The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 23, 1906, Image 8

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ii t .IIJ .IHWlii HMD Will1
' t v uim'H '"
The Townsite of BEND
On. the Deschutes River Western Part,, of Crook
County, Oregon.
"'.""imff ffr
Center of the new Irrigation ipcyelppcutC covering;
f f a
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ssrfrM X . xx X v ov,
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At Oneway to
the Great
JL?d L e
b The Town has Grown
nlmoit ciillicly in the jwist year, the kmI
QUicttiUtiiiK only from April 8, njt'.j.
llciul Iihh excclUiit pujilk H-liooltt
nuil complete public water works.
The Pilot 3ptte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
V, S. Lnd Office The tHUn, Orrxon,
February t, Vfi6-
A luffidenl conteft (RtdiriV lulog bem 6Utt
in tfaif office y MtlUu C Cuoiu, coatetUBl.
aiiloit homcMciul entry No. iijto, made Oct
oCerj. Vn. tut the ahncK. 4nw5f tec 11. tp
19 , r lae, w ta by Kuxenc 1. Aibline Contciirr,
in nblch ll 1 allrsnl tUat uid I'.ucrar I. Athlinr
baa chanted hi reaUcoce thcrtfrma for more
than lx monthf Utt au ukl tract 1 nut acttlnl
,a ami cultivated by aatd party requited by
.atraod tbit utd failure .till exut. that mm
illtrnl abteacc waa not due to hl emplovrarnt
in the array, nary or marine curpt oflhernited
iafn In the tine of war. uid partlet are hereby
notified to appear, rctpond and plfer evidence
loucblne aaUl allegation at lo o'clock a. m.
on March r, lirA, ltte C A. Jonea. a notary
public, at her office in Jiend Oregon, and that final
neariae will be held at to o'clock a. m. on March
r, 1906, before the Krgiitcr and Receiver at the
I nitcd htatea land ofnee at The Dalle. Oregon
The Mid conteaunt having, in a proper affi
davit filed February j, 1906, act forth facta which
how after due diligence peraonal aervlec of thin
notice can not be made, it it hereby ordered and
directed that auch notice be given by due and
proper publication.
fi6-mi6 MICHAKI. T. NOLAN, KcgWtcr.
amd union Pacific
'Salt Lake
i Kansas City
, St. Louis
New York
Ocean -fitfiiiraers between Portland
and San.BraflciBco every five days.
Ticketatto And from all parts of
Ithe Uktl States, Canada and
..For partraiilars, call on or address
tkt Dftlk. Oregon,
An ordinance to prevent anil puniih the practice
of gambling.
Be it ordained by the Common Council of the
City of Demi.
bectiou 1 Kach and every peraon whotball
deal, carry on or play or who anal! conduct
either a owner, proprietor, or employee
whether for hire or not anygameof iaro inonte.
roulette, poker or any game ptayed wilhcaida,
dice or any other device, for any repreaentative
of value ahall I guilty af a miademeanor and
upon cvnvietion thereof before thr Kccordcr
ahall l puntihed by a fine of not lea than
Twenty hre dollar nor more than fifty dollar
and If Mich fine be not mid he ahall be Impris
oned In the City Jill until auch fine and coal, are
paid, at the rale of Two Dollar per day. pro
nded that uo term of imprisonment (hall ex
ceed twenty daya.
flection 1. Itbatl be the apecialduty ofeach
town marshal and police officer In the City of
Ileud, Oregon, to infurm agalntt and diligent
ly pttMcCMtc any ami all pcraon whom they
kail have reasonable cause to believe guilty of
violation of the provltton of IbU ordinance, ami
any auch officer who thill rrfusr or nillfully
neglect to Infurm agalmtand prrMccutrouVtulcr
against thia ordinance ahall be deemed guilty of
a iuideroeauor and upon conviction before the be punltbed by a fine of not te
than Twenty -five nor more than One Hundred
Dollar, and the Recorder ahall declare the office
or appointment held by auch officer vacant for
the balance of hi term.
Approved February H. 190.
Attest II. C. I'.LMH, Mayor.
Jt reorder.
Timber land, Act June j, 17.
V. S. '.and Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
December i, lJ.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provitioua ofthe Act of Congress of Junes,
i7, entitled, "An act for the aalc of timber land
In the Ute of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all the
public land atatea by Act of August 4, lM, the
following-named person have m Hw K lii.
filed In till office their aworn aUtepieuU, toiwlt
Henry N. Jones,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Ore
gon, auoru atatcment No. 774, for the purchase
of the nitt see 6, tp 19 , r 13 c, w m
A. Karl McKennett,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, of Ore.
gon, iworn statement No. 1741, for the purchase
ofthe aMnwK and It 3 and 4, ec 4, tpl9a,
r ue, w m.
That they will offer proof to how that the land
sought i more valuable for the timber or atone
thereon than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establlth their claim to said land before the
Kegiaterand Kecelver, at the land office In The
Dalle, Oregon, on the aoth day of February,
They name the following wltueaur. W. K. Wil
kinson, K. J. McCaun, I,. If. McCann, and 1!. A.
bather, all ofllend, Oregon) A. Itarl McKcmictt
and Henry N. Jouc, both of Iortland, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely any of
the above described land are requested to file
their claim in thl office on or before the aald
aoth day of February, lot.
MICHAKf. t. NOLAN, Register.
Desert I.nd Final Proof.
V. K. Und Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
January Ji, ifd.
Notice i hereby riven that Davbl H.bmllli.
aaslgueeof I'.. M. Kuthcrford. algnee of Mary
Mctiowan, of I'orttand, Oregon, ha hied notice
of Intention to make proof on hi desert-laud
claim No. 440, for the swift aec II, ipU. rue,
w m, before the Kcglater and Kecelver at The
Dalle, Oregon, on the nth day of March, 190S.
He names the followlur wlluceto Drove the
complete Irrigallen and reclamation of aald laud
William A. Mlce.ornalcm, Oregon. Fraud M.
George, of Portland, Oregon; oht II. Cook, of
Kedmond, Oregon and James W. Ilfuce of Wults
burg, Waihlnglon.
f9-nu6 MICHAKI.T, MOf.AN, Keglater,
aaaVaai w w a aKfaat & ss. a v aai 4
a uaiuidc lut uuiaca, ju kcjiisa u
week, $2 a month, near Dend.
tX II. W Morriix.
V. 8. Lam! Office. The Dalle. Oregon.
December M. 1905
A aufnclcnt contest a(Adavit having been filed
in thh office by Kll W Crop. conle4ant. agalnat
homestead entry No 11.4, made heHembr 19.
iyi. forse. Ji. lpo s r 11 e. ww. by ok
I. Korholt. eiMtrstce in which it la alleged that
Mist Ole I. Korholt has wholly abandoned said
tract, that he hat changed hi f4dcnce there
from foe more than six month Ut paat. that
Mid tract la Hut settled upon and cultivated by
Mid party a required by law, that uM alleged
absence I not due to hi employment m the
army, navy or marine corps of the I'Hlted nlate
in time of, war, uid artlr are hereby notified
to appear, reapund ami offier evWenee touching
Mid allegation at 10 o'clock a in oil February
U, 1906, Tjefbre A II Oraut. a notary palest
hlaolficc in Itend, Oregon, ami that Anal hearing
wilt be held at 10 o'clock a m n February i
190A. before the Remitter and Receiver at I'nltcd
Mate land office In The Dalle, Oregon
The Mid routcatant having, I11 a proper
affidavit, filed Decemlier 19, 194. ! furth faita
which show that after due diligence tiersonat
serrkeof tkl notice can nollx' made. It i het rby
ordered and directed that such uetlec be given
by due and proper publication.
!9-fi6 MICIIALT. NOf.AN, RrgUtcr.
rolled Statea '.and Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
January 19. l'.
A auflldent ronteat afridavlt having leen filed
in Ihlt office by Albert W 1'ope, contestant,
against homestrail entry No. 14MI, made Feb'
ruary 17, 1903, for wh seK. e!f w, sec jo,
11 w) ne) kc 9, l I7.ri e, w 111, by David
I one, conletlce, in which II I alleged that said
David I'. Jone haa wholly altandoned Mid tract,
that he ha changed hi roidence therefrom
for more than ! mouth laat pat. that aald
tract la not Milled upon aud cultivated by aald
party a required by law. that Mid alleged
absence waa not due lo hi employment In the
army, navy or marine corps ofthe United htste
In time of war. Mid partlca are hereby notified
to appear, rrapoud aud offer evidence touching
Mid allegation at 10 a'clock a 111 011 March 10,
1906, before C. A. Jone. a notary public, at her
office In Ilend, Oregon, and that final he ring
will be held at 10 o'clock a m on March m, i'.
before the Register aud Receiver at the United
ritale I.ind Office In The Dalle, Oregon.
The Mid conttataut haviug, In a proper affida
vit, filed January 16, iuj, set forlli fad which
how that alter due diligence peraonal service of
this notice cannot be made, It U hereby ordered
aud dlrrdcd that such notice be given by due
and nronemubllcation
fj-m9 MICHAl',1. T, NOI.AN, RegUter,
Trade Marks
CoiviiaHTa Ac.
Anrooa tcnalaff a ikateb and daaonptlori may
nfckiv saianatn oar oblnlon wbatbsr an
Invention la probably Patantabl. Communlea.
loauiuu. narnfuya "
asaocr fofasjrfiig I
Uut lan tbroutn hue
WMtat not, without cnarga, 1
lont fro. (JldMt agtoer,
rswut tan in
on I'alanti
'itunn (&
c. ta ui
sckMtific mtmn.
A paudiomalr lllttatralad WM.Iy. Urgait elr.
calalloa oi any acftutlB lou'nsJ. Tarai, M
vsst four montkl, L Bold by all titwtdaaJtra.
Timber Land, Act June j, l"r.
0. H. Land Office, The tMlles. Oregon,
May i. !.
Notice I hereby glsen that in com4iH tth
lite p-wvitkma ofthe Art of Cogie of Jane 1
kVya, emitted "AM act fne thr m(v of Umber landa
H the siatr nf CallfofHIa Oreaun, Nevada, and
WmhfHgloM Teerllory. aa eateHdetl to all the
Hiblie taud state by set of August 4. itf.
Agnes Htm.
of The iMlks cuuHly f Waseo Mate of (He-gem
ha lht ilay filed in thla of nee her aworn atale
nient No J&47, foe the purchase ofthe aeX. e
a.tpt. I Ije. w m.
Ami will offer ( lo ehow that thr taw.)
soMght I t"e valuable fur It timber or alone
than fur agileultural iu,mms, and In rMiMMi
herdalmluMkl land before the Register awl
Rreelrrr. at The Dalle, Or gon, on thr 4h day
uf March, iy
htie name a wllneaaea Michael O'Connor,
William (i AUmiii. Alfred Intrgaaon, ami John
C.aviii, all of The Dalle. Oregon, and John
McTaggatt, uf liHtlsnd. Oregon
Any and all jiestMi ctalmlng adversely the
almvc-dcMTibcd lamUare rjHetnl t file their
claim in thl i.ttiee on or before Mid Hh day of
March, A.
JlV-miJ MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. Keglater.
Timber Land, Act of June J, Iftti,
U . H. d Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
Deemeber 4, I'oj
Notke I hereby given that In cnuipliaiire with
the provisions ol hr Act of Congress of June 1,
17. entitled "All act for the sale of tlmler lamia
in the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevadr, ami
Washington Territory, ' a extruded to all I he
public land Male by ad of August 4, !-,
Ada J Harrington,
of I'rlnevllle, county of Crook, slate of Oregon,
ha Ihi day filed In thl nlhce her sworn atale
nient No, jiji, for the purchase ofthe se)(nw,
and iHne( of sec in a, r 10 r, amIIMi,
ec jo, p laa, r 11 1, w 111.
And will offer prool to ahiiw that thr laud
aouglit U more valuable for It timber or
tour than for agricultural purpose, and In
establish Iter claim to Mid land before the
Cuuuty Ctrrkal I'rlnevllle, Oregon, oil the will
day or March, l6.
Hhcnaineaaa witnesses, Charle llrock, John
llloa and Ora I'oludealrr all of Ilend, Oregon,
aud Joseph II. Ilaiiernf I'rlnevllle, Oregon.
Any and all tiersou tlalmliiK adversely the
abovt-lecrllied land are rrnueated lu fllr ihi-lr
claims In this office 011 or before Mid ajtii day of
JI9-HUJ MtCIIAIit, T, NOLAN, Register.
U. H. I.nml Office. The Dallca, Oregon,
Deccmlcr 36, p03.
A aufricleiit contest affidavit having Itecn filed
III till office by Daniel It. Hinllh, contestant,
against houiatcnd entry No. nfcoi, nude October
13, I9", for iine! , ntviiw, aec 19, Ip iHs, r 11
r, w 111, by Martha Morris, contcatce, in which it
Uallegcil that Mid Marllm Morri ha wholly
abandoned aald trnct that she hn changed her
residence therefrom for more than al mouths
laat pnat. that said tract It not settled iimiii, and
cultivated by said party a required by law, that
aid alleged Absence was not due to her employ
ment lu the uriuy, navy or marine corps of Ihc
fulled Mate in time of war, said parties arc
hereby notified to appear, rcapoml and offer
evidence touching aald allegation at lu o'clock
a, 111. on February ij, 1906, before A. II. (Irani,
a notary public, at hi office In Ilend,
Oregon, and that Anal heating will he held at
10 o'clock a, 111. February 11, 190A before the Reg
Uter and Receiver at flic United Mate land
office In The Italic, Oregon.
The ald conleatuut having, In a proper affida.
vlt, filed December lo, 1903, net forth facta which
how that after due diligence personal xrvlec of
thla notice cannot lie made, It I htrthy ordttrd
and directed that aucb notice lie given by due
and proper publication,
Timber Land, Act Junr 3, 171,
V K. Land Offier. The Dallea. Oregon.
October JV fH
Natter I hereby given that In ewwptwwe with
the Hovlstottsnf the Act of Congress of Jhhi ,,
17. entitled, "An art fuf the safe of limber lands
In the stair uf California. iHegsm. Nevada, ami
Washington Tettittwy," a ratrtsdrd l alt law
pwblte laud asale by Art of AugwH 4, ll
Frauds M. Hurke.
ol Walla Walla rrssinly of W.IU WalU ilv f
Washington has I hi tlay filed in thtauffscr hi
worn stslcment No 7i9, le lheMtrThae af the
HK see n III hi , f 1 1 r, w m
Ami will niter pnmf lu atmw thai the la ml
awugtit I wore lUr fur II timber ue atone
than for agricultural ptpr, ami lu establish
hi claim lu Mkl laud In-fore the Register ami
Rertisrr at The Dalle, Oregon, im tfte trd day
of Aprtl. lyA,
llensmraas wlliieaK Kll W Crimp of Walla
Walla, Waahlugtuu. Jiihn llm ofMistrf, IMr
gnu. Jowph N lliiuler ami Nicholas hmllh
both of fiend. Otegini
Any ami all person claiming adversely Ihr
ahutr-dr-acrlbed landaarr miueiel lu Atr ibstr
claim In Ihi offier on or before Mid 3rd day
f Awll. lort,
JlV-tuju MICIIAIIL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Mm), Ad tune 3, 171.
U. 8. Mud Office, The Dalle. Oregon.
January 11, i4
Notice la hereby given that in compliant' with
Hie provision ofllir act of Congress f June t,
i", enlllled "An ad for Ihr sale of limber lamt
In thr state of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory." riteniled lu all the
iiuWIe laud stale by act of August 4, .,, the
Mlowlng-nameil pcroii havr filnl In Ihi ottic
tneir aworn aiairnieiil. Iir-wlf
Mary J. William,
of Ileud. county of Crook, atale of Oregon, wufn
statement No, 1711, filed November ., iin, Ur
Ihcputchaae or I he eHnw)( and tSsw(( ,1,
tp 19 . r lie, w in
(race I!. Ijiwiencr
of Ileud, county ofCrouk, stale of Oregon, twuni
Btalruieiil No, 1747, flleil November IV 193. for
thr purchase of the lie)' sec IJ, Ip 19 it. r lor,
w III,
Thai Ihey will offer proof lo show thai thr laud
sought are inorr valuable fur their Umber or alonr
than fur agricultural purposes, anil In establish
Ihelr claims to said lamUbefore Ihr Register anil
Receiver al the laud office In The Dalle. iru,.
on April 3, 1' in,
1 uey name tue iniiowiiig witneaset lirace l.
I Iwi.nn.. I,t.nli M. Ilimtvr l..l... 1,..- ........
J William and J. M. Lawrence, all of lie ml.
Any and alt ieraoiii claiming adversely any of
the above-dcacrlbed laud ate reipiealed lo file
en i'-iiM" , una uuiic on or ieioreaiii jru
day of April, KfA.
io-iny MiCIIAULT. Koi.AN, Rcglaler.
U. H, Land Office, The Dallei, Oregon,
Mnnh n, 1904,
Notice It hereby given that In cuinpllanrc with
Ihr provision ofthe Act of Cougrraa id lime i.
i7. enlllled, "An ucl for the ante of Umber Innd
11 the atatea nfCaliruriila, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Waahliigtou Territory," at extended to all the
public laud atatea by ad of August 4, itaji,
WIIIIhiii Curry,
of Wasco, coituly orKlirrmau. atale nforrgoii.ha
Ihlt day filed in till office hi awnrn aUtciiienl
No. U7J, for the purchase r the nwlfiicli,
uliiiwUi cc 11 and uejfutjf ec No, k. In Ip 14
a, r lo e, wm,
And will offer proof to show thai the laud
ought I more valuable for lit timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and lu establish
his claim to Mid laud I fore Ihc llegitlrr
alld Kecelver ut Tlir Dullr. Ilrevnit. mi lit ,.il.
diy of March, 1906.
He uaiaea ua witnesses Helena M. Curry, Rich
ard J, (ioriimn, Mlchuel O'Connor, all of The
Dallea, Oregon, and l l(. Alllughiini u( I'rlne
vllle, Oregon,
Any and all nersoii ctsliulnv mli..-ti,ti. 11. ..
almve detcrllied landt are rnjutsled lu Alt Ihelr
claim In thl office 011 or before the (aid mlh
dayofMarcb, io.
JU'J ktCHAKL T. H0LA14, Xtillttr,
Vtrr rresltlrnl
tf-n-frtary aaf H4
xwietaiy of Ttrassiry
twrteMry of lHti4ea .....
HrrlsHarr of W(
0lla,y 0atrr
Kwevrtany aaf VfMHHttsaaji,..,,
FtMtmwttet rtf4aj,.,,.
Altof mry IUrf, ,,....,,...,
eenrtay of AktCarHtVe ,
. TKttof Rasssrveli
Charle W Kslrbanls
W I. Muot
Lesile M Kauiw
.. -. K A llllfhoKk
W II Taf
... .1' J NnHsartr
.... Vktut II. Mete 1 1
Q. h. CoeUlrun
..... . Wn II Mutaly
...,. . Janse Wilton
WwTH wT ins ltMitlt)4i(M
lsfeswy of Mafe
A I law nry (Ifsteead
mH I'uWIf (H-sttsastrntl
I'dHlrf ..,
Islry ami fvA Om
U. H. Keualora,,
Cnngl r-M men ,.,..-....
fluiKeine Jujgn
(ta. K. CtunnUrlaiu
-....... F I. ImHUsr
... ..C.I Mud.
..m..H a ai vrawrafii
M......J. II AtkrlHMH
- .J. K Whitney
J. W. Halley
John M. (learlu
C W. Fulton
Dinger Herman
N. Wltllamsmi
C. H Wolvertmi
K. H. Ilean
F. A. Moult
' J-f
j un g e, ,.,.., .,nt,
mmmh-mmm. W, I, Uradshaw
Flank Meuelre
Jolnl Hatialar, ., ...... J, A. I,)L
t N. w
Judge.,,.,.,.!..,.,., .....-.m.m.. ...... V. A lcl
Clefk.,,,,,,,,,, ,uttmmmm J.J. Hlllllh
Hherin',.,H.,M.iMM, 1;, atAin tinillh
. I .Hll , .....,,,.,,
ImIimiI rlupt ,
..MM ,.,MM... ..(..,
DO. (hay
J. D, I.a I'ollrllr
U. II, Dluwlildlr
C. A. Craves
...J. II. Criwkt
M. D, I'owell
it. H. Hlcaru
M-VoSXr "'t,, ,0WU '" M"y """,
rauiiAlll CnuuT-Flrat Moiulay lu eflch iiiuuih
...... ....'. :. ":j
LIllllllKMIIIMKUal' I'lil UV llla-a
I --- -r- "-'"", suuni - flr(
11 January, .March, May. July,
mnl Nuvvinlier. "
H.C. I'JIls
Justice of Peace
.initiBiiie,.,... u-Vit.
Road Huiwrvlsor ,j,, rf fi 'K"),
IIkmi HcuiMii, HmrmcT Nn. 11.
(J. M, Lawrence
Jv I,, til
t W. H. N
00. Iwlllli'
..!,. II. Wiral
Mist K11II1 1.. Itclil
.JMa Urace Jone
(Mlaa.Murluli Wlt'st
Citv ok liiirrn,
A, L. flmnlwllllr
H.C. Kill
-F. O, Mlnur
C. M. Weymouth
1. Frank Hlruud
John II. Overliirl-
H C. Caldwell
If. A. Mather