The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 04, 1906, Image 3

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imriit rii-rrr t. i ' '"' s -i rr- ri i auii
Friday, April 27.
WiiHliliiKton, April B7.-AI tint begin
ning (if today's Ht'Mlnii of tint nmiittii n
1111 iiiueinllng the-existing Imwh relative
In mil Ifo of limit imtrliM, ao hi to re
quire. Hint imperii In widen Hwy itro
printed nIikII Im In Hit) county or ills
trlct In which tlm laud nru loented,
whs pHMHtil.
Hm)oiiit then resumed hi speech on
Hid ruin dill, again tnklng up tlm ipiea
tlmi of (lio illHilni'tliui between Judicial
power nml Jiirlsdloll Hoplylng to
lliilley lio wiliI Hint, owing to the frtnt
Hint Hi" power urn totally different, It
cntinnl Im iuiIiI that iiiio U groutor than
tlm other.
Allison expressed tlm hope tlmt tlm
dlseiimdon of tin rntn Mil would u on,
nnylng tlmt If emigre whs
to llmilly
Hil'lcMini beforn tlm first of August It
whs necessary Hint tho debate proceed
without delay.
Washington, April 27. Immediately
ttfti-r tlm house convened todny tlio
emergency appropriation bill culling for
17(1,110(1 for tlm unvy to Im expended nt
Hun l-'rntiflseo was passed,
After voting tliln tlm limiHii decided to
take up tlm pension calendar, Ciipron
(It. I.) wn enllrd to tlm rlmlr. Wil
liam iwlil Im would object to wislug
pension hill unles tlm committee hnfl n
chnuco to voln on each lilll, Tlm pnss
liiK of petition illil not proceed with
tlm usual smmnI. There worn 310 pen
ftlnn favorably neted on In cfliumitten
nnd rMrted to tli house.
At 3 u'rlurk tlm liou emnpleted tlm
consideration of tension IiIIIk, whan tlm
tnrill revision Mil wan taken up nml
general (IwlMltH rPIHIHIfll.
Wednesday, April 26.
Washington, April ISA. An amend
innnt to tlm Imllnu lilll for tlio evasion
ol thn lands of tlm lllaekfoot Indians In
Moutant i ami'ited liy tlm Heinle
after bring modified. Tlio bill vrm
then tnli! Mliln nml tlm message of tlm
President regarding tlm employment of
labor on tlio Government works In tlm
vicinity ol Hah Priiclsco mm ordered
Flint followed tlio reading of tlio
meisago by Immediately Introducing a
bill appropriation f HOO.OOO for tlio cm.
pluyiuriit of extra labor In tlio navy
ynnl nt Mare Island.
Tillman made an effort to have n day
lliril for n voto 'on tlm railroad rate
bill, but waa KHln unsuccessful,
Hpooncr gnvo notice of n speech for to
morrow, nml Clark of Afkansa of n
eccli on Krlilay on tlm mine quritlun.
A bill hi pRrl RfimnilliiK tlio Uw
rrUtlvo to the nllittnontof laml to In
tllmm, Waililiuton, April l!fi. Tlio Hotiim
toly contlnucil coulilerntlon of tlio
nKrlcnlturnl npproprlntlon bill. The
I'rrililnnt'i intfjnK" rccotnnteiiilinK n
npproprlntlon ol 11100,000 for Mnrn la
laud navy yard wai irndnnd referred to
tba oomnilllro vn appropriations.
Tueiday, April 24.
WaaliltiKton, April 24. Tlio Honato
pttmsl Mill na follow today:
KitcnilliiK tlina until ItUHl for roait
wlio lawa to ko Into tffrct butwiwn tlio
I'lillippluca and Amcrlcu; provldiiiK
fm tint rinppralni'iiiriit of rortnln public
Inmln nt l'ort Annulon, Wanli.; autho
ililiiit tlio oi'cupauoy of Inuda in Han
Hoiuardliio, Hlvrrn, Hun Gabrlol forrat
ri'itrvi fur power plnuta of tlm Kdluon
Klitrlc Company.
Monday, April 23.
WnaliluKtou, April S.'l. Coiikn'M
tills mornliiit npproprlntiMl $1100, 000
for tlio rullof of tlio linnielots and do
imrvltiK In Han Franrlruo.
Tlio uirnturo, which waa tlio second
olio piifnt-d by tlm liniian and Honato,
tlio tlmt carry Inn $1,000,000, waa pan
d under n nimpuneloii of tlm rules
It waa Introduced In tlio lloure, call.
Inn for l. 000,000. When It rt-uolitd
tlia Htnato, it wna nmunded by adding
1600 000. Tlio llnuso nKreed to tlio
jiiiiimiltiimit, and then tlio bill wna
Waililnnton, April 23. ItoprcaenU
tlvo Unlnea of Tennriauo introduced n
bill todny admlltliiK Ireo of duty nil
Kooda, wnroi or uiereliandliio wlilch may
bo imported into tlm United Htatoa na
Kratultbua contriliutinna for tlio roliot
of tlio vurtliqunko aufferera in Califor
nia, and eonalKiied to tlio Governor of
tlmt elate, tlio Mayor of Han Frnnelico,
tlio Hocrotary of War or tlio Secretary
of Coinmnri'o nud Labor.
Tlio bill further waives duty on
ImllditiK nmtorlah imported Into tlio
United Htntea when antlrfactnry proof
liaa boon mado to tUo Hevretary of tlio
Trentury tha.t aucli bulldliiK materlnla
Imvu been actually nml ponnanuntly
used In robuildlug Han Fritncleeo.
Will Confirm Judge,
WnnhiiiKton, April 24. JiuIko Wick
vrehnm, ol Alimkn, will prolinbly bo
con (Inned by tlio Honato before long In
tlio light of tlio report mndo In lila fa
vor today by tho Judiciary Couimlttco,
On n voto, 1'ettuH, KlttredKO nud lllack
burn voted with Nelnon in opposition,
whllo Clark, of Wyoming, I'orakur,
Knox, Ilncon, 1'itltereon and Culberson
voted lo confirm, Tho conferunoa com
niltteo todny ngreed on tho Alnnkn Dol
egntn bill, nubatltutiiif; tho Ouahmnn
bill for Hint pnaaed by tho Benato, with
but alight chango from tlio srlglnnl,
Aahlnnd Koiorvo IlnlnrKod,
Wnshlnuton Anril 0 Tlm Aililnnd
fnriHit rewirvn In Oregon lina benn nllglit
ly enlnrgiid for tlio purpono of Includ
ing inoro fully tlio wiitornliftd of Anli
jniid crcik, wlileli Is tlio aoureo of writer
wipply for tlm city of Aalilnnd mid a
large territory of agricultural land in
I tlmt vlflnlty. A narrow atrip of coun
'try wlileli lina been lidded comhIhU of n
tract lying nloug tho auiiuult of a amir
of tlm Hlsklyou iiiotiiitHiua, which lina
'Ilia nt'ori ulnvnllnM ,t 1 Mlili f.wil nml
.1,1, 1'.t,,l , l, , f,"w, w
eiiliiilnntea In ono of tlio most promi
nent liiniliiinrka In Hotitliorn Oregon.
Hinklyoii I'ciik Is n tract unfit for cul
tivation, nml lina no aettlcmvritK on it.
An It forum tlm wnturaliud of varloua
I tit Aalilrtllit fn,nL. Il Im Ifll.
Hirtnul to Inaiiro proper protection to
tlio rorosl mill prevent tlio atronma irom
bln contaminated in any wny.
Will Not Abandon Bay Olty.
Wnnlilngtori, Ajirll !20 Henntor l'ul
n wna today Informed by Ounrtorinna
ton wna today Informed by Qunrtorinna
ter (leiieral Iluinpliruy that tliero la no
Intention or even temporarily nlmmimi
Ing Han I'rniirlsco na army trntmport
lieiiitqiiurtera, tlierefnrn tliero la no po
Ibllity of diverting this btislnesa to
Portland, na roqiiesteil by tlm Clinmbor
of Coiniiinrre, Onn trnimport nltout duo
from Manila will unload nt HonttM, nml
one other trnimport may load tliore, but
an tlm government docks nrn tiiiliiiialred
mnl rullrouiU nrn nirnln innklnif deliver-
lea at Han Trnuelaeo, tliero will be no
temiMirary illiwontlniianre ol lieailounr
Mers nt tlmt city.
Moro floldlora to Bo Hcnt,
WnahlnutoH. April its Tlm war do
irtmil ha dtwldad to aeml (lenernl
(Ireoly, nt Ban rranrlseo, tlm nddltionnl
2JHK) triHijm that Im lina aaked fur.
Tlm trooHi, lie wtys, hnvn mnlntnlnod
tlm high xtHiidlng of tlm Anmrlenn
Hrniy. but n eontlHuauen of mental nnd
pliynlcnl trM la not mlvlanblo In tlio
prmwnt high teniloH of the poopln.
Accepting an' estlmntn of 200,000 des
titute, tlmre la but one aoldlcr for every
hundrml iwiple, nnd tho nddltional
IriMiiMt nkw for would give but two
oMIera per liumlreil.
Prealdont Aaka for Money.
Washington, April IM. President
Itoomvell today sent to enngrraa a mea
aaicn ncrompnnylng ilocumrnta nnd pa
pers from tho War department recom
mending tlio appropriation Immediate
lyofnn nddltionnl $1,600,000 for the
rellel of tho aufTetura by tho calamity
nt Kan i-ranclpco.
Tho president today oonferrel with
Hecietnry Taft, with Heuntor Allison,
chairman of tho senate committee on
appropriations nnd with other aenntora
nud representatives about the nerd of
further aid for tho residents of tho
stricken rity, "and a decision waa
rrachod that congreea should bo re
quested to appropriate tho additional
$1,600,000, Assurances were given by
the mombora ol congress tbat tho ap
propriation would Im mado.
Washington, April 24. General
Greely, In command nt Han Francisco,
has telegraphed tho War Department
that within a work or ten days, when
tho militia shall have been withdrawn,
aa Ir desired by Governor rardeo, May
or fkhmltx nud tho militiamen them
anlvea, tho forco of roftilara muat be
largely rolnlorced to proaono older nud
anlig'iar I public iiitereata.
lio aaya that tomorrow 6,000 regulars
would not I mi nu excosalvo number, lie
believes that half that number from
outside hla military division could do
tho work. These should bo largely
cavalry, owing to n lack of transporta
tion facilities, There nro 2.600 regu
lars now nt Han Francisco,
Two Moro Quakes Friday.
Washington, April 20. Tho Wonlh
er bureau today Issued tho following
bulletin: "Two email nftor shocks of
tlm Han Francisco earthquake were re
corded on thnaolamograp1! nt tho Weath
er Iiiimmu, Washington, I), C, during
the night nnd this morning."
Limit Tnken Off" Transform.
Wnahlngton, April 21. Secretary
Hhnw announced todav tlmt thti 110..
000,000 limit on telegraphic trnnsfora
to Min i-rnucitco lias tteeii lilted. All
relief that can bo properly etxonded to
tho California banks will bo given.
Washington, April 24. President
Rooanvolt lato tonight signed the Joint
resolution of Congress appropriating
$1,600,000 nddltionnl for the relief of
Han Francisco sufferers.
Wnahlngton, April 24 Tlio Hod
Oroea tolegrnphod $100,000 .to Han
Francisco on n rennnnt frnm Dr. 11h.
vine, thu lied Cross nuont nt Hnn Krnn.
Tnko All Thnt'a OtTerod.
Now York, Apill 24 Gnylord WIN
shlro, chnlrmnn of thu publicity com
niltteo of tho California Itollef Also in
tlonof this olty, today said: "Wo
would kindly nsk tho genornl trndo tin
lona nud Prosldent lloosovelt to refrain
from Interferlnu with nnv nmn wlm.
over ho mny bo or whorovor ho is, who
wiauea 10 uxioiin ub sympatiiy or pecu
niary nld. I mny sny that nt n mnss
ineutinu nf CiklWnrnlimn. Imlil nt Mm
Caolno Theater Suturdny aftornoon, a
roaolution wna unanimously adopted
giving volco to the above sentiment"
Stool Structures Only Had tho Innor
Woodwork Durncd Out.
Hnn Frnncinco, April 211. Today
prnperty-ownora hnvo had nn opportu
nity to inspect boiiio of their holdings,
nnd In a inensuro to ascertain what
damage had Immiii done. The now mod
ern steel buildings worn found to bo al
most Intnct. In every Instance, it seem
ed that tho rarthqunko had not dam
aged them. The steel frnrnes were In
perfect plumb nnd na strong na ever.
Cornices and fancy trimmings fell, but
that was nil. Kven when tho fire swept
throuiili them, only tho woodwork waa
The Fair mount Hotel on Nob Mill
will bo rushed to completion; tho Glaus
Hnreckels building on Market nnd
Third streets will b occupied within
few days. The Union Trust building
on Montgomery and Mnrkot street has
only lost the Interior woodwork, and as
toon as men can put in the lumber it
will be ready for occupancy. The Ht.
Francis Hotel Is In the same category,
and the work of renovating the interior
will soon be commenced. An Inspec
tion of tho Call building at Third nnd
Market streets disclosed the fact that
soveral floors wore In good condition
and could, after slight repairs, be used
as formerly.
The new Monadnock, on Market
street next to the Palace Hotel, was
found to be In flralclsas condition, oven
the woodwork In the Interior being in
tact, and the owner, Herbert K. Law,
announced tonight that within ten days
he wonhl bo renting ofllces In this
building. The Monadnock Is n largo
structure of stenl and brick almost com
pleted when the fire came. Marblo
ami lumber bare been ordered from
Im Angeles, and a big force of men
will rush the building to completion.
Structural Material for Day City May
De Made Abroad.
Plttahurg, Pa., April 23. According
to Pittsburg steel men tho rebuilding
of Han Francisco may Imj greatly retard
ed on account of the Inability of Pitts
burg steel mills to supply structural
shapes for the now city. The Carnegie
Steel Company nnd the Jones & Laugh
tin Conipuay, the big Independent con
cerns, nro nlready so crowded that they
havo practically cloeed their order
books ol delivery of building material
within eight months' time.
Never before In tho history of struc
tures has there been such a demand for
material as this year, and It Is feared
that It will lie well nigh Impossible for
the mills to take on additional work.
According to the local steel men. the
Han Francisco people will be compelled
to go to Great II rl tain and Germany for
a largo amount of their building mate
rial. The mills of Germany are busy at
theprcstiit time, and will bo able to
take on but llttlo additional work.
Those of Great lirltaln, however, will
be able to handle a great many of the
orders. On account of the high freight
rates from tho east to the Pacific Coast
the foreign steel zillls will bo nblo to'
deliver structural shapes at Han Fran
cisco as cheap nnd probably cheaper
than the local mills will bo able to do.
The Pennsylvania nnd Lackawanna
Hteol Companies and tho Illinois Hteel
Company will bo able to handle some
of tho work. It is holleved that tho lo
cal mills will, If posidblo, attempt to
put naldo some of their present orders,
in order to Accommodate tho moro ur
gent work fur Hnn Frauolrco.
Mnny Wlll'ng Workers to Improve
Ran Francisco. Anril 23. The Ivonrd
of health reports n very encouraging
health condition, considering tho cir
cumstances. Hlckneas Is constantly on
tho deciiiaso. Thorn nrn vorv fnw- eon.
taglous diseases, nnd theso are ixdng
attended nt Deer I.odgo In Golden Gate
park. Hanltnry conditions in tlio real
dnnco districts aro being Improved.
A largo corps of volunteers started at
work yesterday removing nil cans of
gnrbago to tho curbs. Wagons wero
nrrssod into service todav nnd thn unr.
liago removed to tho liurnod districts,
where It will bo destroyed. Cesspools
nro being dug.
CHIT House Stands.
Han Francisco, April 23. A thor
ough inspection mado by a represent.
tlvo ol tho Asscolated Proas, who mndo
tho trip In nn automobile shows that
comparatively llttlo damage wna done
In tho vicinity of thn Clin. The Clin
Uouso not only stands, but tho dnmaeo
sustnluoil by tho earthquake shock to
this historic building will not exceed,
ncording to tho stntemont of Manager
Wllklna, $600. In (net, tho escape of
tho Cliff IIouso is ono of the curious
features of tho disaster which has bo
fullon Ban Francisco.
Says Dowle Cheated Him.
Chicago. April 23. James Burrock,
of Now Mexico, today mado complaint
to tlio tumoral nutnorittea thnt ho had
been defrauded by John Alexander
Dowlo nut of n sum close to $20,000,
and that tho malls had been UBod In
the operation,
In n Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
Resumo of tho Lest Important but
Not Los Interesting; Events
of tho Past Weak.
.Inpin la smrry nld wna declined by
this country.
Preparations are being mndo to re
ceive. Dowlo in his old home.
Tlio llusslnn democrats have won n
groat victory in tlio elections.
French police, havo discovered an in
trigue Iwtween labor leudcra and inon
tirclilsts, Tlm Northern Pacific tins commenced
work on Its bridge across tho Willam
ette nt Portland.
Hmnll graft on tho relief fund for
Cnllfoniln lias been discovered nnd ia
worso thnn fenrcd.
Anthracite, operators linvc, rejected
the latest terms of tho miners nnd have
renewed their former offer.
The unveiling of the Franklin stntue
In I'nrls wna the oeraslon of speeches of
good will by Frenchmen and Americans.
A drenching rnln hna mode, It very
uncomfortable for tlio Hnn Frnncisco
refugees esmped in tho various parks
of thnt city.
Qiwrtermnster-Oenornl Humphrey hna
informed Senator Fulton thnt there is
no intention of even tetnornrily nban
toning Hnn Frnnelvo ns nn nrmy trans
port hendqunrtera.
Dowie'a wlfo has become reconciled
with the prophet.
Oakland is making a great effort ts
enpttirc Hnn l'rnnelsco shipping.
Senator Heyburn is improving from
hla second attack of nppendicitis.
Many of tho steel frames of large
buildings In San Francisco nro unin
jured. The regular troops now havo cntlro
charge of feeding tho San Francisco
King Kdwnnl. F.mperor William and
Kmperor Nicholas will hold a confer
ence shortly.
Hollovue, Toxns, has been devastated
by n tnrnndo. Forty people nro ro
Hrtod killed.
Tho Japanese mlkndo has given
4200,000 to tho relief of San Francisco,
nnd tho iMplo a like sum.
Tho doubtful voto in tho senato on
tho railroad rnto bill is large enough
to awing tho reault cither" way.
An nrea of 463 blocka wna burned by
the San Francisco fire. It la estimated
thnt the buildings destroyed will be in
the neighborhood of 00,000.
Norn ay Is taking steps to organlte a
new army.
A ninth victim of the explosion on
tlio battleship Koarsarge lias died.
Tho last of thn Russian prisoners
havo been returned home from Japan.
Tho total relief fund from all sources
totals more than $18,000,000 and still
There Is no danger of an epidemic
among Han Francisco's homeless, ac
cording to tho hentlh authorities.
Tho Haii Francisco bank vaults aro
believed to bo uninjured, but it will be
a week befoie they can bo opened.
Insurance- men wilt havo a say on re
building plans of Ban Frnncieco and
will not allow 11 1 may structures to bo
ore ted.
Moit of San Francisco's people would
prefer to see the city rebuilt on tho
plan if the old and oppose changes in
tho streeta.
Jonathan Bourne la gaining on II.
M. Cake, who leads for tho Republican
nominee for Senator In tho Oregon pri
mary elect ions.
All thn credit for stopping tho Han
Francisco 11 ro belongs to three expjit
gunners from Mare Island navy yard.
They blew up a strip of buildings oue
block wide in fiont of the names, using
a ton and a half of gun-cotton.
Oakland's present population Is about
1000 to the block.
Goneral Funaton has barred sight
seers from San Francisco.
Han Franclsco'a Chinatown will
never bo rebuilt ou the old site.
A heavy rain baa added to the dis
comfort ol tho residents of tho Ban
Francisco refuge camps.
Men are clearing away the Ban Fran
cisco ruliiB. Tho nowspnperotlicea will
bo among tho first buildings repaired.
Gonornl A, W. Greoley has assumed
command of the Federal troops at Ban
Francisco. General Funaton will act
under Groeloy's ordors.
Tho latest figures oi cash subscrip
tions from all parts of tho United
RtatAR fnr tlin mllef nf Rati Franrlaerk
Bufferora totals $7,314,000.
In lm fJooil Old Unr Wlion t'.ttrr-
lilnC wna llono r llnnd
Moat every IkmIj' known about th
modern method of ample sugar iiuLlng.
wrltcn V.. A. Itushnell in tho ('Inclntiou
Pottt. Tho atory I would tell denla
with the Rood old dnya w!icn every
thing wna dono by hand. Thn houkoii
b;;liiH rihout Mnrcti 1 nnd. luMi from
four to six weeks.
When I tended enmp, In the-old day.
n big black kettlo wna swung to- tlio
banking pdo" out In tho opvti. The
sap wna brought from the tree to the
kettlo In pnlla hung ono on Mich end
of tho "sap yoke" resting on the neck
nnd shoulder of n mnn. During n "big
run" It wna kept filled nnd boiling nil
dny nnd night. In spite of smarting
eyea from tho wood smoke nnd acorch-
ing bent, the Are muat be tended CTcry
few minute nnd the acum, piece of
bark, dend leaver, cinders nnd twigs
skimmed from the aurfneo of the boil
ing anp.
I can sec tlio bluo smoke curling from
tho tops of the brown lenfleas trees In
tho old camp, nnd smell tho sweet odor
of the atenm from boiling anp through
tho open door of the augnr bouse. The
nlr Is frosty and lurlgorntlug. Down
In the hollows on the north aide of the
bill, little patches of cold white Know
nro hiding beneath matted dend leaves,
Ixhlnd tree trunks nnd old moss-covered
I co clings to tho banks of the sing
glsh brook, nnd I hear the trill of wood
birds, nnd the monotonous throbbing of
n partridge's wlnga up where the hem
locks stand thick and gloomy. On the
southern slopes the first wnnn breath
of spring tins melted the snow. It
stands In clear crystal pools where the
grnM s green, nnd reilecta back the
sky nnd tall tree as you look down
In It.
The sweet, cold, sparkling nap from
the maple trees ou tho hillside tlnkld
drop by drop Into tho buckets, nud red'
breasted robins call to their mates
among the branches.
A frightened woodchuck scurries Into
his bole at the sound of merry song and
laughter, and barking of dogs rom The
camp In the valley. A flock of hungry
"enwing" crows "rtnp" lntlly qyer n
frozen nnd honeycombed wheat field oti
their wny to the rookery In tho oU
mysterious tnmnrnck awnmp.
The nlr grows chilly nn the sun goes
down nnd dark ahndows creep through
tho woods. The little harullke-looklng
augnr house, which to the superytltloiu
wna n rendezvous for ghosts through
out tho cold, bleak whiter, now re
sounds with cheery voices, nnd la nglow
with light nnd welcome.
There la n "big run" on nnd tho ten
dera nro "boiling down" nil night And
suiiner Is roadr. nud such ri aunncr!
Smoke limn, eggs cooked fn boiling
anp, potatoes ronsled In ashes, and cof
fee sweetened with pure mnplo syrup.
1'oattiumoQ.i Ilunora an Suicide.
When tho Japanese protcctorato over
Korea wna declared recently many
Koreans grumbled nud somo oven went
tho length of committing suicide In
order to mnrk their displeasure. Ac
cording to tho Korea Dally News, the
emperor hna conferred posthumous
honors upon several of thoso suicides.
Ouo of tho misguided men, who pol
Mined himself with opium, was n minor
official of tho educational department,
hut tho emperor raised him to tho rank
of vice minister of education, nud nn
otllclnl of thnt department wns dis
patched by tho emperor to Inscribe the
title upon tils coffin. Another man. n
prlrnto In tho nrmy, who committed
aulcldo nt the snmo tlmo and for tho
sumo reasons, has also had posthumous
promotion conferred upon him.
Dutr Klrat.
Uer Ladyship (who Is giving n ser
vants' ball, to butler) Wo shnll begin
with a squaro dance, nnd I shall want
you, Wllklns, to bo my pnrtnor.
Wllklna Cortnlnly, m'lndy; nnd nf
torwnrds I presoom wo may dnnco
with 'oorn wo like? Punch.
I'ennut I'lck-Me-llp,
When you coino In tired from n
shopping trip, try n. glisi of milk, hpt
or cold, thickened with chopped pen-
Of courso nny vrorklnginnn would
rather work tlmn bo worked.
iOassasVPJAt wrTsrJ&&r I
IssvaivlLsU rrTvUfX
SBaWalssssssssssav V?sH
iBBBsWt- .i 3saBBsHE)Sh aBsPSsH
1888 Lands nt San Francisco with
$100 In his pocket
1800 Arrives In Chicago and begin
preaching In the streeta.
1802 Establishes a divine healing
mission at Stony Island avenue and 03d
1801 dpen headquarters nnd estab
lishes a bank nnd newspaper nt Michi
gan avenue nnd 12th street
1800 Inniigurnten metropolltnn cru-
ande, preaching nightly In different
parts of the city. Mobbed by hoodlum.
1000 Purchnses alto of Zlon City
nnd conducts crusade In England.
1001 Starts fnctoriea nt Zlon City.
Declares himself to bo Elijah III or
Elijah the Ileatorcr.
1002 Negotiates for Mexican planta
tion and Texas land for colonization
purpose. Itefused credit by Chicago
merchants. Ordered to refund $50,000
to Frederick 8utton of New Zealand,
who bad Invested In Zlon.
1003 Kecelves largo contributions
and tithes from bis people In the fa
mous collection barrel. Leads the Zlon
Hcstorntlon host of 3,000 workers In
eight special trains on a religious visi
tation to New Tork. Creditors press
claims nnd Zlon placed In hands of n
federal receiver during several weeks.
1001 Departs on mission around tho
world, via San Francisco and Austra
lia. Returns six months later and
takes title of First Apostle of bis
1005 Gets on option on 700,000 acres
of Mexican land and makes trip to com
plete colonization plana. Stricken with
paralysis on his return to Zlon City.
After a second stroke leaves for West
1000 Makes Wilbur Glen Vollvn der
uty general overseer of the Christian
Sthollc Church nnd the Zlon lndus
Audrew Carnegie recently baa ap
peared aa the financial backer of a
commission of learned men to "reform"
spelling and mnko It more phonetic.
Mnny unnecessary letters should bo
omitted. It Is tho learned mon's opin
ion, nud sound should be consulted
moro than derivatives. Now York Her
ald. Pallor.
"And so you II vo In Skanoatalesr
he asks of tho fair young thing who la
visiting his cousin.
"Tea, sir," sho replies, pleasantly
"How do you pronounce tho namo of
that town, nnywny V
"We don't pronounce It We permit
strangers to havo their own way about
It." Now Orleans Picayune.
Too SlKutflcnnt.
"What did tho wlfo put on Gay-
boy's tombstono?"
"Tho simple phraso 'Peaco to Hla
Ashes.' "
"Ashen 1 Couldn't eho think of any
thing less significant of Guyboy's nbodo
in tho other world I" Pittsburg Press.
When tho nverngo man lourns how to
take care of bis tuouoy, be Is past tho-
curulng period.