The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1906, Image 3

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Frlnav, February 23.
Washington, I'tilt. S.'l. Prccmhtd hy
n debate whlrli Indicated im hesitancy,
hut rattier n relish, In taking iii'llnn
Against hUkhI railroad coiiiImiaIIoub,
the litilliii agreed without opposition
IihImV to tlm TilltiiAii-Olllip'i resolu
tion, d' reeling llin Interstate Coinmnrm
commission lu inakH ah IiihiiihIIiUh In
qiilry nml ntorl regarding alleged n
Rlrrtlntn n( timhi mi tlm mrl of ccitnlii
railroads In tlm handling u( eon) nml
. ffi ...1..11 . i .1
Oil. lin imoiuuiill WA lioi III lint
form III which It panned tlm senate, nml
will go back to tlml Imdy for iti recond
Proceeding under call of enmmltton,
Iml UK Hitrtt pamed to require 176 worth
of work annually on mining rl.ilinn nml
Jfl wortli of work on roaiU nml trnlln
fur iswh mining olnlm (n Alaska; allow
ItiK forolgu ships to dear from American
porta without examination cer till cut ra
when lliocotllitlle to which they belong
rreottnlse Ann.rli-.iii I'tirllllmtfM of In
spection; to prevent lureliu Imllt
dredite from updating III the United
Htrtlix, incept the drolgev now nt work
In tliH United Plates under contract.
WitiililiiKliiii, full, J. Ily n vote ol
3 to ft tlm asuatn committee on Intor
state roimiitir n today skim I to riqwirt
llin Hepburn railroad rate Mil without
nmcmliiieiit, Iml tho resolution re
mrvod to IIih member of tlm commit
ten frrndulll of nitloil conrtirullIK
AlliomlmenU olMed In tint senate. Ily
vote ol ft to 'A, Itepuhllcau trvnll
lug, Tllltimn, a IliHiiocrnt, urn gln
tlm honor of rooming tlm Mil, Thin
ttAhllshrv n prrwdMil, In that a lie
publican r-Oisle. ixMiimltlifi Im given
to a l(iHK'rl control of mi lmxirUnt
iiiMuri mihim liy a Itrptthllcau home
nml rniloriH! by n Itepobllvau presi
dent. Thurtday, February 22.
Washtiitflun, lb. it Knot' niHrli
illciiHnl Ktnl oti, eipectwl railroad
hill ni IntriMlHTMl In tlm Momti today,
and MHr) of tlm 'itfttlitMl Intwrwt
HI the MlqWl w Aennrdwl tlm unus
ual irlvllK ol n reading for tlm in
formation of tlm MWalora on tlm ily of
At tlm rmttt ol IUIh, rltnlnriMl of
tlm iiniiniitl- n itTil nllnlr, tlm Mil
irovllltiK for (Im Hinliliitirnl of hailiiK
t tlm nnrnl rpiny nt ,nni)Ui hm
tnki-H up mul illniHiil nt IhkkIIi. )kk
mlviM'atol pjlmom miMiiirMi, iHiylnx
llmt iKtlillj; li will I mvoHiilliili tlm
iliHilml riwult. lid nil tlmt Im linil
lnvrllKlo.l tlm ImiltiK firnctlef), nml
wnt irpnrwl to iriHMHiHr It "nn rnlii
otor In liiiilnllty." 1 1 conlileril It
h rrlnm out of Imrmony wllli tlm olHrx
1 1 l I by tlm mlilnlilpiiH'ii. Tlm hill wn
Wnililiictmi, Full. 22 Tlm lutntn to
Uy mliitr. to niljourn In iilnbrntlo4i
of Wrtliliittw'" hlitlHly, nnil it
nmtiilHim mrtlrl(nttl In n iti'tmrnl llM
ly of ilclwlf on tlm nrmy npr""irU
tlmi hill. Tlm plm lixik n w!to
Hhlp Kilxilily hm iIIkiimI fir nu
!mu hy (IllUrt, mIhi t'Hik th oUIoh
tlmt IiImi ronM Im Imllt nn cliwiply
In thU wiuntiy nhronil. lln Ariti!
tlmt tlm t'nltHil Htntm hm(m. tlm
IImmI iimrclmnt HMfltm Hvl ol nny
Timiorrow tlm Joint ri() illrwt
liilt tlm InlxiKtAtH I'.mnimrw rMWHiU
nloti to lHYtttfnt tlm rnlirmul, Kft
nml nn'li'Arltn iimI iml oil tnmlii will
Iki rMnliltrwl nml iiiimI llkfly mmptMl.
A lil I mm ml rii4irvlnK from ill
pinl by tlm ttnVfrtiiMWit Iktttltf Moon,
trtlll, H. I). Tlm limmttnln ! ninibt n
)url of tlm lUttlit MiHinlnlii fennlUrliini
rwmrvt'. Tlm inniintnln tnkin It nnm
from ImIhk tlm nnrlmit Uttli'k'ruiiml
brtwinii tlm Crow nml tlm Kioux In
tllntiH. Tlm poitfrim r)rt iim tlm nr
Krnt ilf Hclriiry hill nn Knl to.
A Joint roMilutinn vn nrml to nl
IowIiik Alnxkn tmtclmr nml muplnyw
of tlio hmiMii o( mlHCAtliin tu rmIkh
limit Mlnrli.
Wednoidny, FebriiAry 21.
VnliliiUii, Full. 111. HiH'mturjr
HImw iiilnuittiil a nMirt lo tlm houeo
t(Uy coiuernliiK pornmnont npproprbv
tlmi. iiimltt from tlm unurl triHimiry,
in Tpllni' with u revolution of ltip
riHiiiiitntlvo Tnwirny of Mliinwotit,
olinlrninn ol tlm houvo roiniiilttwi on
npproprlntlonv, hIio linn boen ltniiiK
tlm Unlit iijirtlnvt piTinnimnt Appropria
tion nml linn n hill p.Hi.lliiK whlrli ro.
vldwi for nlHillvhlnc vucli npproprlntlonii
except (or ulnkliiK (limit Intornntloiinl
paymeiita nml it (w othur llxwl iiIiIIka
Will noport DIM.
WbhIiIukUiHi l'' U0- Tlm Philip
jilnii tnriff hill, ultlult linn bconlmlil up
in tlm viH'oto ooiiimlttoo t'vor hIih'o It
pnail tlm lionvi', l oon tohoruporliHl.
J'hu DeiiHHirntB of tlio oiinniltti'o, who
,uro BUpiKivixl to h riollilly nrrnywl
itKAltiHt tlm hill, lu'W nrtwiforiiiioo toilny
nml two out ol tlm 11 vo iltclnwl tlmlr
Intmitlon to voto to roport tlm bill
Oftrmivokol Tviiiiwihuu nml MeCrtmry
of luuitucky. Thri-ti Itupulillrnmi, how
iivur Hnluof MlnmiHOtA, llnrrowH of
MIuIiIkaii nml llrnmlwo ol Uoiinuctlctit
uro oppoicil to tlio hill.
May Try Dolirlnpj Son Clnlmi.
WnaliliiKton, l-h. S!0. Tlio Iioiibo
voniinlttua on Judlolury toilny returned
n Invornhlo roport on it hill to uonfor
JurlHillctlon upon tlio Circuit court of
tlio United Mated for tlio Ninth circuit
(IVclllu count Btutes) to determine In
equity the rights of Amurlrnu cltltenB
under the nwnrd of tlio llelirlnu een
nrhltrulloii of Tiirle nnd to render Judg
ment. The liouuo oQUimltteo i1ho or
dered fitvornhle roport for United Btntea
coitrta At Victoria, Tex., nml Miami, Flu.
It In tlmili'diro of Mr. Tiivtniy Hint
iipproprlntloim nIiiiII Im nmilii iivnllnble
(or two ynira f ir tlm pnyinent ol ex
pi'iiilllurea proporly Imurreil within
Hint time, nml nt tlio mid ol Hint prlod
nil iiiinxpmiilml lalniiriHi nlnill hit tnuin
birriil to tlm nuriiliiri ftlml. thua nvolil-
liiK ir.nkliiK the npprotirlntlutiH perinn
lient. Tlm reMirt ol Mr. Hlmw nhowa Hint
tlmm were nlwnit 'Mi puniinimut niiro
prlntliimi In I IK) I nml llor., In J1JU4
tlmy nKKriynli-d lia,()()0,00() nml In
I Him 1 111,000.000. No nlnti tlintlm
Invorv tlm Tnwimy hill In the initlii,
hut aiiKK-t a few nddltlonul mount
iniiiita. WnnhliiKtoii, Feb. 21. Alter T,
ycnrri ol more or li-im imrlouv iviiihIiIith
tlon ol tlm viibji-rlit, the nttnnto dxlny
pniwiNl tlm lleybtirii pure food hill by
llin (IivIvItii vote of IKI to 4. Tlm vote
wnn tnkeii nltor n liny devoted nlniont
nxi'ltmlvnly to ilrmiltory dhto on the
hill. Knviirnl nlPirli! wore Hindu to
numml tlm bill, nml tlm committee no
rptil n uiiinber ol viikkimiHoiiii, tint
only thoie lima nr'ptid weru liieor
Hjrnltsl lit tlm bill nn mnei.
Tueiday, February 20.
WnchliiKloii, Fh. U0. Tlio vnnnto
llvttitmd linen or four houra toUy to n
iIUi'iii(iii ol tlm ih'tnlla of the pure
IixmI bill. A miiiihor of minor numml
iiieuta wern atiKi;i'iitel, hut under tlio
nxii-eiimnt to vote on nil nnmmliiienla
tomorrow imiin i.f them could Imi ncliil
on today. Itnymir preteuliNl by ropieiit
n reply (rom tlm llnltlmore A Ohio
llnilroad rompituv to tlm clmrKn of dia
crlmlnailoii ak'almt t by the Ited Itock
Find romjivny, of Went Vlrnlnla, deny
ing iinUIr trcntumiit. Tlm ttunlo nd
Jiiiirnol a lew inliiilteit niter -I o'clock
out ol ripii't to tlm memory ol the
lute lleprteiitntlvo Cnitor, ol I'onuayl
vnnln. (lnllliiK"r pri'ventod lour ptttltiona
(rem reaidmita of OLIalioniA praying
(nr prolilbitlmi In the proMl iititeol
Oklahoma. Tlm mot voluinin-nii con
tallinl the ntiliiM ol H 000 voleia, nml
lUllinK'r rid that It wna 20 1 (rot
Iohi;. Oho of the othera coutnlued tlm
mtmea ol O.IHH) women, nml Another
lhoe of fl.OOO children. Tlm fourth
mm vlgiied by in liana only.
Tlm pure food bill wna then tnkin
up. A lon dlrciiiHilon of Ainriiduienta
ffr l by vnrioua ronnWira enaui-d and
wa NirticNitril In by IamIh, I'ilea,
llrmenway, (lallitu-vr, HfKxnier, Key
hum, Mi-Cniiilier ami othera, lleineii
wAy nml I'ilea vpiierlnn for tlm first
time In dtdutta In the annate.
Wnihlnutoii, Feb. 20. The lionao ol
reprenclilittlven tmlny tiMik nu IlimuxIUlo
ndJiHunuietil out ol refpe-'t to the
memory of IteprtwouUtivn (ieoriio A.
Cnitor, ol I'etiiiiylvatiln, nltoi the pxa
vntl "I niiroirte reeolutlona nml the
apMilntnmut ol funeral wiinmltleo,
Iteprencnlnilve Cnalor died initvrday
in 1'hllaileliihlA.
Monday, February 10.
Wavhliitcton, Feb. 10. Three bills
were ikium-I iimler ruimwiif Ion nt the
rule rwj'ilrlnu a two-thirda rote In
tlm Ihhim. ttnlny.
Tlm Hrat iimken ipmhllnK unlnwful
in the territoriea of tlm United KtAtee,
IitIUiIIhk Aiuoim, New Mexico, Okht
Ihiiiih. Ihtllnn Turntorv nnd Ahmkn.
Tlm bill ladirictetl pnrtleulnrly nalnat
Arlxnim nud New Mexico, where it wns
tntiHl KnmhlliiK wna liceurist.
The reeond prov dea niMltloriAl work
for tlm CuiMiua hurAU by rculrinK ata
t lulled to be taken on iuaurnuct. tlah-
erica, electrical indiiatrita, ravlnt;a
Imnki nud crlmea.
The third npproprtatca f&O.OOO for
tlm iiiiri'lmmt nl 300 ncrrii ol coal Innd
on the Inland ol llntnn, one of tlio
Philippine nrchlpnlHKO. On the Inst
uiiiiimI bill n dolwteof two houra wna
had. Tlm othera were debated 40
mlmitcn encli.
WttnhliiKton, Feb. It. DinctiHlon of
the pure food hill prnctlcnlly
nil of tlm dny in the pronto. The
apenkura were lleyhuin, who hnarhn rite
of tlm hill; Fotnknr, alio prea.intiHl n
iiuuiher ol nmendmeuta tl en I red by
lliinnr utercata: Money. In (nvor o( hia
nuatltute; and MiCumher. An order
wna inndo to devote time tiuuorrow to
(HiuaideriiiK Ainemlmeiita under the ton-
minute rule, nnd hecln voting at 6
o'clock Wednefdrty.
Tlm una dent triinamlttcd tocoiiKreas
n rpiH'inl mecBAKe AKreelnn with the
minority report of the coiihuHIui; en
ttlueera on the PniiHina ennui in luvor
of a lock cniml.
No Religious Tost.
WiishliiKton, Feh. 20. In pror-onllni?
petltlnna nuuliut Senator Need Hmoot,
Binned hy tliotiBiuids of women of Call
fornlit ami Colorado, lVrkina and Pat
terson took occasion today to dollne
their pnaitioti on the proteata AKalnat
tlio Utah senator. The former Bitld
Hint rellKloua views slionM not he con
Bldered lu iiibbIhk upon the qualitlca
tldiiH of n senator, and that Ills honesty
and attrlbutes.that coninmnd conlldenco
ami reaped should he above all oIbo.
PrtllorHon tlioiiKlit there were Kreet con
Htltutlonal ptt'stlous to ho considered.
To Hoar Wlckcrsham'a Stdd.
WBlilnton, Feb. 20. The senate
coinmlttco on judiciary will tomorrow
,.r..l linnrlnir to JtldlH) JltlUeS Wluk-
orsluuu, of Alaska, whoso inuniiMtlonJ
la lielil up on ncvuuiik ' "
cliaro. The commltt'o, wlillo wIlllnR
to ulvo JuiIko Wlckorslmm an opportu
nity tu rofuto tho charts, will not con
front him with his nccuporB, or ovon
furnish him with tholr nameB. Judgo
Wlekorsliam will leavo for Alaska soon
altor tho hearing 1b concludod.
flooievoll 'Forbids Ilia QuaiIiIok of
Indlctrnenls In Cnta.
WaahltiKUiii, Fob. 20. President
Itooauviill liml btkeu a personal lutereat
In tlm chnrniiH of frnud nod corrutitiou
wlilcli uro rinlil Uj Iiavu occurred in
Roum-ctlon with tho nflnira of tho Five
Civlllxod I'rlhea In Urn Indian terri
tory. Hut for IiIn interelerenco Imllct
mouta BKiiinat aeveral poraona aHckimI
to have Imen min((eil In llleal pmo
tires would hnvo been otiArhed.
Now, however, iimler his orders, the
Interior depnrtment la pushliiK its In
vrstlKAtlons with Increnaed vlnor, nnd
it la reliably staled Hint In the near
(iitiiro n niimhor ol newltidlctments
will bo reiortud nxnlnat not only aev
eri.1 men already Indicted, but they
will nlno Include a n umber ol peritma
whonn names have not heretofore been
brotiKht Into tho ensu, lucludlnK a IiIkIi
government olllcinl In Wnalilnnton.
When It became known, lo the presi
dent tlmt the district attorney lor In
dian Territory hnd been instructed to
iinah some indictments already found,
Im Iminodintely sent orders counter
mnndlng this proponed action. He was
hxl to do this hy Inloriuntion received
hy him that, niter March 4, when Hie
tribal relations ol the Five Clvilixed
Tribes twined, certain (nets would be
put Into his jtotresMon which would
strengthen tlm IiiiihIm o( tlm govern
ment in its efforts to bring to trlnl h
iiuinhor of perrons guilty ol grocs (rnud
perietrntixl ngniurt tho Indians.
It is known Hint Hecretary Hitchcock
has submitted to thu president nnd
Attorney (ieuurnl Moody a sjievlnl ro
port dealing with tlm whole situation,
which gives audi dftnllh ns to make it
Imperative, (or the government to act.
Chinese Minister At Washington Said
to Havo Talked Too Freely.
Purlin, Fb. 20. A sensation has
resulted lu diplomatic circles hero from
the cabling of what purports to Im an
Interview at Washington with the Chi
uece minister to the United Htates, rilr
Chentung Liang Cheng, In which the
Utter Is quoted as rdylng:
"Hinco the dawn of your civilixttlon
tlm (lermani have bcun (lliturlx-rs of
tho iK'flce and repoxe of other ieople
Add nations within what is now the
Christian domnlu. They seem nlwnys
dlscontentinl with what they hnvo.
Their energy ApKHirs to demand the
whnltt world in which to hustle."
The Chinese minister la then raid to
hnvo lutmlnW! that tho present dircon
tent in Clilun Is due to Uerinan meas
ures and Oerman plots, nml is allrgel
to havo further Intimated that the Ger
man government or its agents Is giving
support to tlm revolutionary movement
which has for Its object the overthrow
of the present reigning dynasty In
This Is absolutely nml emphatically
drilled hero, but none of tlio members
of the Foreign ollice would discuss the
matter until the Authenticity of the Al
leged Interview could be substantiated.
It is understood that a long cable dis
patch was received from Huron von
Sternberg, (ierman ambassador to tho
United States, Sunday, bearing on the
subject. If It should prove tlmt tho
statement of Sir I.iang Cheng can be
subataullnttH!, there is n potsihlllty
that China will bo asked to disavow
his remarks. .
Revolution in Wenezuala May Occur,
Says M. Talgny.
Paris, Peh. SO. M. Talgny, the ex
Vri.neli Oin.n il'yfT ilieM nt Onracn. in
an Interview with the Matin's corrcs
(Hindent nt Liverpool, said thai the
inniilmllv nf tlm illnlmnatH in Venn-
suela Against his expulsion was a great
surprise to rresmetu uaBiro, wuo nnm
tho last moment had relied on. the
moral support of a certain power.
M. Talgny, according to the corres
pondent, is convinced that a revolu
tionary movement for tho overthrow of
President Castro Is prep-rlng. Ho hail
been approached hy several of the revo
lutionary leaders during his sojourn in
"onexuela, hut owing to his position as
representative ol Franco ho was obliged
to hold aloof from politics.
in M ThIimiv'h nulnloii. tho corre
spondent adds, a revolution would clear
up the present Awkward situation in
Eight-Hour Day tho Issue.
Now York, Feb. SO. John Mitchell
nnd Ills associates on the anthracite
miners' Bulwommlttee, today finished
tholr work of preparing proposals for
nn agreement in tho hope that they
will meet with tho coal operators' sub
committee. It Ib practically cortaln
that the minors will make a firm de
mand for tho olsht-liour day for all
mon employed about tho mines. One
of tho Illinois' representatives said to
day that the eight-hour question waB
moro Important to tho men than any
other demand mentioned.
Firo Sweeps Rutland.
Rutland, Vt., Feb. 20. Six of the
largest and most valuable business
blocks lu thu financial district of Rut
land wore destroyed hy a lire that for
soventl houra threatened to wlpo out
tho city, and but for a fortunate shift
shift In the wind which aided tho fire
lighters and tho arrival of engino com
panies from Whitehall, N. Y., It Is
likely that tho entire business section
would havo boon demolished. Ab it is,
tho damage Ib placed at $700,000.
Russian Town Aflame.
Kiel, RuBsIa, Fob. 20. An nntl
JowIbIi riot broke out today at Ylotka,
a town of 0,000 Inhabitants near
Gomol. A large part of the town la
In llnmea, and troopi havo boen aent
thore from Uomel.
Colorado Miners Arc Involved in
Murder of Steunenbery.
Dellevod Also to Havo Taken A,ctlvo
Part In Cripple Creek Out
rages Recently.
Itoise, Idaho, Feb. 20. On a special
train that mndo no stops At the princi
pal cities and towns on the way from
Denver, and changed engines and took
water At obscure points, Charles K.
Moyer, president of tho Western Fed
eration of Miners; William I). Hay
wood, secretary of the same organiza
tion, end O. A. Petlibono, a former
member of the executive board of tho
federation, who were arrested in Den
ver Saturday night charged with tho
murder of Frank Ktetinenherg, ex
governor of Idaho, arrived at Itoise yes
terday morning In custody of a strong
guard of Idaho and Colorado officers.
The prisoners seemed 111 at ease and
had little to say. They entertained
themselves part of tho tlrno playing
cards, and kept their own counsel. At
no time did they discuss the char go up
on which they were arrested.
The party was taken to tho peni
tentiary in two vehicles. Arriving
there, they wero searched, their belong
ings being taken in charge by Warden
Whitney. They wero assigned to sepa
rate cells.
Denver, Colo, Feb. 20. "Heywood,
Moyer and Pettihoue will never sea
Colorado again," says James McPar
land, head of tho detective agency em
ployed hy tho stato of Idaho to run
down the murderers of ex-Governor
btcunanburg. "Their dvs are num
bered. Wo have absolute evidence
that will convict them of complicity in
tho foul assassination of ex-Governor
Htetinenmtrg and eridonce that will
convict a great many others, too, of the
same offense.
"They cannot escapo in any possible
way. and tho legal knowledge of all
their attorneys cannot keep them from
theirallowa. You can say for me that
tho day of dynamite outrages in tho
Weet is at an end. Heywood, Moyer
and others know that they are guilty,
and they know that their time has
come. The Steunenberg assassination
was the final straw that broke the
camel's hack and was their undoing."
President Finds Ho Has Backing of
Many Congressmen.
Washington, Feb. 20. President
Roosevelt, after conferring with West
ern men in congress, finds bis forest re
servo policy is very generally endorsed,
and learns that there Is no prospect of
the passago of Senator Heyburn'a bills
intended to check tho withdrawal of
land and tho creation of reserves. He
has, therefore, decided to abandon his
recent order suspending forest resorve
extension and within a short time new
proclamation will bo forthcoming creat
ing reserves In several Western states,
Oregon snd Idaho among them.
At the time he detei mined to hold
up proclamations, the president bad
been led to believe that bis right to
creato reserves had been generally ques
tioned and he thought it best to wait
until his rights were specifically defined
by congress. Now, however, it has be
come apparent that the vast majority
of men in congress approvo the manner
in which the president lias been carry
ing out his forestry policy and with this
unqualified Indorsement the president
has decided that be can, with good
grace, proceed aa it there bad been no
It is Intimated that the Ilayden re
servo In extreme Northern Idaho will
ho the first one created. Just bow
soon. If at all, a roiervo is created in
Southwestern Oregon cannot ho learned,
as Forester Pinahot has promised to re
ceive and consider tho protests of the
people of that section and, until these
protests aro filed, no determination of
this uiHtter Ib expected.
Raisin Combine Broken Up.
Fresno, Cnl., Feb. 20. At a meeting
of the growers of the Central California
Raisin Growers' company today, tho
dealers voted to disband the company
and return to the growers the half a
cent a pound hold out for tho purchase
of packing houses. This action breaks
tho association of growers formed for
tho purpose of cc-oporaUon. This year
the price of raisins was Oxedat too IiIkIi
a rate, and tho dried fruit failed to sell.
Tho Mercantile company, of San Fran
cisco, finally took over the wholo crop
at 3 cents n pound.
Train Wrecked, Twelve Hurt.
St. Louis, Feb. 20, Tho now fast
mall train for tho Southwest on the St.
Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern was
wrecked at Caroudelot, a suburb of St.
Louis, early today. Twelve men are
Injured, several of them seriously. The
enulno and first car rolled down a lo
foot embankment. The second car
lodced on tho edgo of tho Desperoa river.
It contained n number of vnnW clerks
and thu loss of llfo must havo been gen
oral had the car fallen into the river.
Pat Crowo Arraigned Again.
Council Muffs, lit., Feb, 20. Pat
Crowe was arraigned on Joint indict
ment against himself and Arthur Levi
for holding up two street car crews on
July 2, 1005. He pleaded not guilty.
The out of date locomotive herewith llluatrntcd Is a relic of tho early
days of railroading In America, hut modern progress In this direction has
not yet succeeded In relcKntlng It to tin Junksliop. It Is still lp uso on the
Cumberland Valley line, and although It Is not rotnarkablo as a mountain
climber It still does good servlco as a yard engine.
OopulwSfeionce 1
r r &m$ I
Tho ocean contains about 2,139
crntus of salt nnd other solids por Rat
Ion, and the Dead Son about 19,700
Kralns per Knllon.
Glass bricks, a German product, nro
translucent, hut not transparent, and
IKMsess the ndvnntriKos of being acid
proof and of harboring no disease
Thu celluloid wind screens of auto
mobiles bIvo Krent risk of Are. Very
flno copper Knuzc Is said to have proven
n satisfactory substitute, being easily
seen through and nou-lntlammnble,
whllo It doos not crack like celluloid.
The low elllclency of the steam en
due tempts luventora with Breat possi
bilities of saving fuel. M. Cantor, n
Kuropean engineer, has hit upon nn
altogether new form of heat engine,
and projKHios to use for power Uie ex
pansion of the gas produced by tho
burning of liquid fuol like petroleum
and alcohol when nprayed uiion n
white hot oxkllzlni: material, like
oihle of copper. The oxygen removed j
from the copper ovlde would be re
stored by an air Jet. Ponding practl
cal test. It la claimed that the highest M.n nf nviuinutAn tft'nlltjl tlA
nrmuiu mio wt -.,"..v. ,....
produced lu the working gas, and that
a greatly Increased thermoydynarnic
elllclency would be secured.
Professor W. It Ayrton points out
that the common expressions "buying
sleetrlcity" and fconsumlug electric
current" nro misleading. No electrici
ty Is used up In lighting buildings,
Jrlvlng machinery, and propelling can
and trains. "Just ns much electricity,
flows away per minute, through the
return conductor, from your electric
ally lighted house as flows to It
through the coming conductor. The
electric current Is like a butcher's cart
carrying round meat you no more
consume current than you consume
cart. It Is not tho vehlclo hut what It
loaves behind that the consumers buy,
moat In the case of tho butcher's cart,
and onergy lu the case of tho electric
current" "
Tho construction of an ordinary telegraph-line
between Lima, on the Pa
cific side of tho Andes In Poru, nnd
Iqultos, near the Amason, being nil
but Impossible, because of the density
of the forests and tho animosity of
tho Ignorant natives, the wireless
method Is to be employed. Already
communication by wireless telegraphy
exists between Lima and Puerto Her
mudei, nud this lino will bo extended
to Iqultos, n dlstnnco of about COO
miles, with three Intermediate stations.
If tho enterprise succeeds, It Is the In
tention to extend the wireless com
munication across tho wholo width of
ltrnzll to Monaos and Para, -thus Unk
ing tho Atlantic nnd Pacific oceans
across tho Andes and tho great Ura
xlltan plains,
Tho Pomelo, sometimes called tho
Chinese breadfruit, u citrus-fruit
which may bo described as a cross be
tween the orange and tho grapefruit,
combining tho good points of both, Is
tho subject of an Interesting roport by
Mr. Anderson, tho United States con
Bill nt Haugchow. Mr. Anderson re
gards It as tho finest fruit grown in
tho far East. Ho believes that It
might bo introduced with profit Into
tho southern United States. Already,
It Is understood, a few persons In this
country aro cultivating tho pomelo,
but not upon a commercial scale. In
China, It la believed, this fruit has
been cultivated for at least 2,000 years.
Tho best pomelos In tho world aro said
to cotno from a little valley near a
hirgo Chlnoso city named Chang Chow,
lying liiland from Amoy, and not yet.
opened to foreign trndo. Tho sum
mers In this valley aro hot nnd rather
damp, and tho winters nro without se
vere frosts.
'I,ot Moiiutnltta" Mluea Now Pro.
tluctuir fll.OOO.OOO Year.
Six years ago nt Cnimues, Mex., one
would hnvo settled nu Irregular range
of low mountains, eighteen miles Ion,?
"lost mountains" the geologists call
them, becauso they nro couuected with
no other range, says Leslie's Weekly.
They nro mere "stubs," tho tops worn
down by tho powerful nctlou of the
elements, nud tho valleys filled by ero
sion. Theso "lost" hills were barren
and bleak. Sometimes a bunch of
stray cattle would raugo among the
mouutulus, but no white mnn made his
abode there. Even tho beasts of prey
nvolded this solitary range, Thcro
was no wilder, lonelier spot In tho
i i, ..I
wholo world limn tho "lost mountains"
of Canaries.
That was six years ago. Now they
are tho scat of tho third largest cop
per ralno In the world, tho site of a
city of 20,000 Inhabitants. In tho mlno
there nro thlrty-threo miles of under
ground workings; n.OOO men are talc
ing out of tho earth and running
through reduction plants and smelters
2,&OQ tons of rock dally, producing In
copper, gold nnd silver more than $9,
000,000 every year. Already tho mined
havo yielded 135,000,000. Tlio "lost
mountains" arc Uie scone of tremen
dous Industry. There aro great fur
naces with smoking stacks, oro bins,
foundries, shops, electric light plants.
Ice nnd water planta, shaft houses, con
centrators, broad and narrow gauga
railroads, street cars, a telephone sys
tem, banks, stores, schools, n hospital
nud all the other activities of a modern
Industrial town.
The pirture herewith given comes
from Greytown, Natal, and shows the
method of shoeing a refractory mulo
which Is In vogue In that faraway re
gion. Ily means of pulleys, ropes and
n wide leather band tho animal Is put
into a frame. Its head resting on a
padded bar, Its front legs bent nnd
fastened to side bars, and Its hind legs
attached to a stout crossbar. To pro
vent damage from tho hoofs two
coarse bags aro tied about them. Thua
protected from all actlvo Interference
on tho part of the animal, tho shocr
may do his duty with comparatlvo
The Itcmnnnt of Itentmcnt,
On tho opening day of tho Shn-IIo
battle thcro wore many deeds of he
roism, writes the author of "An Eyo
Wltnoss In Manchuria." One Inci
dent, he says, brought out clearly tho
terrlblo nature of tho encounter.
During tho Russian retreat a gen
eral commanding a division noticed an
otllcer and somo forty men returning
through tho lines. It appeared as if
it were a small party which had been
charged with some outpost duty and
had shown tho white feather.
Incensed at their apparent coward
Ice, tho general rode up to the officer
and asked him what ho meant by de
serting his post. With a somowhat
grim smllo the otllcer, saluting, said:
"Sir, this Is all that Is left ofsmy
That regiment had gono Into action
over two thousand strong.
A Family la lllrr.
Queen Wllliclmlna of Holland, used
to bo ns fond of her dolls ns any other
little girl, and her dolls went through
tho same experience that dolto with
lmnglnntlvo motnons usually uudorgo.
Ono day, at dinner In tho palace, her
small majesty mode her appcaranco
when dessert was served, and placed
herself next to n courtly old general.
After eating somo fruit tho little girl
turned her gnze up nt htm and se
riously exclaimed, "I wonder you're not
afraid to sit next to tne!"
Everybody at tho tahlo turned to
w'nrd tho childish voice,
"On tho contrary." Bold tho general,
"I'm but too pleased nnd honored to
sit noxt to my future queen. Why
should I bo afraid?"
"'Causo," and tho llttlo girl looked
qulto woebegone, "my dolls havo tho
measles they're nil of them down wltli
The Nerve of Hint. ,
"Adam Adam," repented St. Poter,
meditatively; "tho nnmo seems fa
miliar, hut "
"I," explained tlio applicant, "coma
from Eden. I am tho progenitor of tho
wholo human raco."
"And you," thuudered St. Potor,
"you havo tho nerve to apply for ad
mission hero! Front I Show the gen
tleman below." Puck.
Somo men aro such homo bodies that
tho look as out of placo In a r&itnu
rant at noon as n housekeeper does
on tho street nt meal time.
Tho wlso old hen chuckles to horeolf
when she sees a man trying to tunko a.
fortuno with an incubator.
Slzo of a woman's hat baa noUdoff
to do with tho price
..- ..,J. V