The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 23, 1906, Image 7

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In certain If you take 1Ioo1'b Biirnnnnrlllii.
TIiIh Ki-eut inutlluino curon IIioho oruptiotiH,
jilmpluH and IioIIh thai upiHttir at all huiihoiih
curort Horofulit noruH, nalt rliunni or cozutim;
adijitrt ItwtilJ uqimlly well to, and alHo ctiruM, dj'B
ImjjwIii and all Htoiimoii trouble ; ennm rliuii.
iuiiUhiii and catarrh; eimH norvoim trotililoH,
dolilllty and tliat tlruil fueling.
ThlH Ih tirovcd llV tllOUHUIldH Of tefltl- Mr, Helen l,Timipoii of l-anliton,
lilin IH illMlii iijr uii I. report greet benefit lo her llllle
iiioiiIiiIh, 10,110(1 by aettial count m mo tM trvm iw, K..t'w. i.irh
.not two yoarB-a record unprecedented j? SlX?"
111 Hie lllxtory Of lliudlelno, aaee.atarle ferer. Iliereheretrenilli
t i i vr.l. C.wnn.tl1 nl renewed health Thouiamli of
Ho nuro to not Hood'B Sarsnparllla. ,,, of ,, ,, ,i r
Liquid or tablet, 100 Doiee Ono Dollar. of ecrufula, ll tueuin. ecieuie, .14.
ilritrn' nnlhlionaee.
I'r.rr Inwn In Mtl,.n ) tilll.lf,.
bitli l.ou.r. Anil illll tlio Mrilriiiia ." l""' l"".8 ." ull" ''"k; " "P
not Hit clvmitit people In III world. rltwceil check liook.-Nuw lork I'ren.
i -
v 1 KKJni
Cntarrli is usually regarded nit nothing more ncrlottn than a had cold or
lljjlit iqflainmntioit of the inner nkitt and tissues of tho Iicad nnd throat,
when it In, in fact, not only a vexatious nnd trouhlenomc disease, hut n corn
plicated and dnm;crotin one. It is true that Catarrh usually bcjrlns with a
cold in the head, hut when the poisons, which ore thrown oil through tho
Secretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes n constitutional trouble
that nfTccts all pruts ot the Iwily. It has niorcnnnoylnjT nuddisKiistinifHyiuiN
touitt than any other disease. There is a ulckciilii): and offensive discharga
from the nostrils, n constant buzzing noise in the cars, headaches nnd pains
In the eyes ate frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drops hack into tha
throat requiring continual hawking nnd spitting, and in certain stages of tho
disease the breath has an odor that is very offensive. Catnrth is worse in
Winter, because, the cold weather closes the pores nnd glands, nnd the pois
ons nnd unhealthy vapors which nhould pass off that way urc thrown back
on tho tender linings nnd tissues, causing the inflammation which ntarta
tlio unhealthy Accretions to lie ni
rorbed by the blood. When the blood
Incomes diseascil with this catarrhal
matter nil kinds of complications may
lc looked for. As the blood circu
lates through tha body the foul mat
ter finds its way into the ntomach,
ruining the digestion and producing
chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the
Moinncli. It also affects the Klducvs.
bladder nnd other members of the body, while the general health is weak
ened, nppctitc lost nnd the patient feels despondent and half nick nil the time.
Hut worst of nil, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from
the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates
in Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases. You cannot get rid of Ca
tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only
teach the membranes nnd tissues, while the real cause of the trouble is in the
blood. These relievo the nunoying symptoms for n time, but the poison is
nil the while getting n stronger hold on the system and when they arc left
off will manifest itself in worse form than before. 8. Si 9. is the greatest of
nil blood purifiers, nnd when it has cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream
circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased
parts. Then the inflamed membranes nnd tissues begin to heal, the dis
parts. Then the inflamed tucni
ease permanently, nnd atthesame time builds up the entire system by its fiuo
tonic effect. H. 8. 8. is n purely vegetable remedy noninjuiioua to the sys
tem nnd n ccttnin, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our
free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to be used
How to Fool a Lazy Liver
with Artificial Exercise
. VERY earlouj Slekneu hu a
small beginning
And, In nine cues out of
ten lhat small beilnnlng la
made In the (Jewels.
Indication la tha Ujlnnlnc of most
It paves tho way for all others.
Lnokol exerelso, hasty eating, Improper
food, are lis (Irst oauses,
Latin, and postponement, permits It
to C'QW lnt0 Chronic Constipation, whleh
means IKedenrj Discomfort.
Il Isn't necessary to be
know, In order lo bo mlchly uneom
fortable. Even alight Indigestion nffeets tho
nerve, dims tHo mind, and obaourea tho
merry sunshine of LKo.
And, Indigestion oneo started, crows
fast, corrodes temperament, and discounts
happiness, good cheer, oapaolly.
It does that lone bofore II puis you on
tho Slek list.
Every thinking Doctor knows why.
Professor Rand knew It.
Thai's why he framed up for students
his famous formula for Happiness, viz.:
"Trust In Cod, and keep your Dowels
The Dowels need adjustment from time
lo lime, Just like a clock, or a watch.
No "Good tlmo" Is humanly possible
without this,
And, Iho time to adjust tho watch Is
not when it has run down, nor when tho
main epilng Is broken, but at the very
minute adjustment Is discovered necessary.
The tlmo to adjust the Dowels Is not
merely when your Head Aches, when your
Liver la Sick, your Stomach In Revolt, and
Nature's Food Process retarded for 24
hours or longer.
)The proper tlrno to adjust them Is Iho
very mlnutoyou suspect they nood adjust-nenl
Wlim tlld III
IrticFil co traveling
Dnvar.l ynnre ftiro mjr Moorl wa lit
mill I had
. In addition a araadiui cueo or
Catarrh, tly no. vr atopped up, X
hi. J headache, rinirini; uolae In my
ear and (.It unfit for work. X coin
in. lie. d thn ua of H. II. 0. on th r.oom
inandallon of a frlnnil. anil in a abort
tlmo It in aotinit anil wall. Itput
my blood In good condition and X haya
navnr liail tli allirtitaat r.turn of til
Catarrh aluce that Ulna. ...
oiso. x. oAnn,
K o. COO Edgar Ot. Kvauarlll, lad.
charges cease, the general conuiuoti oi
the system is strengthened, everyone
of the annoying1 nnd disgusting symp
toms pass away, and tha patient is left
in ierfcct health. S. S. S. is the best
remedy for Catnrth. It goes right into
the blood nnd icmovcs nil effete matter
and catarrhal noisou nnd cures the dis
If your tongue Is slightly coaled,
If your breath Is under suspicion,
If your Head feels a trifle heavy or
If digestion aeems even a little slow,
If Heartburn, Belching, Cello or
Restlessness begin to show themselves,
Thai's Iho tlmo to eat a Cascarel.
Don't Imagine the Casoatet Is Ineffec
tive beeause It Is pleasant lo eat as Candy".
II aets as pleasantly as It tastea. Il Is
as oengenlal to your Dowels as It Is to your
Palate. '
It Is nol a "Dlle-drlver" whleh (loeus
out your stomach today with fluid Juices
needed for tomorrow,
Dut, It acts like ExeroJset Instead,
It stimulates Ihemusoular lining of tho
Dowels and I lhat they mechan
Icaljy digest food and drlvo out Iho
Tho lime o use a Cascaret Is when you
first suspect you need one.
Tho only way to havo them ready to
uso precisely when you need them Is to
carry them constantly In your pocket, as
you do a Watch or a Lead pencil.
Tho ten cent box of Cascarela Is made
thin, flat, round-edged, and small, for this
precise purpose.
Do very careful lo gel Iho trenulna.
mado only by tho Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every
tablet stamped "CCC." "
We want to tend to our friend a beintlfql
'renchwlei tned. GOLD-PLATED 11UNU0N liUX.
hard-tniraeied In colors. It Is a txauty. tor tha
dressing; ttbls. Ten cents In stamps Is asked as a
measure of good filth and to cover cost ol Cascari ts,
with wBlchTEIs"3iIiity trinket Is loaded. . T19
Send to-day. neaUonlac this piper, Address
UiUoi Keatd Cemaur, Calctt r new YMik
Una riiMcr MHImhI nt llrneliliitc Iter
Anal DmiiIot ril.
Will In strollliiK on (hi) bnlilcs of
Kruui'li t'n-i'k, near Clayton, In coin
puny wllli my wlfn nnd u frbnid, wo
tnrtfd n wood Hick, whleh feigned
Ix-liiK wounded and gnvo nltciuiico lo
I ho nioHt plaintive) wtiirnkN, from wl'ch
wo Inferred tlio nwt must lie n.'.ir,
Miiys n writer In PorcHt nnd .Stream.
A short search discovered It iiinoiijr
hiiiiiII IuihIicn on tlio Kround In n com
linnitlvely expoKnl iiosltloii. Tlio ncMt
coutiiliied thriHi vkk, which we, of
eourse, did not disturb. LenvhiK tho
ncMt for over nn hour, I cautiously re
turned, nnd KetthiK on my hands rind
knee crept within ten feet of It with
out dlsturliltiK tho old 1)1 n) After
watrhliiK her for iihotit 10 minutes I
saw her stand up In tlio nest, and with
her hill nnd ouo foot cIiiiuko tho kihI
tloii of two of tho vkkh, after which she
sottled hack on tho nest.
Kho then ovldeiitly saw me, for nliu
Kavo u sudden twist sideways with her
head and then slowly nnd cautiously
stretched out ns tint an Misnllile, her
hill reslhiK lint on tho (.'round. Hhu re
owilm-d thus for fully live minuter.
Presently I arose from my tmNltlon and
stepNil forward, when tho bird quietly
snonlied nway from tlio nest, sevinliiff to
crouch its near tho Kround as iKisslhle,
until nhoiit W) feet nway, when sho nroso
with tho usual cry, hut Immediately fell
to tho Kround, fluttered up nnd down
and finally turned over on her bnk,
llutterliiK hot- wines ns If In tho last
nu'oiiy, hut ns I npproiiched she scram
bled nwny, dniKKlHK ouo wIiik on tho
Kround until idio hnd led mo fully two
hundred yards frorti the nesl, when sud
denly sho linditmoiturevotrnnd dnrtetl
nwny like n nickel. BeeretliiK myself
ome illstnuco from the iient, In fourteen
mlnuliM I was surprised lo kii her slt
tliiK on It ns heforo hehiK dlsturlKil,
hut how she reached there I inn tin
nhlo to say, ns 1 did not seo her ap
proach, and half n liiliinto lieforo her
npMrauco on Iho nest nothing was to
bo Keen or hennl. As tho wood were
ojK'ii I had nil excellent opportunity of
watching her InterostliiK iiiaueuven-s
nnd had hoted to Ik nhlo to unto tho
manner In which the return would ho
I'uarlirra III the I'Mrk.
Theru was n fnlut II 1 1 lo crack, du
biously echoed through tho uudorbntsh.
Then tho listener heard n few high
pitched squnwks nuil n whir of wings.
Tho park polkvimiti, who had been
talking lelsundy with tho visitor start
ed off on n run. A writer In tho New
York Trlhuno contlnum tho story ns nn
lllustrallon of the dlUk-tiltles of pnitect
Ing song hints from destnictlou by lg
luirniit fon'Vners.
"i'l-n, thoy'ro nl It nKnln," axplalned
Iho ofllcor, kwdlng tho mpld mco
through a hy-wth.
"W'ns It ii shotgun)" pnjits tho visi
tor. "No, no j n SS-vallber rifle, short cart
rldReH." "How do you know Iho direction)"
"Hoard the gun, nnd riw thoso nihlus
starting up. Now when wo como to
that o'k-ii spaco lHyoiid tho swamp, you
Just kiip hack a little."
Olxtylug InstnictloiiH, tho visitor
slackened pace. A brief nm-cut hit to
a partial clearing In n hollow. A man
In n felt hat nnd n short overcoat was
walking uniting tho trees 200 ynnls
Tho detective was nowhere In sight.
A second look, however, showed him
closo to tho trunk of n hickory. Then
ho slid forwnnl to another shelter.
Such was tho manner of progress un
til reaching a treeless patch of ground
when tho llguro went to earth, nnd In
approved Indian stylo wormed ahead In
tho shelter of n fow bushes. I- Inally ho
rone behind n trco and lcncd forwnnl.
Tho suspect, n black-browed, urns-
ttieheil Italian In velvet coat, had no
chance to taku nlarm, escno or light.
"You were shooting at tho birds. Pll
have to nrnst you."
"No, no 1 Mo no shoot nny t'lng."
"Have you tntm In tho hospital)"
asked Iho-detectlve.
"No, IhihsI"
"Then perhaps this explains your
stiff wilt I"
Tho explanation, In fact, was tho bar
rol of a 'J2 ealllier rlllo which tho olllcor
drew from tho Itallan'H trousor leg.
Tlio stock, -which had been unscrewed
from tho barrel n moment nftur tho
shooting, was found under (ho man's
cont. A blood-stained bunch of feath
ers, which wan lately n song-sparrow,
enrno from n back pocket.
TIicmo offuuderx nro not only break
ing tho law which protects soug-hlrds
hut In carrying weapons nro punishable
iy n heavy lluo or Imprisonment.
"They nro crary nftor bird plo, ' ex
plained tho olllcor, ns ho walked his
prisoner toward tho station-house.
KIbb You'll generally find that peo-
plo bollovo what they want to bollovo.
Fogg Yes, and probably that nccouuts
for tho belief in everlasting punish
ment for othor people, of course bo
tng so popular.
Bocloty Is n good deal llko our rich
klm Wo nro mighty nlco to its faco,
but make fun ot It behluil Its back,
Sound familiar,
("If tho soritlmcnU contained In onr
popular songs wero moro loftily nnd
I pootlcnlly expressed, they would loso
nothing of their effect." Tako this homo
I and try It on your piano.)
Toll; wearing loll, Is the unhappy lot
Of all our humid family sav on
Tli hoary-headed man who calls m
My honored sire, h only labor not.
from dnwn to dusk, In bl accustomed
Whero (low the log the ruddy hearth
Itcits be, In alienee ertr, mortd ot
And burns tobacco nolsomtly, God wot I
NnlhMt the other Idle not at all,
For o'er a steaming- caldron, lol there
be fide
Tho form of mother, moiling- all the
And sister, too sweet Ann, o fair and
tall I
To the snme task her young asslstanc
While only pater while hi tlmo away I
Cleveland leader.
A OUAHA.NTKKI) UU11K Foil rll.F.S.
Jlrhtnr. til r1, irtlnc, I'rolrodln Illti. lime
tltta ar aullnrliM Ui r'fund monr If 1'Z0
J.NTMJSM f;ltocuilDHoHdr. too.
A young lady, desiring, to communi
cate with a certain society beau, was
told to call him up by telephone at hi
club at a certain hour. She rang up
tho exchange, gnve tho number and
wnlted. Presently a voice said:
"Hello I"
"Hello," bo called. "Is Mr. B.
".Mr. who)"
"Mr. 8."
"Mr. 8.) No."
"Are you ure)"
"Yes, sure. Ve hare no record of
any one of that name being here."
"1'lenso look nnd see If he Isn't
somewhere nbout."
"1'hcrc's no uso looking, ma'am. We
havo 'cm all down In tho book."
"Well, It Is strange. I was told that
he would bo thoro at this hour."
"Kay, look here, what number do
you want)"
"Why, '.MX -."
"Oh, that's the City Club. This
Is the Morgue." Llpplncott's.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
Blgnatoro of
Nrrdlria Itrqnral.
"I have come, sir," said the young
man, as ho entered tho library, "to
ask you to glvo mo your daughter'
"Why," rejoined tho surprised par
ent, "when I come through tho hall
about nn hour ago it was In your pos
session." A l.lrctr Calrli.
Mr. 8. And so you arc leaving us,
Ilrldgot) And what nro you going to
Hrldgct Please, mum, I'm going to
get tuurrlcd.
Mrs. 8. Dcnr mcl Isn't that rather
sudden) Who Is tho happy man)
Hrldgct Do you remember, mum,
me askln' you about four weeks ago
to go to tho funeral of a friend) Well,
I do bo golu' to marry tho corpse's
husband. Sure, ho told ma then I
wux the llfo o' tho party." Harper'
Prove It
By the Oven Fire
E. JJ quality. 25 ounces lor
25 cents,
tVnd a
"liook ofl'rcaama."
And Join all Ihellwr that la
Ina rcorl ol lir W. A. WUt. In our a
tabtlihmaul ara riptn dQIIta who ara
eomiwlant to parlorm tha moil Important
danlal operailona. No matter Iba nalur
of lua work, than la a man bar to do It.
DR. W. A. wise
DB, it. A. BTUIIDKVANT, Bpaclallat on
Chlldraa'a Taalh and llf ulallnr,
FaUInt Bid., Third and Waahlnitoa 81a.
a. tu. to p, to. ituudajra to IV Mala K
Wt Dau ViiUf sal NaatUr riTBtrnts
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold eocs ; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Askyourdoctorabout it.
" I had a I rrtbla cold, and itnthlnir relltTad
ma. I tried Ajtr't Chairj t-actoral atid II
arotnpllr broka up mj cola, loppad mj
foufti, and aaitd afr part ot nrlmd. It
Hit wonderful work for ,"-.) If.LVTZ,
Toledo, Ublo.
U4t frr ' O, A ft Co.. Zsowtlia, Umi.
Ai mmauiatiirr oi
Unmn thn hownla rOBUlir Mlth AVOr'S
Pllle, Just ono pill each night.
There are nearly 23,000,000 bone In
European Itussls. No other country In
the world has o many horns a Uus
Takot.AXATIVKIIItOMOQulalnaTabUU. Drna
alata monr If It fl a to ciira. K. W.
UIlUVK'balfnaluraUon rath box. tie.
Offlrlnl and Final.
He sent for a pas to Mr. Caasatr,
Who answered, "You pay or you stay
where you're at."
Mother will find Mr-. Wlmloir'i Boothlnr
Rrrup tha bait remedy tou (or their children
durlof tha tatlhlor rrloJ.
Secret Onf.
"How do you manage to distinguish
between rheumatism and gout, doc
tor)" queried tho medical student
"Isy consulting the books," replied
tho eminent physician.
"lly consulting the books!" echoed
tho embryo M. D,
"Yes," answered the eminent physi
cian. "I look up the patient's rating
vrlth tho commercial agencies. See)"
PITP Partnananny Cnrrd. Kofltaorntrroatnau
rl 10 anarerttdar'auMunir.Xllnr'tOrratNrnra
Iaaiorr. Krei tor rrrtt trial boitU and lr,all.
Vt. II. II. Kiln, , UO.,Ml Arch SU. 1-blladilphla, I'a.
A tlarsaln.
"I admit," said the merchant, who
had advertised for an assistant, "that
your czperlenco In business might make
you a Taluablo man. But the salary
you ask Is n good deal ot money Just
for your cicrlence."
"Well," replied tho mnn who hnd
seen better days, "I assure you I'm of
fering my experience to you for less
than It cost me." Philadelphia Press.
Thar la mora Catarrh In this aeetlon of the
country than all oihar dUcaacs put together,
and umlt Ibolaj tie w year wuauppoai-d tuba
, Unrablf. rr a jraai many yeartdoctora pro
' nounc. d tt a local lilreue, and preactlbtdlocat
ramedUa, and by c intantlr lalllnc to rure
with total treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Helenee bu proven catarrh to bo a conilltu
tlonal dlaeai. and therefore require oonilltu
tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure.tnaou
tacturedby F J. CheueyACo .Toledo, Ohio, Ii
the only cunittlutlouat rure on the marlet. It
U taken Internally Indoaealrora lOdropatoa
leaipoontul. It acta directly on the blood and
muo iu aurfacei ot tha xtcm. They offer one
hundred dollars for any caae It (alls to cure.
bnd lor circular! and tettlmonlali.
Addrrai. K 1. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O
Bold by DruraUti, 75c. . .
IUall'a laiully l'illa are the beat.
Matthew Faulds, a rreaTer, of Kil
marnock, Scotland, has been at his loom
' elfhty years, and be la more tbau fiO
I year of age.
Put the wonderful KC Dak
in2 1'owdcr to the test. Get a
can on approval. Your money
will be returned if you don't
agree that all we claim is true.
You'll be delighted with the de
licious, wholesome things that
will bring to life in your oven.
K C Dakinfi Powder is two-
thirds cheaper and makes purer,
better, more healthful food than
other powders anywhere near
(jet it to-day I
noatal tot
dr. r. p. wise.
Portland Trade Directory
Namea and AdMruaate In Portland of Reprc
sentallv tlutlnraa rirma.
: 2ft--:T - mi , ' f
PHOTO rUI'I'MMi Kodak dTflepln and rrrla
lag wrtle for prlcta. Woodard, C'larka A Co.
itACI I 0iIa MTjeiiNH WlTr To., rorilaad.
I-rrwait prtea on Lanlfrna and flIW'a.
KI.AHTII! IIOMBIlYiHurportarn, llracMt Knit til
fill ftte maaaornnaDl blaokai Woodad,C1ark,
llonsKM or alt klnda for aalat vtr rtaaonahl
fUctt. Inquire T. 'ronl HU
THVHHKn anlon arproTal) w anaranO lit la
moat dlfflcall c woodard, Ularka A Co.
HWHKT rr.AH-Hmd lOeforprk. amid KalrOold
Slnlal praa. J. J. Ilutier, IM KronimrraU
AltTIKIt-IAI. KYKH; rjrrrr anadandibarMa
aonmant ant on approval i Uoulard, Clarke Co
CIIKAM HICPAIIATOIIH-Wa (oarantra ilha V. ffc
(vparaior to b lh bait. Wrlia lor frta calaloj.
Jlata.wood Co., Hflh and Oak.
HUM'S vtmmva nurrum A Pandlaloo. aola
Mm a AUrrd llnamln A Ca'a corrrct dotbra.
Kiririhlncln rnan'a rurnUhlnaa Morrtaou and
Blilli airaata. Mppoa.l poaloTuca.
IT11KK I!II IN OIIK(l7).r und.r tha Carry Irrt-'
lallon act. Iad d rct from tui.. Writ iodar,
W)lt and map fr,. II. n. Cooka A Co ill
Aldar atraat, I'orUai d, Orrnon,
I'OCI.TItr r0OU-tt on want your hn lo lay
mora irt writ ua for frwi partlculara alnut PC
lll.NA 1'OUI.TitV a-KKbtt-Acma MI1U Co,
I'ortiaod, Orrcoo.
TAIIXJIlA-ColnmUaWoolanSlllla IVi- Portland,
Orr. lAlrat atyla clothra mada lo mtaturachaap,
Ouraairmraaurtmvnt iitfin Inaurra pariact flu
Write for frta aamptra and pnoa.
PIANOS A OIUIAMH piano hmiaa on i'a
rifle coaal, Orfana and Planoa on aaajr pajrmanU.
wrlla forllat. Lt oi quota j-ou a prlca. AUaoA
UUbart-IUmakar Co., 1'f.riland, Chacon.
Oraaon llarba Hpelfle Ibr all Kldnr and Illaddar
iroublra. Curaa IIACKACIIK. PrtcaSoe. Trial
tlu aant br mall tut 10c lo alampa. Hand Iodar.
tma Third Bt,
Unman Ilalr flood wltcb, l'omrdonr, Man's
ToopaandWIni bnt qualltrt lowtat prlrrai
and tor Irra phoa llali mall ortlrra a aprirtallr.
1'axla HaJr Hlora, SOI Waahlnctoo BU Kat Itaa.
BUIITO.V, UOWAnn K ,-Aaarrr andCbttnlat,
IaadTlllr. t'-oloraula KwHnin nrlraa; (lold.
Hllttr, Iad, II Hold, Hllrrr, c: flnld. toe; Zlne or
Coppar, 1 1. Cyanide trata. Jlalllrjrnirlrp- and
fall prlflll rntonappllatlon. lontrot and Urn-
plrawork aollcllrd.
jUfrrancc: Cartwoata Ktr
uooai jiaok.
Why aerpt a lower rate ft Intrrrit from
artnia banka whan we own and ofTer for rata
liMtf'U of the II.Cino.OTiO of the Monnt
llood Klteirlc o (I'orUand. rirrgon) 20 rear
Ond Honda palnr par rent, ircu ml bra
I Ir.t U rliae nn l9.C00.or worth ol prnpeity.
Fafeat InTCitment avatlatlt Write for par
tlculara. TtIC DANK or AMtRICA.
San rranciaco. Cat.
i3aa;fl: .BW1
Uaka asra a rlatd of anastlrr and
ouallir. Wbao Your fatnar Manlad
farry a, they war tha brat on tba
maikat. bat thar cava barn Improv.
Ina Tr atnea. Wi ara czprru la
flow and Taeatabla aroa.
loHd ABBaal.braottTuUr Dlna-
irauu, irao io ail appiicaaia.
0. M. rERRY CO., OttreH, Mich.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Th'a wondrrfol Chi
tna Pcctor la rail, d
trtal bacauta ha curaa
lor wdboai opara
lion ibai ara iUan up
lo dla. lie rurra with
tboaa woudarful Cn
nc at herb, roota, tuds
barka and Ttratabita
thai ara nttmy un
known lo mrdiral aci.
anralnlbaoonntry ThromniUa umiiI lnva
harmlraa rrmrdlra Ihta famoua doctor knowa
Iba actum orovartt) d.flar.nt ramcdlaa wbleh
haaurcMrullr uaaa In dlSrrra. iIUhw. lla
ibrumatlani, narTOuaoraa, ttomacn, ller, k d
nrjra, rto.t baa bu drnlt ot trallmonlala.
Cbaraaa luodtrata. Cau and ara him. I'aUtata
out of tha rltr wrlla for blankr andercuiara.
band lump. CONSULTATION ytUSK.
1621, rirat Su, S. C. Cor. MorrUoa
Uentlon paper. PORTLAND. ORCGOM.
W. L. Douglas
3&$3- SHOES Gft
W. L. Douglas 94.00 Cllt Edge Lino
cannot bo equalled at any price.
till linn BIWARD t9jonheci
IU,UUU disprove thlt lUUment.
Ill could take you Into my three Urso factories
at llrockton, Mm,, and ahow you the Inllnlte
care with w hlch every pair ot ahora la made, yoia
would realli why W. U Douilaa $J.SO ahoes
coat more te make, why tbey hold Ibalr abapo,
lit batter, wear looter, and ara ol greater
Intrinsic value than any olhar $3.90 ahoa.
tV. L, Bauglmm Strong Mada Shomm torn
Man, 93. 80, SZ.U0. Naym' Schaal 4
. CAUTIQH.-luCatuiwu baring walDoug.
tai auoaa. Take no lubatltute. Kona canubio
Without hta name aud nrloa atamnad on bottom.
fait Color cTyeele Vfd I tiny mill not urtar eraMV.
AVrlto for Illuatratod Catalog.
W. I UOUOLAH, Uroektou, Sla,
P. N. U.
No. 1t
TTTTHKN WTlUna; toadTortlsareplauaa I
aaoBtlaa) thl paper.
r H0' -iiiv f. Tg
Iff I
SlrSl Jr5S tSTABljjjp35
hSg JUIY6.,8J.
$Sa-rlCArrAL 2.oqooo