The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1906, Image 8

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,i i i.i i .. ijI'JjJJ'CJA - ,'V- " ' .. l i,SaBa-atf-';-'"" r auv wagxr'-H' t . 1L
-, , (iSnr
OitH Deschutes River ip Western Part of Crook
Coty, Oregon,
Center of tbe yew Irrigation Development covering
W'-l HTS '.!.. .. J. SW
' P MA HI a at Hk
i The luwnsiTe of mm
t A. X
I' J . v.
- j vs. )C Xv
F . l ' - -. .V yj
i "' ' K MMI A I
.:; km- fr A A
aW X . Jr jf Jr. XX M Xv Xv I x x. XX x
I ' --, '? 7 Aros? . ...
3 ; yx Xfc vyXv)?
2 xCn?x )7XwrxVf'
1 xSNxy xxMOx$V
,xjt iV X. X Xyv Xy .. w . xii-.l
M X XX XX AWN V vX A-ff X''r-A,V
W v V "Vr 'j'V "V "V v s . 7AX V"N. ,ut i i 1 i i
ur - r "x. ."r.-. "v fr x.a -. ' . ." w a a x. i
rtpnrtiiKnl ofthe Ibttttar,
wl Ofllcr. Tie Dalit. Orrroo.
April y. o6.
Neticr l htTtbV- rlvm that th M owinj-
fnetf ctflcr h RIct tiollce irbllutiiitlinl
Vt 6l pruuf trf ivirt of hl rtalm. 4
ttiWtAwJfwBWk rowJc UfiMT tKe Coutrtr
tUi at ITtacTflW, Orrjen. on Jam vl. .
Alexander Kiath.
A Srr. Orvn. on " K- No. Siju. fur the W
f and Jjv ee t, tp J . r l e. w m.
iiLh...u i.k r.islnwln w wltnrc to nrore hi
muilnuout re.lilencc utwn and cultivation ut
wild Uud.Tlr.
l-ercj- " . ofl-riuerille. Orejpn: W. T. K.
'.VltKjji, Willlain J. WVwI. and Marian Mil well,
tall of Staler; Oteon.
mffif MIUHhUrt-T. SOUS, RetUter.
Department or the Inferior.
0. S. lUnd Offlpe.-Tlie Dalle, Orejon.
Arrtl'j A.
Notice I lltrtny lveu that the Mtewlng-
IMtiuol Kttler hu Rled notice of hi. intention
1., mil, 1ml tiraofln .uotwrt ofhla claim, and uU uruof will lie made Ik lore the
County ciV at I'rlneellle.Orefon, on June 9th,
14. t:
Will Urn J. Wood,
,fleT,Orepti,on II. !. No. vu foe the aM
tictf and nHKV.atC U,rwt.w ra.
lie name the followinc wllew to prore
M cqnlluuyua mldence upon aud cultivation
.. ' trM nf YIMiriIIe. Oreiton: U. T
hvnt. AfcaH mltW, d arloil Stllwell, all of
Mtterii, t'rejoii.
w)i MICIlAHtT. NOLAN. Xegmcr.
. (.paftment oflhe Interior,
I'. . Laibl Ofhce The Dalle, Orejon.
April. y, iv
v.rfl. I. hvrrhv rlrrn that the follow I UK
X X yvX XXOV Xf v vSL iSV AX' J v
i X. ATX V X -XMX ,X ?V VoT U
r! Xx xJ xv xxy X V'jvO x. ' ' xtt -J
f " x vvy x ? -vcy 7
! x x x-i&C Vi x ' vj yf s
IX. X v- rJ
X '- '
n framed rttlcr la filed notice of hi luteutlou to
mnkv eonrtmnaiKiii pni in aupijj mn" ".
..,jiU,iUMm 111 Itr made Itefole II. C.
Kill. 0. ff.lrtffinffwier. at hla ofiUr in lleud.
trtesfn, oil Jime inrr, 170, Tin
John Rulbranaou
bf Heud, OIceou. on II. K. No, Utr. (m Iht teV.
eciilp i. f l. wn.
il. ,i.,.,rJ ilio rIlotHr wUnrr lo fforc hU
eMlliriM . reldciife iHwu and cUItlratlon of
Olieef TholJorrtnl, OIItr Johnon, Arnt
Atlue aud Theodore Aune, all of Ueud, Orcrou.
ni4i MICHALT. NOLAN. Keglatcr.
TimlarrMnd, Act June J, ll;.
0. 8. Mud Ofllce, The Dalle. Oregon.
February 11, ivm.
Notice I hereliy giren that In compliance with
IheproeWontofthe art of cougre of Junej.
iSj, entitled "An act f-.r the kale of timber
tdtni In the alate oT California, Orrgvn. Nerada
nnd Waahlugtou TerllorJr.' aa eatended to all
Ihepubllclaudatate by net of AUgu.t 4. i"J
William J McCillvray,
of llend. couuty ol Cruok, alale ol Oregon, ha
thU day filed In thUomce hi anrorn ll'"eul
No'jJij. for the purclUae of tHe of the
ue5f of cc4, IP IB . r e, Hi.
And will otter prool Id Jl,o thai the
. . ' . . I. ,.,r .ilitAlde tiit the limber
.., ...rTtliereon than (br gricutlurat purtHMe.
"...1 ... ;al,llli III. claim to aald land liclore
it C HIIU I Com iiUdouer. nt HHoineeiu
ll.ud, llrrgou. ou the Uth day of June. j4.
Heuaiuewilueei John VefgUfoni Mllo
V1lo, WlllUm Axuotd, and ha rah Persutoa,
n and rdl peraooa dalralnx adrerajly
the aV."3eKtlbetl land. ar requeatcd Wte
their claim" i "
I lib dy of June, X900.
J.. ' -v4Jaa.T.0L- 4lUt.
xv xx .avvSv S s
V X ? X V( X NV . iy5- "" 0 V
Department of I be Interior.
V. S. Land Office. The Dalle. Orrjon,
May Il,l9"t.
Vnllv la tirrrltv rivrn thai the wtloirlnr natiinl
Littlrr ha filed uellee ef W. Intention to make
nalitreof tniupnort of MaeUlm.nBd that uM
Kvof wfH lie made liefore the Uountr Clerk, at
tincttle. Orrjuii. uiijune la. 1916, vi
iMnlel V. Varthinr.
f ste.Orecoa.o II. K. No m. lor the Vi
r M ana w t ntr ,i c 4, ip ija, r loe, r m.
He naiethe Mk 'Iiik wltneme to t ore hi
cwulMuou reiKKnre ti(vii am cuiuratien el
aid land, Tlf
Samuel VlrM. feme V. Wnler. Hrrhert CUiIm
and Thoma Arnold, all of NMcri. Oreron
f mil June 13 MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, XcgUter.
Department ofthe Interior,
V S. Land Office, The Italic, Oregon,
May it. 1906.
Notice I hercbvrlren that the fbdowlnr'namnl
ettler ha filed ncxlce of M Intention lo make
final prool in unft otu claim. and that aald
prtwi win ic mauc ocivre 10c vouniy 1
mncrille. Oregon, on Juuc 1906. rii.
JcweV Winter.
ol Sitter, Oregon, on II K No. Im. fr Ihe lt
I, iKnwj( ana n H ue H, ec 19. tp 1$ a, r 11
e. w in.
lie name the followinc witncc to Drove hl
couunuou miurncc upon aim cuitiraiion 01 uki
land. vti.
D. W farthing, Samuel WIehl. Iean Cyru
ana iiarrey wyru., ait 01 mater, uregon.
Drtert Land, Hull Proof.
I. A, Lau4 Office, The Dalle. Oreon,
Apd jo, I9A
Notice la beret liven that Jamt Abner
Wot. of IVinrvltV. Orrgou. haa filed notice of
Intention to make proof on nudoctt-tacd .ialni
No. r. fortheacHue, eSeK, eca and ne),'
nejf.aec IJ. tp 14 . r Itr, w m, Ufore the
County Clerk at I'rlneviHe, Orrgou, ou the
uuuay oi June, 1900.
lie name the following wiinee to prove
tnc complete I'ngaiion anu recumation ol uM
W Cobb, Waller Ruble. M. M. Thoma aud
Jatne Tctherow, all of ITintvillr, Oregon.
Timber Laud, Act of June j, It;.,
V. K. Und Office, Ikeriew, Oregon.
February j, 1906.
Notice I hereby rltrii thai In ctMuollauce wiih
Ibe provialouaof Hie act of Congtena of June v
irt. entitled "Au act for the aaleof timber lauJ.
in tbe (late of California, JJrerob. Nerada and
Waahiugtuu territory," a. extended to all the
public laud alatH by act of Augiiat 4, fcy.
Jolm It. ovcrturf,
of lleud, couuly of Crook, .late of Oregon, haa
tin aay nieu in mi omce m worn latemeul
No. lytj. for the purchac ofthe Jf, ec9lpai
r I4t. w in.
Aud Will offer proof to ahow that Ihe land
auuchtl tuorrvaluable fur il. tltubrr or atour
than for agricultural purpoae, aud to
hu claim to aald laud before J. J.tiulth, clerk
01 crook county, tircaou, at UK omce at mne
I ville, Oregou, bli Mouday, Ihe Slh day of May
lie name mi wKnchea: II. Jam. Overture
Uouer IloggCM, M. J, Uorriaun, Kmll Anderaod
aud Oliver Johnaon, all of Ocud, Oregon.
An and all person claiming advertty any ol
Ihe above lands arc rcquetlcd to file tuctr t-lalma
in thU oflce oa or before toe told alh dif ol
May. io.
J. it. WATBUKi JUxUlar I
Department ofthe Interior,
V. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon.
May II, lyu
Notlee I hereby rlrrn that the fctt iur-Mmnt
iWlllcr Iva (Sled notice of hi Intention lo make
final nroof in upp9Ct of hwcUHo. ami thai mU
Npruur-lll temale before the County Clerk, at
Samuel Wirhl,
PofKiatr. Orrgeu.ou II. I No. )&. for the w
( rc . tp 1 j , r e. w m.
He tumniV SMlonuv wltnrK.lo nrore hla
OMitlnoeu reaideiH, on and cultivation of
uh una, tic
HeiberttUater. tf V. Karthlng. Iean Cyrut
im narrey (.yrua. an 01 iwcr"rrxon.
rrua. an 01 niatersitrrgon.
TimbeiljuaJ.Actof June 3. II,
V.S. Land Office The Dalle, Oregon,
May 11, iyu&
Notice lahrreby given that In compliance with
the provisaoua ofthe Act of CongrcM of June J.
1117a, entitled "An act fur the aale of limber land
in the alate of California, Oregon". Nerada aud
Waahlngton Territory," aa rilendrd to alt Ihe
public Und atatrt by act of AUgul 4, lV. the
foHowing-n ,d prraonf have, on April 14,
i?6, filt IntWaomce llnlr aworn tatementt,
Walters. Nlcliot,
of Rend. County of Crook, Stale of Oregon, aworu
tatrtuent No. 9, fur Ihe puichaaeof Ihe u i
uw 4.cca,aH"!,cc9.tPa. r lie, wm.
Dora A- Ntehol,
of llend, Cotuily of Crook. State of Oregon . aworn
latciucut No. jfe. for the purchase of Ibe uc i
ec ), tp 19 , r I) e. w u.
That thrr will iirtcr proof to akoiv that Ihe
lauda sought ale more valuable fur the ti.ulicr or
stone thereon than fir agricultural purpo,
and to ctaMlall their claim lo said landa before
II C Hllia. V S. Commlwioner. at hi office lu
lleud, Oregon, on July 1;, lyuo.
They name tbe lollowbic wltnessei: John
nhna, of Slater. Orrgou. Joseph N. Hunter,
frank llutlerworth, Walter S. Nichol, Dora A.
Mchot ana K. 11. iutig, hi iienu, orrgou.
Any and all person dalralnx adversely any o.
theaooveHleactibed land arc rnjiiratrd lo file
ineir claim in tni orocc on or bclorr tne aaui
inh day ol July. 1906.
mil-July it MICIIAia T. SOUN, Krglstcr.
Timber Land, Act June J, if;'.
V. R. Land Office, Lakericw, Oregon,
February 1, iy4.
Notice ts hereby given that in couipllancc with
the provision of the art ofCongresa of June,
iS;S, entitled "An act for the sale of limtierUnda
In the atate of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Waahlngton Territory," at eatended to all the
public laud state by act of August 4, 1S7J.
Hgbertr' Ferri.
of Traverse City, county of f.rsnd Traverse, state
of Michlcau. hthtsdavfilnlln till office hi
aworu statement jo, wi. lor tne purcnase 01
the wJiowJC and w)(i!( of sec 17 tp 11
r 14 c, w m.
And will ofter rjroof to .how that the land
sought U more valuable for it timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose., and to establish
fa I daim to said Und before 1. J. Smith, clerk
of Crook county, Orcgpn, at hi office at I'rlnr-
vnie. trvgou, un natutoay, tne thii uay vt Slay,
He name as wltneaaei: Ibhh Illoai. Ora Foin.
dexter, and Ioeph N. Hunter, all of Bend, Ore
gon; itarry 1,. t.iooa.oi Traverse iy, aiKit,
Aur and all txrsons eUlmlnv adtefsctv Ihe
aborcl escribed lands arc fedueatMl to Ale Iheir
claim In this office 011 or befvrc Mid KlH day of
tsy ijov
ourtui J.W.WATaON.KrxUta. ,
, , J 4 S i
I t J 4 S i 7
h I-1. I W .11.
' i i rfl i i i
i J 4 0 M f g
i t J 4 4 i 7
H H H M to f S
4 J 4 J I )
I Z J 4 S t 7
4 IS K u to f 1
IZ44Sl7rtS.SSi7 ' i. A S i
j prrrnri-nT m
j, 1 t s m ' c 9 i i it t 7
f Z 7 4 A'" Wf
Tliuler Ijtnd, An June 3, Ujt.
V. 8. Laud OfSce.The Dalle, Oregon,
February 11, iyu.
Notice Is hereby given that In rempHanee with
tbe provi.lons ofthe Art of Congress of June J.
t7, entitled, "An act for the sale ol timber Und
In the state of California. Oregon. Net ad, and
Waahlngton Territory," a catcnd-l to alt the
public Und slate by Act of Augual 4, !,
Frank Krusc,
af Granite Falls, county of snohoml.h, alate ef
Wa.biuitou. haa thutlay hletl In this eflicr his
sworn atatcuwut No. Mil, tte purchase ofthe
iota laiui iutinx orsec K. if . r 14 r.
w ru.
And wilt 0A1 proof lo how that Ihe land
sought U Btoa valuakle r Its timber or stone
than kbr agrscultural purpose, and lo
ealabllsh hla claim to said land before the
Kegtater and Kecclver at The Dalle, Oregon, on
the list day of May, tuu6.
He name a witnesses; J. D. Stater, Max
Krusr. ami I.. W. Norman, all of Cranlle Falls,
Waahlngten, II A. Foster, or Friiicvltlc. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely
(be abovettcscrlbcd land are requested to
sic tncir f laims 111 inis orocc ou or oeiorc I lie aaui
list day pf May, I9US.
ini6-rul MICIIAKL T. NOLAN Uegltter
Timber Iind, Act June j, ij,
V. 8. Und Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
March 15, !.
Notice I hereliy given that In compliance with
the provlaieu of lite Act ofCongresa ol June J.
Ily. entitled "An act lor the sale of Umber lauda
In the atate of California, Orrgou, Nerada. aud
Waahlngton Territory," a eatended lo all the
public laud stale by act of August 4, ty,
Samuel II. Clark,
of llend, County of Crook, Sute of Oregon, haa
Ihla day filed In Ihi office hU sworn autcmcnl
No, mi, for Ihe purchase ofthe aw V aw Jf , sec H e )f, c it aud nw nw Jf of seen, tp
9i rue, w m,
And will offer proof to show that Ihe laud
ought la more taluaMc for its Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and lo ralabllab
hit claim lo said land before II. C. Kill. I' h.
ConimlMioiter. at hl office iu llend, Oregou, oil
the i;th day of July, 1906.
.le name a witnesses Archie Paltlr. Michel
Morrison, Charles Boyd ami Joliu Kteldl, all ol
llend, Oregon.
Anyaiutall peraoii cUliulug adversely Ihe
abotelrsCTibed lands arc reijueatrd to file tltclr
cialma In thla office on or before said 17th day of
July, 1906.
wayi-jij MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Weglster.
Timber Land, Act Juuc J, 1S7S.
0. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
December 1, 1905,
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
Ihe provision of the Act of Congrraa of Juuet,
8;. entitled, "An art for the sale of Umber landa
in the Mate of CaliroriiU.Ottgou, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as eatended lo all the
puunr lanu Hate uy Act 01 August 4, 171,
John L. Iijorncberg,
of llrnd, county of Crook, atate ef Oregon, ha
inisuay nieu in mi. omce pi iworu uieineiil
No. 71 y, for the purchase of the uwjf, of sec M,
tp 19s, r Mr, w ra
And will offer ptoof lo show that the laud
sought it morcValuault for Its Umber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
bis claim lo aald Und before Ihe County Clerk,
at 1'rintt lite, Orrgou, im I He ytli day of June,
He name a wllnesieii Ornrge lutea, John
Rleidl. Thouai Twett and Albert C. Lucas, all
of rrincvilec, Orcgtni.
Any and alt nersotts eUlHtltir advaraatw tk.
sbove-dtaaibed lands ale rctuMtcd To file Iheir
cUlm in Ibl office oa tit befulcMId 4H dav
of June, 1906.
U-U UKiUKUT.MOUUl.tttitUt.
4 J
. J 4 S (
ti n S 7
i ' 1 $ 7
h AV E.
I Z S 4 s
LLyo-L i
Tlmlr Mad, Art June y llf.
V. S. Land Office. The Dalle. Or rgsn,
Februarys. I'M.
Notice U hereby given that In compttsnre with
the provtaioH. ofthe Act of Cengtr f June J,
irl, entitled "An set tor the aaleof HmUr land
lu thratalrsaf CallrWritU, Orrgon, NevaU, ami
Waahlngten Territory." a eslended to alt the
pHbtW Und atatt by Aa of August 4, iyt,
Jesac llurria,
of llend. county ef Crok, stale f tlrrgon, haa
thla day filed In thla office hla awurn suiement
No. jikn, fer Ihe purchase of the Hk ofsec
14, Ip lis, r iae. w m
And wilt offer proof to aSow that Ihe land
sought Is mote valuable for Ha IlinUr or alone
than for agricultural nirptMe, and to establish,
his claim to sal. I land before Ihe County Clerk,
at I'rlnetillr, Oteguu, on the Ijtb day of July.
He name aa wilneases, Ctlrb C llennttt, Jahn
l iMwar.L. jehnN IVlwanl., aud WIIHam !.!
watdt, altulM.lrrs, Orrgsu.
... .,..1 .It ..... J.U.. ..I ... ..
-, n,.. , fir. ,.iiiiih Ritreiaviy tne
Hire itrscrtlicd landa r reittraieil lo file I heir
rUlmaln this elficc on or before Ihe aald llth
day of July, iA.
miHul)6 MtCHAIIL T. NOLAN, Keglattr.
Timber Iind, Act Juuc j, lljt.
V. S. Laud OfTlce, The Dallrt, Oregon
Jaunary 1, l'.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance wllh
theprorlalonaoflhe Art ofCongreaa of Juhc J.
I. entitled, "An ait far the s4lroflimUrUiifs
itilhealateauf Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory. a eateiideit lo all Ihe
public laud alate by Alt of Augu.l 4, iv,
John II. Weuatulv.
of Ilutle, coiiHly ol Silver Ikiw, atatr of Montana.
t.a. ,1.1. .1. hlt I.. ...1 ,.ra ..1 . .
. V. ' , in. mc aworu stale
menl o. 1770, for the purchaaa ofthe n)jci"
aec II. and itHawif, ef sec l, Ip 17 .,
r 10 e, win. ' '
Ali.l ..111 .tfV.r ...,H.r In .l...u. .1.-. .
land aoughl la more valuable for Us Umber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo
...t.ii.i, i.i. rt.i.. ... ..1.1 1 . ..
....... .... ,., .u m) .i.i. iHriure 11.
C. Kill.. U. S. Cimimlaabiner. at hla office lu
,.,., ...Kwii, un me iiii nay si june, 1910,
IWinl. IIukIi ll'Kaur. and llativ inn ..ri...
Oregon. '
Aur anil all tkeraim. r1al,,,lM ..i.-.-...
the aUrtx tleacrilsnl lantl are J
lh.lrelaliii.liilhl..kfr, ....... l-...L.. . ....
day of Juuc, 1906.
Timber Land, Act June j, ij,
U. 8. Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
March ic ij(
NcHlcr it hereby kIun lh lu complUncc with ed "A., art .Trof .".cr'iaY?
U:.VT . "' -s"oriii. tnr.-ou, Nevada and
Uaahlitglou Territory," as eatended to all the
puUlc laud states by 'act ofAugiut 4, 1$. ' "'
Archie rattle,
PJf'. t?ui.,Jr f CrooV. Kiatc of Orrgon. hai
IhU day filed In thl. office III .worn alalrmr"
No, jlji. for the purchaic of Ihe sc Jf of sec j. lu
l a, r 10 e, w in, " '
Aud w offer proof to show (hat the land
ought it wore valuable or it limUr urVlunc
cuttr,,d'n.'cu iSffr
!'he,',yh"0.yo7j"ily!",.C'U "' '""'-'
I la tit taai as a .! ......... a . . .. .
Anui.l -It .-.-.... ...i.'i a
their cl-lm-in i..(. ..-., ssk L!,rw"r. . ?f "'
lyolJuTy,,J.; 1.1a 111,
HU UlOUUUt, KOfclW, JiuliUf.
At Gateway to
the Great
- TiTo Town has Grown
nliiKMt witucly in the t yrr. tlir mm(
ofRcvtUliiiK only from AjkiI A, 19(4.
lk'tid Iian excellent jiuliiic mIkhiIi
mid toiiipU-tc public wntcr wotks.
iNQuiRii or
: The Pilot Butte
" Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timlr Iiml Art June j 17
V H Und Office, Ukerlew lHvg,
April it. .
N4Uje U hereby (tfH that In eowpHsnec wHh
llleprovtHs. eftue Art ef Cowgrrs a ItSHr t
la-d. ettllllnd ' AH act iur Ike sale ( ilml-f Um4
In the .tales ufCaUfotuwi. itssnn, ?tr4 antt
WeaM-gtaM Tetriteiy, - a eaVrswisd W lk
tmbrlc Und aUle by net .. Auiw 4. !. tilt
Wlowlng namew persona have tUiU Ibis or6l8
their awsxn suirmenla, le-nll
tleofge W Fkket.
ef (jWUw. lHtiiiy f Crt.ik, Mala of OteevSI.
worn 1 aUlrMenl So .-. for thy pwrehaJ (
the rHlir. sec . uw ( nw K sec u. aw V a
K aecit. tp.ta.rije. wm
Allrcl T VmUm,
of lie ltd, Coonlyof Crook. Male f Orrgou. i.M
alalemetil No ), Un Ihe Mticbaae ) Ihe ne it
"'. e K w . s ) sc K.snii, p a,
That they will orTrr ofa lu show that Ihe
I, tl.l cuiuailst . ..,., .
tune tryrr-jti iihii ftr aC rkultura!,4-,iii,
t,. ..I.Ubl. ,.. J. .,-1. ,.. r. I . .
t. ,,Hllla. I H Cmlaer,alhlaffiial.t
nflwalnraaat Iwnd. Crnok County. Illegal, en
Tura.1.-. the i;thday of July.
T!l,.?""",,.,!.?'"u"' ' " MiUn and
H. tKrlnrjgofMMUw.J r Mlwid aud AtlH
Kealaofiieml Oicgeii. 0 W I'tckel. l4Mb
Orrgon, and Alfled T Voakum. of llend, Oirgttu
Any and all lrsona cUlmlng adversely any (
he lands are leHuealett to file
17th day of July, lyoi. '
mil July ii J n WATSON, HegUtH
Tlwtcr Lnt. Att Juuc j. iftst.
V S. Ind tWBce. LaloU. (Jregott,
.Match . iy...
N'lttlf 1. I,..I.M .lu.. .1. . . . ...
,.-.-": " int. .n. tu vtiniiMiaupe wild
.is1' Tl.'i "V?. tl"' f Cciigieaa of Junes.
... ,1 -"',r" "" . tne ssic oiiimber lanu
'"'"'I"0 "'". Otrgon. Nevada, ami
....111-11. ."J"' " eaieiiiirti loailirie
public land .I,),, by art of August 4, 171.
Harry I. flit,l
yjjVr't.YS"' .""""r ?f r"1"' Traverae.
slate or Michigan, ha thla day AIM In I III offlre
; r.r,!,"U,,""", Na rf ' ,'
ofllieawjfsecv, Ipila, rue, w in.
-.uIiV.T.".1 WTfr V,0.'! ''i ,hw h" ' ''"
sought is more valuable for lit limber or alone
1.1.1 ' i,.r.".Er,V '.'l1'"1. PMaJ'"- 'd lotalBbtlali
hUiUInt lu said laud before Clerk ol
h,,.t"","yi,"r,r?"'-1 '''. t fi.iievill..
i!lo "" ""'""'"y' ,h Jy f iy
i'i!r. "m"" v,llut.c J"!'" N- Iluiilrr,
John nioas, Alljrrt C. I.uca and James II.
Honey man, all ol llend, Urciiwi.
.l'LTHl!..!11 .I'""- llmliif adversely Ihe
fi.imri"..".,'"ei"",U " teuiiealcd lo file Iheir
May 1 i " "' C MlJ S,h dy Ul
IUU mayjj J, .v. WATSON. Hr.later.
Department orilic Interior,
Mud Office at l,akclcw, Oregon,
February , iA 1 !?. I,,,.e,,y JT1'"' Hut the fullowlug
iiu rTiV,er",,"e -J'ulic- of iheir Inieu
rii i.v ..tT.l . ' I"""' 1" "l'P0ll or llieir
il 11 ti'.r 1 ' n,.?L'' l"of will I made Uforr
i.i . i ".' ' ""'"'" III utliciai
Ho2Ii.rii,""",.c.",",i"",r '-. Oregon, on
Monday, Uieai.t day of May, 19A.
llu'wI'lfi'iMi 'yXliloil '. Kre. for Ihe
Jiiiw), and nMawJf secjv.lp. jta.r tie. wm.
Halt Nfl - l.u 1L.....I at a. . a i a-
Ouy.. SiS.VZ.rr " r" '.: : ".r.-!?.P'' .".'
.u.i KW.wKic.1sT1. .: " l,?.w'!:w"ww
thJlteV.. i.ue"" r""wl" wllnesaei to prove
ofaalMti uf..",la,"cc ul'u" -1"1 WlUvaHoil
flrn. V Ul- it.a.1.1 a .. 1
uiciidw;i7vr';u "...""!''"
aU-HU J.M.WXT7lM'n.lal--.
..... --"
JBlWw',' w ' ,l?,