The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1906, Image 6

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    TW 2WT "
for The Term ofjlis Natural Life
CIIAPTRII XV.-(Cnntlnued.)
Sylvia uttered a little cry. She had
become foiul of lior dumb companion.
"Kill Nanny! Oh, Mr. Dawes! What
"I am going to make n boat for you."
lie said, "and I want hides and thread
and tallow."
A. "few week back Maurtco Frere
would hare laughed at such a sentence;
but he had begun jiow to comprehend
that this escaped convict was not a man
to bo laughed at, and though he detested
Mm for his superiority, he could not but
ml ink that he was superior.
"You can't get more thau on hide oft
goat, man V he said, with an Inquiring
tone In his rolce as inough It were
Just possible that such a marrelous being
a Dawes could get a second hide by
virtue of some secret process knowu only
to himself.
"1 am going to catch other goats at
the pilot station."
"Hut how are you going to get there."
"Float across. Come, there Is no time
for questioning. Go and cut down some
sapling, and let us begin."
The lieutenant master looked at the
convJet 'prisoner tvlth astonishment, and
then gave way to the power of knowl
edge, and did as he was ordered. He
fere sundown that evening, the carcass
of poor Nanny, broken Into various most
uubiitchery fragments, was hanging on
tho nearest tree; and Frere, returning
with as many young saplings aa he couW
drag together, found Uufus Dawes en
gaged In a curious occupation. He had
Wiled the goat. and. harlng cut off iu
head close under the Jaws, and Its legs
at the knee Joint, had extracted the
carcass through a silt, which silt he had
now sewed together with strings. This
proceeding gate him a rough bag. ami
tie was busily cagaged in filllBg this bag
with such coarse grass as he could col
lect. Frero observed, also, that the fat
of the animal was carefully preserved,
nnd the Intestines had been placed In a
pool of water to soak.
The convict, however, declined to give
Information aa to what he Intended to
do. "It's my own notion." he aald. "Let
jne alone. I may make a failure of It."
Frere. on being pressed by Sylvia, af
feeted to know all about the scheme. He
was galled to think that a convict brain
eheuld contain a mystery which be couM
not share.
On tho next day, by Ilufus Dawes
directions, Frere cut down some rushes
that grew about a mile from the camp
ing ground, and brought them In on his
back. This took him nearly half a day
tn accomplish. Short ration were be
ginning to tell upon his physical pow
er. The convict, on the other hand,
trained by a woful experience In the
boata to endurance of hardship, was
lowly recovering b'a irlglnal strength.
"What are they for'" asked Frere,
lit he flung tho bundles down.
"To make a float. You are very dull,
Mr. Frere. I am going to awlra over to
the pilot station and catch some of those
goats. I can get aerass on the stuffed
akin, but I roust float them back on the
Frero saw that his companion was
cleaning the intestines of the goat. The
outer membrane having been peeled off,
Itufus Dawes was turning them Inside
out. This he dW by turning up a short
jilece of it. as though it were, a coat
sleeve, and dipping the turned-up cuff
Into a pool 01 water, me weigm 01 me
water, pressing between tho cuff and
the rest of it, bore down a further por
tion; and so, by repeated dippings, the
whole length was turned Inside out. The
Inner membrane having tieeu scraped
owajr, there remained a fine transparent
tube, which was tightly twisted and set
to dry In the sun.
There Is tho catgut for the noose,"
raid Dawes. "I learned that triek at
the settlement. Now, come here."
Frere. following, saw that a fire had
been made between two stones, and that
the kettle was partly sunk In the ground
near It. On npproaehing the kettle, he
fuuod It full of smooth pebbles.
Take out those atones," said Dawes.
Frere obeyed, and saw at the bottom of
the kettle a quantity of sparkling white
powder, and the sides of the vessel
crusted with the same material.
"What tbtttV he asked.
"How did you get it?
"I tilled the kettle with sea water, and
then heating those pebbles red hot In the
fire, dropped them Into It. We could
iiave caught the steam In a cloth and
wrung out fresh water, had wo wished
to do so."
Frere burst out In a sudden, fretful
admiration? "What a fellow you ore,
Dawesl What are you I mean, what
have you been 7"
A triumphant light came Into the oth
er'a face, and for the Instant he seemed
about to reply by some startling revela
tion. Hut the light faded, and he check
ed himself with a gesture of pain.
"I am a convict. Never mind what
J bavo been. X sailor, shipbuilder, prod
igal, vagabond what doea It matter?
It won't alter my fate, will It?"
"If we get safely back," says Frere,
"I'll ask for a free pardon for you. You
deserve It."
"I don't -want favor at your hands.
Let us get to work. Bring up tho rushes
Jiere, and tie them with a fishing lino."
At this instant Sylvia came up. "Good
pftcruoou. Mr. Dawes. Hard at work?
Oh! what's this la the kettle?"
The rolco of tho child acted like a
charm upon Uufus Dawes, He smiled
quite cheerfully.
ff "Salt, wlas. I am going to catch the
oiU' Vita that"
"Catch the goats! How? Put It on
their tails?" she cried merrily.
"Goats are fond of salt, and when I
get over to the pilot station. I shall set
traps for them baited with this salt.
When they come to lick It, I shall hare
a noose of catgut ready to catch them;
do you understand?"
"Hut how will you get across?"
"You will see to-morrow,"
Frere, coming to the pier next morn
ing, aw Dawes strip himself, and piling
his clothes upon the stuffed goatskin,
stretched himself upoh the reed bundles,
and. paddling with his hands, pushed
off from the shore. The clothes floated
high and dry, but the reeds, depressed
by the weight of the body, sunk so that
the head of the convict alone appeared
above water. In this fashion he gained
the middle of the current, and the out
going tide swept him down toward the
mouth of the harbor.
Uufus Dawes, drifting with the cur
rent, had allowed himself to coast along
tho eastern side of the harbor until the
pilot station appeared In view on the op
posite shore. Ity this time It was nearly
7 o'clock. He landed at a sandy cove,
and. drawing up his raft, proceeded to
unpack from among his garments a pleco
of damper. Harlng eaten sparingly, and
dried himself In the sun, he replaced
the remains of his breakfast, and pushed
his floats again Into the water.
Arrived at his destination about raid
day, he set to work to lay his snares.
Tho goats, with whoo skies he hoped
to cover the coracle, were sufficiently
numerous and tame to encourage him to
use every exertion. He carefully exam
ined the tracks of the animals, and found
that they converged to one point tho
track to tho nearest water. With much
labor he cut down bushes, so as to mask
the approach to the water holo on all
aides, save whre these tracks Immedi
ately conjoined. Close to the water, and
at unequal distances along the various
tracka, he scattered the salt he had ob
tained by his rude distillation of sea
water. Between this scattered salt and
tho points where he Judged the animals
would be likely to approach, he set his
traps, and retired to watch the effect
of his labors.
About two hours after he had gone,
the goats came to drink. Thero were
five goats and two kids, and they trotted
calmly along the path to the water. The
watcher soon saw that his precautions
had been In a manner wasted. The lead
ing goat marched gravely Into tho
springe, which, catching him round the
neck, released the bent rod, and sprung
him off bis legs Into the air. He uttered
a comical bleat, and then hung kicking.
The other goats bounded off at this sud
den elevation of their leader, and three
more were entrapped at a little distance.
Uufus Dawes now thought It time to
secure bis prize, though three of the
springes were as yet unsprung. He ran
down to the old goat, knife In hand,
but before he could reach him the bare
ly dried eatgut gave way, and the old
fellow, shaking his head with grotesque
dismay, made off at full speed. The
others, however, were secured and killed.
The kiss of the springe was not a seri
ous one, for three traps remained un
sprung, and before sundown Uufus
Djwes bad caught four more goats. He-
moving with care the catgut that had
done such good servlee, he dragged the
carcasses to the shore, and proceeded
to paek them upon his floats. He dis
covered, .however, that the weight was
too great, and that the water, entering
through the loops of the stitching In the
side, had so soaked the rush grass as
to render the floats no longer buoyant.
IIo was compelled, therefore, to spend
two hours In restufflng the skin with
nich materia as he could find. Some
light and flock-like seaweed, which the
action of the water had swayed after
the fashion of hay bands along the shore,
formed an excellent substitute for grass.
I and having bound his bundle of rushes
lengthwise, with the goatskin as a een
terpleee, he succeeded In forming a sort
ef rude canoe, upon which the carcasses
floated securely.
The tide was now running In, and he
knew It was Imperative that he should
regain the further shore while the cur
rent was in bis faror. He touched the
chilled water and drew back. For an
Instant he determined to wait until the
beams of the morning should Illumine
that beautiful but treacherous sea, and
then the thought of the helpless child,
who was, without doubt, waiting and
watching for blm on the shore, gave new
strength to his wearied frame; and fixing
his eyes on the glow that, hovering above
the dark tree-line, marked her presence,
he pushed the raft before him into the
Paddling and pushing, be gradually
edged It toward the firelight; and at
last, just when his stiffened limbs re
fused to obey the impulse of his will,
and be began to drift onward with the
onward tide, he felt hla feet strike firm
ground. Dragging the carcasses above
high-water mark, he rounded the llttlo
promontory aud made for the fire. He
gained the fire before tho solitary watch
er thero heard bis footsteps, and spread
bis bands to the blaze in alienee.
Frere, starting, cried, "It la you!
nave you succeeded?"
"There are six carcasses down by the
rocks. You can hare meat for breakfast
The child, at the sound of the voico,
cams running down from the hut. "Oh,
Mr. Dawesl I am ao glad! We were
bglnnlng to dsspalr mamma and L"
Daws snatched her from thi ground,
and, bursting Into n Joyous laugh, nwmn
her Into the nlr. "Tell mo," he cried,
holding up tho child with two dripping
arms ubove him, "what you will do for
me If I bring you nnd inniniitrt safe
homo again?"
"(lire you a free pardon," said Hyl
ria; "nnd tutpa shall make you his ser
vant!" Frere bunt out laughing nt
this reply; and Dawes, with a choking
sensation In his throat, put the child
upon tho ground, and walked away.
In tho morning, however, Itufus
Dawes was first at work, nnd made no
allusion to the scene of the previous
erenlng. Hy dint of hard "work they got
the four goats skinned, and the entrails
cleaned ready for twisting, by breakfast
time; and harlng broiled some of the
flesh, made a hearty meal. Mrs. Vlek
ers being no better, Dawes went to see
her, and seemed to have made friends
again with Sylvia, for he came out of
the hut with the child's hand In his.
Frere, who was cutting the meat In long
strips to dry In the sun, saw this, and It
added fresh fuel to the tire of his un
reasonable envy and Jealousy.
Uufus Dawes took two of the straight
est and most taper of some celery-top
pines which Frere had cist on the pro
Tlous day, and Fashed them tightly to
gether, with the butts outward. He thus
produced a spliced slick about twelve
feet long. About two feet from either
end he notched the young tree until he
could bend the extremities upward; and
having so bent them, he secured the
bent porttons In their places by means
of lashing of rawhhle. The spliced trees
now presented the rude outline of the
section of a boat, having the stem, keel
and stern all In one piece. This having
been placed lengthwise between the
stakes, four other poles, notched In two
places, were lashed from stnke to stake,
running crosswlre to the keel, and form
ing the knees. Four saplings wero now
bent from end to end of the upturned
portions of the keel that represented
stem and stern. Two of these four wero
placed abore, as gunwales: two below, as
bottom rails. At each Intersection the
sticks were lashed firmly with fishing
line. Tho whole framework being com
plete, the stakes were drawn out, and
there lay upon the ground the skeleton
of a boat eight feet long by three broad.
Frere, whose hands were blistered and
sore, would fain have rested; but the
conrtet would not hear of It. " us
finish." he said, regardless of his own
fatigue: "the skins will be dry If we
"I can work no more." said Frere.
sulkily; "I can't stand. Yon've got mus
cles of Iron. I suppose. I haven't."
They made me work when I couldn't
stand. Maurice Trere. It Is won lerfill
what spirit the cat gives a mm. There's
nothing tike work tn get rid of aching
muPles so they used to tell me."
"Well, what's to be done now?"
"Cover the Iioat. There, you can set
the fat to melt, and sew these hides to
gether, two and two. do yon see? and
then ew the pair at the necks. There
Is plenty of catrut yonder."
"Don't talk to me as If I were a dog!"
says Frere, suddenly. "Re civil, can't
Hut the other, busily trimming and
cutting at the projecting piece of p
Ilng, made no reply. It Is possible that
he thought the fatigued lieutenant be
neath his notice. Abont an hour before
sundown the bides wero ready, and
Uufus Dawes, having In the meantime
interlaced the ribs of the skeleton with
wattles, stretched the skins over It, with
the hairy side Inward. Along the edges
of this covering he lorM holes at Inter
val, and passing through these holes
thongs of twisted skin, he drew th
whole to the toprall of the boat. One
last precaution remained. Dipping the
pannikin Into the melted tallow, he
plentifully anointed the seams of tho
sewed skins. The boat thus turned
topsy-turvy, looked like a huge walnut
shell covered with red and reeking hide.
or the skull of some Titan who had been
scalped. 'There!" cried Uufus Dawes,
triumphant. 'Twelve honrs In the un
to tighten the hides, and she'll swim tike
a duck."
Tho next day was spent In minor prep
arations. The Jerked goat-meat was
pack Ml securelr Into as small a compass
as possible. Wstr bags were Impro
vised out of portions of the Intestines of
the boats. Itufus Dawes, having filled
these with water, ran a wooden skewer
through their mouths, and twisted It
tight, tonrntyuet fashion. He also strip
ped cylindrical pieces of bark, and hav
ing sewed each cylinder at the side, fit
ted to It a bottom of the same material,
and calked tho reams with gum and pine
tree resin. Thus four tolerable bucket
were obtained. One goat skin yet re
mained, and out of this It was determin
ed to make a sail. 'The current was
strong," said Uufus Dawes, "and we
shall not be able to row far with such
oars as we have got. If we get a breeze
It may save our lives," ' It was Impos
sible to "step" a mast In the frail bas
ket strncture, hut this difficulty was over
come by a simple contrivance. From
thwart to thwart two poles were bound,
and the mast, lashed between these pole
with thongs of rawhide, was secured by
shrouds of twisted fishing line running
fore and aft. Sheets of bark were placed
at the bottom of the craft, and made a
safe flooring. It was late In the after
noon of tho fourth day that these prep
arations were completed, and it was de
cided that on the morrow they should
adventuro the Journey. "We will coast
down to the bar," said Uufus Dawes,
"and wait for the slack of the tide. I
can do no more now."
(To k continued.)
Measured hy Time.
"Do you consider frenzied flnanco a
question of tho hour?"
Tho hour!" echoed tho magnzlno
publisher scornfully. "It U tho qucs
tlon of sovcral years nt least" Wash
ington Star.
Electricity travels about 00,000
mile a second, fatter than light.
... wrm
mmr'i'44 v r u .. v .
iU.f-vW if? Cl
Workliiw ttitltrr Mrissslierrlrs.
When one sponka of iHUiltry lu oo
tuvtloii with uny low growing phint
most itooplc- enn sou only tho scratch
ing birds nnd Urn ruined plants, but tho
combination tints liven nnd Is MK
lirotltubly carried out. If one select
one of the larger breed of hens for
tut combtnutlou the scratching part
of tho proposition will bo reduced to u
minimum, uud If tho fowl uro not re
quired to obtiiln their entire living
from tho patch of strawberry plants,
they will do coiiipnrntlvety llttlo dam
age. It la, of course, understood tlint
tho fowls arc not allowed on the patch
until after the fruit him lievn gath
ered, but from that time until they go
Into winter quartern they will t ex
ceedingly useful, for they will tnke
gtsa, care of all tho Insects, do little
ibunngo In the way of scratching which
can tn readily repaired by going over
tho plot each day, nnd their dropping
will mid uititerlnlly to the rlehne of
the plot. If the plantation rover a
considerable area It will ln good plan
to have sovurul small colony Iioumh on
the (dot m that tho hens niny have
their own quarters and thus work oicr
n manlier urea. Thu protlt from this
combination la Pd, nnd neither will
Interfere with the other, csinvlally If
tho fowl nro mlst-d for egg produc
tion. Try It on n small sealo nnd In
crease n axcrlcuce prore It pay.
ItVvpsak lliuisrlierrle.
The main value of this recent Intro
duction from ttie other side seems to
lie In the fact flint thu variety Is
very firm, productive and ships well,
but whether It can be profitably grown
orer any considerable territory can
only be dlcovcrcd by experimenting
with It. Bo far. In limited tests, It
mviiii to bo better than any other of
thu Kugllsh vnrlctle, but it quality
U not nearly a good as the oM fa
vorite with American grower, tha
Downing. It shows less tendency to
mildew tlian other Kuropoan varieties,
although It Is doubtless suscepUblo to
that disease. It I not advised to plant
this variety largely without first teat
lug It through auroral seasons,
Tirir Seed Wlirnl Trenlment,
J. II. Wright, a farmer residing near
HonncHsey, O. T., ha made a valunhlo
discovery that will bo of general Inter
est to wheat grower everywhere.
Ho soaks hla seed wiioat In coal oil,
using nbout ono-lmlf gallon to every
twenty busbcin of wheat, covering It
over with n blanket and letting It sonk
over night Ho found It equally ciffec-
tlvii with corn, using oqe-lialf teacup
to a washtuh of corn. He Amis that It
not only proMirve tho cereal from rot
ting, hut proservo It from Insect. Mr.
Wright ha practiced thl for more
than threo yours, nud hi yield hits
been a great deal more than that of
thuso who had better Mill for pluming.
Much Nredril Niter! Potato,
A sweet potato that will keep us well
aa tho whlto iotnto I what Professor
K. 3. Wlckaon, of tho department of
agriculture of the University of Cali
fornia, think ho tins discovered. It
was picked up lu tho I-ndrono Islands
by a skipper, who took aboard a lot of
excellent flavored sweet )tatoea last
April, and, finding them still In good
condition upon hi recent arrival lu
8uu Francisco, gnro sjieolmeua of them
to Professor Wlcksou. Thvy will bo
propngated In tho hope of working In
tho commercial world of iMitatoes a
revolution tlint will bo worth many
millions of dollars to California nud n
boon to mankind.
Out-Worms on Wheat.
HcportH from Canadian uiid King
fisher couutle state that wheat I bo
tng seriously dnmngod by cut-worm.
Thu entomologist of tho Oklahoma ex
periment station has visited Holds
where- tho worms nro nt work, and
recommend spraying n strip of tho
wheat Just nhund of tho worm with
parts green at tho ruto of ono pound
to 100 gallons of water. The spraying
should lo done whllo tho worms are
feeding on tho wheat, "ami, of course,
uo stock should ho allowed to pasture
on the sprayed wheat
A llnlbrd for no Amateur,
A mure ambitious method thau that
if r.iwlifu Id mirlv llimtir In Inixoh,
kept lu the house, may Ut tried by ''"
anmteur Hardener who I also an ama
teur carpenter. A hotbed limy l built
nt small oxiH'iisn, Old window sash, or
a single ohsIi purchased cheaply, and
four tswriK turn Inch thick and one
and one half feet wide, limy bo put
together to form the hotbed, tho IniuuU
Mug used for the walls.
Warm stable mniuiiv should be put
In the bottom, from onehnlf to three
fourths of a I'iMit deep, ami firmly
iir,ww.! down. The lied should In well
trained, t.liftlt noII. to a depth of one
or two Inches should lt spread oier tho
manure nnd after one or two nays,
when the tiMiieruttire Is cooled down
to 70 or Nl degrees, the bsl I ready
for use.
The plant. In it or Nixe. should
te put In the bed. Tho mu may lo
tirtiHircd a for Indoor uso. with nntl
nary garden soil at the l)tfom, and
lighter soil on top. Mr go holes should
ln loft tn ilrnln tint box. Tho fltlfl stist
should lo sprinkled on tho surface, ami
fine eojl sprinkled over It, nnd the
mnrxn el suiwn In drills, or pressed
down Into the soil, and covered with a
thin layer of earth. The soil should w
gently sprinkled with water a soon
a the seiil Is planted aud kept moist,
wit limit IhhmiiiIiik soggy.
The hotlxtl should Im shaded from
the hot sun. but there slwiuld In plenty
of light. The cover of the IhhI should
tie kept on until th eilllugs hare
started to make good growth. On warm
spring day tln plants sltould ho ghou
fresh air by raising the sash slightly.
Points mi I'riiiilnir Shrubs.
If tlnise who hare shruldn-ry on their
grounds would Imt the sim
ple fact of the irlod of bloom ami that
hlooms come on the new growth they
would remenilier when to prune. The
bhwsoiiw on the tiiig-bhxntilHg shrub
are formed on the whmI that was
grown after the blooming season of n
year npi, tiencn If thee shrill an?
pruned lu the spring wo simply nit off
tho llower-hoarliig shoot nnd no flow
er are Ivnd. The time to prune, spring
flowering shrub I Just after they Imvo
stopHil blooming, so they may hnvo
the rest of tho Mummer In which to
grow tho flower shoot for another
spring. Tho fall bhximtiig shrub
should lx pruned lu the spring, for
they will then grow the flower shoot
for the coming fall period of bloom.
One run see how simple It I If thry
will but remember.
Witter unit In Mlllc.
Wlicn tho crvnm or fat Is removed
erery 100 xiuniU of skim milk contain
alxiut DO per cent of wafer nud 10 vr
n-nt of solids. Tho solid contain
about .1..' Hr cent of casein and 1.1 er
cent of milk sugar, with small projr
tloit of fat aud albumen a the fat
cannot be entirely rimmied. The milk
sugar remain lu tho whey when It ej
aratet and the casein In tho curds or
chctwy matter, though lith contain
small erculage of fat, albumen, etc.
The whey will promote the formation
of fat, while tho curd supply the ele
ments for growth ami muscle. It will
ho nn ndvautHge to feed thu two sub
stance together, adding bran aud sea
son lightly with salt. If the skim milk
hvcoiuc very sour aud Ix-gln to fer
ment it should not bo used at all. Tho
proor plan Is to use the skim milk
when fresh or but slightly sour.
A Turkey I'oop,
A turkey coop which lis been used
with jx-rfix-t satisfaction I iIositIImmI
In American Agriculturist n having
several distinct advantage over ordl
nary coop. It Is built out of a largo
packing case. At thu top I a venti
lator. Husjiended by a cord Is a drop
door of closo lionrd and beneath this
Is an ordinary door partly of wlra net
ting. Knch Is hinged and can Ut ojhii
oil Independently. On cold nights ven
tilator and drop door mny bo cloned,
on ordinary night tho ventilator open
ed, on hot ones both. In warm weath
er tho drop door suspended n shown
in tho cut forms a good slindu for tho
tint of the l.ntrn,
Whero It Is il en I red to thicken gross,
or Increaso tho variety in Inwn or
doorytirds, much mny ho dnno by sim
ply rowing seed. 'Clio sprouting will
bo fnvorcd by tho slmdo of tho grass,
nud tho growth of thu young plant by
a frequont clipping, so that by Into
summer or hoforo a good sod will bo
established. Tho principle is that cut
ting prevents shading tho young gross
and supplies It with sun and nlr, thus
giving It an equal clmnco with tho old
grass, If tho ground Is rich enough, as
It generally 1 In lawns and dooryards.
toss 55&5&ntynz5iisn!35&nB cis;
tlx-Seimtor M. C duller. 1
Dyspepsia Is Often Caused by Oatairt
of tho Htomieh 1'eruna Hellevss Oa
tanh ef the Htomach and la Therefor
a lUoiedy for Dyspepsia.
Hon. M. l Hatler, Ki-W. H. 8en
ntor from 8th Carol Inn (t two
Wrm, In a letter from Washington,
I). C, write to the IVruna Mmllelne
Vm., a follows:
"I can recommend reruns for
dyspepsia and steraaab trouble. X
tiara been using your mndlclno for
a short period and I feel very much
relieved. It is Indeed a wonderful
medicine, betides a good toule."
s-itTAUItll nt tk stHMaeh Is I ha ror.
reel name for most rases nt dyspep
sia. In order U cure eatnrrh ef Iks
stomach the eatrrh must bo eradicated.
Only an Internal catarrh remedy,
such as PcrwH. Is nvsllable.
l'erssn riaetly meets the Indications.
Bar nl (! TMhb,
Tvaeher (at nlfht Khool) Wht do
you know of Hudapest?
Hhsfgy Haired Pupil Hudpt Is a
dlsssta that attacks caltl. It Is lursrla-
Mr fatal
For Infanta nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hear th
Mrs, llloeo Oh, dear! da you think
that death ends all? IllRfo All but tat
estate. The lawyers nd that. Judf -
Don't Get Wet!
vrlll keep you dry u
nothing die will, IxcsuM
they are the product of
the bcit mitcrUli and
seventy yeri' experU'
etice In manufacturing.
-T0WDf a. J. TOWCR CO.
I IloMon, US.A.
'tyMXr tsu,fc
The Life of a Bag
depends on how
honaatly It la made
are made on honor, of the beat malar
ial.. That la why they outlive others.
You won't need to order hag so often
1 every order specifies "UEMIS."
Made for
Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
""SBBiT 1 D
J p. - : - ?,H V'Jfl