xsr" i.' -jSt-ac-A . ", CAUGHT BY THE GRIP RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA Pnriununhi ri'tocl In Grippe lY-ru-mi llic llcmctly Hint llrouulil rl,Vf, Mr. T, I lit nitwit, Wind Ayhunr, On train, Curt, wrllraj "I.nl vvlnt-r I wu III tlt!i 111,1-n-lunula Hllur having In itrlif. I look i'lirunn for two iinuilln whim I Imiiiuit (illlt we'll and I rtui any tlmt miy mm ran Imi cured by It In it riMmuishlw tlimi and ft l littln itniinit." SMtmlr Citlitrtli, the UnMiU of In Crlppr, IV-rii-iin ItrtWviri Cirtlit for lYrarnl (itiml llrnltli. Mrn. Jt'iiiiln W. (lilinirc. Itox -tl, WiillnUsk, Itil. Ter., Nrllwii 'HI ytnr nun I had In K'lti, which Mito iijIlovMtlliyayiiltimlrHatarrli. Tho only Ili0i 1 iimI vtn f'rmia and Mm ntln, nud 1 ImvH In tin In hitttr Invalid tlm lat llirro yciii tlmu fur ycais linltirn, 1 itlvn I'lirnnn nil the ciedlt for my kxxI health." I'e-riww- A Tonic AlMr In Grippe. Mm, Cha. K. Wrtll, Hi., DoUwarti Oliln, writwi: "Aflt-ra vro atlack ( U Kfll'l'", I look I'nnwa and founil It a vnry k'hM tonic." "Mol UfritNe Mclltlnc tvrr Tried for I n (if tppc." llolit. I,. Madison, A. M., principal nl Uulhmlien IhhIi school, I'Aluttr, N. C, U chairman nl the Jackson county hosrd ol education. Mr. Msdliou aayst "1 mil hardly evor without 1't-ruiia In my liointt. It In tit it moat tiilectlvo mriluliiri that 1 have ever tried for In prlpptt." Mr. Jam (lilt, Athens, (),, rlti "I had In iirlipi vnry liml. My lit) html IxiiiKiil IVitiua fir mtt, In n vnry rhort tltnn I raw iiiiii)rniriit and wm toon nliltt to tin my wttrk." J j V tfJty 'rar'wtVL kk " Jwn 'p. 'i ui" io"i uh fjf J I J V w HUM JIl In lime. Holi tiy rtmraliU M4 JJ Juat llutr II llaiiiirnrd. MntlierWliatI Klebtbnr seam? Bttrh Murk crcl If you'd only follow die lend of tlio nilnUter's lltllo boy Tommy Aw, I tJIJ try tcr follr hi Irnil, but ho led Again wit) III" left nn' dot' wlitr In hlrfcil me. I'lillndelulila I'rei. Suffrrrd Twrlvr Vmn Trom Aflrr CffetU of I Grippe. Mr. Vlrtor I'atiirnu.lct, !I2H MaiIIkoii fit., Tnpukw, Knii., iiitunliiir tit KhIkIiIh nntl Ijtdlwi of Htoiirlty, wrllei: 'Twelvo yi'nm nio I lind a riovnio at Uck of In K'lpp" mid I nevnr rtmlly r coverml my licnltli nntl nlmnijlli lint Kinw fivnker every yeor until I nn un nbln to work, "Two yrnrn ko I In-Knn tmliiK IVruim nuil It built up my lnnxtli no that In it couplu o( inontln I wik nbla to no to work xnlu. "Tlili winter I liml nnotlirr ntUck of In itrlppo, Init rerutin noon tlrova It out of my ytiin. "Mywllonmll romtdar I'oruna n lldiurliold remedy," llie .tlnllrr nf AlltMinur, ".My tlrar." wltUpertNl tlm rniiiiR innn, "Mi we lire mi hihim to lio innrrliil tse uliituld lnk a prneilenl vmv of II fu mi prwrtt by Uih mUiuktM of o tit em. Tor limUHr. lUfe U ttt ultjwrt of rMulnr mIIownmcm every week for rteutliuic money, jim know." "Uh. I've tbtMKlit uf IImI," Uv to pIM, wMly. ' llm yuMT" "Yw, lH4Ni tMMlmW Ht1 hH 1rrl tf tlumw; mmI UIH; I bavuu't tbeuirbt f much Imlh "V. Ynttr Ineum ti 3,C00. ' nr "Vm; I vtant It It ffw m far i p- tbht twwant jour tut w In." Cnre for.Cnlrt. "Conl oil will kutn-k nuy cold Illy," nld U. a Wnrrrn, 'The tdrn of ttrluk ItiK cofll oil mny iconi roiiuxnnut to tune. Mithellc tmtet, but ont tnlile IHNjuful will fix Hie liiilnei for the mott HtublHirn cold In liend or body. "Tiirpflitlue la nnnthr lino thltiR for crnernl eoiiJIllonn. I (Irmly bo llvo that If a man will tnko lift ecu to twenty dmpn of turjifiithio lit Mtfar wHce ivry two month be will Merer b rrnllr ulrk. It'n an Internni 'TnrkUh bath In effct, and lenvoi the M'op, whni'H mi InlerroKntlon imlntr "A llllln UjUiic Hint nnkn tjiifttfoiiH." Tltt Hfli4liiirtMtiri llnhblu Wimt urn IiIh polltlcnl etjii- vK'Hoim? Jobhltt Uh, hoH llnhlo to Vr',0,W',,,,,l',"l,,h"r''" l ifiuvloliHl ,.l nny tlm.-Towi, Top., wTOJrll'iSa'SS'ih.Vi. icn. Klllcker U'IihI lieeimin felirV lliiebne .ll uIuumi ,..i.iuti l;o"''M'"bl'iutii'rlmir(.ttlif. iinrr IKHMer-llo HIHHWI-llllmlMlly (,K,mi,l whniltUetulrlreloir, Urtlnruli crint led under k mtil to mi-o why It " '' ' uni ilieliirummMiouiiMU) didn't ko. Now York Hun JllllKI HIX IIHIIltllN, De.itntia Cnnnot He Cured not retch Iha lieia Uofilron I wr m eure don litw. and that In ir ci.mUtu I tlorml rmtitollM. jMiii.iitMlii mun-.l ,y nn In I llHi'l eonnillori ul tlioiiiucoui IIiiIiik l the of CIlHIIf- , Kiteliii 'Il. Wlifii lLIlHlllnHtt.-l Ukeii nut mil Dill tul IB toted to Hi n..rm.l cowlltlnn. htiirltiir trill m ilmtrTBl fntevrri .- f'..l. r,.n lnlH-'Mouti.l ten ars ratnl by Catarrh, W"l l Oil ttfl . wnlltll ! tif.tl.llitf (.ill at. f nflaHijul u.n1flf.. t.i nil, woi It rt' lor .NOW I kill Hlllll ina-mnrfJuaiuiiarM. tValnar Jfii Tims. 'Ye," itnld tbe friendly critic, handing hack the mitiiticrlit, "tlul'it quite n good aonriet. Wily dfin't you mail It to the llycult Mn gn r.U'i" "Ill II crle.1 the atrHSjIlnic young poet, "I'm boIiib to telfgraph lu" Coth ollr Ktandnrd and Time. CITC I'ermanentli' OurM. Wont(rnrTeoinei ilMtmer. nn fnrl'rra MSIilal bnUrrH)TMtlj. Dr.ll. II. KM ft', !Mn Attn m.. 1'MMetVtrtH, ft. Vnrrprnlnnt. Vlaltor lint there I nn fwenllnl dif ference between right and wrong. Convict Oh, there wouldn't have been no much difference If I bad had a good lawyer, I'uck, Mothcn will nml -. WlntUm'n loothtr Prnip tlie httl remedy tottre lot Ibelr etalMrea during the leelhlng irkxl. The llrltlah empire to alzleen tlrnea larger than all the French dominion, ami forty time greater than tho Gr tnnn empire. Why Refer to Doctors circular!, free. r. j. HoM t,y I)rUK(liU,7&e, liairalawllr CIIKKKY li CO., TuUJo.O. n.lfcr. 1111a are Ute twit. i ayatem thoroughly chranHNl and lu Kmm1 hap to take oh new trengtli. ! Thnrw's no eicMMj for a cokl, and It' a Uangerou thlus to pan by." llultl- i mora New. "Of rmirnv WhII, I'e talked It over with mamma and niie tblnka nn allow ! . J"' .i.Iii..ii. r..r riher. anrt f It n H.k will bo tty." I New "IW '" w' Bt . . lr. I vnHaua tlmnn beeii n camlUlnto for IB'HH I . ,. uin., ..... ,1... Il.,.,,, ll.,,-l.l rib im Vu ean walk fu the airier. !'"" "". ""1' "" yu kmiw. ami emrry junr luih, ytiu Lnnw. and wt yuti oau uan tlm wmilo dollar for imrt and ueckllet and thlnp." Jmlitr. Tli iulla of War, Ilenevolent Okl I.ndy (to little bay In atreet Why, why, lllle Iwy, mw did ;ii ever get Kttch a black ttycJ I Kmnll Ibty -Me awl Kammy June1 ban a amall aoti about (I yoara of nge. The Herald aayn ll ) intra, nmt Hint part of tho atury li probably n truo a tho real. The Ind, who bad been meditating upon the tiHCitrtalHt.'n of k I ugly vx Utewce. naktil hi mother: . "If the King of Kiiglaitd thoutd die, who won hi bo king 7" Tho l'rlnco of Wale." "If the Prince of Wale should die, nicniiH- rr a aptio in acnooi, nir wk UOUM i, king)" he amnhel mtt. ' Ju tMuw omienvnrM to cxplnln, IttwvwU-nt Old Udy Dear, dear! ..... ,i. UttY wM. . ,. i)rt-ti. -.1.1. ami nuirn gmuon am te nppier Hmall Itoy Teacher, ma'am. liar IHT WeeVly. i "wen, anyway, i iwpo pa won i try for It." Itunnlntf No IllaU. IlartlHit ltl mevar go t that rv taurant ngalH. The lat time I vra there n man got my ovweoat and left bl In It place. WVIoff Hut the proprietor waan't to blame, Man he? "No, but I might meet tho other man" Tale. out. "Ma," ihl Tommy, n ho puxiled evor the imp?, "wimt dee the 'black bawl' maun?" "I don't know, my ion," repllM hli mother, "but 1 know what two black baud mean." "Wlmtr "Hint jour father hm bcou trylns te clean out tho furunco." uiii-r.il,,, i ..I. ... i . We will give One llnilrel Dollart for any Worrying Hbollt wliore I'm going tor csm olliralfiia(eaualby catarrh) that ean apvml tie Hummer. Puck. jiMrtleurl by Haifa Caiarib tura. bend for "Mill why do you llvo lu the city If you don't llko It?" "I Imvo to llvo herti to iiinkv iimnoy miougli to kouji up my country plnco." Kx. Knlcker-Ho your wife went to tho country lu atudy nature' book' Hook or Ye, nuil from tlm also of her ho tel hill It intiNt bo ninoiiK tlm hIx boat nttllerH, IJx. Mrn. Kiilckor How lonx will you ho nwny thU numiiitir? Mrn. Mockor I don't know. I ahull ntny 1,XKJ nt tho Noaaldo nud VM nt thu inoiiii tnln. New York Hun. Iloctor (to prenitlnif creditor) If you miiat brln your bill every dny, nt Icnnt you might como with your hwid lletl up, ni Unit people would think J oil were n piitleutl I.oiulun Tll-Illla. A yming theokiglnii nnuied KMdle Itrfuaetl lii nceeiit Ida Jutw" "Kor." an Id he, '"ll enough to he Kid die. Without being Fiddle li. I)." Puck. Meiihnm I have had my life In wired for llvo thuiuflml Solium lu your favor. Mr. Meiihnni Well, I'll he Klad to Imve tho money, hut I think joti'vo overentlmattHl your vnluo. Hmnrt Hot. "Kay," naheil the flrat miNMH'iiger loy, -gfli Kuy ihivoI to awMpr "I Kt 'Hnnkc-foot Dan'a ltovnge,,H rc plletl the other. "I It a Utuit atoryr "Nawl Y Mn flnlih It ay In two ienagen.M I'hIUtlelphfn PrttM. "Wlwt I your order, alrr naked tho waiter. "Ilring mt aomo freiizlwl egg," Mid tho man with tho napkin tucked under hi chill. And presently tlH-ro wnn it distinctly nudlblo ncram hie In tho kitchen. C'blcago Tribune. At the Hub. A New Yorkor wn vlaltlng In lloatou. KeelnK a parrot in n cage, he naked: "Doca Polly want a cracker?" "I require no nuatennnce from you whatever," replied tho Hack liny bird, with hnuteiir. Rxchnnge. 'Thnt Mr. Hnngg U too much of n nrlatycruft fur m to mingle wld." no t ihV "llow'a tlmt?" "Hht wa kiikl down by n puaheart ami nho had It put Into the Kiper tint alio whm hit by nn automobile." Detroit Free Pretw. the PAT A OB" iMJJSL JkAm J Jk JLJL 9 i iAm .m. A. J . m I rfANNOYING-;!r; LJlJJAN(jiiRUUS Catarrh in uiuctlly rcjrnnlctl nn notliinjf more ncriotw thnn r bail cold or light Inflammation of the Inner ukiit mul tisuttca of the licatl ami throat, when It ia, in f.ict, not only n vexntiiun ntul truuhtcaotiie disease, but n com pllcnlwl nnd tlniiKcnnm one. It is true that Cttanh usiiully begins with a cold in the head, but when the twlncus, wbiih ore thrown o(T tlirutisli the (ecmtlniin, find their way into the blutxl, It becomes n conntitutlonnl trouble Hint HfTects nil iwttn of the body. It has more niiiioyinjr. nntl disfuntliiKHymji. totiu than nny other dlaeaae. There is it DickciiiuK nud olTciislvc diaclmrKQ from the iioatriln, n conn taut buriug; noise in the cars, headaches nud pains lit thccyen nr frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drojm Iwch into the throat riiulriiif continual ImwhiiiK mid spitting, nud in ccttnin stages of the dlnonie the breath lion nn odor Unit In wry oflciuive. Catarrh is worse in Winter, liecnune the cold weather cloaca the Hn ami ylanda, and the pois ons nntl ititheallby vajKirs which shoultl paw oft that way nrc thrown lweb on the tender IIiiIiikh and tiwtues, cmtsinjj the inflaiiiination which starts the tiuhcaUhy Kiutiona to I nic corbed by the blootl. When the blootl lccouicri diseased with this cntarrlml matter all kliiduof coiiipliealiniis tuny be looked for, As the blood circu lator) through the body the foul mat ter finds its way into the otomach, ruining the digestion ami producing chitiuic l;yNpephia, or Catanh of the Momncli. It also ntlccu tne ixi'iucy.i, Bevaral vaar ago my blood wai bait ml I liu 111 uuilllion a aiomuiii onto Oatarrh. wy ituao win stonpia up, "lloiM," lHignn the beggar, "won't yer help n jmmji " "Sn here!" tu- terruptetl Ooodheart "1 gave you hum money Jaat weok." "Well, gt whlc! ain't yer twrnetl any mom duce?" Philadelphia Public I.etlger. Mother Willi, you nitlwt atop ak Iiijc your fit t her tU4Mtiumt. Don't you mhi they Hiinoy htm? Willie Nu'm, It ain't my tnittatlotM that annoy him. It'a tho answer ho can't give th.it make him mail. I'lilhtiltdpliut I.edg'-r. "See hero," cried the Mil collector, "thin bill I've beuii bringing here mo often I getting worn out, ami m li my patience" "lleo whls, man," re- lletl the debtor, "so la your welcome, on only knew It!" Philadelphia Pro. MUm Poechli I wnut n hammk that will not bnwk down. Polite clerk t'aii't KtiarHiitee nny of 'em, ml. Ml Peeclilo Why, ttint'H atrauge! Polite Clerk Not ut nil. We'd tie It If you were u homely girl, but " Cleveland I.omlor. ' "I think," he until, "that I am now Just nbout even with tho world." "Kvou with the world?" "Kveu with the world r' "Yiw. I figure tlmt I have now ronchod n point whore I owe Just about nn uiHiiy people nit I don't owo." Hrooklyn Haglo. 'frump It Is needles to nk you the iiuoatlon, madiimo. You kunW ! u'lmt I uniit. I.mlv Yon. I know what you want badly, but 'I've only one bar of soap lu the house, nud th servant In lining It. Como again some (llnttgow Tliuus. tr.k .lu ufwm iiu u'ii nee iiiiirrl.v.1 fto. d. o.Anit. . i ."'. .:.'." rt..., ; iivuuavllio, ina. uiwriHti, t wm uul " " iv Insuraneo policy, so mm you may iu In Ilrr I.ln. "In this morning's paper," remark ed tho new boarder, "I noticed an ad vertisement about 'a good cotton duvk.' Now, what's a cotton duck?" "(Jive It up," replied Htnrbonrd. "If It was an India rubber chicken, Mr, fttnrvcm might tell ti aomcthliijf shout It." Phllndelphln Pre. For bronchial troubles try Plao's Cure for Consumption. It Is n good co gh modlelnc. At drucgiats , prlc 'iX cent. Ilnmr Knouiili. "Well," pondored tho new anawcr-to-correspondcuta editor, "I wonder how to answer this. Here's a sub scriber who wants to know whnt's n good thing to take Ink stains out of white Annuel." That's easy," replied the sporting editor, "a pair of cl!or."-M'blludel-pbla Pre. To Preak In New Shoe. Alwayaihakeln Allen'i Pool-Rate, a powder Iteurea hot, iweatlnx, arhlnr. awullrn feel furM norna. In(ruwag nalli uh buni'.m. At all iltHKclM and ah alorra.Me Iion'taeerpt aTjrtili(. RaMtrie Htallod PHKE. AJdlt,. Alfeu t. Otm.t!, laiuj, N. Y. Juaf. I.lUa it Woman. It was 2 o'clock In the morning when he staggered up tho stairs, "Here you como at last!" exclaimed tils better half. "I've worried myself half to death over your absonce." "Well, If that ain't (hlc) Jus' like a womsn," ho replied. "They only (hlc) half do things." rcrfrrllr S a Until. Clyrabor (to valet) Now, John, when the gueata nrc here to-night I hall call you Jean. Valet Very well, sir; and what shall I call you? "Oh, you blockhead " "Very well, sir; anything you say." Faiutllc-.Iournal. Slnllrr or Mirth. Western Man I suppose any man can get Into New York's "-I00" If ho has enough money. Hastoru Man If he made It himself be cau't; If ho Inherited It be can. Blood Humors Commonly eau plmplci, boll , hire , eetema or lalt rheum, or crime other form of erup tion; but aofnetlmet they eilit In the yctm, Indleated by fetlinirt of weakneaa, lanamor, lot i of appetite, or xoneral debility, without caunlng any breaking out. Hood' Karaaparlllaeipel them, renovate, itreeclbrn and tone the whole intern. Th la It the leitiinony of thouiand annually. Hood's Sarsapariila I peculiar to Itielf. Accept no aubatltote, but Inalat on .baring !!oo' and get It today. Liquid or llbltta. ICO Doies One Dollar. Because wc make medicines for ihcm. Wc give them the formula for Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. Tiicy trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over CO years. " Ayr" Cfcarr Tfetoral li a runoff Ihat ihmMb In aterr Iwrni I h.. iu.l antral l-al of It for lM rffliah. and rMa, ami I kntwwliat a aplfiMll't m-tUrln H U. Iran. Mil iManmawi n t Mi,lr."- Mark e. UHEt, llrlf I'aik. Man. A JUdabrJ.C. AtOo., lwll,Xtaa. n Aii zlyers S laaaimtmi'm , MaaaawagBBMao Alao nanabrttarera or RSAPAB1LU PILLS. HAIK VIOOB. maaian aa,aaji tyor'a Pills greatly old tho Chorry Pectoral In bronklna up a cold. nSEEOS Itepmrnt Ihi jorrtral c I !') fltlnt. We tiava tirxma tua laraeat -l tiuw In lb work! ua jx, our i ara Mtirr iban citliara. vojoti wun w iowtriiwi Ejeauiinu nonara ana ii, oam Tn. ItlMT i-ucllIrfiL-'iarl rerrjna. 100 Heed Annual fr to all appueuta. , m. renrtv aco Detroit, Mich. Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SUCKERS will keep yon dry as nothing eUe will,bccxute they arc the product of the bat nuteriab and seventy yeah experi-' epce in zxunufacturing. A. J. TOWER CO. Doston, U.&A. rowxx cos touM crt, ixt TaraaU,Ca. nl CLASSIFIEDADVERTISINC Portland Trade Directory Name mixl Atfdrettea In Portland of Reprt tcntatWe Dutlneaa firim. I'llOTO hUI'I'MKH; Klak rtttlncaB1 mlnt lD(j writ for prkra. WwaUril, Uaika A Cu. 11 A (1IC UM1KIOH- Welatrr Tn, I'orUamL Imatl prtnaim IintarniandKlldia. KI.AHTIC JIOMBIlYirMu-rwrera. llrarra: Knltto I'll, rrroamri.l Waaka: WawUrd, CUrka. IIOIIHK8 or all KIM, tor tat at vtry rtaaonabl iricra. Ilxjolra 7H I runt Ml. Tltl'HMKH trrtoft aip-era) wa (HaranUa fit la DUHtdlOlevltraara; rt'uulanl. Catka A Co. HV. rr.T I'KAH-IMtod IV Sw Mtkr.-iM.ld PaJrOoU Mrdalpraa. J.J fcU r. IM rMl Hrrt. AKTIPICtAI. KYrW; ffrrr afcad alhri aa aurtmaut aC a aafraaral; WauSaM, C arka Co CHHAlt HKI'AHATOKrt-We naralelbe V.H. k. tmr or io a- tb br(. wnu nr fm u of llaulwvad ua, 'rh aad Oak. MKVHf-UTH!Nn- Btam A I'eMlnaw. aM aa-B a Alirni Hn.xm n rarrra etaikra. awir- xarnaaa M mxia airrxa. Oppaalhr thine im aa.a a ran aalKaa. piaan. 'tawOaearlrrl Itvnl d rart trnm atatr. Wrtl i4ay KHKK IJIXK IN' ORBIIOX .aVrrl rallwi art. Itvnl d rart trnm atatr. Wrtl- t4ar. jmtmI'I mmI eaav . H. H. i'mka A C. Al AUaratrt.t. I'urtla to,oa. I'OCLTKV rooli-lf rl l jm Is lay bnh ratt writ m fit rraa aanleaUn aaaml ril- 1IIMA I'Otll.TKV UKUn-AenM I'ert ao4, Or . MHIa col. TAIIXIK4-4oiMaBaWaaViMiM t P,rUaod, Orr. I a aa ai jrl rkaaw mo, i maaMneaBMih ur,e:iiaaarmMMatta iKm prratt flu Wrttrrarrrra aamptea al prtaaa. riANOn A OHOANH-OMa:tanrmeM.nn l" ctKc eat. urfana a4 I'lai o m, nwx pajrBaaut. U'rttr Ibr It'L IjH u ( rtw a prV. Allan A (Hlbrrt-Ramakar Co., Ivr.Uinl. txajwi. Ofjfm llrflia WprelSe for alt KMarr ad Wfcttrr IraaMn. Cvrw MAUKACIIR. ITK-JC. Trial at arsl by mall far tt. la atamp. Kwl today. JwH llilrd UL Heman Hatrfloola iwitrbra. ronruuloir. Man TiMensaiHlVMca; rmaqualKr; hwral iner-it rrd t"' Irra prtca I a:: mall erdrrt a ,r-cal!jr. l'ar a Hair rAlorr, M WaabliKr on ft. lat law. P.N.U. No. 6-06 WIIKX vrrltlne tnmlvertUera ptoaao Inanllou tlila parnir. WANTED A bright man with teem in yourcoun ty. Stt'adv ork ami koo1 wages to right man. Itoierences required. For jiar ticulars atMrttes KOCH V. T. CO. Box X Winona, Mlnnv a i liuit hendnchos, rinif.i"ir noloa In my ear and I alt unlit lor work, x com moiicoit (be ue of H. H. 0. on the rooom- itiunilMtlmi nt n. frlnlul. unit til n liorc llin. It mirA.t tiiH anillltt fllltt Wall. Ittlllti my blood lit uooit eoiutltlon nmt I linyo 'other tllilO, uaver nun ino aiiKinow t.miii v iu. uuturrit uiiiao mui n i Ifo.OOOUdanrOt. aa a . ...arai... a .i. ...i.ii lii.. . naaa -. it a iiwi i- Jiimiuor nun oilier inciuoenioi urn uwiy, win ic ui k;".""" ', V, Iiutitoetcd. Shu Don't .von think ou'U eurjtl, npMtlt Ut nml Hit patient feclM deapoiu lent nntl lmlfsiek nil the itlme. , ( nccl(U,nt luwraiu.u Hut worst of nil, if Hie trouble is not checked the lunga become d scnscl ftom , J " o Hie constant tmw of polsoneil blootl throueh them, nml Catarrh tcniiinntes O JJ J-J 7 J1 In nn .L.. tl.,., fat.il of nil ilkr-naert. Yotl ennilot net till of Cn- ' V "mr iM J" hl,l,w' l mm , ' ilelphln I'ress. jZSSZS vs . rr w IM 1 dpi H:2Wp k eBJv't. j tr.cevyy . t ? a. n . iPflf . af H DIWD 12. Akhl ft LKc: S Wf R.fr .? ' W JT'lfte. V SBsMrjaBttMattJt JfrfcTaa. iiaMnTT L. AXATIYE TSA 0 4s. T j tfMl A IlT M Kb T A K TT 1WVV1N UFUAiLlfi l.irrlriA. r,u.ll.i If xvllli miravu. u-nslieH. Inlmlnt 0I1S. etc.. bCCntISC tllCV OlllV tench tlio iiiciubmiieH nmt tissues, wliila the real cause of tlurtvoublc to i in tlio -You claim tlmt tho railways ills Wood, These tel live the Biiuolnif pyiiiptonm for n time, but the poison ia crUin,ito iiKiiliiHt your "Yea," nn nil the whllo I'cttliiK a HtnuiBcr Imlil on the system nml when they nre loft bWuretl Fitrmor Corutossul. "Tlireo of off will mnnlfes't itsv If in worse form thin befote. S. S. fl. to the prootest of ,,,y miB.ilKir. huvo kH ilnmiiKoa for all blootl ptirificrn, and win nit lms ctam. tho blood, this pure, ncltBtreom i Umt woro uuietl. Fvo let my circiilatcn throuijli the body, enrryhn; healthful properties to tho diseased ' ,,,.,, b,rilJ, ll(l 0VlP (l0 (ruck UUti tlio parts. Then thu inflamed lueitiLrv.ncs mul tissues begin to licnl, the ills- .,M.y cin.mHtr rofunos to hit any ouo SJ-fiFI. ra55a clmrijes ceai.e, the Renernl condition or ,' .omi...Wn8hliiKton Star. t-PgJ fa the system ia strengthened, every ono ,01 .,.,,., , 'KfcK VlS? of tho nnnoylnir mid dTsBUStlnir 8V'"P- A little boy once told his friend, nn kfo ktfk tons iiM9 nwav. nml the patient is left other youniiatw, tlmt his mother w WJM5T KsZS hi iierfect health. S. S. S. ia the best accustomed to kIvo him nlekol every OSWO remedy for Catarrh. It rocs right into morulim o tlmt ho should tuko his Dliori UCfr.Tnr)l C tho blood and removes nil cfTetu matter 'codllver oil lu inmco nmt huIoIums. rUncLY VtutlAuLt. nni cntnrrhal poison nml cures the dis- ("Well, what do you do with ItV In tasepcrmnncntly, nud nt the snme time buihla tin the entire system by its fine '.julrcil tho llttlo frlond. "Mother puts tonic effect. vS. S. S. is n purely vegetable reiiicdy-non-.njui.oua to the sys- t u m a monuy-box until horo Is a tlol tcm and n certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our P... "And wimt thou?" "W liy then frco cousultliijr dcpartiucnt helpful iit advising- local treatment to be used mothor buys another bottle of cod WthS, 8, 8. WE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO; ATLANTA, GA llvor oil with It." Tlio I'athlludcr. v7vj"in,' .4 !..trnv-T7 IjW . vL F:ie.r,l-.4v,l, A .($ -a- 7, t .v jeJi I rj( W? r ,' . , i . S7- .S if .v. ' ,Ar.,.jyji 'V' .wSB&fl ll .tt1 fl'fr .. W9' .. Aliif. V'JS jr. .a." . Ui" ..r -v"-" JXll' ..H K There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Fins, manufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system & ' - : 'fi$ genuy ana naiurauy, anu to assist one in overcoming constU ' '" ? pation and the many ills resultlng therefrom. Its nctiveprincl- y .-'' "a&lMf Pcs ancJ lualitv we known to physicians generally, and the & : .- .$Jy&in remedy has therefore met with tbeir nnnrovnl. ns uril nquith '' , &&?&? the favor of "any millions of well informed persons who know S '( ' SVw of tl,eir own Personal knowledge and from actual experience W i'''4'W t,jatit,snntost excellent laxative remedy We do not claim that i? & ' &$ lt wlM cure a" manner of ills, but recommend It for what it really fj&" presents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, , vviiiiiiiu6 iiuiiiiii oi uh uujct.iiuiuiuit; or iiijtiriuus cunracier. There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed is to me quality or wimt tliey buy and the reasonsfor the excellence Df articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any yell known irticle; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, nd who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They canmt expect :s beneficial effects If they do not get the genuine remedy. io iiib creuit or tne druggists of tne united states be It said that nearly nil of them value their renutation for professional Integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer uniiniionsoi me Genuine Syr up of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get Its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fie SvruD Co. plainly printed on th front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only. 8Srt5 SI a..-V,v,j,t- artV.J-'iSjST IS Yc. ii.VTl lrtA!Nav5a vV. V.rrrji r.s- rj:w. &r2y 'jSff'rj ' o' - i ..W" 2SBSB&-' tniwa ffiBcna mtKinamawi vamtm -ac-"I"'-"iT,TTrr,iiTr-iW s.l -I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES One 10c pacaage colon silk, Moot and cotton, equally well and Is Uach and mU colsr. Color mora sooda brlxhtcr and fatlcr colors than any other dr. usranttcu 10. gits pcricci rcauita. ajk utaicr, or we win acnu pot paid at IOC a packaxc. Vrrito for fret booklet bow to ile- siortKUC ukuu .u., umonvui. Miuouri. t- I Hi-