UNfeJ Scrofula r, r iillilr frm from It, '""" ' iiiniiiuiiiiii nn proimlily only V -v Kr-flJrK i,i,iyilnliiniiplwlif"raiiMiilfif "Kii"'lr Iiiiiiwii to lint iiinjiirlty of iw). f i 5jBW V uf dlili'" "lu'liiif Hi wliul imrM of Il, mot iif whom would iliiuMloint Im lOUJ- I - . M.Vrv i.ll'll""1' ,..,.., . , ("''niil-'Hl to lettrii thnt II10 liiDtliiillon, 0Y4 tfTvi JVYlxb Ulnar llini ir.ilf 1innn, rMarrli, Ln ti know II (oilnr In hu limn rii l(H Pv ff f L1 Jn..i.-i iMiwr ton,,,.,,,,,,,. Mmn : r 1 .., . ? ': r .' m .r,,XJ i nrvP vi sl Mtnlfi i,aanflallilillariWlllllir. I tirrft t tin urn Hint you nr nulla tint front It. 'l " n r"lr " Hood's Sarsaparilla ia rl'l iron ' ' raillrallr and rrmntir, lMld IH) ailballtllU, l.lll lnelat nn Uvluif , lit!'. U'juld or tablet, tug !) n. -f A I'wrrfiil I'nllriil, A woman whon throat Imil troubled tier fur n bun tliuo, nnjrt n writer In ttii Philadelphia 1'nlille l.iliir, irrew ImimtlKiit nt llin slow pniKrM aim wi iimklnir. nml uindo ooinplnliit to btr doctor, who unlit: "Mnilnm, I cnn never euro you of IIjIi tliront trotililn mill) you ntop tilklnc nml Kit jour ihnint a com- tltte rt " lliltr doctor," objwlcd hit patient, I'm fff)1 careful what I nay. I nv ir um harsh ImiKiimiu or anything- of tint kind." n Wir omi. "N'bnl?" exclaim lliu vexed wife. Ton furicot to Kt the ticket for the dsIIiim'. after we hare nnkml our frlMiil to ko with iu) (), you dummyl liow, wlmt omiau cnu wo make (o Utetti? It U too lata to get icntu" "Well," stammer tlio huthnud. "couldn't we It'll them we forgot they 1 mttv uoliisr allliir Hir III lillltll eilUllNitu nriiu I ' " '" ,"u ""irnnKO i-v - - Ad?r RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY When tlic JoInU arc Bore nml swollen, anil the inunclentliroliljiiit' with th p!n of KlicuiiiHtlftiii, iclkt iiiunt lc hml nt once, nml It In natural to rul) the ftflcctctl jmitt with llnlinctitti, oiln, etc. Tliin ttentment dfKii ohI in n way,' by tciiijKifn.nl v rcllcviti); the jiniu nml redtn.uij theiiiflituiiiintiun, hut hna no tuect on the dliKMo iUif , l)tcuc lUicuinntiniii Is more than nk in deep; it U in the MchmI and cannot l ruhlctl nwny. Khciiiiutiniu in lirouK'ht on by Indlceatiott, wenk kl.lneyn. itoor lowcl ncllon. ntonifl.lt trouhlcs nml a pen.. crni rtiiiKjtinu ciiuiiiou 01 tite aynteni, Duxtlil Ik: cmtlrd oil thrauxli the nat ' ural nvcuueit of hodtly wante, are loll to nour ami form utlc acid nml other Irritatiuif iiou wltirli nrenh aorlxal by the IiI.mmI, iunkin it thin, weak ami arnd. Then inatead of nourialiint; the iltffetentnenea, ntu.1 ck. jolitta and tiaaura it filln them Irith JkI4)u to produce the nchcn, tMiinii ami other dhaaKrcenhlc nyiup ifMtu of the dlncaae. Itheutnatiaiu U utually wontc in Winter for the rcanoti thut cold nml daiiipnetM arc txcitluif CAiincn, The tietvo Imjcohic (xcilcl mid nllitR with jkiIij. the imin cIm mc ihiic uml drawn, the nlntn iwollen nml ftlilf and the millcrcr Uvea iu ititenoc nRony; and if tlio dUtennc ia not checked it often lenvca Ita victimti lielpleM cripplca for life. Uhctiiiuttlaiti cannot lie ttihUed nway Iwt it cnu he driven from the hhxxl ly S. S. H. HclnK n perfect Mood (wnficr thin irrent remedy noon pro ,...i, n.. - :.w . Ourefl n complete change in the en- lire circulation : the thin, acrid Mooal tbruirli tlio Ixxlv nourulira and soothes ' . . H3&r j Hi' Kv PIIRPI V VPRFTARI P ruilUU I ItUt I nuuu. Ejtya lor another nltnck. iw noi waste time trying to run Kiieiiinniinitt nway, uui (jitimimu With (.ricvuiK (,'ct it out of the blood with H. H. S. so that the cold nml dampness of Wintet thoro were notif U'tter! Coi will not keep you iu continual pain nnd njrony. Sjiccial book on Hhcuiua- Doaler There Hln'tl Puck. turn and any mcuicai auvice will he given lice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA Get What You Ask For! THERE Is a Reon Why tho Cecd People of America buy Casoaiat as fail as the Ckek TVoks. Hvery sesnd seme eao, tomewhwe, It Duylnj; a little Ten-Cent Dex of Cas uists. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 640 times Is the Minute 0 M Inula to the IJouj XAQ Uoxm an Hour, 36.000 Koissa Day of Ten Hours, 1,060,000 Boxas a Menlhj ami then some. Tlilnk of lt-230,000 Peoplo lako a Casesret Isblst eaeh day. MIIHens use Ciucsrels when necessary. The Judgment ol MllKona of Drlrjlit Amerloans Is Infallible. They have been Buying and Taking Casoarels at that rato for oyer Six years. ll Is not an Experiment, not an Acci dent or Inoldent, but a sound, Honest Business, based onTlme-Trled-aml.Tesled Mcritj never found wantlni;. Thero Is a Reason. nee Cascarets are the Implaeablo foe of All Dlseaje Germs the Inoomporablo cleanser, purljler and strenrlhener of tho entire Dlcesllve Canal, They Act Uko Exerolan on the Bowel Muscles, mako them strong and active sbls to Hep Themsslves do their work keep themselves olean. Cssoarets ore the sale-cuard of Innocent Childhood against the Dreadful Death dealing Dangers that threaten Iho Lives of the Lttllo Ones. Theyaro Purely Vegetable, absolutely Harmless, always Reliable and Hlllolent, hlLjSI l'M nr li Marrlaa an IiKlllnllnM, Tim hlalorlcil tacts coiiciiniIiik mnr nnuin nn in(l(iillnn nro probably only I'll-lllllll nillllY I lift 1 it wits not solum- Hired In clmri'li n n rcllKlmi rllo 1111III tlm tlmo of I'OJMI IllllOl-Cllt III., A. I. WW. nml wit nut considered u oucra Uii'iit until III,'), I limine 1 Cannot lie Cured '7 Il l'(lltln m I hoy rariHOt tuitrh tlm wr ii)(iu.l. ,.. mi. th.t It l,r (wLilliu. II .iinll.liicll... Iwaliitealaeaua dl.r an In- nam lBiinliii..iiufUMii,iK..u limn .t 11.0 KuUrliau I ill W lirn ll.la 111U1 1, iHkim )imi Hero fiiml. liuf aim ml nr lintmrfeel liimf li Mil mIimi It U millrnly ilmf, lieaftiria la lli raull. and Uhlhti 11,0 iriiiaMtmattuti ran l i ,1,1 . "; "i I'"01 III II iD.IHIHl "t.i.iii"ti, ,tr II 111" la xi 011 atliuf Hill Imi i!UiMtM fiiievrrt t .11 lUI. atia rmuujl I.h , ....... -i.i.i. ,. ..... . 1 - .'..: "'.." '. "' ."""""I - " "'ihi i"i i an iiiuauiM COU'llllUU 01 l!nniHiiniir(ai-ti HMllli(la (in lliimlrvt liotlara fur anr rat nl IhralmtilraiKwl ,r fata, flu t!il r.... iHit U rufr.l ,jr )a a ( aiarili Cut, hauii lor Clirulaia.li M flir.SKV ACO., TolaJo.O. Hold !jr lll-..tOftr llall'a I awllr I Ilia aia tlm lal. Hlalrr I.IUrit lllin. "Ilnvo you rtny rcitooii to iNtlluro that your nUti-r HkttM 1110, WllllnT" "CNiiiriw aim ilof. Juat yiwti-rilny I lu-nnl her any, '.Volioily coiiM help llkln' tint ili'ftr old ty lunrk.' " Cluvclfliiil I'lnln OtHtlor. A llrup On. Tlio Anlniit KliniliHiit Vour brauty U nklu ilci'ii, ditrlliik. Mian lllpi.0 Oh, ou wicked natter prl I'uclc. .... - . 'r . i The icfutte and wantc matters, which Whlla At work for tti 1. 0. A V. Jl. IX. 1ft tho awaiiiy raitlun, I oonlractnd lthniimatlaiu nmt wit cotntilatnly lialt laa for atliuut fnlir inontli ami apoot ovarii 50.00 wthitotora, but trot woraq rvirv day. kh.I niiallyqtili thain and bn- k-an n, n.ii. i toua raw uottia mm waa curi aeumi aim won. My health walifli 17& I now anlnmllil. ami I wi ixiunila, Tliarn la ft li jr llvtmr naar inn who la now taklnir II. H. II. far aauta Itlinuisatlaut, J'or two inoutlia aim coulil not turn liaraalrin bail, but allien britln- to lian lmnrovo.1 raulilly. anil la iiovi aClatoaltuii. I can racoinmona H. U.U, aul'tiUttomihbnuTKH!rvn I Ulab.H.U. H. O. I.AHUITKll. iiintr your tuaiiicina about tlirro WMta I waa noraraly troubled with Ithauma tlaln. I had It In my knnea. lava and aiiklaa, and any cinn who haa arar had 1 llhouiual.ain know how asrruolatlnif ' tlio tialn I and how It Intarforaa with ana at work. I waa truly In bad aliapa liavtmr an bolhernd with It for ten yeara, ofl and on. A lo-al iihyalolan ad vld mn touao H. H. H. I did ao. Alter taklnir two bottle 1 noticed Ilia aorr tiaaa and tialn wars uraatly rnlutad. X, continued Ilia inedlcltio and waa thor-l ouirhly cured) all pain, aornnaaa and In. ' riainiiittlun irutia. I racoiauiend H. D.U. to all Jllioutuatlo aUDeror. J. I. AOHKW. 000 I!. Qreenbrler Ht. Ml. Vrnon,0, in made mire nnd rich, nnd n.t it r.om the irritated nerves, cases the throb-1 biiiK niUKlea, nnd tlissolvea ami cariW outofthesystem tliclrritatinKiwrtlcles . . . . .1 111 uic jiiiiim wmrii bic Kcij.niK up mc pain nml inflammation. H. S. S. cured tll.-........i... .....tlAtl.Hlt.. .! I. M.l.tl. tiou tones un the diifeatton and Ktiiuu. ,fttc thedirferent nieiulieni of the body' t0 ,,cjr uji ,utyao there is no cause a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind. Over 1'iva Millions of Dollars have been Sfent to make tho rnetjts of Cm osreta'known, ami every cent ol It would be lost, dkl net sound merit oUlm and hokl the oenslant, oonllnued friendship, PatreMfo and Bndersement of well ploased peeple year alter year. There Is also n Reason Why there are larosltes who attach, tliemselvea to the Healthy Dedv ef Ctu caret's success Imitators, Counterreltef a, 3uustllulors. Tliey we TraJo Thlevea who would rob Cascarets of tho "Coed Will" of the people, and sneak unearned prellts, earned and paid for by Cascarsts. A Dlshoneit Purpose means a Dishonest Produot and a Dim efjard of tho Purchas ers' Health or Welfare. Beware of the Slick Salesman nnd his anolent ('Just ns Good" story that com mon sense refutes, Casearets nro made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and Oie famous llttlo fen Cent "Vest Pookit" box Is hero shown, They nro never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked "CCC." Bo suro you Et tho genuine. or ritEK to oun rniK.VDSt w. ..nt ta itnd to our friends a. beautiful nd to our friends rrVncbVflVi SMS. COtDI'LATEU liUNUUM bur, aUidnanT(lcd In wlcri, J a buty lor th ths VriWZMMM !Lh uhirfihiaTffiitv trinket ll loaded. . . .74 ...... a, .1 r.iin nnniDcavcrLuaiui roaraiinaiiuiuvu.vi w. v. --."--. Send to-day. mentioning thil i paper. AfldKM SterUng Kemedy Ciwnpany, Ctutaxo f Hw Ma fcr . V-sT A v May In Im u mini yWI mu HlftH Oh. JI'N I'MJIII WIjh ho tnifitl imiti HTjIimly.- Jtiihji.. OnIiiihI Hiiv. Itrl. how do IIipv mlao "IhiIIIIi-hI iiiiiinV' I'm y urnftliiK, my hiiii.--'iIpiikii iMllj Ni.. I'hiiri'li- Wlmt In your lunch hour? Uothitiu- Ih-twcon twolvo o'clock mid llo mliiutoH hili-r. Vonktirit BliitPN- IIIHII. Ywtut -Did hp fHll to iiiHko aitc rim of liualiiiitN? Crliiiiwiiticwk Yen. I hcllovii (hut In why ho fulled. Yuiik ITH KIlllCHIIIIIU. Noll - Old Mr. Ootrox KHyH he would dlo for Hip IIiiIIp -l I'Hri'flll. Ill) limj Im. atroiiKpr tlwu h lookN. I'lillif diilphhi llwtinl. "Do iiiHU dnt thlnkn ho known It nil," nnld Undo Khwi, "Klnernlly tunii out to Ihj a victim of iiilHjilneiil coiifldpntt'." Wiinhlnutoit Hinr. I'lrat Vermiform Api'iidlx I'pojiIo nro tr)liiK to nt rid of in. Kccond Vormlforin Aiiiwiidlz - Yw ; hut wo nro mill In lliu mnjorlty. KxchiuiKi'. Kind I'rlond -I'nrdoii mo, hut I otitflit to toll you t lift t Joium Iiiih mn iiwhv with jour wlfn. HuxbHiid (Ixirtil)- Hut why run? I'uncli. I "In HwiiIpii n plumU-r In pnllwl n inttpiiliilliiKaontrcjionor." "IIo In, pIi? I I'll U't Imi clmrKi'M fur tlio time whllo ' ho In U'Iiik pnlhil It. too." HxcIiiiiikp. ' Ilclln Ho nho'n ciiKncod nt Inat I Hho iiii'lim likely to hont un nil In Dip Hint- rlni'iiiliil ran her Inat lap Htplln Ytn: nhc U on thin tliiie. IlliiNtnitod IIIU. KnlP- Millie nnyn Jnck t rlaxl to kin hir nml film en I KM him down hnrdl I )n vim IkiIIovp It? Tutu I liclloto thnt ho tried to kin her. yen! Detroit Free '". I'PtijHiry You don't mtnn to nny thnt you nhaolutply do uothtiiK? t'lmlly Aw, I don't pvpii do tlmt My iiinu atttiMl to pv'wythtiiK. ' know. I'liUdelplilH I'ntw. ... . . Pat-Thin In a irroat country'. Mnry Ann. Mnry Ann How'n thnt? Tnt Hhtirp tli w ntiem hmc yp erni huy n folvodollnr imuipy onlor for three clntii' Wanlilmctoii I.lft'. Walttir How did you order your lippf. nlr? Oruitlflali-I'prHimally. nm. found you! I nupiao I ouKht to !wo orderiil It hy mall two wepttn In nd vauet. -CIpioImimI I'lnln Denlor. Ctiatoiupr (In rpntaurnitt) Wnlter, I "" J'H w,m,' """ '"" ".,'""", ,. dolip IMirtorhiHIfO ntvtlk HIlHitllprel III Hiuahn-Miw. WHltor (to cookl-t'hoko .ii,i. !MlluntikiHi I uIhIi t(Ht would lirliur iho niemim- Lin.. ..lit. tho tondntooln ! Mllwnukeo u,,,,.!,,,,! "Tho mlllnr; Mono K'nthern no iiMMt," (jitotpd the limn who lint! neter aiii oiitnldp Ida homo county. "True," rejoined the cloUl trotter, "but It HO-ijuln-n nil entlnblu tolUh." CIiIcbko Dally Npwh. "Mniwn clnlmn to hnve tho most re nmrknblo nuto In town." "Why not I don't mh mi) thine Krtntt ntfcmt It." "Woll, ho n)n he's hml It n jpr, nml tlu.ro nro nt two or tlio oriKinni IMrtM loft." Jtulue. ,. .,. ...... ..i,. , chMw, JollkH fr our horvU , UlHt WM, tttf wo for ,m7 Aliout1 i lui juvlt 111 lliu nnji .... t,jrty thuintNiid? Ills rartnor tireni titt. limit! Inii't ho worth imiro than -. .. ....... ,.. ,.,t.lu u-ith Orii.vHiteo This m l)tV(,k ,iown evwy ten mlmitiM. f..,.,ti4u Dealer Wlmt of It? tlrlcvnnct You iwld OlIHOlutltlOUS "Oh, Jiilitinv." wild tlio ritinuny NChool tHHcher, "you mustn't tnko itMinoy frtrtii tho pinto. ny ma you try to do nueli ft thliiijr "1 thoUKht iiu wihl It wim fer tho lira t lion, nnd ntnw shj-h P ol"'. KwliniiRu. Plrnt Aiiiorliiin Mllllonnlro What In Hip world nn you pitnk ojor to v nil tho HiikIIhIi cnthwlrnN for? SihmiuI AinorlvHii Millionaire I'm puttltiK up tut itutimMihllo ntablo, nnd I'm looklns; for HOMiethluK Imndnomo In tlwlRii.--Ufa. -WoiMlby dpclaren bin RraiulfHthor diMtviHlod from ono of tho wont put IniiiHtM In KiiK'huid." "All. yon; I did hoar n story nlniut tho old mnn full Im; off n roof ho wnn ropnlrliiK onco for Inl SomelKMly or ottior." IMillit dolphin I.edk'or. Piirinor Oreon Hny, NVlRhhor Jonen mined mteli MB pumpkin thnt ho nit It In half nnd iiimlo two cradles out tif It for Mn twins. City Bonnier That's nothliiR. Down In tho city wo often lmvo threo oopa nnlwp on n nliiRlo tow'. BxclmiRi "I nupiMwo you will miirrj wbon you Rrow tip." fiihl tho visitor, plwiwintly. "No," replied tlio tliouRhtful llttlo Rlrl, "inn'mnm nnyn pupa In more enro than tlio ehlldren. no I iwm tho euro of my children will be tmoiiRti for mo without tho euro of n liushnnd." CIiIciiro Kvonlmt Pd. Pntlpni You'ro 'pilto Inmo to-dny? Pntrltv Yon. Will ntiKtd on my foot for two minutes hint nlRlit. Pntlonco Ami you nllowwl It? Pntrlrc I didn't know It. Putlencw Didn't know ho wiih HliuidliiR on your foot? Pntrlco No, I didn't, llo wnn propoaliiK t tho time. YoiikerH Stnteniimn. "Pn," nld llttlo Willie, "wlmt In tho difference between n iiiiiRnct nnd n miiRimto?" "A miiRiiet, Willie, In n mo tulllc Huhntnnee, Reiiernlly of Iron, which will attract certain metnls, but not Rold or nllver. A miiRiuito In n nu tulllo BHbntnnco, Invnrlnbly of lirnnn, which will nttrnct Bhl uml nllver only." JudRO. A hURO tourliiR enr toro punt with tho oxtrti-emerRoney tiro Htrupiied no curoly to Itn nldo. Two striHt Riimlna Ritxod nftor It Intontly. "Way, Jlumile, wluit'n thnt round thltiR n-hiniRln' on tho Hldo?" "Clou! don't yo know? Tlmfa n life prononor, on when thoy'a In dun Ror o' rumiln' over onylnnly thoy Jeo' thrown Hint ovorlwanl to Viu." Ui plucott'ti Miik'nsliio. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do It? Haven't cnoiiRh hair? It must Ibc you do not know Aycr's I lair Vlcor ! Here's an Intro duction! May the acquaint ance result In a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossyhair! And wcknow you'll never be gray. " I tlilnk that A f 'ra llalr Vlmr la th moat wftrwlarfut liairRfowr that waa f. rnarfa 1 liaaa ot1 It for aorna tima ami I ran trnth full ,kr that I am Kl'allf laaM wllli It. I rliotliill f"'tnfnnM It aa a i1ii4it tirtpa rail'iu."-tla V JIhock, Wajlaod, Mich. UadabrJ O Aft Co., Ixwll,ilMa Aiaa iaaaufoiurra 01 7 2ABSAPAJULU. yers FILLS. chlbky fixiosM. Uaaaoanaat A (Jood Club. "The wenther until nnld It would rain to-dny and 1 am Kind 1 carried my urn brelln." "Hut It didn't rnln nt all to-dny." "I know It didn't, hut I met the wenther mnn on the ntrect nnd I uned tho umhrplln to nwnt him good and bard." Philadelphia Pre. For forty yenrn Plno'n Care for Con- (umptlon mn curol coukIii and cold. At druKirUti. Price 23 conti. Vrnni Vtit to Turk. Pannerby In thnt your pork down there on the rond, pur'nor? Farmer Pork I What d'ye mean? Thero'n n pig o mine out there. Pnnerby Ah, but thero'n n motor enr Juat been by. Ixindon Punch. You Can act Allen's Poot'Casr FREd. Write Alien B.01mttrd,I Kor.N. Y., tor a frt am I ol Allen 'a K,t Kaac. It curr iwratlnr, Imt iwollen. athlnr lert. It make saw or ttnht ihwi ra.f. A certain cure lor corna, Inrfowlnntialla and bunlona. Alldroto jUUMlllt. Jtc lfon'taeeitany suLaaltuto. Kruilllllllll, Ancum Why, I thotiKht Crlbbcr one of the wlttleat comodlnnn on tho vaudeville , ntaee. Apparently you didn't like the sort of Jokes he uses. Iteedlt Oh, but I do. That's why I couldn't laugh at him. He and I seem to read the same Joke papers. Philadelphia Prens. Tak 1 o7ii TO CUKK A COM) IN ONI! DAY TakaUXATIV!HHOMOUjattnTaMrta. Drar rMa r-a4 dhnh-jt If H hi 14 Mr. K. V. (UVk'la4aaliruNia4k Imi. He. Tno Itrnllatlr. Mm. Gnawell Is your niece still do ing nrt work? Mr. Hudilen-Clymer Ye, Indeed. The other dny she (minted a bnncb of fotden rod so llfvlike and natural that It sires in the hay fcrrr ercry Um I ook at It. Chlcaieo Tribune. Hadn't Ilurnt Stuch. Klderly Helatlvo (to schoolctrl) Amnnda, you nro looking pale. You must not bo too ambitious. Tell mo tho truth, now ; haven't you boon burn ing tho mldidRht oil? Miss Amnndn (her paleness all Bono) Why, yen, cuntle. But but not much; we turned tho lamp down very low Indeed. Dotrolt News. K'V kTAv. Y-'i,l...-.n.i1, 1 mm f?K1 ,"",Vv"V' M .'. rwsyv ' ! i ar I I k Saiew i" W anaw m F ea L N!"Rr.aWJiltBiKjjj lk7 Jw ft -infM fyty y?rWpwe,liiiiifaiiiMiiiial 'iMwjiv-'vH uuu,u UJ b genuine on nanu at an Times, xo use wnen a v",:rt ' .- ,axatlve remedy Is required. Please to remember that the v. . M'ta ccnuino only, by company tlio front .-...-,.v.-.. 'a..i.' '. -.."' "' SiVAW:-. ' 1 t U mill iHllaw WMmmr9imx Kg Syrup m i)Vu7fsMl---i:iv'tiV-'rfclgjt -TaC-. -- jr- - a 1- 1 - , mtrr - -- 7 T IM "'TSul. Ho nnalnra. Tlm frlrnd of a younif pliynlclnn ilnrlod for a lltUo wentern town ntnJ promised to tclmtrnfih If tho ucttlpmont ipitciircd to ho n Rood nppnlng In tho tncdlcnl lluo. Homo weekx Inter tho phynlclnn rccclrctl tho foIlowliiK rnc mro: "Como nt once. All's well." To which tho phynlclnn renjwndcd : "NVImfn tho uno of comliur If nll'H n-p? I had hotter locnto where. they're til nick." A OtMHANTf!i:i CUllB FOIl PILBfl. ItrtilitK, III nd, lllmlinf, rriftr4ln 111m. Ilrtw 1l am aullKff1.l Mi rHiiml tnmirj t I'A.t) 0IMliiN7 fa la Hxwra III a loll ilr a. Vto. Thoronajh. "I henr," said one flnnncler, "thnt Mr. Rockefeller In ImthlriR his feet In tho early morning" dew to benefit bis health." "Yen," replied tho other. "Hnvlnr; Rotten nil there Is out of oil, ho Is KolriR to try water." Washington Star. TITC ''"'"nlljr CorM, 2ToRtaornrrTOtnr lliu arwflraldar'aiHerDr.KIIr'a(JrtatNFrT Itaatorar. HraS fer I'rra MS trial Ijvtltr and trall. Mr,ll,lt.Klloa,l.l4..HI ArafiM., tblfadalrtila, 1'a. At the Ifolcl. Quest Didn't I telegraph for the bent room In tho house? Clerk Yes, sir. Guest Why didn't you save It for me? Clerk I've already siren the bent room In the houte to fifty people to nlRbt, and I thou slit you wouldn't like to be crowded. Cleveland Leader. WotlieriwtU find iSr. Window' Boothia Rrrup tho beat remedy tome for their children during tho Uethlof rrlod. Modern AdrrrlUlner. First Actress Have you bad yonr diamonds stolen lately? Second Actress No; I quit that sev eral years nRo. KIrst Actress What's your game now? Second Actress ItunnlnR down prominent clUxens In my auto. SEED Xfaka anraaTiaklof eoantttrand qoa.itr. W ban your fatLrr p antnl 1 rrrr'a. thry ware ttie brat en the tnjukrc but itwr bare trn lmtror- In rv.r alncr. We aie aiuiua to flnwrr adA TfcAbla arta 1 see Hrrd Annual. bnullfilUy l-oa- traud, (rt to ailatiwlcatna. 0. W. FERRY a CO.. Ditrott. Mich. MMWM&2smm kl i ,1 ff 'CO' '7Simm rwATFDDDfinF flllFD fl nTMGl aiaaaaa AST aaaaaaWaWSi f5U(ItM.P0MHtL SUCffB J AW HATS POLLOWINC OUR 3UCCK3AC5 AT PHILADELPHIA CHICACO AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS Wf- WON THE: .HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD. W Iltt 5T.L0UIS rlORLUO 1-AIK.i W TTTI. -'-' luntu u. 1 WOnalSCJ AVScaT.) T .iiaTTiM rl evv vjsmm J afjtak B W S kHBaCti ST wx-x -as. vk x uuy K i TheWinning Stroke If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit In a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when n laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, ns it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined wjth the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF PIGS Is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by Physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well Informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or Inferior reputation. Every family should have a vrnn nr Hioc i fnr :nlf in hnttluc all reputable druggists and that full name of the .California Fig Syrup Co., Is plainly printed on of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. I . ill! ail 111 Stan Fi-Strteiseo. Chi. raMJW.M.-W.iH.-linJJ.Jrggl H Kl " "nn M list FA .!. wi f!t)t tkman nyrup, Tautn umni. Um m Irs I(m. ffalii h? flfnsrirttjf.t CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Direttory Namrt and Adifrr In Portland of Rtpre enlativc lluatnet f Irmi. T'lirrfo ril;-)'MKHKarfak'ilrvrl4aflnfto' loxi write for prl.r. WnwUrit, ClMk A OH. fc JIAflif' KAMKK.NH - Wrtatrr rrofllanit lma rte nn IiilfrM ami llita. iILASrrrtriTi-1 Kit V i Huarw era. Ilnaeaat Knit to )'lt tit rmrffltt! blmikai Wtm4anl,Ctarkn. IIOIIHH4 nr all klada (nt Mfe at Ttrr rraaenaU Ifter. Iwiulre ITS Iront HU cnara I.CHarli nxrtl diMnll raw: WewlaM, A On. HWIiKT 1'KAHfrnd IDrfnrikK. awd PalrOold Mtrialtwa. J.J. Holi't, IM VtonlMntU AIITIKICIAI KYKH; rrryhatandaharMa aartmaat alrt on aptntal; Wariuil, Clarke to CIIKAM BKI'AKATOHK Wa (oaraatnttha V.H. Ktparaier lofc. ta Int. Wrtla far ftae ta.oa. IIirti.u.l Ms., rtnii and Oak. MKN'flrijmilMO- nnflam A Wndlalon, aula aaam AHrH Haujam'n rarrrct r4atM. Hr.fr thin In mrn'a farn abinfta. Xofflaoo and Hlitb aural. Upycalte ln0H. KltllK iJtMl I.V OKKOO.f nndrr th Carry Irrl- fatlnnaet. Ila-d d relfrefnatat. Writlalf. ImiM am map fr-. II. H. Cooke A Ua., lit AMeratra.t, I'artlai d, Orrze& l'OL'I.TUV lOOD-lf 71m want rmjr h'fia to lay marearra write aa for rrMi pentetilar anwit PC It I. 'HA I'Ofl.lUV hBlin-Ame SIHU Co, I'ori- and, Urncon. TAIIX)IIH-( olnmMa Wool an MID fo Partland. Urr. Ijitrai atyle rtotliM nwl. to m. a.ura ali'upw Onrae'rmraaamnrntafatMn Inaorrr iriet OU Writ fer frre ajmi(ra aad prlcra. PIANOS A OKOA.NH-OldmplaiMheaaann Tap ctne rwut. Orxaaa and Ifanoa en raay parmrnu. Write fnrtlau It oaqaetayeaa prter. Allan Ullbrn-llamakrr Co., I' rttaad, Oramn. Oramn llrrba Hpelfte fnrell Kklnr and IHaddar iroaMr. Carra IIAIKAC'ID- 1'rteetw. TiIaJ ttor aal br matl fer Me. lo iumx. Dead today. &H Third nu Human llalr Ooo It wtb-hx, ro-npadonra, Slan'a Tep-aed WNra; nt ualtiy: Inwral prkvai arad far Irre price Hal; matt ufii.r. a tpfelally. Vara Hair Hlf, a Vaailnnon BC KallMA. II WANTED A brtRht man with team in your coun ty. Btoad v work and Rood wages to riRht man. Iloforenees required. For par ticulars addrers KOCH V. T. CO. Box X Winona, Minn. vmmmmmgmgmM Atlas Engines 111- - afotDccti.c 3t'karel carlaca aeS bcicin-c ftfmpicm a'"iitb a Mt AtaiTti'ti itt imtlitliu a biV ftaac. as btr t?.c it 11 A re4wi'iafi artalta a&4 amna btannr aackaaemrC ' utfjnt.ct M!if mikta cnania, Ilia rt -ii.'i r el mk (cthatitlaa.iKejfMiaeirKick T alt 01 Irac Aa Aim ca.a ia ao kiilft la pn Idas aaf kf catiar. tttrtf. rli;i, i Ikat 11 mtl aatifrlr la a (eanan' Fue tear latenaatlen ikctt )o. we ri't ter I tbcpicKaiaa araratiaiiH '! area a :.'il6l jT'ifMiliar Ailta Catiaa, liaja 43 to 60 1 1 iierae rower i 5350.00 Tali (tela lea tl reaplnr wlik biaS wk. h 1 frraer, tatanic ral.r. aa an nfilil inta- I mint, aaS itsfcwali ika enca a.ln.i.4 I e I b can ftctorr a. II la Mk aieai A(tcla 1 at iaj rf lb IvIK-laf polali. Koilolk. Va. tllearifwlli, illoo. Aa4cftea. S C. Otaaka. Nab Aacaata. Ca, hrw Oilraai. La. tlottfcoraarr. Ala. Gfcfatbaro, N C. Dl Molafi, law tkicicpoft. La. n Jallk, Aik. NcvBcia N C Jackaoati I. FJl. Atkcai.Ca. kftnpkla, Taaa Blraaiatkua. Ala. Litootik, Kaa. laella. tie. Uttl Rett, Alk. Atlas Engine Works &Ular.ainMaailo.. IN0IANAPOLI8 I P. N. U. No. ft-08 WIinf writing; to adrrrtlaer lleaa inentlua till paper. ''''v'; r?' I s .,., .-r,-.i ... S. A ft;:. im 1; - , .Murerj r&m ii.t.laWJ.nJlAJljrA, '.i'l."" '".ril K'i...:r v i '" ?jh .M J. .s-. X.;Vi --..,iUtoi,.Am.AS r--''"!s v...''Afeij' nr nno sl7 I V V'V. l.ci'1 ilT w.vr1 1 L- ? tl K t-.t'-.fv.v'W'Sj' V.-','!,.. zw?,:'.w lewYprJ; - m .,-;m ln- K- 51. fm fat n l.r k ifi Eo Kn- IS e ns i- 3 A i. 1: .a 1 1 K fll I m- m-