The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 16, 1906, Image 4

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runr.iHiiiin'uviiuY pkiuay nv
"For vcry m.nn n square deal,
Jess and no morcA
One year ..........,... i.$a
blx iwoiitht........... .- Jo
Three month........ ...... - -. .ja
(Invariably In advance.)
kemtt by bank draft, postal money
mlcT on llctid, express money order, or
zcuiMcrcii letter, '.makc aii remittances
laynblc'tu The' llcnd llullctltt.
Stage nnd Mall Schedule.
Aamvn AT llRND.
from Shanlko via rrliicvllle j p. in. dally
1 rom LakeMew nivd Stiver bake .
I a. in daily except Tuca.
I torn Tumalo Tuw , Thura. and Sat... J.I.I p. in.
"rom Laldlaw dally except Sunday p. m,
Lravk IIbmu.
l"or Rhanlko via rrlnevllle....- 6 a. in. dally
1 or I.nkrrlew ami silver take... , .....
? jo p. in dally except Sun.
1 or Tuinalo Tun., Tnura. ami Kat......S a. in.
t or Laidlatv dally except .Suiid.iy......j p. m.
roaTOrriCKllotntfWeck day; t a. 111. to S p.
ii Smutirw. frtnn it a in. to li in., and ltall
hour aner Smeal of all mail Irom railroad
(eaiulnc Demi before S p. in.
Tm.nriio.MR Officii Hevaa WcckdAja, from
-go a m to 9a p. m. Mimlaya nnd holiday,
from Sxw n in. to u uoon, and from jxw p. m. to
i on p in.
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1906
Tor Sheriff.
To the republieah voters of Crook
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
the office of sheriff of Crook county, un
der tltc provisions of the direct priinrm
law, and subject to the decisions of tlte
republican electors of this county.
Willis V. Hhovvn, Hcislcr.
For County Clerk.
To the republican electors of Crook
fouuty: I hereby announce my candi
tiacy fur the republican nomination for
the office of count' clerk under the di
rect primarv law, subject to the decision
L'f the republican electors of this county.
J. II. IUnkr, I'riueville.
1 1 iMia.wniii 1 1 11 r
office, it Is true, )i;t the cause of
good government calls loudly for
independent action on tlic part of
the voters, will they take it?
Now both Lowell ntnj Smith are
in the field tor nomination for
senator. Kucli would, wc think,
give better public service in
other positions Smith for gover
nor and Lowell for representative in
congress. Both arc good men. II
they were not both after the same
office the public might have tlte
service of both. Not more than
one can be chosen senator nnd
there are now five candidates for
that office, and Statement No. 1
must be tcckoued with.
Under the direct primary law the
voters have the power of reforming
the political conditions of the state,
lint what's the use of this power if
the people are simply to choose
from among those who come out
and say they want the jobs? That
is what has been done from time
immemorial. Now let the people
call proper 'men- to serve them.
Then we shall get political redemption.
Kiswhcrc iji this issue will be
fouud the announcement of J, If.
Hnncr, who is seckjn' the nomina
tion on the republican ' ticket ' for
clerk of courts. Mr. llatler 9 ac
quainted over the cpunty nnd yvith
the county business, and no 'doubt
would mako n good clerk, There
is but little doubt tlnu be will se
cure the nomination he is seeking,
Irom present indicationsGovcrnor
Steuucnberg will not hnvc died in
Unless there shall be a radical
change jn the republican line-up
Governor Chamberlain will be re
e'ected. None of the candidates
now in the field for the republican
tiOUiioation can beat him, because
not one of them can command the
republican strength at the polls.
? ..I-X-. -...- .-.! ' ',."
SSU CI1 K UlaKtt U 1JM Maum i w n
r UDDortTfrSSft
ttonaF opponents oT any one of ,li:
three republican candidates now
striving for the nomination.
Gcer would, of course, be knifed
by the Furnish partisans and also
by many thick-and-thin republic
cans, who hold Geer responsible for
the disasters that befell the republi
can machine at the last gubernator
ial election. Johns has been pretty
strongly identified with the Moody
or stalwart forces in this congres
sional district, which would win
bitn nothing from the democrats
and would invite opposition from
what may still be described (for
Jack of n better term) the Mitchell
wing oft lie party. There is also
even a narrower split in his own
county, on personal grounds, that
would be sure to redound to the
benefit of Chamberlain if Johns
should be the republican nominee.
Witliycoinbe belongs distinctly to
the Mitchell faction and his methods
would alienate many stalwart votes.
These would hardly swell the
Chamberlain total, however; the
simply would not be cast at all.
For the reasons stated it is not
likely that any one of the three men
now seeking the republican nomina
tion for governor would beat Cham
berlain, democrat, for the office.
We may as well look thtse facts
sqtfarely in the face now.
li. I. Smith, of Hood River, who
Why can't the interstate com
merce commission be trusted n.s
well as the railroad
fix shipping rates that will be just?
The railroad cane is distressed
over the proposal to give the com
mission the power to fix rates, but
ns to enforcing them well it wants
me courts to nave mat power; it
wants the courts to "review" the
matter before the new rates go into
effect. And while the courts are
"reviewing" the railroads would
go on oppressing, and before the
courts pronounce judgment the
struggling shippers would be forced
out of business and nothing would
be gained by reforming the rates.
The railroad trust welcomes with
opcu arms and pockets all the
ponderous and shiuing reform leg-
nslattou, up to the point where it
I promises to be effective. Then it
balks and bucks and cavorts around
nudlwrants the protection of the
The railroad company now fixes
the shipping rates and the shippers
particularly the small shippers
pay the bill. Under this arrange
ment the favorites are favored.
The interstate commerce commis
sion, having expert knowledge of
the transportation business and
clothed with certain judicial powers,
cannot be trusted to say what is
right for all people, for that would
jar the favoritism. Wc shall see
bow much congress is fooled by
this little game or how venal
congress is. Moral suasion as a
method of getting corporations to
obey the law is a failure. They
must be more sternly taught.
More Truth limit Plctlon.
A writer in the Review of Re
views sums up the qualities of the
country newspaper ps follows: Kach
copy is read not ojjjy by the people
usually crcditct) to tjie ordinary pa
per, but twice or thrice that until
her. In inaity instances subscribers
pass their papers on and on to the
inmates of less fortunate homes.
These publications ate pre-eminently
the home papers of newspaper
tlotn. They are not superficially
scanned while men hurry to busi
ness, then left to brakciiien to gath
er up They go directly into the
homes and the rending of them is a
duty as well as a pleasure Hence
their peculiar values ns moulders of
public opinion and advertising mediums.
A llcnd man, remarking nbout
he recent cold snap, said that as
got teady for bed the other
night and attempted to blowout the
lamp tie coum not 110 11, upon in
vestigation hu found the urxe
frown solid, whereupon he had to
btcak it off and tliruw it fht'o the
water bucket.
lirpAttmciit oil lit lulrtlor,
I.nml Office at t.nlctlew, Oirgon,
l'clituiuyj, !',
Notice l liclrtiy alien Dial the fotlonliiK
named .tlllcra hate hied nolle of ttitlr Inten
tion to make final woof In aiwiMirl of t lie Ir
claim, nnd llinl aald pioof will l made before
1. II. Watilwell, U H.ruiiiinliiluticMl lH nfllclal
lncr of Ini.lue.i, at I.akcview, OicgOu, oil
Monday, Ihe llt day or May, lo,.
II It No j.iu, liyDennlwn 1'. Heme, for Hie
)(mv)( and n) iU ec 9. lv tl . r II e, w m.
II. U, No. JU. Iiy l)ftinloti I' ttrac, heir of
lny Keane, decvaied, fur the iile, ii'w!i
ntulac(tw rc M, tp II , r II e. Mr in
They name lite' folUiwIiiK ullnnwa In proxe
ItteireoiilliiiiiHK rvtltlencc iikiii mid cultivation
of urtld land, via
nei T My. IKuM A. 1'lmlley, Jmnet llUck. Caldwell, all otKo.tnnd. Orrcon.
ttilS-miR . N. WAWlN, He slater.
Notice of Public Snle ot School
District Bonds.
Notice is hereby gicn that sealed
proposals will Iw recelwd at llentl, Ore
Koii, at the oflicc of I.. I). Wieit, clerk
of school dUtrict No. u, if Crook
County, Oreeou, until fi. p. m. March 36.
1906, for the purchase of the iue of
School Ilunilt to the amount of Sit
ThouNtud l'ivc Htuidreil (f6.500.oo) tlol
Inrs, authorised by vote of aid District
.no. 11, m a special school meeting held
at Ilcntl. Oregon, Nu ember jS, 1005.
Said bunds arc to In: dated April 1, 1906;
optional after 10 years, twynblc after 30
years, will liear intcrvst at a rate not ex
cecihng six (6) tier cent; interest and
prtueiral pnyablc ot the office of the
Treasurer of Crook Louuty.or at tleai
nated place in the City of New Vork, at
the option of the purcltAscr.
The riKht to rescrte any or all bids Is
Dated at l'rineilte, Oregon, Mareh J I,
A. C. Oka v.
Treasurer of Crook County, Oregon.
Tini t, Hid Act June i, 1S7S.
KUIIUli I'Ull t'UIJIilUA I lUiN.
U. 8. 1.aud Office, The Pallea. (Iiriioiii
I'eliinary ll, HHS.
Notice In liercliy BlVfli that In i-umpllancr with
tlieprollHiultlie Act of Congtrx of June y
ia4. entlllnl. "An act fin- tlieaale ol llmlier lamU
In tlietatenf CallfHtnla, Oriin, Neaila, and
Wn.liliiutoii Teirllnry," a cateiuled to all Hie
imlillc land Ktatea Iiy Act of AugiKt 4, 1 V,
VranV KliitCi
of (Iranlle l'll. county of Miotioinlli,lale of
watinniioii, na inioiay nieii in lin nmer 1114
annrii ttatcinent No. 3811, forllir puicliaw of the
I ot 1 and 1 and e'( nw)( of ee ly, l a , r l e,
w iu.
And will uriti ptwif tu aliotr Iliat Ilie land
HHiitlit li mine valuable for IU tlmtxr or alone
limn for actlcnltural iiuriKMrt. and to
evtaldiili lit claim to Mid land Ixfuie the
KealOer and Htcelvrr at The llle. (Iireon. on
1 nr 1111 uay oi .iiay, luun,
lleiiainei a wltneaieo. I. II SUIe, Man
Krne. and I,. V Nornun, all of (Iranlle I'nlla,
Wn.tilngtim. II A. Tinier, of I'llncvltle, Ortgim
Any and all pcrxmt cUlinliif adiemrly
tlit ilwielectlleil lamU are reiiflel to
Rle their claims In this oifice on or tiefoic the aald
ltt day of May, I A.
mil nil MICIIAKI. T NOIN. KeulXer
i-i'" l
WAI.1- HTHIIItl'i 0'e,c ' M l'
tIE finest stk of FRESH
MEAT inM'ook Cqunty.
Cured Meats and L"."d and all
the Accessories fif a First-Class
Market. EveryJiing- new and
of the best, WUTE&HILL.
S Q iG I) U L 12
T.eavu Shaniko 6 pin
Arrive I'rinevllle 78 in.
Leave I'rinevllle.... 1 2:301. ut.
Arrive llcnd 7:o. m.
Leave llcnd 6:00 a.
Arrive I'rinevllle 12:00
Leave I'rluuville...... 1 p.
Arrive Sliniiiko.
1 n. 111.
NothiiiB hut good reports reaches
The Hullctin in regard to R II.
Buyley as candidate for the nomi
nation of county commissoncr 011
the republican ticket. .Mr. Dayley
did not voluntarily enter this race,
but was induced to do so at the
unanimous request of the delegates
from Western Crook at the meet
ing recently held at Redmond.
He is not a "politician" and be
longs to no ring. On the other
hand he has been a resident of the
country long enough to Leconie
acquainted with its needs; he in
tends to make the county his
future home and will therefore le
II. in. wtttl?
Tlmlx-r Land, Act June J. S.
- V. . Mud timce, The Dalle., Oregon.
April IS. iy3.
Notice I. hereby viven that In compliance
with the prnrl.lon. untie act of voiire of June
1. I'rl. tnttlleil "An act lot the aale nf llmtier
land. In the alatea ufCalluirnla. (Iiefon, Nevada
and Wa.hiHKitMi Territory," a elndeil to all
the mUlk laud tale. Iiy act of Aiigmt 4, iSyi.
Xmlty . 1-euiilniton,
of S4trra.eannlynf Crook, tle f Oren, ha
thl.ila) nlnl In lhl nine her aworn laleHMiil
No 4W. for lite pn thaw of the HVi ofarcji
in ip is a, r ir, ir m
Ami will oRer moof la thaw that the land
toMght I. mere vulmbte for itt tlml r or rtmic
than for agrlCHllural HirpMe, and l rlaMIh
her claim to uM land before lh Cmlnly
eterL at rriHriUc.OiroH iw lh ytli tiy of
May, iot.
She iMHteaa.ttrltn. Ilanlion A. Melrtii.
ShimI II Dvrraitce, John 11 IKMraiMc and
Hu lit" e It Oetehrll, all of Mtr, Ot.aoti.
Bend Lively & Transfer Cfj
J. lRAfSK TWOMI), ManuKcr
Flrst-Clnss LIVery Ris for Rent. 'Phone NoXyll
J, QmcmW!
nomltliccl,lKlween MluneMtaiud Oregon.
claim. In thU
of May. lyu.
Any and all penwma ctalmlns adtcrwly the
taiMtarr teHetni to rile then
rtefotcthc uklythiUyJ
T NOLAN, KeiHter.
f. S LanlOlHce. The Kill.. Orel.
I'ebtttary x. I'M
A MlfttvMt cvtet adadavlt ha ring I m Atnl
til thl. Ar hv lllvr luhn.ji.. cui.t.laul.
I aeain.t homceiHl .wiry No una, June
i' iy. iorinaK.w, ih i, c jB.iieKiit.ii
Authorized Capital $25,000
Incorporated 1901
The Central Oregon
Banking & Trust Company
'..vftS t m a . ..1..
1 - Iff! W1 -tk WWTA " . t " JWi iitnii
'hit I feavc ll. Hi it V r II v ur tea lav UHlILaMi
:.- .-- -'- -.-. - 'j .."
i interested in its development: he k
has been frequently suggested for known as a man of good judgment
governor, is the ouly man thus far Speaking editorially of bis candi
spoken of who could command the dncy the Laidlw Chronicle recently
republican support necessary!(j. "He is a man of good jndg.
win. iie lias Ueen prominently m i ment nml if iinniinn,i .i i..i
will prove an efficient officer. His
platform is progress for the entire
cumuy carried on in a couserva
the public life of Oregon but not as
an offensive partisan, and yet his
political principles are well known.
He is a clean republican not self-1 tjve manner. He stands for dtvelop
seeking, not a narrow schemer, ab
solutely above suspicion of double
dealing; a man of mature years nnd
of large and honorable experience
in aliairs. lie might make mis
takes but he wouldn't shirk respon
sibility. He wouldn't be anybody's
tool. His record, his sympathies,
his geography make him the logi
ment and yet is opposed to any ex
travagance in the use of public
Mr. Hayley is an efficient man
and should be nominated and
Did you ever know a railroad to
be built without any preliminary
candidate of the republicans at T ," 7i T " 5
the coming election, if they have
. . 4ny serious purpose of winning.
For tlte same reasons a. a. Lowell
Central Oregon enterprise should
come without any talk that all
preliminary discussion means that
II. M. Cake of Portland, who
will cuter the primal ics to secure
the republican nomination fur Unit
ed States senator, is a poptilnr man
throughout I Cistern Oiegou. Mi.
Cake has always been very friendly
to this section ol the state, and lias
shown it on many occasions by pub
licly advocating piojecLs vitally
effecting the eastern part of the
state. He has always championed
construction of the Dnlles-Celilo
canal, and urged its enrly comple
tion in the interest of Unstcru Ore
gon commerce.
M-. Coke has a record on the re
clamation question, and has attract
ed much favorable attention by de
claring hiiusell for more aggressive
reclamation work. He is opposed
to any change in the Chinese ex
clusion law that will admit coolie
labor to till? country. adv
hT.vru oi' ouiicor.
STATU Ol' OKltnoK.i
I. I,. Tompkliia, Plaintiff, )
vi. 8f HMUWft.
H. M. Jauuey, Dtf.ndaiit. )
To S. SI. Jaimey
Von are hereby rniiictted lo nnnear and mi.
wr IhceoMipUlMt filed iigalutt jon In the alioer
etllltlnl euiirt anil cuiiAe mi ur lir.,r in 4.11,
Uay ofAprll, iwi.und Ifwni (ill wi to appear
ai.daiUHtr, the plalmhT will take Jmluiucnt
auii..i yon for the 11111 or JM j with jiitercal at
6 per cent from the ,li day of Maich, !$. and
cu.tlof thi. ottluu. upon cont.pct fur the direct
payment or money, Io-m it V I,. Tomnkliia, for
labor performed, on account purchased from C.
M. Wcjinoulli for labor performed for ilclendant
at hl reiict In amount J 10, on account pur
chased fioin Detchute l.umlwrCo, for KrlmlliiK
grain for the defendant at Ilia reiiieat in amount
of J 78, on accjinit piirliancd from C II. KrlcL
aon for meat and eKctablea (urnUlied fur theile.
fciidant at hi rcquc.l In amount 1773. on ac
count imrchuKd from 11, p. .! fur hay fur
iiUhcddcfcndaiit at lit. reipie.t In amount (14 jj;
011 account tiurcliuMil from the llewhutea Telc
phoiiecn. for lolUand teleitraiiM furjiUheil for
ihrdeieiidnnt at hl rt'juc.t In nmouiit flu.Hj on
iiccuuut purch.iiM.-d from Mruud ti hcatea fur
liorae feed furiiUlicdilcfi-uilniit nt hli reiueal, III
amount ( 75
wii Miiiimoii putxitlini uy order of II. C.
. Mulhall. cvntf.trc. In which II ! alleged that
I Mil William MhIIhII, hat wholly alMH4Hwl
wi I tract, that he lt chaugetl Mj rrd.wr
Ihrtefrum fcr hmmi iImh Ik month. Iai4 mI
I lit! Mid tft li m.t Milled ii(hii ami ctllleatl
ly aaM taiity a. r..ptlrel by law, that aald al
'dutciK wa not ilw to hi. cm4ovmrHt
, 111 the armr, naer r matlHe eof of the f'Hlted nme 01 war, aaiu panw. are Hereby
iixtifiid toaiKr. reioiMt ami ofT.-r evMenec
ai 1 1, chick a. in. mi
Jonea. a iMary latbllr,
irra and thai final
hearing will be held at M u'cloel a m on A lull
lor befuee the KegMir and Kecilrer al
the r. h MMd OlDee. Tile Ixlle.. (llegwi
Tlw Mid ttMtrtaut iMtrilig. IH a (irooer aflWa
ett. filed t'ebrwary . f. aet ftwth facta which
bow after dwr rttltteHC petoNal wfk ewuld
Mot he made. It I. hereby oeit and rfirectid
that iHKh nolle be given by due ami proper
wf MICIIAKI. T MOl.A. Kegiter
i (',, H.M IH ll,,F.W. , IN,II
I'luchliig M allegathHi
AjmII 1 lyA, Iwfuie C. A
at Iter olKce In Hend. in
Ieft IawX, flttat Ifoof.
I'. H. Ijnd. (), The Ualbja. Oregon,
Match t, tf.
Notice l hereby glren that Jon.iluu N. 11.
CeiLlHK, aMlgwec of Wllllim A I. ihllaw, af
l.al4Uw, Oregon. ha.fiWd notke of Intention to
make proof on hUibwnt-Umt claim No. at, for
Ihc eMnw)f, nKe!f ami ) arc utpiaa,
rue, ww, liefure the County Clerk al I'rine
vllle, Oregon, on the till ilay uf April, lA-
He name. Hie following wltueawi to provr
Ihe contlt I'rlgalloH ami reclamation ofaakl
Jonathan O. (Irikluir. lame. V. Unbliiuii. ami
frank Itajton, all of Ijhllaw, Oregon, and
John 11. Coetiiaii, ofctlne I'alli, Orrgon.
mt-ot MICIIAKI, T. KHUN, Kegliler
TraiiMrt. a genrrat banking ami liu.t iMi.iiir. Imiic. I. titer, of Oedll rtl
thruughoot ll w..J acl.a.ailmluittralor caectdor or trn.leeof c.tateai liana
feraHHwey by mail ur telegraph, collection, made promptly and Mnt favorable
IXTItHllHTO IHirOHlTH -The Central OregH iMHklHg Tiw.1 Cw. baa
addnl weeral nrw fratuie. loll, rapidly gmwlng TiuMiie.. II will How glvTlmr
Ceitlftealr. nf lkH.ll, pa) lag iiitcle! Ihetcuna. follow. w Ma MiMtlh'., J 1t
eenlrfur u Vnr.i r (Call
S.tfo Deposit Doxm for Rent at rioatonahlo Rntns
A Full Linn of LeRal Dlanka for 8nU.
AftPnt for Ida Flro AnocUtlon of Phlladolplil.i,
?P(I lo Smorlcfto plro InturAnco (?o.
I) I K IJ C T OR81
A. M. DKAK15, I'mhm
A. L. (iOODWII.MK, Viru Vntm.
J. M. I-WVItKNCK, Hic'v
V. (). .MI.NOK, t'.Millliili
In Hoi. I.
Hotel Bend,
Oorn.r Hand
anil Oregon
HUnil O'KANU, Peon
New House, New 1'imiiturc, Reasonable Kates, Good Kooms
Always Rcwrvcd for Transient Tnido.
Humealead Coiiwdhtallon
Ixpurlmeiil of the Interior,
l. H. Mud OlHcc, The Dalle., Orrgtui
March a. lyA.
Notice la hereby given" that Ihe foifowlug
namctl aelltera har fifed notice of their latnitlou
to make final proof on Ihelr rcpecllvc claim.,
and that aald motif, will lie made lirlorr llp
Couuly Clerk at I'riueville, Oregon, on April Mil,
Cluitea M. Mmituoiuery,
of Prlncvlllc, Oregon, 011 II. It. No. Jii, I.ake
vfewKcrtM, for the ihJwKi iiKK. ecji and
iii;,wj, , ikc jj, ip , rnc, w in,
Jamea M. Montgomery,
of I'rinevllle, Oregon, on II. It. No. jjjy, Mke
vfcwierire, for the e,'.w),, w)()f and tit
t'., cjt. Ip , r 10 c, w m.
Iliry imiHc the fotbmlug wltne.ea to prove
their eautluuoue reiulener upon and ctilllvnllon
of ld laud., li.
Chariot M. Montgomery, Jatuci SI. Montgom
ery, ami Jamca black, all of i'rliievlllr, Oregon;
John It. Uyna and William 1'. Vamlcvcrt. both
of llcnd, Oregon,
and II. I'rank Weal, ofl.ava,
, ... . . , .,......,..,, K.W..HV.W..
01 yenuieroii us'u w w urnueu into ilie railroad is n Hoax. Of course
the congressional service. Uerno- they will learu better iu dhe course
crjUlc succes90?ed.not tlireateu this of time.
Hill., JiMtlce of the Peace of Ueud I'rcciuct Court,
Crook County, Oregon, nude and entered on the
I jlli day of March. I'yoi, In mid which order it U
prcKnocu mai wiumiminoii. lie imliiuiieil for
kixcouiecuiltc weeka 111 171V iicml llullellu.
weekly not muuer uuIjIIiIriI In Crook Couulr.
The date oflhefir.t. publication of till. Sum
mon! la March 16, 1904, J'. I.. TOMl'KINrt.
uji6-0 Attorney ito 8;
Timber l,niul, Act Jin.- j, ir;J,
V. H, .nd OlTcc, TheDallca, Orei;oii,
Norcmbcr ir, jyoj.
Notice l hereby glten Dint In compliance Willi
Timber I.ond, Act June J, i7
V. H. Land OfficeThe Daltca. Oregon,
January II, I'A.
Notice l hereby glieu that 111 compliance with
Ihe ptovUbMMtof the Art of CougicM of June J,
l7, cutllleil, "An ail for Ihe iwlcof timber la ml.
111 Ihe .trie, (if California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," 0. ratcmled to all Ihe
public laud ttnlea by Act of Augu.l 4. iHor. Ihe
following pcrnii have fileil In Ihli oflicc lltcir
aworti alatemeiili, lo-wll.
tilinon I' I'oe,
ofCranllc I'alli. Ciniuly of HuohomUh, ataleof
Washington, sworn atalemrut No. ;, (Vr the
purclWMr of the eM.wjr and Lot. jand 4, aec Y,
Ip jo , r 14 e, w 111.
I'hllllp A. Angle,
afRraulle I'atle, county of Huuhoml.h, .(ate of
Wathlrigtou, .worn r-taiemeni mo. rfy tor ine
piirchaMofllicae)f ol Ip oa, r 14 c, win
Tluil Ihpv wllloir.r nrooflo allow that the land
aiivbl I. more valuable for II. timber or itoue
than for agricultural purKwe, and In ratahli.h
Ihclrclalm to aald laud Itcfurc the Kegltteraml
Receiver at The Dalle., Oregon, 011 March 39II1,
They name the following wIIiimmi II. A.
I'o.ter, of I'riiirvllle, Oregon. I'hllllp A. Angle,
hlmoii I'. I'd and It. O. Koulhwrll.ntl oftlrnu
lie I'alU, Waihlugloiii ami J. W. rarri.h, of Jef
ferMiu, Oregon,
Any and all tier.oin claiming odretaely any
ol the Imk laud, are reque.ted to file their
claim, in Oil. office 011 or before laid jolll day
of March iyA
jif-mio MICIIA1U.T. NOI.AN, Urgt.ler.
I lie provi.uuia 01 111c Act or Congrca .or June J,
li7H, entlllcd, ''An net fur the wireoriliiil-rlainl.
In the atntc or Calirnruln, Oregon, Nevada
(fc? Mifhiln a d
WnahliiL'tou Territory." aicxiendril to all llic
public lain) ttatel by Act of Align. t 4, lHo,
I'rctl M. Ireland,
of Monmouth, county of 1'olk, lnc of Oregon,
haathla day filed In I hi. olfUc hln aworn irle
liicnt No. 7J7, for Ihe purclin.c of Ihe ijimvj
and fjOta rand 4, of aec I Ip IN a, r lor, w 111.
Ami wilt offer proof to ahoiv that the laud
aought l more-valuable fur ila timber or atone
thnii foragriculliirul piirKwa, and to
hi. claim to aald laud Ufore Ihe coililty clerk,
of Crook county, Oregon, at the Court llou.eln
rriuevllle, Oregon, on the $tliday ofMayivori,
Ur iiniiui n. witneaieai William II. tiluati and
Itnimn Htaata, ae'l I'eachiltea, Oregon; I.eou
I'clnrakr, ami John lllowl, of llcnd, Oregon.
AliVniid.ll ticmoii. clnlmlnu advtraelv tin-
aliffdescrllicn Inndl lire reiiucitcd Id lie Ihelr
rlalmj III lilt .iflflr ml fie Ib-fiir ...Id ulli .law ..f
Jwliot UIUlAi:'. T.NOI.AM, Veel,ttr
V. H. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
1'ilinury ;, 1006.
A ufficlentcoulcit affidatlt Imvlnii been filed
In thia olficc by liana lohuiHni.coute.tuiil.agnliiit
Dctcrt I.aud entry No. H), made January t6,
iH,forcH mi, uclf act;, aec 11, Ip 17 a, r 11 c,
lot 1, aec 7. tp 17 a, r 11 r, w 111, by I,ou( Ncluin,
coulcalce, In which It la ulleged that aald entry
man hai fulled Iu make Ihe iiniinnl exniidlturc
reipilrcd by law for the reclamation of an Id
Iruct. Hahl pnrtlca arc hereby notified
lo npKr, rmHiiiil mid oilier evidence lulichlug
luld iillcgiitlmi at Iu o'clock if. in on Aplll
2, 100A, Ufore C. A. Jouci, u liotnry public at
her olficc In Ikiul, Oregon, mid that final hearing
will I held nt 10 o'clock a. 111 011 April V,
1900, nt lore tne Kegiiier mm nccciter at untied
Timber l.aud, Act June j, 117a.
U. H. Iji lid Office, The Itallei. Oiegwu,
Jmnwiy If, lyg.
Netlee li nereby given Hut in (wwplletMir
with I lie i.rovl.lon. of the act n June 1, iSiV.
enlilled, 'Aii act fiir the .ale of timber btiidaTfl
! ! VM" of-alinnula. OregiHl. Nevadu ami
Uaahliigtftii Territory." a. rmrmletl u all the
in die land iialea by act of Augu 4. Ifa, the
fidlowliig pcixiut have till, day lill 7h llila
office their .itoiu alaleuiciili, to-wlt.
Henry Tweet,
oflleiid. coniily of Crook, alale of Oiegon, aworn
taleiuent No. itm, for the purclKOI the iiwif,
itcio, tp joi, njc, tv m. "'
Theodore J. Twetl,
oflleHd.coiiiilyofCrookalale ofOregon, .worn
Hateiuciil No. ujo, lor Ihe HiulHiiHrori(ical.
j, lp,o..r ite. w 111. '
That they will ofTer proof to aliotr that the
laud awiiihl I. morr vabul,l r..r 11. iiu,i. ...
alonr than for agricultural piirM,Htid 10 natal.
lUh Ihelr claim to. Mid land Ufore the ItigttUr
and Receiver nt the laud .olhw In The tullca,
Oregon, on March wth, iojA, '
They iioiur the fidlawlug w ltne..; Chnilra T.
totlur, lhpinuaTcel,lleorge llalea, Jo.epli N,
Hunter, Thcdore J. Ttteel, Henry Tweet mid
John Meldl, all of llcnd. Ofiwiiil. X
AiiyudnllperoiiiclaliuluKaiUrelynny of
riiiirliiilf,ir,m,l,( lofllelhafr (Uima
lullil.aillccoiior Ufore Ihe aald 10II1 day of
Match, ij6. '
i'l1"3'' MICIIAIII. T. NOI.AN, Mrulaler.f
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, i7j.
U. H, Land Office, The Datlti, Oregon,
I'ebruarv 11. tuat.
htalea laud office Iu The Dnllei, Oregon.
wilii coiitcatanl imtliiK, li
WI; filed, January 7, l', rfrl
ordered and directed
afiidnwt.. riled, lunuarv
whkfiahotv llirfl after due
I (Km
1 a proper
forth facta
lllgttiice peraoual
nude, It li Hereby
hat audi notice lie given
MICHAb T, NoiAN, tlesUlcr,
aervlce of II1I1 lioilce can not be niudc. It li hereby
oruereu aim ill reeled iiiii aucn
by due and proper publicntiou,
lheprovi;ioi..urAcrofl,gV",ofj7,,V',M y ft
iKjaletitlllcd ''AnactforlheMiJorTlinlV,1 fnui (
Iu the italea of Callfornhi, Oregon, Nevada, anil i
Waahlngion Territory," n. extended to a I t e tjJVf
public laud itiilea by Act of Aiigu.t 4, isji, c 7tf
Mlchard Klmr v I
t M
01 Jicnii, county or Crook, atntc of Orri-nii lm.
Ihliday nie.1 in till, office llli .wiirii Saftuei"
No. i6ji for Ilie pure inac of Ihe nvlf awlf 11 U
w and ;; e(, ec s, l ivYrii t" w m M
And will offer prwif liialmw that III land
aoiighlHinoretnluiihle for It. limber or. u ut
hi'J'iji fR""' '." WJ"' n'"' lu elU all
ill claim lo auiil lam before Ihe itrgl.ter nm
olMay"& ,",,l", )fC1!0"' "" '" " ""'
lleiiameiaawltueHeai Joieph N lluutcr. 0
'IVl'f0"1 l0-'.'" "l0" ""HliterJ. Oregon
Allien liaiea ami llevrgo (lain, of Item, Oregon,
Any and nil iieraoua claiming adversely Ihe
fcin iltacrlheil Inndl nrfrtftlfiilcd ,lu file Oitlf
clalini In Oil. office on or before tils aald 41
day of May, iyuo.
lui-Hi MlClf Mit. -T, NOtAtV,,V
" 1