for The Terra oNlis Natural Life By MARCUS CLARKQ CHAITKIt XIV. (Continued.) "Turn my face to It once morel" ho whispered; and nil they raised htm, he Inclined hit ear to listen. "It's culm enough hero, God bless It," ho ssld; "but I ran hear the waves a-breaklng hard upon the hart" A Frere relieved Mr. Vlckers from the weight of the corpse, Sylvia ran to her mother. "Oh. mamma, mammal" ahe cried, "why did God let him die when we wanted him ao much!" Before It grow dark, Frere made ahlft to carry the body to tho shelter of tome rock at a little distance, and, spread Ins the Jacket OTer the face, he piled atone upon It to keep It ateady. The inarch of event had been ao rapid that he acarcclr realized that alnee the pre- vloua evening two of the five human croa turea left In this wilderness had escaped from It. Aa he did reallie It. he began to wonder whoae turn It would be next. The following day passed gloomily. It wa hot and aultry, and a dull haie hung orer the mountain. Frere spent the morning In acooplng a grave In the aand, In which to Inter poor Hate. Practically awake to his own necestltles, he removed such portion of clothing from the body as would bo uieful to him, but hid them under a atone, not liking to let Mr. Vlckera ee what he had done. Having completed the gravo by mld-dny, he placed tho corpt therein, and rolled as mauy atones as possible to the sides of the mound. In the after noon he cast the fishing line from the point of a rock he had marked the day before, but caught nothing. Tasslng by the grate, on hi return, he noticed that Mrs. Vlckera had placed at the head of It a rude cross, formed by tying two piece of atlck together. After aupper .the usual salt meat and damper he tried to talk to Sylvia. "Why won't you be friend with me, missy?" he naked. "I don't like you," said Sylvia. "Yon frighten me. You are not kind. I don't mean that you do cruel things, but you are Oh, I wUh papa wa here!" "Wishing won't bring him," say Frere. There! That'a what I mean! Is that kind? 'Wishing won't bring hlml Oh, If It only would I" "I didn't mean It unkindly," says Frere. "What a strange child you arel" "There arc persons," says Sylrta, "who hare no affinity for each other. I read about It In a book papa had, and I suppose that'a what It Is. I hare no affinity for you. I can't help It, can IT" "Hubblh." Frere returned. "Come here, and I'll tell you a atory." Mrs. Vlckera had gone back to her cave, and the two were- alone by the tire, near which atood the kettle and the newly made damper. The child, with some show of hesitation, came to him and he caught and placed her on hi knee. The moon had not yet risen, and the shadows cast by the flickering fire reemed weird and monstrous. The wick ed wish to frighten this helpless crea ture came to Maurice Krere. "There was once," said he, "a castle In an old wood, and In this castle there lived an ogre, with great goggle eyes." "You silly manr said Sylvia, etrug gllng to be free. "You are trying to frighten me." "And this ogre lived on the bones of little girls. One day a little girl was traveling the wood, and she heard the ogre coming. 'Haw! hawl Haw! haw!' " "Mr. Frere, let me down!" "She waa terribly frightened, and she ran, and ran, aud ran, until all of a sudden she saw " A piercing scream burst from his com ponlon. "Oh! oh! What's that?" she cried, and clung to her persecutor. On the other side of the fire stood the figure of a man. lie staggered forward, nnd then, falling on hi knees, stretched out his bands, aud hoarsely articulated one word "Food!" It was Hufus Dawes. The sound of a human rotca broke the spell of terror that was on the child, and as the glow from the fire felt upon the tattered yellow garments, ahe guess ed at once the whole story. Not so Mau rice Frere. lie saw before him a new danger, a new mouth to share the scanty provision, and snatching a brand from the fire, he kept the convict at bay. Hut Itufui Dawes, glaring rouud with wolfish tyM, caught sight of the damper restlug against the Iron kettle, end made a clutch at It. Frere dashed the brand In Ms face. "Stand back!" he cried. "We bare o food to spa re I" The convict uttered a savage cry, and, raising the Iron gad, plunged forward desperately to attack his new enemy; but, quick a thought, the child glided past Frere, and snatching the loaf, plac ed It in the hands of the starving man, with, "Here, poor prisoner, eat!" and then, turning to Frere, she cast upon Mm a glance ao full of horror, Indigna tion aud surprise that the man blushed and threw down the brand. Aa for Hufus Dawes, the audden ap parition of the golden-hatred girl aeemed to have transformed him. Allowing the loaf to Blip through his fingers, bo gared, with haggard eye, at the retreating fig ure of tho child, and as It vanUljed Into the darkness outside the circle of the firelight, the unhappy man sank his face upon hU .blackened, horny hands, and burst Into tears. ' CIUFTJ3R XV. '"The coaruo tone of Maurice, Frere wusod him. "What do you went?" he staked. Hufua Dawci, raising bis head, con- templatcd the figure before, him, and rec ognized It. "la It you?" he aald, slowly. "What do you mean? Do you know mo?" asked Frere, drawing back. Hut the convict did not reply. Ill moment ary emotion panned away, tho pangs of hunger returned, and greedily soiling upon the pleco of damper, he began to eat In alienee. "Do you hear, man?" repeated Frere, at length. "What ore you?" "An escaped prisoner. You enn give me up In the morning. I'vo done my best, and I'm beat." This sentence struck Frere with dis may. The man did not know that the settlement had been abandoned! "I cannot give you up. There Is no one but myielf and a woman and child on the settlement." Rufus Dawes, paus ing In his eating, stared at him In amaze ment. "The prisoners have gone away In the schooner. If you choose to re main free, you can do so as fsr as I am concerned. I am as helpless as you re." "But how do you come here?" Frere laughed bitterly. To give ex ptanatlons to convlcta was foreign to hts experience, and he did not relish the taik. In thl case, however, there was no help for it. "The prisoners mu tinied and seised the brig." A terrlblo light broke upon Rufus Dawes, and be began to understand how he had again missed his chance. "Who took her?" "That double-dyed villain, John Rex," says Frere, giving vent to his passion. Rufus Dawes burst Into a laugh so discordant that it made the other shud der. "We'll starve together, Maurice Frere," said he: "for while you've a crust, I'll share It. If I don't get lib erty, at least I'll have revengol" The sinister aspect of this famished savage sitting with his chin on hi rag ged knees, rocking himself to and fro In the light of the fire, gave Mr. Mau rice Frere a now sensation, lie fslt as might have felt that African hunter who, returning to his campflre, found a lion thero. "Wretch !" said he. ahrlnk Ing from him, "why should you wish to be revenged on me?" The convict turned upon him with a snarl. "Take care what you say! I'll have no hard words. Wretch! If I am a wretch who made mo one? If I bate you and myself and the world, who made me hate It? I was born free as free as you are. Why should I be sent to herd with beasts, and condemned to this slav ery, worse than death? Tell me that, Maurice Frere tell me thatr "I didn't make the laws," says Frere. "Why do you attack me?" "Because you are what I was. You are free- You can do as you please. You can love, you can work, you can think. I can only hate!" He paused as If astonished at himself, and then con tinued, with a low laugh: "Fine words for a convict, h! But never mind. It's all right, Mr. Frere; we're equal now, and I aba'n't die an hour sooner than you, though you are a free man." Frere began to think that he was deal ing with another madman. "Die! There'a no need to talk of dying." he aald, as soothingly aa It was possible for him to say It. "Time enough for that by and by." "There spoke the free man. We con victs have an advantage over you gentle men. You are afraid of death; we pray for It. It Is the best thing that can happen to us Die! They were go- lug to hang me once. I wish they had." There was such a depth ef agony In this terrible utterance that Maurice Frere was appalled at It. "There, go and sleep, my man," he said. "You are knocked up. We'll talk In the morning." "Held on a bit!" cries Rufus Dawes, with a coarseness of manner altogether foreign to that be had Just assumed. "Who's with ye?" "The wife and daughter of the com fandant," replied Frere, half afraid to refuse an answer to a question so fierce ly put. "Poor soulsr said the convict, "I pity them." And then he stretched himself, like a dog, before the blaze and weut to aleep Instantly. When morning dawned Frere awoke htm. Rufus Dawes glanced around him stu pidly, and then remembering what bad happened, with a great effsrt he stag gered to his feet. "I thought they'd got me," ho ssld; "but It's the other way, I see. Come, let's have breakfast, Mr. Frere. I'm hungry." "You must wait," aald Frere. "Do you think there la no one here but your self?" The convict, stretching out his wast ed arms, looked down upon them with the uncertain gaze of a drunken man. "I am weak now," he said. "You have the best of me;" and then he aunk suddenly down upon the ground, exhausted. "Giro me drink!" he moaned, feebly motioning with his hand. Frere got him water In the pannikin, and having drunk It, lie smiled, and lay down to sleep again. Mrs. Vlckera and Sylvia coming out while be still slept, recognized him aa the desperado of tho settlement. "He was the most desperate man we bad," said Mrs. Vlaker, Identifying herself with her husband. "Oh, what shall wo dor "He won't do much harm," returned Frere, looking down at the notorious rutfian with curiosity. "He's aa near dead as can be," ,. . Sylvia looked up at him with her clear child's glance. "We mustn't lot blni die," aald she. "That would, be mur der." F ' , "No, no," returned Frere, bastllyi "no ono wants him to die. But what can wo do?" "I'll nurse hlml" cried Sylvia. Frere broke Into ono of his coarse laughs, tho first otio That ho hud Indulg ed lu slnco the mutiny. "Vuu nurse hlml That's n good onel" Tho poor llttlo child, wvnk and excitable, felt the contempt In tho .tone, nnd burst Into- n passion of sobs. "Why do you Insult me, you wicked man? Tho poor fellow's III, nnd ho'll he'll die, like Mr. Bate. Oh, mammn, mamma, let'a go nwny by ourselves." Frere walked nwny. Ho weut luto the llttlo wood under tho cliff aud snt down. He was full of strango thoughts, which he could not express, and which he had never owned before, Tho dislike the child bora to him made him miserable, and yot he took delight In tormenting her. He was conscious that he had not ed the part of n coward tho night be fore In endeavoring to frighten her, and that tho detestation sho bore him was well earned; but he had fully determined to stake hts life In her defetue, should the savage who had thus coin upon them ont of the desert attempt vlolenc, and he waa unreasonably angry at the pity she had shown. When he got back tie found Dawes stretched upou the hruah wood, with Sylvia alttlug uear him. "He U better." said Mrs. Vlckers, dis daining to refer to the scene of the morning. "Sit down and have something to eat, Mr. Frere." "Are you better?" asked Frere, ab ruptly. To his surprise, the convict answered quite civilly, "I shall be strong again In a day or two, and then I can help you, sir." Within a week from the night on which he had seen tho.smoke of Frciv'e fire, the convict had recovered his strength, and had become au Importaut personage. He was skilled In alt the mysteries of the prison shed. He knew how to sustain life on as little food as possible. He could fell trevs without an ax, bake bread without au oven, build a weatherproof hut without bricks or mortar. From the patient he became the adviser; and from the adviser, the commander. As the time wore on. and the scanty stock of provision decreased, he found that his authority grew more and more powerful Did a question arise as to the qualities of a strange plant. It was Rufus Dawes who could pronounce upon It. Were fish to be caught. It was Rufus Dawes who caught them. Did Mrs. Vlckers complain of the Instability of her brush wood hut. It was Rufus Dawes who worked a wicker shield, and, plas tering It with clay, produced a wall that defied the keenest wind. He made cups out of plue knots, and plate out of bark strips. He worked harder than any three men. Nothing daunted him, noth ing discouraged him. When Mrs. Vlck ers fell sick, from anxiety, and Inapdl dent food. It was Rufus Dawes who gathered fresh leaves for her couch, who cheered her by hopeful words, who vol untarily gave up half his own allowance of meat that ahe might grow the strong er on It. The poor woman aud her child called him "Mr." Dawes. But the dsys stole on ami no vessel appeared. Each day thsy eagerly scan ned the watery horizon; each day they longed to behold the bowsprit of the re turning ladybird glide psst the Jutting rock that shut out the view of the har bor, but In vain. Mrs. Vlckers' Illness Increased, and the stock of provisions began to run short. Dawes talked of putting himself and Frere on half allow ancc. It was evident that, unless suc cor cam In ttw days, they must starve. One day Sylvia was sitting In the sun reading the "English History," which, by the accident of fright, she had brought with her on the night of the mutiny. "Mr. Frere," ssld she, sud denly, "what Is an alchemist?" "A man who make gold," was Frere's not very accurate definition. "Did the ancient Britons know It?" "No; not so old as that." Sylvia suddenly gave a little scream. The remembrance of the evening when she read about the ancient Britons to poor Bates came vividly Into her mind, and though she had since re-read the passage that had than attracted her at tention a hundred tlme-i, It had never before presented Itself to her In Its full significance. Hurriedly turning the well-thumbed leaves, ahe read aloud the passage which had provoked remark: "The ancient Britons were little bet ter than barbarians. They painted their bodies with woad, and, seated In their light coracles of skin stretched upon slender wooden frames, roust havo pre sented a wild and savage appearance." "A coracle! That's a boat! Can't we make a coracle, Mr. Dawes?" The convict knitted his brow gloom ily. "Come, Dawes!" cried Frere, forget ting bis enmity for an Instant, in the flash of new hope, "can't you suggest something?" Rufus Dawes, thus appealed to a the acknowledged head of the little society, felt a pleasant thrill of self-satisfaction. "I don't know," he said; "I must think of It. It looks easy, and yet'" He paused as something In the water caught his eye. It was a mass of bladdery sea weed that the returning tide was waft ing slowly to the shore Thl object, which would have paed unnoticed at any other time, suggested to Rufus Dawes a new Idea. "Yes," he added, slowly, with a change of touc, "It may be done, I think I nee my way. How far do you think It Is across the bay?" bo asked Frere. "About four miles." The convict sighed. ''Too far to iwlm now, though I might have doue It ouco. But .this tort of life weakens a man. It must be doue, after all." "What aro you going to do?" asked Frere. "To kill the goat." - (To be contlnusdJ f'&Jfc, j$&4&9u. A-.,rr,,..l'.-.t-t- iwfrtmew gppgiero tffcSW ' &r m fcSfc T W? . 44 " m V.- &-. ifcrS? ewe'11 ."lmr Mr Ilia (Inrdtuiliiff Hrjln,p To mnko hi How or garden n contin ual delight, tho mnutcur should atudy tho characteristic of tho Slower he grown ntiil that each serve n lir pose. H lm loves fragrance, nocotlnnii alllnl, with Us abundant stiir-lmKHl whltu Slower. I excellent, nnd n " grunt novelty which present n atrlk Ing contrnit to tbU In noeotlnim Hnu derim, with lee pink, iilinost red (low er. These, nlwe nil. nre excellent for iKinlem. planted lu front of tnllur grow In); slim!. For n ImM where n mniw of yellow l ile-dred, golden Ollforulit l'l'.v I useful. It uiut Ik howii whero It I to bloom, n It ilm-s not lrrtiniliint well. It slower nre nut adapted for cutting For aide mill Imelc fence- chimin of alnglo nnd double hollyhock In iiibm nre good. A Slower which grows tuirly na high n the hollyhock Is radUvUn golden glow, which iiroduce h wenllh of golden Slower good for cutting It I n good iilitu to dovote the iwv In front of one fence to tlaliltna nnd co mo, for theo nre mire to please the most fnatlillou Slower lover. The enctti nnd decorative form of the ilnhlla nre becoming more mid snore iiopulnr every year. Tho tiilx-r limy be Btorcd In tho cellar In winter like potntoc. If there liapinMis to tw n sunny exposure In the gnrden, plant n few poui'xm chrysanthemum, which nre hnnly. They will glvo an cITectlvu display of tiny flower In the nuliimn. The Drummonill phlox nre exceedingly nrltty, slow growing annual, exceed ingly showy In mas. In warm and ex Iood situation they last but few week In bloom. Coops for Small ChlrUs. A fanner' wife write: Tho coop I use, shown lu sketch. Is much better if tnado of pine. It I inndn In three separate piece, tho roof and bottom lie lug removable. The roof project over the coop on nil side, hut much farther In front and hack. Thl I to keep rain from beating in. Tho roof Uinnl are nailed to two narrow pieces, which nre Just tho length of the Inside of the coop, and nro placed far enough from the front and the back to fit Inside the coop. Tho crack are battened. Tim floor, (f, la made to slip lu at the bark llko a drawer. Thl coop I very easily unnsl and cleaned on ac count of the removable floor and roof. Tho 8-Inch oanl at the top lu front ha hole bored In for ventilation. A wootlen button on top tHmrd mm n - Inch atrip t tho bottom hold on the frame of wire MTeen which I used stormy day when tho chick are too young to run out, and on warm night. At othru- time a Matted wooden front. b, I ued. I make thl coop In two alzes n Mn- MtW DETAIL or A CHICKEN COOS'. glo coop SO Inches M'lunre, 1U Inches high in front and 111 Inches In tho back, and a double coop Is ISO Inches long and 24 Inches wide. A removable lath partition, c, divide it. Kstiupstilres anil Clio Ilaron Type, At tho last International I wa much amused at tho discussion In various quarter a to whether tho Ilmnpshlrn awlno are of tho bacon or lard tyiw. The Individual who rnlU Hmupslilro awlno bncou animal ha not yet learned the A II O of wlint tho term bacon mean, remark Professor T. W. Shaw In American Agriculturist Cure (or Hlieep I'oof-ltot. For Rhecp foot-rot au BnglUh vet erinarian glvo tho following a an ex cellent remedy; Tho nhoop nro walked onco a month through n fi-er cent o lutlou.of copper Ruliilmto, tho hoof be ing previously cleaned whero nece nary. Regular monthly treatment of thl kind ha been found n kikx! pre ventive of foot-rot n well n n euro lu mild case. Whero tho dlneaHo ha reached tho ndvauced utago, tho nolu Mori should ho twlco a strong, and the sheep should bo walked through It about ouco a week. m&&r T5fS?AA JCK -. OWSSirrfJff rs3tii rsGtiteisr& I'rumltliiw l.iHr- ri berry, The Fremont Wllllnm atrnwlierry U ono of the new Into orl from which mtii'li Is oxiiocted. When It t Intro duced the uniiiM will douhtle Iki short ened, lu iHvonlniioo with tho general plan of using but one nniiio for a va riety when iNHslhlo. Tho variety lm been under tet throughout the country for two year, and lm shown every In dication of being all that wa claimed for It by the originator. It one bad feature, and thl will lm mainly In tho opinion of the consumer, I It rather ml" slmiHMi form. It I full a lato aa the (Jandy, generally considered tho best late sort, of much better quality and I large aud linn, lu color It I au attracthe, bright crimson, and this fea ture ought to offset, to some extent, the bad haM If It does as well under general culture a It ha under test. It will lx a valuable acquisition. It ha not jet, o far a the kuowledgo of the writer goes, Ihmmi Introduced, but doubtless will Ih offered a ear from now, TIkmo who ml mi late varieties of strawberries for market should keep track of this nort. Indianapolis New. Dun'l t'ornet lltn l.rllura, lettuce plant that have been win tered 01 er In the cold frame should be planted at tho earliest ilhlo tlnte In spring, and a sowing of th' seed should ho made at about tho name time. Many kind of tegetnhle will yield good re turn on laud hut moderately enriched, but lettuce ru only ! grown to per fection In very rich ami heavily ma nured ground, riant In rows twelve or fifteen Inehe nMirt; plant should I set eight Inches art In the row, mtd the seed nown In drill nihl when large chhmikIi thinned out to about eight or ten Inche. (live rhwn ami thorough cultivation. Varieties of lettuce nre exceedingly uuoienms, mid the selec tion of a few good kinds I not with out dlltlnilty. IVrllSlslnir nn Orrlinnt. Nothing Is iKitler for fertilising an erchard tlwu row Iioho niesil and tt ah, say au expert orelmnUst. Tlw ln will havo nitrogen enough for the orchard In sod, ami the plMMplmrle acid will tMxwne soluble by ihgrt"iM tb tree need It. The prlnclt siced of your Miidy will lu poVs Nitnh, for siot only I such a will usually dtlclmit In tRHli. but nihiIisi lake a large amount from the will. Wo Mould ap ply -100 iMiuod mr acre, mixed JtBO xiuud of tho Imiiio meal ami flfsy IMiiind of muriate of potash. Then mow tho orchard ami u the cut grass a a mulch for the treo. In slmrt. keep the orchard for applt alone, ami devote all that grow on tho laud to tho tree. TSin .r I'lni SmSualrr. Ail Industry new at loast to Mlnne soui lm Itcou Introduced during quite recent year. It relnW to the manii facturo of llax straw Into binding twine. 1'rofwMor Shaw alllrms In Orange Judd Farmer that ono of the HneHt feature of tho new Industry I that It will tend very much to leasen waste on many farm of tho wet No wliero probably lu all tho Fiilteil State ha tho alu of wato prevailed to audi nn extent a lu tho western and north western Mate. Fl.lx straw wa al moMt n complete waste. Tho greater tho number of acri devoted to tho growth of llax tho greater wa tho wate. (lite l.lttla Unit. Ill roferenco to proper proortlon of salt mid Milphur lu mixture for sheep mid hogs, l'rofeor Rlohard write: "Tho mixture of salt mid Hulphur that wo feed our aheep U made up of one part of sulphur mid live part of unit. It In not necensary that It Ih sonde up of any dellnlto proportion, a there I sio danger of feeding too much of either substance. Wo try to mix It lu tho pro portion mentioned. A good mixture for hogs la onedlfth of tiulphur, two llftlui of charcoal mid two-fifths of alt." Tho tVt Ntep, I ilnii't want nor uiiviirnnisiit t ill," said tlie anarchist. "Hupposii you aiier eoiiwi in aiiollitv lug Hi" utoti'riuuciit?" M-elti.ii I fwmltl mIi.ii III mill alneft ..... t in-,, vumm. .... . ... ...... ..,, uus ot my own." Washington Star. Mother will nnd ! whitlow' HootMni "nop llm lit mitiedr imunlor lhtrSilMiQ (lurlitit Hi leHliliir lrM tit t'lirlitsllr Ktrlleil, Tti aiibject uinUr ilUrimlno at tin cor n nr iiwery wn lb l'aiiama canal, "I'r heard a cooil ileal, remarket! Mr, Wlpeilunk.. Hhniii thl Culebr cut. Why In ihiiuiUr duii't of th iuw. ptKir print It?" Too CMrtoHS, One well-known Now York womaa has discovered, like some other of her set. that It does not smy to be too curl. mis. On of the old family retainers Is a Ncotclimau, uaiiied William, who does not believe In glossing ovor th truth for the sakn of sparing hi lis tener's feelings. Tho W nmau lu ques. Hon, although po"d of consider, able charm of summer, Is not a beauty aud knuw It. Her husband, recently deceased, wa a remarkably handsome limn, and hi wife was one of his tin. cereal ndmlrrr. Ono dy when li wa looking t her luuband'a picture on the mantel In the sitting room, V. Ham was fussing around tlto grate, and In a moment of liupuUe she atknlj 'William, what do you think made surh a hninWoimt mail a Colonel H, marry such a plain woman a mn?" WHIUta liwiknl friini the Portrait to the stiesk. er. modltatrd a second, and anwered --.. . a a ... ...lit ... . "JSUl nave ien iteaven s win, ma arnr llMMtnelteit Sln" and ltltal. A clergyman I quetod lu Kvery. Hly' Magazine as confounding an ad vaneed young woman who was demon strating to him that iwewn had dis proved religion wish this little parable. "Mailam." he said. "1 once kn.w a ntrmlwr of your sex wlwi twrfnily reconciled miww and religion. Ha I a prominent member of the Youn, Women's Christian Association ami th wa making an addre to large gathering of women, which wa Inter rupted by a terrific thunder shontr. She shared with many the awful fear of thunder and lightning, and. with the Otliars. hfl trembled In tlleitro for a few moments. When a blinding Slain was twlflly followed by a frightful clap of thunder she struggled to her feet, and began to pray, 'Oil. Um, tak u under thy protecting wings, for tlwu kmiwest Hint feather are nonconduc tors.' " rot's ItRnrl I K l.t. In an ordinary restaurant a waiter was surprised at being asked with Ire land's Inimitable smile for "dlrlled whale." "I It filleted shsrk thatyohave, thlnr pursued the Irishman on belat rofutcd this delicacy. Again recelrlni a reply III the negative ho tried oik wore, "Thin ye can bring me o roaited porpol," he aald. The walttt howtsl signs of becoming rvttlve. and Paddy sank back lu hi sent and heated a sigh of contentment. "I'll take sow roast beef and vegetable," he ld. cheerfully, "and sure ye'll not l fot saying that I didn't ask y foe DtU." Inndon Chronlclo. Tho Simple Trnlh. "This," said the manufacturer proud ly, "Is our Istrst novelty." "Very fair remarked the vltltor, "but you can't hold a candle to our goods," "Indeed? Are you In this lint of business?" "No, I make gunpowder." I'hlUoel. phla Pre. Tlraalr, "I see Bllkltu la right uptodats." "In what waj ?" "Ile'a wearing a rongworth neeklto and amoklng an Alice Rooievo't cigar." Milwaukee Hcrtlnel. StVEN YEARS OF SUFFERINO. Ended at Last ThroURh UiIpr Ooan't Kidney Pills. Mrs. Hollna Jones 0( 200 Main fit . Aiironla. Conn,, sayat "If it had lint UUI'll iur JUOH - ney Pllla I would not ho allvo today. Bet en year ago lwu had with pain In the back, and ao wrk that I hail to keep to my room, and was in bed sometime il week at H II out nn Ins with iiinuv i'llla. the kidney weak nets waa soon corrected, and inside a week all the pain wa Kn. I wai ' so relieved of oil headachei, ill" pells, soreness and feeling. o( languor. I strongly recommend Doan'a Kidney Pilli. Sold by all dealers.. BO cents a box. Foator.MIUhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. unicui 'i yr I'siwinslt ns lJwlk ttlltlllKl. (rilncl uonu naiiK. P. N. U. No, 18-0 vlesi I rUBN -wrlllotr toiulvortSser toaniiun (His paper. Push's K HOWAItll K. IIUIUON.-Ausytr 1 "lV " Un.lvillf, Culurxliii HwIuiii irl' ,.'S Hllrer. Ustl, f 1 1 li,l, Hllv.r.Mei (tuld, ei -l! eir, II. iVsut.U IhIi, Mslilii envolosr".?. lull lirlfa Oil Bi,t uu AiulrAlliin. L