The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 13, 1906, Image 4

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"- -a- - 1 1 1 r n i t . . t i n i 111
,jrM''fBi', !
Iw w Z .XiwifcfcwiUMrtflBlWBKMWBl
wwwrtwwui j t j-1 'ui u iw
tu." v ''?.' v
"Por swcrv man n square
feet and no i,!'
One year..............
Mz montht..,.. .......
..., .. I .JO
Three tnontlii....... ,.:.. .........t...
(Inrsriahly In aJeanct.)
Remit by lnnk draft, postal money
inler on lictul, express money order, or
registered letter. Mnkc all remittances
f.ynblc fo The Rend Itullctin.
Stage and .Malt Schedule.
from Shanlko via rrinevllte 7 p. hi, dally
yrom Uktrtew ant Silver Uke
r t a. m. natiy escepi tiics,
Vrom Tumalo Tur., Thnrt. ami Sat... :lj u, m.
Vroia Utdtaw daily except Sunday M...i . m.
Lkavk IIknd.
J'or Shsnlko tW rrineTtlle 6 a. m. dully
1 or Lakevlcw aiiit Silver Ukr..
' yja p. m dally cicept Sim.
or rumo Tun., Tnuni. ami Sat Sa. in.
f-or LaMUrrclaly except Sunday ,.,....j p. nu
Posr Orr tea llouaa Week dart; 8 a.m. to St.
'i Sundays, from It a. In. to "ir m.. ami hall
hour after arrival of all maita trora tsltruad
xachlnc Demi before 8 p. m.
TKLariiasR Orrtcz llorjas Week day, from
uoa. ra fo'ijTW p. in. Sundays and hpllday,
fcora S-oo a. m. to II noon, and from j-oo p, in. to
, go p. m.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1906
A large majority of the people
qf the. United States favor the
election of United States senator
by a direct vote of the people and
they propose to effectuate that de
sire in spite of constitutional forms.
A powerful clement in the constitu
tional convention of 1789 frankly
distrusted the capacity of the com
mon people to participate in the
government of the country. Alex
ander Hamilton, probably the fore
most constructive statesman of the
revolutionary period boldly pro
claimed that idea, Thomas Jeffer
son, Hamilton's greatest political
and personal rival, championed the
idea that the people could be trust
ed to govern the country and the
ultimate permanency of free govern
ment depended upon them. The
federal constitution is a compromise
between these conflicting theories.
The experience of more than a
century has shown that Jefferson was
right ; the limitations and restrictions
sought to be imposed by Hatnilton
upon the free cxersisc ot the people's
will have grown in a large measure
to be silently disregarded and to
that extent the constitution has
been amended.
The history of the Electoral col
lege provided for by article two
and by the 12th amendment of the
constitution is instructive in this
connection. In pursuance of Hamil
ton's theory, the electoral college
was designed to be a body of men
selected from those most eminent if
the community who were to meet
at the capitol of the respective states
and ballot for president and vice
president. No restriction was placed
upon their choice except that tbe
candidates for both offices should
not come from the sames tate. From
the beginning these electors were
strongly controlled by popular sen
timent and within a few years after
the beginning of the century it be
came an iuvarible custom for each
elector to vote for the nominees of
his party convention. This custom
has hardened into an ameudment
of the constitution and for many
years no elector has attempted to
violate it.
Thus the people have broken
through the forms of written law to
carry out a well defined intent. For
years the people have sought to
provide for the popular election of
United States senator by, ameud-
ing the constitution in the manner
provided by that instrument, but!
. .. .. . ... . . , "you T cross eyesl, cot a bail ease of as-
each time that attempt has been , tigmatism or myopia. Better see Doc
frustrated by those who are interest-! Coe- he ' aa otimUt." "Not on your
. . . . . ., . . ' life, I m a pessimist," ami he walked ou
ed in maintaining the senate as it w did I.
is. But the will of the American : I took the suge at S o'clock for Aw
, , , . 'tin ami crowed the bnake nver into
people may be compared to a great cUrkston.
rtver in the time of freshet: an ob
stacle However large may irapetie,
iis tirnore-ts for a time but sooner or I
1 , .
later the pent up waters Will re -
move the obstacle or goarouud it.
Many of the states, including
Oregon, have embodied in their
election laws provisions for ballot
ing for United States senator at
general elections nud every candi
date for election 6 '(he state legis
lature must state whether or not he
will be bound by the choice of a
majority of his party for United
States senator. When it becomes
apparent that the people mean to
insist upon an honest compliance
with this requirement and will visit
their displeasure upon any legislator
who fails to carry out his pledge,
a much needed reform in the legis
lative branch of the federal govern
ment will have been attained.
The eonstnutly growing vener
ation in this country for the mem
ory of Lincoln is a most encourag
ing evidence of the moral sound
ness of the mass of the American
people. It is an old saying that a
people may be judged by the men
whom it delights to honor, and if
this be true we honor ourselves in
cherishing the name of the Great
Emancipator. A movement was
recently inaugurated among emi
nent citizens of the countrv to pur
chase the Lincoln farm near Hod
gcnvillc, Ky., and convert it into a
park to be known as Lincoln Farm
Park. It is the plan to erect an
historical museum there, of relics
interesting in connection with the
life and times of Lincolti. Lying
as the farm does, almost at the cen
tcrot our national population, it
will become one of the most at
tractive of our national parks, where
sectional animosity will be buried
and North and South find a com
mon source of pride.
After a thorough discussiou of
the merits of the case with former
District Attorney Hcney, on March
39, the president submitted to the
Senate the nomination of Win. C.
Bristol, as United States District
Attorney forOrcgon. Even though
the nomination should fail of con
firmation in the Senate, which is
not likely, the president has the
power to make it effective by recess
appointment. What now appears
to have been a vicious and un
founded attack upon Mr. Bristol
by members of tbe old Mitchell
gang, has cocae to naught. As
the president bos apparently made
up his mind that Bnstol is the man
for the place, an iaodtnt which it
one time promised to be disastrous
to that gentleman, aad to say tbe
least, awkward for his friends, is
satisfactorially closed.
A large number of the publica
tions issued by the varioes depart
ments of tbe federal gorercaeac
have little value for the average
reader. Bulletin No. 552. recently
issued by the United States Geo
logical survey, is an exception. It
is entitled "Preliminary Report of
the Geology and Water Resources
of Central Oregon," and contains
much entertaining and valuable in
formation concerning this section
of Oregon. The pamphlet is well
illustrated with views of scenery
hereabout and contains about 130
pages. It is furnished gratis upon
application to the United States
Geological Survey, Washington,
D. C.
Reveries of a Tramp Pedagogue.
(CoMlouM ff muiNsi test to C 1.
WliiM. K)'
Mr. Xtcodemutr. Weider. Bead Social
Club. 1'ricnd Pedagogues, Demagogue.
Synagogues. Catalogues and lUmips-ou-a-log:
I woke up in Barney Lewisvill
and ate a 15c breakfast to the strains of
4-II-44 did something out of the ordf
nan aakl my bill. I eot my urin and
started out to take in Harney s tows. A
fellow a wise guy I met on tbe street
ahl 'Young l'elfow. you've eot a InuI
of K"p." "Think so?" say I.
Gatnblini! lias been cut out in I.c wit-
ton and moved to Caklesac, where they
are building a railroad to Orangevitle,
The contract is let also for art electric
'line hitotlte same place,
j Suakc river is well named from two
j.Ui." X
I ami then I 'ta told Out la the summer
time it abound with all manlier of rep
tile from a garter snake to 11 livn-eon-stridor.
Clark' 1ms rat a better town than Rnr
ney liW, It issitmted in n rich fruit
n ricn mm
id U lnken
belt known as Vine I.niut ant is
tfopoiis ol Asotin anility.
Asotin about 10 o'clock and
to the Aycrs hotel. They do put on airs
mere 100 nign loueu joint,, k 1.1 run
by a fellow named l)uthnm-a jjreat big
guy wno looks eiiouu like tnc trade
mark 011 a package of Hull Durham to lie
a brother to it. I can sympathize with
him 'cause I got n brother that 'a a town
bull. I went to the court house and
looked up my destination, I found the
school house was located in the uravc
yard, lclti on government laud. It
looks bad to sec a cemetery and school
house so closely associated. I will tier
haps have an opjortttnlty to weep over
the resting places of my predecessors
and meditate on my own prospects for a
vacant siwt in God s h.ilf.acre.
Next I went to see the county "Soup"
and mm name (chance for a mash) was
Mrs. (no chnticc for me) Lillian Clem
atis Merchant, wife of an undertaker.
ThlitK lwi;in to look rather serious.
The school-house and )rac-yarl com
bined and the undertaker and the county
superintendent a lead-pipe cinch on
tnc itvtiiR ami the departed. Well, I 'm
thaukfuf its all in the pelaKO;ic frater
nity. 11 i me sue s got me; it 1 uic
her husband gcta me.
The next morning t took the stage for
Anatoue and passed through a little lrg
on the way. I reached Ann tone about
noon six Inches of amw. (1 M atone
too if I M been Ann.) Anatoue is grow
ing a big flour mill being built.
I found myself Mill 14 mites from Kin
del and 110 mode of conveyance only to
foot it, so about 2 o'clock I goes to the
city physician's office (I wanted to nuke
his acquaintance for future reference) to
find out the road to Xititlcl. A young
fellow Mt mi the counter in the drag
store and siicil me up with a mischievous
twinkle of the eye and saw "Arc jtm
going to teach the school at Kiiidcl."
"Yes, air1 mM I in the most stentorian
tone of voice I eouhl command. "Well'
wj-s ne, wmi a conmiciittai wink to a
few purchasers standing bv the stoc
picking their teeth with ten-penny nails
and bombarding the stoxe with toluicco
juice, "I wouhl n't go down there if I
were you." "Why" says I, trembling
up my sleeve aa a vision of the cemetery
crossed my mind. "The last man that
taught school tlwre got hU teeth knock
ed out." That relieved me; 1 knew I
had n't any teeth to lcgiu on.
"Here arc wine of your pupils here
they are all bucclmros ami throw tolucco
quids at the scltool master, bring shoot
nig irons to school and if you lay out
the school you'll have to fay out the
district too" (another wink.) He
turned to the bystanders ami said
"Here's your new school ntanii. ' I
knew I was in for it now, so I must work
a bluff, so says I "How arc you, loys.
If any ot you fellows want to learn how
to shoot, loan me a gun and I 'II shoot a
penny between jour index and ring
finger or if you want to demonstrate
your pugilistic propensities 011 my physi
ognomy I will gue you a short period of
duration to perform the operation." I
threw my coat Tlie doctor fainted and
we brought him to with anaesthetics.
"No," mh! one long, lean, lanky,
hungry looking individual, "Wc re just
glvin' yoo hot air awl ikm'l want no
truck with strangers" I pot on my
coat while my credit was good and went
on wy way rejoicing. I walked all the
afternoon ami Anally reached the head
of a gulch. I inquired at a near-by farm
bouse ami they told mc to follow tlie
gulch ami I dm till about 9 o'clock that
Bight ami reached an old bachelor'
cabin. I inquire! how far it was to
Zimtet and be said ten miles. I Irod
got 08 of the trail. This is the country
where a fellow "hits the trail " I stayed
all aught with my ohl Knglish lioot, 1'red
Riee, ami at lay-break next morning
strack ot up Hake river ami three
sail p the (. ramie Rotule and came
ta the ferry taaxlim; at Zindcl. I sited
the tame tK the ferry was on the onno-
Me swie from me ami I hail no clmicc
to ptrticiyatc in a game of fox and gcec.
I yeOed ami no mc oh the ojiposite
share akl r attention to me so I sat
i4 patsedy waited till the ferry
sua aaitght get in a mood u bring lib
y-eo-fWMMl acres the river ami get
mi Umm I sat upon a rock and
wait!. 1'. MIUO I.OJHiXI.1..
C Ommtd ast w4..)
Tumalo News.
Tomato, Or.. April 10, 1906.
Thomas Arnold of the Sisters was in
Tumalo hut Friday. He rtqiorts farmers
busy putting in crops in that district.
Hutch Kdwards has gone to Redmond
to work.
Charlea Hamilton is imttinK a larce
amount of spring grain on tbe ltd wants
ranch, he having it rented this season.
Charles I.. Winter was in Item! on
IiusIhom Satunlay.
A baml of cattle bramleil 7? on the
right tun is making considerable trouble
to the farmers in this community, tramp
ling ditches ami eating up the ipllk eoirs
range. These are cattle driven in here
from up the Deschutes river.
T. A. Jensen U having some trouble in
finding liu horses which swlilenly took a
notion to leave about time fur plowing.
Mr. Hansen is liariiig a large amount
of clearing dottc on tbe Cook ranch three
utiles north-east of Tumalo.
We are pained to note the sudden
death of one of our beat citiiens, I.. Q.
Boone, which occurred in rrinevilic
April i, I9"6. Mr. Boone was taken
sick on Monday and died Tuesday. He
leave a wife ami step-daughter, with a
host of friends, to mourn their sad loss.
The departed! the departed!
They visit-us iii d renins
And tfiev glide aloct our memories
Like shadow over streams;
But when the clietjrfnl light of lwute
In constant lustre bum.
The departed! tlie departed'.
Can ucver mote return!.
" '
Por Sheriff.
To the republican voters
' 1 hereby announce myself
ns acoiidl-
date for the republican 11011
iioiiifimtion for
the office of sheriff of Crook county, un
der the provisions of the direct prlmnry
law. nnii subject to the dcolsloim'of the
. t.i r..-. f .1.1 .,..
rcpuiiinu cutiui!" in 111m iium ,
Wilms W. Hrown, Hclslcr:
l'or County Clerk.
To the republican electors of Crook
county: I hereby announce my candi
dacy lor the republican uoiiiliintlou for
the office of county clefk under the di
rect primary law, subject to the decision
of tnc republican elcctois of this county,
), ;. II4XKK, rrlucvlllc.
Por Sheriff.
To the republican voters of Crook
county: I nsplic to be the republican
nominee forslierilT of Crook county at
the general election next June and will
submit my name for your consideration
at the primary election to be held April
20, toon, I Ask At your haudn a careful
consideration of my qualifications and if
in your opinion I am capable nud worthy,
respectfully ask your suport.
11. 1'. Johnson,
Win, Johnson for County Clerk.
The undersigned respectfully presents
his name to the republican voter of
Crook county, Oregon, as a candidate to
office of county clerk at the primary
election April 20, 1906.
V. p. King for County Treasurer.
To the republican voter of Crook
county: I hereby announce my can
didacy for the rctmhlleau nomination
for tnc utiice ol county treasurer uuiier
the direct primary law. subject to the
decision of the voter.
W. I' Kino. IMtteUllc.
The Wasco News has some very
nice things to sa about II, M.
Cnkc, the republican candidate for
United States senator. That he is
very popular in Kastern Oregon
will appear from the following:
"II. M. Cake, who is one of the
aspirants for a scat in the United
States senate is a man fully com
petent to represent the state. Mr,
Cnkc has long bccti identified with
all movements looking to the kcu
cral welfare of the state, and es
pecially has he been active in move
ments looking to the opening of the
Columbia river. lie is generally
well known as a man who enters
all his work in a whole-hearted
way that usually accomplishes
Mr. Cake is also very popular
along the coast according to the
following in the lillaniook Head
light of March 29th:
"The Headlight can conscien
tiously recommend Mr. Cake ns n
gentleman who will fill the office of
United States senator with credit
and those who vote for him will be
satisfied that they vote for n clean
man and whenever it becomes hU
duty to look after the intcrosti of
Tillamook he will do it successfully,
for he is just the man the country
and people need."
The people throughout the state
have come to the conclusion that
state funds paid into the treasury
from any one county, should be
held 011 deposit in that county nud
not hoarded tit the great money
centers. This is the policy adopted
by Ralph V. Hoyt.
The state printing office is n very
expensive office to the people of
Oregon. Only one candidate for
state printer, Willis S, Dunlway,
pledges hiuiMlf to reduce the cost
of the office. He is n man of good
personal character, with n reputa
tion for business integrity, and his
friends have no doubt that he will
make good his pledges of retrench
ment in the most expensive oflice
in tbe state.
Wanted Teams,
To put in 750,000 to 1 ,1100,000
feet of logs 011 good level ground.
To be hauled from ) to y of a
mile. Call or iithtresA, Ilitwkliin
llros., i'rittcvllle, Orcijon,
' Hes- va
a3 ). f Pv
IKIMilmcnt of Hie Interior.
I.snil Office, Ylie llsllrs, Oiciiiiu,
Apt II ., tyA.
Niillce It lieretiy alvni llisl tin futlnwlitf
niuiirtl artllcr list ftlol nullrc oflilt Inlrnlltui In
mske fliint ioor In miiotl of lilt cUIni, ninl
tlisl MM iiiihiI will lr matte txfitre II. C. KIIU,
it. n. vuitiinitiuurr, mi itivijiitc"' n ivimi,
Otrjtuti.oii May it, ivV'Ul
DaMU llll
ori.av,Oirioii,uii II It. No, , for the et
m ami !nck v . l w , ril e, w in.
Ilr nnic the following wlliitwet ta rue lilt
vuntlmimi mlilcnce iimiii ami cultivation ol
tAllI Isiul, vli,
V. C. Uuliiiby, W. I', Vaiiilrwil sn.l II. I'
Wrtt.sll of (,v, Oircoa; Wlltlnin lltock uf
llcml, OKitoii.
as-mii MICH Al(t. T. NOI.AN. KriMcr,
Tliiilir Mnl,Act June 3, itft.
U. ti, Mini OHlcr, l.tVcvlcw, tltrgoit,
Match tl, iuiA.
Notice It litrrlijr Kbrrn tlisl In coinilliice nllli
Oir irorUlonioriha Act of Cuni'e" f June J,
ikhi, ciiiiiini, "An act lor inr hic 01 iiiiuwr muni
1.. !.. ... ..r.ur....i ... ....
111 ,11c Bimv ,1, niiiui IIIM, UITII'II, ...
Wstlilngttiii Trttllnry," at rtUimnl
NctsiU, snil
In Hit
putillcltml tlHlrt tiy Act of Aiiut 4, H;,
Dslty II lliuwii,
ofllciiil, cvoiitr of CiihiW, titit of Oiruiin, litt
IhlttUy filtJ lutliltiinice tier twotu Ultmnit
No. , for ine imrvlie uf Uic K. e , lp
II , r lie. w 111.
Anil will ulTcr luoof la thaw tint tlicUlhl
biiiKlil It mote vulnslilr for lit tltnlirr or lone
Ihtu tur aitlcnltursl "ilvwr, ami in r.ttti.
IUIi her culm to mIi! Uml Ufoir Ihr J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at lilt Ure uf ,olnr l
riliKvlllr, i)ircu,ou haluiitsy, tlie ythUsyiif
June, lyu6.
She iismrt at wltncrt A. II Hltlxnfl, I'. II
U1U11. Win ml.lwlii, ami C I). Ilrunu, all of
iiTiiu, ifirguii
Any sml all wtMUt claiming ailirtiwly uy f
ir aiHirr lrctltYil Umlt air ifiiimliil to fllr
thrlr cUimt In tlil nmrr on or Ixfair the ulil
vOi Uy of June,
WATSON, Krgtilcr.
Tlmtwr l.ainl, Art June J, ,
I. 8. I.u.l Office, The Pallet, Orel en,
July H. tv.
Ntlr It tiertly iltrn Ihil In rum4tiMr with
the HHtkmt nfthr Af CMitirM l Jtme 1,
i7. cntlllcil "An Kt far the tale uf ttmhvf htmtt
In th tlrof L'alirotiit. OrKtiii. Ner4t, mi
Waihliigton Trf illuiy,' at clit.ltl ta all the
PhUicUihI tUlettiy set uf AHgutt i. !,
Thelf W MnimciiHiiHn,
of HeK.1 cwtnly ef CrtMk. state of (ltei. h
IhltiUy Alnl In thlt effke lit itwn tUtemewl
Hi. jm. f Ihr pmctitK of the leL', vc 4. I"
Ami "III offer xf to Imi mI the Um4
toughl It mw vslotMr far Kt tlwwr r MMr
I ha it for agTlcultHral mriir. aw! t rMaMMt
hit claim tu takl I a ml beruer Ihr Cly VleiW si
l'tine1lle. UtrgiHi. u Ihr vlh y uf Jmhc. i'r
llrnamrt at (lnew Chat Ira II dnnii
Theoihllr M Mtchrl, Wll'.Um llaMit'H. atxl
fiamit Mailofl, all of KmU. IH t gmt.
Any ami all irfamt ttalmlMg almwly Ihr
alnrilfftl-l lawU air irimt Air thrlr
ctalmt In Ihlt olBer hi r hrfof mM (h tUy of
Junr lyA
Timurr Mml, Art J unr j.tSr'
I' 8 Mml omer. The laht, Orrgmi,
Janmiry Mt, fft.
Nolke It heitby glrrn lhal lit rm,llanf with
thr xotktt eflhr Act kf Cungrraa tf Jur x.
If, rnllllnl. All art far Ihr Mlebf llwUf UntSt
In IhraUtetftfCaHfernla. Iltrgeii. Mreaila, ami
U'aahlngtwi Trtiltory." at ralrmlr4 In alt Ihr
(kiMIC laml tlate hy act f AugMtt 4, 191,
VfaMtle It Ker.1,
of Ileml. eaunty of Clonk, tlatr eTOiegttn, has
Ihli day Mwl In I hit (ftc hrf mf u alaUmrtit
V. tf4, for Ihr (HtirHatr of Ihr H)( tn, tr 1,
ip is t. r lae.w m
Ami will uftr Mttf la ttww that the (ami
Mtght la hmh( tlaaWe for Ht llmhrroe mtt
Hmh fagrtrulliual meiw. ami ta catabitafc
krr claim m Mfcltamt twfatr II C. IHWt, V.
ft. IXHinlMMMtr at hU fSr at Hrml, llfrgtHi,
On the lllhilay of (uwr, iA
Hhrnamrtat lHrrt I'raak Orvwtl, Jtmea
It. KrrU. Orvegt Mat, ami Jtm MrOi all ot
Brml. (Htgwi
Art ami all Deraima rlaliHlMB. aJMatv ISv
aUnr-teacrUml Urnta ate trren4 la Mr IhrW
cialma In thlt rK tm k brfair nU 14th
lay wf Juhc lyA.
a.Jl MICfAltl. T NOI.AX Kegitter.
DriMitmrHl ol thr Inlet tor.
I' H. MmlOITWr. The Paltr. Otrgtm.
Attl , IVA
Notice It hereby liren thai Ihr fetlanlna.
iianieit arltUf (Hit ltlrlllee f Mt Intrnlhm I
tnakr Dual rfoof In tuiuit ef lilt rial m, ami
inai tain win mane uriotr mr ctmnty i'llnrrlllr, llfrgou, vti May vh, tfi,
Jeiialhan II. Violent,
of Hitlers. Oirgon, mi II It No. I jail, far Ihr
rHKH, i. lit is a, rite.w m
Ilr nanirt Ihr HHMvtlne
wiinrtara h wwvr
hit rnntlnitotit irthlrner upon ami eutllra
alfan ol
uki lanu, an
V N.Cet-l. V T Itvtwaiila. C. II. I'tHler. ami
K C I'oalcr, allot M.lrla ()!.
s6-iuil MICHAIII.T. N01.AN, KfgUlet,
Tlmlirr Mint, Act of June 3, it,
V H. Uml Offke. Ttw Paltr. IHagwi.
IxmUr tf , lut.
Not In- It hrraUy glrrn lhal In OMWitMHec with
III-luutiahMiaof Ihr Al of Ctnigltaa of Junr 1,
ISJS. rntltleal "An art for lle tale of tlmhrf Umlt
In the autra of Csjllutnla. OrtgtHi. NcfwU ami
Waahlngton Terrtloey," aa ralrmlnl in alt thr
puhlle laml tlatrt by art of AMgH.l 4, iae,
Chatl II Kawr,
of lleml. jtHinly of Crook, tlale of Urtgwii. haa
thltilay nieal In thla efKco hit aworn alaltmenl
Nu i, for Ihr tmrchaarof Ihe u!( ofai,
l m a, r I r, w in
Ami will offer HMf to ahow lhal the
Uml towght U mure Taloable far Ma llmUrr oe
tlonr tlimi far agrk-nllHral tiotM, ami In
rataMlali lilt claim lt Mhl Vaml UrrMe II. C
Wilt, It. CummUtHHMr, at ,u uine In
Ikml.OtrgtHi.mi Ihr iMh, Jayof Junr, vt.
lie usiurtat wlntatMi Jalni ltMI, Jahu llmat.
TltmnaaJ. Tweet, ami A. U Malt, all of Ik mi
Any ami alt iMiwna cUlmlug ailvriaaly Ihr
.u.K..l..rfallu.l I....I. .. . .... .. 1 1 . ... ... I
cUlm; 111 ihu oHhx w or Ixfote
minirwi ii., m.1,.1 nir inilHW
UHtSleii It) hi I hair
thr mM 1 it 1 1
ta of tun
T NOI.AN, HeiiUler,
Tlnilwr IjiihI. Act unc j, 7.
V. H. l.aml Offlrr. Tilt Dallra, Otrtjou,
rtwuoty 1 j, lupt,
liliy uUrn llifll In riuillaii ,
it of tin Act uf CongiMt el June j,
. "All art fur Ilia ubJ lIu.l.A l....r:
Hie iruvaluii
isja, ruiitini
..11 .,.,., :.... 1. r.: ... : :z -.--..... ,-v nmi.
HliraininviVHIIItlllltll! flffUlllt, nrtMll
1 Hill,
".."".''"." iriniuiy," at rtirnilHl In
HllillcUiiilalrtlra liy ml of Augiial 4,
ohn II Hlalra,
all Hit
ufOranllr I'all., niiiuly tif MunliMiilah.
uilily 11 r mui
ItilSy hti
I, tlnlrnf
illlif hla
li'linar uf
waaiiiiigiuii, lia lhl tiny til,,! In 1 hi.
awoiil alalvliitlll No r7. ful Die lull
I Itat katll ata-l a In tna a. a . a. ...
..... -, , , j,, , , y , 1 1 j r, IT III
Ami will Hiifi iiiiMf Ipitmw IliM Oir
!'"HV IHWir Tnilitlllir IHT 1 1 M(nVr ir u
HlrtlllUI NHII.H IMIIII lllMjHMiHI.HMi III tl,,M,,
i' I Ik
imiily rl
Hrinli i
,..! I ir , fir nun, iiii I iip i
h itav uf lull iuji
itlur aa wlliia
laaaa II I .... i ... f ll.l 11. i.
II. A U.-l.. -II" .".""' ' l'.V"
iiiaiir, h;;;i'ih;..ravm,uYi
laI.HJI Hf
ml Miir
Ally Mini all Ijtlaiiua tlaluilu
llllllIM aiUrlaely lh
erUAvtl In fllr'
dWlilr On adit vM
Sllil llanavl imI Ullila alii
I.Ulll4 III II1I4 llllUf mi in
inivr hi
T. IIOl.AH, Ueiltlif,
Tlmlier Laml, Art nl June i, 1,
U. H. I.aml Olfitt, llir IlialUs, 4ft null,
Mauli , IV"'
Notice It hrtehy ghrn that III coiilillure wild
Ihr iituvltlonaiilllir Ael of Coiiglrat of Julie X,
ISM. entllleil "All ntt Hir Ihr talr n IlinWr lamia
In the atalet ol California, Orsgoii. NrvJilR ' aiu
WaalililKliill'ltlllpiiy..' aa filrmlnl tr"!! IUf
riiiMWlaiiilalalfaliyaclrlMntiial4, lV, '"'
Cuia II, Hiiillh.
of lieml.niiiiilyof Ctmik, alale 'irottgoiii hat
Ihltilay filed In Ihlt nflM-c her awnin alalrmciit
No, wi, for Ihr imehaar of Ihr Hw!(, tccfe,
amluhuriroltev;, liila, r II r, w in
Ami will offer rf In allow lhal Ihr lamt
amialit It mule taliialilr far lit lluilier. Ar
almir than fur agilnilluial Mirtar, ami
..1.1.II.I1 lift claim In uhl laml hrforr II,
Ittlla. V M. Coiuuiitaiiiitr, at hit nfnee In lieu
tlirgou. 011 Ihr Hlh day uf June, if
Hhr uaineaai wllneaara Meho4aa Mnillli, Pall
lleltlug, l A lUlher, all of IteiKl IHepHt, awl
John liluaa,of hlttert, (IttKOU.
Any ami all lira.ina clnlinliiH aiteeiHy lh
aluvrlearrtlinf Ian4aaic rmueaie.) In file Ihrtr
rlalnit In thla oilier mi or lirfatr imM Mill 'lay
Juue.iyui. MCAJ T N()tN. Uegacp
Tliiihrr Mml. AH June j, 11
It. H ,a4 Offtrr. Thr Pallsa. Oirgen,
Prermtwf , luna,
Notlrr la hetrljy gleen llwil In NMN4UHr with
Ihr iHrlaHHiaofthr A of CMtgtrjw f Junr i
!?, entltlr.1. "An art fi Ihr aalr of llmlr lamia
ulliraialra or CalllOrnM, inrgoti, wrww, ami
itrmtnl l an I lie
II Iii
miIiIc lamt alatra hy Act AogHtl
4, I.
Clill.llna M Nallirf ,
of llcml. enmity of! nil alalr of Otegmt, Ihm
Ihltilay filed In Ihlt nlftce htr awuen alstrmrti!
No. ny. for Ihe tmithate f Ihr alf itf, 11 71
aHT. ami nr(ll't ami Ml. Ti I a, til t,
w hi
Ami will offer itwtt Ut alntrr that Ihr lantl
aHigtit la valoaUk tor Ita llnitf Of almir
than foe agtkttllnral mummm, Kkat ht eal4bli
htr claim to mM Uml larfar II. C ltU, 17,
ri CmnilaMiirr. al hUNltiet' In Hrml, (Hgm,
on Ihr ijtlnUy of Jhmc, ip.
Hhr nsmea aawMwrawa John MrMI. Jatin l
Krtrr. NtclmUt ramlth. and Htan A. MlVet, all
f llrml, Oiegon
Any ami all (weaorta rlalmtHg a4taly Ihf
atwrr 0aeilsat Umta air laam-tW la nfr IM4V
rtalmi In IhU iHtxw Mt ih brtbrr mM iMh 4af W
June, lyu. .
Tlmlwr Mml. Art Joik j. isjat,
I'. 14. INKrr, Ttw IMIet, Ihtm.
Prtt-Mbrr, ssiyta.
Nollar It hnrlty darn I Wat In cswiOsiiag wHI
I he iHnrlalamt 4 lm Art m Kuxgi
ISM. rntHM, "A Mart fat ISX fi
a t jmi
K imVtl haw
In Ihetlalrtnf CIiSmhU, Nr
WaattlHglmt Teeillocy. ' at t alamiaat i all Imj
tmMM Umt tlata by Art of AitgiM 4. rSft,
(iroetr (larttbri.
fTnmabs. camnlyufi'rtMa, a4lraf(
tetajaHi, laa
I hla iUv MVM IN lha offer hla
No th far Ihr mtnaa uflbr m
.11. lit la a. r II r
Ami hIII offer t-fonf la araaiw laMt Imr UmJ
Mogm it tamer ihm tor ttt HtMMr m m
Kt llMlaar t aHHti
a. ami Ht Ubpat
ni.c KlHa, t. r:
loan far ageKttitaral Mtf aaa.
hla cUlm 10 aaM Uml brfatr 1
CwmmlailoMet. at hla ufaWr In laaiat. 6ftn,a4
Ihr IMh lay of Jmtr i
Ilr nameaaa wMmwar Jah M Wtaarf, latl
I' aatHh. UltHam J rtakrtamlW J lltgdrtamtr,
an m itaoaam. r
Any ami all tatraona cUlmltir a4t4tuUr Ihr
aUwe-Hv4tfl lamsa air inawmiral I sr lhr
claim. In tl4 tafner on of krtMr I tar wi jll
Oay of June, ty.
T NO UK. Hg4.Hf.
Timber Umt, Art Joe i. iCfm
V ft. Uml Officr. Tier luttt. Oetgam,
Imwmbat. . imK. II
Nalhr la tuerinr lhal M - - - -ift,
.1.- .,.1..- .. .. " ' "r- "m
14. ra4HM " art tar liar Mtr olMmVaJr !
ra iar aaanra an taiuufnaa iHffH aiaiai. aa
Wa.bmgtwi Tect1try.'- j rtin ! so all W
lunawc MM Malta lay act of A4 4. mys.
Ana C.
M Kraal, 1
UaU4av I
.ffitfttyot Crjfi. tt mt Oregaiii. Hat
' wnn tn in araw nrf arfl aajatsiinai
.-. mi, me im pturSMHr or tla sJatstU of
. iff i a. r w w m
tml will offer tafoof la ataaw l 'm Uml
amignl U morr rahmlaW be lla llmiae at aHjmr
than fee agetcwWural tmnaaaaa, ami ta mlaWW.
hcr ctalm to aaid UmtmHtier II. C Ks&vViT,
Canuahaliiwr, at ku urmtr la mraU. ll,..u
an Ihr ilh day .if Jam?. mj4
mrmani, aurtraar. jatta SHrtaMt. A Han I
C '.,w!l Thomaa Taerl, ami rianT HuHeia
warlh. all of Hrml,lHtktM.
,AJ?L?,M,, IT' clalaomg a4W4y thr
alaiarilrxtlbaal uai. ai "- k il.' i,A
Ulmt in tWt .frarr cm oe WtaWe msM iln Uy af
' '
am IICIIAKL T NOLAN. Itg4.lef.
Tlmlier Uml. Art Jam- j. N-t.
a ti. Uml (!. Thr IMfat, ih egon,
prrambre a, ya
itfl i rnJUJaal. "Am art far Ihr aak of llmt-iUmfi
. 'ST, .' S.' "JaJK-raia ihom. NrU. ami
WatblHgiMi Trtrtlory." as atrmM la .A (k
miMMUMd alaira by Art of AMfMrt 4, lta,
Kabrrt f llarrtaciua.
orwiHrrtUr, (uaaly uf traak. atata afiWrnMHi.
haalhteOay tUrd ,A Ihi. . .ZiZTfc
Htrat No iri. far Ibr uirktu .u. -u..ij
lul.ll.lV M. .. ... .... 71 1. """"
.rit - 'pm 11., w a
Ami will ullrr lieuuf tu aWow Uml Ihr Uml
trS'V! m2LVrhlr atsasW 7
llMH fat agilenlloial uaupuara. anal la
,,t,o:cU.,,"a alT, M. tTTlft
U. H CtHnmltalnaer. al hla wdmr Ht KmS
Oirirwii, on Ibr inbaat uf Jaar. awa. '
lla Hauaraaa wIlMraata lurid It tlanajt- Una
H MICIIAIil, T.KMLAK. Ktgfaler.
TlmUf Uml. Art laar j, ,.
U. , Uml OHM, Tbr ImUra, Ottgao.
ItrcrmUr , ion.
,1 NttU!,,1 "'' iswl Im rom4taar wtJth
Hi Hit alatra af Vil,HZ USSLT
VatlilHtaMTrriluf),'' at rdtmW j a4tW
wMUISihI stairs by art of A 4. tl!a7
I' its H meair
ori'iltittlitt. ttMHly of Crouk, state al Oiga.
liatllilitUyltlr.llM IliU -"t rmtTi rtttt
'.'-.Vi NH " fur "".l""b f lite UW iTStT
4 ami tojiiwlf . aw .. to m a. r 11 r. w .
Ami ulil oiler utuuT to attaw llaat Use Uml
amigljl la mmcva'lu.UI, fa, It, llmbatar atm-t
hau fat agilttiltutal iioruuam, ami ta rttMtr
hei ilaliut loaalil lai.UaUl.Nr It O KUK V-1.
f wmiiUa,ni.r at in. ufata in llrml, Oetr-H. .
Ilnr iHllilai'of JhHr. ivV,
Jtojr ill Hun re uf lWa57 mm, Tueitl V.
Wait ami Kabni I' llaiiln.issrVyTiWs.
AllV ami all
.1. ' r . .- "-..
i iraiHire
HltoMiLall LatUalA Aft tuikUiulAal t 9f&
VluW"' I11-"" ra w r Cflfct mKI ii
A l
line. IimL
Hciul TllU UOMsUTISta