mxwmmmwmm H I J ! c i ft t BAY CITY IS IN RUINS Earthquake Visits San Francisco THOUSAND DEAD Fire Follows Shock and Adds to Panic NO WATER SUPPLY Mains arc Broken and Fire men Fight Flames With Dynamite-All Bus iness Section Is Gone. City Surely Doomed. Oakland, April IP. At U o'olock thla morning bun Francisco It a mw of ruins ami tbe Aamct continue the work at destruction, obliterating tit ten- remaining habitations. There Is no water and the city reemi doomed. Dvnamlte Im tailed to eheok the Arc. Oakland has been placed under martial ). Tho San Pahto ferrv was sank by Hying debris. All night the hrav ent we re Itjjhtol by the light ot the vast cvmltagtatlon. This morning mass ot smoke mark the continunce ot the destruction amid swneccd nnspenk able horror. The estimated ha in San Kianoiero will reach frota 1159,001,000 to SOO,000,000 la the town. The limita ot the tire at this hear are Nineteenth itreet on the west, TVswn eecd street un the soath and Broadway oa the north. Everything between thee ttreett and the waterfront I de vastated. Day Dawns Hcpelett San Francisco, April 19. IVay dawn ed on a ncene ot death and dcettactiou. Paring the nitht the name contained many ot the city's finest structures and preud in doreu directions la the res idence portion!. The tear dints ed eyes ot a myriad ot homeless, stricken, heart weary, help lest people watched the Are stretch lie long tone at red destruction from the waterfront ta the Mission, wheh it weft of standing wood and briok and tteel and iron made a hue. smoldering nsrap heap; around the shipping dls trie daw to the bay snore, destroying Vessels, wharves and docks; and then, in a bitter ham at thewtad, strive! Ue Warm Belt, leach itt destructive ban ner aw the Soalber Pacific station at Third and Ta wat cad. crumpling ears And engtaea and huge baihlinca into bonfire ashes, and completing the Ml work of yesterday south 4 Market street; then twine back, an the wine of a eeb!-msVcb t and new (net amid the stalely homes ot the men who bad been Hate boiMert aad railroad magnate oa Nob Hill. Fwntton'a Returns of Disaster. WaiB0w, April 1, The War de partment today received tfce MWna; telegram hen General Fanatoa: "Yhm four dispatches received. Hare already W several far yau. It i imyi4Me ar W iniarm yaw ae t the Kill extent i the dteaatet. Oty fmetknallr deatwyed Trfa have been atdmc ilre natrahnc and main taining neder, XarUal lav ba nt leen devared. Warktnc in enM wi tbe eivil aMbarttiea. Have nt interfered wHb tbe renAng ad any dtt patcbea. Van rannat eeni taa manr tent r ratiana. Abont 30,00 ptvtfde bamtdesa. Wk4 Ty nmree, rrarte twi baaeea all deetrayed. All the pv erasaenl bnUdinim in the aity cne." Tito (Uenillul rarUiiunko shock cmho wltliout wfttnluK nt (iroclnoly oiKI o'clrvk this uioiiiluKi Its motion nipr. outly Ictus from cast to wwt. A' (lrst tlio iliortVrtl of tlio earth was K'ditrtl, but Itt n fmv recoiuls It tuorMeetl In In tensity, Chimneys lopn to full niul bulltllnRS (o crack, tottering on their foundations. People Ixvnmo nanla stricken niul rusluHl into Hie streets, moat of them in their nlulit attire. They were met by showers of fulling bolUlhiKS, bricks, cotnlct and nails. Many Mere Instantly crushed to death, while others were dienilfully mnii;led, ThoiH who remained Indoors Kenerally eeoajvul with their lives, though nrea were hit by detached plaster, pictures nml Articles thrown to the tloor by the shock. It U believed that more or less loa was sustained by nearly every tain lly In the city. Telegraph and telephone rommunl ration n as shut off for n time. The Western Union was nut completely out ot business, and the lVstal company was the only one that managed to get a wire out of the city. About 10 o'clock even the Postal was forced to suspend in Han Francleco. Klrctric power was stopped and street car did not run. Railroads and ferry boats also ceased operations. Today's experience has been a twtU monial to the movlern steel building. A score ol these structures wen In worse ot erection, and not one of these suffered. Tho completed modern build I tips were also immune from harm by earthquake. The buildings that col lapsed were all tlimsy wooden and old fashioned brick structures. The burned district extends from the water front south of Market street to Mission street and west to Kleventh street. The tire extends out Uayrs ami McAllister streets nearly to Fillmore, ami from the water front along Market to Montgomery ami north from the wa ter front to New Montgrmery street. Mannfactnries, hotels, wholesale honsee and residences, comprising the princi pal part of the bnsiness section, have been destroyed. The city hull, n stine lure costing 17.000,000, was first wreck ed by the eartltqnake and then destroy ed by nre. The Palace hotel, rained at $3,000,000, alto was burned. The beautiful Clans Spreckeli building at Thinl ami Market streets was gutted. The Rtalto bnildtng and doxent ot oth er costly slractares were also destroyed The Hall of Justice is threatened, and will nndoabtedlr go. The Examiner and Call buildings are gene and the Croker building, acrrxa the street from the Palace rtotel, is en fire. The freaks at the earthnake were I manr. we sssarea were mate in the streets, street railways were twisted est at Use, sewers and water pipes were bnrsl, and it is teAred that Ihore will be an epidemic et disease. Pteris ions are beinc said at lancy pricee, and even water is being vended by the glass. It is imp4tble ta give a list i the dead aad waaaded, ar even a list at the principal bniMings destroyed. DESTRUCTION GROWS HOUHLY. Flronton Ulow Up QuIUIImri Frantic People Floo for SAtnty. San Krnnclsco, April IV, With each snceodlug hour the tlevnslntloti niul de struction in this rlrlckeu and prostrnto ruin of n city grows nml grows. At it o'clock tonight It scouted us It notlilttg amid suvo llm compAratlvely smnll portion of the city that yet remains un burned. Tho entire business and whole sale district la now only n glowing fur nace, while tho giant tongues ot (Unto have leached westward far beyond Van Ness avenue and are wiping out lutlld Ings and staking more to devour. In every excavation and hole throughout the north beach household era are burying household effects, throwing them into the ditches and covering the holes . Attempts ate made to mark the Braves of the property so that it can bo recovered atter the tlames are appeased. Chief ot Police Dlnan said ho thought 250 would fully cover the number ot deaths. He found It Impossible to se cure details. About 60 bo-tics have thus far been found. There was much shooting ot looters today, but the offenders were fortunate enough to escape with wounds. There Is a great shortage ot the bread supply in the city. This afternoon, atter a panic at the Calitornla-atrret bakery, the police took possession of the premises and it will be operated under municipal control. At this place mrn battled with women and children in their efforts to each seise four and Hve loaves of bread. The iHllee used their clubs tor the purpose of bringing about an equitable distribution ot the loaves. FIRE STILL BURNING lint Has Lust Its Fury niul Is Now Slowly Dylinj (Inf. NATION COMING N0I1LY TO RELIEF BLAZE LIGHTS MIDNIGHT SKY. OUTSIDE SAN FRANCISCO. Oakland, Cal April IS. Rartb quake and re today bare canted the groatec calamity umiarnta Has eve known. In San Franotsoo aVnne H u eelimated that 1,006 persons bare per iabed, wfeile at many mare are tafiersng from irsite. Tan entire baint tma of the city ts in rains, and the dimes wfcioh, owing ta tbe lack ed water, eannat be checked, excof4 by bsawinc an whfc drwaaiite baikltntr in their Mtb. are tll twtyvping tbreb tbe oHy. It u iwroiWe at pretest ta eeUmate tbe property Ion. lor tbe exteut at tbe ran ttacratioa cannot be told nntit tbe fir u bnmed itael! oat. Many Towns Ruined bf Earthquake and Hundreds of Lives Lest. San Jeee, April 19. One bnndred and fifty persons are reported killed in this city. The entite bnsiness portion at tbe town bordered by St. James an the nartb, Market an tbe wwt. Third an the east and San Fernando an the snl is a eamplete massed rains. Tbe eity is wader martial law, tbe streets are being patrolled by treat. All baspiuls ale crowded with dead aad dytag. The eteatrfe plant is badly de molished and tbe cKjr is in datkaesa. San Franeitea, April It Report from tbe tns.riar are moat alarsnsnc Santa Knaa, one at tbe most beaatiral etuea in tbe suto, in the prosperoas aaanty ot Sostama, is a taul wreck. These are lt,aM bamslrss men, womsa aad ebibfjvsv, baddled Vfyrtber. Tbe kess at lite H not to be eetsmated. It wtll probably react tbe tboasaadi Tbe masn etret it piled many feet deep wfthtae Ullen baiMtap. Not one basiaesa Moek is Mt tntaot. TMs de straot an wesadea all tbe eoaaty baiM tags Notatag m Wt. What was not Hyed by tbe eartbasuke was swept by fire. 4eeeafert wHsh: tbe tasmatt tkHapt aram HeaMtbarc, GejterriUe. Claver dale,H aptand and Ckiab. In every ae Ue bws at Hie and nror-ertr it n aaoeking as here. Conflagration Seen From Oakland Appears Unchecked. Oakland, Cat., April 19. (Mid night) At this hour the light from burning San h'raaciico deea net appear to have diminished, and is almost, if not qalte, as brilliant as last night. Although the Harare hare swept their way three milts westward from the water front, the entire sky is illnmi nated by the glare of the unchecked conflagration. There is no wind and only the faintest suspicion of a hreexe here tonight, bat it is said tnere Is a tiff hrerte Mowing ever San Francisco, A gigantic column of smoke hangs over the desolated city, the apex forming fantastic shapes thousands ot feet in the alt and slowly drifting away ta the northward. Although telegraphic eammanieatton was established this evening with tbe Ferry building an tbe San Francitea side, aaly a very limited amount of matter eon id be bandied. Tbe tele graph company would receive bat a lew hundred words ot press matter, giving tbe wires ever to preesiag commercial businees. It is believed that by to morrow morning additional facilities will be had. The telegraph companies are nom pleteiy swamped by tb enormous vol ume ot meesages rraabing bare, as wall as the crash at business filed tar tbe outside world. It is aalikely there will be aay farther news matter from San Ftaneiseo Wfre morning. Foreign Countries Stand Ready With Holp, Out Their Aid Will Not Uo Needed. San Francisco, April 20. - Plunged Into absolute darkness tonight nt 10 o'clock, San Francisco has not seen the ouculsfon of tho devastating, work of the conllagratlon. The tile that started at Noli Hill and worked Us way to tho North Heach sec tion, sweeping that section cleat of buildings, was later veered around hy a tierce wind and made its way southerly to the immenso seawall sheds and grain warehouses. The tluuea were heading directly for tho Immense Ferry build Ing, the terminal point of all central overland and local trains of the South ern Pacific road. The darkness ami the wind, which at time amounted to a eale, added fresh terrors to tho situa tion. Tonight the principal remaining Are was confined east of Van Ness avenue and north ot Union street, but was burning its way to the shore. jte this afternoon the police broke open every saloon ami corner grocery in the tavrd district and poured all malt ami ipiritous liquors into the gutters. HUNDREDS DEAD IN HOTELS. One REAP CHOI'S OF FOREST. Over 75 Oodles Takan Out Hundred in Cosmopolitan. Sn Francso, Apr 0 The three story lodging house at Fifth and Minna streets collapse.) ami over 76 dead bod ies have been taken out. There are at least 80 more dead bodies exposed. This building ws one of tbe first to take fire on Fifth street. At leat 100 people were lost in the Cosmoolitan betel on Fourth street. The only building standing between Mission, Howard, Kast and Stewart treett Is the San Pablo hotel, which Is occupied and running. The shot tower at First ami Howard streets is cone. this landmark was built n years ago. The Risdon Iron works is partially de stroyed. The Great Western Smelting and Refining works escaped damage. also the Matuat Klrctrlc Light works, with slight damage to the American Rubber company ami Yietagaa Kngine company. Folger .tree,' Coffee and Sniee bouse is uninjured, and the firm is civtng away large qBantities ot bread and milk. Many are dropping dead tram the brat and from sufioeation. Over 1M people are reported lost In tbe Rruaswfak hotel. Seventh and Mis ion streets. Plans Completed for lUslnj; llasorvti Timber for Ties. Washington, April IH, Tho tli-nmml for lodgopolo ptnti ties by the Western milrottds, which prefer them (o nuy other bocnuso of the ease with which thoy tnko preservatives, has grently In creWd (ho market vnluo of tho Hooky mountain forests In Northern Colorado, Wyoming, Kasteru Malm mid Kouthern Montana, where lodgepole plun Is the predominant treo. Theso forests me largely within existing and proposed national forest reserves, and are conse quently under government control, so thai the Forest service has fell tho need of preparing plans to permit tho sale ol soch mature timber In them as may he safely spared, During the past year a working plan was completed for about ill.000 acres In tho Wyoming division ot the Medicine ilow leserve. It was found In tho first place that tin. protective value ot the forrat as a cover for tho watersheds Is so great that any utilisation of the timber ciup must ho subordinated to It. Throughout the region the control of atrratn How hy the forest cover Is the prime consideration, Tho mining Industry, which Is of high Importance, will not tm hampered by the disposal of reset vo timber, alncu all the mining claims located lit cr near the tract Include timber suttlcleitt tor the needs ot the owners. The present moderate grating of cattle Is carried on without risk to reproduction ol the foreet. Tbe Medicine Itaw forest retrrve eon tains tbe largest continuous body nt lodccpole pine to be found In tbe Rocky mountains. Tbe eompleied plan provides lr bet ter protection ot tbe forest from fire, including eflfeiive measures lor mm start piling of dobris and brain In upon ings ready for borniui; stipulates tbat all timber to be removed shall It Htatkrd in advance by the forrst oaV eers, who will ti furnished with a full set of instructions to govern all steps In the loircine operations: and renulres SOURCE OF FRAUDS Chinese Mliilsfur to United Status Defends Chinese Ulflelals. UO NOT ISSUE HAD CETIFICATES Only (I Cor Cant of Number Seeking Admission Coma From Chi itdio Government. that all merchantable parts ot the trees be need. Similar working plans will lx pre pared for available bodies of tlatber on omrr rrcrrrs, mating pastime lJt utilization of these vast forests under a system ef scientific mansgrtnent which will perpetuate and improve the stand and, above all, safeguard the forest cover en the watersheds. ALL READY TO SIGN. NATION TO THE RELIEF. Oakland, April IS. Reports tram die- trwwt eatatde at Stn Fraaoinaa indseate widespread damage, Saa Joso. Sft mile eoatb, Vrtst many bniMinct and from IS ta Ss) pMrd killed. Tae an nex at tbe vectdme hotel eotlapeed and fire brokv ant. Stanford university nnd ram Aha eaSeted. At Stanford, many bandaome buildings were demotiahed aad two peaple were killed. Six other rtadeats are lying tbe ram AHo hospital with brats, cuts and internal iatariea. Tbe oaanbauso at Redwood Otty and other feaibMags collapsed. Monte Park, RarMngame and other taabion able nbarba anfiered. Santa Bona, to tbe SMtb, Napa, VaJleio aad aM towns around tba bay wwre daraafeJ. Money Paors in. Tbe following list shows bow the cit ies ot tbe United States are responding la San Praacisoa's urgent need a' hesp- Los Ang4es. tSM.OM; S,aM Uke, f !,(; Saaramessta, tM.MM; Port land. UM.eOu; ImiianapaKt. flt.MM. Spakane, Ifc.CKm; Stockton, IM.Dsii Seattle, III.MI; ritubarg. IM.0M. Omaha, 10.M; GoUaohi, Ner.. 110. ftM; Taoama, l,0O; Kugoae. JJ.Ma. Pesidea tbeee Joan It Rockelolter bat give tlMMa. Oateaee H. Mackay. tlM.OM. and tbe Andtew Carnegie hero rand, fSt.Mm. Tnert are also tboatasMls Jt iraVgnms panting lata San Franeisoa from all pans -t Use Uahed States t4tng at isjas ltamJi raised. Find Shatter at Berieiy. Berkeley, Cal.. April 18 Tonight Berkeley is packed with aver I. OH re fugee who have been brought aarat tbe bay ta escape tbe borrars af tbe San Franeisoa casfia-ratiezu Tbe bame lees and baagry are fed at tbe t lauos from long benehea prrrtded bv tbe eftixeast relief eemmittee, wbieb as etudes repreeentativet of all tbe Ira- tonal and religions argantxatsa&s in tows. Tbe womon stadeat and pra feseart a( tbe Stale sniverstty ate doing great work far tbe raSerors, and to nicbt are ndng tbotter far all. Treasure at Mint It Safe. Washington. April 19. Tbe United States mint at San Franouoa tfed emou i damage from tbe oartbanake and tbe conflagration. It rtoekoi geld, titver and bartion. afita&nti&r to abo&t 39,OO0A, U aaf o. j; War Department Assumes Entire Con trol of Situation. Associated Press dispatches (ram every important city In the land Indi cate tbat 112,000 0A0 in cash la alteadv in sight for tbe relief of tbe Ire and rtbo,aake safSorers in ami a bant San Ftanctsea, aad tbat a total ot I to, 000, PPU H lkeiy to be taited. Tbe United Stats will grapple alone with tbe situa tion glow lag oat of tbe total destrae ttau at aae at her rtchest and most pop ulous cities. Foreign countries, in view ol the mapuineeut responses of tbe American people to the eill for aid, will not be asked to contribute, though numerous ofiors have been matte. Before tbe cabinet, at Ms meeting yesterday, had resolved upon this con, however the Dominion at Can ada bad taken cognizance ot tbe titua lion in San Franriteo by voting f 100, PM in cash for relief, and dispatches from tbe seaport cities of Hritisfe Oo lasabta indie! e tbxt tbey are ignoring ttte oxisseae) at the international Boundary line and are faiatng in the work at fat warding taoaoy and provis ions w-H their sitters cities an tbe Pa- Rwiot SmaM Companlet. Chicago, 9a. It wat declared last aigtrt by Cbieaga insurance men tbat many at the small accident and fire companies probably wilt be forced ta terpead business teaate ot their enormous loss in San Francisco. Kren some cd tbe bigger cempaaiec will be bard preeeoi. Tbe total amount ot lia bility enavalved is saw placed at mote than lSu,00a,W8 tn San Francisco atone. Tbit it eeasidered conservative . Added u tbe kes in San Franoisco rill be at least ScLOM.OOB ta bo met in attinr ei lea. Columbia River Jetty Dm It Patted by the Senate. Wathlngton, April 18. On motion at Senator Kaiten. the senate yesterday passrd tbe bill which wat adopted by the bouse ot representatives appropriat ing M6.00 to continue eon it ruction of tbe Columbia river Jetty, It took only one minute to secure its final on aetmenl. hen the engrntrol eopy of the bill rraehes the president. It will Uke him even less time to sign it. Tbe bill which the senate pasted was that introduced by HepresenUtiVf jonii ami, aiuonlt Meutlcal with Mr r niton s mil, which Mt through tb eonale a month ago, it was neccssarv to put tbe bouse bill through the somUr in ordor to make it a la. This e- sjuired the senate to pass two bills it propriating f iM.Ovd. Wbon the bouse mil was ig'red to the senate, h mo tion stMr. Fulton, recalled its original bill from the house and tabled It. Tbe bill should reach the nresidioit the laltor part of this work Comment ing an Itt final pasge, Sir. Fulton said: "i .Mr. imrton. ohalrman, and Mr Jones, ot Washington, a member of tbe bouse river and bathor committee, are we especially Indebted, Until these gentlemen snonhl lie held in kindly remembrance by the people of Oregon. It is fortunate for nt;that Mr. Jones u a member of that committee, for be Is not only a friend of Oregon, hut he is one ot the strongott men In the house, and is recognised as one of tho leaders." Washington, April 17. Hlr CIipiik tttiig Mang UhetiKt Hie Chinese mlnlsU or, has taken Issue with Keprriontatlvo Denby on the question of tho ieHiii. hlllty for the Issuance of fraudulent cerllllcalrs of sdmlsslou to the (.'lilted Htntes, Mr. Deiihv statiwl to tho liouso committee on foreign affairs, iliirun the hearings on the Foster hill, auiond. Ing tlit exclusion act, that the fact that so many of those certificates were fimnd to 1m fraudulent waa pretty fair nv. ilencn of fraud by the Chinese ofllciali. To this charge the Chinese mluUtor has replied In a letter which has Urn made a part of tho record In thrso hearings. During the three years he has ltrm In charge of the legation here, the nun liter says, ho has kept a record of etrrr certiorate that has Imwii Issued in Id provinces of Kwang Tung or Fukmn to Chinese subjects departing fur the United States, the Philippines or Ha waii; that the emigration from all tit er provinces is iKcignirlmnt, and Hat aS7 eertlnoates reprecent tlie total ii'irti ler IttHed, ' Huwrvrr, he says Ihe fig ures ot tlte Immigration for the year show tbe total HHmlter of apj h ratanli for adtalssioH (tearing ri! fl. calM numbers e),o00. The nunix-r bearing eeriiAcales from the Climes government, he so;s, is but H er tent ot tho total number seeking admission. "Where did lite VI iter rent get U.eir eertlUcatei?" heaiks, and then prurertls to answi.r Ike )tH-slion by slalmc under the regulations ol the Itntnigra tion service oUklals In the foil. -win? cities ami countries are termllied to n tue theee ctrtlttcates. Vancouver. ic toru, New Westminster, Ottawa, Cola, (lerman protectorate of Klaulrl-ou, Guatemala, Hawaii, Hongkong, Ja. sb, llokkahto, Formosa, Mexico, Philip. ninndslamls, PortogUese province ef Macao, Society Islands, Straits iritis mnt, Trtnhlad and Venrxusla. INCREASE IN IMMIGRATION. Totals for March and far SU Months Exceed AM Records. Washington, Aptll 17. The to'al Immigration to the Unite.! States from all countries during March, ivon, w cording to a statement Isiued by the Immigrallou bureau today was 1S3 H4, ar an increaae of 78 per rent over March, IWM. The number arriving in March, l0a, is given as 1M.MS The Homner itetwrreti during tbe same month was , an inorrsse af iO p" real aver 1WH. Tie Itastian Unmigratleu U this couaUy during March. 1M, was ,. 3AS an incrrase of 7 .r Mt o.r 1WI. the immigration for Marci., 104, being IM.IIH. For tho six montbi ended Marrh 3, IMa, the immigration Iram all t tan tries was 103. 31a, an Uoreato af S pr sent oter the same period in lew i tor tbe same period tbe immigration Komi increased to nor csmt, those sr riving numbering 61.7M. WW BuKd SS.OOO.OO0 Plant. New York, April ?. It waa an- stoat! at tbe oast t M. ftnggoon. beim's Sons today tbat orders havi oees usoea ay mat arm to procce.1 ai nan as posafble with the conttruotlot t K njm.009 amoltlnj; plant In San Traatitoa. k ArranRinfi West VirRlnia Scale. Imtianapolis, April 18 Tho eeett live liaaril of the United MlticHorkers l i,M,rr,c '"(N" peelal session at the Olayool hole) toeonsldrr tittrstlons that have arisen out of llm strike situa tion In the littnmluont district, The ,...(. ....... , , ,i.viniui in lf Kanawha field ot West Virginia to pay an advance ot 3 per rent In wages was taken up, and a message ol Instruction sent to the repreionlallvra of Ilia mln. era, Mho note to ineel tonight al Charleston, W. Va., In fulnl scalo couv ntlltee wllh tho opetatnis, Canadians liny Mexico Oaf Llnet, MMlrnPlly HHH.T,n t,,u MMlaMlMcklMvlevltlc Itaimtats to ilia Mnkli'uii l.lglit A o,)r mnLny aOatia.llaitcoipoiMloii, has Imntt wm, Inn. SO U mil lml.ll,.... ' I... .." H nun eot.l, T. aelti.i ..1.1. . Vi Advanca Federatsan Otte. Washington, April 17 In tbe ! ptome court of tbe United States Kd mund F. Kicbardson af Daeer. today entered a motion to advance tbe bear ing In the vatea ot Charles H. ifoyer, William I). Ilay.ood and George A Peitibouo, in ruttody in Idaho oa the charge of asssMiaatlog ox-Uvemor Steue.Utg, at tbat state. He in formed the court tbat tbe me were virtually kidnaped la Colorado by tbe oullusion of tbe governor of tbat state w ith tbe iMVatnar af Idaho. Tbe court took tbe motion under adriromoal. Castro's Move Mraterleot. Wlllemstad, Island at Curasaa, April I Passeacert arriving here today from Vraeturla sav that tbe action el General Catiro in retiring from the presidency In lavor ef President liomti is not clearly nnderstood in Yenetarls, hut the gneral opinion Mvau to be that his retirement is only temporary. General Cattra hat gone away, at a private eititen, nnattended. and payiag Ihe regular tare on the railroad. Hit wile hat gvme another way, and the ex-president's sister arrived here today. Towotltet on Irritated Tractt- Washington, April 17. Tbe pretl lent Itvlay signed tbe Hey bora Trench Ion tttlla bill, which protiica for the Ititmatlon v towntltea on government Irrigation tract s ami provides water for municipal and domestic purp-e as well at tor development f water pswer on Rownmenl projiu. - i i,.ij.MltHlrfi..i'ii' nuij.ll .e-'t-- - g-c--,atu