THE BEND BULLETIN 17 ' ' VOL. IV IJKND, OREGON, J'RIDAYf MAY .1, 1906. NO. 7 M. u 5 ', 1 ia- PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. S. BENSON,' ATTORNEY AT LAW Beiul, - Oregon. W. P. A1YIHRS LAND ATTORNEY Twtlvr yi-tr. iiwUt ttler UAHr Ihr V. . MhI nHil Hcpuflmwit of Ihc iHUitvf . Office, Laidlaw, Oku. U. C. COE, M. D. OPIMCH OVMK IIANK Physician and Surgeon ' TKI.KHIONK MO. 21 MINI) ORKOON NilTAKV M'BUC IMHUHANCK A. H. GRANT Agrnl fur Liverpool, l.ontlon (t 1IoIk. niiU l(iiclilre PI re Insiinuico CoiiipniiloH. HliNI), OKIKION Crook County Really Co Km I folate llought and Sold. Life ami Accident INSURANCE. lint is LI f IK M'tltHNO Mill.IMill TUIPLBTT BROS. ' Barber Shop & Baths ' tti-si of accommodations and work promptly done , ' WAI.l. HT. IIH.Ntl, OKHOON J. VV. ROBISON Veterinary Dentistry fy 4 IKK T " I.tVllltV TMSIH'IIK ll;M, .... UKIK'.ON R. B OARAIAN, Barber IIOTIJL KKDMONI) Call and sec inc. ' " 'ti;i(lM, UKIUiON. 1 $!0 Per Acre $10 Irrigated Land . Crook County, Oregon. Deed di rect from State. WRITE for pam phkt and map. H. S. Cook & Co., iS Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. - REWARD! - The undersigned will p.V fio.oo for the detection mil convic tion of tiny person who in any way will fully injures or de stroys its lines in Crook County. TUB DESCHUTES TELEPHONE CO. Notice! 4 1 All parties owning lands or I any riparian interests along the DESCHUTES RIVER 1 arc reuuested to sciul addresses " and land descriptions to A. M. J DRAKE, IJKND, ORECON. i , Smim y Wanted. I J. To contract to deliver 750,006' r feet of logs, to commence May ret, Hawkins' Bros.,. ' , PriucvHte; Because wo nro selling Uio same and better, quality at a closer margin is a very good reason, why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE I!. A. SATIIHIt, I'KOPKimott A Complete DRY At Haul, Oregon. Rough, Surfaced -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths mid Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMENSION S.H I FLAP - RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED CEILING WINDOW JAMHS WINDOW CASING HEAD BLOCKS 0. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATER TABLE 6. O. BATTINS MOULDINGS 1. II. D. PATENT ROOFING HUNCH PICKETS SHINGLKS ETC., ETC. r Reasonable Prices (iood Grades Dry Slock CUSTOM FOOD MILL IN CONNECTION. The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, NOTICH OF SALE OP UNPATBN TBI) SWAMP LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State Laud Board will receive scaled bids until two o'clock v. i, July 24, 1900; for any interest the state amy llave in the following described unpatented Swamp Lauds, to-wit: TheNE'.', N'j of SHtf, SW'J of SH ; and SEtf of SWJj of Section 2.1 and VJ j of Section 2$, Tp. 3SS..R. 6 fi., the lands in Section 35 being unsurvced. All bids must be accompanied by an application and affidavit to pur- ciiase in accordance wttli section 3303 of Bellinger rihd Cotton's Code and declaration as provided by Sec tion 330T and by cash or check for full auiollnt offered. No bid for less than $1.00 per acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bid; is reserved. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. Brown,,, clerk State Land Board, Salens Oregon, and marked, "Application ,xnud bid to- ptircliasc Unixitcnt(l , $w(unp LariUs." G. G.,Bkiwn, Clerk Stnte.iuiid Hoard. Dated this 36th Mty of April, 1906 Look up' arid sec if vou do not rieeil a .new pair of sliced Then 116 and get, some, of those the Bend MercaptitcQa. arecldsiiiEdtit cheap for cash, xThoy hnvft some odd ijizes .and Styles vuw they cah save you money, ' t T- " - Stock of and Moulded At Ucnd, Oregon. Lumber Delivered at Low Cost Anywhere on iTlie Lands of llic D. I. & P. Co., or Tlic C. S. I. Co. OREGON ,yd For Woman's Su(lrago, I am in favor of woman's suffrage under any circumstances, but were I a resident of Oregon where they have the tjriluary election law in full force I would be doubly zeal ous in its advocacy. I believe it to be the concensus of opinion of those who have observed matters political that woman's suffrage bus been a success in Idaho even with the con ditions under which it has been tried.' The great obstacle 'to sue cessful politics iir our day is the caucus niid convention system which, i(i nij; judgment, has been frultfu of .more corruption and mis conduct in miblic life than all other Ijojitical jsyjus combined, and this ays.te.iu, is especially objectionable to women voters. In othef words, thc,batUc.U but h)ilfvAm when the tight to,y.o,ttf ft SAV.wi,' for under the vcnal-brccding system of caucus aud cpuwitfian nomination, women, though voters, are deprived of their greatest inllueiice in politics. While bclleviug earnestly in woman's suf rage, I believe also that h will meet with the greatest success in states where such laws obtain as obtain in the state of Oregon. ...Y&E- liORAit, .. Boise, Idaho. id sterna lias had several rjdcrcMt this wck-TOUjultaKup h'fs'.cattic to take them up the Des chutes to his summer pasture. GOVERNOR MAY COME Good Program for Farm ers Institute. STATU LAND BOARD TO COMB Tlicnc Formers (Mcctlni: of (Ircot Im portance to SeltlerS'-Uate Not Yet Set. The plans for the farmers meeting at Bend are, being rapidly perfected Thi! program is practically complct ed though die precise date has not liceu set as the committee in charge has not been able to fix a date that is satisfactory to all concerned. The members of the state land board, consisting of Governor Cham lerlim, Secretary of State Dunbar and State Treasurer Moore, have signified their desire to be prcicut. The meml)crs of the present land board are all well known to settlers in the vicinity of Bend where they have attended a number of meetings of settlers, aud their presence will doubtless attract many visitors. The settlers under most of the canals in the vicinity of Bend are vitally interested in the character of the men who make up the state land board. The Carey Act, under which the two chief irrigatiou companies in this district arc operating, makes this board the representative aud trustee of the people. Upon the fearless and honest discharge of its duty by the state land lonrd de jxmds the proper execution of the Carey law and the strict fulfillment of their contracts with the state on the part of the-irrigating companies Settlers in this vicinity should make it a point to meet these men aud get their views. It is doubtful if auy representa tive of the experiment station at Corvalliscnn be present at this meeting. The school year at the agricultural college is drawing to a close aud none of the teaching force can be spared at this time. It is planned to hold another meeting at Bend later in the season at which time the experiment station will doubtless be represented. It has been decided to have a dance some time during' the meeting, probably in the evening after the literary and musical exercises have been con cluded. Activity Among1 Tlmbermen Here. There seems" to be quite a stir among lumbermen in this vicinity. At present there are three large firms doing much cruising here abouts. They are as follows: The Deschutes Lumber Com pany, ol Minnesota, represented by John Ryan; The Crookstou Lumber Company, of Minnesota, represent ed by J. 15. Kelly aud The Brook ings Box aud Lumber Co., of Highlands, California., represented by W. J. Ward. Help Make the City Ucautliul, There are a number of people in Bend who arc making commendable improvements in the appearance of their property aud are thus vast ly improving the general appear ance of the town as a whole. After the long dusty journey across the desert, with its sage brush, lava rock and sand, the bright green lawns, which are steadily growing in size and number here, are very grateful to the eye. The householders of Beiul gener ally take pride in the appearance of their property, as is shown by well kept yards and fences, attractively painted buildings -by lawns alil thriving plants aud fruit trees. " The lawn about A. M. Drake's residence is undoubtedly the finest in town. It has taken time, money and unremitting effort to produce it but the result is a lawn that for size tmJ,ttniformity of growth will com pare with any n the larger cit Mrs, Steele and A. C. Lucas, ar)r developing a,, growth, of grass upon th'cjyols. The Siscuiore house, pi 0reon street, is surrouuded by a fiue. lawn witti a row of poplar trees aloVthe sWes. ' '' ' U. F. Batten aud John Overturf have devoted much time and labor to improving the grounds surround ing their houses tin Iron wood ave nue aud the results show the efforts expended. J. II. Oncill, A. B Kstebcuct aud A. II. Grant havt laid the foundation for beautiful homes in the planting of shade and fruit trees and the seeding of lawns. Let every householder in Bend dc all in his power to beautify hi property thus supplementing tin manifold natural advantages ol Bend's locution; the effort will lx worth nil it costs in pleasure to tin eye to say nothing of its value in t commercial sense. Tumnlo News. John dvranl of Redmond wa in Tumnlo thU week. Mrs, I!al;cr lias been Msrlounly ill but i now improving. , The C. S. I. Col are putting In a new head-Kale at-the head of their ditch. Mrs. Cliaile Spaugh, who liaa been tick with lypltoid fercr. i again able t be out. Several large loadt of lumber from lh Dorrknce mw mill paated through Tom ato thto week, going to Mr. Dorrance't hoinettefttl above Ilend. M e are norry to Hot the death of ilia. I.oui Murk, of Inllaw. She wan a great favorite of Iter many friemla, who will iuImi her very much. J. I'.. Wittier hail the tnWortuiic to get hi Miltllc horte tangled up in a bartwil wire fence one night hut week atxl tome very Krioua cuts rcaulted. Hightower & Smith have installed a top saw ami are now able to taw larger t'lttlter from which they arc turning out att excelloflt grade of lumber. Mr. and Mr. Norcrott, former resi dents of iMuglas county, arrived in Laid law laat week. Mr. NorcroM has pur chased 40 acres of C. S. I. Co. land two miles cast of Tutiulo and will toon begin improving 11. Kosland Items. Koslaud hotel reports business good. George llogue is on the sick list this week. Everybody is busy putting in garden this week. The Ijtowa'rd girl-t arc attending school in Kosland. The dance given by Mr, llogue was a MicccM, socially. Mi leMMe Andrews opened school in Kosland Monday morning. Families arc passing through Rostand daily on their way to Klamath Falls. The weather is warm aud the grass it good aiid the garden truck is growing rapidly, U;A. Fin.llcy passed through Kosland Sunday evening on his way to Demi to round up his cattle. He js going to take them to the summer range in Klamath county. Out of tho Ordinary. ''Dad" West reports that straw berry plants that were1 trhusplautcJ last Friday in the Drake garden were in full bloom on the following Monday. How is that for a sample of Betid products. He also says that hop vines show a growth of three aud a half feet so far this season. A. II. Grant has several eggs dis played in his store window, which arc of unusual size. One was laid by one of his plyniouth rock hens and weighs four ounces. The cir cumference ttie long way of this egg is 7 7-8 inches and it measures 64 inches around the shortjVay. The ether eggs were laid by hens belonging- to A. C. Lucas and are more like turkey's eggs than hen's eggs. Mrs. O'Kane also has a wonderful hen that lays eggs with three yolks. A. IT. Grant has a curiosity in his store window that is causing no little comment. It is a man's head made of Knglish clay. The crpwn of the head is made with crevices, ruuuiug around it aud these crevi ces have been filled with grass seed. The head is hollow aud is kept full of water which causes the crass to row and at present the head is cuvcrcu wiiu a growin 01 green. Our barber, Teed, Triplett, has been engaged to kiep this, gentle mau's hair cut. Bring on your lawn mower. Nextl There will be a meeting of the Commercial Club next Tuesday B, M. hall. The var ous "commtttees appointed four ,vpeks ago will report and plans for the jfarujer's rowing will be dis cussed All who have not joined are ttrged to do so, ARE NOW BUILDING Construction Begun at Sherar's Bridge. BUYS MORE RlfiHT.0F-WA Itend Alan Just Returned From Mad raa Reports Encouraging Rail Road News. Hugh O'Kane has just returned rom a trip to Madras and reports ncouraging news en the rail road situation. Actual construction vork has commenced on the Ore gon Trunk line at the mouth of the Deschutes aud at Sherar's bridge, o miles south. As stated in last week's Bulletin right of way has ecn arranged for as far south as Madras. It is stated that The Qalles-Dufur line will ultimately e completed to join the Oregon Trunk line at Madras or some point further north, thus constitut ing a feeder for the rich wheat country in Wasco county. It will be remembered that a prominent official of The Dallcs Dufcr road made the statement to Mayor Goodwillie some weeks ago that his road would .extend 100 miles before next winter. There is a persistent mmor that the same people arc behind both these lines and that they are in close touch with the Northern Pacific-Great Northern Company. Gets More Rlgh-of-Way. (Mulrai lioutcr.) Right-of-way through half a dozen ranches lyinp along the Des chutefrom the mouth of Trout creek on down, was purchased last week by F. S. Gordon, for the Oregon Trunk Line, and in several in stances a time limit was set within which the right of way must be occupied by the railroad in order to make the deed to right-of-way ef ective. In one instance it was stipulated that the right-ofway should be actually occupied by the railroad within two years, other wise the right-of-way is to revert to the grantor. The willingness ' oT the company to incorporate these stipulations in their right-of-way contracts cannot be construed other wise than as an earnest intention on their part to build the rail road into Central Oregon at once. Mr. Gordon, while here, was quite emphatic in his assurance that the Oregon Trunk Line means bus iness. He stated that the work would begin on the constauction of the line not later than the second week of May, and would be pushed stedily through to 'completion. The. promoters of the Deschutes railroad have financed their' project, and with ample funds available, they promise that there shall be no delays in the construction of the line up the river. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled-for in the Bend postoffice May 3, 1906: llaker, Jay K . Kenedy,, All Uriggs, T. Leeds, J. T. Hverett, Fremont. Persons calliug for these letters will please say they are advertised. A. H. Grant, Postmaster. Cards are, out announcing the marriage of Miss Madge Trumble to Qharles D. Rowe, to take place Monday noon,, April 30. A re ception will be held Monday even ing at the hom&.of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Howley. The couple will leave for their home at Bend, Oregon, where the groom is niaua ger of the Bend- Bulletin. Both young people are held in high es teem by all who know them. Mr. Rowe was formerly foreman at this office, and Miss Trumble has also been .employed hi the composing roomsflf the Register office, aud it is withTegijet that we see them leave our fair city for their far west em home, but wishes for a long aud hapmr iife will go with tliem. -Pafrview Co. Register, Blue Earth. Minnesota.