The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1906, Image 8

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iia-i t rAim
"' "4Wm
T si . :&
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of tho new Irrigation Development! covering
$550,000 ACRJES QH RICH .ANp
The Townsite of BEND
Iff yN
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A' X. Wf v S ?C X. -cii" - 'I"1"- I ' . ''
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At Gateway to
tjie Great
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H is n u n 1 f
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' t. X S t Id
Z :lit IJtt
Thi Town has Grown
nlmoat entirely in the txi!t year, tlic jvoil
ofuct dntiiiK only from April H, 1904.
ty wild nnf excellent punuc sclioois
ntnl complete public mur works.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
U. S. Ld4 OOtt Tbe DH, Ortteo,
Fibnury (. V)c6.
A a(Edtnt centfit ffiUTtt baviac tco fit4
in thlt office MrfM-a C. CooMi alUiil.
Klrt howt(fil CBlrr f'o. njfe. imdc Oct
ry. 19M. r the fSiwX, HrH. U.P
ii, nic, wm b) l'.ui(ii I A.blin Cono-Rct.
ut whkh K l l1gfl thtMid Kuhbc I AM4n
hM chtBECtl HU tridncc thrrtfrom for Biecr
than rix mentlM Uut pt. ld Urt I Hot Mtllfd
span nd cuHirted by uM jrty rqlid by
tew mJ thit uM fUurt ittH xl.t. that uld
lUgpJ abtcuce not due to hi. employment
In the itny,nry-marine corps oftlie C'Bitnl
Ntjite la tbr tme of wr. uM rtl arc hereby
uutlfietl to appear, rnpood and offer cvMcocc
tuucbtne hU attrcatioti at to o'rlocl: a m
on Maili o, VfA, bcfiMt C. A. Jwe. a notary
Kubllc. at her oBVce In liend Oregon, and Out final
rarine will 1 held at 10 o'clock a ra on March
7. w. before tbe Keglttcr and Koedver at the
I nltrd Mainland olncc at The IMtl, Oregos
The ukl ooutetUBt rwWBK. in woper ffi
Jarlt, filed February J. c0, act forth beta nbtch
ink alter due diligence personal aenrkc of tht
noUce can not be made. It ii hereby ordered and
'.uced that auch notice be given by due and
ixvprr pabUeaUon.
fifcinit MICJIAIU. T. UOUMi. KegUter.
Timber Laud, AM Jnae j, 1(71,
C, S. Land OtScc, The DatWa, Oregon,
January J. kc&
N'otke U hereby given that in rompUasac with
ike Art afConerettof Iune 1. 17. cntUVetl "Ah
act for the aalc ot timber lands m tbe sUtrs of
ealifernU, Oregon, Nevada, and WaMuagton
Territory," as extruded to all tbe puMic bnd
state by act of August 4, iSfi,
Amos A Durris,
uf llitlsboro, county of Washington, state of Ore
i;o, has this day filed in this oSxc hi. sworn
autement No. i,for tbe purchase of the cK
w;fof accM.tpiea, r 10 e, wra.
And will oflcr proof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
bis claim to aald land before the county clerk of
crooic county, at rrineviuc, uregon, ou me otn
of May, Iy6.
He names aa witnesses. M'illiam T. Kdwards.
Jebn N, Kdwards, Johu I!. Itdwardt and Caleb
I. iScunctt,uHofhUltfs, Oregon.
Anv and all persona claiinine adversely the
r!me-dr;crilel lands arc retjuetel to file their
claims In this utllcc ou or befure said ym clay o
May, toaS.
int-UM MICIIAHU T, NOLAN, Register.
V. S. Land Office. Tbe Dalles, Oregon,
I'ebruarv li. 1006.
A sufficient coulest affidavit having been filed
In this office by Theodore J. Tweet, contestant,
I-., t.A.kal ...itrv fn. I9nw. mail? lauiiMrv
3, 190J. for aeHnwjV, eMswJf . iiwWswff , ec n,
tp 17 , r 11 e, w m, by Sarah Marshall, coulcstce,
ill which It is auegeawiBi saio naran eiarsnaii
has wholly abandoned said tract: that she haa
iKal.Hn. Iti.f.frnm fnr tiinr,. fliii.i
six months last past) that said tract is not settled
upon, and cultivated by aald party as required by
law: that said alleged absence was not due to
her employment In the army, navy or marine
corps of the United 8tate In time of war, said
iwrties are hereby uotlfied to appear, respond
And offer evidence touching said allegation at
iu o'clock n. m. ou April M. 1906. before C. A.
loiics a notary pubic, at her office lu Aeud,
OrouaudYha final' hearing will be held at
10 o'clock a. m. April at. io6 before the KegUter
and Kecciver at the UnlteTstatca land ofiTce lu
' Thfid'wntcsunt b.vlug, In .proper affid..
ill, filed February M, fw ? wl,1''
how that aner due diligence personal service of
lliis notice cannot be made, it Is hereby ordered
11" dire iri that i,h not!" U given by due
...1 - .. ...- a-,.Hi. i'lOll
Timber Land. Act of June j. .
V.S LandOfliec Tbe Dalles, Oregon,
February 4, lo
Notice la hereby given that In comptUncc with
Use MswtsMSM Act of Cofre of June J.
'it?, entitled "Ah aevfor the sale of timber landa
in the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory." aa extended to all the
uuMk land states by act of August 4. iM . the
foMowiug-ttanted persons have, oh lmber I.
. 6lt3 la Utta oflioe their sworn statements,
Itannah I. Cibh ,
ofLurerne.eounVyof Kock, state of MinnessU.
sworn statement No. n. f" the purehase of
lot.I artd,MKiM neK,sec,tP9s, rue, rrm.
Kdiia . Miller
ofLuvrrne couarty of Rock, state of Sllnnesota.
sworn statement No. .. fw the purchase of the
seK sec 15. tpaa, r i)e. w m
That they will oflrr prouC to aliow that the
lands sought are more valuable (or the timber or
stone thereon thaH lir agricultural purpows.
and to establish their claims, to said land before
the County Clerk at the court home in I'rine
rille, Oregon, ou May io, lyrei
They name aa witnesses Joseph N Hunter and
John wa, ofHend. Orrgou, lblna l Miller and
IlaHnah M.nilibs, of Luverne. MlHncfta, and
kiisrry 1.. uimn, wi .(i. v, twawM.
Any and all persons claiming adversely any 01
the aoove-dectlbel lands are requested la file
their claims in this ofbee on or before the said
14)1 day e May, Ki
mi-may4 M1CIIAUL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Mud, Act of June J, IH,
V. ft. Mud Office, The Ikitles, Oregon,
March?, lyA
Notice is hercliy given that in eomliance with
ie nrovtakHis ofthe Act of CoHures. of June 1
ilTi, entitled "An act for the sale of timber Unci.
lu the mates of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4. 19. the
following.uaiued persons have. 011 January i.iytf,
filed lu this office their sworn stateineuls, to-wit
Charles II. Urickson
of Ilend, county of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn
statement No. ijTl, for the purchase of the nw Jf
sec u, Ip l) a, r 10 e, w hi,
Dettle Urickson
of Ilend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 7767, fur the purchase of the 11 X
. sec I. Ip If s, r IOC, llcji rj( and lot 6, sec
i, tp 18 s r 11 e, win.
That they wilt offer proofs lo show that the
lands sought are more valuable fir the timber or
stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims 10 said laud lefurc the
County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, at the
court house in I'rlneville, Oregon, on May 4,1906,
They name the following witnesses' Lester M.
Menear, Oliver II Kricksou, I'.. A. ninith. Charles
II I'.ricVsou and Dettle F.rickson, all of liend,
Any and all persons claiming adversely any of
ine aijQvc-oescriueu lanus arc requested 10 me
their claims in this office on or before the said
;th day of May, 1006.
nil;inay4 M1CIIAHL T NOLAN, Register.
Desert Laud Final Proof.
V, 8. Laud Office, The Dalles, Orcgou,
January 11, 1906.
Notice Is hereby given that David M Huiith,
assignee of It. M. Rutherford. asslgliee,ofMary
McCowau, of Portland, Orcgou, has hied notice
oflutcntlouto make proof ou his ilrsert-land
claim No. 444, for the sw, ace i, Ip 16a, rue,
win, Urlorr tnc Register aim Receiver ai me
Dalles, Oregon, on the Jolh day of March, 1006.
He nainm the following witnesses to prove the
complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land-
Wllliam A. Rlce.ofrtalem, Orrroii,. Francis M
Oeofgc, of Portland Oregon! lofin II. Cook, bf
Redmond. Orel'f) 1 iiwl ' mf-s W flrucnfWiils-
Tintr Mnd, Act June J. 1I1&.
y. 8. Law) Oftee, The Dalles. Ofsgaw.
May ty.
Notice is hereby given that In HpWte with
the peueisiotts olIKe Act n4 Connre. of June 1.
itj4. enlrlM "An act for lb salenf ilmbvrMwW
in lb sutc. o CallarnM, Oregon, Nevada, and
Whlgti Tefrtuwy." as estendetl to all tbe
public land stales by Act of August 4, iay,
Alexander Smith
of Sister, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, has
this day filed In this olfiee his sworn stalemckt
No ryfor the purchatcof thcscS ofscc, 4lp ly
s, r u e. w m.
And will ofter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or steue
than for agricultural iHirpwse. and to establish
his claim to said land before the County Clerk
at Prinevllle, Oregon, en the loth day of May,
He names aa witnesses I.Ofen AUIneham.
William R Iloolp, and Irvrn F Hhearer, alt of
htstrts, Oregon, and Joseph N Hunter ul He ml.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above-dscrild lands ate requested to file their
claims In this office on or lefore the said loth day
of May, 100&.
m 3-may 4 MIC1IAUL T. NOLAN, RsgUter.
United States Lawl Office, Th,e Dalles, Oregon,
January 19 , iys.
A sufficient contest affidavit having I wen filed
III this office by Albert W Pope, contestant,
against homestead entry No. Maol, made Fel
ruary 17. i. for wH tH, aK swjf. see .
11 wj uclf sec o, tp 17 a, r 11 e, w in, by David
P Jones, eontrstee, lu which II is alleged that aald
David P. Jones has wholly abandoned said tract,
that he has ehaugnl his residence therefrom
for more than six months last past, that said
tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said
party as rc-Utrrd by law that "Ml aflrgrd
absence was not due to his employment In the
army, navy or marine corps of the United Males
In time of war, said parties arc hrrehy notified
to appear, respond ami offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a in on March 10,
l4, befure C A Jones, a notary public, at her
olftce in Ilend, Oregon, and that filial liepring
wilt be held at lu o'clock a m 011 March I H, I 'A
before the Rcglalcraud Receiver at the United
Males Lstid Olfiee in The Dalles, Orcgou,
The ssid contestant haviug, lu a proper affida
vit, filed lauuarv 16. i'6. set forth fuels which
show that alter due diligence iersoual service of
mis notice cannot lie uiaue, 11 is nereuy orucreu
and directed that such uutlec I given by due
and proper publication,
fi-niy MICHAI'.f, T, NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June j, it;8,
U, K. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
January i, lyo6.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1I7B
entitled "An act fur Die sale of timber lauds In
the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended lu all the
public land stales by act of August 4. 191.
UrllngC. Coe
of Jlend, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
lias this day filed iu this office his sworn state
ment No, 2791, for the purchase of the nl"w'
and xwK nwjf aec 36. tp 19 a, r 10 e, w m,
And will offer proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Us timber orsloue
than foi agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud before the county clerk at
I'rlneville, Oregon, 011 the ytli day of May, 1906.
lie names as witnesses: John J. Ryan, J. N.
Hunter, C .M Weymouth, all of Ilend, Oregon,
and John nloss, 01 Hlstcrs, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-rieserlh'd nJ ir, ,u I fi.e
lurir'i. nism lliis u 11 "'' t- d it'i.
-la "I M v, jf '
taay4 Ml MLT -.US.t, J'tfc .. r, I
Timber Lam), Act June J. !.
V. H. MnslOflsce.The Dsttes.Oirgnn,
May as. lues.
Notice is hereby given that In cawn pliant wilh
th b-wMosM of lb Act of CmgM f Jnise 1
1I7I, vntilM "An act foe lb Ml uf Unsbvr binds
in the vUles of California. Orenun. Xsd. and
Washington Territory.' as ealMS4 lo alt the
public laud su tea by act of August 4. !.
AgH Mutts,
of The Dsll.. county of Wssco, slate of Oresmn
has this day ftWd In this ofHee her sworn sfale
ment No, At7. for Ibe purchase of I he seK.svc
IS. tp its, r ije, w m.
nd will offer proof to show that the land
sought U more valoabtr for Us limber or s4mm
tban for agiKnltural Hurpotvs, and to UMLIi
her dalm to uid laud before ll.e Register and
Keeelver, at The ImIs, Oregon, en the sMh day
of Maieh. 10""'
lake names as witnesses Mkharl OXwnni.r
William O Mason, Alfied Hurgason, und John
tUvln, all of Thr Dalle, Ougon, and John
McTaggoit, of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adwjely the
shove-described lands arc lesiuewted to AI their
claims In this office on or before wkt i4,h day ut
March, u4.
Jiymij MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register
Timber lJd, Art of June i, il4,
U.8. Laud Off. The Dalles, Oitaou.
1 Decmeber 6. J
Notice Is hereby given that lu eompllaMce with
the rovisHHis ol the Act of Congross uf June i.
IH). entitled "An oft for the sale of timber lauds
III the states of California, Oregon. Nevadr. and
Washington Territory." as extended to all th
public land stales by act of Augu.t 4, loot,
Ada J. HarrlHgtou,
of Prinevllle, county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
lias this day filed In this office her sworn aute
ment No. ts for the purchase of the self nw If,
and sKue!( ufsec M,tp it a, r 10 c, and Lot 4,
se 10, tp is, r 11 tj w 111
And wilt Q(Tcr proof to show that Hie lam)
sought Is more valuable fur its Umber or
sloue than for agricultural purposes, and lu
establish her claim to said una before the
Comity Clerk at I'rlneville, Oregon, 1111 the 17111
day of Match, !.
nhcnamcaaa witnesses; Charles llrock, John
lltoas and Ora I'oludexter all of Ilend, Oregon,
and Joseph II. Haucrof Prllievillc, Oregon.
Any and all jx-rsons claiming adversely the
abuvCHlcacrlbcd lauds are requested lo file tlieir
claims In this office 011 or before said ;?lli day of
March, Ibuo.
Jiy-mij MICHAI'.L T. NOLAN, Register,
Timber Laud, Act June 3, I;B,
U.H. Mini Office, The Dnllcs, Oregon.
May iy, Ijoj.
Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress ol June j,
1(78, entitled "An net lor the sale of Umber lauds
lu the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," us extended to all I he
public land states by act of August 4, Hoj,
Kara W, Otic
of Deschutes, county f Crook, state of Oregon,
has this day filed lu this office his sworn state
ment No. 1U7, for the purchase of the wj' of
seed, tp 16 s, r loe, win,
And wilt offer proof to show that the laud
sought l more valuable for Ita limlier or alone
than for agricultural piirjwsea, and lu
his claim lo said laud befure the County Clerk at
Prinevllle, Oregon, ou the day of May, 1904,
He hatnts as witnesses; John lltoas of Hlstcrs,
Oregon, Joseph N, Hunter of llelid. Orevun.
James W. overtoil and Richard KI111;, both of
Deschutes, Oregon,
Any and ill persons claiming adversely the
,bti. I... 11 '11 ' an " -.ted lo file their
Timber Land, At June i. rati
V. H. Land Ofter. The Dstfos, rton.
OetoWr H. y
Notice is keeby given that m cosnsilsssier with
lb ptovMoos i lh Act of Couttsss of J sue 1.
itra, nlltb)d. ' An act for lb sub- of limber land,
in th Hal sfCaUfotuta. iMrgnn. J4vnd and
Wsssslnsttou TetrHory." as rstrosWtt to all the
public laud Hates by Act of August 4, tayi
FraucU M. Murk,
of Walla Walla, county of Walla Walla. Hal of
WasnloaioH. hs Ibis amy nled m IkUomtr bis
sworn Hslmnl No 171. for lb purdMs uf tbe
Hwlf, Sec I) lit n s, I 1 1 r, w m
And will oner ptsasf tu sbow that lb land
sought is more vatuobtr foe IU limber or How
than for agricultursl purpn... and lo esUblMi
hi ctslm lo suid land before tbe HerWrr and
Heesiver at The IMIs, Oregon, onlbvirdday
of April. is
lie name as witnesses 1(11 w Cloutt, of Walla
Wall. Washington, John Muss, ufntHer IM
eon Joseph N llunler and KKbytas omllh
both of Mend. Otrgou
Any and ail persons claiming adversely lb
balseilbedlssirfsar liuln to hi Itself
cutnas In Ihl oMe on or before said ltd day
of April, I'a
Vic lussbVnt., . . .....
swetetsry of Tros isury .
a.cteUry of InloKor
osevsisry of War ...........
"cwpftty h!,
Nintwy mi Smmfr,
I'asssllalsVaaaBt 4aa.aoaJ
vassaasMaaFss v4fo'vaTTwB)sa oosa4
Altswney (I snra !....
sirVry of AiciewalMir
Tb4ore Mnossvilt
. CbartrsW pairbsuka
.W I. Hoot
Iatui M nbaw
M A IlilrlHwk
- H" II Tafl
-... C J Hunairle
...... Vleior II Mnnilf
...... . 11. k c.iiri
... .. Wm l Miwly
Jsase Wilsuu
Units hi i'
Mat ,
Timber Mud, Aet lunr i, 17!
U. II. Land Office, The Dsll. Oregon,
January 11, iy4.
Notrt Is hereby given that In cotuptiaHec with
Ibc provmtoue oflne- act of Cuogrssuf June a,
i't eiillil,) "AU act for lb wlr of IliuUr Ushss
ik in stales ni cannxnu. imkoh, ,
waahlHutou Territory," as ralswle.1 tu all
mow ismi .tales uyaei m auuuh 4. V
followlHg-namnl prm. base filxl In this offnve
infir s'voru staiements
Mary J. Williams,
of liend, county of Croak, stair of nrrgsm, sworn
Halemenl No 1711. filed November f, . for
the Mitcha.c of Hie eKHw)( ami eMswK sec ti.
Ip Ws. r ue. w m
Ore K ijiwreMec
of Ilewl, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn
Halemenl No. 1747. filed November r, 105, for
Ih iwichaae of lite ue sec 11, tpias, rloe,
w ,,, .
That they wilt offer proof 10 show Dial thr lands
swigm are more vaiuanic lur uieir umber or slwir
than for agrkultiirat tniriiose. audio establUh
llielr Claims lo said laiidehorc the ReglHer ami
Receiver at the laud office lu The Dslles, (lieuua
on Aiill t, iv
They name the fullowliig wltnesws Crate )
'"".IR,.lc",J0W.,'.,l!,,"",rr Julut llhws. Msry
J. Milium and J. M. Uwrenre, all nf liend,
Any and all persons claiming adversely any of
.filirSffiJlT."!!?. .'?.! "' . re.:t.te.f lo file
a J.ri il uime 011 qr neiiiie said jrd
day of April, IU16
twiUH MICHAItl, T. NOLAN, Register.
U. 8, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
Manlm, 1904,
Notice U hrrehy given that In compliance with
'""If '"" Act nf Coiigress or June j,
;7, cullilnl, "An act for the salcof timber lands
11 the stales of CollforiiU, Oregon, NetilcU, and
Wai 1 iliigtou Terrllury." as extended lu all the
public land slates by art of August 4, iBoj,
William Currv.
of Wasco, county iifHhermau, state ofOreiiou.has
lliltnaylilnllii lliis office his sworn staleiiient
'. 7. for the imrchase i,l the iiwlfuv),
llHuwlf , sec II uuil iielnelf aec Nil. yn Inn. ,,
s, r loe, win. . . ,-,
And will offer proof toshow that the laud
Y---' ." vniMsmc ,ui 11 iiiiiuer or aiuiie
than for agrlrullurul tmriMiscs, and lu r-siabllsh
his claim loss 1,1 land before the Register
diyoft.'rc,,,Vvi. """" 9 ""'
lie names a witnesses Helena M. Curry,. Rich.
faffl I flliriimll- tlllia1 -ml,. . s.11 ' smb.
Vs n ""if 1 sis.i.. t wuiinwrt nn 01 i lie
I U. Oregon, am..,. J. AUIuiftmm of rluo
vine. Orciruii.
Atllftttwl tstl s.o.,uu -1-1... I.... .!.. a. ..
." 7" " lii-ivwii viainMiiu nuvvniciy llic
alrove ctmcrttfcl IiaikIii art? rrimmird lu liU Hi. ir
il nrn in 1 1 , .(! . ... 1. . . 11. . .
Uyotll i lrf,
oCt K ClMMt-rrUlN
,4-.. h V I. lMlUr
.C N Mliorfs
........ A M.l'rawfoid
....,.., ..J II. Ackrrmsu
J. R Whitney
vvVvvT fff 1 1 i imi 1 miunmj
asjeiHary of Mo)... ... ..
Tiessuier .'.'..
A I lot uey llwr .
Hupt Psmtw llHitytsSHi
lIHIl iiiimniiiii s.iiaj.( .,
Imh-y and lo4 Qmu..,,...,,,,., ; w luiley
lis . rffrl I iff I,. tfSHINtttfsM HS j
( c w p.iiion
( Hingei llrimau
( J. K. M'llliamaou
, . (CM
Huprsme Ikulgo. r n Hr,n
( V A Mooir
W. I,. H,Uliw
....Frank Meuefry
Joint lrHistur.,MM.M..MN.M...M J, A. IiyciH-k
KMsitalr-,..M,.M....M 5 J; A Kmmiif
' N. M'bralduii
JM' ... V A llrl
irt I, .w...w.. J.J nmltli
hm,',,r C. Horn Smith
TraosMjer .... t). c lira)
A,,',,"r m-..J. D latl'ollrlle
nehool KuM,.,w.'. ........,m,C. i. Uluwlddi"
rt,"vr)fl"' m......,,,.., C. A. t.ravr 4
c,","r .... J. h. Ciooks
I M. D.
"' .8,
M. D. Powell
Tlllt COIIRT8.
WZX"J,7. """ Mo,,,U)' '" M"'! ,"lf,l
I'miiiATll CiitiMTs-l'Irat Miiinlav in each miinlh.
CiimmiiMihwiimh' Cfluyr - Ff,.t Wflliirilay
-iiilViwiiiiw. " J"'" nr',",,,,"4r
Conil.'llie ''"" "' l"' 1"" '
ioiiiiai,ic , , j i (in,,
Koud Supervisor .llv ld"w II. Rllry
i,i..-, (J. M. Lawrence
,)lrrrtor A. I (iiKKlwIHK"
4.t. I W. M. WICIIOI
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M"rllal C. M. Weymoulll
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John II Oiertiiri
H C. Caldwell
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