Blood Humors I'nliiiiMinlyrninr lniiii, hull, hives, wti'tiia or unit rlicnip. r emtio ullwr form uf amp Hutu Iml aimwtltiiK they eslat In llio nfntmii, iiiiilrittml by frwIlniM uf wrakiiras, laiik-uor, ! (if itiiilll. r ifi'tiffM itulilllty, without rniialnir onir lirrnklnir nut. IIixmI'h Harasrllla niU thrill, riwvnlii, elrrniitliali' alid tours llin vrlmln eystrni. Tide I tlii) tnetliuuiiy of tlimitatuls annually, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is rrnllr In lltrlf, Afri-l'l no stlliatlltitn, till Itialet on lirlnif JI(mhI' mill tfrt II today, l.liiill or tablets, 100 Doiiti Una Dollar, Nell J)hl you licnr Mny' flnnco rhnn mhIIkIiik over licr cointiuxliiii? IMIi Vi-m, lie certainly did Iny It on pretty thlrk. Null Yen, Imt not nearly rtn thick n Mny dot, I'lillmli'lnliln I.(sIkt. Move's ThUT We offer On Hundred lolWri Howard lot J ny rat ul Catarrh that cauiiot l enrol b lall'ei ktttllt mo, r . I, Ill KN K V A CO , I'roi. Tnledn, O. We, Win uiiileril-id, halo known K. J, Cheney lot llio Ian In yeare, inl l-ellem Mm letter 1111 tlin ! jwmfWf hiiii iviiaiu nun rilv tiniiiif alil In all liiiliieie Iranian. tun inl niimietllr utile Incur; out any ul lltl.iiin'lo tnr ttielr twin Witt A I nut t, Whitleielo llrutglits, Toledo,!), Wiitiixu. KihHiHAMmriN. wiioletal inur (lU, lolrdo.O Hell's laterrbt'iirele taken InUrnallr, act ing directly upon the blood and inucoue eur laies ol (lie eiitem, I'rlte Tte r bulUe. kotd li? all Uruiiliis, Irsllrnnnlals lite. Hall's raiallr fills ere in boil. Tin (Irvnt lllffrmtra After All. "It Isn't considered imlltu to rink a'o how ninny uivca ho linn." 'Well, It Un't (Nilltn to nek u Ainry Icn'i how innny wlvca ho'a liod, cltliur." Detroit Pre I'resn, urn Oilier Town. "Wente to lie ollc Inspector, does lit? He hr anything lo reeouiend Mui (or llit olilonV "Yee-We already rich." Tim Dim I'net, r,r,l)nn wne. Juetlfyliig llin deception hi) tint prnctlct'd uiuii Jncoh In (lit matter of l.onll. "I illiln't inlliil letting him hnrn Iinli,M Im nld, "hut I'm n little more imrilruUr hi to Itnrljcl. I've hml my double nil InJ 1 1 lite, niiyliow, about Inking Into my fnui lly a young mnii who U willing to work mint whole years Jitet for n girl. II ilorell't eerni lo tun lo lit tilt k If III of mail tin, would ht likely to get tlieid In the wo-hl." Jneoli'e wllllnrnfee lo work itinth or ei'ieti ymre for Itnchcl itrurk thr old inmi ihuwltix jcrlt ntnl tretvitrnnrt, mid It li n ineller of hlelory thtt Hit yotinc man Anally made rood at a eoudn law, Old'Tnehlitiirit HMiilrllr, "Otir iIiiiIm with n lot of inomibfickii, weren't they?" "'Deed thry were, Why, thono old ehnpa lined to nctnnlly think thnt tha 'llhick C'rtMik' win Indwcnt." Ioulif rlllu Courier-Journal. TIIIU WnetKt (o tmUm Hmwm. It win Turedny monilliK. Tho clnttiM had Ik-oii WBilimt. dried and folded and common tuo pointed to the fact that It waa IrontiiK iluy, hut raulloue Hcandl uavlan Tlllle, the now timid, wn not (filtiR to innkn tho mUtako of going ahead Wore being aure thnt ah wti right, llrforn romtnlttlng htratlf to the ohrloua talk aha poked her heart Into th dining room to any, appealing ly : "!!, I akuld like to apeak aoiiio thlni." "What la It, Tlllle?" "Hknl I rook aotnt flatirouT" aaked Tlllle, onn titly. Nat it (lemiitriiuher. "I uudoratmul that you have a now typewriter." "Yen." "Did you auccted In gutting bright one?" "Yen, Ifa nickel-plated." Iloutton Pott. 44---e'M-fr-M HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS ? ho coi trlhl to woikloeuro V Hurts, Sprains, Bruises by Ihs uu of . to Jacobs Oil and iivh time, money and cell oul of mUery quickly, X It Aclfi I.lka MubIc. Price, 2T.C. mid fOc. ) A CELLULOID PLATE Mhen aitej w llihl nl illrrlof r la ll werner In iTrr w.f, lhn( nif denlUl en rang lelu ele hlmMll im Ire one U Ihe uluile t loenllelli eenturf il.iillil f I'-ibere m're till nelna one bf III u.d 01 el. HapHM jau lei He I bow r e tl am rt lete 1 WISE DROS., Dentists t elllni ItnllJii i, Ttilrd ai4 Wulilnilen A It, UII'M Kui tiejre t lo II Mela n , till, W A WlBK Ml T V. WIHK WVNAtWWW fVatr Vurk (Jlnicer llrrud, Creitin, tint) cupful of butter, mid ouu cupful of brown augnr mid In'tit until very llxht it tul crentuy. DUtolvo two letMpooiiful of riodii In n llttlu wnrm wntor nnd add to oim cuiiful of notir cretitu. .Mix thu criiiiii with ono cupful of iikiIiikhivi, I tent tho yok of four egK light, IIhi wltltnt to a atln", dry froth. Then bent tho yolka ittiil whiten together. Mix ono tenxiifiil of milt nnd thu mixed nplrtt with four ctipfuli of flour. Add tho egg to tho mignr nnd bu l lor, then tho inolnwiM nnd tullk. Mix n ijiilckly nn jwh111o with tho flour, lientlng until amooth; turn Into u Kftned tin nnd bnko thirty mlnulei In n itiodornto oven. All thu aplre but tho ginger citn bo omitted If delnl. rijilcu -Mix one teaapoouful of clovi-n nnd aniuo of yellow ginger, with oiw hnlf teiiNpoonftil of cinnamon. C'liorulnlK I.nrer C'eikr, Kent tho whiten mid yolkri of four eggi aejuiratuly, nddlug to thu yolkn two ciijw of unit. When tho mixture la liikewnriu mid tho will leu nud two ciipa of prepared flour. Hnko In layer Una nnd when odd aprend with thu follow lug mixture: Moll together n cup of grnnulnted augnr nud n third of n cup of wnter, without atlrrlng until It thread a. Add n pinch of crentit of tnrtnr to tho Ix-nten whlto of ntt egg nud pour tho Imtled mlxturu alowly upon thla, tHittliig atendlly, mldlng grndunlly two hoMiilug tnblewioonftiM of grnted chixYilnte, two tnblenjiooiifiiM of crtfiui, n half titflapoouful of butter nnd n toHapoouful of vnullln. Quirk II I. o I'liilitlnir, I'roui n qiiHrt of milk put Into n lowl four tHbb-tiMMinfiiU; rook n ten mipful and n half or rnUlin In tln re mnlndvr twenty iiilimlm; Utit theyolka of four tw with the milk In thu howl; add alx teacilpfubt of bollint rice to tho milk niul raUlita; eHik II vo lulu lit, atlrrlng oHHtmitly; atlr In thu egga nud lullk, two teftapooufula of natt, n tencupful niul n Inilf of augnr, mid n llttlo grated nutmeg or clnimmou. Htlr till thu pudding renchea tho boiling t)lllt nnd let It boll threo lllllltltca. tV)V er tho top with n merlnguu of tho whltci of egga nntl two tiilile-iiootiful of whlto augur nnd brown In tho oven. CLASSIFIEDADVERTJSING I'ortlund Trade Dlretlory Namet aixt Adiirettei la I'Mtland of Hepee aeplallte llutlnree rkma. I'llDlO aUI'I'I.IKMt Ku)a ileeelilneii4frlal tnei wrne n trtree. WiaHlenl. llerie A (m. WAIIIl I.AMKIIMN-Weliler lo.. I'oilanL I.mmI jirleee wn llini and ttlMre. kl.AHrll.' IIOatKIIVtltuimrlere. Ilieerei Knll In ll flee uieuuremeul blanket Wlpnlwl, llerke. IIDllatee nf ell klmie lor ele" alvr rjr reoHeite frtree. lo.ulre HI Kroui HU IIIUMMKII eenlon arrairali we diarenlee fll la nit I dirtlrullieeeei wuMaiil, Uletee XVa, AIITirUIAI. KVKMi ,t,tr ilia.te ami ihei eurtnieal eaul ouai(iuali Wuwlal, Claike Lo CIIKAM HKI'AIIAIOIItt-We tuerenUe Ike V.K aiieraior lobe Write lor free celeu. IUiiimuikILo riniiauilOek, MKN'MCMIt'lllMII - ItuRuin A 1'eadlelon, eule eeeitie Allrel lienentla A Co.1! rirrel elntlie l.v.tjrililnr lu nieu'e ruruUliliiaa. klerrlaou ami Hla III elieele. Ouioelte ueturtu,. VltKK INII IN Olir.OON un.l.r Itielr.rf r tirt- eellou eck ltee.1 direct rroiu etele. Wrllelfetar. It. n, Cooke A Co., ill Jioiielil end man free. Alder elreel, roiileiid.clreaou I'OUl.Tlll K)OHlf you wkiiI jrnur heiia In tar ptore eeve write tie for free rarlti'tileri etuul I'u III.NA VllUl.TllV KKKlln-Atuie Mlllt Co loiliemt, Orreun. TlANOM A Oll7rANHl)lilreltem7liou7eon I'a rltto roeit, Oraene and I'lenoe on eeey txnteiila. Wllle fc.r till. 11 uniuote jruua tUe. AlleuA llllberMlainakrr Co., Pf rllen.l, (Itejoit. Human llelrlioole Nwllrliee, ronialiiure, Meit'e Toueeteaiid Wlret heal ijualllr, lowret prlreei eentl fr tree iirlra Halt inell ontiri a iM-delly. I'etll Hair Hiore, lue VmIiIiiiuii at. .ei I Ml, Dr. G, Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Ttile wondrrrut Chi. reie lloclof le cellrd ireel beceuee lie euret ieoie without ouera lion thai are itveu up to die. He curee with Ihoee wonderful CM. nrae herbe. roote, bude, barke aud veeetablee thai are entirely uu. knowa lo medical eol enra In lulaoonulrjr. Iliroualttlie uieof llioee Itarinleea remrdlee Dili fettiiiut dot'tor knowa Uieeolluu of over too dtrterenl reittedlei wltlrti tieaucteiirullr una In dtrffrenl dlaeaiee. lie atiaranliealucure catarrh. aaltiina.luna, III roat, rheumailam, tiervouintii,, llvvM ku. neye, rtc.i hae bumlrede or Irellinoiilala. C'lierijfe moderate. Call and eee li I nt. I'aUenla outorllierllr write lor blaitkr end clroulera. Heudatatiip. CONBUI,TATIUN VllKlt m,m THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162i riral St., S. C, Cor. Morrlion V. Mention paper, rOIITlAND. ORfGON. I. In of llrlrral Cut Off. "11 the way, Mr, Uaiiklnion, p.ipi mndo audi n (tinny remark about you th othrr evcnlnc." "What waa It, Mlea Hells?- "He aald he wondrrvd why you were coming litre to ofltn." Moltrriwlll And Ur; Wlnilow'e Roothlng Pjrup the beet reined jr touts lor tnalr cbtldrtn durlug tba teething rrll. Nat at Vetllil Olijaotlun. Man at the Detk No, alrj I don't want It. I haven't any time to talk to you, either. Callrr (with proeprctut of new book) My dear tlr, that won't be ntceuary, I'm willing lo do all the talking. riTQ Permanently Cured. rfofltaornerTOUtneM M0 anerflraldey'euieofpr Kllne'ellreetNeree lletlarer. Hem fur 1'rra trial liolUeandlreatlia, Kr.lU II.KIlue, LU..HI Arch bU. t'hlledelphla, le. Off Ilia Ounrd. Corrttpondcnt Henator, may I aak what conihUratloni have Induced you to oppoit the eutehood bill? ICmlnint Rlfttreniaii ((lying Into n rage) "Conelderntlotu?" Sir, thnt queitlon la n damnable litem tt t Corrcipoudrut Then you are doing It without conaldrratlon? Do you 'know, Henator, that la what the suoet of u have been auiptctlng? AN EVUnY.DAY BTituaauj. Man and Women of Every Occupation Butter MinorioH from Xuu.j ' Oomplalnt. J. 0. LlKhtnor, 703 So. Codnr St., Abllono, Knnaai, 1 ono of tho tliou- anniia wito auiror from Vldnoy trote Idea lirouht on by dally work. "I first noticed It eight or ton yearn oro.'' until Mr. Llfihtuor. Tho dull jmln In tho back fairly mndo mo sick, it wns or o atralghton, hnrd to do any work that brought n strain on tha back, I had froquomt nttnoks of grnvol nnd tho urlno wna jinRHod too often nnd with iinln, Whon I usod Donn'a Klduoy l'llls. ltowovor, nil trncon of tho trou bio ulsnpponrod nnd hnvo not roturnod. I am certainly crntoful." Bold by nil tlonlors. 60 eonts a box. Foitw-Mllburn Co., Uuffnlo, N, Ye 'Bleieaa'J hnrd to cot up c down, hnrd t HP sL eW rLk A WSJ'M',' ar I'll a .! M J S- k.aAlal (lerman t'offe Cetke. Ono-hnlf cup, each, of butter, lard nud augnr, n tcnujxiotiful of Halt, two honten cgg, one mid n hnlf cujx of milk, ono cuinpreaaod yciwt enko nnd four cujki of flour. Htlr butter, lard nnd augnr to a cream, ndd unit nnd egK", Inatly tho milk nnd yenit enke, which linn Uvn provloiuly dUaolved In warm water, then the (lour. Tho batter nniKt bo quite atlfT. Heat hnrd! nnd act nwny to rlao ovcnilght. In t tho morning roll out to nn Inch In thlcknemt nnd put Into pie. tlnn, "Jx-t It rlao ngaln, cover with molted butter, nprluklu with augnr nnd cliiunuioti and buku for twenty liilnute.i. Oyetrr aiiirnronl, A dullclotu wny of preparing oynten 'with iiiiuttronl U to ilriit boll tho inn- cnronl; then, In n buttored baking dUlt, pliui ii Inyer of mncitronl mid thun it layer of nyatem until tho dbili In full. 1'our over It hnlf it cupful of milk nud oyator Julco. l'ut small ploeim of but tor on top nud cover with brvml crumb. Hnko In ovon nnd serve gnr. iiIhIuhI with sliced hnrd-tiolletl eggn niul purriley. RHEUMATISM ALMOST AS COMMON IN SUMMER AS IN WINTER. While the damp, cold, changing weather of Winter intensifies the pains and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism, it is by no means a winter disease exclusively. Through the long mouths of Summer its wandering pains and twitch- g ing nerves arc felt by those in whose blood the uric th ?iii i .11 i i.i ? aciu, which produces uic uiscasc, nas accumuiateu. Rheumatism is a disease that involves the en tire system. Its primary cause results from the failure of the elimmative organs, the Liver, Kid neys and Bowels, to carry out of the system the urea, or natural refuse matter. This coming in contact with the different acids of the body forms uric acid which is taken up and absorbed by the blood. This acid causes fermentation of the blood, making it sour and unfit for properly nourishing the body, and as this vital stream goes to every nook and corner of the body, the poison is distrib uted to all parts. The nervous system weakens from lack of rich, pure blood, the skin becomes fe verish and swollen, the stomach aud digestion are affected, the appetite fails and a gcneial diseased condition of the entire system is the result Not only is Rheumatism the most painful of all diseases, with its swollen, stiff joints, throbbing muscles and stinging nerves, but it is a formidable aud dangerous trouble. If the uric acid is allowed to remain in the blood, and the disease becomes chronic, chalky deposits form at the joints, and they arc rendered immovable and stiff, and the patient left a helpless cripple for life. Every day the poison remains in the system the disease gets a firmer hold. The best time to get rid of Rheumatism is in warm weather; because then the blood takes on new life and the skin is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the poisons. With the proper remedy to force the acid out of the blood, and at the same time build up and strengtcu the Liver, Kidneys, Bowels aud other organs of the body, Rheumatism can be per manently cured. External applications relieve the pain and temporarily reduce the inflam mation, and for this reason are desirable, but they cannot have any effect on the disease. The blood is poisoned and the blood must be treated before a cure can be effected. S. S. S., a remedy made from roots, herbs and barks, is the best treatment for Rheuma tism. It goes into the blood and attacks the disease at its head, and by neutralizing the acid aud driving it out, and building up the sour blood so it can supply nourishment aud strength to every part of the body, if cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. is the only safe cure for the disease; being purely vegetable, it will not injure the system in the least, as do those medicines whiclx contain Potash, or some other mineral ingredient. S. S. S. tones up every part of the body by its fine tonic properties. While cleansing the blood of all poisons it builds up the appetite and digestion, soothes the excited nerves, re duces all inflammation, relieves pain aud completely cures Rheumatism in every form Muscular, Inflamma tory, Articular or Sciatic. If you are worried with the nagging pains of Rheumatism, do not wait for it to be come chrome, but begin tne use or &. . t. and purge the blood of every particle of the poison. Write for our book on Rheumatism, and ask our physicians for any advice you wish. We make no charge for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Lnat Bnmmer I had n sovaro nttaok of Inflamma tory Rheumatism in tho knees, from whloh I was nnnblo to leave my room for soveral months. I was treated by two doctors and also tried differ ent kinds of liniments and medloines whloh seemed to relieve me from pain for awhile, bat at tho same time I was not any nearer getting well. One day whllo reading a paper I saw an adver tisement of 8. B. 8. for Rheumatism. I doolded to Rtvo It a trial, which I did at onoe. Aftor I had taken three bottles I felt a great deal better, and X oon tinned to take It regularly untU I was en tirely oared. I now foel better than I have for years. OHAS. E. OILDEUSLEEVE. Gia aznd Street, Newport News, Vs. sss Whm lliirtilittf anrlinift). It In ii mlstuku to put wtiato cnhlmgo letiviw, iHitsto paring, nta, direct on tho ilnv l'ut ut tho buck of tho fire, where It will dry without burning. It mny nfterwnnl bo rnkod on to tho em ber mid burned rnpldly without muell. I'otnto paring dried In tho oven or under tho grnto during tho night nro useful for tiro kindling In tho morn-Ing. Turnip do ti p. lloll six wtmll turnips until soft enough to rub through n slovu. Fry nn onion until It U cooked, hut not brown, lu n trlllo of butter, l'ut tho tur nip, onion, pepper nud milt In n muice pun nud ndd it pmrt of milk. Htlr thoroughly mid when muooth sorvu with n llttlo grated ehctwo on top. Cliiieolnto I'lts Mont together tho yolks of four eggi with n cupful of Hiignr, mid u cupful of ltot milk, it llttlo viinllii nud thrco tnbleapooiiful of grated chocolate, Hnko with mi under crust only, Whip thu white of tho egg, sweeten, sproml over thu top nud Bet lu tho oven to brown Hllghtly, I'otnto Stntr, lloll a small wjiiaro of pickled pork In two quart of water; wiiuu dono tako out, Hooro and brown In tho oven. Add to tho liquor. ten sliced raw po tatoes, two small onion sliced: boll half tin hour: add a tcacunful of uillk PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora tooda brlihter and fatter color than any other dr. One 10c pacLaie color silk, wool and cotton equally well and U auaranlccd lo site perfect retulle. At, dealer, or we will eend pott paid at 10c a pMkagu Write lor free booklet how to dr. (leach and mU color. MOrtKOC DRUG CO.. UniornUle. MiMOurU The Watch-Dog in your Vest Pocket YOU can buy Health Insuranco now. Soveral food "Accident" Companies sell It. Sixty dollars per year will bring you $25.00 per week, for every week you aro Sick. But, your time alone may bu worth far moro than that. And $200 per week might not pay for your suffering. ThaT'a why "Casoarel" Insuranco which prevenla Sickness, Is worth ten times as much money as other "Health" Insur anco. Yet "Cascaret Insuranco" will cost you leas than Ten Cents a week. That gives you a i'Veat Pocket" Box lo carry constantly. tee "Indigestion" means food eaten but only partially digested "Constipation" means food retained In Ihe body undigested too long, till It decays. It then supplies tho poisons of decay to the system, In place of tho nourishment It might have supplied. Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth Insuring against? What does It cost to Curo Constipation or Indigestion, with their train of small and great tils, and to Insure against a return of them? Not ao very much. One 10 cent box ol Cascarets per week, at most, perhaps half that. Ono candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, Is war ranted to cure tho worst case of Constipa tion or Indigestion that walks tho earth. a a a Ono tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It will Insuro you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to attack you. Becauso 90 per cent of theso lib begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor NutrltldfiTfcBT CascaretT'Son purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. No, they act like Exercise on tha Bowels, Instead! They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to contract and propel the Foed naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juioes with Food. They strengthen theso Bowel-Muscles by eicrchdng them, The time to take a Cascaret Is tho very mlnuto you suspect you need one. When your tongue Is coated a Utile. When your breath Is not above suspicion. When your head feels dull, dUzy, or achy. When you havo eaten too heartily, or too rapidly, When you havo drunk more than was good for your digestion. When you havo a touch of HearN burn, Cas-belchlng, Acld-rlslng-ln-throat, or a Comlng-on-Cold. a Carry tha "Vest Pocket" Box where It belongs, Just as you would your Watch, Pocket-knife or Lead-pencil. It costs only 0 cents. At any drug gist. Be suro you get the genuine, made only by tho Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." T FREE. TO OU1X FRIENDS! We want to send to oar friends a beautiful French-designed. GOLD-PLATED 11UNBUN BOX, hard-enameled In colors. It It a beauty for the dnsstnr table. Ten cents In stamps Is atVed at a measure of ipod faith and to cover cost ot Cascarets, with wnJchlHsTaEty trinket Is loaded. no Send to-day, menUonlnc this paper. Address Sterling Kemedy Company, Cfclcuo or Mew York. It was declared at Edinburgh recently that more fishermen were drowned from the custom of wearing long boots than by all the storms. GASOLENE ENGINES s (0 hor... roarer fully warranted IIJ5. All ttsos and st) les at lowest rricci Write for catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland. Oreion. W. L. Douglas 3&$3SHOESffA W. L. Douglas $4.00 cilt Edgo Lino cannot do oquniiod ntany prlco. vewu,, sf "SS. f sMots jj y 1 ratcssJCjp f -s , inA &ySjSgf JUIV.,,8,0. gjSr5S lllllcrn"i 'a-Maooe W. L. DOUGLAS MA NFS A SELLS MOB MEN'S Sa.BU SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER IN THE. WOHLM. $1 D find REWARD to anyone Mho ess O I U,UUU diisnm thli lUtimtnt. II I could lake you Into m v three Ursa (ertarlee at llrockton, Mats., and how ou the Inllnlt care with which every r-alrol thoc lemaje, you would realise why V. L. Douglas SJ.SO (hoc cost mora to make, why thy hold their shape, lit belter, wear longer, and are ol greater ui Tiueiuan any oincr j.ounoc. rr. - uougiaa strong MUa Shoam Tor Man. S'J.BO, S'J.UU. Boy a' School A CAUTION In.lit iii-,i. T.ivl.,,. w i it.,.,.. la ho. Take no substitute. Nono geuulua without hi uama and price stamped ou bottom, Write for llluttrate.1 Catalog. W. l DOUCIUAy. llrocktou, Mrua. P. N. U. No, 19-08 WHEN writing to lvortlaer yleneo mention tlila paper, ' nnd a beaten egg.