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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
JLfr 1 gj Twice One Third lite Cost Every tiny 'or:7ci HW " 'I, ... price oi can Jilt Crocars Si1 I'OiuI (or ll.e Imlllyl "llu III I'llMBII." Htl!!!. leiarlle. Kar and awaj strtchM tht warln grasses ami thr low lillla. On and on watidorexl tba llttla boy. It dhl not know where he was, and yet lis did not weep. lit was a rr brara little Ind and a liters child withal, so that, althouffti he had lot hla uoarlugi, waa not) aliniiKl, For ilid he not Iists hi nice new rubber ball with him? And would It not bs Una to bonne It about orer Ui bsnl, smooth fc-TouiilJ HvIkUiik a iot bar of grass h threw th ball down, with all bit might. Hut It la llfeleti juit whsrs It had allKHlr.1. i Attain th jnutlnl lad threw It diiwri, but the rrtlllrut k'utu iiervhs siiherolil ir desil auU Inert exactly n It bad fallen. Then, at thr frsrful truth broke cjmih the lad, ho bnike forth Into walli of lipalr II wa on th boundless prairie -Jtnli:. Hood's Sarsaparilia )Ui aitrtaiet J eititr Mfetlclara. In merit, tl b4 ew. It . great i It Iim Ueo, Iim t. trmiir Milr Jmi iim. It ree'rlte.l more UetluwtiMt In Ik Ull two feert the) r fftH ti eierlWU. It bee lttl.l4liiif nalerf t)ietrt-. tk alroeifetl pt"( ( It uheiialt wurth. It punftet tfc im, rf ll Ui ill. le. all tmmort ! mil rup4lel. It lrirtlitii lit UHMnrli, errtti on H-iIlt ami tmlM Mt lh whale ittn. It ir that llttt feelta an.1 Makei th veeV atretic U mual IWU. r to new tablet term, ICu !)- Ou IMUr. 1li statue u Ibo I'll rliu. On riytitoiith Hill lamlt Ui tiunos Ing statu to t)io iillgrlius. Id bait U granite ami stiiijKirts a tratml (iKiir tl mch of th four ponifri with ri carchlnr th aurroundlmc country. while a woman's O.urf cruwn the top. On the pMritnl la lii(ertbil the name of vrrrr man, woman and chlUl Hint cam orr Iu th Majrtunwr. St Mch elai. llrr rrellln TeiMpleil Hint, "I'ather, It Is true the young man kliied me so suddenly that I waa not prepared for It, and yet I feel that 1 am also to blame in Uie matter." "To blame? In what way?" "I'm nfrald I was an accessory be fore th fact" (.'lowland 1'lalu Dealer BLOOD POISONs&SK Tim !.1.irV- tint' U nn rtntilrm of horror nnd dread. When it is hoisted by tin unity, the onlcr 1ms koiic forth that ' no quarter will be Riven, cv cryUtlitr Bttint be destroyed, llcl jilcsn women nud children, n.3 well na ojipos lnir ooldlcrn, meet the mime fate, nml trail of desolation. Buttering nnd lU.itli U Irft lwlili.,1 rnntnt-Imn I Hood l'oiaon 1.4 the black flair of the Rrcat o It.. . . - t . l I. I t.. aritiyoi disease, i ni.i vtie uiMmicrm i -il i -mi.. J .1.. uuiui nil iiiiiuaii niiiiciiuun, uvciiiiiini"K ,ta ". . 7 --- i or how Innocently the diacaao l.i contracted, when this awful vims cutera tliq circulation the lildcoua, hateful nnd huiniliatiuK ayinptoius begin to appear, and the ituflfcrer feela that hi.i very presence la polluting and contautltintinp;. Usually the first nlfjn of the disease la a little sore or nicer, but na the blood becomes more deeply poisoned tho fievcrer nyiuptoina nre manifested, the mouth nnd throat ulcerate, the j'landa In the urottia swell, a red rash brenka out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, and often tho bodv is cov ered with copper-colored spots, pustular cnijitlons and sorea. In ita worst etagca the disease affects the nerves, attacks the bouea and sometime causes ft. ..... A. f..H.i . lit l.enli tirAjlllf UWUI IU IUIIII Ull l.l ......, .....v- intr insnnitv and death. Kot only those who contract the poison anlTcr, but unless tho virtta Is driven from the blood the awful taint is hntulcd down to olTsprine;, ami they nre Its Innocent victims. Jllood 1'olson la In deed n "black llnjj.'' Mercury and Totash, no often used, never can cure the trouble. These minerals merely drive the Hymptoius nw.ty for awhile and shut the disease up In the nyatetn, nnd when they are left olf It returns worse than before. This treatment hot only fnlla to cure blood poison lilif atnld i 4 1tt nil nn t II III tirv it Htrt Btomacii and bowels, produces chronic incntly causes mercurial rheumatism K.a.Sithct:rcatvcKetablcmcdicine,laUiecoHiucroroftiti3viletUseasc. It .--.. m , t every particle of the poison. 8. S. S. 9 Koca down to the very root ot tno trouuio nuu cuius uy vicuubiuk """, " mm PURELY VEGETABLE. 3nTamiS trrcat remedy the symptoms nil pass away and no sljn pf the disease Is ever seen neaint nor Is there left the leost trore to be bonded down to posterity. Special book with instructions for self-trcatment nud any medical advice de tired will be ocut without charRe to alUvho write. ,. ,.- WE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO: ATLANTAm GA as Good li bari'alii ilny In tlie Wave Circle. Couto In ami net ac quainted. K C will help you cut down tho llvlnrj exjienien and make doctor' Mils a thine of tho ait. Do you rcallio that you can cct the lest ami purest baiting powder In the world BAKING POWDER at one-third what you've heen paying or anywhere near K C quality. A if euneic,tntoltic. Think of the aavlnul um you mane money any easier Oct It to-dsy. The grocer returns the if you are not satisfied. JAQUEQ MFC. CO. wniuaunt T ! All Winter. A. flock of i-nrly hatchfd pulleta with a comfortable Iiouhp free from Wiulii, with proper rcntllHllyn, n acratch pen and box of grit, ull icrnln burlisl In litter, will do nobly during the whole winter, but tho rooxta liiunt be aprayrd with krrotcrie oil twice a wrck; their IkmIIp diuled each month with ood liuect powder, plcntjr of frrih drink at comfortnbl (prnprr ature, icrecn feed audi aa allced bcrta, atramed clover, or loon cnbtutgw to i tilck at frrrlr, all thr icrepn cut bone I with clean, freth. awect ndlirrlnc meat that they will rat nt ouu inenl twlc a week intut I in auppllisl. A rnaali of mlddlliik' with 0110 part In thrrn of corn won I In xro weather atlrnil thick enough to be crtiinbly. oata or wheat at nlcht except In xvro weather whrii corn ahould tio fed warm nt rilcht are alao nxcellent, pro vided only nlwut two thlrdu an much aa will be eaten up clean In ten min ute, la fed nt a time. Pullet require, more than hena nnd Leghorn Ima than heavier breed. A Twlre-T.ild Tule. A MaaiarhiiM-ttji lawjer baa a netnrl oualy trwirlierou memory for detail, 'i'bl falllnc otvanloually lenda him to tarMo a Joke In reixwtliu: It. Kecent- V tlU tllllt M frl,tut H'lui otM.l.ttllf tllttl ' Uhju tho shoulder, said vuthUNlHutlnil lj: "U'ell. old mnn, this Is n Quo day for the race. Isn't It J" "Why, what racer' "The human race," atd the friend anil fled. Thin wn the first time the lawyer had eer hoard thl very ancient Joke, so ho to get It off on tho,,1'I', nt"1 '' ''T I'lckcl him up tho next man he met and ho did, Iu this manner; "Hollo, Godfrey, isn't this a Ono day for th trot?" "Trot what trot?" "lly gad," atauuncrcd the lawyer. "I swrar thero wns a Joke there, but I cnu't find It now!" I.lpptucott's. Ill alone? tVnrlh. I "Doughnuts," said tho baker, "are ten cent a dozen and tho erullurs aro the samu price." "I didn't know," said tho customer, "that there was any difference be tween 'doughnuta' and chillier."' I "Ohl yes; crullers have holes In tho center, while tho doughnuts" "Glmmo doughnuts; I nln't spend In' my good money for bolus." Cath olic (Standard and Times. When it is hoisted , 1. ....,. mm lli litnAlmat nitt timet M ii1 I kiiuw w.k.wk ....... ..a. .....v- .... I...l in. n.i. I xmuliitur nut llin , ... 0.-nn enit uiy lleah was In an uwful eonilitton, Urnat sorea wouia ureaK out nmnom Inirl put on tlieni voulit do any (rood. My hair amt eyebrows foil out and I wa ', frlBt." My mouth ws so sor I hftil in llvn nu milk nml vruter. Jloroury for louir time and Instead ot irattlnir tiatter I continued to grow wrorta nnd uiy anna and hands became ntlil .nm.. Mv len ware drawn so Sly lerfs waro umwn so a ooulit not walk huiI I felt that myttmq wss short hero If I did not tret soro re. lief. I bsge-n to ma your H. H. U. and It helped me from tho start. After Uktnif it nwlilU tho sores all liealeit, lay rneu inatlsm wns cured nnd to-iluy I nine, atromr.wall mull. It trot nil tho mor oury out of my aystnm ami it cured lue aouiid unit well. ADAM H0HNAI1KL, Uvausvlllo, Imt. Jfo. Ctl Mury tit. dyspepsia, loosens the teeth nnd fits to add to the natlent'8 autTcrlnjr. a. .. . .. i...i.iiii Tiiii ii Ann ni i does not hide or cover np nnyiuiiiB UUl cienrti uie tiiin iii;hii.... . virus and puts the systcni In pood healthy condition. It cures safely as well as ceitaluly, because there Is not a .mritni. nf iiittieml In it. WeoiTcr n re. ward ol i,ooo,oo for proof that S. S. S. & iat-b-4lrtSirtl W35 Kiy j-t mr.m . . SpfeR&n xr. "-" i rienanut Old (lenllemnii- -Ifnto you Hw-d hero nil your life, my little mnn? Arthur (iikimI (J) Not yL llluatrntwl Jilt. Mm. rinoUim' mniiy tlmoK hnvo you Imm'M .mnrrleil? Mrn. (lollulilly - I'm (iNluimed to tell you: only once. - 'I'own ToplcM. I'roxpectlvu HuHlmnd Wlmt rnnr- rliiKe ceremony do jou prefer? I'r-IKM-thn llrlde (tho fourth time) :ntcli im entch enn. V.i. J'arker I uriderNtnrid your wlfo I prelly lllernry? llnrkor-UVII, she can rend Henry Jnme In tho oriiflnnl with out n pniiNol Turk. "If It'a n nlco day, mine nnd tnke mo out In your nuto, Wedncadny." "Hut suppoiwi It'a not n nlco ilnyj" "Couio tho day before."- Ux. Johnny- m In. Hlnter'a (aiMftln you. Sir. Htojilnt Mow do you know ihe Is? Johnny Hhe'M Ix-en aleoplu' ull tho nfternooii.--Clevelnnd Inder. "Do you Mlete In innrrylmc n Klrl for her money?" "Not n n Kenernl thtiiif, hut sometimes thflt'a the only way you can ot It nwny from her." Ux. Mr, l-kfinorny llow much nro tho Kctnclea? Oculist Two tlollnra. MrK. IVMiiomy Ciin't you kniM-k off one dol lar? I'm blind In ouo eye. New York Mull. Oypy rortuiieleller (aerloualy) I-t mo warn you. Homebody' koIiik to cross your path. Motorist Don't you think you'd better wnrii tho othur chnp? l'unrli. Him (thtnklriK to tnko his mind off) How n-stleas the wine nre. did. They nlwn)N M-em to Ihj clnmorliiR for some thing. Dad -Well, they won't k'et It If I cnu help It Knm's Horn. "I have no home " bewail ttio Ik-r- i'nr. "Borrj'. old mnn," anld the brisk fdistrinn, "but I hne only one. How ever, If you'll pay my bills. I'll kIvo you that" rhlliiitelphln Ixi1r. Ilwld Pine Hlr up there In the coun try where l't M-en. (3reiie -Why didn't you brlriK some of It back with you? Itedd I did. It'a In my automo bile tlrex. Yonkcro fctaterttunii. &A kifti imiw wvrtWiNvN "I hear that tho new star's acting 'capable lawyers, but men of excep brought down the bouse' "Yen, It did. tlonnl forco and character. Indeed. In one week It brought down the 1 exceedingly doubtful If the bar from eight hundred to ten peoplo nnd the ushurn." I'letelnnd lender. '11 nil Thompson Wur yer fver be fore n Judge? 1'nizeii Htlffe I wtlK. Tlml TliotnNMiii What did yo git? I'rvzeii Ktlffv I.lfu nt hitnl labor. I wux mnrrleil by n Judge. Judge. A mnn lost n leg In n rnllnny nccl- first wonl he anld wns: "Thnnk tho Lonl, It was the leg with the rheuma tism In 111" Atlantn Constitution. Wlfo (to huslHind standing In front of mirror with razor In hum!) Aro ;ru abating? Husband No, I nm Mneklng tlie kitchen range. Where nro yon mt driving or at a mntlnoe? Detroit Jotirnnl. Do Style Sly wlfo tells mo while nut In her nuto you did lots of dauingo. t'hnurfeur Hut, sir. wIhhi you hired me you said your w'lfe wnntnl me to run her auto In the worst way.I.lp plnmtt'a .Magazine. She We ought to hate n upright tdano for our new flat It would tnko nu tnMn nuim ilian ..i.r Himnni nnn 11.. I ' ; . . .-' ; - i can i nrroni to miy n new piano, You'll bnto to turn tho squaw plnno on end.- Yotikers StnteMuinn. Tho WifeWhat luek. The llusbnnd (wenrlly) None whatever. The Wlfo Wen thero no servant In the Intel ligence ollliv? Tho IIuslMtid (sadly) Ii(h of them; hut they luid nil worked for u ln'font. Wonmn'a Homo Com- paiilon. IjidyWlint la tho real dlfforonco to tween nn npirtmeut, n tint, and a tene ment houie? Janitor In nn mmrtmout . ...u,,,, ,. l"' milled Willi lime no clilldron; In n lint they hns one or two. More than two mnkcH any houso n tenement, mum. Judge. The regular patron, n llttlo pnlo nnd wan, dropod woarlly Into n chair, and took out his iuwapnHr. "Steak, as mr usual?" said tho waiter. "No; I am tired tonight," tho patron answered; "bring mo a plate of hash." St. Louis (Hobo Democrat Llttlo Ilrotlier Do you know wlint I think? Ulster No; what Is It? Llttlo llrothcr I think If 1 wore not In tho room Mr. Jonen would klsn you. Ulster - You Impudent lioyl Icnv the nnmi Instantly !--TratiNlntel for Tales from Meggendorfer ltlattcr. Old Lady (to chemist) I want n box of canine pills. Chemist What's tho mntter with tho dog? Old Lady (In. dlgunutly) I want yon to know, sir, that my liUHbnud Ihii gentleman. Chem ist putH up Homo iiululuo pills In pro found slleniv. l'lclc-Me-l'p. "Say, Irish," said tho ragged Individ ual, "nro you n phlhtnt-roplst?" "es, jmy man." uiuwureil tho well groomed ..... s ii.iiuii'ii unit' unv i inn s iiiii - one. 1 IK'lluvu i limy eiii mill i inn. "Dat's wot I whs afraid of. Kin yer put mo wlo to some common gent that would give n poor dovll a dlmo?" Clovelnnd Lender. Tourist What's tho crowd down nt tho court house? Native Ohl they're trylu' tho ciibu o' Ham Johnson, iJuli. Tourist Bnni Johnson? Why, ho wan wiwu't ho? Nntlvii Yttna, suh, hut to-1 Uhy hoiuo o' .tho lioyH not to feolln' cur' ouu to know wlii'thnlt ho wns Innocent or guilty, uii.l'iillndolnlitn l'rcnu. ' Jar of ghng Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break tlic hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until (he healthy tissues give way, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral stops the couching, and heals the torn membranes. "I twji lr.p Ayrr'i Chtttr TutUniLl In th linuic. It irlrn j.lf.rl rllr wt.nrt.r iif at ui titv ciUKhi or t rd tldt I liv Vf4 H lot ."! vari nd toknow all txmt it "- It . Mi kt 6iiiTSv,Vr; burs, X.T. A Mtibtt 0 Aj.rCo ,1-ow.ll, yV Alto mDufoturrt ef f s 8RAPAWLL A. JUJ&IO ba:rVioo. Kin, UlllouonosB, constipation retard re covery, euro thoso with Ayer's Plllo. Iturb In Kvldeae. Dick How did you Ilk th new piny? Tom I thought Miss Bsdlo Dlucor had entirely too much to say. Dick Was she In It? Why, I didn't even know she bad con on the state. Torn Hhe was In on of the boxes with a party the night I was titer. For cousin and colds there Is no better medicine than 1'lso's Cure for Consump tion, l'rko 23 cents. Do It JTOTT. Customer Why don't yon tack op this 'Do It Now' motto? It'a been It lug around on the counter for month." Grocer Wa-nl, I'm a-coln' ter tack It tip sometime If I vr clt to It Judco. PITP rtraikntntlfCfliM. ofinor dutooidm rllo nrntar,iMri(r.KUftr'ioi.iNnr ilMorr f-M fw rrlr1lbonlndtr.tlM. tit. It. 11. Kilt, IAJ..MI Areii HU. I'bllKl.lphl, !'. Wfarn I.lnrnln Won Ilia Upon, I.eflvlttK the question of his relative standing In the profession at large for further consideration, It Is confidently submitted that Lincoln won a credit nhlo portion nt the local bar, almost nt tho outset of his career, among contemporaries who wcro not only of Riiy other State In the Union poi soviod as much native talent and abil ity ns tho frontier State of Illinois when Lincoln won hla spurs. Cen tury. Mothers will flml Ur; VT!r.i1ow' Foothln Frrup tho beit remedy tome for tbetr sMldrtn during the tetthtne rr'oJ- Oat of the Ordinary. Author I have Just written a play that contains a new and novel climax. It Is bound to make a hit Manager I ndcvd I Author Fact Th plot leads np to a train robbery. Manager Iluhi I fall to so any thing new and novel In that Author Hut the passengers rise up ns one man nud put tbu robbers out of business 1 Deafness Cannot tie Cured br local applications a they rannot reach the dlteaaed i-vriun ol Ibe ear. 1 bete Is oulr one trajr iu euro ilea uee, and that It br cociUta tlunsl retnculle leafnriilt rauted by nn In nw.d condition cl the muooue ItutDir ol the Kuttaclilsn Tulie Wbrn tblt tube It inflamed you Hare a rumbllnr tound or tie perfect bear. lur, and when Itlioaitrelrcluied, DealnruU the result, and unUi the Inflsmmstlon cn t in i.ti tsien out and ttilitutK) re.toied tolls uorrasl condition, nering win be dettrored forever: uinerurinuioi irn are cauieu uj i aiarrn, wblch U notblnc but au Inflamed condlUon ot lbeuiUMiiia turlartt. i WewlllKlre One Hiimlre-l Pollart for any raieoi iieaiuetticauiwi ojr catarrni mat can. not I cured ur nans (.alarm cure. bend for elrcutr. free. r. J CIIENKY A CO., Toledo, 0. 2!U.7C. Hall's Ksmtlr 11U ' tb belt Itenrjr Ilntubnrdrarnt. "Was your wlfo angry when you got homo so late Inst night?" "Angry? "Why, my boy, the dear womnu pelted mo wth flowers!'' "Hut how did you get that black eye?" "Well, you see, she neglected to tnko tho flowers out of tho pots before ah threw thorn." Ctovolaud Leader. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho Signature of fyc&&U llcr Little Mlatake. "Uxcuse, madnme," ho said, "but ah you remember, In tho restaurant, after tho theater, tho other night, you were kind enough to notlco me. I hopo I am not mistaken In supposing thut your Interest was ah not alto gethcir " "Ob, no, not at nil. I remember now. I thought for a moment that you wero tho coachman my husband discharged n few weeks ago for try lug to mako loro to tho cook, and I wondered how you could afford to cat In such au expensive, place." Denver Post The Cou I Nothing knocks out and disables like Lumbago and Sciatica Nothing reaches the quickly as nritreen Friends. Moyrne Fred snys when wo nre mar rled I can hnvo everything I wnnt I'dyth I'oor fellow I Ho Is evidently up ngnlnst nn awful delusion. Mnyrno Why, what do you mean? Bdy th Ho Imagine, you hnvo money. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Namrt end Addrmr In Portland ef Rtprc rntallve Uutlnrtt f Iron. 1'llino nt I'I'I.IFHI Kr1atr ifflor.n-nrl nrtnl Ino wrile for prKt. Wuxlinl, i;ii A 0. if AOIf t.A NIKIINH Wtir rolorTunl 1imI rlt ua Mnttrn nI HIM.. Kf AMTtl HOrKriYlHtrwi"tir7ilfe; KnMt Kill fr mMrtnnt llNki w4ilrd, tlmrtr. llOUHKMnrll kln1 for nal at Trr reiuenM tfk. IrKjuIr 771 I runt r)L TIIt'MMI H wnlen rfeVl wf tmunU Ot la irxrtt dimculleM! Wixxlard.Ulark AUe. HWKKT I'KAB-ffniTorfsTrirlrr.'ai.M rJr(lold MMalpru. J.J. Ilatif, IM froHlilrerl. AllTIKICIAr. KVFJll rr7h4 nl ihmi orltntnt oton pprorl Wuxlard, dark Co CllKAM HKI-AttATOlW-W marantM It U. K Hrpttmior to b Ui kt. Writ lur rr ct of. Co riflh ai4 Oak. MKK'HC'fSrritlXU Iluffam t'tnlltlon, al Allr.rt ll.nj.mlo rorrt Moth.. KT.rf thine In lii.n'l furn .l.ltnt. Morrltou n4 Hllth street. Upit pxuini. yill'.K f.ANXi I Olirxio.-f nndrrthaCarrrlrrl- fatlon act. t-d d rrct frum Hat. Writ today, kMUl.t anS map tn. II. rl. Cuok Co, UI Aldr tr'l, I'ariUr d. ur.sea I'Oiri.TitV KKlll-lfroa want rnr h-n. to lar mot rjrr writ u for frr tan'celiri aiieal I'l lil.NA I'Ot'l.ntY fKUIm-Aeuj MUU Co, fortl anil, Orr- un. TAItlJUH-('oluniUaW4lnMIII fa. rnrttn4. Or. lAlMt inrlo(brma4loiiauietip. OtiM!f ma.urrrnnt 7itm Inaar pncl at. Writ let ttt Minplr and prtc. 1'IANOn A OIUIANH ptano honu on Pa rice enut, Orcn and llano en ruj parmmtn. Write bit till. 11 u qot yoe a prtc. AUoA Otlbrt.lUrcakr Co.. rirtland, Oreun. Orron ll.rt-hprrlte for all Kldner and Illadd.r lrW. Cur IIACKAUIIK. rrtceauc. Trill It nt br mall for 10c to itamp. 0o4 todaj. VfH Tblrd ML Unman Ilalr flood Hwitch, Pompadoar. Men' Tooind Wlc bri qualllft lowrt prlrt. nd for frr prlo Dili mall order a ryciallf. 1'ar. llalr Mioi. lot Waatilnzion nu M lua. On ihe Trait ! fotlcwtd the trail from Tei wMaFhhBrant! ftwu waSS Pommel Sticker nortotvben cold, a wind coat wrhtn wtody, a rain coat when It ralatd, and for corer at nlcht if w rt to bed, sd I wQI tar ibat I hav (Ottra mora comfort out of your tHcker than aoyoUxr on ankle that I ever owned." CTW .e 4 etflr. r ie will. f rale aMii.4 lu.r i. 1 a4 era..i..) Wet Weather Otrment for Rldlnr. Walk bif, Worklnc er Cportlflf. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR, 1904. A TOWER CO. r VolTflV '""I e' TOWER CAItAOIAH ;ff2?fcst: CO., Limited ' 2 Toaoaro, CAXiXA l3HtlH& tie 18 YEARS HERE And do!n d.nUt-work a'l Ihe time Ibat It tb record ot lr W A. Wu. Inonre tMtbniat are ripen deni'tt wbo are competent to perform lb ruo.1 Important dental operation. No matter lb natur of tb Wvrk, tbr It a man here to do IU WISE BROS., DENTISTS DIL II. A. HIT 11 IlK VAST, riprdallal on Children' Terth and lleiulatlnt. Faltlnc Hide, Third and Wa.h nnon m. a. m. to p. m. nund to li. M.n so Walk tnt WttUf ui Heatilr rirnesU OK. W. A. WISE "First DOCTOR CASCARET Office In your ovn Vest rocket. 1 ' I -" ' , On call QnyMlnuic-DoyorKlght j I Vhen Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Headache. Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Belching of Stomach Gas, or any of these forerunners ot Indigestion appear. Old Dr. Cascoret wants to bo right on tho spot In your pocket. He wants to chesk the coming1 trouble Instantly before It can grow Into a trllt of tho Bowels to be costive. Ladles, who extend to Dr. Cascaret the hospitality ot their Purses or their Dress Pockets, will be rewarded with a fine complexion, and healthy Happiness. Theso will about fifty times repay for tho trifling space occupied, and tho ten cents per week at cost. Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure tho most obstinate cases of Constipation and Indigestion, without discomfort or In convenience. His medicine does nM gripe nor purge, nor create a drug habit. Because It Is not a "Bile-driver,'1 nor a Gastric-Juice Waster, but a direct Tonlo to the Bowel Muscles. It exercises naturally the muscles that line tho walls ot tho Intestines and Bowels. Want,ot Exercise weakens and relaxes these Bowel-Muscle:, Just as II weakens Arm and Leg muscles. Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up Just aa a cold bath would wake up a laiy person. trouble as , 9sLl .M'frttH'MpHsli CVSIt WMUt All Ull Milt.. xtCmih n;rop. '1 a.te (lool. u In llm. Snid br draoilu. msnmssESEsi Ifer (lrrnt Pnaalnn. Stella So she U to marry a football hero. I'clln Yes, she always did lore rem nants, New York Sun. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Ilctile.l and trnnff.t Hltims tnll.r en th market, lit llore poiver on ll with two tHiri. Writ lor dreeripile ra aiu aod prlc. ; 3 k'JII'USON MACIIINIlkV CO. reel el Morrlton Street fortlani, Orion WANTED A bright man with team In your coun ty. ti;ndv work nmlgood wages t right man, Helercnce required. For par ticulars addrers KOCH V. T. CO. Bos X Winona, Minn. errra rWdl r tjeat lM-n. ia orna nil Tear ieln iiirntm thir eelnnerit- leuf a eertorr er f(rt er In niaktec tLem IL.flfJ. IA All tjif n m . .trnuw. in IUW07 lrw T IM.4 TT(n.liH I.IQI, i 4 Aaaaai ire. 0. M. FERRY & CO., Ottrslt .Uicn. Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATHEKI Tblt wnnd.rfot Chi- lMuit I railed (real bcan lie enrr people wilhnul opera tion thai ar elte i op to die. II enrr with llin wonderfal I'D' e art. root. ljd., berk end rtbi' t Ibat ar enlimr u known te med ral te enr In Ihleonn tf Tli.-oixu n uoi uio harmIM remnllr Ifcle famoue covlor know tneaeooaofotirvn d rrem r.7id't wbl h h-aucrrMfullx ih in rtiRer n daff. It tnran.lerareM arrtkaatuma, u c br a , rbroma Inn, nert.n ne, Hon) vb, tlrer k d ner. ru., bee biiHlr4 of trlm,niaa I bars niodert lu and e bur 1';! ok out e lb rttr writ for bunkr andrcaUra. BBdUttip. CoNSlLTATION yulfk. i:::tn THE C. GEE WO CHIKESE HEDICISE CO tC2', rirtt SU S. C. Cor. Morrttoe Kenlloo apr. PORTLAND, ORCCOM P.N.U No. -0 WlinX wrttlnc to edrcrtlter pleate rnenllun this paper. Aid" to the Bowels Then he wtrks them (through tho nerve) till they get so strong from that Exerotsg that they don't need any more help to do their duty. But Dr. Cascaret wants to bcrlght on the spot. In your Pocket or Purse, where he can regulate these Bowel Musclea all the time. In health, and out of health. Because, even the strongest Bowel Muscles may be overworked. Heavy dinners, late suppers. whiskey, wine, or beer drinking, nervous excite ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat and a dozen other every day likelihoods tiro the Bowel Muscles. In suoh cases a llttlo Cascaret in time. Is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later on, to say nothing of the suffering. discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine it saves. Old Dr. Cascaret carried constantly In your Vest Pocket, or In "My Lady's" Purse Is the cheapest kind of Health-Insurance, and Happiness - PromoUon, that ever happened. Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half as thick as your watch, round-cornered, smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't notice its presence. Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten Cents a Box at any Druggist's. Be sure you get the genuine, made only by tho Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC." tor FREE TO OUR. FRIENDS! We want to tend to oar frltods a beaottfal French-ictirntd. GOLD-PLATED DUNBUN iJUX. drusine table. Ten cents In tumps is asked as a measure of nni filth and to cover cost of Cascaret. With which nEIsdUnty trinket U loaded. 714 Send to-day, menUontnr this paper. Address Stcrilac Remedy Company, Chicato or Hew York 3 tSrj. e ll HPe ' . a wSaVa I DR. T. V. W1SC. ST. JACOBS OIL FR1CE. 35c AND 50c viinn. me In S3 1- ' r i-