The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 11, 1906, Image 8

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    "Tt "T7WTK
sw. ih .. Hay f
fmmrnemfassmkimf , rw. ,, -
3L.W'lr '" '
Oft the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
e Townsite of
.! j ,
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1 ' fesB WVA ANfCx CSv
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Dtpattnicnt of the Interior,
Land Officr. The Dalit. Oregon,
April 3. 1906.
hotter f fcerttr m tbt the M owing--Kti
irler tat Slot notice ofhU intention lr
ttkc ftntprool in rtiinrart of hi etalm.amJ
UUtltHtwrriUbc rafcie Ufcrr the County Prlueville. arfUa. a June 9th. iy.
Alexander iHtirth,
"SlteT,trregoo.ofln; K. o. liyt. Cur the H
-nd K.K.J. tpi)".roe, w w.
Jtr nme the Mtewlug wttueei to twe hU
OHillnuou rrfrWcucr uim ml otltiiritieti 11
M UikKtIi-
i-rn-11. Tfi-1 of ITlnctiUe. Oreron: V. T. .
MUou. wmtuu J. VtooJ, iud Marion Rtllwell,
nit ofSlter, Oregon.
lj MICIUK1.T NOtAS, KegUter.
Department of the Interior,
V.6. Land OlBce. The Daltef, Oregon.
April j tyi.
Notfce m VreWr gVren that the following
named Kttler ha fifed notice of hl lateiitlon
to-male final prooflnuport of hla claim, and
(lt aakl prouf will be made bclorc the
County OcrV. at lTineriUe.Oregou. on Juuctli,
TT, Tirv
nillam J. Wood,
of Kiatrr, Oregon, on II. K. No. M, for the H
neit and nH:H, c . V IJ a. r o e, w m.
He name the Cllowlng witnrue to protc
MccMitlnuo4iridcucr upon and cultivation
ofuld land, via:
Percy II. Daria. of lrineTtlle Oregon; W. T.
nilou, AlexS uiitli, and Marion htilwell, all of
Miter., Ortgon.
ni-Jt MICHAHLT. NOI.AN. Ktgwtcr.
Departmrut of the lutcrior,
V. H. Mnd Office The Dalle, Oregon,
April, jo. loui.
Notice la hertby given that the following
Mimed acttler ha filed notice of hi Intention to
feialc commiitatiuti prool in upKrt f liU claim.
ad lltat ald proof will bcjuadc Iwfore II C.
Htli. W- K, CMiimiloncr, at liUofbve in Ilend,
Oregon, on June nth, &. via:
John Oulbrauaon,
of Peud, Oregou, on II. K. No. 14400, for the acl,
eciMpioa.rioc. wm.
u ..iii- flip rullowluir wltutiuea to Drove 111.
ciiitliiiniu rcUltu uoii and cultnatUm of
.III litlbl.vlc
Oliver Thoibjornuii, Olitcr Joliiiion, Anil
luue aud Theotiore Aune. all of Ucnd, Oregou
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1 578.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon.
I'tbrury i. 1906.
-'.nice U hrrcltt rivvii Hut in tompli m -e ivilli
I iirovltloiMofllir rt of cuiwrc4 -f Juuej
, ra, ciilitlrd "All uct f'jr tile fctle of llnibcr
Uud In the fctalw of California, Oregon. Nevada
and Waahlngtou Territory." a eateuded to all
the publicland state by act of Augmt 4, Ityi-
William J. McGMvray,
of Bend, county ol Crook, Hate ol Oregon, ha
till day filed In thl office hi aworu atatemeut
No aSt,forlhe purcluie of Hie iwJJ of the
r-nrrc lpt rue win
11I .v II ! - t 'i v t'l 't th
I I 411.1. .IliWi. f'- til. t.n.b.
,, miotic llirrwti than fir asrteulttiral iurtu,
id to etabllh hi claim to mtld lanB I before
II. C. Hill. U. b CommUloncr, at hi ofnee in
liend, Oregon, on the 13th day of June, ljo6.
He name a wituee: John Kergtwon, Milo
W. WlUou.Willtani Arnold, and BarahfergutOB,
U of Hend, Oregon.
Auy and all peraon claiming adversely
the We dcacrilK'l land are reniincd to file
t i-lrcllliiilii till nTu-e o-i or Iwfirt- tlieiid
i,.4 Ifif'M' I''
Ieprtment oftbe Interior,
V. S. Land Office, The Dllc, Oregon,
May It, 1A.
Notice I. hereby given that the Cri lowing named
ttlrr ln filed notice of hl Intention to inaki
final proof In upiort of bUcUlni. and that mM
proof witl l made before the County Clerk, at
tlincrille. Oregou, on June l, 1906,
UanielW Hartbing,
ofStttara.Orrgen.oa II K. No. 8iSj. for the wM
iir H and r M uw !;,xc, tpi5, r we, r m
lie aaaiea the following witneate to prove hU
contlnuou reaidencc uui and rullltralkni ol
aid land, rli
Samuel Wlehl.Jrue V Winter. Herbert niailer
and Tbomaa Arnold, all of hllrr, Oregon,
ran June IS MICIIAKI. T. NOI.AN, Krgfttcr.
Department of the Interior,
f. S. Ind Office, The Dalle. Ortgou,
May i, ?6.
Notice l hereby given that the fotlowiug-nainrd
Kttler hi filed notice of hi Intention to make
final prool in uppurt ol hi claim, and lltat raid
Proof will he made before the County Clerk, at
rlneville, Oregon, on June 9, lyoS, vli.
Jee V. Winter,
ol Kiter, Oregon, on II. 1! No. (414. for the Lot
1, uej; nw Jfandn JJ ue Jf. eci, lp 15 , r 11
e. w m.
Hr name the following witneur to prove hi
coulluuou residence upon ami cultivation of l.l
land, vix.
D. W. Farthing. Kamurt Wlehl. Iean Cyru
and Harvey Cyru. all of Kl.ter. Oirron.
Desert Und, Vinal Proof.
I'. B. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Aptl jo, 1906,
Notice I hereby given that Jainr Abntr
Weil, of I'riueville, Oregon, ha filed notice of
Intention tonijkc proof on hudcwrrt-land claim
No. in, for the iiut'4. che!, w h and ue!,
nt',(. sec 17 lpi4. r lie. w in. Uforc tin
County Clerk at l'rlncvlllc, Oregou, 011 the
MM day of June, lynS.
He name the following witneues to prove
the complete irrigation aud reclamation oitald
W. Cotib, Walter Kuhle. M. M, Thorn aud
jame Tellierow, all 01 lrtneUle. Oregon,
Timber Laud, Act of June t, itjt,
U. K. Land Office, LaLevlew, Oregou.
1'cbruary 5, 190$,
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions oftlie act of Congirs. of June J,
,-, fntitl til 'An net fur the sale of timber lamU
in the states of California, Orriion. Nevada and
Wuslilugtoti territory," aa eitemlcd to all the
public laud state by act of August 4, ify),
John II. Overturf,
of Ileud, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in IhU office hla sworn statement
No. 1945, lor the purchase of the scjf, sec 9 lp 21
s, r 14 e. w 111.
nd uill cff.r riKif to show Hint the land
. 1 Jn m n.orr tiiluiM. fur iu tln.Ur or Moiu
11 ' for ax Uii' iuru-, uml to establish
Iik claim to Mid Uud Uforc J. J, Kinllll, clerk
of Crook couuty, Oregon, lit III otticc at I'riue
ville, Oregou, on Mouday, the ziith day of May
He names a witnesses; II, James Overturf,
Homer Bogscsa, M, J. Morrison, Krull Anderson
and Oliver Johnson, all of Uend, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely any ol
thcBlKne landsarc reijuentcil to file their dalms
IplltUvri' "Mvn't-(tT Hi- ir li dily ul
uuiuui i, H, WATbU.f,UgilU
Department of the Interior,
I. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
May 11, 1900,
Notice is hereby glren that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Intention to make
final pi oof In support ofhla claim, and that aakl
proof will be made licforc the County Clerk, at
friHcrillc. Oregon, en June M, iyrt, vis
Samuel Wlehl,
of Kilters. Oregon, oh II. 1! No. fcja, for the sw
X see ., tp 1 s, rur.w m.
He namesthe following wllnesse to prove his
eitlniti residence upon and cultivation of
uld land, vis.
Heibert OUser, D. W. farthing. Dean Cyrus
and Harvey Cirus. all ofrUsters, Oregon,
mu-juneij MICHAItL T. NOIN, Keglstcr
Timber Land. Act of June 3. 1J7",
U. 8. Mud Office The IHlUs, Oregon,
May II, lyo4.
Notice is hereby glren that Iu domptlanfe with
the provisions of the Act of Congress of June J.
17, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada aud
Washington Territory," as eatended to all the
public laud states by act of August 4, itoi, the
followinz-uained persons hare, on April 14,
190S. filed in this office their sworu statements,
Walters. Nichol,
of Bend, Couuty of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
ststrmenl No. M, for the purchase of the 11 'A
nw K, secir, a 4 sw Jf, sec ), lp 19, r I J e, w in.
Dora A. Nichol,
of Ilend, County of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. javi, fur the purchase of I he lie !f
sec ji, lp 19 1, r 1 j r, w m,
That they will offer proofs lo show that the
lands sought are mure valuable for the timber or
stone thereon than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claim in said landa before
II. C. Kills, V. H. Commissioner, at hi office In
Ilend, Oregon, on July 17, 1906,
They name the lollowln witnesses. John
Moss, of hitters, Oregon. Joseph N- Hunter,
I'rank lluttrrwoilh, Waller H. Nichol, Dora A.
Nichol aud K. II, Mutslg, of Ileud, Oregou.
Auy aud all persons cLalirJlng adversely any o.
the above-described lsnd arc requested to file
Iheir claims In this office ou or before the said
17th day ol July, 1900.
mil-July it MICHAItL T. NOI.AN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, if ;$.
U, 8, Laud Office, Lakevlcw, Oregon,
l'cbrtury IJ, 1906,
Notice la hereby given that Iu compliance with
the proislouof the act of Congress of June,
IB7S, entitled "An act fur the sale ol timber lands
In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada aud
Wusliliiglou Territory," as extruded to all the
public laud slates by act of August 4, iboj.
Kgbert I'. I'errl.
of Traverse City, county of Orand Traverse, state
of Michigan, has this day filed Iu this office his
sworn statement No. jojj, for the purchase of
the njnw aud "Kswjf of sec 17 tp 11 s,
r 14 e, w in.
And will rifk-r nroof to show that the land
so'ixlil Umori tahialilu for lis Umber or stone
Hun for agriculliirul puriios?, uud to establish
his claim to said laud before J. J. hmilli, clerk
of Crook couuty, Oregon, at his office at I'riue
ville, Oregou, 011 Saturday, the 361)1 day of May,
lie names aa witnesses: John Tlloss, Ora I'oln
dexter, and Joseph N. Hunter, all of fiend, Ore
gon; Harry !.. ;ILb, of Traverse City, Mich,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
a1ioe-drcrlhtil Iflluls are rrnllritrit lo file their
claims In this o'fic-"'i or Iwfirc said 7MI1 day vf
"i iv-JaiU-uuj
I l J S t 7
0 Ul jI-c H'l?
h I I I Wfi I I
ii ki i I i
H fj to f S
X J -f t 7
j jgi j r
H 1$ H " n 1 1
Tlmlier Mud, Act June J, ll;l.
17. fi. Land Oflce, The Dalles, Oregon,
1'cbruary 11, t4.
Notice I hereby glren that In compliance with
the provisions of the Art of Congress of June ).
IK, entitled, "An art fur the sale ol llmlM-r lauds
In the stairs of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa eilendnl to all the
public land states by Act nf August 4, Iff),
I'rank Krusc,
f Rranlte I'alls, county of Snoheml.h, slsle of
Washington, has this dsy filed In this office his
sMorn statement No H. furthepurehsxof the
I als 1 ami 1 and e; nw)( of t 19, lp m s, r 14 e.
w in.
And will urTVi proof to shew thst the land
sought Is more valuable fur Us timber or sloue
than for agricultural purposes, and la
establish his clslru to said laud before the
Krgislrr and Keceiver at The Dslles, Oregon, on
the Jlsldayuf May, ;A.
He names as witnesses J. I). KUte. Mas
Kruse, and L- W Norman, all of Granite I'alls.
Washington, II A, Foster, of I'riueville. Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described Isuds are requested to
tie their claims Iu this office ou or before the said
Jl.t day of May, 1906,
miVmtl MICIIAHL T. NOLAN Keglitrr
Timber Mud, Act Juue j, lrt,
U. H, Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
March IS, VA.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions oflhe Act of Congress ol June 1,
1 jji, entitled "An act lor the aafe of timber lauds
Iu the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as ralendcd to all Hie
public land slate by ait of August 4, i-;,
rUniuel II. Clark,
of Ilend, County of Crook, State of Oregon, ha
this day filed iu this office hla sworn statement
No, aMi.fortbe purchase ofthesw) sw ),', sec
17, se ft s It, eci and uw 'f nw )( of sec jo, lp
19 s, r IJ e, w in,
And will offer proof to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or slone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
hi. claim to said lsnd before II C. Kills, I', s.
Commissioner, at his office In Ilend, Oregon, 011
the 17th day of July, 1906.
,lc names a4 witnesses Archie 1'allle, Michel
Morrison, Charles Bojd and John Kteldl, all of
Deud, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reijiiested to file their
claims In this office 011 or bclorc said 17th day of
July, 101.
luayv-jij MICIIAHL T. NOI.AN. Hcglslcr.
Timber Land, Act June j, 1878,
U. H. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
December 1, 195.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of ihc Art of Congress of June 3,
l;, cullllyd, "An act for the sale of limber lands
In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all Ihc
public laud state by Act of August 4, itoj,
John L. UJorncberg,
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
this day filed Iu this office bis sworn slutemrnt
No. J7.V1, for Hie purcliuneof Die uwlf, of sec 34.
Lip 19, r Ijc, iv in
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more vuluablc for its timber or stone
than fur agricultural purposes, and lo establish
his claim to said land befare the Couuly Clerk,
at I'riueville, Oregon, 011 Die 9th day of June,
He names as witnesses! George lilies, John
Bleldl, Thoma Tweet aud Albert C, Lucas, all
of I'riucvllee, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aluiie-dcscrllledlaiidsiirrt'rniirstvd to fib? llielf
c'hIiih In this ulbitf .Til fir In iiir 1.1I.I 1.1I1 ,1 .
) UOiAJU.T,JI0LAif,JUilltu. i
t K J S 4
ti if ' t t 7
A V E.
Z J 4 S t
U m ' 1 i 7
, J S i
t II f t 7
S J rf
Timber Laud, Act June J, 17.
V. . Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
I'cbruatyj, I9ufs
NolUe Is hereby given thst In cumpnarirT wlih
Ihe puivi.kMi. uflhe Art of Cmigrrst of June t.
ia?a, entitled "An act for the saleof timber lands
In thrstatrsofCallfurnla, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Terrltury." a rstrrutrd l ail the
pwbtk laml stales by Art of AHgust 4, iV,
Jsse Hunts,
of llM.I esMNlyof CruoV, slsle of Orrgwi. has
this itay flte.1 In this bttxr his sworn stalemrHt
No. ay. fur the porehase of the w)m) of sec
14, tp its, r lor. w m
And Tiltt offer proof to show lhallh Is ml
sought Is tuof valuable fr Its limber or slime
than fur agricultural purposes, aud torstabllsli
his claim to said land before the County Clerk,
at l-rlnerllle. Oregon, ou the ilh day of July,
He names as witnesses Caleb C luuiittl John
V. H'lMards. luhu N lidoards, and WlltlaSH IM
wards, all of IH.lrrs, Oregon
Any and all twrsoua claiming, adversely the
score described lands are Icipicated lo file their
claims In this office on or Uforc the said ih
day of July, !'
iiill-ul)o MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. Hcglslcr.
Timber Laud, Act June J, 171.
V. H. Mud Office, The Dalles, Oregon
Jauuary J, i4.
Notice Is hereby given lhat In compliance with
thr provisions uf Die Act of Congress of June J,
l?S, entitled, "An act for the saleof limber lauds
Iu the state of Calllornla, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory,'' a cilrndcd Iu all Hie
public land stales by Act of August 4, isoj,
John II. Weaaiuly,
of Ilutte, county ul Silver How, slate or Montana,
has thl day filed In this office his sworn slate
men! No. 1770, for the purchasa of the nUtrXf
sec II, and lljsswjf, ,f mc u, p 17 ,,
r loc, wm.
And will offer iroof to show tint (he
laud sought Is more valuable for It.llinUror
stone 'than fur agricultural purposes, .IM to
'.,l? :! '" .!'' tU'n' lu M " isfcw 11
L. Kills, U. S. Commissioner, at hla office In
Ilend, Orrgont on the ijlh day f June, IO..I.
He name as witnesses: lohti Sltldl, Chatles
lfcyd, Hiigli O'Kane, aud Harry Hill, of Ileud.
Any and all persons claiming adrerstly
he above described lauds are rnpirsud to file
tbelrcjaliiis iu Ibis office 011 or before Hie said uili
day of June, lyA
6-J MICIIAKI, T, NOLAN, Kcgfiler
Timber Mud, Act June j, 1I78,
V. 8, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
March ii, 1906
Notice Is hereby gljeu that In compliance wlih
' ..V,,0iv r1."" ".fil,e Clufcuugirssorjiiue j. 1H1.
riittllril ''An tar, r, .- ti,,. - .. ,i...s " . . "I
eV?le! or-c! for,,u "rcKon, NevrtiU mid
. .., .,... -msm t,j m U All(lll 4, IPI,
Archie I'attli.
lf lit llil lrilltilu nll'-.b U.l n
this day filed I.', thl, .Wucc bTr.worV. .?..,...""
..... . .j. .... ,,,t ,,iiivnnc 01 ihc 01 sec t. Ill
iK a. r iu . iv in. ' 'I
And will olH.r priKif lo show that Hit land
sought Is Mote valuable lor II tlmUr or sloi.e
than fill airr cu luml tiun.u,. .,..1 ?.!.".' il:
hi claim to said laud before II. C. IIIIU U. A,
Commissioner, al hi office In llcml, Oregon, Ji
the 17th day of July, 1906, ' """"
..!'f ."?."", " wltiiessesi Samuel II, Clark.
?.,,lc".1. o"l.u. Charle Uyd and John rJleidl
ii ui ucini, urrgoii. 1
Any and all person claiming adversely the
uAys-iu tuaixuur. hqlah. iLttuu,. 1
" '""-"? 9
At Gateway to
the Great
TSj Town has Grown
n!mot entirely in the jW't year, the pout
office (liitlnt: only fioui April H, iyo..
Ikntl has excellent pnlillc tcliooU
and complete public wnter works,
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
TlMtWr MiM, Act Juiif J. l;
V. 8 MndOwke. Mkcvlew Oiegmi.
April tt. ir
Notkr Is heirlnr given that li rwmHiVsiK
Ihc prnvtstwsM nfttH- Art nllMurr of Jhsk i
17. enlltM An act fur I he e of llmtwf UhIs
In the stairs odallfutNU. IHegvSi, Nersxls sk.1
Wa.bliiglosi Territory " as rlcdsd In alt llw
tHiMte Uh.1 Mat by act 4 AHfOU 4, i. the
Mtstwlng KsHsrd prtsotwlMve riled In Ibis imV
Ihrtr shuth stalesiseMts awft
Oswege W I'leVel,
fMl4taw,esumjr of I'rswV, Male of Orf-n
sworn statement ni fw Ihc Miehasr 1
the e K i i sec 11 nw t( hw s si sw h so
!( sec 14. lp Ms. r ijc. w m
AllrnIT mluni.
of Ilend. CsMatyof ciwk, males.f Orrrou. kmi
statement No . lorihr pure has ad I he uf
nw s, sec j, m- t sw a. jr. m u (l ..
r 1. e-, w m.
That they will offer prMufs Is show lhat the
lands semgM are ro Uut4 fjr Ihc llmliec "
sle Ihrreun I ban fur agifruliuial MtrMsw .1
to rslabllah Ihslr claims in mM taml. lt II.
C .Kills, I'.h Cohiu,!.. loner, at Ids official tU
uf business at Ilend. (.rsMk County, Olegsa. on
Tuesdsy. the lth dsy uf July. !
They name as wttHesses l II Maiion and
H IWbliirufMbUaw.J r NlHMil and Albeit
Seals of ilend, Oirgsn, 0 W I'lsLel, UWUh.
Oregon, and Airrtd T Vuakum. of liend, Orig"
Any and all irsms ttalifltng adversely any of
lhealuvc-lescilli, Isnds arc iniicsted to file
Ihrlr claims In (his ariKc en or UfufC Ihesahl
17th day of July, toot
mil July 1 j j ff WATHON, Kegl.lcr
Tlmlier Mud, Art June J. lijfl.
II. H. I.sinl Office, Mkrvlew, Oregou
Marsh I, lyra.
V.,llr Itf llH.l.uul..... .(... , ..11. .... U.,,1,
..,., ,,ij kittii IIMI III emHiaiitr wn
Ihc provisions al the ait of Coiilie.. 11 f Iiihc I.
,hs ll,la.l ,.. ... r .- ..? ..! i.u.l
.-.,., .......r-, nn i ihi ins ! vl IIMlil ,""'
In Ihc slates orCalirWnla, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Wa.lllllifliin T..Iu.m i, MM ......IMI .,allll,e
puMlclsnd slates by act or August 4, ll.
Harry I,, (llblx,
of Traverse City, wniiity of Orand Traverse,
stale of Michigan, has tills day filed In this oft.v
his sworn stsleitirnl Nu ysn, for Ihc jMiuhase
oflheswsec9, lp lis, r MC w 111.
Aud will offer proof In show that Ihc laud
sought I more valuable for it limber or alone
than fur agricultural and lorslahlih
hlsrlalmloaaidUud befiire 1,'oui.ty Clerk"!
Cluuk muiily, Oregon, at hUollife. at I'riueville
Oregon, 011 haluiday. I be yli day ol May
Mr names aa witnesses Joseph N. Ilunler
luhu llloss, Alltrrt C I.uca and James II.
Ilonrymaii, allot llrud, Oregon.
Alivatiif all ,u..,m lBl..,l...a B.1...uttf tin
aboui1esctlbel lauds are revjucsird tofllelheir
claims Iu this office on or before said rtth day ol
May, 1906.
inu-mayij j". n. WATSON, Keglstcr.
Depiirlmcut of Hie Interior,
Mud Office at Lakevlcw, Oregon,
I'cbmary J, I9"
Notice Is hcleby given Dial the follonlug
liatlled setllrrs liavv iTlul iiolliv r llielr Inltll
lion lo make llnnl iiriMif Iu suplMirl of their
claims, nud Ibul Mid proof will be nisde Ulort
O. l. Wardwcll, II. H.roi his official
1'ini.e 01 nusiiiess, nihliver l.uke, Oregon, on
Monday, Ihc at.t day uf May, 19,,
II. )!. No. Jill, bvlleunlaoii I' Menae. for HlC
sJinw), and iiHw) sccjv.lp. 11 , r 11 c, v 111.
H. K. Nu. SttC. Iv 11iiiiIk,iii U Uaaaf. Iirlr llf
Guy Keasc, ilcceascd, for the ilMsc)C, cwswUt
rtutl seJt'sw))' sec 19, tp 11 a, r II , w lit.
They name the following lo prove
their continuous residence upon nudciiltliallou
nfatild lauds, vlii
.liH-X . lvll ,. I'ltidUy, J4111M lllntki
I.tcCuldtt tlf, ViH vfKusumd, Orfguii, ,
mirma j.jv.WA'raoM.iutUU-.