The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 13, 1906, Image 5

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    ... -W .mi .
Tom Ryan was in from Ills much
fit the lcaijowH, Monday.
j.L. McCjillocli, of Vrincvllle,
was u llciul vlflllor lust 1'rMny,
C. A. Spiilnliour came In from
his ranch on the Ttimalo Tuesday.
Warren Hrown, of I.amonla, wns
in our city Monday ami Tuesday.
John mill L. C. McI'Iicrsou, of
Priucville, were Haul vlsitory Tiich
J)ry crnmilalod 8tijnr at the
Heuil Mercantile Co. Six pounds
for 50c.
The Rev. Plnklmm of I'riuevlllc
wilt preach Sunday moruliit; at 1 1
n clock.
W. II. Wilson enmc In Wcclnca
day from hln ranch for n load of
I. Taylor nuil Hruce Gray wcie
pvci from the county scat last
John Elder came domu from
Crane I'rairie Tuesday to spend a
few days in town.
A. O. Kly enmc to Heud Wed
nesday from hN homestead three
mllcH Houth of town.
Mm. G. I.. Moore wan In
town Monday from their much five
milcN south of llciul.
Charles Ilrontcrliotis, brother of
Kd and George, was visitiii); in
!cud the first of the week.
Supt. J. C. Lewis ol the I). I. &
I'. Co , came up frm Kodniond
Monday, ruturuliiH the same day.
just roccivcti, 300 samples 1900
wall Hiper. Styles from the IJast
.a and up. per roll. N I. Wcidcr.
Arthur V. Clothier, of Portland,
wan looking after his insurance
lilttUiiass here the latter part of last
l'or rent 100 acres of land all
plowed and iced furnished. l'or
jMrticulars, C. V. Decker, I.nidlaw,
Oregon, 3-3
Ira J. and V. It. Wilkinson went
to Powell lluttas Wednesday for a
load of seed grain. They returned
Freighter Philip Francis left for
Khauiku yesterday morning, taking
the remainder of J. M. Lawrence's
hotehflld goods.
II. C. hllis lias several men at
work this week clearing and plow
iug a large tract on his ditch laud
northeast of town.
Don't forget that we have n few
air.s of those good shoes left that
you can have at a big reduction for
cash, Ikind Mercantile Co.
August Wordell nud J. II. Sill.
wlia have been employed by the I).
I. & P. Co. for some time past, left
Wednesday for Silver Lake.
N. P. Hcndiicks, of Poitland,
representing the American Tobacco
Co., was interviewing our mer
chants Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. C. II. Kricksou was in
llciul from their Hear Creek ranch
Tuesday. She reports Mr. Krick
you improving from his recent III
I'. II. Counut arrived in Heud
Monday night from Wisconsin. Mr.
Couaut is looking over the D, I. &
P. .Cjj's lauds with a view to in
vesting. iKitiOATitn Land I have a few
choice tracts from .o to 160 acres
each that can le bought at a bar
gain. P. L. Tompkins, Hank
Hullding. .3tf
Got our pricesou windows, doors,
building purer, Malthoid roofing,
etc. before you buy clswhcre. We
can save you money, llciul Mer
cantile Co.
Wm. Johnston, civil engineer, of
Portland, who has been up in the
Silver Lake country for the past
week, passed through here Wednes
day on his return trip.
The Dcscljtttes Irrigation
Power Company at Kedmond wnitta
rock men, teamsters and slip,
holders, Wages fa. 25 per day;
board IM.50 per week. 2-5
Remember house-cleaning time
in IJcnd is drawing near. The city
council recommends that everyone
clean up their premises between the
loth and 15th of this mouth.
A stwcltil Easter program will be
given at the Christian Endeavor
meeting Sunday evening. Miss
Violet Reed will lead and the subt
jeet will be "The Lord of Life."
Wc have a full line of men's and
boy's straw hats at 25c and up
wards. Wcarc also offering a line
of felt hats at a surprisingly low
price for cash. Rend Mercantile Co.
A small force of carpenters and
laborers, under the supervision of
Karl K. Knight, have been doing
repair work on the big flume anil
head-gate, south of town, this week.
Mrs. Lydia A Irons, the equal
suffrage advocate who with her
visited Rend this Week,
the schools Tuesday,
talk on "Humane Edit-
1-4 $faMtf$atefy j I
yVU&imMra, one. I
Dr. W. G. Drown of Ifargo, N.
I)., interviewed .some of our busi
ness men ligje Monday, departing
the same day to visit other jwints
iu Oregon.
Latest style of spring and sum
mer hats for ladies nud children
now on display, at reasonable pri
ces, at New York Cash Store, Laid
law, Oregon.
Charles Shields, ofShauiko, enmc
in to Rend Wednesday, bringing
with him n party of lund seekers
who arc looking over ditch and
timber lauds.
Sid Nlchol, who last week sold
hi.s confectionery business, here to
his brother, Dr. Nichol, hns gone
o Roslaud, where he will engage
in the drug business,
giving a
R. W. Lakcu returned from
Spokane Tuesday whore he went
on business a couple of weeks ago.
He has ojcncd an office iu the R.
M. Company's building, formerly
occupied by the millinery store.
Considerable activity iu timber
and irrigated lauds Is now iu evi
dence iu the Deschutes vnllcy. The
condition of the roads between here
and the railroad is improving and
each day brings more people to the
Rend country, looking for homes.
A parly was given Tuesday eve
ning from 7 to 0 o'clock nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wicst
iu honor of Miss Pauline's 15th
birthday. Then n surprise party
wns given Miwi Marion from 9
until 12 o'clock iu honor of her 20th
Prank Huttcrvorth has the
contract for repairing the approach
es to the cross-walks on Wall street,
also the cross walks on Rood and
Oregon streets. George Rates has
the contract for hauling the gravel
for this purpose. It will require
about iS loads.
J. W. Dunn, who came to Rend
last fall, from Grass Valley, has
this tveck moved onto his home
stead iu 18-12 just west of Horse
Ruttc. lie will commence build
ing at once a good sized house nud
barn. At present his family are
living iu temporary quarters.
This week Dr. Coc was called out
of tow
Kails, who is ill with la grippe;
Mrs. Patrcs of I.aidlaw, who is
suffering from bronchitis and Miss
Louise Murk, of Laidlaw, who is
critically ill with typhoid fever nud
A smalt blaze occurred nt the
Pilot Ruttc saw milt Monday noon.
A live cinder fell upon nn accumu
lation of sawdust iu n roof gutter
and the mass was soon ablaze. The
flames made little impression upon
the sheet iron roof, however, nud
were extinguished by the prompt
use of the fire
3 -
,J ' "
V ""3
Our High Grade Goods offered. Service and Low Prices, Merit It
Oregon's Big
Every cash purchaser can have a Grand Entertainer a Talk
ing Machine in the homo. We are giving them away. Get
informed and save our coupons.
LIN12 UP TUG nnsaiuTEs,
Company Incorporated at Olympla
Will Probably Hulld Log Road.
Last week articles of incorpor
ation were filed nt Olympia, Wash.,
for the Oregon Trunk Line, of
Carson City, Nevada, with n capi
tal stock of fr ,000,000.
The incorjwrntors arc: W. E.
Nelson, R. A. Rallingcr and L. I.
Gregory. The objects, of the com
pany are stated to be to build a
steam or electric railway nud n
telephone or telegraph line from a
point opposite the junction of the
Columbia and Deschutes rivers, iu
n southerly direction, a distance of
250 miles, into Central Oregon. R.
A,. Rallingcr, ex-mayor of Seattle,
U designated as Agent for Wash
ington. It is said to be n projected
logging road.
Notice to Water Consumers.
Water for irrigation will be fur
nished from the pipe system nud
the open ditches belonging to The
Rend Wntcr, Light & Power Co. at
the following rates, payable month
ly in advance.
First jooo square foot area 75c
Second 1000 square foot aren 50c
Each additional 1000 feet 25c
All applications must be made to
said company for the above services,
when ditches will be constructed in
the streets or nllcys nud suitable
.I, to attend the following sick "'ad-gate boxes will be furnished
.-: Mrs. C. I?. Moore at Clinc . 'c I "? , . H'.0!0 m
I'uuy wiiu win utivu (.uJiuui ut acinic.
No one will be allowed to obstruct
or interfere with the ditches by
placing boxes therein. This work
must be done under the supervision
of the water company.
No charge will be made for lawn
sprinkling with hose held in the
hand, with nozzle attached, during
the season of 1906, but irrigation
through a hose will be charged for
at the above rates.
Rend Water, Light & Power Co.
Per E. F. Ratten, President.
xsitivc!y forbidden to allow horses,
cnttlc, sheep or hogs to cross any of
the segregated lands of this com
pauy; to range thereon or allow any
stock to poltitc the waters of any
canals or laterals of this company
under penalty of the law.
Redmond, Or , March 27, 1906.
D. I. & P. SiiTti.krs' Assn.,
C. F. Jackson, Secy.
L. G. Roouc who forsome mouths
past lias been employed as n yard
iinitd nud general nil around man
at the Hightowcr& Smith; saw mill,
died at Priucville last Tuesday, of
pneumonia. Mr. Roonc was iu
Heud about two weeks ago nud left
here iu compnny with A. C. Stub
ling, for Redmond. From there they
went to Priucville nud the wenther
being very bad Mr. Hoone contract
ed a severe cold, which suddenly
dcvcloncd into nncumonia. and he
died at 12 0 clock on the day above,
mentioned. j
Saloon License Notice.
IlitKi), Or., April 13, 1906. To
the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of the City of Rend.
Gentlemen: The undersigned
Hugh O'Kaue, hereby respectfully
applies for n license from the City
of Rend to sell spirituous, vinous
nud malt liquors nud fermented
cider iu the building situated 011
lots 11 nud 12 of block 10 of the
City of Rend, for the period of three
mouths from the 1st day of May,
1906. Respectfully,
II1v.11 O'Kank.
The G. R. C. Club entertained a
number of their friends last Friday
evening, nt the home of W. P.
Vnudevcrt, iu Rend. A feature of
the evening was a Gypsy camp.
Dainty refreshments were served
and the guests left for their homes
after having spent n jolly evening.
rnose present were: J-.thel Allen,
Trespass Notice.
To nil stock owners ranging stock
1 in Crook County, Oregon.
I The Deschutes Irrigation & Pow
er Company, duly organized under
the laws ot tlie htate ol Oregon,
Pntiline Wicst, Violet nud Elizabeth j hereby gives notice that they have
Vaughn, Hessic Donkel, Audrn
Knarr, Grace Kever, Hazel nud
Alice Caldwell, Gr.nce, Clinton,
George nnd Claude Vnudevcrt,
Rlnine Boyd, Guy McReynolds,
Willis nnd liber Sheldon. Steven
IStcldl dud Fred Iucns.
exclusive control of nil segregated
lauds under the Cnrey Act in Crook
county under the Pilot Butte nnd
Central Oregon canals, operating
under contract with the State of
Oreiron. nnd hereby notifies all ner-
sous that ou aud after this date it is
Timber Land, Act June J, iItS.
0. 8. Land Office, The Dalle., Oregon,
l'cbnury i. 19A.
Notice l hereby given that in compliance with
the pruvUlmia ofthe act of cvngreaa of Juncj.
il, entitled "An act fur the male of timber
lamia In the atatea of California. Oregon, Neraila
and U'ahln-tu Territory." a. eitcmled to all
(he puhllclaiiil atatea tijr act of Aufu.t 4, 1S9?.
William J Mcf'.lllrrar.
nflleml. county of Crook, alate of Oregon, ha
l!ilUy filed In thU office hi. .worn atatement
No. j. for the purchaae of the wjf of the
uelof ecA, lp la , r lie.w m.
And wilt offer proof to ahow that the
land aouiht la more valuable for the timber
or alone thereon than for agricultural purroa, hit claim to aahl land before
II. C- Itlll.. r. H. Comuiluioner, at hltofnrc Iu
llend, Oregou, on the IJtli Uy of June. lyA
lleiiamraaawitneaaea John ferguaon, Mllo
W. WIImin. William Arnold, and Sarah rerguaon,
an oi nend, uregon.
the a
their claim. In thla office on or before the aakt
Ijtli Iy or June. 17A.
aijjl MICIIAULT. NOLAN. Keglater,
Any and all peraont claiming ailyerMly
he auove deacriben landa are rrauealed to file
Timber Land, Act June 3, iff.
U. S. I.aud Officc.The Iallc, Oregon,
January 7. I?
Notice it hereby given that Iu compliance with
the provUion olthe Act of Cougreaa of June J.
IbfS, entitled, "An act for the aale of timber lamia
In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," n cileudcd to all the
public laud atatea by Act of Augual 4, 1F91.
Chaile S. l!4wrU,
of rrinetllle, -ounly of Crook, atate ofOregon.
hat (lilt day tlr-1 In thla office 111. .worn atate
incut No. it!, fur the purchaac of the aw). of
ec aj, tp 19 a, r 10 e, w in.
And will offer proofto ahow that the land
aoughl la more valuable for ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea, and to e.tablUh
hi. claim to aald land before II. C. Kllia. U. S.
CuinmlMloner, at hit offtVe at Hem!, Oregou, ou
the Ull day of Juue, 1906.
lie name at wllneaae J. N. Hunter, Xk'hard
King, Ja,mea Hunter and J. M. Mwrence, all of
Iknu, Oregon
Any and all peraon claiming adveraely the
lkjMlrCTllal land are requealed to file their
claim. Iu thi office ou or before aald ijth day
of June, ly.
aijjS MtCIIAltl. T. N0I.AN, Keglater.
Barber Shop & Baths
Rest of accommodations and
work promptly done
J. W. R0B1S0N
Veterinary Dentistry
A. C, LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables suppjjed with nH the delicacies of the season
Firaclast Equipment Fine Rooms and Reds
AH stages stop at the hotel door
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
tM Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church.
Commission and forwarding
Urge, Commo4ious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited
Prqrnpt attention paid to those who
favor me with their patronage
H0TI2L REDMOND-Call and see
KItDMOND, - 0R15G0N.
Authorized Capital $25,000
Incorporated 1904
The Central Oregon
Banking & Trust Company
Tranaact. a central banltlnr anil Iruit, Itaura Ltttrra ol Credit tootl
throughout the world, act aaailminittralor eircutoror trutof eatatra; trana
fcra money by mail or tclcrraph, cullrttiona made promptly and upon favorable
INTItKHST OK r)l2(OSITS-The Central Orrtoo IUnVliie ft Truat Co. haa
added aereral new fraturea to ita rapidly rrowlnjc bualneaa. It will now give Time
Ceitiltcatra ol, payiJK intereat thereon aa follows; For bis Uontba, J per
cent; Par One'Vear, 4 per eenu
(Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent at Reasonable Rates
A Full Line of Legal Blanks for Sale.
Agent for the Fire Association of Philadelphia,
and the American Fire Insurance Co.
A. M. DRAKE, Phk. A. I.. GOODWILJJE, Vick Pubs.
J. 31. LA WHENCE, Rec'v
F. O. MINOR, Gjuiiieu
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Pfcee No. 15
tlond ttrcct, between Mluotiota aud Oregon,
Bend. Oregon.
H... M3 OornarDond
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trude.
Per Acre $10
Irrigated Land
Crook County, Oregon. Deed dl
rect.frotn State. WRITE for pam
phlet nid map. 1). S. Cook & Co..
351 Alder Street, Portland, Oregou,
1 ..'
No matter bow big the bird, no matter bow heavy its plumage or
swift its flight, you can bring it to bag with a long, strong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what
count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap
shooting, and are sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook.
FREE! Stni aamf and aA4r4$ en a pdllol Mril far car Utf lllttttatti taliltum.