The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1906, Image 5

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. Frnnk GlnpJ of Redmond wa.s it
llcntl wiljur MonIy.
A. AlilMtrotn of The Dnllua was n
Jlcnd bnsliicsH culler on hint Stm
tiny. Work wns comitiuticctl tills week
on an extension of the Arnold
A 9-pound iIuiiKliter was born to
Mr., mid Mra. F. M. Carter last
TOcuday. t I
A. C. LucuHlhlH week bought a
tine new plniio fron) Hcott, tin
piano man, of l'riiicvillc.
Good pasture with water, for
liorNC.1, two miles cast of llcnd, f,i
Ir month. V. K. Wilkinson.
Mr. and Mrs Prank Stiond re
turned to iiend Tliuriuhiy evening
nfler n Htay of dome time at Prine
,il. M. l'onlk of O.shkonh, Wis.,
arrived (n Bcml Sunday night. He
'came (o look over the Iniuls of the
Dctfcutitcs valley.
John Kever is building an ad
dttlon, i.(xi6 tcct, to his house on
his homestead, lie has also hauled
wire to fence .o ncrcs.
l'rnnk Mcnefee of The Dalles,
prosecuting attorney for this di
tricl, was attcndliiK to legnl matters
in llcnd the first of the week.
A. II. Grant's government ther
mometer regiMcicd only 31 above
Monday flight. One ould have
' up)Ovcd it was much colder than
'. ' Irvin Reed is home from Port
laud, wheic he hus Iwcu taking
trentuicnt for the injury to his eyes
'received in the giant powder ex
Finest aMortmcnt of candies,
nuts, fruits, cigars. and ioImcco at
the Post Office store. All the latest
pctiodicals. A II. Grant. tf
' latest Myle of spring and sum
' lhcr lints for Indies and children
now on display, at reasonable pri
ces, at New York Cash Store, Laid
law, Oregon.
J. Whclplcy of I'alousc and Cole
.Williams of Coulee City, Wash.,
registered at the Pilot Unite Inn
Monday. They came to investigate
the lauds of the Deschutes valley.
Subject for Christian Endeavor
service next Stindny at 7:30: "
'sous from the lives of Itlijnh and
John the Ilnptist." Text: Luke 1:
t.-i7. Leader Minn Nellie James.
1 II. C. Kills is having a one story
Jiouse, 14x20 feet, built this week
on his ranch cast of town. Also
a barn 14x20 feet. Nick Smith
niwl Charles Uoyd have the contract.
Dr. I,, L. Scofield of Redmond
wns a business caller in Hcud last
Tuesday, to remain during the re
mainder of this week, The doctor
will make regular monthly visits
to Hcud in the future.
UM M0.1d.1y nad" West
brought to this office a stem of
ttlfalfii that munsurud 30 inches
long. "Dad" planted the sued from
which this grew last soring and has
reason to fuel pioud of his crop.
' , ' Bend never looked cleaner and
prettier than nt the present time,
so ninny of her citizens have
built fences, cleaned up their yards
nnd alleys, started lawns ntid flower
eds that tliu result is most pleading.
The Central Ore
gon Banking &
Yrnst Cnirmanv
SS r s
ixcuxruHAtuii iM
tlnpltnl 525,000.00
Transacts a (lencrnl Bank
ing Business.
Acts ns 'Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
lAfl.....i fWnfta fitl.t Unfit
S? Money Orders on nil Foreign
,c Countries, ,, , t
Interest on Time Deposits,
Safe Deposit fpcs.
Plre Insurance,
A. M. Drake, A. I.i (iooilwlllif,
1'rcnMciit'. Vico Pres,
J, M. Lawrence, Sccrutnry.
If, 0. Minor, Caohler.
UNI, . - -j)W0S
. p p
Adam Kotzmnn was ft llcnd cal
ler Wednesdoy.
Airs. J.iiinl) of Mndrns was n litis
iness caller in Hcnd Wednesday.
Strawberries will be on sale at
A. II. Grant's store this week. 8tf.
Albert Seals returned to Itcud
Wednesday fiont a trip to Prine
villc. All olclit.iioniid ilnlii'lilrr
born to Mm. William Baldwin lust
C. A fiuApintiu and daughter
Ethel' went to Priueville Wednesday
morulity,'. M, .
II. W. Morrill mndc n trip to
Priueville Tuesday, returning on
Mrs. Uttgcue '' Lussfcn, wa.s in
Hcud Wednesday from their homcf
stend south or town.
J. II. Winter, Postmaster Wiincr
and C. W. ThornthwaitcorTiimnlu
were Hcud visitors Thursday.
Creed Tripled is making some
substantial improvements in his
barber shop. He has built a new
chimney in the rear of the shop
and will repnper the room.
George Whitsett, jr., drove to
Priueville Wednesday afternoon.
He giljcs' to work in the Stroud
livery ntablc at that plncc and will
probably be gone n mouth or six
weeks. ,.
F. O. Minor received notice this
week that he had been appointed
receiver for the Hcud Livestock &
Produce Co. Consequently the
company's business will k closed
up by him.
At the Pilot Huttc mill last Tues
day a 1 4 -foot log when jawed pro
duced 1700 feet of lumber. Wed
nesday another i.t-foot log sawed
over aooo feet. How is that for
Central Oregon pine?
One Hcud man planted a garden
on Wednesday morning and the
following Monday some of the seed
had sprouted and the voting plants
were plainly showing above the
fvotl. How is that for Hcnd fertility?
L. C. Whitted, who has charge
of a camp for the I). I. & P. near
Redmond, resigned his pQiiti6i last
week and has gctic to take' up per
manent residence on his homestead
eight miles south of Hcnd 011 the
Tom Triplctt, who recently ar
rived in Hcud from North Carolina,
reports that probably quite n num
ber of people from his former home
will come to Hcnd nnd 'Vicinity to
live during the comingfall. They
arc interested in this caumr.
--...k . a.l.tS1 1.1. I.I ! if
finished with the exception of the
stairway and some of the painting.
A delay has been caused in putting
in tlit stairs due to the lack of pro
perly seasoned lumber, but as soon
as this is procured the stairs will be
Rene West took n load of lumber
to the Haswell Gtteriu ranch Tues
day morning to be used in building
flumes. Foreman W. 1L Wilson
reports that the graiii on this
ranch is making a fine start and he
is confident of reaping a large
harvest this fall.
W. H. "Lamb hauled n ' load of
lumber from Jlcnd Tuesday morn
ing to his rough a mile and a half
northwest Of Redmond, The lum
ber will' be Used .in ''building a
chicken yard Mr. Lamb says
there is a lot of building being done
in the vicitity of Redmond, n
The Bridges Concert company
gave n very pleasing concert nt the
church last Tuesday evening to
n,u npp'rcainUvc, audience. A class
of 35 member Vas organized. Next
week on baturcjay night this com
pauy will give another of their
progritmd, assisted by the local
The Bulletin is in receipt of an
invitation from the North Bend
Chamber of Commerce to n Farmer s
and Shipper's Congress ( to be held
at that place on May ' 23-24. A
cordial invitation is .extended to all
citizens of the JW to attend this
congress, v.hjcli linj for its purpose
the development of Oregon re
sources. I,.. V
. 1
The Wnscb.News in its last issue
is authority for the -statement that
the railway agent at that place says
tlje, rltilroad'cople are thinking of
muting dii aVjth.r.ough train from
ShnnikQypnJijltd. Anything that
will improve .tljp present most un
satisfactory service Would W.jVcry
acceptable to the people ltvlnjj in
this region,
. ..... t 1 u 11 1 trr (
,,. 1R06 ,
Our High CrrtJc Goods offered, Service and Low Pr(dc2r, Merit It ,
Oregon's Big
' Kvery cash purchaser can have j Grand Kntcrtaiucr a Talk
ing Machine in the home. We arc giving thctri away. Get
informed and save our coupons.
Ilislrict Dcmitv It tad Council
John II. Starr of the Modem Wood
men will initiate a clss of 30 mem
bers into tlie secrets of this order
next Friday night at Redmond. It
was at first proposed to hold the
initiation in a large cove "hear Red
mond, but later this plan was
abandoned owing to the cold
weather we arc now having.
Jeff Berry, with his wife and four
children, accompanied Tom Trip-
Ictto Bcilll last week from their
former home in North Carolina.
Mr. Ikrry has rented the, Millard
Triplctt house in the north part of
Hcnd and will make this his future
home. IJe is , thinking of investing
in a rancu ncar-ncrc, 0111 uesiica iu
live iu llcnd that he may give his
childtri the advantagesof our excel
lent sciiooj '.flyMcni.
R. W. Wilson and Judge Smith
of Portland, president and attorney
respectively for the the Columbia
Southern Irrigation Co.u accom
panied by C. M. Mudd'pUd W. J.
Rutherford of Laidlaw, wcr,e Hcnd
visitors Saturday and Sutfday. The
company is having n little difficulty
with tucstatclaud board and jiuigc
Smith came to investigate condi
tions on the company's works. This
company has its segregation on the
west side ot the ucschutcs, with
headquarters at I,aidlaw.
J. W. Robtsou and Hill Hdivcll
left Monday for Sisters and vicinity,
where they go to round up horses
on the range. Mr. Robison re
cently bought about too hcifd from
Rene West and while riding for
these they will also round up thobe
animals bearing the "Quarter
Circle Z" brauu W. II. Matijcy a
few weeks ago purchased thc"Quar
ter Circle ."horses from Peter Zell.
Roblsou and Howell expect to re
turn to Hcud this week 1 when they
will continue their riding 011 the
"Curly" Clawson, while driving
the stage front Jticnd to Rosland,
'had quite a smash-up Monday
night. Krom some unknown cause
the horses became frightened and
ran away, whtcli resulted in a
broken tougtlc, spokes knocked out
of one wheel and a badly damaged
harness. TJte mix-up happened
between Bblid and Deschutes, and
, 'Curly" vafi dbliged to leave the
stage, drive thv'- team back to llcnd,
and get a new , outfit. Tuesday
noon Qwrge AVlutseU. jr., drove
out ana brought tiib disabled stage
toto'wit for repairs.
WA'fnR flow d'Iminishrd.
"UIk Sitm'ig" lit Klanjath Mnrsli Is
AiiL'Cisu vy iriuiuaKc.
Robert J. McCaun
who is one of
the Oregljifkailtu
V .4' !ILI .. .. 1 . .
;on ,iia3n,er,u RJVyVi,Kjcrew
now worutng near, rort, 1. latnaiu
writes tq iJoud relatives thnt' tlie
How or water trom a large spring
in K-Jtiilotli Marsh kuqiyn "i" ""'B
since t;Ue Can Francisco earthquake,
Tiis spring gttshes forth from
level grouijd ami is ihc source ol
quits a tfttlc; creek. Old-time sct
tlcrrt'vvhojnre acquniited with, tbft
SpVluK ntjd (.cjeeki; rty that ,i,t lias
diiflinishpa just M$M! thejnorn
lug qt the awful' eatarttroput at ijan
Ifntncisco. Formerly thia creek
measured on an average 30 feet iu
width add two fccjh'i depth; now it
is but half that 15 feet wide, one
fhpt deep. This coincides with
niimcrous similar. stories in which
it is told that the flow of springs or
wells has been cither diminished or
increased since the recent earth
Final Hearing In Drake-!), I. & P. Cases,
Will bo Heard nt Tlie Dalles.
' Hcud citizcus and many of the
settlers in the segregation were con
siderably interested last week in
the suit of Mr. Drake against the
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co.
The case was to have been argued
before Judge Bradshaw at Prme
villc, but the irrigation company
was not ready to present its. ,casc
ajul asked for n continuance. How
eVcr, a portion of the evidence was
More testimony will lx;., intro-ii
dttccd by the company at a -hearing
in Portland, and after the testimony
in rebuttal is taken the case will be
argued Iwforc Judge Bradshaw at
The Dalles.
"The company seems disposed,"
said Mr. Drake, "to occasion as
much expense and delay as possi
ble. Heretofore they claimed un
der their contract rights above the
pqiht of the original lteadgatc,
while now they seem to claim rights
an the plea of necessity occasioned
because of their change of plans
and enlargement. Iu their answer
they denied intention to do any
further trespass, but the moment
the judge dissolved tho temporary
injunction they rushed iu n lhrgs
force and constructed a dam entire
ly across the river where they had
no claim of right whatsoever. We
do not propose to allow them to- ob
struct the river and, shut off all
driving pf logs hereafter . to Bend,
merely for the purpose of injuring
the place, nor will we permit them
to take more water at that place
than necessary to fill the original
flume apd supply the lauds under
it on the Pilot Butte canal. They
have tlOMrlght to take water from
that hcadgatc for thpCb1htral pre
gou and other lauds, ard fti'e rtt
tempt to do so iu direct conflict
with their ontract with ' the state
will later involve trouble for their
purchasers as well as themselves.
To add to the complications they
have permitted the original water
rigntsjo lapse, andin attempting to
file flew notices they, have again
failed td comply with the statutes.
"It is beyond my comprehension
why. supposedly business men
should .so' neglect looking after that
which vitally affects their own in
terests." ' itlceTollui'fibllc.
I have now d daulplete Hue of
Gents' and Boys' Suits, fresh and l
clean, ju,st arrived from the Iia?t.
Also hatKi caps and a full line of
hoes. in fact everything to wear
from head to foot. Come in and
see them at Pink Thmk Stork.
"rnu'iRATJto.L-Avp'TMi'a n few
cholcsAract fromftjo 'rt5o..ricres
ertch that can be bought' at jv..,bar
gam.r. L. TbMi'KiNSank
UuildiuE. 43"
aVC. l(JCA, Proprietor
Tnblea supplfcd with all the delicacies of the season
First-class TSquipment FJiie Rooma aiid Beds
All stages stop
General Bldcsrtthing
P Our shop is located
Z. F.
ConVniissjofl 'and forwarding
ft if
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor mc with their patronage
I .UK It
v. ispiyrnnouxD
Leave Shattikcft 6 p.m.
Arrive Prineville 7 a. m.
Leave PrfntfVille I8J30 p. m.
Arrive Bcild 7:00 p. m.
Bend Livery &
V .' -"x J- FRANK STROUD, Manager
First-Class Livery .Rigs for Rent. Tfcone No. 15
Dontl itrtct, txtwttn MlmicoUnJOtrgoti,
WAU. BTRHItT, Oppoilte 11 M. Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the. Accessories of a First-Class
Market. Everything: new and
of the best. WH ITE & H I LL.
I MmmEmmEmWmSmmlmmmmSmmmk
No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy ita plumage or
swift ita flight, you can bring it to bag with a long, atrong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what
Etmfit. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap
sbcllng, and are sold within reach of everybody's pockctbook.
'REEJt Stitf mm 4 aiiim on a
!ftfp7rrorVMfi MTiXyrrfrcbNN.
U L '. L .. t. ,
ai tlie iiotel door
and .Vygon Repairing 'j
opposite Baptist Church.
Leave Bend 6:00 a. m.
Arrive Prineville 12:00 at.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
I Arrive Shaniko 1 a. m.
Transfer Co.
Ucnd, Oregon.
poitat card hr tar Urf IttattrattS tatalott.