The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 06, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 3
Bend, - Oregon.
1'wf ! iwdat martlee ljfure Ut V.
MHitonm miI iieiaiiniHt of ibt nitrite.
AIo tifrat txncllcr.
Office, - LAIW.AW, Olllt.
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Tltl.ltrJIOHlt NO. 21 ,
Agent for
Liverpool, London & (Kobe, mid
Lmtcnslilrc Plro Insurnnco
Crook County Really Co
Ken I lislntc Bought and Sold.
l.lfo nuil Accident
The undersigned will
pay $10.00 fur the
detection and convic
tion of nny person
who in any way will
fully injures or de
stroy its lines in
Crook County.
Timber Mm, Act June j, iSiS.
. XOTICK VOlt 1'tmiiIOATlON.
U. H lAWl Office, The lull., Orfgofl,
January 9, tA.
SoUtt I. hereby given lht In rnitlalic( Willi
Vw HwhUm of lit act of CoHgl.Mut Julit 1.
AM, mlltlnt "An act fur the mIc nf llritwi lamia
IB the Mate of California. Oiegm. Nmili awl
Wa.hlHgtoti Territory," mlciulnt to ill llic
tU( taml tlatraliyact of Augul4, lift, II CacMln.
of Mi)(, itMHly of Crook, .late of Oregon. h
thlt.lay filwtlu thla office hi. .otu alalnticul
Nu. ni. frlhHirehae of the aeliiMrf, nc(
i If, 1M 1 ami i, of ? y. t ii,ir.w 111.
Alnl will oirr tti( In !iow llul tlic Inml
tmifht L hhm valuable fur II timber uratnnr
(ban foragtleulluial )uio. mxl to
hi. claim la ulil Unit Iwfote I I' Kr.
If. K VoimnlMluiicr, at hi. olllee In Maitrat, lilt
(till, oil the Jill iUjt of May. I 'A
lie name a wlturaw Thnmaa J Malloy,
Anna A. Malloy, ami Jt.lni Lhain, nil of Milra,, Michael J MiHllwn. of Ikml, Oregon.
1 Any tiil ill (wraona claiming aitmacly the
atvvtriitlbrl Umtaaic lcillfl to Me lliclr
ialmajn thUomcraii or before taM jtlulay ot
May, ipA
laj 1114 MICIIAHI, T. NO LAN. KrgUtcr.
Timber J.aml, An June J, S.
U. H, I.nml (Uflicr, Mkrvlcw, Oregon.
March V, lygu.
Notice I. hereby iclveti thai liicoiiiIUnce with
llCIIUVtlOItl IIIO rt Of Cotlgle llfJllllCJ,
j&J. ciitillnl, "All act lor the ulc ofliiubcr lamia
In lhealate4f California. Olcgoii, Nrvnila, ami
WflliliitoH Territory," a. rxteinlrl lo all the
pulillc Umt talra hy act of Augiul 4, ifyi.
Harry I (IIIiIm,
ofTrsverae City, county of (Iraiul Traverae,
talc nfMlchlguu, ha, ttiWilay fllot In (hi office
hUtwoni tatcineiit No, yn, for the urchac
01 inr awH Ktv l i , r 14 c. w in.
.Ami will oiler inoof lo allow that the laiul
aniiiiht U mote valualile for It tlmlxr or atone
than frtr agricultural nuriH. ami lunUMMi
lilcUluiloailllaiii hVfuie Couiity Clerk of
trixJK ixiiiuiy, wirnou, ai ma oilier, at rrine vlllc,
Oimon. on MatuiJay, the xlh ilay of May
Iknauira n wllncc. Joaeph N. Hunter,
lohti Illoaa, Allwit C. I.vicaa ami Jaiuet I),
iloiirymaii, allot Html, Orexoii.
Any ami all peranna claiming advcraely the
aUne-HcKilheil lamia are rriucatcil lo file lliclr
elnlma In IM olllcc on or before aahl j6th ilny ol
Jlay, ly6.
iiim mayjj J. N. WAT80N. Keglttcr.
V 1 toiiicatcAtl Coimollilallon
IcHirtiuciit of the Interior,
V. H, I.oiiil Olllcc, The Dallca, Orcson.
March 1, 1906,
Notice la hereby clvcn thai the following.
Iiuninl Kltlcra have lilcU notice of lliclr laleutloii
lo maWe liunl proof 011 their reapeclUe clatma,
ami that imld proofa will lie inuile hcloec ttie
County Clcik at l'rluc vlllc, Oregon, on AptU Mhv
Charlea M. Maulgomery.
of J'rluevllle, Oregon, on 11. it. No. j, r.ake
view Merle, fur Ihe iiew, nhc, aec 3181111
tiw)(aw)f , , jj, tp o a, r id e, w i.
Jaine M. Montgomery),
bri'rluevltle, Oregon, on II. l' No. 157, j'ak'fe.
lewtrle, fur the aeWawM.mnXaeUt ailil eji
ef, accji, tpaoa, r loe.wui. ,
They name the following wlrnwuea tb nmvc
their coiitiuuoua realtlencc uyou ami ciiltU align
Ofnatil Iftiula, vim
Churlta M, Montgpmtry, Jamea Ml Mpfttgom.
fry, ami Jamci IllacW, all fPHlieviltt, 'Oregon:
Jnlui it. Ryam anil wiwoin p. Wtuilevert, lioth
?fJluil,uregomaii4 , Vraalr-VcVI,'
Qrrgou, . iM " T'
nil-H JJlCllA;ir,NOI,AN,legXttv
Because wo nro selling tho same and better
quality at a closer margin is a very good
reason why you will find our store the
best place to buy anything in tho lino of
Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish
ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and
Doors, Paints and Oils
A Complete
At Hctid,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Reasonable msadkd CKIMNO Lumber
WINDOW JAMBS ncHrcrcd a(
'rices WINDOW CASINO ,' "J? "
Grades stair trkads T?Cn , 1L
Dry WATlvR TABLK T,IC J ' & V'
0. G. BATTINS Jo., or
Soc MOULDINGS ! "e & S ' W.
The ,
Pilot Butte Development
MnppnliiKS nt Koslnnd.
Too late for taut week.
I). A, l'lmUey Htnrtcil for the desert
with IiIh cuttle Tlittnilay. '
l'rank lloKtic will start for l'rlncvlllc
I'riday, after n load of nrniii.
Mrn. Cook, of the Koslatulliotql, stxfnt
Siiiulii and Monday of. Ihl wceh III
l'rliievlllc. ' '"' ' " '
We ttio lmvlnj- hprliij; weather at ltos
land mid tlic nnow 1 leaving Inst.
CA'rl Wise, GeprKc VoRue and Mr.. K.
ilatfnc left Konlaiiil I'riday for llcnd, on
lmtei., ,
Tfhc rnllrond gun cyor are uoV cnnlped
nf Mr. llayfield'e, where thvy expect to
tie 'two. weeks. While there Hie
tctdtb will make n trip after nrorlclontil
Tumalo Ncwdi - ,' '
.1 1 "i
TtnnalOy Of., Ajifll i', l&ti.
A' Unlit riiow eurered the iitotuid here
last Saturday, ')(.
Vcoplearc etnifrVf; fttid,6lilf. Hnil
ration U tturcly iti pijrfwfc, . .,
1'. lf. fiiiillla iirtiiUcfi Join lllu eastj
Is vUitltiR lilrrt it 'the VnjJI.",s ,
U .' rtyltyMBJ, tj'J.KliHp.tuL ., Vtt
tViroiiL'h TiMhili onfc (Iliv ldHt wtuU fook-
VltiK for Jtornio to u. eif, RliHJ
Krftttfd White wbb lu i:uuiilo bit bvUl-
Stock of
At Bend,
iichh Inst I'ridny,
KtiKcnc Winier Is nhsent from home,
liAvItiK Ke to l'ost, Or., to look after
ills cattle. '
1 r
Mrs. Charles Spatiih has lieeu con-
lined to hci- room for some time with the
InKrippe, wlii6li almost run into pneu
monia, hilt she is improving nt' present.
George Couch, of I.aidlaw, was in
Ttlinnlo toduy on husiuess, George lias
n feed haru in I.aidlaw.
T, A. Jeitbcu is husy preparing ground
for spring heeding, us are all the farmers.
Tile ullccpmcii will soon tc moving
thrtiugh here, which is going to lie, tU
pretty stiff proposition for them pij ncf
count of the many new places Veiiigi
fenced tip the past winter, which , will
make It ahhost impossible to get ihrqugh
ckQcpAliy Following the, count$-rods
tuid.of ccjbe everyone knows the shepp
inu do ip t, like that at all as they have
always ltd oicIhh Uerj across the des
ert hut now they will lifive to submit to
the orders of tho ssUle'm and take the
county roads, Lqt year .the ieople
were greatly atmqjmd. lyj sjlcep .trajup,
ling ; tuhes and taAUfH)tixrn,iie liutthts
ycnlf-ottr. rights must be Vehpeeted as
they hftve iftver lccu before,.,
. ,,'.' ,dii1,N,oteS. f ,,.
, TU Vr;'n'rJlpV(tUler, durhig th
past week his brought In nu Mnuauttlly
Orcg9ii Eastern to be Com
menced at Once.
Kl.imritli I'ulls Alay be the Division
I'olnt-"Dilliollcs flxpect to
Uulld Hospital.
"Work on the Oregon & Uastcrn
Railroad will commence in 90 days
perhaps 60 days and will be
pushed to completion as rapidly as
possible," was the message General
Manager O'Brien of the Harriman
lines delivered to Rev. Pather Pcnsi
last Thursday, says the Klamath
Palls Republican.
Pather Pcusi called on Mr.
O'Brien regarding the proposed
hospital which the Sisters of St.
Praucis contemplate erecting in
Klamath Palls. In the course of
the conversation, Mr. O'Brien said:
"There is no question or doubt
as to the construction of the Oregon
& Kastcrn railroad from Natron to
Klamath Palls, and work thereon
will commence, in 90 days perhaps
in 60 days and will be pushed to
completion as rapidly as possible.
My jurisdiction extends only to a
point where a junction of the Ore
gon & Kastcrn and the proposed
Oregon Central will be made. This
is somewhere in the vicinity of
Port Klamatli. Prom here south
to Klamath Palls, it will be under
the direction of another superin
tendent. But you can state posi
tively that the Oregon & Eastern
will be built, and that active oper
ations will begin iusidc of 90 days."
Good Dlood for Oregon.
An Associated Press dispatch,
from Boston, dated March 20, says:
large number of prospective land buyers
n ml settlers. Not only those who are
investigating the soil anil climate in this
locality for the first time, but several
who were here last summer or fall, and
vUto, after looking over various other
actions of the eouutry and irrigation
projects, returned here to purchase.
C. II, Gednpy, Tangent, Or., and W.
Mitchen, Albany, Or., were out looking
at laud on Saturday and left for Ilend to
visit the timber belt.
Thomas Darling of Calgftrcy, Canada,
after three months of looking around,
sinned contracts for 130 acre on last
I Saturday and has sent for his family.
Richard Ileelw of Payette, Or., who
was here last July, has purchased eighty
acres two miles soutltwost of Redmond
and has contracted with A, J, ltooth to
elenr the laud.
D. M. I.autcrback, of the firm of
tcrlxtck & Kelso;!, of Nelson, Mo., is
here supcrhUeudhig tlttvcrvctiou of their
new store building on I'iflh street and
expect to open ribout June 1st.
Mrs. Lydia A. Ivan's, who is lecturing
on "Woman's Rights" spoke nt the
school house on April 4U1. Subject
"ljciunl Suffrage. " licuU is on-".the list
for next week. "And the vtlUau still
pursued her."
Dr. Thomas Wright mid 11. W. Brown
of Iowa, came in with J. II, Cook on
Monday and after buying 40 acres each,
close in, returned with Mr. Cook to
1owclI Iluttes. Dr. Wright will return
to Redmond lit about 30 days and open
up n dental office in the new I.autcrback
building. ' ,
Gco.rge Wood, who, ipturncd a short I
time ago, nfter;,a visit to inls section last
summer, ha?,statted work on a new two
story stojei building 35x71, adjoining
the new I.autcrback te Nelson store,,
whose building will Ire the same size.
The Tilot Mutte Development Co. Is furJ
nlshing the lumber for both.
. V. j O'Connor the popular cashier of
tjic beschut'ea I."and & Power Company,
received word UbI week that he had
been granted a patent tin his Invention
an Instruulcpt for InstaiifaiiccAts .center
Htgoi statements .or piuer iicuum ou
typewriters, Ulds kc now open,
Twelve magnificent horses, three of
them stallions, a fourth a Welsh
cob, along with three valuable Dor
kings, two brace of Indian game
birds and a great Hnglish mastiff,
arrived on the White Star liner
Cymric today from Liverpool.
The horses are consigned to the
Baldwin Sheep & Land Co., at
I lay creek, Oregon. All the ani
mals are yearlings or two-year-olds
with long registered pedigrees, and
arc worth about $5,000 each. They
arc of the well-known Harold stock.
Madras Pioneer.
Decision as to Charges A en Inst Alar
shal I'osponcd.
There was not a quorum of the
common council present at the
adjurncd meeting of march 27 and
accordingly a future adjournment
was taken to Friday the 30th. In
absence of the mayor, Alderman
Overturf was chosen to preside.
The recorder reported the mayor's
veto of the ordinanct repealing
ordianance 27, the official title of
the much discussed gambling
ordinance. The repealing ordinance
was put to its passage over the
mayors veto and the vote stood,
ayes: Whitsctt, Stroud, Sathcr.
Nays: West, Caldwell, Overturf.
Pailing a majority vote the mayor's
veto stands and gambling is still an
offence against the peace and dig
nity of the city of Bend. ,
After considerable informal 'dis
cussion consideration of the charges
against Marshall Lobdcll was post
poned until Tuesday April 3rd.
The committee reported favor-
The hearing of the charges
against the city marshal were again
posponed. In tlic absence of mut
ual witnesses from the city whose
evidence it was claimed would sub
stantiate said charges, it was order
ed that the hearing of said'eharges
be posponcd until not later than
the regular April ' meeting of the
council which is upon the second
Tuesday of the month. It is gen
erally believed that the charges are
of an unsubstantial character and
will not be seriously pushed,
ably upon the application of G. W.
Whitsctt for a liquor license.
At the adjourned meeting held
last Tuesday evening there was a
full attendance of the council with
the mayor iu the chair. A number
of bills, niQst of them growing out
out of the recent prosecution under
the gambling' 'ordinance as present
ed. Bills of C. S. Benson for ser
vices as special city attorney and
ofC. M. Triplett for services as
special officer were allowed and
paid. The bill of the Bend .Water,
Light & Power Co. for water tip to
April 1, 1906" amounting to $85.31,
was allowed and ordered paid,: alsoa
small claim for lumber by the Pilot
Butte Development Co. The other
claims growing out of the gamb
ling prosecution arc still i the
hands of the committee of ways and
, After considerable discussion a
resolution was passed stating that
G. W. Whitsett was entitled to a
credit of 40 days upon his liquor
license and providing that he be
given .such credit of .o days from
the expiration of his present license
without, additional charge and the
recorder' was authorised to issue a
license for a period of 40 days.
The reelilar monthly meeting of
the Bend Commercial club will be
held Monday, April 9, at 8 p. m.
in the B. M. hall. All members
are requested to be present aud all
citizens who believe in, advancing
the interests of tlyS community are
cordially luvited tb attend. .
Special Notice.
Notice is hereby given thai; there
will be .a tneetiue.of the stock-hold
ers .of-the Arnoji, Jrtfgatifln Cpm-
pany on 1wea.ue5a.ay, .pru 11m,
at 2. p. nu,' at LmsterS, ot&cjtf, at
Lytic By order of Mr. Arnold,
rrr i i
.See those .pood hats at Bead Merr
cantjle Co, that are selling nt half
prioe 'for cash.
Walker Basin Project is
Alucli Development Work to be Done
In the Bend Country this
There will be much activity in
irrigation development in the vi
cinity of Beud this summer.
The D. I. & P. Co. are advertis
ing for men for all classes of canal
work and it is reported that the
company is hiring quite a number
of extra teams.
To the south active operations
will commence upon the Walker
Basin proposition as soon as the
snow disappears in that region. J.
E. Moroson, of Portland, president
of the company undertaking this"
work, is expected to make his
headquarters cither at Rosland of
Bend and exercise personal super
vision ct the work.
As at present projected the canal
will Iceve the river above '(he east
fork and about twelve miles above
Rosland. Flowing north it will
cross the cast fork and terminate in
the region of Lavy Butte, in its
general course paralelling the main
river. As now planned the main
canal will be about 25 miles long
and will ungate some 60,000 acres.
with a water duty of 80 acres per
second-foot, which seems to be
about the standard set by the State
I,a nd Board. This means, a canal
carrying 750 sccond-fee't.
The soil is said to be free frdm
ledge or float rock, so' that con
struction will progress rapidly.
Engineer L. D. Wiest will have
charge of the survey work and he
pects to commence operations in
about two weeks, with a party of a
dozen men. Grading and con
struction will follow immediately
upon the permanent location of the
line, as it is the plan to do as much
of tlie work as possible this season.
Crook County Leads la the Establish
ment of New Offices.
Eight postoffices established and
five discontinued is the record for
Oregon since the beginning of the
year 1906. In the establishment
of new offices Crook county leads,
with three to its credit. Umatilla
county had two postoffices closed.
In nearly all cases of closing rural
delivery was the prime factor, new
routes serving many of the patrons
of the offices discontinued.
The offices established since Jan
uary i, 1906, were: Dee, Wasco I
county, served from Hood Rives;
O'Neill, Crook county, served from 1
Pnneville; King's Talley, Benton
county, served from Airlie; Lower 1
Bridge, Crook county, served from
Priueville; Taft, Lincoln county,
served from Kernville; Crook,
Crook county, served from Priue
ville; Hamlet Clatsop county, served
from Push, The office at Carna
tion, Washington county, had been
ordered discontinued in February,
but the order was rescinded on a !
showing made to the department by
the patrons of the office.
The offices discontinued were:
Adams, Grant county; Myrick,
Tmatilla county; Tames, Clackamas
county; Ridge, Umatilla comity;
Tipton, Baker county. Portland,
Mar. 22, Telegram.
Mayor A. L. Goodwlllie will
leave on tomorrow mornincr's stacre
tor rortianu to be gone tnree or
four day.
To. whom it may concern: You
are herebv .warned that the secret
tary of the undersigned cowpany is
the onlv authorised person to make
coHectkutii for the corapany. Per
order, board of directors.
Bji Livk Stock & PnomjcJf Co.
Attest: P. L. Tomwci,