The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 13, 1906, Image 7

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Impure or effete matters
ji uurintf the winter cause in
if I . t I t I M
ami painiui irouoies as nous, pimpics, ana otner eruptions,
also weakness, loss of appetite and that tired, feeling.
The best medicine to take to rid yourself of them is
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood,
and effects permanent cures by giving healthy functional
activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
This is the testimony of tens of thousands who have
taken this great spring medicine.
Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla, but in
sist on having Mood's and get it today.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
Unuiil form, liquid, or in now form, Inltlota, 100 Dodos Oho Dollar.
II rub r it nn it Mvmlitit.
On nMi'pt tint llttlo red ntitninotilln
Hint wna built fur two.
"Vil you areni no quint," will
jn'red tint Iienittlriil Klrl, niixlinmly. "In
tliiTo nnytliliiK iiuout tlila iiiiicliluu
tluit In broktm V"
"Vea," lilnacd tho tnll inrili nt lier
tdi Mlterly. "My licnrt."
IVuIIiik rcnioriKiful tit ImvIiik Jilted
lit in no cruelly tlin licnutlful Klrl loon
iil iivcr unit mldcd;
"CImmt up, (JiHirKi'l If your henrt li
ri'illy broken wo can ntuji at ronnlr
"Ntinaenael Whnt kind of n rejinlr
hop citulil mi1 tul n broken heart)"
"Why, the jmrmiiinKi', (Itmrwl"
Twenty minutes Inter tho "rcpilr
Iiiii" wim ronclied.
A II Often llnppnt.
When our lir itlil Ills courting In tin
gold'H Iflllg ago,
Hi drvlared that Hr small flngrra never
real inn mmim siimr.
HeM pmlKCC trms dalhly digits; lie would .
A tnl lie'd never, iwr Id lnr lo a thing
tint muck) of weik.
Tor lomr alt or wifti whiter have Hit
t w In been ntarrM new,
Ilut tlirwiKhwit tkrw nil mir hero hat
lceii faithful In liU vow, I
Trup, lin lela bar 'I mill tli furnace, lets
her carry In the real, l
Ilut no real wiirk, (leod gracious I That
vriiiilil jar lil lender aui,
I.ouUvltle Courier-Journal.
Narrow ICecape.
"My bnby," inhl the hunlmnd of n
IiroiuliiKiit club ntul aocloty woman,
"hflil n intrrow raonpe ieatcnlny."
"Inilenl!" exrlnliiicd thu frleuil of
tho fiiiully. "Ilow wna Hint)"
'Thu tiurao Klrl thotiKhtleaaly left It
nlmio with It mother for nenrly nn
hour," expliilnnl tho liusbuud nnil
Jnvrnllo Mirvritnf..
Kitty called up tier father by telephone.
"Ilellfl, papal"
"What la It. ilearr he naked.
"I wlIi you'd tiring nm aeme c-a-n-il-y
whrn J mi rome heme thla evening."
"All right, Kilty; but why do uti spell
It out J"
"I dnn't want anybody else to knorr
what I'm aavlng."
Tha wenltli of Norway Ilea atinoil tti
tlnlr In her forests ami flilicrlea.
AM'Uclable Pr cpnrnllonrorAb'
slmllnUiif ihcFooUnmlHcfitiln
lln( iticStoinnclts nml Bow Is of
Promotes Digosllon.Cliccrrul
rtcssnndncsl.Conlnlns nclllicr
Opltiiii.Morpltinc iiorluiu'ul.
Nox "NA31C otic .
Jtoyt afffrJJi-SWlXimzwt
ApcrTccI Ilcmcily rorConsllfwi
Hon, Sour Stomach, Hinrrhocn
nnd Loss of Slkeu
TocSiiwIo Signnlurc of
accumulated in the blood
the spring such disfiguring
, .
Areiirillnif I" Ulsm.
An IrlNhuinn wna wnlkliiR nlotiR n
rruil beadle n golf HnliH when hu wnn
Hiiihloiily "truck iM'twi-i'ii tlin ntioulilcra
by.n Kulf hull. Thu force of tho blow,
niiyH n writer In tlin New York Worhl,
nliiiimt knorkcil lilm down. When ho
reentered ho observed a golfer running
tuwnnl him.
"Aro you hurt?" naked the plnyer.
"Why illiln't j on pet out of the wny?"
"An' why nhouhl I net out of tho
wny?" naked Tut. "I didn't know thero
with nny nannaaliM roiuiil here,"
"Ilut I rnllitl 'fori','" mild tho plnyrr,
"ntul when I uny 'fore,' thnt la u nlgn
for you to set out of tho wny."
"Oh, It In, In Itr until I'nt, "Well,
thin, whin I nny 'folic,' It In n hIkd
thnt you nro coins to Ret lilt on tut
nose. 'Tiilte."
Caar'a Wrnllh In I'nreala.
Tow iKtiido who Iihvi? not traveled
nhont tho Ituaatnn empire emi Imncliio
Imw houndlMM la Ita vmilth In UiiiIht,
"Woollen Ituaaln" la thu iinmo niipllod
to tho vnat fnrcfit nrena of Huaaht In
Ktimtw, which cover nenrly tj.000,000
ncriti, or 3d tier cint of tho cntlro nron
of tho country. In Itniatn houaea built
of tiny other mnterlnl thmi wixxl nre
nlmoat unknown outaldo tho cltlea nnd
wimnI ronatllutea tho prlnrlpnl fuel.
Tim foroat licit cnlhl tho "Tnlun." In
Klhertn, Htri'tclioa In n direct lino from
the Urnla to thu Tnclllc for -1.000 tulle
nnd In tunny pnrta la fiOO mllea brond.
All thla la tho property of tho nr.
Ill llnlf f'anpern.
"John." whlijiereil hit wife, ihaklm
him, "I hear aoniebody In the baiement."
John roiMsl Ida wny, half awake, to
the wall, and bawled down the regliter.
"Yon Infernal acoundrel," he aahl, "af
ter you have aatlifled youmelf that there'a
lothlnc worlh aleallne down thero wilt
you pleaae puih In the upjter dani(ier rod
of the furnace? I foreot to do It."
Then be crawled back Into bed main.
Idenllnrntlnn Mrrrr.
"la your tnlatrivM nt home," Inquired
Mm. Ilort'tu, Htiiiidlni: In tho nhudow of
thu door wny.
"I don't know, mn'ntn," replleil the
ncrvnut. "Cnn't tell whether nIio'm home
or nut till I clt n kckmI look nt yo. If
yu hov a wart on tho aldu o' ycr
noae, ma'utu, alio ntu't." riillndulphla
For Infants nnd Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
th ointauh ommhv. mm voaa orrr.
f v.v
( Ivv
f1 M
Conquest Great
American Desert
"Auicrlcnn IrrlKutlou wna old when
Ilotuii wim In the Klory of ltn youth,"
anya C. J. Ilhiiichiird In 'Thu Nutloiiiil
(lioirKrnphlc MnKiiilne." "Thu nticlunt
nijucductM nnd nubturrnnenti cnunla of
Koittli Amerlcn, uxteudliiK for thou
rniiida of tiilluM, oucu HUppllod trout
cltlea mid Iiiiiiidiimu urea.
CuiiturleM bi'foru thu tunttiroita Nonu
nion landed uikhi thu hlvnk nnd Inlioa
pltnblu ahorea of New nuidnnd n liirifu
population dwelt In thu hot vulleya of
thu fur noutliwuNt. Trout thu aolld
riK'k, with prlinltlio UhAh of hIoiiu, thuy
cut dltuhuH nnd huwiil thu block for
ninny clinmbtfrwl miIiku, which thuy
cructcd In thu donert or on thu llmo
Rtonu luilfea of deep river cnujoiia.
Tliocu oIcuIuhh ruliiK, oldur thiiti thu
memory of mmiy ceiiturlea, toll thu
atory of it thrifty, huiuu IovIiik mid
M.'tiil'ultured iiuople, concornliiK whoau
futu hlatory lirlima ua no word. In
tlimi pnl lire nnd In tunny tiillua of
cuiiiilw wu tuny nlmoat rend thu atory
of another lljs'ypt u tieoplu tolling un
dur thu burnliiK aim of thu iluAurt,
wunrlly nnd patiently ex ecu t Inn thu
coiiiuinniU of un Auiurlciiti l'lmraoli."
In thu luat qunrter of u century n
rrop, iiroiluclnic iiren of 10,000,000 ncre,
tjunl In alzu to thu Ktutu of Mnaiwcliu
Butt, haa been wruateil from thu diwert
IrrlKiitlon cntinla Ioiik oiioukIi to upan
thu iHirth twlcu mid reprimi'iitlnx nn
oittlny of 11)0,000,000 hnu U-uii built.
Ku-ry yoar thla iirun returna a harvest
toluol nt nearly twlcu thu ont of thu
IrrlKittlou cnunla. Thu United Ktntua
la to-day thu Inwat owner of thu KroHt
Amerlcn n duforl no doubt iim Mr.
Iltntichnnl ciiiIhIiim, becfituu It wna not
conaldered worth atilluj. For mnuy
yeara thu fuutlmunt Iiun Ikvii Krowlnit
thnt thu K"ernmeut ahould mnku thla
vnat wnplru hnbltnblu and thla nyiitl
munt cryatnllltcd Into thu reolanmUon
law, a I (Hi til by I'rualduut Itooauwlt oil
Juno 17, 1H02.
Thu flrat of tho k resit IrrlKntlon
worka to bu undertnkeu by thu Kovcni
incut la In Nevndn. In tho Nil of nn
cleut IJiko Ithuiitiin nnd emlirnclni;
whnt wan Ioiik known na Torty MIlo
deavrt, tho moat defwilnto nnd arid apot
on thla continent except Death Vnlley,
tho euKlueura completed tho plmw for
nil extoiwho IrrlKntlon work luvolr
ltiK aomo rather novel ciiRlnwrliiK ti'n
turea, tho k rent est nnd moat luiortniit
of which la thnt of llftliiR thu watera
of tho Truckeu lllvcr Into the Kront
cnnnl, which will carry them over Into
tho Cnraon Itlver rvaerrolr, whenco
they nru dlrertcd Into Interala nnd car
ried out upon tho divert. When com
pleted tho Truckeo Cnraon worka will
coat more thnn $1,000,000 nnd render
productive u.oro thnn -inOKH) noren now
nbaolutely wnrthlivw, but which, when
IrrlKnted. will mII rondlly for fflO.OOO,
000, It la eatlmnted.
V, ati ('nil I it llelf Hint V.
A w ell known btahop of Teniicueo
wna tnkltiR hla cuatoipitry atroll through
thu park the other mornlui;, IIo hap
pened to alt ilow u on olio of tho benched
there. Now the blahop la n very Knmt
tiinu, not only In tho 'MethodUt Church
but In eiiilHitiKilnt na well. Hla weight
proeil too for thu btuieh, which
collapsed, plllluK him on tho Krouud.
Alxiut thla tltiH a little Klrl. rolling u
hooji nloiiK, khw the reierend Kuntlunmii
proalntto and nfTerml her HiMUtmuHi.
"Hut, my little Klrl," nald thu hUhop,
"do you think you could help mich n
Krent, hwivy limn to Ida feet?"
"Oh. yw," reidle.1 tho llttlo Klrl, "I've
helped Krnudpn lota of timed whon he'a
Ikhiii eun drunkor thnn you nru." I.lp
plncotta. filinUa on Hie (lit Stvter.
Arch Davenport, it Fort Scott Joker,
turned n lnrgo aunku looao In hla cellar
under hla houaq. Tho gat meter wna
nlao In tho collar, ntul for hIx 1110111111
liU Biiitkeahlp forced thu gna comimtiy
to kIvo Davenport it lint rate on Ida pti
bill. Thu youiiK limn who rendu tho
meter never pot nearer to It thnn tho
door. iJiNt weuk tho Kiinko wna found
dead nnd tho rending of thu meter
showed thnt Davenport had paid for
only half thu ku ho had used, IIo wna
compelled to put up tho balance due,
Kansas city Journal.
Flail Ntory.
Bunllah Seems thnt nil food ono
buya U ndultcrnted theso ilnyn.
l'lke Sure. I never think of buyliiK
any canned proderve.s or nnytliliiK Hko
that my wlfo mnkea nil such BtiKT na
thnt Why, hint Bunmier alio put up
fort1 khIIouh of Jelly flali. IMneat Jelly
Hah thnt ever went down tho pike, too.
KniiNiiB City Tlnioa.
Quite Nil.
Tmvno I wondor why younir ltitdo-
ley docmn't settle down?
llrowno Oh! I. 8upiK)o that twos
ngnluat tho Kfaln,
Towno- Whnt Krnlii?
llrowiuv-AVcll, tho wild ontn.t'UII
adolphtn I'reas.
v.tiirt-'w' 0 " 2-??""7Z"TZ2l?r .'.-.n rJ7","r- ' - :- '' '
7L. rt m 1 im ' - zj- rv " '-r-i.T- ... v.v.l a: ' m ' -
r vBBaafviBvifcnwaaikBiaaaav mr m m . ar wn . . . m - f.. aw UMWBBnmvsvm
ifT j vW f WjW i iMXVri4fl3aV Im m aw 11 . W M V ' 11 1 -1 wi wvrwwiav
'w -' -
llMililliillllil KIIMj
WW..'.:' ;i
g I
te? 1
&.- HP
RX- " , in
t'W haii
V- U
. AT'.. ".
j;s- 3-71
. -, '
nun ii" 1J
"". m
f-. IFoRNiAriG Syrup (qm
LoulivlIL. Ky. Skr rrnneiaco. C&l.
"I never anw a man's opinion of
hlmaelf ao thoroughly Justified as was
young Softy's at our placo the other
"What hnppcneiir
"Well, he thought ho was the biggest
gun In the establishment."
"And so ho was always booming him
self." "Well?"
"Well, the Ixm Just fired hltn." Bal
timore American.
Portland Trade Directory
Namtt and Addrff In Portland of Rcprc
cntatltc Uuttnttt firm.
rilOTO HVrrUhM) Ko.Uk drrrloHnt andprlol
lng writ, for tlc. W'oodard. Clark A Co.
ilAIIIC IJIMKIINH- WXttrr Co. forlUad.
Il flcr ou Lantrrnt and Mlldra.
KMHTlUIIOHKllYiNarprlr, llracni Knltto
111) In DirMurMiiiul blank i vooJarU,nakr.
JIUHHUH or all klndt for aala at rcr rtuuaaW
(tlcra. laqulr. IJJ lrout tit.
TIlUKSKH nton arprorali w ciiarantr m to
luoat dllHull rosri) WwxlaM, Clark. A Co.
Hivliirr rKAJ-S.iui I0c fur pok. Mild Fair Uold
Mrdal -a. j.j liuiirr, IM rrotuairr!.
Alt'imi'IAI, r.XV.H; rrrrrad.audtharwia
totlmtiit Mill ou airoali 7,oudard, Clark. Co
brparalor lo l Ih. Irl. W'rlU lor frv. rata oi.
lllu.JC., Unu aud Oak.
MK.N'Ht'UlTllt.NII llultum A roJlloo. aol.
Ht ma AlfTMl llanauiln l'u.'i corrl rlotlira
KvrrjrttilHa In mvn'a rurutitiinxa. Morrlaou and
blub tlrtu. Opioall toalorUr.
flll'.K lasil IN OIIKIII1N undrr lb. Carry Irrl
Iallouacu lKhldlrrclframttat. Writ. today
louklfl and mi rrrn. 11. H. Cook. A Co., Ml, I'orUand, Urreon.
l'Ot'I.TUY IXK)!) If you want your rirni lo lay
mora Tor rrr. latlU'uUra atom l'l
lll.NA Voi'LrilY KU1)-Atftu Ullla Co.,
loillaoJ, Orr-un,
TAIIXIllH-ColiimWa Wool.n Mill Co.. rorlland,
Orv. Ijilrat aiyl. rlollira mail. In mratur. chrap.
l)urMlrniraurtiiirnta)lriii Inturra iwrlKt HU
WrIU for rrr. aamplr-a and rlcrv
1'IANOS ,t 01U1ANH-OKtut piano houi. on Pa
rtite rout. Orsani and l'laiioa on raiy aymeiili.
U'rll. Mr lltL Irfl u iiuoi. ) ou a prlc. Alltmk
llllbrt-ltainakrrCo., rorlland, tii.Kon.
Unman MMltchra, Pompadour., M.n'a
Toujxiaanil Wlni t't quality) lowrai prlrv.)
tnd fr Irt. prlc Hat, mall order a rwclaliy
I'arla Hair hior., WaalniiKiou bu Vl lux
CATAioauia rate
v T1S
5 1 K
NL k x
1 jjptjfw
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit In a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason
able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the
health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It is all-important, however, In selecting a laxative, to
choose one or known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas
ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect
ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after
effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the Internal organs,
simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without
griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way,
as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature.
As the plants which are combined with the figs In the manu
facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most
beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their
general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con
sidering in making purchases.
It Is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
Informed people, who would not use anv remedy of uncertain
quality or inlerior reputation, bvery family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs Is for sale in bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co., Is plainly printed on
tho front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle.
Yoo nn!
Strancfr I don't like your weather. It
la too 1 uctuattaj; and uncertain.
Mr. Oldi-I'ort Why, great Scott!
That' ita charm. I've already mad. (2,
000 thla year by betting on It.
Tak.!.AXATIVKllUOMC)Qiilnln.TaMu. Dmi.
aiita rrfund monry IT It fa! lo cur. C v.
UHUVK'b ou racb boi. He.
Hlbbons and pancmenttrlra to tbt
ralua of $10,000,000 were produced la
1001 at St. Htlenne. France.
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge. Lino
ennnot be equalled atany price.
$1 n nnn mwar ""
O I UUUU dltpievi tiui ititimtBt.
II I could take you Into my I lire, large lactorln
at llrockton. Mat.., and ahow you Ih. Inllnltc
care with which .very ralrolthoea lamadr,)ou
would rcaliie why V U Doualas SJ.50 ahora
coai mora io miu. wny ine hold Ihelr (hare,
lit better, wear longer, and are ol greater
Intrlntlc value than any other SJ.50 ahoe.
W. L. Ooualau Strong Matt Smomm for
Mmn. S'J.BO, Stl.Olf. Day' School &
OrommShoam, S'J.BO, S2.S1.lB.S1.aa
, CAUTION. -Inlut tiiflng wKliug
las ilioei. Tako no auMllute. Jioiio ceuulue
without till nama and price damped on Wttoro.
fait Color Cutltlt uuJ i lv mil net mar bratty.
Wtlto (or llluttrato.1 Cai.iKv
W. L.l)OU()I..VS. llrocktuu, Ma.
S&QtZz&frZS Capitai a.5oao
"Tho eoplo of tho Ktt nnd Middlo WcBt will full over thoniBolvos to
como to tho I'nclllo Northwest when they find out hqw much better tho
cllumto and advuutiigea aro."
Buch It tho written ilaleraentot W, R. relrall, who has
been Uvtug in the 1'acltlo .NottUweit twelro yeati.
We Want Them "to Find Out"
And the teit war to toll them U to tend them our publication!!
"Orecon, Waihlnslon, Idaho and Their Resources." a handsomely illuitrated M-page
book, teUiug all aUiut tho three stales, tour cents In postage.
"What farmers Have Done In Orecon, Washington and Idaho, as Told by Themselves,"
two tents tn stamps.
"Restful Recreation Resorts," descriptive o( the summering places ol the Columbia
river and Coast, twu cents In stamp.
"The Columbia Rljcr Through the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean," large panoramlo
map oi t e Columbia rtr, wlm story on reverse side, four cents
Large and accurate Mall map otO'egou, Washington and Idaho. Jo cents la stamps.
Handy pocktt map of Oregon, Washtugton and Idaho, stiff cover, two cents.
For any ot the above, address, enclosing stamp as stated
A, L. CRAIG, C P. A., Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon)
Write today Portland, Oregon
. 1
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rfjtf'ft 'ilff LltaaMw
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L",l tnTmiml
Somewhat Clilllr.
Tom How did you know tha girl I
was Just talking with Is from Boston?
Jack I heard you sneeze twice dur
ing tho conrernntlon.
BITUTON. JIOWAnD r..,AULytt ant Chrmltt.
ladrUIr, Coteraitit hprdmn prtia OoM,
HIlT.r, la4, II : OolO. Htlrrr, Tic) Ootl. 0c; Zinc or
1'onp.r, fl. CyanM. Irala MalllBff rnvvlop and
rail prlctlat trot on appHratton Control and Ln
Blrvworkaolldlnt. iUrrnrno Carbunal J'a
onal lUnk.
Have You Ever Uaed
Bemis Bags?
See that they are placed on your
next order. We are manufacturers
and importer of
BURLAP of all kinds.
Bags of Burlap and Cotton
manufactured by us
Bemis Bro Bag Co,
1508-1514 Colorado Street
P. N. U.
No. 14-06
WHEN writing to BitrertUora ileua
tuontlou title anr.