The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 18, 1906, Image 3

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1 ,t ,-t-t i. 1 ttfth n-rm-iisJ
Friday, Mny It.
Washington, May 1 1. Afmr pnsslng
flJJO pension bill, tlm lnmno todny de
voted much lliuu lo consldorliig a point
d( order humIm by Tnwimy ngi'lnst nn
npprnprlntlon far a nnw sleitl flnallng
drydock, provided In Ihu nnvnl appro
plntlnu hill. Tim chair hold tin point
of order well taken, In n enrtfiilly pre
1'iuitd opinion.
Hepburn, of Iown, mndn n vigorous
nltnuk on thu court martini system of
thtt navy, especially criticising o "!
com rotponslblu for tho accidents thnt
Imvo happened to ships of thu nnvy.
A point of order against thu appro
prlntlon for tho nnvnl Irnlnlng ntntlon
nt Uko Muff, Illinois, was ponding
when thu houso ndjournrd until Mini
Washington, Mny 11. Bailey's non
suspension amendment, applying hi or.
dor of thu Interstate Commerce mm
mission m covered hy thu railroad rule
hill, which ha occupied so imioh of thu
nttt'iitloti of thu renatu In connection
with thnt hill, was today advursely dis
posed of hy thu decisive votu of .'J to
01, prnctlrnlly n parly vole.
An amendment hy lUyuur confining
thn court review to ooiisUlutlnnnl ipies
tlom wnii nUo voted down. A number
of ollmr amendments worn rojroled.
An nmeiidment llmllltiit t4j two yenrs
thu llfu of thu commission's ordur wm
Thursday, Mny 10.
Wnshliigton, My 10. In connection
with thu consideration of thu railroad
rate hill hy tho neiintr., l.n Follelte to
dny attempted to secure thu Imposition
of Imprisonment for violation of tho
provisions of tho Inter.taln Commorca
Inw. Ho proposal terms iroui ouo io
five years, In nddltlon to linen from
tl.000 to f'.'O.OOO for unjust discrimi
nation, for fnlso representation to so
rilie business nt les thnti thu estab
lished rate.
After much discussion nn amendment
was adopted restoring ho psiinllles of
tho old law.
Washington, My 10. Shells nnd
projectiles for thn Nnvy department
will, alter Junu .10, 1W0O, Iw purchase!
hy tho bureau of Ordtinuce In tho ojton
market, Instead of, m now the practice,
In secret mnrktit from firm engaged
In thn mnuiifacturo of thetu articles.
Thl chaiiKO In existing condition! was
brought about through thn effort if
tho chairman of tho approplatlons
committee, Tawnoy, of Mlnneiota, who
offered nn nmondmont to tho nnvnl ap
proprlntluu hllla which tho houso lud
under consideration today.
Wednesday, May 0.
Washington, Mny l Thn senate spent
tho greater jwrt of tho dny ngnln In
the consideration of the question of di
verting tlm production of eonl nnd oth
nr ruiHtiiiuUtlM from their transportn
tlon, nnd closed thnt brnueh of Ita
work hy ndoptlug n modified jirovlnloii
formally offered hy Klklna, hut origin
ully suggested hy Molturlu. Thern
wna njjnln much aHirrlni; over pnrlln
mtmtnry p.ilnt", hut thnro wna nt no
time n much confuilon nn on Tuomlrty,
mid, when tho eonl (piwtlon wn (limlly
chmwl, the irjrem wna no rnphl tlmt
thu lint HMtlon wna entirely dUpono.1
of hefore tho lonntn ndjournod. Other
nmeiidmmit ivern nUo ndoptwl, hut n
liiiiniidhort-hnul provision miKKontod
I iy LnFellettu wnn votwl down hy prno
ifcully n Hirty volo, nil hut two rn
jiuhllenna voting iiKulnst tho ninciid
mnt. WnnhlnKtoii. Mny . N'enrly tho en
tire time of tho lionwi wnn todny token
up hy two proposition ilrnt, whotlior
the nnvy ilemirtmont ahouhl K into
the open market nnd purclumo utioliore,
olmlii and oordnco, or contlnuo to limn
nfneturo thoho nrtloloo In thu Kovern
merit nuvy ynnln, ns U now douoj nnd,
necond, whether the coat of trnnvport
lug coal from 'Athintlo and Oulf porta
to tho 1'hllipplno In Amorlcnn bottom
tdimihl lie limited to 5 or iO por tori.
On tho flrnt proposition n luhstltuto
viih n.lnpteil, kIvIih; tho secretary of
tho nnvy tho right to purchiiHo theso
urtlch'ii in open market If n caving could
ho inn.lo.
Thu nocoiid proposition did not enrry.
Tuesday, May 8.
Wnshlngton, Mny 8. Aside from n
few minute dovoted to tho rocoptlon
of tho Alllsou nmuudmont to tho rnll
rund mto hill nnd n hulf hour given to
rout Inn IiusIiicsh, tho Hoimto dovotod its
tuitiro soihIoii toduy to tho InelYoctual
consldoriition of tho Klklna iimotidmont,
prohihitlng common currier from on
iiging In mining eonl or in thu pro
ilnotlon of other commodities in compo
tltion with Hhlpporv, nnd ndjournod at
A p. m. in n stnto of groat confusion na
May Vary Blzo of ranns.
Washington, Mny 8 Tho houao to
day piiHsml tho bill authorizing tho sec
rotary of tho Intorlor to fix farm unit
on govornmont Irrigation projects nny
wliero from 10 to 100 ncroH, according
to tho productivity of tho hoII and tho
hind of crops thnt cnu ho ralsod. Tho
bill contain n provision authorizing
tho Bulo of loin la tho townsltos of Itu .
port, lloyhurn nnd Bhoror, Idaho, tho
oxnonaos to no iinrrnyou irom mo rcriii'
....lln.. .....I IThIII .1.1. 1.111 .nnna
.llllLIUil ll.lltl. Ullfcll Villa JII jiwpovpi
thoso lot cannot ho sold, for tho land)
oiuco nnn no runus io sou mom unuor
tho gonoral townslto laws.
to tlm iixiirt nuhJiM'l before It. Tho dl
order whn dun to tho fact Unit a mini'
l.rr of Kiilmtltutim for iiiiiendmunt to
tint original iimeiidment worn Intro
iIiip.mI. Diirloi.' thu dny. thu Honulo do-
elded III tlm alllriuiitlvo tlio dlKputod
point that under tho agreement tho
rluilr en n entertain n motion to lay on
the table. It refused, however, by n
voto of !M to 17 lo Iny tho Klklna pro
vlnloii on tlm table, Thnt amendment
nuil tint various motions will therefore
i he In order when the rnto hill Is taken
up tomorrow.
Washington, May 8. Tho llouso of
Hnproseiitntive devoted tho ilny to the
naval impropriation hill, nnd accom
plished the rending for amoudmeut of
tlm first IS imues, ihiring this limn sov.
era) tuples Incident to the measure wore
dlsfiiiHtml, Irirliidlng tho difllculty of ob
taining enlisted men In tlm nnvy, the
hienllon of tho nnvnl training station on
the (Irwit likes, tho cost of smokeless
owder, arid flmilly the oiporidlturn of
HUU,UU0 a yiHir for chnln for shlii. Tills
Inst mutter wns under consideration
when thn Homo ndjournod. '
The army appropriation bill wnn sent
to eonfereneo with all of thu Honnto
nmonduifliit dlsngreo.1 to.
Monday, May 7.
Washington, Mny 7. Tko senate to-
lny sient tho mnjor portion of its time
in ouo nmendmont, hut Instead of nc
.....I.... it n.lnnin.1 I. tfi.liatltute. Tho
provision whleh wns inndo tho bnsls of
no nisriisoion ni mm'-'"" '
Kornker prohibiting tho granting of re
Uites, passe, drnwlmcks, or ajieclul
rates to sengrr on rnllwny nnd nlso
prohibiting dlssrlmlnnllon In tho wny
of necommoJutlous where epjnl rates
are jwld.
The dliuiusslon took n broad range.,, flr.t li a unm nunallon nnd
I then the rnee ouestlon in tho Southern
Hlnies. ino rase nwio "" jio u
connection with tlio clnueo reinuvo io
dlserimliintlon, which wns Interpreted
a referring to iwpnrnto enr for the
rnees, nnd it enllwl out voty warm pro
tests from llncon, Money, Culborson
and other Southern senator.
Washington, Mny 7. Notwithstand
ing thnt this wns the speaker' iwvcn
ticth blrthdny, tho houso, after n splen.
did demonstrntlon to Mr. Cannon ns he
nstended to the spoakcr's tnble, settled
down to ouo of the biggest dny In the
history of the tircsent semlon. The
dny wn notnhlo for tho number of bills
pnsssd, forty-five in number, covorlng
n Inrgo number of subjects. Mnny of
tho bill could hnvo been pnssed by
unnnlniou consent, but with William'
"determination to object to nnv legis
lation by unanimous cousent,'' these
lillls cntno up under suspension of the
rules, this being known ns "suspension
The following were among tho bills
To nuthorizo tho Minnesotn, Dakota
Si I'aelfle Itnllrond Compnny to con
struct n bridge ncros the Missouri
(Irnntlng to tho Chtengo, Milwaukee
i. Ht. 1'uul Hallway Company the right
of wny through the Fort ICcogh mill
tnry reservation, Montnun.
To punish tho cutting, chipping or
boxing of trees on the public domain.
To amend nn net concerning leases In
thn Ynllowstono National Park.
To provido for tho subdivision nnd
sale of certain Innd in tho (Into of
To amend tho net to provide a gov
ornmont for tho torrltory of Hawaii.
Statehood Compromise
Washington, Mny 5. All of tho minor
amendments to tho stntehood bill nro
either disposed of or 'In hnpo to be
mndo the foundation of argument nt
a moment's notice.
At todny 'a Hussion of tho conferees on
thnt measure tho climax of tho situa
tion wns ronehml for the first time.
Tho question of tho ndmiiutlnn of Ari
zona and Now Moxloo ns ono stnto wns
diwiiHsod nt length.
No proposition for n oouinromlso wns
offered, nnd tho meeting ndjournod un
til Tuesday.
In n geuernl wny It Is known thnt tho
compromise will bo tho Fornkor nmend
meiit, ullowlng tho pcoplo of tho two
territories to voto upon tho (mention of
bring Joined In stntehood.
Whether thl voto In to bo coupled
with tho election for stnto ofllcer or is
to bo held prior to such elections is
ono of tho question yet to bo decidod.
Woro Oruol to Insane.
Washington, Mny 5. Inquiry Into tho
condition nt St. Kliznboth'a asylum
for the Insnno wn bogun todny by tho
spoclnl commlttoo of tho house off rep
rusontutlvuri nppolntod by Spenkor Can
non, Nearly a dozen witnesses woro
hoard. Kvldonco wns adduced showing
thnt Homo of tho putlonts who worked
In tho hospital Inundry hnd boon cruolly
treated, mid Homo of tho wltncsso tes
tified that Foreman K. Ij. Mnonch, of
tho laundry, frequently was Intoxicated
while on duty.
Navy Men Did Woll.
Washington, May 8. Aotlng Socro
tnry of tlio Nnvy Nowborry hns lnld
beforo tho president n roport of ensra
of gallantry nnd signally ofllclont per
formances of duty by ofllcors nnd mon
of tho nnvy in connection with the San
Frnncbeo dlwiBtor. Tho dntu woro col
lected by direction of tho presldont, nnd
tho ncting secretary's roport embodies
extracts from letters nnd telegrams
cr-ln-chlof of tho l'nclllo squiuironj Hour
Admiral I), II. McCalla, nnd Ltoutennnt
Commander Honry 0, Ilolnca, of tho
inarlno corps, , ,
Inquiry Into flocond-Olasn Mail Mat
ter Ie I'roposod.
Washington, May 7. I'ostmnstor
(lorieral Cortelyou has recommended to
congress tho appointment of n commis
sion to inquire into tho subjoot of sec-mid-chis
mall matter, with a view to
ascertaining what modifications of tho
prnsout Hueond-clnss laws nro nccosrnry
to render Its report to congress not Int
er than December 10. J000.
In order thnt nil interests shall ho
represented, ho hit roooiumoiidod that
the commission consist of seven por
sons mid he mndo up as follows! Ono
senator, selected hy the president of
tho senate! ono representative, selected
by tho speaker of tho houso; ono ofllccr
of tlio poHtofllco department, soloctod
by tho poatmnstor-gcucrul; ono repre
sentative of tho publisher of daily
newspapers) one ronrosnntntlvo of tho
weekly, soml weekly nnd trl-wookly
nowspupnrs, nnd one representative of
tho publisher of periodicals and maga
zines, tho last three to bo appointed by
tho president of tho United Htntes
uiiiong those rocnininondod to him by
rcireientatlvo publishers ot such nows
pajicrs and periodicals, and n seventh
member to ho selected uy tho six, whose
manner of selection I so specifically
provided. An appropriation of (25,000
I reoommonded to defray tho cost of
tho Investigation,
Tho postmaster-general in his recent
annual report recommend to congrew
a thorough review of tho wholo subject
of second class mail matter nnd tho
enactment of a stntuto to tnko tho place
of thoso existing, which would rendor
unnecessary tho consideration of such
questions as those upon which second
class matter now dopend. In now rec
ommending this commission, tho post
master general in hla communication to
the commlttoo on postoillce nnd post
rond of tho sonnte, says:
"The existing statutes regulntlng tho
second clnsM of mall matter are out of
jdnto; thoy do not meot modern require
ment or tlio publishing industry, nn.i
tho ndinlnistrntlon of them unneces
sarily nnd unreasonably hamper tho
publishers of bona lido nowspapor and
"A nn Indlcntlnnofwhntisinetnolnol
"A nn Indication of what I In
volved In ndinlnistrntlon, it mny be
stated thnt tho question of wbnt I n
bonn fido newspaper or jcriodleal la one
about which thero mny bo nnd often I
much difference of opinion. Tho saino
is true -of wbnt constitute a known
ofllco of publication, of what constitutes
n publication originated nnd published
for the dissemination of infonnntion of
n public character, what is devoted to
literature, tho sciences, arts, or noma
nodal industry, what Is n legitimate
list of subscribers. All of these ques
tion must, however, be determined In
ench cnito beforo second-class entry can
bo granted; but n publication having
met nil requirements is positively pro
hibited ndmlsslon If it bo 'designed pri
marily for ndvortlsing purposes or for
free circulation, or for circulation at
nominal rates.' Thnt such questions,
cspeolnlly tho latter, aro subtlo and
complex nnd rondel administration ex
ceedingly diflloult surely need not be
rostmnstor-Gnnornl Cortelyou ex
presses tho beliof that such commis
sion, if appointed, will bo nblo to make
recommendation thnt will bo equable
to publishers, rollovo thorn from present
nnnnynnco nnd restrictions, nnd nt tho
same timo protect the interests of tho
Mass of Soft Earth Holds Back Im
mense Quantity of Water.
Sncrnmento, Cnl.. Mny 8. A special
from Woodbind to tho Sncrnmonto
Union says:
Tho throat of flood in tho Cnpay vnl
ley, resulting from tho slido of cirth
thnt has fallen from the mountain sido
and dnminod tho waters of Cncho crcok,
I growing Increasingly serious. It mny
be assumed that tho slido in question
wn in soma wny tho result of tho ro
cent enrtkqunke, and it is now found
to lie 1,000 feet wldo nnd to close com
pletely tho wntor courso. Kver nineo
the oeetirrenco tho wntors hnve boon
steadily piling up bohlnd it, nnd wns
found by mensuromonts tnkon this
morning thnt n depth of ono hundred
feet hnd been reached.
If It hnd been tnkon nt nn enrllor
stngo tho dam might hnvo been blown
up with dynnmlto nnd tho wntors re
leased without danger to nny locality,
but it is now too lato to do this, as It
would but precipltnto tho flood that Is
feared. Tho dam i of soft earth nnd
debris, nnd thoro Is sonio hopo that it
mny absorb tho wnter or cut out grad
ually nnd tho wntor puss in hnrmloss
quantities. Should It glvo wny to tho
prcssuro mo results win to vory serious
nnd a lurco aron of country will bo
Trolley Car Collision.
Trenton, N, J., May 8. Fifteen poo-
plo woro Injured by n head-on collision
of enrs on tho Tronton-Now Ilrunswick
Traction Compnny 's lines nt Plninsboro,
twruity mile outsldo of this city, nt
midnight. Tho cars, ono from this city
nnd tho other from Now Ilrunswick,
woro muKiug uioir ansi inns ror tlio
night, nnd in nccordnnco with tho usual
custom, ran by tho signnl. Whon round
ing n sharp curvo tho hendllght of ono
trolloy enr showed tho nppronch of tho
other, lloforo tho power could bo ro
versed tho enrs mot, nnd tho pnsscngorB
woro thrown from tho chnirs.
XJno Out to Mazatlan.
Moxlco City, Mny 8. Knglnoora of
tho Moxlcnn Nntiounl llnllwnv hnvo
eucccoded in cutting n lino from Dur
nngo to Mnzntlnn on tho l'nclfio coast.
Tho locating work has boon going on
for n yonr. It is probablo that tbo In
toroconnlo railway will build an exten
sion to too oil nelds from xeslutlan.
In a Condensed Form for Oar
Busy Readers.
Heiumo of tho Lett Important bOt
Not Lett Intorottlng Events
of tho Pntt Woek.
Dowlo Is gradually dying of dropsy
and cannot last long.
Iteront earthquake shocks have caus
ed a Cuban mine to csvo In.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis Is much im
proved though still quito HI.
Congress is receiving many protests
ngninst the prohibition of passes.
Kan Francisco saloons have been clos
ed Indefinitely by the authorities.
John V. Wallace has formed a $12,
000,000 electric company In New York.
Tlio strike of funeral drivers in New
York hns caused the postponement of
mnny funerals.
Count I.nmnlorff, Russian minUtcr of
Foreign affairs, has resigned for a place
In tlio council ol the empire.
The Ilrilish fleet Is all ready for an
attack on Turkey should that country
continue her hostile movements.
Chlcairo printers have declared a boy
colt on Methodist rituals on account of
labor troubles with the Methodist Book
Talt refuses to confine purchases of
canal supplies to the United States and
has told congress if they want him to
buy all at home to pass necesrary laws.
Thn (list steamer of the season has
left Seattle for Nome.
The withdrawal of troops from San
Fraticltco has begun.
Tho first step of tho Russian lower
house will be to demand amnesty.
The State department has forwarded
f '.'00,000 to Japan for use by tlio starv
ing people
Senator Ankcny wants the govern
tnent to use all homo material for the
Panama canal.
Great Britain will advocate dlsarma
merit nt the coming sessions of The
Hague conference.
The United States will not allow a
revolution in Panama. Conditions
there are now bordering a revolt.
. Dowle nnd Vollva aro said lo have
reached an agreement for a joint man
agement of the affairs of Zion City.
Governor Pardee says Santa Itosa
suffered moro proportionately than Ban
r-rancisco and that conditions there now
aro heartrending.
M Gorky, the Ku'slan author, do
dares the donma a farce and say the
Huraiau people know they must have a
revolution in order to be free.
Shouts roports progress on tbo Pan
ama C'unn).
Import stntistics show that tho Chi
neso boycott is wnning.
ltopubllonn Senators havo ngreod to
support n limited court roview of rates.
Anthrneito minora havo formally ac
cepted nn agreomout with tho operat
ors. Thoro I talk of Tnft for President,
with Iloosevolt ns his Secretary of
Iloosevolt has nskod Congress for an
other $800,000 for rcllof work In Cal
ifornia. F.lnliornte, measures hnvo been tnkon
to protect tho tor at tho opening of
Mon ku res hnvo been taken to protect
Ban Frnneiseo nroporty from foreclos
ure of mortgage.
Snn Francisco nuthorltles-nro driving
able-bodied men from tho bread lines
with tho Idea of compelling them to
work for n living.
Turkey hns soized moro Kgyptiun ter
ritory nnd dcclnre sho will light Qrent
Hrltain. Tho latter country Is sending
warships and soldiers to fight tho Sul
tan. Vollva has organlzod a strike against
Dowie iu Zion.
Tho nnthrnclto miners and operators
hnvo flnnlly ngreod.
Britain nnd Turkoy each stand firm
nnd prepare to right.
llutwlnn democrnts proposo to give
all lnnd to tho ponsnnts.
Froo restnurnnta nro proposod to feod
tho destltuto of San Francisco.
Tho president will co-oporato with
tho sovorul states in Standard Oil proso-
Lending nrchitccts ostlmnto thnt tho
rebuilding .of Snn Frnneiseo will tako
but quo yonr.
Frnns K. Crofllold, chlof of tho Holy
Roller, hns boon shot and killod nt
Sc-nttlo by Qoorgo Mitchell, brother of
two or mo women inc. soic-siyiott
'Joshua" lod astray two yeara ajro.
when excitement over tho now religion
woa high nt Corvallls,
Chlesjo Tribune.
Tho great depression felt by somo
polar explorers whon shut In by Ice
nnd cold, writes Lieutenant Armltnge
in "Two Years In tho Antarctic was
not felt by the men on board the Dis
covery, sent to examine the south polnr
Innds. Every ponslblo effort wa made
to keep the men cheerful and in good
physical condition. Walks over tho
lco were taken a a matter of duty,
and that effort for entertainment were
made la evidenced by tho following ac
count of their diversions:
At n meeting held In the ward room
It wns decided to bring out a monthly
paper, something like a London maga
zine, Ench of us wroto on a plcco of
paier what wo thought the best title.
Tho South Polar Times was tho ono
chosen. It was to bo published on the
first of each mouth ; and every member
of tho ship's company was Invited to
contrlbuto toward making It the most
amusing, Instructive, up-to-dnto Jour
nal, with tho largest circulation within
tho nutnrctlc circle. Notwithstanding
this superexcellcnce. It was to bo Issued
freo to all tho population of our small
colony, tho cost of production being
moro than covered by tho grateful feel
ings of tho recipients, to say nothing
of tho ndvertlsers, A rival mngnzlne,
named tho Blizzard, which wn brought
out to afford a voice for poetical effu
sions rejected by tho South Polnr
Times, did not survlro tho first number.
On most day during tho first month
of tho winter tho clicking of tho tye
wrltcr could bo heard In Shnckletou's
cabin as ho busily "set up" tho pnper;
nnd frequently a shy nnd conscious
looking bluo Jacket would enter the ed
itor's sanctum to ask his ndvice. A box
wns placed outsldo tho olllco for tho
nxvlpt of contributions, but would-be
authors much preferred n personal au
dience; so our editor, In solf-dofense.
removed his olllco tlttlwn to n store
room In tho bowels of tho ship.
Two of tho memliers of our nun.
Slmckleton nnd Bernncchl, were very
fond of jwetry, nnd of course ench had
Ida favorite nuthor. Mnny woro tho
nrKument raised ns to tho respective
merits of Browning nnd Tennyson, so
It wns decided thnt Slmckleton should
rend extracts from Browning, nnd Ber
nncchl from Tennyson, while tho ru
mntuder of us listened and curvfully
Judged between tho two, voting after
ench pair of extracts hnd been rend.
Their declaimed In their best stylo, en
deavoring to point out tho benuty of
tho passages chosen by them.
Ferrar caused much amusement, aft
er an extract from "Tho Plod Piper of
Ilnmcllu" had boon road, by saying,
"Well, I'm not much on jwotry, but I
go on rats."
Browulng won by n single vote.
l'rlco tu Krnuca lllnher than Uver
Ilt-fore Kuuvrit.
Tho fact that tho American codfish-
era hnvo been cut off from securing
bait Iu Newfoundland as well ns tho
French causes satisfaction nt St.
Pierre, not becauso tho former havo
lost tholr baiting privileges, but from
tho belief that Amorlcnn vossel owners
will unite with tlio St Plerro fleet in
securing and proservlug bait' to their
mutual bneflt, says the New York Iler-
nld. School of herring visit St Plerro
and should be secured when opportu
nity offers. From ono school last fall
it is estimated that several thousand
barrels could navo been secured. Caplln,
a much esteemed bait for uso In July,
seldom fall to come to these Islands
to spawn, nnd It Is thought that with
propor regulations tho supply will b
equal to the demand.
Among nil tho bank fishermen squid
aro considered good bait at any season
and mny be caught In fair quantltic
about theso shore; In the past this la
the ono bait supply that has not been
lost through lack of taking or preserv
ing. Notwithstanding French fisher
men nre seriously handicapped In their
efforts to securo bait a careful inquiry
establishes the fact that thero is nn
abundance of salt squid and herring
for tho first trip.
Vigorous preparations aro being
mado for tho coming season, and tho
Indications aro that tho tonnagti sailing
from St Plerro to engage In codfisbtng
will bo moro than for a number of
yoars, among tho vessels being many
new ones. With a record of threo bad
years, this renewed enterprise Is com
mendable. Tho price of codfish In Franco has
advanced to n figure never beforo
reached, making It a luxury Instead of
an article of common consumption.
The French firms are offering St
Plerro fishermen f4i0 per 100 pounds
for green fish. In drying tho sbrlnkngo
Is .10 per cent nnd with tho added cost
of IVi cents per pound as the cost ot
drying nnd transportation, with 30 per
cent profit to tho retailer, we havo tho
total cost to tho French consumer of
12 cents per pound. In fact, tho retail
price nt St Plerro of dry codfish Is 10
cents ier pound. Franco would not
however, bo n good market for Ameri
can dried codfish, ns the duty Is pro
hibitive, tho market being held for
French fUhormen. On tho other hand,
St. Pierre ennnot enter tbo United
States markets, where n discriminating
duty is levied on bounty-fed Industrial
Tho non-competltlvo French fisher
men of St Pierre therefore argue thnt
thn New England fishermen should
unite with them In making this plnco
the halting headquarters for both coun
tries. St Plorre, although receiving a
bounty only on codfish, Is starting n
movement to establish other fisheries
nnd erect establishments for smoking,
pickling nnd othcrwlso preserving fish.
l'errerae Nature.
"Strange thing about Mrs. Dingle.
Sho Is the woman who never cared to
drluk any water."
"Sho called In a doctor to reduce her
extreme stoutness. Ho told her on na
account to drink wnter."
"And now she's thirsty all the time."
Clovelnnd Plnlu Dealer.
Cnuae of Suspicion,
"In thoro nny question about tho so
cial position of tho Dollartonsi"
"Thero was nono until recently," an
swered Miss Cayenne, "It has boon
discovered that tho socloty paper Town
Whoppors printed somo very compli
mentary paragraphs about them."
Washington Stnr.
When a widower marries again, tha
nolghbor women recall with many sigh
that his poor dead wife Just worships