3?P T . , ft lo fcJ fXA V 1tk . I- y 1 !3& l ? E LOCAL BITS John Illoin went to I'rincvillc on ii business trip ycMcrtlny. Shodclnnil Womlcr Recti oiiIm for iihIc rtt The llciul Mcrcnntllu Co. T. W. Hinmcriiinim returned vJiliic.s(lny i-vetiiiiK from n v'"'1 of hcVprnl diiyn hi I'rlnevMc. liny your o"'011 MX, jjiirdcn and fielil hcuiIh p( lllc ,!eil' Mfcnntllc Co. Nc' stock just received, Just received, 300 Miiiiplex 1906 Willi paper. Slylci Ironi the Hum ,c and up jkt roll.N 1'. Wcider W. II Oairolt nud C. H. Daw hoii, travcliu k italuHiiicit from Port land. ruKiHlcied at the Pilot Unite Inn Knit Baturday, Gel our prlrc.Hou windows, doom, Mid all buildliiK miitcrluli before placing your orders elsewhere. The Hend Mercantile Co. nturdny morning Inst a bab girl wn born to Mr. and Mrs Koiwr CI0M011. Mr. and Mt. Clfjiwoii have rooiiin in (he Kate btiiiet liousu. A. II Grant has purchased the news-stand tock of Dr. Nlcliol nipt nqw hits it in his place of busi ness All this latest and besi periodicals for sale. 5'"11" Ajgoodly number of dllcks hnvi IkchIwIou the river west 01 (JgratiilKort' duriiu: the past week. IftluJnBCOH Kir"1 icmpitniou m OitffiS' ncr M"rc" ' t'c Steele liiitratu win again uc ufwnco BLju.Aieals will Ik furnished to the Iks Kcuulnr meals, 35c. Kur etl. rooms In connection. .p;tf IT? tlt'll'4 U'nul li'li-nliniipil in Ktf Sunday evening that tht- hiiow storm v-as the most vitre ever known in the Haystack ouiitry. '1 he thermometer renched 13 s below nmln heavy fall of snow was reported, The news reaches Iknd thai Mrs. W. II Wilson is slowly re covering from her serious illness of the last three months nud is now able to sit up a few hours each day She hope to join her husband here 0 the Haswell-Giicriu ranch, it her health will permit, pmc time in May or June. Mr. nud Mrs. II. J. I. McDonald returned to Hend Monday evening from their visit nt Seattle. Mr McDonald report that there was 110 tninv at Shauiko when they were there .Saturday but a severe add very cold wind .storm wn.i rug-niK- The mud was fro.en so .solid that horse and wagons traveled over it without brooking through. At Antelope the cold wnv caught tliciu unpruurt!d and a lartte num ber of frozen aid bursted water pljKW was the result. Very little mow was noticeable nt Madras and not eiiouith to bother very nit. oh in drlvinic until thry got this aide of Crooked river The exciting news reached Hend Thursday morning that tracks of a lrtrjte cougHr had been seen cast ol town, near the cemetery, tired the bunting instinct This of Dr Nicliol. CrNl Triplett, Drn Poiu Ajlcxter and John I, Kcvor ami the iT,vcrc soon in hot pursuit with load 1 ult Wiiiehcstars, heavy cartridge r belts nud two large, fierce dogs. About a o'clock they came strng gllng tsick to town with n disgust od look and reported that the cou gar's tracks had been made by omebody's pet dog What a spec tacle! Pour lrtrge men, four Win cliusurs nud two trusted liouuds out after one Inoffensive poodle. We Wish to Make Your Acquaintance... We wish to make the ncquniu tnnce of every lady in Hend nud the men nlso. We have always insisted that cour Uous treatment nud the kindliest consideration be shown every lady uuteriiig our doors whether in seaicli of goods or a resting place. We want to make your acquain tance And then we wish to please you. Hargalns in our grocery depart ment will do it And we have them, Oh, yes! ' The tired and hurried housewife How her face brightens when, she htciw into Nichol'rt IJrlgliUns at tlte sigut 01 tnose fine new groceries. llrcakfast foods galore for those 'uijrry tittle tads just out of bed Sinr and spice nud everything nice for pudding and cakes for that htiudny dinner Ca so cooti makes tuat yoituc rascal. Jr.s ask for second hclnl 'pii'fri foil so wife- W fired housewife's friend yu4 jj. Means money for you. iv- J I' " AT1 rs. NJO't-loL I rfcvVWffl Mike Yokum returned to Ilotic Thursdav afternoon. Percy Wnlzcr of Redmond was n Hend visitor Sunday Two pounds of Caravan CWcc for 73c at the Uciid Mercantile Co W. II. Htaats lms been npjKihited road supervisor for the Hend di trlct. HcMiiccdiOvid "y. All goods boiitjht of iw will Im delivered to any place in "end 01 I.Vtle, Hcnil Mvcry & Irwinfc Company. 5"f Later in the season A. ! Ooixl willle plans to clear 60 acres of Iiih .liteh laud which lies near tin. lohnstaii ranch, and will seed ti. .1 1 fal fa, Odd sizes and broken lots In shoes mid rubber goods cheap foi cash at Hend Mercantile Co. Wi may have just the kind you arc coking for. The third grade, comprising .fight scholars, lias been moved from Miss Wiests room to that 01 Miss Jones. The change was nude Wednesday. In connect ion with his f"ic Iwe of candies, tobaccos, dates and stationery, A. II. Grant also has a .tock of vegetables, wtatoes, car rots, rutabagas, onions, etc. .pjtl A. G. Kly, who hns a homestead uvo and a half miles mxiiIi of liciiil. is doing considerable improving on lis place this spring. He is clear ug quite a tract for cultivation and vill also set out a goodly uuink-r of fruit trees in the spring. II C. Koopcr, of Antelope, Sec retary nnd treasurer of the Oregon Wool Growers' Association, lias iiiuouuccd the dates of the wool sales annually held nt dlianiko and nearby places, The sales at Sham ko will take place June 5-6, 19-20 iiul July io-ii. A number of Indians arc camped east of Arnolds and nrc hunting leer. Vigorous complaint reach es The Iiullctiii that the Indians ire allowed to hunt these animal-, while the settlers are prohibited from doing .so by the watchful lies of game wardens, The snow storm has caused C A. Chapman n lot of hard work with his cattle Since the storm started last Saturday he 1ms been out early nnd late tiding the range .iiul rounding them up. Cattle all ivcr the rnuge hnve been badly scattered by the storm Mr. Chap inanhowcver, has got all his ex cpt four or five corralled in the Hend I.lvcrv & Transfer Go's yards and is feeding them. Those that arc still on the range he says are in condition to weather the Mono with the exception of jiossibly one or two. David Vanillin also had a number of cattle on the range but has found all of them except thrc. Derby Uiblxx) Underwear, good weight for nil seasons, cheap for cash at Hend Mercantile Co. D. A. Piudley is one of the stock men in this region who was caused considerable trouble by ttic snow Morui the first of the wectv During the whiter he had been feeding 265 head of cattle nt Haystack. Think ing that the backbone of the winter was broken he recently moved these onto the the desert iu the vicinity of Hend, intending to drive them to his raucp some miles houlh of Kos land. The stock was caught iu the storm and it took a lot of hard riding to round them up nud get them where they could be fed. Tuesday he corralled the animals at Dr. Merrill's ranch nud fed them, stnrtiug out Wednesday morning for the home ranch. He was for tituate in that he lost only n few animals. Huy your bakery goods nt the Steele Kcsturant. The very best of pics, cakes, doughnuts, cookies, bread, etc. .otf lfclix Muster recently returned from Shauiko, where he had gone to get some machinery for the Muster saw mill. He brought back two new saws, some smaller tools for general use ami a new style truck for hauling logs. This truck consists of two large wheels 10 feet iu diameter nud set on nu axle six feet long. Hencatli the, axle nrc chains, hooks and rings by which the logs are held securely hi place while being moved. These trucks nrc said to be a very useful contrivance for hauling logs, the large wheels making it compara tively ensy to move very heavy timbers. As soon ns the weather moderates sufficiently to protect the pumps, etc. from the dnnger of freezing, the mill will commence sawing. Ior rent 80 acres of ditch laud, near Forked Horn Iluttc, about 20 acres cultivated last season, reason able rntcs. Call on or write to Tom I,nngdon, Kvdmcnd, Oregon, i-t Wednesday noon some v bold hunter so far disregarded the law as to shoot n deer in the open flat west of the river nud north and enst of the Ilrock place. The nuliuul hnd ROt pretty close to town We4liM$$$ mmmAiii&w VM WANT A SHARK 1906 Oif lj(g Grade Goods offered, Central Oregon's Big Department Store... ' Kvery cash purchaser can hnve a Grand Kutcrtaincr a Talk ing Machine in the home. We are giving them away, Get informed and save our coupons. tarn nud the killing was noticed by a number of people living on Garden Row. The Hend Mercantile Co. is sell lug the Huker and Wnukegnnitc liarb wire cheap for cash. Get their prices. Alfalfa hay $16 50 a ton, chopped feed $2 50 jcr hundred. We aho carry mill feed. Rend Livery & Transfer Co. 5itf Men's coajs, trowscrs and vests cleaned and pressed. Also all man uer of laundry work done. Iking vour work to me, iu next room to barbershop. Carlylc Triplett. 52-1 The recent heavy snow storm has dplaycd the mails from Hend to Shauiko several hours. Under the present plan of having only one stage driver from Rowland to Princ vdle the mail is forced to wait hcrt Until thconp fron) the south arrives Heretofore the mail for Shauiko has left about C o'clock a. in. but Monday morning jt was delayed until i2!io p. m , Tuesday 7:30 a. in, Wednesday 1:00 p. in and Thursday about 2 o'clock p. in Consequently the Ilcnd, Laidlaw nmlTumalomail ujisscd connections at Prineville for le north and had to wait until the next day's stage. Iteud business men arc hoping that the roads will soiu improve so that our railroad mail can make connec tions at Princvillc for Shauiko, or Unit some arrauccmcut will be made to overcome the delay. One ncculiaritv of the recent snow storm was'thc large amount of fine sand nnd dust mixed witli the .... ...!. httow. lucre was so mucuoi 11 that the snow was discolored to a Krcnt extent. This may liavc'bccn caused by n terrible sand storm that was blowing at the time be tween Wallula, Wash , and The Dalles Sunday, six passengers were stalled between those places, Spo kane ttaitis being taken oh No 6, east bound, was the first passenger to break through, running 18 hours late. She was 24 hours going from Hie Mallei to J'cncllcton. The Hast train carried n carload of Japs to shovel sand from the track. A down-stream wind caused the drifts in unusnl places all along the line. They were worst at liiggs nnd Grants. One conductor on the road declared it wns the worst storm during the 18 years he had been on the road. TUMALO'S ROAD TROUBLES. People In that Region Indignant at Ac tions ot County Court. Tumai.0, March 14. llclaw is a letter from our road overseer in reply 10 a let tQot Inquiry to liha liy a prominent cil t'ei in regard to 1111 appropriation for our road I wonder what hns Itccome of that fi,oo county road fund. Ily thit letter it look like n co-operative plun he Ii.-k In iev, We hnve already lwiit our county rontl tux, now they want it nKln. Tito letter follows; "riilxuviUit, Or., March , 1006. Mr. , Tumalo, Or. Dear Sir: 1 Bin In receipt ot your letter iu regard to the ppropriation of fjcxi on the SUe niorc ami Sinters road. In reply will Htntc that 1 lime liecu ocrald road nud Audit (n excellent condition with the exception 0f fcW sharp pitches, nnd ev en tiienjhu road is iu better condition tuna oltrrond!t lending to our railroads user which nil of our freight Iu to enter this conuryi Audnstheie in n bhort "Ke ' tjwul fund this year on account of ' 11 ''"HJSl amount of government lnud 1 SAJH have to he very economical vvitlt isamB nut will mnke you the Mine propoitloh thnt I mnke all similar rond letitionBThnt ig ,j,at ,le county wilt Kve . "!Ur for dollar for nny amount which ySTpcopjc,,,,,). subscribe. Very '"r-'jvourj, tm lUui. Mcl.ur.m.iK, Cotluty Komi Master. UH One OlTR ., ..,..,, jtoriui of Hie season UffR,, rdJ,, Ilerc tnet Marcl, 19. IV B!i (hat u-Iutel- has lust bacilli. . - a unininu, urrt.. OF YOUR TRADIJ FOR Service nnd Low Prices, Mprjt Jt with anow ami wind which hA latted 72 hours. Snow hat drifted to n depth of three feet in place, while the ground is nlmoat bare in other places, It is pretty hard on stock without feci) ami no doubt many will die from the cold driving snow. T, A. Jcnsou ha resigned hi position n engineer at the llightowcr ft Smith mill and will make preparations for put ting iu n good many acres of crain and gravies this spring. Mr. Root I cleaning up preparatory to seeding several acres of new ground this season. The heavy snow has temporarily shut down work at the llightowcr & Smith mill. We arc lad to hear so many talking favorably of a school iu this vicinity. Nosland Items. Horn to the wife of Itopcr Closson, March 10, a girl, at llciul. The coldest spell this winter ban lcn this week, 9 below ?cro. Last Satur day it commenced snowing and blowing and ha been a terrible cold storm. The cattle on the desert arc sufforing with the cold and all stages arc 12 hours and later some day. The snow at Silver Lake is two feet deep and at Summer Lake four feet. The railroad surveyors are as far as D. A. l'indlcy'. They haven't !ccn able to work this week, on account of so much ktorm and cold weather. Should Plant Corn and Field Peas Madras ISoum Ircd McCallistcr of Prineville, who owtis one of the finest alfalfa ranches on Crooked river, was in town on Tuesday evening. Mr McCallistcr has been one of Un successful farmers of this countrv and he has many theories about farming in this region which he hn' put to practical test and found good Among other practices which he says arc wrong is that of letting the laud lie idle during the summer fallow He says that instead of letting the laud lie idle, it should be planted to corn or field peas, which make excellent feed fbrhog, and that the value of the summer fallow for next year's wheat crop is not impaired iu the slightest. This idea of Mr. Mcallistcrs is well worth the attention of the farmers of this section who, owning small tracts, can ill afford to lose the half of their land each year while summer fallowing. It is known that corn yields heavily upon this soil, every experiment crop in tuat cereal in this section of country having proved entirely satisfactory. OREGON Shojt him ano union Pacific TO Salt Lake Deliver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York 1 PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tobies supplied with all the tlciicacios ,of the season yjrijt-clasn Kqujpmciit pine Rooms and Beds All stngt'3 stop Hmta RALPH SHELDON General Blacksmithfng .and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY ' Our shop is located Z. F. MOODYsh aCNURAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. SIIANIKO, - OREGON Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consigumeuts Solicited Prompt attention paid to those who favor mc with their patronage A Complete Stock of At Bend, Oregon. Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPLAP RUSTIC T. &. G. FLOORING Reasonable beaded ceiling Lwier - WINDOW JAMBS JLj Prices window casing " at G00d HEAD BLOCKS . WW&St n o. G. BASEBOARD Anywkere m Grades stair TREADS Tie lais ef Dry WATER TABLE Tlie 1. 1. & P. ni , O. G. BATTINS Co., Of St0CK MOULDINGS The C S. I. Cf. P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING j FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. CUSTOM FEED MILLl'lN CONNECTION. The. Pilot Butte Envelopment Company BEND, - OREGON XSbe Kent Bulletin BOTH DAPERS One Year TWO DOLLARS lportlnnb 5emiMeeht Journal Tell Your Neighbor What a welcome visitor to your ArealdV THK BEND BULLE TIN is otclx week. at the fcotel door opposite liaptist Church. DRY At Bend, Oregon. . J America's Greatest Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO, OHIO. The Best Known Newspaper in the United States Circulation 185,000 Popular in Every State The Toledo IlkJe Is now Iti.tallcJ Iu it tx-w bulUlluir, "Itli modem plant ud Kiulmnent and fectUtlea equal to any publication between new loucamiCMctiKO. It 1$ the oulj weeUy uewnpaper edited rirtsly for oery Hate and territory. TlieNewaoJ the World aa arranp-r that bmy people can more eatlly comprehend than by reading cum crsomt tolumntor dalltt' All current topic ma.e plain In each lnue l. pcclal editorial mautr written from Inception down to date. The Duly paper Dubllihcd ially for people who do or do not read dadj uew9aper. and yet thirst for plain facta, That thla tlud of a newspaper U popular, U prurea by itii inai me weekly made now hat o iBj.ooo yearly iiibscrlbert. and la circulated in all parts of the U.S. In addition to the news, the nude publishes short and serial stories, and many departments of matter suited t evety member of the family. Only oue dollar a jcar Write for free specimen copy, Address THR BLADE, j i' .. . I !, VMM. ThtTgltdQ blade tad TUlt tinn inrrw TlMiUS . vVJ 1 1