flf'i'n;..,! if ml i " 'TiiT'' Tr ' 'rtrfT1 " -yi'- lTsStii"" '1 'l' '('f-'-'n niiVii'' ' ' "' '-'E - - Ji., wEL '"' !IX3 .'fff i.fc 1 MAY BENEW PARIS Daniel Burnham Tells of San Francisco's Opportunity. HAY REPEAT FEAT OF NAPOLEON Says Ground Is Cloar for Execution of His Plan May Go To Burned City, Chicago, April 23. Daniel II. Hum lmm, tlio architect who drow tho plans for beautifying Sau lVunelwo, returned to hU home her yesterday .from Europe. Ho said San Francisco now has it with in its power to rebuild itself into ono of tho most beautiful and convenient cities in tho world. Mr. Durnham, on his arrival, found awaiting him n message from James D. l'hclan, president of tie association ior tho improvement and adornment of San Francisco, nsking him to go at oneo to that city. Ho replied that ho could not say until Monday whether or not ho could go. Mr. Burnham said: "Tho two chief features of my plan, which can now bo carried iato effect, are thoso relating to tho cutting of diagonal strocts and tho construction of a splcn did outer boulevard which will eneirclo tho whole city. "San Francisco has a ehanco to do whnt Louis Napoleon did in Faris in 1S51 tho opportunity to make itself ono of tho beauty spots of the world." BUILDING MOVEMENT IS ON Mrs. Oelrichs Declares Purpose Magec to Build Steel Structure. San Franciseo, April 23. The work of rebuilding San Franciseo will pro coed rapidly. Mrs. Herman Oelrichs, of Xcw York, has agreed to repair the Rialto building and to build again on tho sito of tho Crosley. She and her sister, Mrs. W. K. Vandorbilt, Jr., have also stated that they will put up solid office structures , on their Montgomery street site. Thomas Magec, a real estate dealer, will start for New York on May 1 to complete arrangements for the erection of a 12-story steel building on Market street, just above tho Mutual Bank building. Tho Kroporium, a largo department store, will rcsumo business on a largo scule nest week. A temporary structure will be built at the corner of Fort nnd Vnn TCfvia Mv,nnp. In two weeks seven floors of tho new Monaduock building, which was in course or construction ai mo lime ox the disaster, will be filled with offices. Capitalists are not in the least dis mayed os disheartened. James D. I'he lau, chairman of tbo finance committee nnd multi-millionaire, said: "Before the earthquake I was asked by certain capitalists to erect a largo hotel on the site of tho Pfaelan building, nt Market and O'Farrcll streets. Since tho disaster the proposition has been repeated and even urged. This shows most decidedly that thero is no lack of faith in the future of the city." SAT SOLDIEBS SHOOT AND LOOT Refugees Tell Lurid Story of Slaughter and Plunder. Des Moines, April 23. Stories of wholesale robbery by soldiers ns well as vandals, of innocent ns well as guilty men shot down a sight by military guards, are told by Harry Sbostro and W. C. Lane, Iowa men, who spent three days in San Franeiseo. They roached Des Moines today. "Tho soldier is supreme in San Fran ciseo," said Mr. Shostro. ''On tbo slightest provocation they shoot a citi zen down and nobody has thus far ques tioned tho aet. There has beon lots of looting by vandals, but tho soldiers havo committed wholosalo plunder nlso. I know that whorl buildings were to be blown up tbo soldiors would go inside, blow open and loot tho safes and then dynamite tho walls. I saw lots of sol diers with thoir pockets bulging with booty that I knew had been stolen, and I overheard one in uniform bragging that ho bad stolen $2,000 worth of dia monds. Another told of a fino cold watch ho had secured, bo said, in this. mnnner." Both men say they are eager and will ing to lay before tho wur department charges against tho United States sol diers, offering specific evidence if neces sary, Build Chemical Factory. Bait Lako, Utah, April 28. W. R. Wales, a prominent physician and manu facturing chemist of Denver, was in this city today, and said he would estab lish a largo chemical factory at Portland iu the near future, that would employ many persons of both sexes. Ho will mako chemicals for the trade, and invest thousands of dollars in tho entornriso. Ho already has plants at Omaha, Denver, Kansas City and St, Paul. Ho will establish plants also at Scattlo und thia city. Jfo is duo iu Portland within ten days. Cuba May Give 150,000. Havana, April 28. A resolution was offerod in tho houso today appropriat ing $50,000 or tho victims of tho Cali fornia disaster. looking ron SITES. Sau XraucLico Wholesalers Want to Be gin Business at Once. Sun Francisco, April 27 Tho first important step toward re-establishing trade relations in San Francisco was taken tonight when tho realty men held n hurried consultation with moro thnn fifty important merchants. Tho object of tho meeting was to sccuro temporary quarters for the wholesalers, six of whom announced they were forced to go Into business immediately. Tho meeting was called without Warn ing, so tho real estate men wcro not prepared to offer sites. It was decided that tho two bodies meet ngaln Satur day morning at 10, to mako final ar rangements. Tho realty men discovered that tho wholesalers were all ready to move across tho bay. Tho chairman of tho meeting, Mr. Tricst, announced that land was offered tho wholesalers in Oak lnnil nmctionllv freo of charge for a period of two years. Triest ask oil tho real estate men for figures and location sites, saying the wholesalers wanted them immediately. From his manner of expression it would appear that sooio of tho wholesale rocr- Probable Republican Ticket. Senator, short term, F. V. Mulkoy. Senator, long term, Jonathan Bourne Congressman, First District, W. C. Hawley. Congressman, Second District, W. R. Ellis. Governor. James Wlthycombe. Treasmor, G. A. Steel. Supreme Judge, Robert Eakln. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. II. Ackerman. Bute Printer, W. S. Dunlway. Attorney-General, A. M. Crawford. Labor Commissioner. 0. P. iloff. chants were ready to desert San Fran ciseo and locate in Oakland until such time at least as San Frnncisco could bo rebuilt. The wholesalers nnnounced their in tention to eongregnto in ono district if possible. They preferred tho southern part of the city becauso of tbo railroad facilities there. When the real cstato men mentioned several sites in tho vicinity of North Beach tho merchants said these would have to xeeolvo sec ond cnl, as tbey wanted south of Mar ket street, if truth a, location woro at all possible. Tbo wholesalers said most of their members wero willing to bo housed un der ono or two roofs at tho present time, and that they could manage with such quarters for at least a year. They then asked tbo real estate men for fig ures on buildings. It was impossible tor tho latter to furnish this data under present conditions, so tho' wholesalers agreed to wait for a few days for their answer. Tbo wholesalers announced that six of their members would require at least IUUjUOU square xect. iserore tbo meet ing adourned others told the realty men that tbey intended to join with the six ia reopeninjr right away, and, in rough figures, it is estimated that the mer chants win neeu at least j,wu,wu square feet of ground space. SANTA BOSA TO BE REBUILT. Entire Business Section of City De- stroyed by Earthquake. Santa Rosa, Cal., April 27. The lat est figures show Ufty-ono dead, sixty tbreo injured and seven missing, as pub lished in these dispatches. The cntiro business section of the town was destroyed and many resi dences wont down. Twenty fires started, but tho water supply was unimpaired, nnd within three hours tbo flames were under con trol. Cut off by tho disaster from com munication with the rost of tho world. Santa Rosa know nothing of the de struction of San Franciseo until tho ar rival from there of a trainload of nearly l.WW refugees, begging for help that could not bo given, but nearby towns eamo to the reseuo, nnd after a period of starvation and suffering aid was re ceived. The courthouse, the new Masonic tem ple, tho new library and tbo Odd Fel lows' building went with tho other buildings, but larger and better struc tures will replace tbsm. It is tho intention of business men at onee to begin rebuilding. The savings bank of Santa Rosa occupied a (40,000 building. Its new one, which will bo an oflleo. building, will cost $250,000. Con Shea, who lost five buildings, worth $100,000, says that bis five new onos will be worth twice that sum. Tho same spirit is manifested by all who havo been interviewed. Fissures Open In the Earth. Oakland, Cal., April 27. Word comes from the district between Milpitas and Alvlso, on tho south arm of San Fran cisco bay, that fissures havo opened in the earth, and water is flowing over tho surface. The section is known as tho artesian belt, hundreds of wells flowing peronnlally and supplying means of irri gating largo areas. Such wells require capping to restrain tho flow under ordi nary conditions, and recent disturbance of tho earth's surface has released rub- terranean streams Roads in this local ity are flooded and impassable. Steel People to Bush Orders. Pittsburg, April 27. Orders havo been issued by tho officials of tbo Car negio Steol Company making all orders for San Francisco "emorconcy orders." and giving thorn procedonce. John G. Ncale, structural engineer of the Car negie Company, left last night for San x-ruuuiscu io lUBO cuurgo oi mo siruc tural forco of the United States Steel 1-TuncIsco to take chargo of tbo strut Corporation on the Pacific Coast. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST MONEY AND FOOD. Peoplo of Oregon Coming to Front With Help torNeody. Portland. Provisions In largo sup ply aro pouring In to the rellel funds in a large number of Oregon towns. Many cars havo been filled with a vari ety of edibles, including prepared food, eggs, bacon, rlco, loaves ol bread by the thousand, besides Hour and pota toes. Cooking utensils, stoves, blankets and clothing havo been alvcu ml purchased in considerable quantities, and will ar rive In the Ray City as fait at tho trains can be moved south. Collisions of money aro still going forward and more supplies and funds will bo for warded later. Portland aid for San Francisco and the other stricken California elites will probably oxcesd the value ol 1250,000. Not lets valuable than the money to be spent In tho sympathy and love for hu mankind that prompts the voluntary gifts ior relief. Reports Irom San Francisco show that her people have been touched by the prompt steps taken for their help by neighbor states. Jacksonville Raises a Fund, Medford. At a meeting of the citi zens of Jacksonville at the City Hall $760 was subscribed ,ln less than ten minutes for tbo relief of Sau Francisco sufferers. The amount has been in creased through tho efforts ol the com mltiee to $1250, and will exceed $1600. The ball team contributes its savings, and a benefit game with Aihland Is now lo progress. All branches of the Masonic order and the I. O. O. F . A O. U. W., Red Men, Jacksonville Elks and Native Daughters contributed lib erally. There was no rivalry between the business men, but all give Ireely and liberally, and made their contribu tions with as much pleasure as if it had been for their own people. Salmon Better Than Money. Astoria The cash subscriptions made by the citizens of Astoria to the San Franclrco relief fund amount at the present time to about $2850, and be aides this the Lower Columbia River cannerymen have donated 725 cases of canned salmon. Two carloads of can ned salmon have been shipped. An other car of salmon will be shipped and the committee promises to raise anoth er $1000. Roseburg Raises SI, 600. RoMburg Roseburg responds ntbly to the call for help by the sufferers at San Francieco by contributing $1600 for relief. A carload of provisions, bread, clothing, holding and tents have been forwarded. Drain puts in the hands of the relief committee a good collection. A large number ol Rose burg citizens are in San Francisco, but all are reported saved. Clothing In tho Carload. Oregon City The citizen's commit tee has forwarded another carload of potatoes, flour, blankets and clothing. The women of the city have organized and collected a great quantity of cloth ing. Ono of the largest local contribu tors is the Oregon City Manufacturing Company, which, in cash and blankets, has contributed about $1,000, Good Things from Hillsboro. Hillsboro The citizens of HilUhoro dispatched a 00-ton car laden with po tatoes, flour, evaporated cream, bscon, beans, blankets and clothing, and rep resenting a cash outlay of $000, to the relief of the San Francisco sufferers. The committee named by Mayor Corne lius raised the necessary amount In a few hours. Canvassing at Newberg. Newberg At a meeting of tho citi zens of Newberg called by E. H. Wood ward, president of the Beard of Trade, It was decided to send two carloads of potatoes to the San Francis-o sufferers. Liberal subscriptions were taken at the meeting and a committee was appoint ed to make further canvass. Medford Shipped by Fh-st Train. Medford On hearing o'f San Fran cisco's need, Medford dispatched one car of supplies to San Francisco by the first relief train. As soon as possible thereafter a mass meeting was held and arrangements made to send other cars as fast as it could be learned what was especially needed. Purse from Bohemian Miners Cottage Grove The miners of Bohe mian raised $100 and sent it down to succor the Sau Francisco noedy. This contribution came without solicitation. The sawmills up Row River have also contributed a carload of lumber. Glendale Adds a Carload. Glendale The citizens of this city responded to tho call for aid by ship- nlnir a. pnrnlad of Provisions on One of r. , . , , , a n the supply trains passing for San Fran- jeltco. FOUR CARS SENT. K.lnm Mouse-wives Oaka Bread and Bakeries Give Stocks. Salem This city forwarded tho fol lowing to aid Sau Francisco sufferers: Ono csrload of potatoes, one cirload of Hour, one carload ol bread and other provisions, ono car of breadstuff and two carloads ol bread and potatoes. In addition to this, citizens ol Hbsw aro making up a carload ol provisions, and tho citizens ol Pratum a carload ol po tatoes. Cash subscriptions havo been raised In Balem, amounting to $3600. Practically every housowlle In Saletn has baked bread, and llm bakeries have lellvered over their eiltlro stx-k. The prisoners In the penitentiary have sub scribed $76 and proffered I their blan kets, and lo go without brd If neces sary. Salem will continue to send sup plies every day while thero is need. Corvallis Loads a Car. Corvallls Corvallls citizens hastily asembled at the Courthouse upon in formation that an organize! effort in this state was being made for tbo relief ol San Francisco. At this meeting ar rancementa were completed for loading a car with provisions and starting It to Its destination. Tho Initial coulrlbii tlons from Corvallli include ten tons of ll.iur, 400 bushels ol potatoes, 31 cases ol cites. 300 ixunds ol bacon, 1000 loaves of bresd. Other supplies will follow. Chemawa Students Give Bread. Chemawa The Indian pupils of the training school here sent 830 loaves of bread, being their first consignment for the benefit of the California sufferers. This consignment was sunt by Wells Fargo, and will Im followed by others from day to day as fast as tlm Hour pur chased can Iks baked Into bread In the school oven by the Indian bakors. Cooking Utensils from Union. Union A special meeting of the City Council adopted sympathetic refu tations with the Fan Franclrco sufferers and a committee ol 60 was appointed lo secure contributions for the relief of the victims. The committee loaded una car of provisions, stoves, cooking utensils, blanket and clothing and an other carload ol flour. Supplies Ready at Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove -The committee ap pointed to solicit funds for Ssn Fran cltco relief at the mass meeting has se cured $650. A carload of supplies was purchased, consisting mostly of flour, potatoes and bacon, and went by the first train. Arlington Raises S0OO. Arlington. -At a mass meeting $600 In cash wai subscribed for San francis eo. Mr. Smith and Smytho & Hon, sheepmen, each gave $100. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 70c; hluestem, 70Q 71c; rid, 08c; valley, 08(3 0tc. Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.60; gray, $27 per ton. Barley Feed, $23.60fl24 per ton; brewing, $24Q24.60; rolled, $21.00(3 25.50. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, cho'ce, $15010 per ton; valley tim othy, $12; clover, $7.60I8; cheat, $0(37;, grain hay, $7(38; alfalfa, $12. Fruits Apples, $202.76 per box; strawberries, $2.60 per crate. Vegetables Asparagus, 8(312c per pound; cabbage, 2H2o por pound; cauliflower, $2 26 per crate; celery, 76000c per dozen; head lettuce, 26c per dozen; onions, 10(315c per dozen; radlsher, 2026o per dozen; rhubarb, 304c per pound; spinach, 00 per box; parsley, 26c; turnips, $10 1.26 per sarkj carrots, 06Q76o per sack; beets, 86ctl per sack. Onions No. 1, $1(31.16 per sack; No. 2, nominal. Potatoes F.incy graded hurbaiiks, flfi376n per hundred: ordinary, 60 (ft 00c; new California, 6c por pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 17q20c per pound. K'gs Oregon ranch, 1017c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 14Q16c per pound; mixed chickens, l8i&Ho', broilers, 22Q!l0c; young roosters, 12813o; old roosters, llllKc; dressed chickens, 16Ql6)c; turkeys, live, 1718o; turkeys, dressed, choice, 21922c; geese, live, 8Q10o; goese, dressed, lOftllc; ducks, 1718o. Hops Oregon, 1006, 810c; olds, 6tf7c. Wool -Kastern Oregon averago best, 1602Ooj valley, 242Qc per prund; mohair, choice, 2880c. Veal Dressed, 37c per pound. Reef Drossed bulls, 3o pir pound; cows, 4J35oj country steers, 5f3"c Mutton Dressed, fancy, OJOlOo per pound; ordinary, 07o; lambs, with pelt on, 10(310)c. Pork Dressed, 08c per pound. GUILD DISASTER PROOF. Modern Steel Uulldlngs Will Undoubt edly U o Eroctoil. Oakland. Cal.. Anrll 26. Hall Fran- cisco can l rebuilt mi tbodlrastet from eattliquiikr) and lire will ho practically Impossible. The uosen or iwo in sieei (mum hulldlnits that withstood tlm ter rible heat uprear themselves among the dismantled ruins as proof ol this, The worst that happened to tlm modern bulldliiKi was a "ssgKlng" from the earthquake, Modern architectural skill cannot overcome this, hut It can minimise the loss, undoubtedly the business center of tltti city, nt least, will bo built up according to plans that wiil mako it perfectly sale, come what may. There Is a steady exodus from Hail Francisco now, ami It will continue. Thousands aro thoroughly frightened, and evniy llttlo window shaker that oo- curs strikes terror Into llielr souls. Hut most of thn people will havo their nerve back within a week and then nothing will bo heard but talk ol up building the city, Tlm Monaduock building, next to thn Palace Hotel, will Ik tilted up shortly for aftlccs, and suvernl unfinish ed skyscrapers will Iki completed In the midst of the desolation. Threw mouths Irom now there will be the greatest building Ikmiii) the city has over known. Wrrcklng work has begun. The streets are being cleared and tho shslls ol buildings blown up. The Kinporluin and 20 others went this morning. Matting Is necessary only In tbo heart of thn city. Throughout runs! of the mills of ruins there Is hardly a wall st Hiding. ' DEAD EXCEED I.OOO. Only a Small Proportion Has Deen Identified, Says Coroner. San Francisco, April Sfl. Coroner William Walsh estimates that the total number ol dead will bo not lets than 1,000. Ills reports are complete, and his estimate Is made up from all the data hn has been able tooolleet. Coro ner Walsh ssld: "llodle that the deputy coroners. havo found and burled number 300, as follows: "At Polk and Ray street, .12; at Portsmouth square, 23; at Washing ton square, 12; at the Hlx-Mllo house, 200; at Laurel Hill, 23; scaUired In different parts ol the city, 10. "No thorough search has i?eu made of thn district south of Market street or the Chlnraft (purler. Many lives must hare hern loil In these sections "South ol Market street wero tho cheap lodging houses, and many of these collapsed from the earthquake. There la little chance that ha'f of the Inmates of the collapsed buildings had opportunity to escape. This Is also trnn nf Chinatown. "Shortly after tho earthquake, sol dlers and police, so I have been told, burled bodies found along thn water front. I havo received no official re port nf these. "The total numler of dead will tin doubted ly reach, if it does not exceod, 1,000." LAY TRACK TO HAUL DEDRIS. Southern Pacific Offers Valuable Aid In Clearing Ruins. San Francisco, April 26 As a wel come relief to the otflolals and cltlrerw of Han Francisco, who havo looked up on tho ruins of llm city and tioii the monstrous piles of bricks snd stono and twisted Iron that were once their homes and places of business. Is the announce ment thai thn Houthern'Paciflo rail rind will aid In any way In tho work ol clearing n-vay tho debris. Tho rail road olliclals are ready to build a trsrk through thn heart of the devastated city, from Harrison street to the bay, and to run llielr llatcars In fnr the wreckage that must lie removed before new buildings arise and normal condi tions ran be restorod. In this grent work between 3,000 and 4,000 men will iw employed, Tho railroad will carry the debris wherever tho authorities want It taken, and by so doing will make posslbln tho performance of the ennrmouss task. It Is said that an application will bo made immediately to the supervlrors nl San Franclco for a franchise for this spur track. Tlm route. Is not known, but tho rails will porhspi bo laid along the lines of least resistance. Can Pay All Insurance, Oakland, Cal., April 26 Htato In. snrance Commissioner K. Myron Wolfe announced today that nearly all tho largo Insurance companies would ho able to make satisfactory adlustments of tho losses caused by tho San Francis co ure, lie estimates that the amount for which the companies are liable will probably reach $250,000,000. Mr. Wolfe aaya ho hopoa the authorities of Ban Francisco will now grant thn hith erto unanswered appeal of the Urn In suranco companies for an anxlllary salt wator systom on Twin Peaks. Tsl An Opens Her Heart. Pekln Anrll 25. The emnrnsa 1-.u. Ber ha sent to tho American legation a check for $80,000 for the relief of tho Miff. rer from tho dlssster at Ran Pnn. clsen, and Is sending $20,000 to tho viuimau in uiai cy. i BOILS WITH ANGER Russia On live ol New Revolu tionary Outbreak, CONSTITUTION IS A ML'Hfc FARCE Opposition to Despotism Is United by Deprivation of Liberty Idle Workmen Organizing,, St. Petersburg, April 20. Tho polit ics 1 s t latlou has (jrown threatening, Thn publication yrsterday ol thn new draft ol thn "fundamental law" or "constitution" ol Russia has aroused a storm ol InillKtiallon, and nmldsl thn present great distrust ol (tin govern ment's motives has furnished Just tho stimulus needed to solidify the entire opK)sltlon iu lUrliameiit, Thn Recti Insists that with thn real sallon of tho new Russian loan, and under llm faln conviction that tho revolution Is sup pressed, the Rortriiineiit has not hesi tated sgalu to show llm cloven I oif, not even masking Us Intention to dis solve Parliament, If It Is found to ha troublesome. M. Ilrlanclianlrioff, In llm Novo, calls tho draft of thn "liiiidametilal law" a "mockeiy" which will be resented by every honest man, lx lie a member ol thn "lllack Hundred" or a Social Rnvolutloiilat, adding that "such a milium ol lies and false logic mi thn nvn ol thn assembling of llm real mas lers of the country ran only tend to push the peopln to a fresh revolution with Its attending ronlllrta and anar chy. The eiltlng rrylmo seems fatd lo go down In blood." Thn really dangerous element In thn situation, however, Is not In the atti tude ol the Liberals but In thn posl bllily ol another upheaval frcm Mow at tlm very moment when llm Intellect ual forces of llm country have heu united. For somn time tlm Social Democrata and other pioletarUl orga nisations havn been trying to arrange a general uprising to coincide with the convocation ol Parliament, but appa rently they wern making no headway. Now, however, a great movement among llm Idle workmen of tlm capital, who numlter 42,000, has come to thn surfsre, and there Is more than a sun. position that this movement Is simply thn cover for a real uprising which Is bring organised Ixihlnd It. Meetings of men nut nf work held In thn suburbs during the Isst few Mights were attended by orators of tlm Social Democratic party. A council of men out of work has slso sprung Into eslsl nice like tie famous Workmen's Coun cil which dl rect! the big strike of last fall, Proclamations havo lx-en hsurd calling uK)ii all workmen lo supiort the men out of work, who demand that the oily within a week shall put them to work upon the construction of new strret railroads and bridges, for which $4,000,000 has been appropriated. ARMY IN CHARPE. San Francisco's Hungry Oelng Fed by Quartermaster's Department, Han Francisco, April 20. Gradually llm National Government Is taking over llm work of succoring thn homeless and foodies i thousands ol Kan Francisco and tomorrow the representative of tlm United FUtes Army will havo cliarun of the gigantic task nf Issuing food to all thosn who remain In the rltv. This development res ill I rd from tlm meeting of the executive roinrnltlee today and I lie tturk will l turned over to llm United States Quartermaster of this department, who will establish a com plete system ol Issuing rations at all of the 6H stations throughout the city. mis was a day nf optimistic reports Irom all sides, "Conditions lmprnv Ing." was thn happy expression from those who had chargo ol the diilloi or caring for their less fortnnato towns men during the ast few days. In fart tho moot Important duty will hereafter be performed by tlm United State Army, (hat of distributing thn food and supplies which havn been donated most lavishly by the people, Tlm citizens nl San Francisco havo turned thoir atten tion to the details cf the reconstruction of their business. Wants Philippine Traffic. Warhlngton, April 20. Senators Fulton and Gearln today received a tel egram .Irom tho Portland Chamber of Cimrnorcu asking that Portland ho made the temporary headquarters for shipping supplies to the Philippines, pending the rebuilding of warehouses and docks at San Francisco. The Sen ators will take the mattor np with tho Quartermaster-General, The President today sunt a mossagn to Congress urging' an irnmedlnto appropriation for re building the warehouses at Ban Fran clrco, Another .826,000 tor Japan. Washington, Anrll 20. Another con tribution ol $25,001 from tho Christian Horald was recalved todav bv thn Red Cross for transmission to Japan for tho- rouei of the famluo lufforera.