The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 27, 1906, Image 6

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    T5nt'v5w5 w-wwww m!W ' 'ffyj
HWM'WH'vW n,W fr rnnir i
a jBA'tJaufc.f M t. WttstiMii ' ..'. ..
for The Term of Jis Natural Life
CHAPTKIt XII. (Continued.)
Hy and by, having eaten of this mir
aculous provender, tho Hor creature be
Run to understand what had taken place.
The coal working were abandoned; the
new commandant had probably other
work for his beasts of burilen to exe
cute, ami an absconder wouKI Ih safe
here for a few hours at leant. Hut he
mint not stay. For him there was no
rest. If ho thought to cscspe, It be
hooved him to commence hU Journey at
once. Here was provision for hta need.
The foixl before him represented the
ratlona of lx men. Wan It not possible
to cross the deort that lay between him
and freedom on such fare? The very
auppositlon made his heart beat faster.
It turely was possible. Twenty miles a
day was very easy walking. Taking a
piece of tick from tho ground, he made
tho calculation In the sand. Eighteen
daya. and twenty miles a day three
hundred and sixty miles. More than
enough to take him to freedom. It could
bo done! With prudence. It could be
done! He must bo careful and abstem
ious. Having come to this resolution, the
next thing was to disencumber himself
of his Irons. This was more easily done
than he expected. He found In the shed
an Iron gad, and with that and a stoue
he drove out the rivets.
Refore dawn the next morning he had
traveled ten miles, and by husbanding
his food he succeeded, by the night of
the fourth day. In accomplishing forty
more. Foot-sore and weary, ho lay In a
thicket, and felt at last that bo was be
yond pursuit. The next day ho ad
vanced more slowly. The. path termin
ated In a glade, and at the bottom of
this glade was something that fluttered.
Knfus Dawes pressed forward, and
stumbled over a corpse!
He recognized the number Imprinted
on the coarse cloth at that which had
designated the younger of the two men
who had escaped with Gabbett. He was
standing on the place whsre a murder
had been committed! A murder! and
what else? Thank God, the food h
carried was not yet exhausted! Ho
turned and fled, looking back fearfully
as be went.
Crashing through scrub and brake,
torn, bleeding and wild with terror, he
reached a spur of the range, and looked
around him. He raised his eyes, and
right against blm, like a long dull sword,
lay the narrow steel-blue reach of the
harbor from which he had escaped. One
darker speck moved on the dark water.
It was the Osprey making for the
Gates. It seemed that ho could throw a
atone upon ber deck. A faint cry of rage
escaped him. During the last three days
In the bush he must have retraced his
steps, and returned upon his own track I
to the settlement! Moro than half his I
allotted time had passed, and be was not I
yet thirty miles from his prison.
For four days he wandered aimlessly
through the bush. At last, on the twelfth
day from his departure from the Goal
Head, he found himself at the foot of
Mount Direction, at the head of the
peninsula which makes the western aide
of the harbor. His terrible wandering
had but led him to make a complete
circuit of the settlement, and the next
night brought him round the shores of
III relies Inlet to the landing place oppo
site Sarah Island. His stock of pro
visions bad been exhausted for two days,
and be was savage with hunger, ne no
longer thought of suicide. His dom
inant Idea was now to get food. He
would do as many others had done be
fore him give himself up to be flogged
and fed. When he reached the landing
place, however, the guard house was
empty. He looked across at the Island
prlsou, and saw no sign of life. The
settlement was deserted!
The shock of this discovery almost de
prived him of reason. For days, that
had seemed centuries, he had kept life
In his Jaded and lacerated body solely
by the strength of his fierce determina
tion to reach the settlement; and now
that he bad reached It, after a Journey
of unparalleled horror, he found It de
serted. He struck himself to see if he
was not dreaming. He refused to be
lieve his eye-sight. He shouted, screamed
and waved his tattered garments In the
At last the dreadful truth forced Itself
upon him. He retired a few paces, and
then, with a horrible cry of furious des
pair, stumbled forward toward the edge
of the little reef that fringed the shore.
Just aa bo was about to fling himself
for the second time Into tho dark water,
his eyes, sweeping In a last long look
around the bay, caught sight of a strange
appearance on the left born of the sea
beach. A thin blue streak, uprising
from behind the western arm of the little
Inlet, hung In the still air. It was the
smoke of a Are.
The dying wretch felt Inspired with
new hope. God had sent him a direct
Ign from heaven. The tiny column of
bluish vapor seemed to him as glorious
as the pillar of fire that led the Israel
ites. There were yet human beings near
him! And turning his face from the
hungry sea, he tottered, with the last
effort of his falling strength, toward the
blessed token of their presence.
Frero bad gone on a brief fishing ex
pedition. At last a peremptory signal
warned him. It was the sound of a mus
ket fired on board the brig. Mr. Dates
was getting impatient, and with a scowl
Frere drew up bis Hues, and ordered the
two soldiers to pull for the vessel.
The Osprey yet Mt motionless on the
water, and her barn mast gave no sign
of making sail. To tho soldiers, pulling
with their backs to her, tho musket-shot
seemed the most ordinary occurrence In
tho world. Suddenly, however, they no
ticed a change of expression In the sullen
face of their commander. Frvre, sitting
In the stem-sheets, with his face to the
Osprey, had observed a peculiar appear
ance on her decks. The bulwarks were
every now and then topped by straugo
figures, who disappeared as suddenly as
they came, and a faint murmur of voices
floated across the Intervening sea. Pres
ently the report of another musket-shot
echoed among the hills, and something
dark fell from the side of the vessel
Into the water. Krere, with mingled
alarm and Indignation, sprnng to his
feet, and, shading his eyes with his hand,
looked toward the brig. The soldiers,
resting on their oars. Imitated his ges
ture, and tho whale-boat, thus thrown
out of trim, rocked from side to side
dangerously, A moment's anxious pause,
and then another musket-shot, followed
oy a woman s shrill scream, explained
all. The prisoners had seized the brig!
"QIvo wayl" cried Frore. pale with rage
and apprehension, and tho soldiers, real
lied at once tho full terror of their po
sotlon, forced the heavy whale-boat
through tho water as fast as the one
miserable pair of oars could tako her.
Mr. Hates, affected by the Insidious
Influenco of tho hour, and lulled Into a
sense of false security, had gone below
to tell hU little playmato that she would
soon be on her way to tho Holtart Town
oT which she had heard so much, aud,
taking advantage of his absence, the sol
dier not on guard went to the forecastle
to hear the prisoners singing. He found
the ten together. In high good humor.
While he listened James I.esly, William
Cheshire, William Itussen, John Fair
and James Harker slipped to tho hatch
way and got upon deck. Harker reached
the aft-hatchway as the soldier who was
on guard turned to complete his walk,
and passing bis arm round his neck,
pulled him down before he could utter
a cry. in the confusion of the moment
the man loosed his grasp of the musket
to grapple with his unseen antagonist,
and Fair, snatching up the weapon,
swore to blow out his brains If ho raised
a finger. Beelng the sentry thus se
cured, Cheshire leaped down the after
hatchway and passed up the muskets
from the arm-racks to I.esly and Itussen.
Anere were three muskets In addition
to the one taken from the sentry, and
Harker. leaving bis prisoner In charge
of Fair, selxed one of them and ran to
the companion-ladder. Itussen, left un
armed by this maneuver, appeared to
know his own duty. He came back to
the forecastle, and passing behind the
listening soldier, touched the singer on
the shoulder. This was the aDDolnted
signal, and John Hex. suddenlr tennln
atlng his song with a laugh, presented
his fist In the face of the gaping Grimes,
vio noiser he cried; "the brig's ours."
and ere Grimes could reply he was seized
by Lyon and Hltey and bound securely.
-Come on, lads!" saya Rex, "and pass
the prisoner down here. We've got her
time time, I'll go ball!" In obodleneo to
this order, the now gagged sentry was
flung down the fore-hatchway, and the
hatch secured. "Stand on the hatch
way, Porter," cries Rex again; "and If
those fellowa come up knock, 'em down
with a handspike. Lesly and Itussen,
forward to the companion-ladder! Lyon,
keep a lookout for the boat, and If she
comes too near, fire!"
Aa he spoke the report of the first
musket rang out. Darker had apparent
ly fired up the companion-hatchway.
When Mr. Hates had gone below, he
found Sylvia curled up on the cushions
of the stateroom, reading. "Well,
missy?" he said, "we'll soon be on our
way to papa."
Sylvia answered by asking a question
altogether foreign to the subject. "Mr.
Rates," said she, pushing tho hair out
of ber bluo eyes, "what'a a coraclo?"
"A which'" asked Mr. Haaes.
"A coracle. C-o-r-a-c-l-e," said she,
spelling It slowly. "I want to know."
The bewildered Rates shook his head.
"Never heard of one, missy," said he,
bending over the book. "What does It
" The Ancient RrJtons.' " said Hylvla,
reading gravely, " 'were llttlo better than
barbarians. Tbey painted their bodies
with woad' that's blue stuff, you know,
Mr. Hates 'and seated In their light cor
acles of skin stretched upon slender
wooden frames, mutt bavo presented a
wild and savage appearance.' "
"Well," said Rates, "I think It's a car
rlage, missy. A sort of pheayton, as
they call It."
Sylvia, hardly satisfied, returned to
the book. It was a little, mean-looking
volume a "Child's History of England"
and after perusing It a while with
knitted brows, she burst into a childish
"Why, tar dear Mr. Rates!" she cried,
waving the history above her head In
triumph, "what a, pair of geese we arel
A carriage! Oh, you silly man! It's a
"Is It?" said Mr. nates, In admiration
of the Intelligence of his companion.
"Who'd ha' thought that now?" and ho
mas about to laugh also, when, raising
bis eyes, be saw In the open doorway
the figure of James Darker, with a mus
ket in his hand.
"nallol What'a this? What do you
do here, sir?"
"Sorry to disturb yer," says tho con
vict, with a grin, "but you must come
along of me, Mr. Hates."
Dates, at once comprehending that
some terrible misfortune had occurred,
did not lose his presence of mind. One
of the cushions of th couch was under
his right hand, aud xnntchlug It up, lit
flung It nenw-t the little en Mil full In
tho face of the eetited prisoner Tho
soft mass struck tho mini with form
sunlelent to blind him for nil lutntit.
The musket exploded harmlessly In (bo
air; and, ero the astonished Hurler could
recover his footing, Hate hud hurled
him out of the cabin, and, crying "Muti
ny!" locked the cabln-dnnr on the Inside.
The noise brought uut Mrs, Ylcker from
her berth, and the poor little student of
English history ran Into her arm.
"It'a n mutiny, ma'am," said Hates.
"Go back to your cabin and lock the
door. Those bloody vllllans have risen
on us! Maybe It nln't so bad as It
looks; I've got my pistols with me, and
Mr. Frere'll hear tho shot anyway.
Mutiny! On deck there!" he cried nt tlm
full pitch of his voice, and his brow
grew damp with dismay when a mocking
laugh from above was the only response.
Thrusting tho woman and child Into
the state berth, the bewildered pilot
cocked a pistol, nnd snatching a cutlass
from the arm-stand fixed to the butt of
the mast which penetrated the cabin,
he burst open the door with his foot, and
rushed to the companion-ladder. Harker
had retreated to tho deck, and for an
instant he thought the way was clear,
but Lesly and Itussen thrust Mm back
with the muzzle of the loaded muskets.
He struck at Itussen with the cutlass,
missed him. and. seeing the hopelessness
of the nttack. was fain to retreat.
In the meanwhile. Grimes and tho Oliv
er soldier had loosed themselves from
their bonds, and encouraged by the fir
ing which seemed to them a sign that
all was not yet lost, made shift to force
up the fore-hatch. Porter, whose cour
age was nono of the fiercest, and who
bad been for years given over to that
terror of discipline which servitude In
duces, made but n feeble attempt at re
sistance, and forcing the handspike from
him, the sentry, Jones, rushed aft to help
the pilot. As Jones reached the waist,
Cheshire, a cold-blooded, blue-eyed man,
shot him dead. Grimes fell over the
corpse, and Cheshire clubbing the mus
ket coolly battered his head as he lay,
and then seizing the lxxly of the nnfor
tunato Jones in his arms, tossed It Into
the sea. "Porter, you lubber!" he cried,
exhausted with the effort to lift the
body, "come and bear a hand with this
other one!" Porter advanced aghast;
but Just then another occurrence claimed
the villain's attention, and poor Grimes'
life was spared for that time.
Rex, Inwardly raging at this unexpect
ed resistance on the part of the pilot,
flung himself on the skylight, and tore It
up bodily. As he did so. Harker, who
had reloaded his musket, fired down Into
the cabin. The ball passed through tho
stateroom door, and, splintering the
wood, burled Itself close to the golden
curls of poor little Sylvia. It was their
hair-breadth escape which drew from tho
agonized mother that shriek which, peal
ing inrougn tne open stern windows, had
roused the soldiers In the boat.
Rex, who by tho virtue of his dandy
Ism, yet possessed some abhorrence of
useless crime. Imagined that the cry was
one of pain, and that Harker's bullet had
taken deadly effect. "You've killed tho
child, you villain!" ho cried.
"What's the odds?" asked Harker,
snlklly. "She must dlo anyway, sooner
or later."
Rex put his head down the skylight,
and called on Hates to surrender; but
Hates only drew his other pistol. "Would
you commit murder?" he nskod, limiting
round with desperation In his glance.
"No, no," cried some of the men, will
ing to blink the death of poor Jones.
"It's no use making things worse than
they are. Rid him come uo nnd we'll
do him no harm."
"Como up, Mr. Hates," says Ret,
"and I give you my word you shan't bo
"Will you set tho major's lady and
child ashore, then?" asked Hates, sturd
ily facing the scowling brows above him.
Rates, hoping against hopo for the re
turn of the boat, endeavored to gnlu
time. "Shut down tho skylight, then,"
said he, with the ghost of nu authority
In his voice, "until I ask the lady."
This, however, John Rex refused to
do. "You can nsk well enough whero
you are," he said.
Hut there was no need for Mr. Hates
to put a question. Tho door of the state
room opened, nnd Mrs. Vlckcrs appeared,
trembling, with Sylvia by her side. "Ac
cept, Mr. Hates," she said, "since It
must bo so. We should gain nothing by
refusing. We are at their mercy God
help us!"
"Amen to that," says Rules tinder his
breath; and then, aloud, "We agree!"
"Put your pistols on the table and
come up, then," says Rex, covering the
tables with his musket as he spoke.
"Nobody shall hurt you."
Mrs. Vlckers, palo and sick with ter
ror, pased rapidly under the open sky
light, and prepared to ascend. Sylvia
clung to ber mother with one hand, and
with the other pressed close to her llttlo
bosom the "English History."
"Get a shawl, ma'am, or something,"
says Hates, "and a hat for missy."
"Who's to command the brig now?"
asked undaunted Hates, aa they came
"I am," says John Rex; "und with
tbeso bravo fellows I'll tako her round
the world."
"What are you going to do with us?"
asked Hates.
"Leave you behind. Come, look
nllve there! Lower nwny the Jolly
boat. Mrs. Vlckcrs, go down to your
cabin, and get anything you want. I
am compelled to put you ashore, but I
havo no wish to leave you without
clothes." Hates listened, lu n sort of
dismal admiration, at this courtly con
vict. Ho could not havo spoken llko
that had life depended on It. "Now, my
llttlo ludy," continued Rex, "run down
with your mamma, and don't be fright
(To be continued.)
The XVnr MU llrttotler.
Those who prefer tho nrtlllelnl moth
ml of raising chickens can make a
brooder out of nn old packing case
which will accommodate llfty chicks
nt n wst of nhout n dollnr. Such it
brooder Ima given excellent result nt
one of tlm experimental stations when
used In abed or colony house. Details
of construction of n brooder of this
kind are shown lu tho Illustrations.
The lower section of tho brooder, which
contains tho lump for heating, I n Iwx
three feet pmro made of ten-Inch
boards, which Is one red with tin or
galvanized Iron.
Above this inner, nniiind tho edge
of tho lamp Ikix, one Inch strips nro
milled. Two one-Inch holes nro bored
through tho strips on each side of tho
box for tho purine of eiitllntlon. A
floor of matched boards Is laid oil tho
strips. A hole eight Indus In diameter
Is cut In tho router of this floor, nnd
over It Is reversed nn old tin pan ten
Inches In diameter, tho sides of tho
pan being punched full of hold to
allow free circulation of heat. Over
this Is placed n tablo two feet six
lnche squnre, with legs four and n
half Inchon high.
Around tho sides of this tnhlo Is
tacked a curtain of felt cloth from top
to bottom nt lutervuls of llvu or six
Inches to allow tho chicks to past In
cdbyboardsfourlncho rdiu utt utitinitti
HtCTio.t or lltlOOUUL
and out nt will, tho wholo being sur
rounded by boards four Inches high
and three feet long untied together lit
tho corners anil resting on tho floor of
tho brooder. When tho chicks nre ten
days old ono of these boards may bo
tnken nwny und n bridge used so that
the chicks inny ntn from the hover to
tho floor of tho room.
Ilrnrliitr n Kfiieti I'osi.
Oftentimes It Is necessary or politic
to curve tho fnnn fenco at n cvrtnln
IKiInt, nml those who have built such
fences appreciate tho dllllculty of set
ting the post nt the shnnit twilnt of
the curve, ao that It will not pull over.
Any of the ordinary methods of h rac
ing do not acciii to answer the purpose.
An excellent brnco may bo mnilo by
tho following plan; Place tho ost In
position, then dig a hole two foot deep
and about six or eight foot from tho
pout. Obtain n heavy stone nnd fasten
n stout piece of wire to it, long enough
to reach to tint post nml wrap around
It two or throe times. Then bury the
stone lu tho hole, covering It with tho
soil und tramping the noII down tightly.
The other end of tho wire la thou
wrapied nhout the Mst tightly nnd
held la position with staple. It should
bo drawn taut. It will not Ihi iwhxIIiIo
for the iost to draw nwny from this
brnco under any ordlnnry conditions.
Tho Illustration shows how ulmplo tho
plan la.
Cat (to Time Aro Immune,
A discovery that may havo nn lm
jwrtnnt plnco In tho world'a history,
though of apparent trivial Imiwrtanco
In Uolf, In that imtlvo JapauoHo cat-
tlo, under natural conditions, are free
from tuberculoids, whllo cattle Im
ported Into Jupnn appear to bo highly
BUBCepilDIO. two Higiiiiicaiico of tho
dlHCOvery Hw lu tho poHslblllty that nn
Immune breed of cattlo tuny bo de
veloped which, of courso, would bo a
big victory In tho war belnu waged
dgaltut tho white plague.
Mtteri Seeds for Mention.
Taking mm fnnii with nnnthcr,
thorn nro fow containing fill h'
owmry to grow n proutalih crop f
iiiii-o timothy liny, lionet It In hiMt In
tiMo mixed needs. What tho mixture
Hhoiild bo ileoiidrt wiiiiottlint on tho
locality mid tho strength of tho soil.
Whore clover liny Is umlnly desired it
mixture of ulslko eloer nml timothy
give splendid result. wrtlouhirly mi
Mill thut Is Inclined to bo wel. night
pounds of elm r In tho uero Is I ho
usiinl heeding for red clover, though
on laud that lias been In eloer six
pounds Is usually stitlloleut As u ruin,
there Is not enough ehier liny grown
on the farm. Valuable aa timothy Is
for horses, the elm it liny I much
more vulunblo for u mixed lot of atoek ;
It nulla the row, sheep, euhr nnd
lambs better than either timothy or
mixed hay, ami I ory valuable for
the iMiuttry. Where thero Is nn abiind
aiiro wo would not hesltatn lo food
moro or less of It to awluo ns i( varia
tion In tho roughngo from runt atovor.
Open the aialile Vlnilims.
If tho row hao been stabled nil
winter they nro likely to lieeoino un
easy ns spring advances mid long for
outdoors. It Is mi excellent plan to
turn them out Into sheltered barnyards
that are clean and so arranged that tho
cold spring winds will not blow over
them, (llvu them amm nniglmgo to
munch out while they nro out. If It
Is not feasible to turn them out et,
then nrrango tho stable so they may
haw nil tho froth air HHtb)o without
causing the air to blow mer thorn so
they nre likely to cnteh cold. Tim win
dow nrrangetl so tlwt It may l inhhhI
nml the ontnlng emored by tho iiiiisIIii
sash will furnish this air without
draught Mter than an) thing eUe. H.
IKvlally give tho rows sun If It ran Ih
done. If thuro Is nu uihhi shed ihi tlw
plnco facing the sun Into which tin
rows niny l turned they will enjoy
It Immensely. This llttlo rare Just n few
weeks before they nro turned out to
grass will help affairs wonderfully.
fioittt .MHUInif ftlnnl.
The milking stool on tho nverngo
farm Is of little value. Usually It Is
nu affair with one leg, iijmiii which the
milker balance himself so that ho can
fall readily, carrjlng tho pall of milk
with him, should the mw move quickly.
A stool that will not tip over Is readily
mndo of n small box that Is strong.
Tho box should ho nhout fifteen Inches
high, unless tho row Is built low, In
which case tho box can ho three Inches
lower. It should ho from twelve to
fourteen Inches sqtinro to form a com
fortable seat Nnll two clouts on tho
Inside of the tx exactly eight Inches
from the bottom, then lit a Ik'hcIi or
shelf on those cleats, with one end ex
tending out the sullU'leiit length and
held In place with two legs. On this
tho Hill Is aet, while the milker oocu
plot the top of tho Imix and straddle
tho pall. This appliance Is readily
liniile, Is firm on tho Moor, nml, except
lu unusual ohni, no cow would Ihi like
ly to uiMot either wll or milker. TIh.
Illustration slums tho affair ury
UVIkMiik I lie .Milk,
Thero Im no good reason why the
plan of welgjiliig tho milk to wwerlaln
what each cow In doing should Ihi put
off until fall. Start lu with the fresh
cows aud keep It up anitiud to tho time
thoy nro dried off ugalii, and ono will
then have a valuahto record of res ill Is.
A nelghlsir whom we Induced to fry
tlila plan several years ago was glad
enough to get rid of one-half of his
herd of eighteen cowa mid buy new
one, for ho found that those ho sold
had la-en robbing him for yeara; lu
tho rase of two of them they were u
liosltlvo losa while the othera gave not
enough prollt lu tho twelve mouths to
nnywhoro near pay for tho time con
mimed In curing for them. The eyes
of moro than one dalryinnn hnvo boon
oM'iied by this simple exjatllent of
keeping n careful record, by weight, of
tho milk furnished by each row for a
given period of considerable length.
This Ih neeosHiiry, for noma mwa aro
amnll milker In Hummer, othera In win.
ter, and vice veraa, liidlannitollH Nowh.
(limit A m nn ir liionhnlitr.
An Incubator holding i,700 eggs Is
now lu operation lu Iliiffalo, N. Y and
tho company building u H Hnli I., i,,,..,.
ordora for throe moro of tho mmiimntli
7 I , ." 'M,rU 0f
United StntoN, U would fr.
llils Mint tlm iii-f.l. I,.... ,. ..-.I., i . .
" "" .
, ", : , '""" " nriiiieiiu moil-
button had pawned tho experimental
atago, which many people seem to
think It Ih atlll laboring m.
It Is bettor to look for n physician
than for aympathy when you aro ulvk.
Jv Ms''- I ft""
A.f tlOjkl. llll.KINII MTOOl.
Her Second Clinlr,
Nobody wns innro ileslioux of anylng
pleasant thing tlmn Mrs. Appleby, mid
nho iutnr reallm-d what nn iiucuiupll
nieulary vision of ihemsohM her lis
tener soiuelliues obtained through her
Mr. Appleby often real I nil It, how
mer. and ho spent a good iIumI of (lino
eiiileavoilng to smooth troubled water
lu tho uelghlHirhiNMl.
"I didn't get to the funeral out at
Mashhy, after all," said the good wo
man, one night nt tho supper , table.
"I felt sort of dlsapHiiitiHl when I
found the lraU'o enrrlaKo was all
full- tluee on (ho Iwek shhI, and no
place for an extra one.
Thou I bethought nut of oor Anno
Wlllanl that lives down that next
street to the l4rrabees. She's lame,
you kmiw, aud pretty deef, but I
scream right Into her oar, so she can
nlwnjs hoar me.
"1 went right down there and found
hrr nluue, ns usual, and I said to her,
'Anno, I couldn't get over to Mashhy
to a funeral, so I did the next beat
thing, ami OS ino to see you.'
"You'll uewr have siisoctcd from
hrr face how gratllled she was. Him
has these long feature, and they
coined to !' draw oil out soleinuer limn
usual, hut of course I knew she was
pleased, mi) body that see ns fow as
she dees, living out of the way nml
hived up In that little house,"
tteriinit Itie l.lixll,
"I don't mind folks borrowing," said
MltM HiMtgMs, plalHtliriy, to nu obi
friend who was M)lug Iter n visit,
"but l't gt au awful trying woman
for a neighbor Juat mow. Hlw borrows
such iut ttilnsr I'm most uut o pa
tience with tier."
"Shears awl brooms and tlm flour
sifter nml Ironing lmrd. I mh," said
the guest, who had known life lu a
country town.
"Mercy me. I don't count stirh
thing !" said Mis Hodge. ",N'r Hy
tost umbrella nor my curving knife, I
ran make shift to get on without 'cm
for a while any lime. Hut when she
riuae mer to lrrow my diary the other
day. so' she could keep account of Hit
weather and her lions' rgg nml so oh
till tier husband came back from fall
famla, she having given him her t
put down his otpouso and sights In,
so's site could copy her record In from
my tik lu the right place 1 declars
I called It the rap sheaf I"
I'epf' tMrtiae.
An electric resistance furnace wji
used by I'ipys In IHI.". for the cementa
tion of Iron. He took a (tlcee. of aire,
jft Iron nnd nit n silt nhmg Its loufth.
The silt was filled with diamond dust,
which wds prevented from falling out
by flno Inai wire. The portion of the
wlro containing the dut was wrspjx-d
In mica. The wire thus charged was
heated quickly to redoes by the cur
rent from a lattery. On opening the
wire I'ojiy found that tho diamond
dust had dlMiiered ami that around
where It had Iwofl the wire had been
converted to steel, tmdou Itoglncer.
lis ThrlllUa ItReel.
The great wgn pWd forth.
The leadtr at Ike rtwlr waved bis Us ten
with great energy, his head ami his wttak
bojy assisting In keeping time ami givln
ezprlafl to the mifel anlhsin. And Ik
choir Mtir, In full cliorui:
"Aw maw () waw maw raw yaw Jaw;
Wae yo haw ho raw law aw waw,
!w Jaw O haw maw raw,
Yo haw bee aw haw Jaw O haw
Woe haw daw maw aw daw raw aw,
Haw waw shsw law O mawt"
Tbs cong-rogatlon bad some diatadty In
understanding the words, nut lk hhhI
was grand, and It soomUd Ilk warship,
Chisago Tribune.
Tnkluir JVn (imiirrs.
The visitor had anked twniisslen ta In-
fieet the eilenslre works.
'Certainly," said Ih siixirlii!wulnt.
YfMi Hoii'i wnd being searetted Ufor
foil begin, I presume? It's merely a for-
"What da you want to seareh m far?
Do you think I hav bomb caneeatsd
i bout mo?"
"Worse than that. You might have a
Dole hook and pencil, you kuow." Cbb
rago Tribune.
i'lTQ ''inssfBily C ufM. Woniiornfrretusfss
110 n-rniliUrati.wrlr.Kllii'slitMMV
'.!!"f.,-.,ff,M ,H' rreesTJ liUIIill-1trtslU
II. II. II. Ulliit, U4.,MI Anil (it, I'tillKlilWil. I
Assisting (Ntnvrrsnfltiii,
"Yes," remarked tho professor, "I
rather pride myself on tho discovery
Of another hypothesis."
"Indeed," replied Mrs. Cumror, n llt
tlo doubtfully, " had nn. Idea they
were quite extinct." Washington Star.
Ilrlilns, III ml, lit-.lin, 1'roUinllnK lilts, tlnir
!)' siilliiiilMtl lu frfuml iinnrjr If PA.0
3IMllh.NI tails In cms In lullil.r. MM.
Woman's Wny,
She Wo never hear of nny women
Bftcr-dluuer speaker.
He No, women can't wait until af
ter dinner, Thoy loll everything thoy
know before dinner. Yonltern Htatcw-
Mwwlll And Ur: Wlnslow's Hootblng
B7rupholitreinody lomolor UiolrcMldreU
durlug tho teething rlod,
aUrlfll ttlA ..l.U1
"Tin Jmlgo let you off on account of
four youth and hcraiiso It was your first
tffense, hey? Told you to go and sin no
sio.-e, did he?"
"I reckon so, When I heard him say
W X didn't wait to bear any more."