while various smaller companies suffered a shortage. Limit to Skyscraplng. San Francisco, Slay 10. At n meof. ing of the Joint committee on building laws wiin mojivarious sub-commltteef it was definitely decided to recommend tho following ordinances; On streets 100 feet wide or over, the height of buildings facing thereon ihall be un limited. On streets 80 feet wldu or over, tho height of buildings shall he limited to 200 feet. On streets less than 80 feet wide, the height of build ings Is to he ono and one-half times the wiiitn oi the street upon which the building fares. Devolopo Philippine Coal Mine. Washington, May 1(1. Tim hom committee on Insular affairs today presented it favorable report on a hll for tho leasing nf the military reterva Hon on thu Island of Hntasu one of th. Philippine group, for con! mining pur ofes. Thu requlremont is mado flint mu government shall have all the coal lLlr!. t.in ,,r,.tu ) ',,u .,0 " ,.-.v. ...... ... vu,v , wining, i CUTS OFF SALARIES Coiujrcss May l.eilslato Land Re ceivers Out ol Uillce. WOULD MAKE NO APPROPRIATION House Committee on Appropriations. Cuts Out Amount for Officials Whose Terms Expire Soon. Washington, May 17, The liottm committee on appropriation will tin', make provision In the sundry civil bill lor the salaries of laud olllce rrolver whoso terms riptre during the present year. The public lands committee ha refused 'o roort a bill lxlllilng the. otllceof land receiver, notwithstanding the lecomuieiidalloiiB of the president and general land olllce, hut the appro priations committee believes this re form I justified and much to he do sired. However, the appropriation commit tee ha not jurisdiction over this gen eral subject, and ran only, act a out lined, to cut off tho salaries of those re ceivers whoso terms are almut to expire. Under thl change, Mlis Anna M. Lang, receiver at The Dalit, the only woman land nlllrer In the West, will lm legislated out o' olllce unless tho sonata should restore this appropriation, hut no other Oreogn official would lw affect ch! this year. In Washington, Receiver L. B. An drews at Sea'tle and A. J. Cook at Vancouver would lose their office altar July 1, along with IMward V.. Oarrott at Bolso, Charles 0. darby, Itwlston; William A. llo.tgtni.ri Hailey; Oharle O. Warrior, Coour d'Alonc and George. A. RolMillian, Muck loot, Idaho, and P. M. Mullen, Juneau, Alaska, It la ezpeeted that tho senate will reetoro tills appropriation to tho sun dry civil bill, hut, If It should not, tho ollleers named, with many others, will lie dropped on Juno 30 next. CAPITAL TO REBUILD CITY. Company to Loan S 100,000,000 To Bo Organised This Weak. New York, May 17. The Herald to day says. One hundred million ilol lar I to be the capitalization of the new mortgage loan corporation which Is to Ixi organised here to advance mon ey for the rebuilding of Sn Franclfco. The promoter of the enterprise al first argue.) that $10 000 000 capitalization wonld provide an ample vehicle for handling hundred of millions nf In vestments, hut It was found that Hn Francisco favors a much larger capital ization, giving opportunity for Invest ment by the Paclllr Coast. Heme It I" now contldcrel Iwst tn capitalise for 1100,000.000, with paid In sul-trip-lions reaching $10 000,000 cash. K II. lUrrlman, president of the. fviiithern Pacific, Frank A, Vanderlip, vlto president of the National City Hank: Hsnator Newlands nf Nevada and II S. ill.rk, president of the Cull ed State Rosily ami Improvement Company, today Mtnfernd with Frank llti K. Initio and Thomas Msgee, lth of Sin Franolcn, and member of the relief emnmitteo, upon mean to he employed to remove from the mind if Investors In the Kait the fear lint the complicated mortgage, laws of Califor nia will Inflict double tasatii tipn owners of mortgage In Ban Hsmciko. FAVORS SEA LEVEL CANAL. Senate Committee Voles, Carmach H.ivlrg Broken Deadlock. Washington, Mty 17. The satiate roiHiulttee on InlnrocMHle rattal vd'l today In favor vf oonstruetlng a sea level wu I. Senator lrmck' return from Tenueexee broke the deudlotk which occurred at a former meeting. The vote today was had on a resolu tion presented by Senator Kittrolge, declaring It to ho the sense of the com mittee that tho oonstruotlon of a sea level (Mini he recommended. On mo tion the alllrruativo vote were. Msnr. I'latt, Klttredge, Ankeny. Morgan, Car- mack ami Taliaferro. Chairman Mil lard voted In tho negative. Pay What They Legally Owe. Han Francisco, May 17, The lniur a tiro companies will settle their lou'i In their own way, each company acting for itself, according to tho contracts embodied in its policies, and tho Fire Underwriters' Adjusting Bureau will make no attempt to dictate a general policy or lav down uniform rules for tho companies to observe In the settle ment of claims, The adjustment mi reau Is merely to net as a hoard of ( pralsers in dealing with claims and only report on losses sustained, leaving settloirent In thu respective companies. Relief Fund Feeds 104,000. Washington. May 17. Dr. Edward T. Dovlno. Red Cros representative In Hin Franolico, reports that requisitions ,or "'I'Plles havo been reduced to 101,' ooo a day,