The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 30, 1906, Image 3

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Friday, Mnrcli 23.
Washington, Mnrcli 2!), Bpnonrr
todny concluded It Im speech In tho ami
nto nn tint rnllrond rntu Mil, nnd tliti
fortifications npproprlntlnn bill was
taken up nnd passed, It carries nn ap
prnprlntlon ol 1125,000 (or (ho erection
( n powder manufactory, nnd Daniel
npokn nl length In suport of tho pro
vision Ilu doclarud tlint tho tuition
was entirely nt tho mercy ol n pawdoi
trust, nnd tinted thni thn ntnondmant
should bo adopted aa a safeguard Ai
paaao.1, tho hill carries nn Appropria
tion o $5,278,00.1. Tlllmnn nlmi poo
on tho railroad rnto hill, suggesting
thni tho Interstate Conunorco commls
nlon should hav.o authority to on Join
tho railroads from increasing their
rate. Hn said thn atiggoalon had been
nmdo by n "com Hold Inwyor" In Ok.
Tho following blda wore also passed!
UrtntlwK rtenmboat liiBpeclora' din
trlct In Alnaka; providing lor lllllng In
tho naval station ut Honolulu; author
Ixlng ho Chicago, Milwaukee A Ht,
1'aiiI rnllrond to construct hrldgca acrniia
tho Mlaaourl, Yellowstone, rhinku nnd
Coliunbln rivers.
Washington, Match 2!l. The con
aldurntlon of tho legislative appropria
tion hill In tho houao today was enllv
rued by n amall apnt between J'rlncn
nnd Tawnoy, n pmpoaltlon to buy n pri
vate cr for tho president, which waa
ruled out of order, nod Jeering rtpeoch
by Huilth, of Arlxnna, nlout tho sup
pression of debate by tho rulea.
An echo of thn tnthoxl controversy
yesterday resulted In nn fTort to cor
rect the Journal. Wllllama maintained
ho waa put In tho ridiculous position
of moving to Inatr'ict tho conferees
alter they hnd been appointed, n mo
tion clearly out of order nt that time,
Tho correction waa innilo na suggested.
Thursday, March 22.
Waahlngton, Mnrch 22, Thn atato
hood bill wna taken from tho apenkor'a
tabln In tho houao today, pUcod In tho
liamla of tbroo selected conferva nnd n
rrqiieat inado rf tho aennto for n con
ference on tho disagreeing votea of the
two hotiacs. Thl a action wna not ac
cotnpllahod without innny worda nnd
votea. It waa developed, however, that
thorn were votea enough to carry out
the program of the leadera, Then fol
lowed 40 minute of llery apctchca, aoine
of which provoked much amusement
among tho large attendance of mem
ber a and tho crowded galler ra. Then
came tho final voto on tho adoption of
the rule, which 176 membera approved
and 150 op potted,
Tho legislative appropriation bill
constituted tho subject for tho remain
der of the day. Criticism waa made of
the management of tho library of con
gress, nnd Hardwlck, of Georgia, found
lilmsolf oppoaed by membera of both
Idea of the chamber In hla endeavor to
restrict the white houao appropriation
no ai to eliminate a nodal secretary for
tho wife of tho prealdent.
Waahlngton, March 22. Tho rail
road rata hill occupied practically nil of
tho tlmo of the noimtu today. Thoro
worn two speeches, ono by I-oduo and
tho other by Snootier. Iodg epoko In
advocacy of hla amendment, looking
to thn enlargement of tho Intoratnto
Commerce comnilaalon, nnd in doing to
replied sharply to rome recent utter
nncea of Cominlaslouor I'routy. Spoon
or dovotcd hla attention (o tho consti
tutional powcia of tho Inferior cotirta,
contending that theao coiuta could not
bo destroyed nor their Jurladlutlon
taken from them.
Wednesday, March 21.
Wnahlngton, Mnrch 21. Tho entire
day In the aonnto wna devoted to tho
consideration of the rnllrond rnto bill,
Ctilberaan began tho proceedings by
presenting an amendment prohibiting
corporntlqna coming under tho opera
tion of tho propoaod law from mnklng
campaign contributions nnd ho waa
Immediately followed by hla colleaguo
lUllov, who olTerod tho auiendment ao
long promlaed by him and followed
thla action with n apoech In which he
explained that ho would not now pro
Bent tho aineiidmant but for tho fact
that Dolllver hnd referred to nnd criti
cised It In nn Interview. Ho Indicated
noma dlaplenatiro over the interview,
but exonerated Dolllver from dlacour
toay In tho matter. Tho Iowa senator
disavowed any Intention to rovenl n
Hocret nnd thu incident wna cloaed
pleasantly, i'otli llalley nnd Dolllver
inndu speeches relterntlng their views
nnd tlinv were followed bv nmrn or leaa
Revlto Socond.Clnts Rate.
Wnahlngton, Mnrch 20. Tho Iioiibo
coniinlttoo on poatolllces nnd poatrouda
reported tho poatolllco appropriation bill
to thu house today. It provides for nn
expenditure of. fl01,:)7a,848 (or the
fiscal year 1007, or fl)lll,221 lees than
tho modified estimates of tho Poatolllco
dopartment. Thli amount exceeds tlio
appropriation (or 1000 by $10,361,765.
Legislation (or froelng tho mulls of
hoavy matter nnd (or gaining Informa
tion to reclassify mall is Inoluded in
tho bill, Ono provision appropriates
$10,000 to pay freight on supplies,
extended remarks by Tlllmnn, Patter
son, Hoybtirn nnd Knox;. llalley wai
liitoriuptod In tho mlddlo of hla speech
by tho announcement of his father's
death, and Immediately loft the senate
Washington, Mnrcli 21, Represent
ntlvo Ooorgo It. l'attornon, of tho
Twelfth Pennsylvania district, died
aiuldenly here today. Heart failure is
ascribed aa tho catiao of death.
Tho houan ndjourned Immediately af
ter It was called to order, out of ruapect
for Mr. l'attornon. Tho statehood bill
will bo taken up tomorrow.
Tuesday, Mnrch 20.
Washington, March 20. In leaa
than 20 minutes tho aennto voted awny
1140,000,000 of thn public (uuda. Thn
auin la carried by tho penalon appro
priation bill, which brief document waa
made tho subject of very little discus
alou. The rnllrond rate bill was laid
nalda for tho.dny and tho major por
tion of tho tlmo waa devoted to tho
ronaldnratlon of the fortification bill.
In Hint connection the question of tho
neceaalty for ticaconat fortifications in
tho Philippines wna discussed at
length, with tho result that all provla
lona for audi fortifications In theao
Islands waa eliminated, Tho consider
ation of tho meaauro waa not concluded.
There was also a brief discussion of tho
power of tho conference committee to
amend tho bill providing for punish
ment for premature divnlgenro of gov
ernment accreta ao as to rnako the In
hibition extend to senators and mem
bers of tho houao ol represcntatlvea,
but the subject was left undlaoaod of
(or tho tlmo.
Waahlngton March 20. Tho- bouse
of repreaontatlvna today did business
with a mlcroscopo In ono hand nnd the
bill making appropriations for the sal
aries of ita ollliera nnd employes In tho
other. The reault was that, although
fM hours wero apent In reading tho
legislative appropriation bill (or
amendment, leaa than 25 pages wero
completed, The spirit of economy In
little thlnga waa all absorbing. Polnta
of order wero made and many of them
wete fatal to proposed Increases in tho
salaries of olllcera, Janitors, doorkeep
ers, intaaongera nnd laborers.
A point of order which made the en
gine room of tlio house cost 1270 In
stead of 280 a year, as proposed,
caused a constitutional debate of more
than an hour on tho point as to whether
tho houao could do aa it saw fit in tho
matter of fixing tho salaries of Ita em
ployes. Thn conclusion seemed to be
that it could, and that It prescribed Its
own action by its rules. However,
these mint prohibited Increasing a sal
ary without provision of law.
Monday, March 10.
Waahlngton, March 10. There were
three apoechrs on tho railroad rate bill
In tho senate today. McCreary, llalley
and Heyburn were the oratora. Mc
Creary announced hie determination to
voto for tho bill whether amended or
not, but said that ho would not object
to a reasonable provision (or tho review
of the Interatate Commerce commls-
alon'a findings. llalley replied to crit
icisms of his suggestion for a prohibi
tion of tho stir-pension of tho commis
sion's orders by courts below tho Hu
prtmo court. He contended, that con
gress had tho absolute power to pre
scrlbo limitations (or tlio courts which
It creates, and cited a largo number of
decisions In support of his position.
I ley burn advocated n review provision,
but expressed tho opinion that, oven if
It wero omitted, no person could lx de
prived of his right of admission to tho
Washington, March 10. The houao
today reached a compromise on the
question of abolishing tho grado of
I outonnnt general in tho army, pro
viding that It shall not becomo effective
until Octobor 12 next, in ordor that
Goneraln Corbln nnd MacArtbur may
bo promoted before their retirement.
An Important bill, declared to be tho
first stop toward a rcorganlxatloirof tho
consular aervlco, waa passed. Tho
bill Already has been acted upon by the
eonate. It reclaaalfloa the Bervlce and
Increases the salaries to the extent of
1170,000 a year.
Silent About Bristol
Waahlngton, Mnrch 10. F. J.
Heney, when naked tonight about Dis
trict Attorney llrlstol'a case, declined
to make any atntomonts. Ho would
not any whether he Intended to tnko
this mnttor up with tho prealdent, or
express an opinion na to what will bo
done with Mr llrlatol.
Meaturo Oregon Streams,
Washington, March 20, Tho Goo
logical Btirvoy has formed a now hydro
graphic district, comprising tho states
of Washington nnd Oregon, Tho bend
quarters ol J. O. Btovon, bydrographer
In charge, will bo nt 851 Washington
etroot, Portland Mr. Stovena Is train
od In engineering, nnd has hnd eovornl
yonra of oxporlonco investigating tho
hydrography work in tho arid stntos of
tho West. Ho la well qualified (or this
Important work. Tho Oregon atato
Btuvoyor at present co-operates with
tho government googaphlcal survey.
of Dill Regulating National
declamation Work.
Wnahlngton, Mnrch 20. In Ha gen
eral operation, tho National reclama
tion Inw has proven quite as effective as
Its If amors expected; Indeed, tho gen
eral work of nntlonnl Irrigation la pro
gressing satisfactorily. In tho admin
istration of tho Iteclamatlon service,
however, thoro has boon soma slight
friction which ban resulted In delays
that havo boon bothersome, If nothing
No ono can real I re this more than
tho chief of tho Iteclamatlon service,
Mr. Nowoll, and the director of the
Geological survey, Mr. Walcott. To
obvlato these delays, tho reclamation
authorities havo explained tho situa
tion to tho preslden and ho baa ap
proved tholr recommendations and at
the Joint request of these ofllclnla a hill
baa Ihjoii Introduced In congress which
will, If enacted, prove of very material
benefit to tho Iteclamatlon service.
Moat of tho friction and delay com
plained of is tho reault of red tape that
exists between tho Reclamation uillce
and tho Interior department proper.
Their dealings nro not direct, and In
tho roundabout courso they follow
many delays are likely to occur. Tho
hill that has boon laid before tho house
by Representative Cooper docs away
with Ibis red tape by providing a more
direct means of communication, at the
same tlmo giving tho Iteclamatlon aer
vlco more leeway. Tho director of tho
geological survey ia made the director
of tho Reclamation service and he goes
nb tail with his plans, mcroly submit
ting them to the secretary (or approval
and not (or revolw.
Anothor Important change ia made
by the bill In the matter of apportion
ing and expending money (or reclama
tion works. At present thla money ia
entirely under the control of the secre
tary. At this tlmo there Is a very
strong sentiment In congress against
allowing cabinet officers to handle such
funds In a free manner, and tho ten
dency Is to restrict lump appropriations
and stipulate tho various purposes for
which tlio money la to be used. The
Cooper bill permlta tho Iteclamatlon
aervlco to send to congreaa each year a
statement of the expenditures which it
proposes to make during the following
12 months, ao that congress shall spe
cifically authorize the various expendi
tures. Thus, while the Iteclamatlon
service will retain tho right to say how
the funds shall bo apportioned, their
findings are always subject to the ap
proval of congress.
Notwithstanding this bill Is approved
In ita ontirlty by Prealdnet Roosevelt
and by tho houto leaders, Reprerenla
tlve Mondell, of Wyoming, chairman
of tho Irrigation committee, says It is
(aulty and has asked permission to
mako certain amendments.
Our Exports Patted the Dilllon-Dollar
Mark In 1005.
Washington, March 20. Europe
takes two-thlida of tho exports of the
Unltod States and supplies practically
one-half of tho Imports, aaya a bulletin
Issued by the Department of Com
merce nnd Labor. Of tho 11,021,000,
000 worth of merchandise sent to Ku
ropo in 1005, 1230,000,000 waa manu
factures, tho other $782,000,000 worth
being largely foodstuffs and mnnufac
furore' material,
In 1000 tho exporta to Kurope
crossed tho $1,000,000,000 lino, nnd
since then havo avoraged about $1,050,
000,000 por annum. In 1900 tho ox-
ports to all sections ol tho world other
than Kuropo wero $354,000,000 in
valuo; In 1005 they wore $408,000.
000, tho growth alnco 1000 in epxorta
to tho uon-Kuropean countries having
been proportionately greater than to
Prior to 1800, 'the sharo of the Im
ports drawn from Kuropo avoraged
about 55 por cent; in 1005, it wis 48.4
per cent. This reduction, tho bulletin
says, Is apparently accounted (or by
the growing demand in the United
States (or tropical and subtropical pro
ducts, which are supplied almost ex
clusively by tho other grand divisions
of tho world. Tho value of theso pro
ducts into.the United States In 1005
was $508,000,000, against $303,000,
000 in 1S05.
Onishad With Iron Hand.
Buklium, TraiiBcnurnsIa, Mnrcli 20.
The mnnnor In which Gonoral All
knnhoff hns crushed tho revolution in
tlufgovornmont of Kutnls by raxing
towns, executing rlugleadors of tlio
movement and driving sympathixors
with It to the mountains, has produced
such retontment that nets of terror and
tho throwing of bombs at tho troops
nro frequont. Genoral Allkanhofl haa
proclaimed nnd Is enforcing martial
law with torrlblo vigor and revolution
aries and othor pesrons caught with
arms are immediately shot.
Pest In Eastern Persia.
Askabad, Russia, Mnrch 20. News
received hero from Boistan, in Eastern
Persia, eays that a post is npreading,
that tho populace ia becoming panlo
stricken and that many persons are
A Resumo of tho Lett Important but
Not Lest Interesting Events
of tho Past Woek.
Governor Pattlaon. of Ohio, is Im
An alliance of IirlUIn, Franco and
Russia la proposed.
The (amino In Japan grows worso
and disease follows hunger.
Anthracite coal operators have split
on tho wago ecalo to bo paid miners.
Heney eays llrlatol charges are base
Ices and llrlatol will retain his ofllce.
Twcnty-elx minors perished in tho
Century coal mine disaster In West
The Interstate Cornrnerco commission
Is Investigating underbllling fraud a by
It la claimed that only the details of
tho Algeclraa conferenco remain to be
settled. Roosevelt Is credited with
solving the problem.
The government has given Hermann
a bill of particulars concerning the let
ter hooka destroyed, but his lawyers
continuo to delay the trial.
Attorney General Hadloy, of Mia
sourl,haa called a truco on Rockefeller
while tho latter may vlait hla new
grandson. Hadley says ho can get all
the evldenco ho needs without John D.
Tho German army Is reported ready
(or war.
Russia Is on tho eve of- another rebol
Tho condition of Governor Pnttlson,
of .Ohio, Is grave.
A tnowellde killed air miners near
Granite, Colorado.
Roosevelt has proposed a compromise
in tho Moroccan quostion which does
not please France.
James A. Feo may bo appointed
Unltod States district attorney (or Ore
gon If Bristol loses out.
The conferonco between miners and
operators of tho anthraclto coal diatrlct
has (ailed to reach a wage agreement.
It Is now generally admitted that be
tween 40 and 60 persons lost their
lives In the recent Denver & Rio Grand
wreck in Colorado.
The aldowheel steamer Olympian,
which waa being towed from San Fran
cisco to New York, was wrcckod In tho
Straits of Magellan.
Latest rf ports Bay nearly 2,000 wore
killed and 0,500 Injured by the earth
quake in Formosa. All survirovrs nro
in a state of extreme destitution.
An explosion in a coal mine near
Fairmont, W. Va., Is known to have
killed 15 miners and Injnrod 25 others.
From 25 to 75 are missing and tholr
fate Is unknown.
Ex-Ghiof Engineer
Wallace favors a
sealove) canal.
Nineteen llvoalwere lost in a storm
on tho Gull of Mexico.
A compromise at the Moroccan con
ferenco is uow promised.
Daring robbers have taken $432,500
from a Moscow, Russia, bank.
Tho prico of bottles is to bo Increased
5 por cent by tho manufacturers.
Jerome eays giving Insurance money
to campaign committees is not larceny.
Several shipwrecks have resulted
from the recent storm on tho Atlantic
Attending phyalciaus now believe
John D. Spreckles has a chance of re
covering. Total collections in the United Statea
from all sources (or tho relief of starv
ing Japanese now reaches $120,000.
Objection to the appointmont of W.
R. Hoggatt ns governor of Alaska may
result in tho selection of somo one olso.
Bellamy Storor, recenlty recalled
nmbassador to Austria, la said to havo
greatly offended tho Jows whilo In VI
ouna, John 1). Rockefeller Is on the yorgo
of Insanity from worry. Thla 1b caused
by tho sickness of his daughter nnd
brother and tho continual dodging of
process servers.
Tho forty-fifth annual convention of
tho National Educational association
will bo held in San Francisco July 7
to 14. Itallroada havo granted special
round trip rates (roni all parts of the
United States. Thoso attending from
the East havo also boon given the priv
ilege o( going by way of Pottland one
way wlht atopover permits.''
Witte will soon resign aa premier of
In a Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
Senntor William Hoyd Alllaon of Iown, who tho other day celebrated hla
rerenty-Rcvcnth birthday, and tho day following celebrated the thirty-sixth
nnnlvcmnry of hla entrance Into tho Senate, hns nerved In that body a longer
rierlod than any other monitor now on tlio rolla. He took his seat March 4,
1873, nnd alnco then hns been re-elected flvo times. Reforo entering tho Sen
ate Mr. Alllaon ferved four terras In tho House. Ho was born nt Terry, Ohio,
Mnrch 2, 1820, nnd wna educated In tho Western Reservo College. Subaequcnt
ly ho atudled Inw, and practiced nt tho Ohio bar until 1837, when he mored
to Iown. In 18CX) bo wna delcgato to the convention nt Chicago that nom
inated Lincoln, nnd In recent years alwnya has figured as a candidate for
tho presidency. Mr. Alllnon baa lived In Dubuquo nearly fifty years.
A now typo of bullet, known as the
"D," Is being served to the French In
fnntry. Thla projectile- consists of a
clgnr-ahtiped cylinder of bronze. Instead
of leud, and la cased with nickel. On
Mug II rod It revolves nt tho rato of
3,000 turns a second during Its flight.
As 600 yards It will jwuctrate tho
equivalent bulk and resistance of alx
men, standing ono behind the other.
toss of Bleep proves to be tho curi
ous effect that tuny limit man's mountain-climbing.
Dr. Uullock Workman
mentions that In his camp 'in tho Him
nlrtyna at 10,353 feet, members of his
party wero kept nwako by lack of
breath, and on dozing off would sud
denly awako gaaplng. Ho concludes
that Inability to sleep may Itself be
sufllclcut to keep climbers from going
beyond twenty-three . to twenty-flvo
thousand feet.
On tho npex of tho Prince of Wales'
crown, which ho wears on spedal occa
sions, la a curious feather, or, rather, n
tuft of perhvak feathers, tho top of
which Is adorned with a gold thread.
This feather Is said to be worth 10,
000, nnd hns tho distinction of being
tbo only ono of Its kind in tho world.
It took twenty years to procure It, nnd
It caused the death of more than n doz
en hunters. Tho reason tho pursuit of
tbo iHThvnk Is so duugerous Is because
It Inhabits tho jungles and other
haunts of tigers.
Drafts over deep wells nro usually
duo to changes of teniiwnturo or bnr
ometrlc pressure, nlr being forced In ns
tho pressure rises and drawn out when
the barometer Is falling. Hut two wells
In thu Vlcksburg Jackson limestone of
fouthoru Georgia havo shown tho
strange phenomenon of n continuous In
draft. This has Ixvu Investigated by
S. W. McCtilllc, who has found n rapid
subterranean stream at a depth of
about 120 feet, nnd It Is supposed that
tbo nlr Is sucked In by frlctlou nnd car
ried nlong until tho water rises as a
largo sprlug.
East of tho Missouri Rlrcr lu South
Dakota more than 1,000 artesian wells
now exist, drawing their water from
tho supply carried by the underlying
sandstone formation, and supposed to
como from tho Ulack Hills nnd tho
Rocky Mountains Theso wells, used
mainly for Irrigating purposes, nro
como from tho Hack Hills and tho
pressure of wutcr In tho enstem part
of tho Stnto Is sutllclciit to glvo n sur
face How, except on tho highest lauds.
Ono well nt Springfield yields 3,202 gal
lons per minute, mid furnishes power
for n Hour mill by day and for nn
electric light plant by night Tho
dovolopmout of this source of water
supply Is still going forward.
Tho French chemist, Molssnn, re
ports that lu tho electric furnace gold
bolls freely at a temperature of 2,400
degrees ccntlgrndo. In two or thrco
minutes from 100 to ICO grams of gold
pass Into tho etato of vapor. In con
flensing upon a cold body, this golden
vnpor forms filiform masses and cubic
crystals. At Its temperature of .ebulli
tion gold dissolves a Uttlo carbon,
which, at tho moment of resolldlflca
tlon. Is deposited In tho form of graph
ite. In nn nlloy of gold nnd copper,
copper distils first In an nlloy of gold
nnd tin, tho tin distils moro abundant
ly than tho gold, and when a largo
quantity of theso mixed vapors Is tak
en, tbo tin burns on contact with the
oxygen of tho nlr, forming oxld of tin,
colored purple by a flno dust of con
densed gold. This Is an unexpected
method of preparing tbo color knows
as "purple of Casslus."
Shorra larnornnre When He Call
Yoanar Ctt! "Ball Heifer."
Lcnnlo Mcrrll, a popular 'guldo at
Bclgrado lakes. Is responsible for tba
following ono on ns "city folks:"
"Of course, wo know that you dry.
folks havo lots of chances to laugh at
us baysceders, but once In a whllo the
laugh Is on our sldo. I never waa so
tickled In my life us I was last sum
mer when I wag guiding Mr. L., from
Now York. He Is as much as CO years
old and a mighty smart man, too, every
other way, but ho was Just scalrtr to
death of cattle.
"Well, ono day when wo were fly
fishing for bass ho wanted to go
ashore, so I rowed him up and ho went
off Into tho woods. Pretty soon ha
camo tearing down to tho boat a-holler-lug
for help at the top of his voice, so
you would havo thought there was a
big she bear after him, and I Jumped
up and asked him what was tho trou
ble, no said:
" There's a lot of cattle coming thla
"I knew It was n parcel of young
stock, so I says to him:
"'Vou needn't bo scared of them J
they're nothing but a lot of heifers.'
"And what do you suppose he up and
soldi I thought I should die. Ho
says to me, und this Is tho Lord's
truth :
"'How do you know they ain't bull
heifers?" Boston Herald.
Looked After lite l'alate.
A gambler borrowed a sum of money
from a money leader, and, tho note
falling due, ho called upou the broker
and told him he could not pay at that
time. Tho money lender becaino great
ly excited. "I want the money. It la
due. Vou must pay It" Tbo gnmbler
pulled his pistol out pointed It nt th
head of the money lender and said:
"Eat thnt noto or I will blow tho top
of your head off."
Tho money lender looked at the pis
tol, then nt tbo noto and decided that
It would bo wise to eat tho note, which
ho did. A few days ufter the gambler
called nnd paid tho valuo of tho uoto,
much to tho delight of tho money lend
er, who said: "My friend, you are a,
good man nnd when you need any moro
money come lu nnd I will lot you havo
Somo tlmo later tho garublor nppllod
for another loan, which tho money
leader was very willing to advance.
The gambler sat down to wrlto out a
note, when tho money lender called
out: "Walt n minute, toy friend.
Would you mind writing out that not
on a soda cracker!" Argonaut
Perhaps the longovlty of most act
ors may bo duo, touenforced alklw
as a means of oxcrclia.