I IE iK t i i n K !! " ' FIR ' .GREENWOOD,' A V L . I Z J S t 7 m r ! . I ', ' i i i (""""i i i i (0 13 a. n t t tl tp i j. nriiiri i -. J f 'to ' vs I A A-V . ' H R A -r X. X. X X V A r- n i a X JUC X ! - .X XX X AA X X w . "T S VOx7 4VY JUNIPER Oi the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook County, Oregon. Center of the new Irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAND :'!' J yt S (0 ; ' 't 1 t t AWT HORN AVE. I J 4 S i U'tt- U ' 1 S 7 RONWOOD AVE. ' l J S t X J u U fo t t 7 AVE. I Z 3 S t J L'q ' ' -II ""r I I " At Gateway to the Great DESCHUTES PSNE ' Timber p Tho Town has Grown almost entirely in tlic M yvnr, the pot ofTice (luting only fruni An S, 190.1 . Iloml hut cxccltent jiuhltc kIiooU mid complete public wntcr work. - FOR INF0RA1ATI0N INQUIRE OF3 The Pilot Butte " Development Co, Proprietor Townsite .'.r.wfz.v.s.ni itu'u raa - TltabCT Iwtnd, Act of June 3, 187, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Officr, The Dalle, Orrjon, , March 9, lo. Votlce Is hereby ciren that in compliance with 1 provMon of the Act ol Concre of June 1, entitled "An net fortlie Mlc of timber lauaii 1 thotate of California, orrgen, Nera4a and ihliittm Territory." aa extended to all the t iblic Und ktatea by act ! Augutt 4. ift. the tullowinv-named jxrtont hae. on January MVA iijcd in thU office their w ortt atatetueuta, l-wi Cbarle IC Krkkjon f Iltnd, county of Crook , atalc of Oreaon, STara rtiteiucut No. 1771. for L'as purcJuia ofthe nur ;( j'v M. tpi9, r 10c, wan. IlctticIirkUou, attend, county of Crooh rtate of"Oreo. iworn sb'temest No. 1769. for the. nurchaac of the nH e!(aeci.tpi8, r ioc,nt!( awjaud lot , kc t iu IB r 11 r, w m. That tbey will off?r nrcf to how that the Vinda auuBht ate more va'juablc ftr the tluiber or tlaitc tliercen than fur agricultural purpwea, and tu catablih their elatmt ', aakl land bcAc the County Clerjcpf Crootc (iounty. Oregon, at the cwirt bouse Jn I'rtncvllli;, Orenonion May 9, gr C hey panic the follow I nc witneuaM Letter II lnir, olirer It Kric'oou, )!. A. finillh, Charlea Ii Jlricktou and licttir. JiricUon, all of Bend, t'recon. ur and all pcrtonaclalmlng adrencly any of iiuuTcxiccnucu inpa arc rcquewiea 10 oie 'i At claims in thU office ou or before Ifecaaid inmay Mil. AUm 't- .'Ul,.V. -u.fc.-Ur. Tinnier land, Act Jcne 3. iW, QTICU FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. fMii Officf , Xhe UaPea, Orrgotf, . January &. tjoo. Noilcc U hereby siyn that In corapMance with In Act of Congreojuf June, iSfl, entitled ''An ou for lb; nb; 'Mriltutier lands in the states of CuufornU, Orevrou, Nevada, and Washington Territory." a extended to all the public laud states by acj of August 4, . Amos A. IlurtU, "f HtlWtioro, county ofiMtashington, slate of Ore ton, lias tllily filed in this oihee his sworn sUlemcut No. 1791. tor the purchase ofthe cM w o cc Ki i s.( toe, w m. And will ufTrr proof to show that the lanr sought if nvpte valjuable for its timber or ston e hau fvf agrtijtuol purtxwes, aud to establir Ji tJ cljn W sum laud before the county clerk of -rooVcoivity.a.tlTineville, Oregon, on the ,tli J Mjiyi 5P6. He nsrneana trltuesses Wllllsm T. Kdwa- r, lubuH lidirards, John 1!. ltdwards aud C ileb x llcunelt, all of Maters, Oregou. Any aud all tiersous claiming' adversely the i4vltM.-ribeil lauds are requested to file their ,iaima in this office oa or before said 9U1 ' jay of May, 1900, nit-UM MICIIAlit, T. NOLAN, Key tter. Timber land. Act of June j, 187!, I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 U. 8. rjnd Office The Dalles, Oregon, l'ebruary u, 190$. Notice is hereby g en that in cempiiante with the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June 1, T. entitled "An act. for the sale of timber lands in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington 1 errilory," as extended to all the ElUic land Kates by act of August 4, its, the Uowing-nai4ed persons have, on December I, 195. filed in this office their sworn statements, to-wil. Hannah M.Gibbs ofLurcrne, county of Keck, state of Minnesota. nwiuHiivjicRia. 3749. lor me purcnase m kUiaud4,ands!( tieKec4.tpt9i,ric,wra. l'.dnalj. Miller ofLurcmc. countyof Kock. stale of Minnesota, sworn statement Mo ;. for the purchase uf the nc sec , tp m 1, r ij c, w m. That th y will 1 nTer proofs to show that the land sou ght are 1 aore valuable for the timber or stone the reou th in fur agricultural purposes, and toes tablith tltelr claims to said land before the Cour ty Clerk at the court house in Trine ville, On.-gon, ou May to, v They tunicas ritnetes JoienhNlIunts and John liloM, of lie nd, Oregon, Kdna K. Miller and ItannaVi M Oibl s.of I.uvrrne, Minnesota, and Harry I.. Oibbs. if Traverse City, Michigan. Any s ad all ivon claiming Bdvcrsely any ol (he am lsrrU.ed Und are rcpremca to file tiuir 1 aimsiujtMisotficc oa or before the said isth da y ol May, lytf. rns-nia ft MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act'of June J, lift, NOTICE VOJi PUBLICATION. U. ti. X.Mid Oflke, Lakevicw, Oregon, l'ebruary 5, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with f jwi i jiersiijr smn irtei in compliance wun I' leproviiiousoftbcactof Congtcsa of June J, m,muui mi sci ivr me saic 01 iimoer lauus sworn statement No, jojj, for the purchase ol S,nieiu.,,,,?fLf,"or,,.P' 0r'K0,V Nevada aiid hhe wKnwtf aud wMswJf of arc 7 tp 31 s .Waihiugtonttrril.jry.'.'as exteiiiled to all thefntc. wm. d . . ! . public laud state. ,y act of August 4.., ' , wll. n-r mo1, , .,, .... ,,, Timber Xand, Aci June J, t5;i. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U 8. Land" Office, The Dalles, Orcgou, May 4, 190 Notlce-i hereby given lhat In compliance wilh the provision ol the Act of Congress of June 1. i7, entitlol "An act for the sale of timlierlaMd in the states of California, Oregon, NevwUi and Washington Territory," as .cxteinUtl to all the public land state by Act of August 4, lV. Alexander htnlth of Msters, county ofCmok, Me of Oregott, ha this day filed in this oliee hi sworn statement No. 398 for the purchase of the scK of sec 4 tp 19 s, r lie, w hi. And will offer proof to- show that the land sought is more valuable lor iu timber or stoae than for agricultural purposes, and U establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk at I'rinevlllc, Oregon, on the loth day of May, ' . .......L. 11c iHincn hi wiincnvi i,0tvii iv. Miugn.m, William K. Hoolh, aud Irvin l'. 8irer, all of Msters, Oregon, and Joseph N Hunter ol lleud, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described land are remiesttxl o file their claims in till office on or before the said 10th day 01 My, 1900. IU 3-raay 4 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, RcgllUr, Timber Land, Act June J, l;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. a. land Office, Lakevicw, Oregon, l'ebruary IS. 19 Notice N hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the act of Congress ol June J, l(78,entltlel ' An net for the sale ( llmtier lands In the state of California, Orrgoir, Nevail and Washington Territory," aa extended to alt the public land states by act of August 4, 1891. Kgbertl' I'errlt, of Traverse Citv. eouutv of Crand Traverse, state of Michigan, Jus this day filed in this office Ills sworn suienieni ad. jojj, lor 1 ne purcnase 01 CONTEST NOTICE. DKPAHTMKNT OF THIS INTRT,TJK. U. 6. Laud Office. The Dalle, ' Oregon, l'ebruary 2 , 1900, A aufneient contest affidavit having bceu filed iu this office by Theodore J. Tweet, contestant, against homstead entry No. 12039, ra ie January 7i. 190J. for seKnwjr, eXswjf. iwMi wjr , sec 34, tp 17. r 11 e. wm.byharah Marsha ll.contester, iu which It U alleged that said bar th Marshall ha wholly abandoned said tract I ,hat abe ha cluitiKcd, her residence Ihercfrom fc a more thuu tiUouttila.t aa, that said trac t is uot settled 11, and. cultivated by said party as rcuulred by , that said alleged absence w a uot due to entployment In the army, ui ivy or marine c&l,6f the United State iu tiro of war. aU Mrtlc hre hereby uotlfitd to ai .pear, respond 3iid after, evidence touching af f allegatiou at urd'elock'n, in. on April 14,1; 106, before C.A. Taiitaxi a nhtArv tiumlr. il lir trTioa, l tij Jirtgpn.'jjnd that final hearluir m bo heJd 1 at 1 .; o'clock B.'in. April 11, 1906 be) fore thQlteclslcr nun steccivcr at ine uniira eta in uud office iu The Dalle. Oregon. The aaid contestant bavlnr, I a nraoersitda. lt, filed Kebruary ji, 1906, set forth rcta wjiich JqIiis If, Overiurf, v ." of Ilend. county of Crook, state of Oirgon. ha this day filed in thl qfftce his stvorn abatement No. ISMS, for the purchase ofthe aejf , sec 9 tp JI , r 14 1, w m Aud will ofTcr prof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for iu timber or stone tlvau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said Und before J. J.8mllh, clerk of Crook county, Oregon, at his office at Trine ville, Orcgou, ou Monday, the th day of May 1906. He name-as witness. H. Jamea Oierturf, Homer Ilogges, M. J. Morrison, .IJmll Audcrsod aud Oliver Johnson, all of Bend, Oregon, Auy and. all percmi claiming adtcrely any ol the above land art requested to fitethelr claim iuthU office ou or iKfore the said 281I1 day of Way, 1906. o3j mj J. N. WATSON, Kegister And will offer nroof to show that the land sought Ls more salusble fur Its limber or stone f than for agricultural purposes, uud to establish niscuim losm lano nciore J. J nmuu, cictk ofCruok county, Oregon, at hi wffice at Trine ville, Oregon, on naturday, the 16th day of May, I9U5. He nnmea aa witnessca: John 7ilo, Ora l'oln dexter, and Joseph N. Hauler, ll of lleud, Ore gon ; Harry '- Oibbt.ofTraver : City, Mich. Auy ami nil persons claiming adversely the slnreKlrkcrllMvl tatidtf ar. rni klrd In iilt llirlr ctaliiisin this office ou or before aaid .sth day of isy, 1700. mij-raJS I. N. WATtiON, Kegliler. how that after due 'diligence (crsotul service of 111 u noiux cannot ne oisuc, 11 , nerrtyorovra nd directed Ihatkcji notice '$&','& bySue ud s-rcK,r nnblconf niMt.ll , MlCUAiaT. U pLAK, ltttter. CONBOLlDATIiD NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departutent ofthe Interior, I.hud, Office at Lakcvlew, Oregon, l'ebruary j, 1906. Notice is hereby given that ihe following liauiod' settler have filed notice of Ih-lr Inim. tlou tomake final tiroof in umort nf n,tr claims, and that said proof will be made before (1. II. Wardwcll, U. ri-ummisloner,at his official place ofl Uuslucw, at hller Lake, Oregon, on plouday, the Jl.t day of May, 1906, Hi It. No. 3U4. bvDennlson 1'. Kcase. for Hi-. inw'A aud ni wj sec 39, tp. 31 , r 11 e, w ui, II. H. No. . bvDeuuisou 1', Krssr. tilr r .....,.:.. jrr?'.' r .." ..;-.. 1." . .- .uir ikik, ucicuscu, lor mo njsc, fwunrv. und cf wf sec 3, tp 3i a, c 11 e, w ru. They name the following wilnesses to prove their continuous jMldencc upon and cultivation osaid lands, vtai t. s V . . Xe CaldwdOall of Xoslsmti Oregon. ' ailS-uil J. N, WAT80H;B--f, 1 Timber Laud, Act Jl me 3, 1678. NOTICE FOR PUE.X.ICATI0N. U, 8. Laud Office, Tin Dalle, Oregon, Jiuuary j, 1906, Notice is hereby given1 Aal In compliance with the provisions ofthe saOsfcoug rcss of J line 3, is;B entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds Iu the states of California Orec oji, Nevails aud Washington Tcrrilums a ci tended to alt the public laud tatc'Uyaat of Auj-itst 4, 1891. tilting C Coe of Ilend, count) off Orvok. t4e of Oregon, ha thl day filed In. tlib oftoce I ll sworn state ment No. 37931 fbr the lurchasi .f the u!nw! and sf iiwf Kasfcicc-19 , r 1 o r, w in, .And wilt offrc nrosf to ha that the land fought is isorc valu&obr lor It tl' fiber or stone than fot agriculturaUuirrKirte, and loetbllih his claim tp saul HunlUfore thi iciiunty clerk at rriuevuie, OMgon,a.taytlitii,y or May, 1900. He nsnitsss-wilirstscs; JoW-J'. Kyan, J. N, HuulcriC. MuWesTnouttsall Wt otud, Oregon, auajpnn hum, xkidhwis, vttg DO. AUHsnil alf cersais atove-cascMbaA, iatiiliiis Jhf-lr clKimi (a. Ihls-sfstca sa 4 r before said jth NStMayj9i au-Mai UsQKJUllVTV Jfoi jMf, Ruta, elaaclB r adversely the Timber Land, Act June J, 18JJ. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V, S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, 1'ebriisry ii, ii. Notice Is hereby given that In complUriee with the provisions ofthe Act of Congress June , i7, entltle.1. "An act for the le ol timber lauds In thestatesof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," - exlsndtd la alt the public laud states by Act of August i. !, .I'rauWKruse, f (.rattlle Palls, rouuly of ftnohotnlth, siate of WasblHgUm. has this day filed in this ottcchls worn statement No a), for the ixuehswcof the Iota 1 and 3audenwK of sec It tpw. rite, w iu And wilt uaVi proof lo show that Ihe Und sought is more valuable farlts timber or stwic than for agricultural purposes, nud lo esUbllsh hi claim to sahl land before the Kegister and Receiver at The Dalles, OlegoH, on Hi 31st day of May. t6. He nam a witnesses J I) Mate, Max Krusc, amlL W. Norman, all of tlraulte I'alts, Washington, II A. I'osler, of l,rln;Ulc, Otegan. Anv and alt tierson etalmiui' adversely '.he above-decrtbtl land are ieuMl to( Die tncir cwims in mis oince oil or oeiore ine saw aist day of May, 1906, mia-mit MICIIAlit. T. NOLAN, Ueglilcr 1 Timber Laud, Act June j, 1(78 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 8. Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon. April (, I9V Notice i hereby rIvcii that In compliance with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress of lunef i, 17. entitled ''An set for Ihe sale or timber; lauds In the stale of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all Ihe public land states by act of August 4, 1891. Hmily J. Teuuingtoii, ofhister. county of Crook, slate of Oregon, ha this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7, for the purchase of Ihe nwjf of sec )t, Iu tp ijs, r 10 c, w 111. And wilt offer proof lo show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish her. claim to said laud Ik fore the County Cleik at Triucvillc, Oregon 011 Ihe 9th day of May, 1906, Lll....fa........ll... ..... I,...l,... A ,.lul.. OIIV lllIF M WIIIIV.W., IHIHWI .1 IIITIH, Samuel II. Dorrance, John (. Dorruiice and Mugeiie I;. Cctchell, all ofhlslcrs, Oregon. Ally and all persons claiming adversely Hie aiMite-uckcriiMKi lauusare rcjucii to nie men claims Iu thl office 011 or before Ihe said 9th day of May, jtf. im)iu MICHAi'.L T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land. Act June J. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V B. Land Olflce, The Dalle. Oregon October l, lysj NolMe I hereby given that 111 compltsiKr with the ptovUtons oflhr AH of Omit of June i, 17, rntilled. Ah act for the sale of limber lakxis In the stale of CallfMHM, (Xrsss, Nevada and Wstblagtoa Territory," as eJtraoed lo all Use paMie Und sUsa by Aet of August 4, ifsai. I'lMODI.Hwli, ufWalUWaltk.eowaty At Walla Wall, state of WashlHgtoN haslhss day filed in this olct Ms smotm stalemeMt Mm 7i, lor Ihe patch f the nwK, sec H, lit Ms inc.WM. And will ottrr proof lo show that Hut load sought I more valuable for lis timber or stats than for agrkaltatal imrtmsss. ami t r.mbllsh his claim lo said land before the RnMer ami Krceiver at The IM'tee, Oregon, oh the Jidda 7 of April, iv lie usmesa witnesnes Itli W Crmip of Walla WslU, WashlMglou, John Mo4, .f Wstera, Ore iwil JOvh X. Hunter ami Nicholas nasha) both of Ilend, Orrgati. Any ami all person cialmlng adversely Ike anovexiescrlMM Umlsarr reiuestel to file laavr claim In this office oil or Ufoie said ird day oa Ar.if, ,i. Jia-mva MICIIAlit. T. SdUX, KWer, SfMMONH. IN TIIK II hTU I'tni KTOI till' l-KI CIKLT tl liKM I'll !T til- vM 10K aTATK tlf OKHlKlh UTATK Ol' ilhKCKIN.j COWNTV Ut CROOK. )M ' r. U. TaaapklaM. naisst(t, M. JiMtytNiflMt mmtmt Tot. M. Jaaatry-- IN THM s-AMS) or fait KtATM or .ar..K Vua ate Isrtatvy iMMtatsd to appear and an ".") MM,,a"- sw4 ys la4he alsove MIIIMwiartaiMlcBSM aa or Veforv Ihe nth day of April w and If yua (all an t srwrar and answer, the plaintiff will lake imtaaMsil -Wbibm yua 10. in sunt Mi with later! at -i.""-- , v- r i aairn, iwLsai wsi ui uw wins, iwm mum rue lire ffVt l Timber Mud, Act tunc J, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, H, Land Office, Th Dalle, Oregon. January 11, 1914 Notice It hereby given lhat In esmpluiBee with Ihe provisions oftb act uf Cwigrassof Jmr 1. il, rntltUd "An art for Ihe sale of tlmUr Umfs in the stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as rln4i lo all lb tiu'JI-IoikI states by set uf August 4, last, the following-named (lersons have lied In this olacc their sworn statement to-wil Mary J Williams, of Ilend, county of Crook, stale of Oteyoii, sworn wairmrHi no J7U. nieu November a. iom an Ihe imrchase of the eKiiwl and eHsw wt 11 CONTEST NOTICE. t)l',TARTMl!NT OK Till" INTI.KIOK, Is. 8, Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon, l'ebruary J, 190$. 1 A iilfficnt ronleit affadavlt having been filed 'ii this office by Oliver lohusou, ciiittiUutJ against lioirtestcad entry No, III in, madc'Jiiud 18, 1901, lor ihe (c(K,WUi ec J.iisuwvj(. Ixit 1, sec.il, tp i8, r II e, w 111, by Wlllisni Mulliall. loiilcitee,!!! which it I alleged thnt said Willlttm Millhall, ha wholly abaml'hicdj sail tract that he ha changed his residence! therefrom for more than six months last past that said trart i uot sclllcil upon aud cultivated by said parly at rciiuircd by law, Ihst said alt tcged absence wa not due lo hi employment in the army, navy or marine corps ofthe I'liitol Htate iu time b..war. laid parties arc licrrtiy notified to apriear, rctiKiud uud offer evidence) ImlrltltiB Mai, I SIIMtlnii ul In n'rtnV a III. , April I j. lyo6, tiefore C A. June, a notary publ.c. at her office In Ifrud, Oregon, and that final hearing will lie uciu at lo o'clock: a. m, on Apr I io. 1006 before the Rrirlster aud Receiver at the 0, K. Laud Office, The Dalle, Orcgou. The aui coutesiatit riaviug, in a proper amcia. vit, filed l'ebruary to, 1906, set fotih fact which show alter due dilleefice uersouat service could uiot be tnsde,(t U, tmky -ordered ajujLJ-cTrd last sucn notice nc given oy uui uq proper publication, (. ' tm-a6 MlCltAitir,NoLAlf,KctUUr, filed November (, ij, for lpw. r nc w m (Irace li I iw rente of Ilend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn slali'ment No 3747. filed November 3j. io. for the imreliase of the uetf sec , ltns, r we, win, That Ihry will offer proof te show that lb Und sought are moic valuable for llieir timber or Mot than for agricultural purpus, and In ttatlsh Ihcli claims to said IsmlsUlofr thr KagWsr ami Receiver at the Und ofrfte In The Dalles. Oregon on April t, l'A They name Ihe MUiwIuk wiluesieai (I race 1! t.,?.r5.Vf' J"c.'1' N- "m-lrr. Jiilm llloss. Mary J William and J M Lawrence, all of llemf, Oregon, Any and alt person claiming adversely any of '. ," . r """""","" are rciueie.i 10 file llieir claims In this office 011 or before ald ird day of April, iij1 I'o-'i'JO MICHAHI, T NOLAN, Register. Timber Mud, Act June j, 8;8, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon, 'V 7. l'J. Notice I hereby given that Iu compliance with IheprovUloinoftheActofCoiigress ol June t, 7. entitled "An act ior the safe of tlmtr Iniiifs In the stole of California, Oregon, Ne.ada, and Wadiliigtuti Territory." extemlrd lo all the ,.Hu..v wi. ni.ic. iij Mti ui AllgllSt 4, IB9', I'traW.fUile of Deschiite. coiuily f Crook, stale nf Oregon, has. his day Med Iu thl office hi iworu uir' ment No, JJJ7, for Ihe purchase of Ihe sw'f of ec6, ip 16 , r 10 e, w in. ' Anu win oner proor to .how that the land ought I more valuable fur Ha iin.iV ,li .?." Ih.n for agricultural purpose., and tu eiHtljiili ihisclslm lussid lsmi iirr,irii,.,-. ...V'..' : . Trlnevllle, Oregon, 011 he 9.I1 day of May, iyt 11c names as willics.c. John llloss of Hitter. Oregon. Joseph N Hunter of Ci.r'rV.-l'"' Jamc. W. Overton and Richard King, boll, of DeKhute. Oregon, , f MIy?ie! JhU ?'???; otHfVVeforcMldiJh d.y of 3a74 -ALX,0fcAW.iUiitcx, ci!:!" 1 wir:':"... : ..': jn. - M Wisjismth foe Utbor perasrm-J (or deleMUat at his r.uursi in aiauaai lis ou uvhi -... etsasnl flow l-r-rhulrs l.amlwr Co for grln-UHa xraln for th drreudant at his reuursl 11 sniuaat ol I 7a tm -H.IWUNI pucelMsed flout C II lirtck sun Im meal suit vrarlahle fuiHlahrd lr taetff femlanl at hi tniorst In won HI 7 7 on V rvuatbuubasedlram H. I' JUII lot hay fur ulshnf defemlsnt si hU ieist iu am.mul I4M oneroanl Jhinhasnl from Ihe Des-huirs Tel phoewCo for loll, .nd Irkgl.ms nniilhe4 for Ihr defrwUMt at his ieiu4 In amount io a. H croanimirrw4-d from arilttdft ab7 for hurs tred rurHUhr.ldrHdan at hi ratiuast, IM amount f ?j This Kunmons U puMlslsed by order of II. c. Kills Justu-r of ili ! ai suluI iimu. i--.. i.ook County, 'tregon. made and rnterrd iw the iMhdayof tfatrh . lsi, In ami whk-h md.r (I is H-w.rllwt ihst this aumHMHM be tmMtsarsI for SIX roaaftUllV Week I.Tkl Mraul k,.ll,l., . .ekly u.wspasr pHbUsM lH Crook iounly. OreasiM. J&PHfZ,!L "' -( Ibis Hum bum. Is March M, its, j. I, ,Toll'KlNi, ""-- AllofHeyProlie Hiaal Ttoof N0TIC15 FO't i'UBLICATION. V. a. Und, Omce, The Dalle mrgou, March , iyui Notice 1st hereby 11 sen that Jonathan N l .!)'.''' "" k William A. I.sidlaw, ..1 UMlaw, Oregon, ha Hied notice of iHleiitlou ( make proof on hUtleseil Umltlalm No jjo, for the eJsnwK. )ej ami utf. sec nTp 1 riie.ww, Wlore In County Clrrk at I'Hiic ville, (Megou, on lb 9th day of Atr II, it. lie usMiea Ihe follmvlug wllnese In jhov tausl" '"'"'", 1"1 fi"HlhHi ofsslJ i?"H, 'J)!"1' "'! ,' LahlUw, Oregon, mid John II Cmhtan, lifeline Tails. Oregon. WJ-a MICIIAKI.T NOLAN. Register Timber Land, Act Jim- j, tc4. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. V. H. I.tid Offlee, The Dalle, Orrjtorif ' Novembfr 16, ij. , N0llr I. ll.l.llV Ulvtl llml lit n....llH..,. .ulll, ... ,... ...., ,..,,, ,,, wIMIIlG Ttl, . .i.n,iiaui me acioi konuress 01 June 3, l78 eulllleil, "An ad for the saUof llmlirr laiuf In illie stales of Lallforula, Oirgon, Nevada, and WushiiigtoiiTcrrilory," a. enltmltil tu all llie public laud stair by Act of August 4, 1891, I'rrd M. Ireland, pr,Moniiiiiiili,coiiuly of I'olk, lle of Oregon, hmlliis day filed Iu ihl nfficc hi worn ralf meiit No, 1717. for the purchuse ol ihc)iiwU and I.0U1 and 4, of sec I Ip I8,r luc, w 111. l" And will offer prmif to show that the land s;iigit Is more liiable for II llmtier ur stone than fur agricultural purpo.c, and tu ctlabllih hi claim lo said Uud before the county clerk, oK rook county, Oregon, ul the Court llutitclu Irliicville Oregun, on the ylhday ofMayioi llriiamrwlliiei.ei William II. Hlast. v linima Htaat, of Deschutes, Oregotij I.een I clarake, and John io, of Ilend, Oregon, ., Anyandall nrrsoii cUlnilng dverely IM Abovr-deM'rltil lainU ... ,ui..i,i i m. Ihrfr clalmi n,, l0Krcc on or ufore said th dy (I Iy, t "-i-M klOULKt. T, MOLAlfi iUftlUfi wu&ivi tk&tiBStmK. ' w-r5rt-t