The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 27, 1906, Image 5

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A J're'Rlitcr l'lilllp KriuiclH left for
M Hluuilko TiK'.sdiiy.
John Ovurturf tliln week seeded
i!k two loto to lawn hhihh.
Hlnicr Merrill in now the ni;lit
"clerk nt the Pilot HnUe Inn.
IM Hiilvei.son n fencing in Ills
lot on Hawthorn Hired this week.
V. C. Knwlee ciinie in from the
Johnston ranch ychtcrdity on bttsl-
l?d nnd I'rniik McCaffrey of I, n 111
law wctu llcncl visitors the ( of
the week.
Robert 1,'iolds of MndrnH passed
through llend ycNlarility enronte to
Silver Lake.
Tom Pnrmcntcr Hont Sunday nt
Phillip HrunclH' ranch four miles
past or llcnd.
George Meyer came over Irom
Prinevillc ycsteiday for several days
rlsit in llcnd.
W. T. Stevens left this weak to
resume his duties nt the toll ntcs
bpyond Slstersi.
A. C. I,ucaq lias seeded his lawn
to yjim ntttl set out several elm
trees this sprint;.
John Pcri'.usoii was in llcnd from
his homestead ntu-titlini: tohusiucss
matters, Tuesday.
V K. Hooth, of Sisters, was in
llcnd the first of the week attend
itiR to business matters.
Telephone No. ao has been
placed in the residence of John
Stoidl nt I.ytle, Oregon.
II. C. Montgomery of Ilridal
Veil, Or., wnh in Iteud this week
looking over timber laud.
The Kev. Pinkham of Prinevillc
will jirench nt the llaptist church
Sinniiny morning nt 11 o'clock.
Mrs. A. M. Drake returned last
Sunday nftcr several mouths so
jottn i'i California and Portland.
U. II. Muuccyaud J. I. Mognn,
timber men of Ilemidji, Minnesota,
arrived in Mend on yesterday's. stn;c.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hedges
came in from their homestead cast
of town to, do some shopping, Mon
day. K. W, Roberts of Sisters was
lu llcnd Wednesday. He reports
that he will have about 80 acre in
hay this season.
Freighter C. V. Jensen of the
Oregon Knstcru survey crew was in
llcnd the first of the week on his
way to Shnniko.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan H. Smith, of
the Powell buttes neighborhood,
were shopping in Ileud the latter
part of last week.
Hardy Allen has recently sold'
his hotel at Sisters to I,. H. Ailing
ham and will devote his time to his
blacksmith shop.
C. A. Chapman went to Red
mond Thursday morning to attend
to ImsinusH matters. Miss Kthul
accompanied him.
Mr. and Mrs. Iloldeu, Mrs. Fer
guson and Game Warden A. M.
Zevoly of Prinevillc spent several
days in llend this week,
The Triplett boys are building n
chicken-proof fence around, their
property on the north side of Wall
street, near the postoflk-c.
United States Marshal Kerrigan,
of Portland, wns in the Heud conn
try the first of this week nnd sub
poenaed several grand jurors.
A H. Grant has set out 140
raspberry plants and 100 currnut
bushes this week. He now hns one
whole lot planted to small fruits.
This week Henry Hedges sold
tliv: north half of lot 15 in block 16
on Minnesota street to Thomas Par
muiitcr for n consideration of 225.
Special Agent James Mnyberry
spent n couple of days in llcnd this
week, leaving for Portland Tues
day. He will return here in nbout
n month.
Arthur Powell, of llrownsville,
Oregon, arrived in llend last Satur
day, He is n brother of Hcrt 1'ow
til, time keeper for the D. I. &. P.
I,ntest style of spring nnd sum
mer lints for Indies nnd children
now on displny, at reasonable pri
qcs, nt New York Cnsh Store, taid
law, Oregon.
A, 1). Hstebcnett fenced in his
residence property pn Hawthorne
Avenue this week With wire net
ting ntd has set out grnpc vines
and fruit (rces.
J. II. Hd wards, Kthel Kdwnrds,
Mrs. Hurt, P. Lyons and C. Wilson
of Redmond, came up and attend
ed the social dance given here last
I'rlday evening.
O. T. Sly, J. S. llogue, I'rauk
Hoguc and V. It. Hogueof Roslaud
passed through llend this morning
on their way to Portland, to serve
on the grand jury.
Dr. I. L. Scoficld, dentist, of
Redmond, will be in Ileud some
time in the near future, prepared to
do nil kinds of dental work. Dates
will be given ncjft week.
II. I), Houucymau took out a
load of supplier to his homestead
in 20-13 yesterday, and will do con
siderable clearing and plowing and
make other improvements.
Christian nrienvor services at
the church Sunday evening nt 7:30,
Subject "Home missions among
foreigners in Americn." Text:
I'tph. 2:i3-Q, Mrs. Una McMillan
leader. '
A new gate was ,nJ iu the rock
wall on Wall street this week just
south qf The lltilletin building nnd
a side walk will be built from it to
the residence of A. L. Goodwillic
on Front street.
W-J. Ward and J. 15. Urook
ings of Rcdlauds, Col., and J. N.
Hunter returned Wednesday fiotti
it trip up the river. They were up
as far as John IJaihu's, the stage
station between Roslatid and Silver
Lake, where they vcrp looking
over timber lands.
Announcement hay been received
iu Ileud of the marriage of Charles
Ihtanc Rowc to Mis) Margaret
Kliznbctli Trumblc, at Jiluc Iinrth,
Minnesota, on April 30th, at the
home of the bride's sister. Mr.
and Mrs. Rowc will be nt home in
llend nfter July 1st.
It Is refreshing to walk down the
streets of Heud nnd note the green
lawns and the flowers peeping out
here and there. The rains this
week have worked wutidcrs. Ulllbs
planted last fall are now iu full
bloom, sweet peas mid such plants
nrc from two to three inches high.
J. R. Sntchwcll moved his fam
ily out onto his homestead near
Redmond, Wednesday, where he
expects to remain permanently.
He will at once construct a dwell
ing house and make other improve
ments. Mr. Satchwcll will still
continue freighting lctwcctt here
and Shaniko.
R. H. Mutzig's father and mother,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Mutzig and his
sister, Mrs. Catherine Solom, of.
Pittsburg, arrived iu Uend last Mon
day and will remain until about 1
the first of beptctnber. They hail
been on the road since the 35th of
January, having visited different
I I I I M ! if
Hit HIN! I mMJfcA"-""- V
5 HA WW Offf.
Qfir High Grade Goods offered, Service and 1ow Prices, Merit It
Oregon's Big
.r Kvery pasji purchaser can have a Grand Entertainer a Talk
ing Machinein the home. We are giving them away. Get
informed and save our coupons.
wrist. The btggy wna broken so
that thcr were obliged to return to
Rcdmq'nd to. lpive t rppalrcd before
they could cqntitme their homeward
Dr. U. C. Coc received a letter
from his father Wednesday stating
that he was nt Berkley at the time
of the earthquake at San Francisco
and was uninjured. Dr. Coc's
mother was at their home in the
suburbs of the city and when the
fire started she, with the aid of n
Jap servant, succeeded in saving
nearly all their personal effects.
Montell Coc was in Portland nt the
time, having left only a short time
before the disaster.
Koslantl Items,
The late rains have started the
gardens and grain.
George Hoguc made a trip to
Mend this week, after lumber.
School will open here next Mon
day with Miss Jessie Andrews as
Rosi.AND, April afi, J. S.
Hoguc, Frank Hogue, Will Hoguc
and Mr. Sly all of this place started
for Portland Thursday.
Sam and Hugh Findlcy passed
through Roslaud Thursday on their
way to Shaniko nftcr n load of
supplies for Silvcrtootlt, at Silver
points iu California.
R. II. Wickham of Cleveland.
Ohio, arrived in llend ths first of
the week. Mr. Wickhntu is an at
torney of several years practice nnd
rtcciitlv enmc from the law offices
of W. H. Gucrin, in Cleveland. He
is looking for n location in the west
nnd 'expects to .spend nbout two
weeks nerc.
Word has been received that Mrs.
NeliiL- StcnliiMiR. the wile. of W. T.
Stephens, of the late firm of Hadley
it Stephens, died in San Francisco,
Marcli 10111 last, wnue on iter way
home from I.os Angeles, where she
spent the winter for her health.
iTicuoM m tins enumuuic iimv win I
be grieved to learn of her demise.
Mrs. M. J. Morrison left Monday 1
to go to St. Vincent's hospital iu
Portland, lor treatment. Mr. Mor
rison drove her as far as Prinevillc
and W. H. Wilson, who was going
to Shaniko to meet Mrs. Wilson,
took her on to Shaniko. A tele-1
phone message was received from)
Mr. Wilson Wednesday stating that j
Mrs. Morrison stood the trip nicely.
A nartv comnosed of Mrs. Auda-!
way, Mrs. J. N. Hunter, Mrs. Wil-
lhni Stevens, Mrs. IS. A. (Jriiiin,
Mrs. Sarah Hunter and Miss'
Handel, Million Hunter, Clair
Htmier mid Carl Hunter visit-1
ed Awbrev butte last Friday. A
fine view of the surrounding coun
try can be had from this butte nnd
Redmond, I.nidlaw and Tumalo
can be seen.
Suudav Mrs. Kv.t Poindexter,
Misses Mabel Hunter nnd Violet!
Keen urove uowu to jwuihuhu iu
visit friends. As they were leav
iug Redmond Monday morning
their team ran away, throwing Mrs,
Poiudextcr and spraining her
Tunmlo News.
F. V. Swisher will soon have his ncrc tract of land under fence.
Many acres of grain are being put
in nnd a big crop is expected this
John Ryan from The Meadows
was iu Tumalo last week looking
after his cattc.
Chns. Spaugh hns been on the
sick list for the past week, but is
nblc to be nbout again.
Clarence Nelll, the freighter wns
iu Tumalo Thursday after a load of
hay for George Couch of Laidlnw.
Mr. IJdgingtou, of Wasco is
back on his homestead one mile
west of here. He is making some
A thunder shower, the first of
the season, visited this district
Sunday and it has been raining a
great deal since, which is very
welcome to the fanner.
A great many people hereabouts
want a school distrct set apart for
this vicinity, but no one seems to
want to make a start for it. Won't
some one make the start? Kvery
one is willing to donate toward the
expense of building a school house
nnd securing gnunds. Who will
make n start to estnblish n school
uenr home?
Notice to the Public,
I have now n complete line of
Geu,t' nmi Hoys' Suits, fresh and
clean, just arrived from . the Kast.
Also bats, cap and it full, line of
sdioes. In fact everything to wear
from head to foot. Come in nnd
see Uiem at Puck Tkue Stork.
Is Buying Rlght-of-Wey.
Continual from first page.
or the Hill roads. Information on
this point has not been given out,
although it has been hinted that at
the mouth of the Deschutes is one
of the best crossings on the Colum
bia river, affording easy connection
with the Hill Hue on the north
bank. It is not believed, however,
that the Harriman interests would
permit the Deschutes route to fall
into the hands of Hill, thus virtu
ally relinquishing to those interests
the immensely important Central
Oregon country, as well as afford
ing them an easy entrance into the
Harriman territory iu the south.
Preparing for Construction.
H. F. Woodcock, representing
the Tygh Volley flouring mills, was
in town this week on business, and
reports encouraging railroad news
from the lower Deschutes. A rail
road line, which is to be a feeder of
the new North Hank line and con
nect with that line at the junction
of the Columbia and Deschutes
rivers, is projected, as far south as
Madras, to which xint right-of-way
has been purchased.
Knginccr Gordon, iu charge ol
construction, recently purchased of
Mr. Woodcock's nephew, who oper
ates a lumber yard at Tygh Valley,
lumber for the construction of a
tool and bunk house at Shcrar's
The statement is made that the
company wants 5,000 men and will
start work on May 10th. The
projected road is said to be a Nor
thern Pacific enterprise.
Sells Right-of-way.
U. S. Cowles and wife deeded
right-of-way across their property
on the Deschutes, to the Oregon
Trunk Line, on Tuesday. One
stipulation in this deed for right-of-way
was that actual construction
work should begin on the road for
which the right-of-way was given,
within 60 days from date. If work
doe? not begin within that time,
the right-of-way reverts to Mr.
Cowles. This begins to look like
the Oregon Trunk Line meant business.
Columbia Southern
NO. 3
I Norht
boumt 1 NO. I.
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with nil the delicacies of the season
First-class Equipment
Fine Rooms and Hcds
All stages stop at the hotel door
General Blacksmlthing and Wagon Repairing
&W Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
Commission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention paid to those who
favor me with theic patronage
a'ts moos.,
5 39
4 a
4 11
vcu v...
liny Cuiiyou Junction....
Or. VsUty ...
...liourton., ,1
ii I Wilcox
II so
II 19
II 10
II 00
10 4i
10 4
to ai
10 oj
9 SJ
9 37
8 jo
Authorized Capital $25,000
Incorporated 1904
The Central Oregon
Banking & Trust Company
Transact a general banking and trutt buainru; Usuea Letter of Crttllt Cl
throughout the world; act aa administrator, ezreutor or trustee or estate; trans
fer money by mail or telegraph; collection made promptly and upon favorable
INTl'.KKST ON IKPOfi!Tft-The Centrat Oregon Hanking & Trust Co. h
added several new feature to It rapidly growing business. It will now glre Time
Ccitlficate of Deposit, paying interest thereon as follows: for Six Month, 3 per
cent; for One Year, 4 per cent.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent at Reasonable Rates
A Full Line of Legal Blanks for Sale.
Agent for the Fire Association of Philadelphia,
and the American Fire Insurance Co.
A. 31. DRAKE, Pniia. A. L. G00DW1LLIE, Vice Tnm
F. 0. SIINOR, Gahiiikr
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
IIorsrs Boarded by tiik Dav, Week or Month
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15
Bond street, between Minnesota and Oregon,
Oend, Oregon.
WAM. STREET. Opposite II, M. Co.
THE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a First-Class
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WH ITE & H I LL.
Dally itRKe connect lou- at Btuillko for Autel
pc, I'rlncrMfrf noii.. Ilwiit, Silver .take, !.kt
van City. J IMy City, ami Vossll.
In I UVI W. kl.ttrfT.I.t.l...ft
V . . rM,.,M..H.. I
tr.wtrA. oouusftUfc,
Ho hutter how big the bird, no matter how heavy Iti plumage or
swift its illght, you Can bring Jt to bag with a lony, suonj;,
straljht shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what
count. They always give the best results In field, fowl or trap
shooting, and at sold within teach of avtrybody'i pockstbook.
UBS J 5r4 mm 4 tUrut in a 4lUl fr4 ff car farj BlBifrif.-J calou.