r.uw - - Til j -M C LOCAL BITS j. J, C. Caldwell of Koidiuid win a icml culler Monday liud. V. I'. Vainlevcft wan in Hund from IiIm up-river ranch ycMurdiiy. V. I. Koliuttiton imim!I lluotU'.h JJcinl Tiiwtdiiy on hi way to Silver I.nla firov Caldwell of Pine Motintnii, (jr.. wiimii IiiinIikmh cullur iti IJimjiI :iKt Wcdnewdiiy. John Steidl returned Wediiidny rveiiiiiK I'om a visit or wveial ivrrki in Mliinenoin. C J. Iiikmiii of ScHtlle was in Ikiid the lit it of lite week looking fur hind Investment. Ilcrmttt Row. it Portland travel- .litfr, mIiiiunh. wan doing hmiiitrM ill Ik-lld lt Monday. K. V. McCoufKilt of Prinevillc, one of the iiiotiwri of lilt country, h-hn I lend visitor Wednesday. I.. II. McCrttiu took ft loud of hriVk to In hutttvtiteiid in 19-12 tliU morning tu hv used in building a dtlmtu-y, Hiiy your bskery good l the Htwle KeMurmit. Tlw vry bent of Uw, caktit, duu(iiuuMi cookies, lnd. etc. ,Qif A. J. KobiitMHi brought loud of grain mt Hour from 1'riiievllk Weduesdsy for k. li. MttUig mid !:. A. .Sslhtf. A fine Hoc of nitk novelties, jwr CMkf. gingham, dimities. Iswti ottd summer underwear at The Pine Tre store.- J utt nrriveil from the I'asl. .tf M.Kelly and M. A. Wood of CrodkstoM, Minn., amved in Itcnri Tuesday and will upend some time IrWcttignling timber land here about. 11 C. Swver of Mill. City, Moo tauaiM, made a visit to Iteud re cently. He crnttr to look over Uud in ibis vicinity with a view of in- eating. Arthur CUKliier of I'rinevillc but spent tlte greater (Mil of the week In Western Crouk, at llnd, Niftier and I .aid law attending to business matters. "Doc" Haiti hikI Goorf Sliolxirt UnuKbt in two load of hat from Powell l'tittert Wedneiday for the I'. II. 1) Co. Returning Mr. Sliobert took hia household Rood to hit. homestead at the Utile. Mn. John K. Kyan nrrivel in llend from Chicago last Tues day evening, and .the and Mr. Iyan are now topping at the Pilot ilutte Inn. Thev will make llend their future place of residence. , On account of reachiug iwivice at the church next Sit inky evening the monthly ttiiiiwcration inueting of the ChriMiau Endeavor society wijl licgin at 7 o'clocK .sharp. Sub Ml 'What U true hamiiHe?" Lykr f 30 36 A collection will x taken to purchase new Mng uzoks, no come preared a'ccordiug- Dollars arc wfiut iwXt mon are idler., ,Wc want theiu that we nirfy- pucclufi thwe tliiuKS in life wlijch ye utoBt desire. There n,re ninny viyj jo ob tain dollars ,, ., , One Hood way is to adver tise the goods you have for ..ale , , Let the people know you arc in busiuuM .Show them you arc alive Advertise in The Ilullctiu. A ranch for sale, stock, wagons, household good s, or any.tiuufji you wish to (lis- tlose of Muriild be advertised Jfi The Bulletin. Why? u .,l(;cause it will . tfoods mid briiifi price, i Do it now. sell u your, better .rwerr W W5 . . , ;' I , gl iD It II l I' ml Mr hi WCVf 111 )i ycMonlay. Hit Mrs. Ileiirv Ifiil,. t -..! . fv " iiciki irom ureir iionieitvar ay K F.Hiuilh, of the IKitowcr i ,?."lll.Il.('" WM " I'lioilicHH caller in llend Tuesdiiv. Chief (irnliam, or the Orenon .aHtern urvuyiiiK crew, was a llend visitor Tliurwlnv 1 tiy your swi wlient, diickcu feed and chop ,it the llend l.ivcry V. I riuiNfer Co's feed nlore. .jytf J. K. Meeker, who haw a home- stead in the Sinters country, was a I viauor tu ueiiti the first of tlit week. Ollice room for rent in the Pilot Untie Development Co.'s office building. Apply Hi Ihe counwny's nlllce. if Mr. and Mrs. fJeorge O Neil of I'ofeal were llend visitora U'mlnek. day. They were on their wav t Lnldlaw. NetlSmilhof Superior, Wis., was viaiting during the first jrl of Ihe week at the home of his nephew, J. N. Hunter. ' Jul in, a fine lot of ladies' sum mer akirts and boyi.' suite Come in and see our goods and prices, I'iuv Tree Store. ,ttf R. A Puett was in lleml, from his Tuiiialo homestead. While here he brought a ijuaulily of Iwrb wire for fences on his ranch. A. I,, (loodwillie is having 11 Hidewaik buill along his lots on Oregon street. These lota lie rlnect ly casl of the IJaptUt church. V.. A. Orifin and J N. Hunter lei l Wednesday for Silver I.ake to piar as witiieases for iMtrtiest making final p-oof 011 timber clainiN. W. T. Hammer of Haystack wa in llcud Inal Saturday looking after mattcri ohtictd. He is seeking the nomination for county clerk 011 tlw democratic ticket. In connection with his fine line of candies, tobaccos, dates and stationery, A. 11. Grant also hns a stock of vegetables, Ktatocs, edr rots, rutaUiKus. onions, etc. .)ytf On and after March 1, the Steele Restaurant will again be o'Kiied, when meals will be furnished to the Hiblic Regular meals, 35c. Fur nished rooms in connection, .jytf Work haialready been fuiLshed on the new sidewalk around the lUp tist church. "Dad" Wet had a crew of men at work Wetluesday, and lite work was 50011 completed. Por rent So acres of ditch laud, near 1'orked Horn lluttc, about 20 acres cultivated last seasou, reason able rates. Call on or write to Tom hungdon, Redmond Oregon The cutting of the big pine trees on Oregon street is a great im provement. It helMi greatly to own up that part of (he. town to view, and makes it much more sightly. The work of shingling the new school Iioum! has been delayed for several days 011 account of running out of stain fur the. shingles. A supply arrived Tuesday and the work will now go forward. J. C. Lewis and John Jackson re turned Wednesday from n visit of scvcial weeks in Portland and have resumed their work for the D. I. & P. Co. Mr. Lewis is taking nu in ventory ot the company's property in this region. R. 11. Mutxig had some large pine trees cut down the, first of the week that were .standing on his' lots. Also three or four that were standing in the street, he having svemeu iermissioii irom me council to cut the latter. Phillip Krnucis returned from Shauiko Tuesday afternoon with a large loud of freight for- W. S. Nichol. He reported the roads as very bad in some places and said it was a very hard trip.. He was ac companied by A. Moore. C. h. ilurricy of Portland arrived in Iteud the first of the week to take the plrfcc(pf- Miss Anne Mid lam as stenographer for the D. I. cvi r. Co, Miss Miulam lms re signed her position and will leave for her home at Portland. A M. Zcverly of Princvile has been in, llend during the week, He is game warden for this district and left .some blank hunter's appli cation for license with C. D. Rrown, where prospective hunters can se cure them by paying (he fee. A llcud citicftj handed The Bulletin the following, which is timely and to ,t(he ipoiut: "When you "meet n '.knocker' don't pnt rouizc hintj. Don't listen to him. J lit him, where his brains ought tq be, kick him where they arc." ' Thoiuu T. Kerl of Coeur d'( Alenc', Idaho, was. 11 guest at the llofel llcud several days the first of tha.week. Mr, Kcrl n'a an expen sive loud owner pear J7nnniiiBton, Tjdaho, ntidt,wa.'XfJfooUiug over the llend country with a viewyiof in yestlug.' He fa considering' ' the advisability of.n,Giug.iuto,th satrch, Uusincs.iiion a large scale, raising large: heavy draft horses for city markitf. - fcru 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 1 iiMiniiiiiii f mv a ' : na3w- Wlv WANT A SHARP, OK YOUR TRADH I'OR. 1906 Our High f J rude (Joods ofTen-d, S;rvice and Low Prices, Merit It Central Oregon's Big Department Store... "' Kvery cash purchaser can have a Grand Hntcrtalncr a Talk ing Mm bine in the home. We arc giving them away. Cet informed and save our c'HijKJin. WHIvRKdid you get that fine A LI-ALFA II A V? Why, at the Ik-nd Livery it Transfer Co's feed store, where they sell it at $1650 a ton. 4;tf Last Sunday a party Qf 17 timber aethers arrived in Hend on their way to Silver Lake. They were Iwing piloted by C. M. Hulbody of Portland. They were a very en thusiastic crowd and prophesied great things for the future of the Deschutes valley. They will re turn through here some time the first of next week. Most iHirsistcul rumors have been circulating through liend the last two or three days that V. C. Row lee had resigned as local superinten dent of the I). I. & I'. Co apd that J C. Lewis had succed him to that jKHition. Also that J. 0. Johnston had resigned as general manager of the company and I. S. Stanley had leen elected his successor. Last evening Mr. Lewis denied to a Bulletin reporter any knowledge whatever of such change, branding the story without any foundation whatever. The large juuiier tree north of The Bulletin office has been the scene of great activity on the part of the rud-brcsted robin the last few days. The tree has been filled from morning till night with these clear toned songsters, feeding on the juniper berries. To say there were 15c birds there atone time would riot be exaggerating the truth. The robins on one side and the blacti-birds on the other, with their constant calling all daylong, makes one feel as though spring had come in earnest. Discovery has lccn made of out crop'pings of coal in the Trout creek region by Wade Houston, and iurther drillings and investigation shows indications of a valuable coal deposit. A company composed of Henry and Wade Houston, Hi ram Ray and Martin Barney of Ashwood, Walter O'Ncil and A. 1 nomas of I'rinevillc has been formed to more fully investigate this find and if the showing war rants it the company will undoubt edly develop this property. Filings have been made on tj6o acres in the Trout creek region. Samples of the coal which Have, been tested burned to n fine a'sli and give every indication of being n first-class article. 1 Last Friday, 'complaint was brought against Hugh O'Knnc for not complying with the provisions of certain city .ordinances. These ordinances provide that persons running, a bowling alley or n billard or pool table shall pay license fees to the city. Mr. O'Kane has never done tilts., 'f ho complaint contain ed three counts, namely: first, run ning bowling alley without paylhg license; second, billard and pool, table; third, pool table in connection, with cigar store. It is understood that O'Kane will fight the charge ou the grounds that the city was not legally incorporated and there- n My Groceries Are Here , 1 . H. - ., K t , One of the finest lines' rjf.grdcbties tat ever came to Crook cqutity arrived at my store this week and is now on my shrives awaiting yottr insiiectiou. When yoh want goott goods com to our store,. Our prices -il cppiuetv wilh any in tli,e uppor. XHh chu'tjC vnljfcy, ( Allbusirjssrttdiiftco.hbas. ., Stdre will be, closed on Sunday .except for drugs drid tatd icitics. No druggists' auirurlewilUbe soldJi ', .'HL'., H i;Yrr:S - sMNffp. one. E HBBaHHHH IfnrolliH nrrliurii1r tiro null ntirl void. The case Will be heard be fore Justice KIIN next Monday. Ovid Riley is building a bam on his homestead four miles north of town. The structure is to be 32X Go feet with 30 foot posts. MILL AT SISTUKS STARTS. ilni, 150,000 Feet of Logs Cut Which It Will Saw Other News Notes. MisTKKH, 1'cli. 8. Wilson Ilro. rx jiecl to commence work at their saw mill in a few day. Thomas & Holon, who arc cutting logs, have 150,000 feet of log cut ami will f. -in work as soon as the X round settles. Mr. ami Mr. William iUimtnson, wlio have been visiting at Long Hollow ranch, returned Sunday. Tlte Crook County Journal wonders what we iieonlr ill the western part of the county want. If they will just wait until after election they will sec, without akiug, what w get. Newt. Cobb was in town the first of the tfeck buying a new two-faced ax to Krub junior with. Wc arc afraid his tieiullbors will be without shade this summer. George Taylor was in town Monday getting Dr. Turley's thoroughbred l)el Norte colt shod . Thomin Neal, who has been in the em ploy of Thco. Shan), nrtivcil III to wit at noon Monday ou his way to wbrk tor the Utack lluttc Co. He was n guest at the Sillers Hotel. It. 11. Sparks, general manager of the Illack lluttc Co., was in town Monday attending to Imsiness. Arthur Clothier and J. ZCvcrlcy spent Kcvcral days in town attending tq busi ucss and having a general good time. They were guests at tile Sisters Hotel. Joseph Kistucr spent one day and niKiit here visiting Willi his Messrs. Miller and Zuulwalt. ncpnews, - Wc are informed that Scroeeeus & Alliugham havo secured, tjiv stage line from I'rinevillc here mill that the sched ule is arranged sU the mail gets here at 1 1 p. in. and leaves at 2 a. m. Great, isn't it? Rum boots arc ill demand in Sisters as the mud is less tllitu knee deep. l'rank Kumwnlt dud-Miss l.orn Graham were paying Mis lira's parents a visit last Saturday am Sunday at Illack Ilutte, returning Sunday .evening. Frank, drives a swell team these days. ' Phillip CntKiu,' traveling uidn for the Honey man Hardware Co., and Mr. Hall, his trnvcliiig.comp.iuiou, arrived hi Sis ters Sunday and are guests of the Sisters Hotel. , , . John .muljiviie Taylor were visiting in town last Sunday. 'iliaui Wood returned the 35th from a business trip to Priucvillc. :- Advertised Letters. The, following is a list of letters regaining uncalled-for in the Bend postofflcc February aG, 1906: ttylaud, Mrs. O. ll. Nicholson, W. S.': Hell. . S, Halley & OrndolT Davis, K. O: Oik, George , Marsh, l'red Weasner, i. A Persons calling for these letters will please feay they are advertised. A.. H. GHANX. Postmaster. .YN kuUm PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the cfellcaclos of the season yrst-claas Kfpiipmcnt Vfrie Rooms and Beds ii I I. . i trr' ii mi All stages stop at the hotel door RALPH SHELDON General Black, smithing and Wagon Repairing HORSE25HOEING A SPECIALTY Our slnop is located aim Fs MOODY QDNGRAL Coniiriission MERCHANT. SHANIKO, - ORnao.N Large, CommocTious Warehouse. Consignmculs Solicited Prompt attention paid to those who favor me with then patronage A Complete Stock of &RY At Bend, Oregon. Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBERS All Widths, Letigths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPLAP" RUSflC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED ClilhlNG WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW dASING ' HEAD BLOCKS O. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATER TABLE O. G. BATONS MOULDINGS P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. Reasonable 1 Prices Good Grades Dry Stock CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION. The Pilot Butt6 Development Company L BEND, JSeiib JBuliettn BdTH DAPERS Oiie Year TWO DOLLARS iti pbrtlano eitttTtoecWB 'Journal Tell Mm Neishtef Ma tt jvclc'ornvtsUor to your fireside THE BEND BULLE TIN ia each veek. opposite Baptist Church. and forwarding At Bend, Orcjjon. Delivered at -Law Cost Anykere o The Lands of Hie D. 1. 4 P. Co., or TheCSJ.Cb! OREGON v.v. America's Greatest Weekly ' THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO, OHIO. The Best Known . Newstwbor In the United States' Circulation l85,6ob Popular In Evqry State 7 The ttJa tilptc Ii now Initillcd la iti ne buHJIuE, Aith'4 jfidJcrn plant and ruipmcHt,' aiidhcilllimeqivillo aV publication between Ntw York ami Cl!cnA, h ) Ihe only wccUy ntwpapr tJh4 'aprtiMy Tor try tite and territory. ThobJtwaollBe World o aVranied that bmy people can more raaUy Comprehend, than by reading (dint trome Columni or dailie. AU current lopici ruaie pUIu In each luue by pedal editorial matl rr1 i(en frota inception 'down to date. The only pqner nuUlihed eiuee Ully for people who do or do no tead daily ucntn, aim yej uurai lur pittlu facta. TIu thit kind ofa iiewipa peril popular. I or'oveu i.v the fact that the Weekly Blade now baa orti 185,000 yearly aubactlbera, and U circulaled Ifi!'! 'parUortheU. '. InddHiou to tho utwli, tU' Dla'de publlthet'iholt and aerial &lc, aud .uiauy department tf faallrx luiMo ejtery niemeer oitneuaiuy. Only ee dsllar a ycat-. Miuciurirecipccimexcvpy, AdlrcM . Toledo, O)ito. The Toledo Blade aati TU BUHJJ hvtl JO I- Ife- 1 I ie kP 'iRL'JlJij,