IN THE NATIONAL rriilny, Mny J. Washington, May -I. In nccordnriflo villi lliu ngreenient of hist Monday, Hut somite liitluy entered iiioii tint con Hlileritthm of amendment In tint rain Mil uiulcr thn Ifi-mimitu rule, but mini" llttlu prngro. 'I'lio greater port of tint ilny wit devoted to Lodge's provision bringing pl' 1 within tlio tonus of thn bill, Hinl It wn ultimately unani mously agreed tn, nftor being o minimi i'l n to iniikt) it Axeluiln git mill water 1 1 n i' from It operation, thus priiotl milly confining It to oil line. There wero two roll nll, but neither wn of Importance, nil on the ono accenting tlio iimcudmoiit there wiih no division what ever, while" tli iv action taken on tlio other, on tint iiiiostlnu of conflnlni; tlin proviatmi to oil linen, wnii practically iiiiIIIIIihI by thn ubciicnt elimination of gna '""I fitter from tlio amendment. Washington, Mny I. Thn homo spent nnother ilny In consideration" of tlio nuviil appropriation bill, tlio speeches In largo measure lining In mipmirt of tlio bill niul thn mtvnl program tliorolu out lined, lliirtoii, of Ohio, delivered it scholarly nddres ngnlnit whnt seemed tlio needles enlargement of tlio nnvy, contending t lint thn Amerlerin nation roubt wall nffonl to lorva untico ujioit thn other iinthui Hint It stood for In ternational nrbltrntlon nnd tho pence of the world. Ilutler of Pennsylvnnln. nnd Cnldcr of Nhw York, supported thn bill, ImjIIi HHreitfiig that thn iniHimiro had I em to criticise in it than any Mil re,irted fruni th mtvitl nlTnlrii soinmtlteo of th house In year. Thursday, May 3. Washington, Mny .1. Thn nnvnl ap propriation bill, which rsrrlmi Hmrly h liUHdrml mllllim iIuIIhm for thn nnvnl iwtnldlnlimeHt, wn taken up by lkn llm today. Ilwyimd thn ejplnimtlim of thn bill by I'ihoi of Illinois, rhMlrniMii of thn eoitiiiiltttte oh hhvhI affairs, and tho running Dm of titlnn whlrli hi presentation railed forth, llltln Interest na shown ill thn wirly trt of thn de lnttt tlmt enuil. Toward thn close of thn day, however, n lively eollomiy oc curred among Hate of Pennsylvania, William of Clark of Ml tmurl, ninl 1 'ay ii n of .New York, owt certain statement mado by Hat en In relation to thn prleo of steel rail. The discussion took on n wliln tnrlff rang, n forerunner of still further tnrlff ill eilBnlon n thn session nnr it close. Washington, Mny ,1 Thl wn tlio lnt day for general debate In tho Hen ntn on tho ritlirond rnto bill, and it wn fully oeetipled. Following a brief speech by N el mill, Tillman spoko at length In nn effort to hw by criticism of Individual Judge that tho jmwer of grunting temporary Injtiiietinti by In ferlor I'tilted Hlnte ronrt should bo taken from them In Interstate. Com-ineri-o ('iinnilloii ease, nnd ho wn followed by Ilacon, llsiley, Toller nnd Fornker In wflie nt some length. llnlley (iplMMeil Itncnn'o contention (hut tho Judiciary should not bo rritl clsed on tho Door of thn Honnto. Con Nldnrntlon of tho wrmy Htproprintlon bill wn roMimod, nnd after further nitieHdment it wn nh1. WednoBdny, Mny 2. Wnhln(;ton, Mny t. Daniel contln ned hi vpooelt on tho railroad rnto bill in tho Kenntii t inlay, reporting briolly III objMtlun to llalley' irovlo for tho niiU'iipeiiion by thn court of tho order of the lntemtiito oommerao eominlioilon. In onto whoro thn court linvn miKpeiuled tho rnto of thn com inliwlou, Mr. DanUl miuontod that n Mubitnutlnl bond bo required, of tlio ritllriHtiti, Tho rnto bill wn then temporarily laid uiddo, nnd the army appropriation bill taken up. An Important nmotid niont Huthorixo tho eitnblUhmeut of n cenernl deit for mippllr nt 1'ort Mhkoii, flan 1'raiielnao, and appropriates l.fiOO.IHH) for tho puriioiui. Of tho iiiiioiint niproprltitd, $760,000 I mado Immediately Hvallnlilo. Another miieiidniont npproiirlntlii); WOO.O00 for n onblo from Key Went to I'atianm via Uunntnuiimo, Culm, wn iiiitdn, CoiililerHtlon of tho bill wn not con cluded when, nt Ci40 p. in., tlio noJiato went Into oxooutlvo hokiiIoii. Wnlilnton, Mny 2. Tho houno do vottwl nliHiMit tlio ontlro ilny to dlaoui hIoii of tho iiKrlaultural approiirlntlon bill, which i now nlmot completed. Tuonday, May 1. WitHhliiKton, Mny 1, Hy n yotn of S3 to 68 thn Iloimo today deoldeil to coutlmio tho frco dlMtribution of K'T'lcu nnd (lower eod. Many of tho Itoina In tho agricultural bill brnndnnliiK tho copo of tho Hiirrnu of C'heiiiltry nnd Dr. Wiley' ilopnrtiiiont woro ellminnt ud on point of order, particularly Hioho relutliiK to tho ndiilterntinn of fond, coiiilliiientH, ilrtiK nuil boveniKe. Con Hldernblo prooti was mndo on tho bill No Cash to Olonr Strootn. Ann FrnnolRPO, ny 1 Money for rlenriiiK tho Htruct of debrl wiih cut olT thl inornliir, and tho work coiiko ipiontly codnciI, but it roat deal of iroi;reiirt liu been mado upon tho prin cipal tlioroiiRhfnre within tho lunt fortnight. Probably onn-teiith of tho tttrcot In thn burned dlntrlct nro now niNnble, Lack of fiind mid lu'iioraimo of thn amount of tho appropriation to bo kIvoii by tho llnanco cniiimittoo huvo, iiccorillnc to Comiiilmiinnar TIioiuiib Kkiiii, retnnlflil tho operations of tho Hoard of l'ublio Work In clearliiK tlio tttroot of debris nnd garbngo and ro pairing tho nowon. HALLS OF CONGRESS after tho free need proHiltion wn out of thn way, mid thn bill will bo com pleted tomorrow. WiiflliliiKtnn, Mny I. Tho proeeed iiiK in thn Heiintu today liirlmlnd nn iixtendrd iHneiiMioii of tho railroad rntn bill by Daniel, nu explanation of tho nlatiiH of tlio appropriation for tho re lief of tho wrtli'piaKo MifTnror In ('all foriiln by AIIIoii mid n routrovery amoiiK neveral Menator n to tho pro priety of adopting without refnrriiiK to it committee it resolution tendering tho thmik of CoiiKreiM to (lenornl Horace I'ortor for hi nxtvkrn In recovering the body of .John l'nul .lone from It lonj lout rentliiK place In I'nrl. In tho lant mentloiii'il proeendliiK Aldrieli opmiHl nrtlon by thn Heuntn In ndvnnco of com mittee roiiKlderiitlon, nnd urceodnl in linvliiK tho menurn referred to tho com mittee on rorelK'i rnintlon. Monday, April 30. WnMilnuton, April 30 Tho ennto llt limrln vntlnif nn llm ninnndinnnt to tho rnllrond rnto bill on l'rldny, Mny 4. A . mirnnliinlil I.I llllll fffnrl W1IB TO- ported today, but It proved impolblo in o exieiiu win uiiiinriiiiiiiuiK uj i linvn It Include tho flxlnn of n dato for I1.LI11.1 it flnnl vnln nn thn liill n n whole. Tllluinn flrt iropood a final vote on Mny l, nnd Mnrunn wn tho only nenntor to make objection. Hi ........ Ii Um & annirtliitil linwnvnr. to frimtrnto thn denlifn, nnd tho noil moit fniblo couriie, tho dloItlon of amendment, wn deoldod upon. Tho Knnornl Impreiwlon nmutij; enntor 1 that tlio final veto will bo reported within n weak from tho time of tho bj;liinliiK t l,' eoimlderatlon of nmondinnnt. Moit of tlio timo of thn neimte wn devotml to llitonln to n pMh by Clarke, of ArkntiM. In whleh ho erltllil tho Hepburn bill a Inju dicial to remeily oxUtiiiK condition. Tho liouio bill npproprintlnj; $170,000 for tho emergency neoU of tho nsvy department at Jinro Ilnnd, nnd for tho poitnl tervleo nl Han 1'rnnolieo, mndo newinry by tho earthquake, wn mim by tho onato when it couvonod today. WnbinKton, April 30-Thl w botb n field day nnd n "eod" dny iu tho !iouc, tho major portion of tho leijUU tlvo elon bcltiK (iven over to the raniidcrntlon of tho nurleulturnl bill nnd. ineldont thereto, tho frco dUtrl button of ced, for which tho bill doci not provide, but which It I ngrood will lie reitorod to tho bill. KlKhtcen pace of tho agricultural bill woro considered nnd porfectod. Tho debate on tho qucntlon of frco seed will be renamed tomorrow, when n voto I expected on tho amendment to iniert nn npproprintion of (U0,000 for tho pur chniia mid dUtributlon of "rnro nnd ununual eod." Tho debiito on onli mlxht have con tinued Indefinitely under tho "animal Induitry" Item If WmUworth had not mndo n motion putting a toj to tho delmte, whleh wn OArrlcil by a voto of U7 to 04, On motion of W'nifiworth, tho cnminltteo nroio, tho voto being 67 ngitiiitt 78. Haturdy, April 28. Wiuhlnglon, April S8-Tho Indian appropriation bill wn jmiaed by tho donate Into thl afternoon, nftcr nn nil day dlnctinalon n to tho beat method for providing for Indian In goneral nnd tlume of tho Indian Territory In imr- tleular. Tho bono of contention wn tlio attempt to removo tho restrictions for thn nllenntinn of lnnd by tho nlUt ter of tho live civlllxod tribe. Mr. Warner, of Miwiourl, offered, nn nmend niont to thl offeet, oxomptlng, however, thn fullblooda mid minor, and It ro eolvod tho uiort of Mr. Ixng, of Kauiwa, who find mndo n almllnr nt tempt but had failed. Tho nmcndiucnt wn accepted. Among tho chnngo mndo In tlio mon lire wn tho striking out of it commit teo niuendment that provided for tho turning over to tho Indinn of nil mon ey on donoHlt to their credit from tho milo of timber nnd lands aggregating aovornl million. Washington, April 28 Tho tnrlff dis cussion Mtnrtod in tho houao on Thurs day nfternoou occupied practically nil tho timo of tho houao today, John Hlmrp Williams concludod tho speech ho began Tliuraday, nnd consumed tho tint two hour In n collaboration with Towno of Now Vork, In which Towno rend tho lottor and other article Wil liam wanted to Include, nnd Wllllnms, standing beside him, kopt up a running flro of Interjeotory commont, oxplnina Hon nnd nrgumont. Cushmnn iipoko for nearly an hour In dofonso of tho protoctlvo tnrlff ayatom. Tlio agricultural appropriation bill, whliTu I before, tho house, will como up Monday for ninoiidinont and discussion under tho flvo-mlnuto rulo. Protests Against Bamos. WiiHhlngtoii, Mny 1. Tho nomination of 11, 1 Ilnruu, nKUtnut aocretury to I're.sldeut HooHOveJt, to bo poatiuastcr nt Washington wn before tho Bounto In oxooutlvo hcssIou today. No action wu taken. Hnnator Culberton ntiitod that it genornl prntext hud boon filed by ritl 7.011 ugnitiHt tho conflrmntlon of Mr, llarne. and tho postofllco cominlttoo had failed to glvo (ho protest thn con Blderntlon of nn iuvostigntiou. Tho ohnrgos rclato to tho nation of Mr. Ilnrne In having Mm. Minor Morris ejected from tho Whlto Houno, and that tho oftlco should be glvon to a cltizon, 1100,000,000 ron nunuiLDiNa. Now York Hyudlonto Offer Capital Palaco Hotol nestorod First. Him I'miicl), Mny 2. According to it telegrnin roeelvod by W, V. Jlerrln, clilnf rniiiisel of tho Hoiilhorn l'nolflc, 100,000,000 for rebuilding Hnn l'rnn risen will bo supplied by u syndicate of New Vork cnpltnllat, wlio havn nlrnndy been approached on tho matter by Unltud Htnte Henntor IVnnk. O, Now lit ml. Tho plan provide for tlio organiza tion of a syndicate with a capital stork of 1100,000,000. I'lfty per cent of this will bn ftulwerlbed In steak, whilo tho remainder will bn represented by tlio really, With thn ensh tho work will bo commenced nt nneo of rebuilding tho biislnits section of tho city. Among thn first edifices to bo restored will bo tho famous I'nlnco Hotel, In which Ben ntur Nowlnud hold n controlling In terest. Tho telegram bn tvcn rend to the member of tho flunneo committee and discussed by It in n toutntivo wny. Ho far It tin met with unqualified ap proval. HANTA BOBA NBEDS MONBV. I'ardoo rind Much Distress Bar bank's Oarden Is Saved. Oakland, May t 2. Oovornor Pardee ha returned from Hnutn Itoan, where hn Inspected thn ruin wrought by tho earthquake. Thn (iovernor said that tho pressing need of Bnntn 1(oa nt prMent la money. Tho debris must bo cleared away before huslnoM enn bo rosAined. It I estimat ed that $117,000 will bo require,! to do thl work. Thore la eall for 46,000 or 30,000 tor litiHiwllattt newl. Oovornor Pardee aald that the oon dltlon nt Bunts I'oaA woro depre-sslng, but thn towHBeoplo were bravolienrted nnd had fneml thn eolawlty with sturdy determination to recover. A remarkable cHteapo from Injury wn that of Luther Ilurlmnk, tho world-fa mous horticulturist. Hi homo and ex perimental garden woro undisturbed. Mr. Ilurbnnk saved his vnlunblo col lection of photographic negatives. These wern unbroken, though tho ether hnlf of tho gallery in which they were stored wna amnshed to splinters. PREPARB TO START MINES. Operators Will Operate, Strlko or No Strike. Hcrnnton, Pa., Mny 2. Notwithstand ing t lint many of tho leading oerntor in thl part of tho anthraelto field are of tho opinion that n itriko will not bo declared, every company I making preparation to resume work in oaio a strike should be declared nt tho conven tion, which will be opened In thl city on Thursday. The Delaware, Lnekawnnna & West ern CemHniy I laying pbin far tho op eration of nil Its collieries nnd wash erles n noon n n nlriko is declared. This eouiHtny produced aliout 1S0.000 tons during tho ast month, which I prob ably as much as the combined output of nil thn other companies. .Many other eomimnle have, It I silil, 11 large force of mon engnged wait ing for tho lufult of tho convention. NEED Or AN EXTRA SESSION. Citizens Will Confer and Bring Pressure on Oovernor. San l'ranelteo, Mny 2. The urgent Importance of calling nn immedinto ses sion of tho legiiuAturo wn the prlneipo.1 matter of discussion nt this morning' meeting of tho general committee. After httarlng tho. view of wvoral member, tho Mayor announced ho would nppoint it special cominlttoo of forty to confer with tho other bodies recently formed, mid that n full report would bo present ed to tho Governor nt once, sotting forth tho need of nn early legislative session. Ono of tho most Important thing Hint will bo nsked of tho legisla ture will bo tho extension of lease from fifty to ninety-nine yenr. It I ox- iccicii unit nun win give tlin smaller nndownera n chance to recoup their lost fortunes. Wants to Savo Her Face. London, Mny 2. Tho correspondent nt Pokln of tho Timo tologrnphs as rollowst 1 lilna opposes the oponlng of thn Mnnchurinn norts of Antunir nnd Tatungknu, a provided by tho Ameri can and .TminucHo treaties, on tho ground tlmt thn war proventod tho set tling of tho localities for residence and tho drafting of regulation. Whon this I dnno rIio desires herself to ulvo no tice of tho opening of tho port, and thus "hiivo hor fnco" with tlio pooplo. There will bo similnr dolny on China' part In tho opening of Mukden, which Japan consents to open Juno, 1, Will NOT UNSEAT BMOOT. Wnhlncton, May 2. Senator Smoot will not bo unseated. According to tho notion of tho rommltfco today, It will roqulro n two-thirds voto to tmsont Smoot, nnd two-thirds of tho Sonnto is not opposed to him. His cnao mny not lo brought out of commlttoo. NEWS Of THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. HAPPFMGS OF TWO CONTINENTS Resumo of tho Less Important but Not Lets Interesting Evonts of tho Past Week. Senator Ilovburn's Mine hn be come more serious. Tho Cir I In n panic over what parliament mny do. The Southern Pacific hn hauled 1,030 enr of supplies to Han Francisco. Oenernl Orcely says there I suro to be more suffering In Hnn Francisco. The house committee lis killed tho bill abolishing lnnd office receivers. Hnn Francisco hn plenty of food on hand fur ten dnys, with more on tho way. Tho management of Han Frnnelsco hn been restored to tho municipal official. Tho new Russian cabinet claims to bn Liberal, and denounces Wltto as nn opprejwor. (Irent Britain ha sent nn ultimatum and a fleet to Turkey, She Is support ed by tho other owcr. Two immenirer train of tho Pcnnsyl- VIIMIVll IIVIII IIMVUIIUi All Twenty-flvo peojde are dead or injured. vnhln rnnil nt1 til.1 mam A llnnns ! Oeologist Investigating tho cause of the Han Frnnclseo. earthquake, have fiHind nn Immense crevice In tho moun tain rnngo near Redwood City. Thn new Russian eablnet is composed of reactionaries, Han Francisco' water supply Is now safe, but short. Idle raenlB San Francisco nro refused food nnd lUnjigioiEo to work. Han FwrieWo bank have reopened and nro doing n good busincsa. A now copyright law hn been com pleted, but Its pamngo by congress is ilouiitiul. MlUtnri fnree nro nf(ir nnnllier linn dit band In tho province of Cnvite, Phil ippine Islands. Attornoy-Oenernl Moody I preparing to prosocujo tho Mtnniinrd Ull nnd rail road for rebating. People of Zion City fight shy of meet ing hold by Dowie, at which ho at tempts to explain recent events. Tho United State hn been accused of buying tho plan of tho British bat tleship Drondnauglit from n naval of ficer who stole them. James D. PheJan any tho condition of thousand In 'California I pitiful, and It may be neeensary to issue an other ppat for public aid. Dowie is fatally ill with dropsy. Hermann's trial has been set for tho first week in June. China nppos tho Immcdlato opening of Manehurlan jiorts. Fntlier Onpon has been executed by rtdiel for betraying them. Tho Sennte enmmltteo hn disagreed on proeeiluro in tho 8moot ease. Democrats elected tholr mayor nnd ten eouiieilnien in tho Omaha city elec tion. Tho California earthquake formed an islnnd In Bolinss Bay, 30 utiles from 8a n Fraueiseo. Hnn Francisco bank nro paying de positors through tho mint, ami tho money stringency hns been lessened, Tho labor situation In Franco is grow ing worse. Cnvalry ha been called to thn sceno of the rioting, nnd many workmen hnva been trampled under foot by troopors' horse. Tlio California earthqunko revealed n big graft in tho oreetion of Btnnford Univorsity building. Structure for which $0,000,000 wero pnid cost tho contractor but $3,000,000. Sonntor Heyburn is seriously ill. Witto's resignation as premier of Ruasln hns been nccopted by tho crar. irnri linn n iik ml ennpress to nnnro- prlnto nnothor ?,500,000 for Cnllfornla. ninn wnrn fntnllv Inlured in a riot between striking minors nnd Penn sylvania constabulary. l.'nili al.ln nlnliim a mntorltv of the senators In tho question of court review on tho rnllronu rato uiu. Riinnin. Mnrirnn tin n nlsn for tho construction of the Panama canal which ho hns brought boforo tho senate 'Pi. a 1Vah.Ii nAvni-nifiAiit. linn nrrefltnil mini, lnmlnm. imnorlnllat nnd nnnrchists nnd is preparing for an out- ureflK. Millionsof Chlncso nro learning Kng- Ush nnd nro translating foroign scien tific books. Tho Chtnosa Kororm Asso ciation hns worked woudors among tho natives. Tim minntv nt fnml nt Hnn Prnnelaco la rnniilmr Imv. Mnvor SehmltE hns la- sued a statement saying anything in tho way of funds, clothing nnd provi sions, can bo usod. Princo von Radoltn will llkoly bo named ns tho successor of Chancellor von Buolow. MAP OF ARCTIC REGIONS SHOWING LOCATION OF TIIE POLE. Itnold Amundsen, the Norwcglnn explorer who accomplished the North west PaRnngo Inst year, Is credited with tho further achievement of havlnir locnteil the north magnetic pole. (Bus black star on left of tho map.) Ho ban definitely fixed tho position of this polo In King Wllllnm Land, not far from the polt!on acrlbel to It by Sir John Rom In 1831. In commenting on Amundsen's achievement the National Geographic Magnrdno snld: "Tho new knowledge which hi observation will giro us of tho character and Influence of the iiingnetlc (Kite will prove of Immense value In tho study of magnetic variation. Magnetic deviation of the needlo In om of tho principal uncertain tint wllh which mnrlncr hnvo to contend. Terrestrial mngnetlsni 1 a mys terious force. Nearly crery year wo have n mngnetlc storm, which Interrupt our telegraph wires several hour. Whence It conies or what It I we know not. Tim eruption of Mont Pelee wns accomtwinlcd by magnetic wave, which wero simultaneously recorded In Ilnwnll, Alaska, the I'nlted States nnd Kutope. All thl make tle mngnetlc work of Amundsen pnrtleulnrly valuable, and wo mut romemlior flint wns the main object of his expedition. 9 'populwrSB&ioncQ 1 NNNif,SNWNiN(i Tho bnnnnn nnd potato nro almost Identical In chemical composition. There, nru no undertaker In Japan. When n iierson dies his nearest rela-tin- put him Into a coflln and bury him. Tho mourning docs not begin un til after burlaL India rubber trees which nro tupped every other dny continue to yield tn for more than twenty years; and It Is a curious fact that the oldest and most frequently tapped trees produce tho richest snp. Tho most costly leather In the world Is known to the trade as the piano leather. Tho secret of preparing thl is only known to ono family of tanners In Germany, though the skins from which it Is tanned come almost entirely from America. Poisoning from gas Inhalation is now added to tlio recognized dangers of bal looning. Tho hydrogen Itself non poisonous Is often contaminated with arsonlc, selenium, and antimony, nnd fourteen cases of HI effecU hnvo been reiwrted to tho French Academy of Medicine. In one of the two forms of Kilsoulng death results Iu two or three day. Now wonders may be expected In a little known Held of exploration since the Invention of a young naval engi neer by tho nawo of Ie l'lury, of a kind of metal nrmor with n speclnl ;hemlcal combination for providing res piration automatically. Ity means of this dress he has succeeded In sinking 33D feet, a much greater depth than hns ever boforo been reached by any diver. To tell tho points of tho compnss hy a watch, point tho hour hand at the sun; then south Is halfway between the hour hand and tho tlgdro 12 of tbo dial. To men suro hn nnglo by n watch lay two straight-edged pieced of paper on tho angle, crossing nt tho npcx. Hold ing them whoro they overlap, lay them on tho face of tho watch, with the npcx at tho center. Head the nnglo by tho minutes of tho dial, each mlnuto being 0 degrees of arc. It Is easy to mens uro within 2 or 3 degrees Iu this way. An Indication of tho rapidly growing Interest Iu underground water supplies, even In Stntes where tho rainfall Is abundant and tho soil naturally fer tile, Is given by tho program Just pre pared for tho work of tho coming sea son by tho Geological Survey of Illi nois. A special department of the work will bo dovotod to tho study of tho underground water of that State, In order to dotermluo tbo limits of what nro called tho "Arteslau basins," and tho various depths to which It may bo necessary to penetrato lu different localities to obtain good water for mu nicipal and agricultural purposes. All tho waters will bo carefully analyzed nnd subjected to laboratory tests, and thus It Is hoped that tho work of de veloping new water supplies will U put upon a thoroughly scientific foot ing. A recent English traveler lu China describes some remarknblo exnmplea of sounding stones, or "stone gong," which ho saw nt Chufu, tho birthplace and burial placo of Confucius. Ono of the stones, which nro composed of a grayish oolitic limestone, has boon shaped Into n cover for nn lnconso dish plnced lu front of tho tomb of tho grandson of Confucius. When struck with n stick, or with tho knuckles. It ring like bronze, nnd the sound Is so distinct that It Is difficult to believe, without Inspection, that tho object Is not really composed of metal. Hound ing stones nro known In other countries. A corresjKindent of Nature describes a bridge at Corlck, In County Mayo, Ire land, which I locally known ns tho "musical bridge," because tho stones forming the coping glvo out a musical note when struck. MILEAGE OF THE HUMAN BLOOD. One Little Hed Corpaaele HrTrarrl KIN Mllra In n Single Day- The speed at which tho blood circu lates In the veins and nrterles of a healthy man Is something surprising. All day long, year In nnd year out, tho round trips coutlnuo from the heart to tho extremities and back ngaln. Tho red blood corpuscles travel like boats In a stream, going to'thls or that station for such servlco as they have to per form; and tho whlto corpuscles, tho phagocytes, dart hither nnd thither Ilka patrol boats, ready to arrest any con traband cargo of dlscaso germs. Tho mileage of tho blood circulation reveals some astounding facta In our personal history. Thus It has been cal culated that, nssumlng tho heart to bent sixty-nine times n mlnuto nt ordi nary heart pretwure, tho blood goes nt the rate of two hundred and seven yards In tho minute, or seven miles tier hour, ono hundred nnd sixty-eight miles Ior dny and six Uiousaud three hun dred nnd twenty mllei per year. If a man of St years of ago could have ona sluglo blood corpuscle floating In his blood all his life It would hnvo traveled In that same timo five million one hun dred nnd fifty tltousaud eight hundred and eight miles. Altonio and the Liana. No pnlaco lu Europe has a finer or more tasteful sulto of stato apart ments than that In Madrid. The throno room especially Is unsurpassed both for Its proiurtlons, decorations, equip ments and furnishings. The throuo U superb. It Is guarded by four ltfe slzo bronze lions, two on cither side. When the king was a child to rldo these lions was his greatest delight, and on ono solemn occasion, when he aud his mother wero receiving a delegation g of dignitaries, ho slipped off tbo throna and bestrode ono of them In tbo midst of the oration. The muster of cere monies stepiKMl to his side and requot ed him to return to the throne, which he refused to do. Ilelng admonished that his eminent visitors might not ap prove of his conduct, he replied that he did not nsk them to como and that they might go any time they liked. Ills respoct for his mother was then appeal ed to, nnd when told that sbo was deep ly grieved nt his behavior ho slipped off tho Hon quietly, returned to the glided chair by her side, nnd, placing his hand In hers, remained thero until tho cud of tho ceremony. Just On Moro CUnncc, Judgo (to prisoner Just condemned to death) You hnvo tho legal right to oxprcss n last wish and If It Is posalbla It will bo gratified. Prlsonor (a barber) I should Ilka, Just onco moro to bo allowed to shav, tho district nttornoy. Jugendl 1 Also tbo bunko man. loves a shining mark.