The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1906, Image 4

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- .'
I "For every man n nqunrc Jonl, no
less and no more."
sunsciui'Tiox hAtijs:
Three month.... ....
(tm-Arfoblr In advance.)
. .
Remit hv bank draft, jxMtui money
order, oit'lfcttd, ex money order, or
Te?iieri letter.' jiukc nil rciniitancen
livable to The Itetid lttdletitt.
fntnilinr with tlic duties of the
clerk's office nml is thoroughly com
petent to perform them, makes hint
n strong candidate Tor the nomina
tion. So fnr he seems to have
things nil his own wny for the re
publican uomiuntiou, no ticfimite
nunoiiucemcut having been made
by any other camlitlnte.
I r
Stage and Mail Schedule.
Akxivx AT BttMtl.
i mm Minnlko vln prlarrill 7 ). m. dally
Vrom lk4ew nil lm Watr
-ntria. T nf, Thnr. ami snt . 1 1. p. m
.ald'.nw dntty p ramiay... j . m
or Minolta 4n ITiiicvlttc 6 a. m. .tally
J ir uivvl imi stiver une...
... -J' P- Ujr eert sm.
I or rutaata Tu., Tlmrv mhI -l.... a. m
1 or LaMlaw daily except mixta- J C- m
Willi! V. Urow n n Candidate.
Mndrn. llonrrr.
Willis W. Hrown of lleislcr wns
in town on Suiulay, and while here
he authorised the nnituuucctiuMtt
that he would Ih. a candidate for
the republican nomination for
sheriff of Crook county t the pri
nortrnr I" Uc I.ciial lulrmirri(o il
Alt hc Nullum..
Atnerlouiis a iv only uiodcriiti drink
era compared Willi tlmto of oilier conn
trio. Tlio uveniKO cltlni'ii of the I'nlt
cd Stulix, cotnillni: la tlie woiuva mid
children (which la not full, hut nerve
tor the moment a a hauls to IIkiuv
tipom, eoiimtmcH lit the coin-no of a year
Illinois which contain olio and a third
'(alloas of puro alcohol. Mat the French
iihiii, who, thouKh formerly one of the
nolMrvd. 1ms become the worn! drunk
ard In tio world, nhaorlM uummlly
three and n half Killnim of nlcohol.
Tli1 l.lelittwn and the Swlnn oomo next,
with a coiiNiutiptliHi of two nud four
lift lit italloa. Then follow the Hwu
Inn! with two mid n third Kitlloim, the
Italiitit with Junt a trlflo l.nn. tho ldiic
KtuUliHlloM InwUniliKO for pilliinty cIkIIiiii,
(Ciiiirl liy the Hcctetaty f Mule find Aur
nry (U'tiriitl.)
Urilttnlnii IhhiU opened liy enmity riftVn,
etl.ttntlAii IhhiLh niiiril nnrr nttmnrv elec-
HUH rt'ltll $
Heal.trattoii hooka rloanl lr uencinl election
May i, p 111
Direct Piiiuarv Ulectioii.
Coinily ilnt. vr iihIIit of ilmniy rlrrlloii
nut Uli limn Mnicli 11.
l.l U rr tllliiK vuilini. for iIpIiik nimi'4
on Ihtllivt fttr Mmr, iitiitrliiil Ami ilUllkt
olfliTn. Mh ,
l..i any lor nunc rimttii lir roiiHly olticvit),
r 1 viiiiiiiii nnitt 1 i'ii
Tii(My, JmuiAty 1, f
KtlllHUOM 11
Ainlt in, . 11 in.
Attrll 4
CntiwiuUtt; nit,l ihIimi rlntlun fir Mnlr
ntarv erection to Ih? held April 20
Mr. Hrown has been prominently 1 tenth, nml the Aimtrtflluutmrlau with
lot Otffcn Horn W V. tay: S . tti to ' .
'i. !Mnily. from 11 . n. to it m., ml titl
iur nfttr rr(ml rt tl nwiU trm wltrwMl
Hchhi;.nmil twfor S , m.
. TitlcltotV Otifm Horn WrV tay, from
ot m Jo v . m. mii
I'ont Iw o
m. to it mwwi,
nintikv mtd tiolldo).
Ml from )m . m. to
For Sheriff.
' To tine retMblican -otcn ot Crook
I hcrebv annotiitce myitelf n eamli
aW fnt- tit rerwhlienit trotttinatkm fur
t'.ic ofiuc of herirT of C(hw county. MM
!cr the ptovikrw o( Utr direct jtrtmnry
1 i, -ttid subject to the lcciions of the
jiuWtenn efectors of t.ii countv.
WtLJ.W . ISnoWN-, HeWer.
. .The railroad senators are fight
,ng the ntilroird rote lull as stren
,;ous!y as thej; dare. They have re
ported it to the senate from com
Ktittee And have placet! it. while I har Kt out to ci diation
.before the senate, in the hands of l " lh1 is Hlul the TO,,rt hoM rinK
Senator Tillman, a democrat ami
mentioned as a trrolrable candidate
for some time, and his announce
ment occasions tio great surprise.
Mr. Hrown has been a prominent
stockman in the country lor n iium
her Of years ami has a wide ac
quaintance. He has aKo been prom
inent itt the councils of the Repub
lican party of the county. He is
recognised as one of the strongest
candidates who has vet announced
hiimelf for the office of sheriff, ami,
should he receive the nomination of
his party in April, there is no doubt
hut that he will carry the full
strength of his iwrtv itt the June
An Open Letter.
TrtAl.O. fell. 17. The (teople of thin
part of the etHtnty are very ttinch disap
pointed over t)tc intpteMioti our worthy
vr unworthy as you may call hint) coun
ty road overseer lft, when here, about
our rtmtU front here to Hend.
Some time a )Htition was circulat
ed akwg anil 'adjacant to the road from
TuttuHd to Hend and nonte im (teople
itlel and forwanletl it to 1'kinxvim.k
county cotttt. kin them to make m a
tonatinnof ?-)ii to out our rottdt in
IUIiiiium tiiiil Ciiritiiili Willi Iti'ii Mint a Tt J
............ ..... . . .. .. .. '" Lt liny for flllnii it
nrr, rrhnmn i 10
, itrvrmlH-r . ",
Air niliiR InllUllvr tlilvH. 1'rlitu-
alnvttt one and thrto-iinrtcr wnlHmn.
ltt the other Intuit, the American cltt
t'ii hy no meniH ntnudn at the top of
I'n lint In renveet to nolirlcty. Tho
lUvisle dritikn only oho nml nlxtli m).
lonn of pnn nleivlml In a year; tho Hol
lander drop considerably tlow him,
with one imIIoii even: the relntlrely vlr
tiioun ltunnlnti, nolwlthntuudlUK hlrt
uinch ndvertlm.d addiction to vodka,
nlmorbt only a trifle titotv than nix
tcttthn of a imlloit. and. dually, the Nor
wegian, who occitphM n tcoinl ttultienco
an the ntont attntemliain loan In th
Work), barely oxcmhIm n uindent half
ifnlHHi of tire ntun In a twelviHiitHith'n
potation. It mlaUt tie adUtl for tho
nake of (lefltrltoMcnx that the nvernKe
thtraon In tho I'nltod Mtntes nntiuully
drlnka one nml a third cillonn of proof 1
nplrltn miilck are W Hr cent nleolroli. I
one-third of a jrilloti if win mid nl.-!
teen nml a iitutrter itnllnnn of inn It I In
now, culeriy Ikw. Fearion'n Mair.talne
lulr of lillmt) rlrrtliHI, ,tll to. Iv
ofrr May v
Inltl.itlve Petitions.
l.t tiny for II lint miHhlrlnlrtitiUilK !
t.t it
for AUng mhUN otiwlM( nirttn
mr . to.
Numhr of mlur trumttil to iHltlnlc !
in Hintmlmrnta. Nv
(leuernl lllecllou.
t.t any for Nlliig rtrtlDtiilr ul iiomlimllon
f r Jrtlr olflmtif wvnihlt' if rlntnia Atrtil i
lwt lny fix flllMK nomlnniiiiK rlltniii !
Ulr itfRrm, May 4
(. Uv for Mlliia rfrttflcmirn of iii.miIiihIiom naanly ofnert hy MrniMvf ttr.Mia, M
t,4 im fnr nllii iioutinAiittf itmtuu 101
fuunty ofaM, May m
(louurnl Hlectloii, June I,
IVtlllom fitr moiiOiiOoii f lllil. I olBi-rl..
MH'ImirircullliMlgr. liult itorury, Joint mi
xinr nU )niit rvmHUlir. mo! Ik- nlil In tlir
far tifwcn-t of ttr mul not Iti Iht cfntri
o niiiulv itrtk. ml (he antra orrtiln nonil
nutlana tlr oftii-rra kit iU ottr
WAt.l. HTHItltT. 0i.lte M Co.
HE finest stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a Eirst-Class
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
S C 1 1 i I) U L i
one of the president's most bitter
enemies. The reason for this action
li preMmiab.y to weaken the bill by
givins it the appearance of a demo
cratic measure and also to give the
president a direct slap. Tillman
thought atrout it. I nuppooe they think
the nest nidc of Crook county in nome
foreign land and inhabited hy mmmc aa
Rei acctutomel to traveling cattle trail,
l'or they ent out their roaii oerecr. an
tliey call him, at a nnUry of about f..a
a day, to see if we needed a roatl repaired
and to rewrt on name, and if we ueettrd
it they would make ua n allowance. But
Jcfnr nt tin AhhhhI VlaltHtlon
.tliilinmtHritaH riltcrlnia.
Meeen, nt the nennott of the 11t11111.1l
visitation of .llmuiniilu pltirrini-. i
thin ilnHtilml In KvrTjbody''' In "u "'
the PlhtTlmn to Meee. tntin.hi'il
from the uarrntlve of Irni .Ittlmyr Ad
of Ilnndar Adan:
"I4ke a la-iiillc catiifuhpu. ..
nlirouilctf lu mynterjr, the lvaoi.i r
out of the M-etbinic of wult- k '
humaulty that crowd the ftrent
MWire of Mecca. Itn door In 1
with platen of mjIUI ntlrer ntiulilol v. '
Wrver nalln. l'rtw tlfc- xter!ir .'f ,..
rtKif. above n clone tuarklug i'n- ;
Ulcbw of Inlimael. wh!-h llo nt the
Wine of the northern wall, there pro
Jeein a Ixxiaoutnl. nemlclrctilnr mm
1 ' 1 " 1
A . V,
vliDw kw3Wi5tV
e . . vlB
BSh I !
ESMBmBuimilfaafKHfiH "'"
I.wnve Shaiiiko..: Dp. ill.
Arrive Ptliieville 7 H. 111.
I.enve 1'rhiteville.... isf.30 p. it).
Arrive lleiid 7:00 p. in,
l.eiive llelttl ft:oo a.
Arrive Pritievllltt i:oo
Leave Priueville 1 p.
At rive Shatiiko 1 a.
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
J. THANK SI KOI I), .Mnnniccr
Plrst-Clnss Livery Rigs for Relit. Tlionc No. 15
t.lfrrl twiwrrtt Mimira-ti. iml nrrgiti,
Hend, OrcKini
Authorized Cnpilnl S25,0(HJ
Incorporated IWM previously denounced the bill j I kuc the report wan alLuunieut before I "P"" ', y"l ' twentyfo... ! :
it:d ridiculed .the statement Hint "' ' mWh'i tlwt took I ' M,u- of wan-he koM. Witt
Jbe.nreident .tens instriimnntnl : I Hke they thottht wewefebn.tnemwhen
getting an important rate bill
they can't take1 ijo roo.1 houeat mett'n
nrpi lor ir that u hmui tuir niaiiri ..
., ... . I " - "- -.- . ."..- .-
.urougu congress. 1 ins man now paired, but have to nd one of their
riits out to nev. That in I to tx.
Road bona Mty-i c don't need the road
repaired, for the reavm that thin artic
ular roatl will bt put ot the sectioo linen
in to manage . the bill before the
senate. Keeu observers say, how
iver, that the railroad senators
tave overshot their mark, and the
jeople will be so angered by their
latest contemptible tiick itbat ,they
will make a most summary demand
that the bill be passed. Thio should
& done. Strange it is, thdt, in our
representative government, a meas
ure, drawn in the interests of the
people shotild receive such treat
ment from some of our leading sena
tors. It is time that such men be
retired. They have lost their use
fulness if they ever bad any.
The spring influx of home
leftkcrs has already started into the
Deschutes ralley. Bend hotels are
doing a" large business aadi each
iay brings
to swell the"
kuockers have been true to their
reputation and have been diligently
it work spreading their false re
ports, but the country won't d,qwu.
It's ns , persistent in coming to
he froul rrs Banquo's ghost. The
resources are here to be develoDcd. Hi"?1 Uo, ule' rare M fo"K M l,,' Kcl
, r iiicir wtM
W maue one . of the richest and
lu yean from now nml that it would not
lie wine to tnke comity roatl funds away
front rrincville ami upend it out here. I
wontkr if he. Viioh- that if the road in
ever fenen! tlrn O-at jtarty feneiHK it will
have tq pr.t it lu 9 jood condition ami
as good a place Ami not make tile din
tance any greater than it in, and at for
the prjTibilitlvof..i( .ever being fenced
it U riot lifeely 14 U very noon an thin
land U all bwned'by timber mttt ami it
Hill no doubt be many yearn before it
will be fenced. '
Thin it not the only fwtitiou for roatl
from thin part tlwt ban been turned
down. Kvery effort by the puotile of the
went hide lian nimply been JKitortnl by our
county court. Why U thin? It in nimply
lecaufe we are trying to lntild Up a coun
try ami develop it.
1 wonuer tt our road itona evef fencetl
In tin roof In nnpitnrtcd by three cd-
Mmtu of nloe wiKd; tit. u-i.lU nre hot)jj
with red veltet alteru.illuK with white
mjuaren In whlrh ,tv written In Arabic
the wordn, 'Alliih-JHl-Jeialah ('Prnlne
to Co.1. the Aliulu'hty'). 'nw bttlldlUK In
IMcketl with pllurlujj4, jirnj lute, wnf
Itil. benkle tlii-io' Iven In nil i-ntay
nf iMnntonate devotion. .MltiKkil with
their voices (here ci from itutnldt the
chant of thf Talblh. the wms of tin
wltulliiK nheel, which every tllrlm
inunt nlns mi it itiflnic Moecn. mi ilon
itlni; the nacred Ihram. on enttiiuK the
Ilaram. ami on nUrthnc for Mftwt. the
valley of tlenire. ami Arafat, the ntoun
talu of cotniwnnlon."
in .additionil numbers IM! Tin"1 hi'Kifor. Ihnm thia look
. t . , .";.". like he nRittedroadr' I am ntjfry to nnv
already large list. Thehc han interecUon the went ide but i
Itest countries under the sun, and
you cannot kill -4 Jla growth by
spreading false reports. Let the
........ t .. . . . : . . . . .
uiiwiiurmie cnou'll W IX IllllllCIICeil ly
a oIJtJcHl pull. Hut a f A.w x day joli in
a bij jt. Now thin fod in kitouu
and Ulked aliout by everyone wlw trav
eln itthai it U the worm piece of road
in Oregon. If in Xlniply out of the .men
tion to haul a oad over it. It in a din
(rnce to any county court to Itave nuch
a road under tlieir iurindictioh. Hut
J'rineville, j-our daf arc rtumlicrod.
Vou will nee vour follv.'liut it will I- in..
lute. It will le aftor men, who can not
U-influenced, jet the nay. You Iwve
ainiut tirlven the Int nail into yp.ur wjf
Hit Will t.,.r...I. Ill t .. ,.f .!.!
Ktiookcrs knock. They are only j l-'orsotten." .a Taxiavmk.
'showing their.owit poor judgment,
(irrnt In III l.lnr.
Sir. Itoliert Hnrr iwn nhowml a ic
trait nf Mark Twain to a t)K merchant
of I.yomt. "Tell me who thnt In." Mr.
Itarr Mkl. The mwrhant ral at tho
IMKtralt ami annwernU. "I Kbonkl nay
be wait a nlatenman." 'HM'j nlni? yoti
wronsr In that, what wotthl lie your
next xtH-M?" anke.l Mr. Hnrr. "If ho
It not a maker nf hlntory In In perhaiM
it writer of It; a grout hUtoriau. irob
ably. Of cotirne It l lmponnlble for mo
to jjueiM accurately except hy necldont,
but I tin the adjective 'grenf iKt-ntwo
I am couvliiPt-d thin man In yrent In hit
line, whatever It In. If he innke-t nlllr,
he inakon tlie bent." Mr. Hnrr told tin.
I'reneh inercliuut who the portrait rep
r.enontcd and nld, "V611 Imve mimtnea
hlht'tii) lu your luit .leiilenco." London
.;indl Lite (or licpuhllwan Nomination
l'or the Short I'ernt
l'rel V Molkrv u lrn t tt l'ot
land. Oregwu, nml in a rc.nlrnt of hi
tintte city. He i n vnuug nun with
rcry acoimplUhuicnt Hhirh nliould
iunli( htiu for thio It lull tilttce. Ilr u n
graduate ( the State rtuvrmity ( Ore
li m, thr New York Shl ( New
York City, ami i a lawyer if high ttand
ing. n man wbi ltn trntelnl exlcnnivcly
in our "wn country a well an abroad. He
ha studied our institution, ami com
pared them nith foreign countnen. He
in a logical thinker, a forceful npeakcr
and au ndept parliameiitarian. He han
many frtendn, Iwth rich and poor, fur he
i a courteoun gentleman at alt time.
Ilr i. n teprfblicnn alwayn. He han sup
ported atl tMi.mimineen of the triiubli
can ticket at nil ttmen. He in n loyal to
ho. party an Hi hin frtendn He hm con
fidence in the tM-opte and in willing to
abide by their decinioM at the onimtrv
Oregon necdn inch men a I'red W
Mulkey. The republican party neU
uch men. ami the voter nhottld nee tlut
uch meii are nominated and circle. I.
TTe Central Oregon
Banldai.g &. Trust Company
ThPIUMI frltr'.! IHII( M t Hull n IKM I. In'. I til. I. .1 11 .III .-at
thr,H,glHii ih. i,iM !. .lMiuitr. I. k r i..i..f .1 ixiMr. C ..!!. If..,.
! muitr) b mil or llr(.,, Ii.mi. .(..m.ll .Hl hmm. hKM,
INTKKKUT tl!fiITn Thr OhIi.I intinu MonkiaK fc rr.l Co b.
MWrd wwttl new Intmr. ! robfttr icumimc mm It Hill ! Tl
.'riUhraln of Ibu4i. m)iii' it4nni llwrran Mlwii 'm M Ximtk. I rt
ml, for iw Yr.r. 4 fwt trmi
Safe Onpoilt Uexot for Itnnt at naienabln Hatet
A Pull Linn of Upal tll.tnkn for Sale.
Ar;ont for thn Pirn Asieciatlon of PlilljulolphtA,
nod thn American Plro Iniuranco Co.
I) I U 1? C T OKS: !'
A. M. DKAKIt. I'MMn. A. I.. tJOOllWII.MK, Vica rann.
J. M. l.AWItHNCK. Rw'y
V. (. MINUK, ('AniiiKN
Echoes from the Camp.
Bend agxin steps to the frqnt,and
hows the world iwill keep
Ah schools up to the -highest notch ' "lW
if efficiency. The vote last Tues-1 Tuw'th"
tiay of 38 to ? in favor of establish
ing a thigh school iudicates how
Bend citizens favor
bnre'n a nun In camp c wonkLaluVrr.
II iltttUC tnllftn aunw t,n a'i,..y....j t
r mi i: ttlL i . . . ' " . Hir'iuKijij Biivfr
rU'rth HVhi'iir to do. but iltcpn.J .
- "wan 111-C VUjr (,
g11r education.
i. '
tyallor For Clerk.
"Jl'adra. l'louccr. '" '
J-.Ift Haner,, caudidato for the
' t ' . m
cpiiuiican nominat'on tor county
into caniDalioiit a inonili i..
", ?.Sk' "."'' wA one )hi know;
ckllld Uhirfuhal h r..1.1 .1,.'
Ami the rc.t of my tale U il but trwr.
Well hr went to work on Sunday morn
We wrrc nil in cim. on ucouhI u(a torm.
That lurant a late lrcakfal for him to art
And it waa to cood, J can ta.te it )rt.
;,Tic.ulIowlng wk lii.mtali wrrt lint;
I Siruwuiraaiid UtcuUt wrrr rlnJi in llnr
Ami n ukr big luncli u handy lot '
itt In (Ik now wluu juur rt wrt.
On ific Crreou lUtlrrn Iwenty brlow,
W ith cold wind and rain, and two ret of (now
tntocauiput nlKkt with the cold how yon .hake
A hot bowl olaoup It not hard to likr.
Hut now thcre'a a change; the cook'a cone mad
oirl. of H, ,:.,,:A.l. t.i.i -i".'f ?'hV"'".'0nm.lorrellow.aoil.
wv..n. ,s uv jiuuiuiiwiu us ijciu ' inenicuiiawereKllirilhciKKiuhaidird
Aprlwasiii toVi,i several days -Xud "ow';';""l yfM
, . 1 . , ' . . NoweoomlKlilajy flru-fiim Unit;
durum the n'eek, meeting the re- , .,v.'tlieioo.Uaiihewiiiii., 'nc
... . L , , "t In ttfc wowla yotf an l alwaya eat
nuuacau voters 01 tins- precinct ana .7.uouiniuoi,acuy,o nice and k
looking:, .afier business .natters, in nW,kl:f$!&
winch Juq is interested. . MAiiHaner j l,r iTed th,.no i ViVi
Hprnbliia; f Anrrmtrr.
Mr. Chant ban nuch an rxnggnriitctl'
ronpect for tho Ifluo blood of Ilontnn
which ruiin In hfl vcliw that hln inan
nor U nllghtly patroiiUIng. J It wnn'
lately lntroductd to u Hyrlan of good
birth nud education who IIvoh In thin
"And niny I nftilri," ho itnld blnndly
In tla course of tho couvorHntlon, "If
jpu nre of tho (.'lirlntltni rcllglorir
,.,''My fnmlly wnn converted to Chrlnt'n
ttnclilnc nt thu time of John'n necojilf
tinlt to Lebanon," tUlotly rcpltwl thd
Syrian, Youth' Companion.
ItowMt UmI. PimI froof
I'. K. Uwl, 0k. TtM- I)IU.. Oregon.
Vtaich 1, rV.
Xetlrr H hnthf l'tM that JomIImh M H
t'.tkin. lf-c of WlllUaa A l.aMtnw. rt
IjimIU , Ofgwj a. fill Matte of iMlmtlOM lu
naLr ytxnttoM hl"trftWMl rWiut So u. for
ih rttawK, aK(K -i nK 11 IP in a.
' 1 re. r m. bfor Ih Cuuatr Clrk at I'liNr
"ill. Oirnaw, o lk yh 4y of Apil, A
He BMMlkc IWfowlHK wltnctar. tu wmr
tkecwiM briKlfon aa4 o7aaM
JoiakN O. t!tklr. Jam. V SuMawi, nml
Crank ItajUm, alt of lldUw, Oi.gti, aHd
John M CohlM.o CllHr I'allt, (irrfn.
Ilia Iiilrllrrluul Nlar,
Cholly Nltwlt-D'yo know, Ml-tn Cut
tur, though I'vo only Junt mot you,
tht-ro nocmn to bo 11 or nort of Intel
Ifotual nyniputhy between iih. Yotf
know Junt Iww to nppcnl to my fftntCK,
you kuow. Aro you a' literary woman?
Dolly Cutter No, I'm n kindergarten
teacher, Clovcjuud 7.cudc?r
my (Ay,
-ma i'w ;iivU m tiic touKlVTyCUl i nrAkU.i ifm iiiiuii and h(ti(nd hjint
tbenuiin four years, and as lief v'WSjf "'
been filliin a clerical position at' -.7 .7 . ". ",U"J y
r) j j !,,. , iicnuo wenpve. youcan o ainite ,
ie COUrt llOUSe .W,0St OC tha,t'tlrne, lfnrrre txlledtheywonM I Cue. '
. itxa iii ariiit inula niaaiici .
lfr ha; a Wldfl i acquaintance- tte for brenk&at are luatllkeaahe
tirptihk'cuf &dj&irt Wh& ;fctdltrjl?taU,n ,
V.trfbn- SHt fJi fprf flmf li" Ir ' ''at flonn in h lencfcutM,liiitaUlclhewi
n . -. -.- - .
Kt-e (t" HcVeti't'r!fMt,ircel-to
Tim Fucr,
. If wo could but read It every human
cing corrten hln llfo In hln fnco nnd In
bod looking or the roverno nn that life
An been L'ood or nvll On nur fontiiraa
tjpe flkje rliJHf-rn of thought uud einotlon
ure ctonmljy nt work. Aloxuutlcr
-''t- r ...
, I,k ho Mlari, -A
,Hhk tqu'tu, been out ercry,, night
olnco I murrieu you, ijud you;.Hworo
XPU V9W u trtio uf t? ntnxn
nbove. JIcMVellnln't tho ntara abovn
otiS?.if,y n-KnwrjjJuiJKe.
.Jave'fer'ato, organic olnJHbt' 1 nlwoyi
019 rcault of bad education or Jr
norace-nai4j.i fj,r ,V ,. i
"toad Tits Btilletia for AW. the
llMnlal ConwIMalloH
lrMrlnnt n( lb InUriur.
V. . MkI Olftc. The Il.lltj, Drrgon
Af4ltltj. I'fi.
Mink U ivH tkat lit MIiwIhu
hami Httleia h fitrd ttottnof thalr llrniuu
Uiwak final ioof uu tkir r.IUr etalm.,
im! that mm roof. Mtill,! mwlr Iniloie the
Cuunly Cteik at I', on Apill aOi,
Cliarbrt'M. MonlMiry,
of I'rlHrvtlUr. OtWOH on II. I(. No. jjys, .ak
w MrUt, fiyr (lie nrKvK. hHiK. CH nml
mw)( , ts jt li n , r m e. w m.
Jam M. MontyoHiery.
of I'rincWIlt, OrrtHiii. n . No, mit, Mkr
viWKrl for the Xwf.''wK) amieM
K.CiJ. Iin, r lr, win,
ThryiiniHc the followini' wIIiimm. Io irt
llieiromtiniHwa rr.ldtntt iijhjii and cnltlratioii
Ul .m laijit., vi. .
Hirbar Shaft
In Mai. I.
Hotel Bend.
Omrntr Maud
and Or. aon
HUdll U'KANIl, Prop
Sample room in connection. .
New flottwf, New lf.(iruiture, Hcnkonable Katen, tiood Kooiiih
AlwnyH Keservetl for Transient Trnde.
Cliarl. M. MontnoHirrv, Jaitiea SI. MoiiIkoiii
try, awl Jamen lltack. all i.f I'rliilll. uruii
Jidiii l. Uyaa and Wllllani I'. Vandnert, both
01 II
try, ami J
John ). A
oflwnd. Orrtfon. and II. l'rank V..i nfi.t.
j. . ..--., ... .,.....,
Timber I.anc Act Jnr.t- J, iZji,
U. 8. rnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
' I November 6, ios
, J'otkf la hereby iflren thnt In comitlanre with
he vrovl.ionaolthe Act of ConurrM ot June i,
l;ii. etftltlrd.VAii net for the ! of lluitx-r UuiU
In h'Vt4nrCnllroriiia, (lrr(in. Nrrndii. nnd
Wa.bliiKtoii Trrrhory," naextemUil Io all the
public I (iidatut1y Art of Annual 4, lV,
I'red M. Ireland,
of Mniiinoiitli, rounly nf I'olk, MAlenf.Oregon,
liai tlili day nini in nil olc ni .Worn .tale-
incni no, 7J7, lor me (iiircnaw oi 'inck'iiiwir
and I.nta jaud 4,oc I trit A r"l C, w in,
Ui alioC tlmt.Uie land
fore IliefViiiniv'cterk,
i And will uffrr..Jnr!Uif
nouKht I more vnlHUtft for ita tlmUr ilr Moue
lliuu for aKrlcultilfHl h(Im
bin claim to nuia laud litfc
nf Crook couuty, (Aubii, ul Hie Court' (toiite In
Ilr iiilii
tiHic, nud to
i'ctarake, nud Job
.An;- and an tnt
n'llie 'Wh it-' of
iaca: Vlllam 11,'t
ifon, o. ftnVnVOrC
Hnihiy htaafu, or 7t
ii iiiomi. o. i
una cMj.illiB Wv-AVI,,
l ft" .'"
of May tijufi,
rilhll. I rill
.y..-v.v. r-..rf. ",i7'
uoiiaiirTVon 'I
Itieaua wllueixa
nriiraMraCribld lat'lla kit- nun I't-rtio file
rlniiiMln Ibia (lbh,iuliWIi?J 'JIMvkif
may, vi-
: their
"' "AJ'I.T I'QlhK, I"slrte-
Tlniber MHd, Act June J, l7
U. K. I.amt Oflke.Thr Ha'llta. Oirtton,
Janiwuj' il. lyi
Notke I. hcrrtiy l n that lu roMiplianc with
lb iioIoh. with Art ol CwnaitM of June 1.
i7. eHltlli. "An act for the Mlf limber lanrf.
in lb lof CallfotHM, llregtHi, Newwla. att4
Wa.hlNiliiH Territory," a. rlHilrd hi all I In
JuuWlc UihI lle by Act of Augo.t 4, ini, the
BfoilowlHK ikAou. have AM Ih thtantTtc their
,WOTH UIijih.. lu wit
1 Miuoii 1' l'.
offiranlle fall., Comily T HiioIhiihUIi, .tale of
vka.iiiuxiMH, awuru aiairmrni an. ijai, lur in
iwiciu. of Hit cltw)f and I.l amid t c ju,
tu xi a, r 14 c, whi
I'hllllli A. Allele,
of Cranlle I'alU, county of iiiiohoiul.b, .tale of
Wa.hlHClon, aworii talcmrnt No rJ, for the
Hiichacof the e)( ol mc jo, tp mi, rir, m.
That they wlltoffrr toflii thaw that the land
.unlit l more valuable fur Ita tiuitxr or .time
than for agricultural iurxM-, and to r.tabll.h
Ihtlr claim to aald land liefort the Kriil.trr and
Itrcelver nt The Djllea, Orcicou, on Matili lh,
'fliftt. ii.ln III, fiillnMIIIV wllllr.u.' II k
!il'oler, of I'rlnrvillr, Oregon, fhllllp A Angtr,
nimoii i', roa nun i .. mHiiuweii, nil Ol iirau
lie ')I.;W.IiIiikIou! ami J. W, I'arrl.h, ofjrf
fcitou, Oregon,
Any nnd ill tiermne claiming adversely ally
ol III ! laud, ate rriir.ied to hie their
claim. Ill till, office on or before .aid jotb day
u( March, lyri,
llil-i MICIIAHI.T. NOLAN, Kcglitcr.
Timber I and. Aft Juu i, i.
NOTK'K froit I'lMlMfATloN.
f a. bAHdOftxt.Thr Ikultr., Il(rk-.,ii,
'' .Hiwry u, iv4
Nntlee I. -teHj alven that lu rtmiidlniri'
" H Lull Office, The Dallea, ()irjoii,
I'ebruary y, I'oA,
cnule.l nlbdavit havluir been filed
.--.... . .u i i . . . .". :
iii iiinmncTiiy nan. louiiaoii.couieaiHiil, auuimi
I I '
A ufllrleut
l'ccr'l,r,unlrjty No, 419, made January i,
!V4.l9iXii ii!f. "i!f H "c.u, lp 17 . r ii,,r,
lot t,iill,t I7,r lie, w 111, by I.ouU Neldu,
conteatee. lil i.btcli it laalteired lhat maIA enl.v.
nau I aa fliiled to make the annual eaeiidl re
required by law for the riclnmatiou of mild
tract, Hald parllra arc heieby uollfled
jiiinpirar, reipoud nud ofller evidence IoucIiIiik
nald allcKUliou nt 10 o'fiJk a. 111. 011 Aixli
j, 1900. ,f ore .- A J'ViT,n )wnry lubllc nt
her olflce III lie iy,Oreaoii HHd (hat filial hrarliik
willbc hrU; a in. oil Antil v.
I Apt
at On
,iyoo, oemrethie nrni.ici nu 1 ,Hcceivcrai united
matcaland'ofllrAlii'rhn'D.VIe Oregoii.
' rB,c I,!attlirr1l4nt Vll'Ki u u "..punw
nfUdavl , jStctl Janu;ry(J. ,fri?Ht(f;l.frtb M.U
which ahotr. Uui alien iduiiMllllrfeilce 'nrr.uii.l
.......k . .- -. .. - -i.-'
,, ,nr put,, un. 01 111 art o(Jhh J ii
''"". .iKiiiiruiri.i ut Mmlrr lamt. In
.fT. i vaiiioima. Ilirauu, Mrvada am'
Wa.hlHKlotiTeilllory." a. r.teiHlra lu all the
latMk Uh.1 Main by mi of Ah! 4. il. the
Wfowljig Hi" have Ihla day dle.1 Ul thl.
olfK Ihrlr .worn olatcmtnt., to wil.
Ilcury Twerl.
8fllelid,rHiiilt nfCiook, alale f Oirgou, litbli
Utcmrul No J74W. for the puuha.vol liie u!
MCtu,lpMa, r Ije. win. "
ThtuloreJ 'fiffl, 1
nrikhd.Mulyi,rci,k Mate oTtltrgwu, orii
tatemeut No. jjjo, for the irha.e of llie trJ
arcsdprua.r Ij e, w 111.
That they will offer pioof In affowllinl Itir
land aooiihtl. more taliiable for II. Hmlrr 01;
alone I hail ftfoaileulliiiMlnuf i...,.i ... . -V.
II. Il in Midland llore the Kral.irr
abd Krcrlver al the laud office in Thcllallen
tlrenou. on Match Wh, A tnciianen
They 11. mc th, f..g wllH Chattel T
John mcldl. all of lleud.tlrV !.!. ' "' "'"',
Any amLnll iMMiu4eMlmluir ndveracly any ol'
Ih alwvc IninU nie leuuratnl To rile Ihrfr tlami
March Sf 0,,W "" ''1 'ny u
JItiUo MICIIAHI.T. NOLAN, He..r., AM June j. i'n.
u. n. i.aii(i umce, The Dallea, Oregon, .
J I'ebrdary ii, lyoj, ,
Notice la hereby ulveu tlmf Jn nihiiil.,,. .i,i.1
the lirovl.louaoflhe Act'fir'CoiiKMMi of June 1
tnjlCenlltleit ''All act for i ,r NalJolmiVMau.f.
hi the atuten of Callfornn. 10.1 ' hA ,TnU',
WaahliiKluii Territory . na'Vateiuled In L he
public lafid.tatea by AM of ItUK.ial , ", "".
Kieiinni irrn.1
ofll'O'lMllUtV of Crook, a'.nl? of (it,
:iKii$yH hi nwi,;';
', hho.
No, ,6j, for the ,.urcl,;ae of be ,rv''V V:'"" ''
ttrilTXaW ...e. .!? r,'I r. w-,i, "'
the lam' 1
or .tohn
And will orir proof ti aliow lb. J'
0uil.1l la mote talualde (or 1 1. uli.iti
a how 1
at:;p MICIIAtiV MOLA'f. PeitUte
lieeeiwi ai n. Wn ' W nn ifJclltf r niu'i
oCMay!,,tV?f f! llnMh dnj!
C'J "17
li'.HMU T, HOLAII, tt'gtp'ir