IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS I Fililay, February 0. WnHhlnglnii, I'ttli. W. Almost tint entlto awalmt ol tlin dfiuilo loility Him devoted tn lint oonsldHritllou nf tlm u r gtuil ilellolttiicy lilll, which huh jmihoiI ir,u)tlcnlly a II hah in, orlwl (rout tint toiiiinlltett on npprnprlalhu. Tim only (IUciimIoii was over mi amend intuit Miwsled by Patterson to strike nut tlm provision lolluvlng alien wink until on llm hhiiiiI (roin tlm opninlloii of tlm eight Iciiir day law. Patlcntou contended Mint to tequlro man lo labor morn than eUlit hours it day In tlm tropic Inhuman, mill nrgtitd that thu ri-i'ilMuii('iit would do lujtistUo o American lalwr. Several smutlm on both side nl tlio chamber cntitrntertod tlm tnlllnu. Tlm amendment Hn voted down without tesoit to n lull rail. Tlm mould adjourned until Mon iluy. WaNhliiglnu, Full. II 1'hn house to day ground out It uiiiaI tend uioutlily irUt ol private pensions, pan In In 72 minute I2H lil I In (or tlm Imimllt o( vet erans win) are liarred for oim reamm or another from coming In under tlm gn riil statute, nntl tlin made a new speed record lor tic It lit Hi. Seventy Ave per rout ol tint beimllelarle aro ititlmr liliml or Iwd-rldileu. This or lnr, with h number ol minor bill and tlm pig ol two amendment to tlm 1'hlllpplim ln(l net o( I MM, eonll luted the lritiiilnii ol tlm ily. Tlm tailff amemtmsnl il"o American eot ton good on mi pqiullty, so fur a llm ctntt of prolm-tum l concerned, mUIi HuropiMii good, liw grade ol ln.e wri admitted at a lower Urllf. The house adjourned ttuill Monday. Thursday, February II. Washiiigtot, t-wlt. H. Jtut enotigh morning Imslne wa allotted In lb liotire preceding llm voleon tlm Hepburn railroad ttw loll today to poriolt do Uywl ttmmlwr to irli tlmlr sIm W (out tlm rollmll ordered llm nlgi.l Im lot l-gaii Tin littHtlrml and forty x HwMtiMirii virttal fttf llm lilll. Si-fwt, nil HmliUtrtltl, Mn gn It. A pUtlV HrmtHl tlm HHHIrtllH'HUHlOt ol tlm iiwull by llm Mwknr to Him ltof, Hlitou l'l kIvhn IVn wihIIvIiIh.1 ntlfit (Ion to tint iiHH.tlo of tNJVttrowmot iNlwnmVInK for htm iluy. TImw votlnu mtalnt tlm lilll err: UuMcM, of Mmimi MiCnII iiI Wiki, ol MaMWiurttiii l'rklii, KoolltHlrk ml VrwUtnl, ol Svt York; nml Klltli-y, ol IVnn UanU. bulllVAH, ol Mai-iieMtiMilu, vote.) jiriKwnl," HI wa not palnM, Tlmnt Horn ti HtwiiUm lrnl, loll thiim irnlr whim KHUrftlly MUtlcnl hhm. Nohm of HmiH iiimlo uHin tlm Mil, ami iwowtinlly lltt nut Imllcalo op. mmHih. WmIiIhkIoihi, Feb. H Tlmrtt m a KfHHal tjiolilli'ti tltnt toiUy ymuiM w llm a ri'Vl4lo( yilnnlay'iitxt'lllnx wiirHK In tlin KMintlo or l'.tlr MM' ' rrmliiloo, Imt II not ipaIIiwI a to I tlm larun crotl attrarlml lo llm jllirlM v ihhohIIi1 to liavti In lliholnlmtHil lmn at II p. in. llm rotiaUt tul InUi niwHllVM fcMlmi, allor a tlay uVvolml lrKly to ordinary ItllU oh tiio eaUwIar. Wdnni4l.y, February 7. VaI.IUi4i, Fb. 7. y wmiIihhInk lU nmwon praclloally to 7 o'clock tlm Iiohiw coikIoU.i1 all MI military 1h lo llm MHtKuf llm rallroatl raw bill, ouUiatl a pll itall on tlm ntMor ami IHtt M llm float aHlon until tomorrow. Tlm llHto for atHlniol eauif at -I o'clock, ptol for tlireo Ihmin follow Iiik oho AitifitiltoiMil afltir autttlmr imiom up, wi icail. iIUttil In hoiiiii iuntanroN arol wkiiI tloaii lo lUdsit. Ho Harvo watt tlm trtijftfltt t" nmnol tbat oltnu lu.ii n pAtnxr.ip!t o! Iliu lull wan oott clmltMl In tlm rwolltiif, a iloin uitiiilKra aavwl tlit'ir aumii'luiMitt ami alinulol for rtwocultloti. Not mm of tlitwo a Hiloptwl. Tltay outatml all inanimr of pioHmUionu, iivli M rttilwttn profor oiiIIaIh, tlm Iohk ami abort Intnl. frrn nimmi, rourt prtHtrttiiro, Hliolarnto bill anil parta of bllli, but all "aunt by tlm iMianl." Walilnuton, Fab. 7. Today for tlm itml Hihm In .tunny ytarn tlm ronntt a iiiaiIm llm h-iiii oi an tuiuii inatiuiiuint lUUay, to wboiii. In tlmalMtnittt of Oor limn, llm Danmoratlo i'aiiaranipiroii rMlod, vtna tint luitruumnt of lila party in tlio InoliUnt. Wallace Uoforo Commlllao. WrtuliliiKton, Fob. . Jolm F. Wnl litcti wau buforo tlio nunattt intoroccnnlu canal cominlttu'i today and inndo u MtatMnimtt rn:nrlltift H" nuvcraneo ol Ida rolutloiiH with tint Citiiul cnuiinlri. uluii. In It bo Mpoko of tl u vlolunt tit tuck of HtHirotary Tuft nml Mr Crone wiill, tlm only baU "of wlildli wn, Im nilil, n tliffuriMicu of opinion IihUcmi lihiidfU and Taft mid Uiomwoll an to lila rlubt lo dfclilo wlion Im tlxiUKlit tlio Molfaro ol tlio unturprlro and Ida oMii JtiHtlllcd Ida roolKiiatiou, Ho was llnblu o bo tllmttlBMo I at any tluiu. Jones Want Experlmuntnl Farms. WanliliiKton, Fob. (I. lUmrohentn. tlvo JonuR introduced n bill appropri ating ll'JO.OOO to oBtabllali and main tain oxpurlmmital farms In Wnulilnnton to dotormluo thu kind ol cropa boat mluptiiil to yarloua purla of tint stivtu. Mr, Joiiuh also eocurod nn order from tlio Agricultural iltipnrtinont for tlio drulnuKU of 1)0,000 acrus of awnmp laud In HtevwiB county. Tlio lnnd, wlion dralnod, will bo voluublo 08rlcultur Uy. I or parly tllnrlplluo to a umiubur of tltnt body, and tlm oocurrrneo was otto of ru Niniiny dramatic dnluil thai tlm many ljrJrllii'i'Awt will not aoon foiuot It. Tat il Wkturdin una tlm vilbliwt of tlm tlfltrl. nlld Tu(liy, Foliruary 0. WaMiIiikIoii, Feb. U Tin) Koiiutn did not linvo an oporliiiiliy today lo bear llm illiMiiiMlnii of I'atlitrmtu'H ntioliilloii on tlm iicllou ol tlm Dniinwrmli! caiicmi, which whh pnrtlally priiiiilMil, but Kttvo tlm (tnliri) ilny ton rovlow of tlio prcroitntlvHA ol tlm cuiinlo in tint nuttier of fraimnu Unified. Tlio ijitiMttlnii wnn raliHI by JIuddii In a Mpcacb on bin itifcolutloii rniiwillii(( liifoiin,itiou con vutnliiK tint AliiH!lrHB iHiufort'in'o. LimIkh Kao nollco of a itpeeoh Mou tiny on tlm rallroatl ntlo bill. WatbluKton, Fob. (I. llnvliiK Hxil tlm t'liil of tlm Kt'imrnl ili'lmto on llm rato bill at 4 :!(! o'clock tomorrow, tint rttiignltlnu of tint oba'r wan ptiMisI aroiiiul at a lively rato In tlm boiino today. Hnvt'itlffii apecubca wttro mailo, all of Ihi'iit for tlm mcartirtt. Tlm rittU roada en in u In for an iniimtiitl amount of crltltilKiu. Monday, February 5. WatililtiKton, Feb B. Tint itcnnto wait llistttHl to a immatlon Uwlay by 1'attor aim, Dttin., Colo., vtbo (oIIomhI up Ills ii'tlri'iiiiMit of Inut Hturilay from tlm Immorratlc catietiA by IntrolueliiK a rpoliitloii In cllwl (li-c'lnrlnn tlm action of tlm ca"ciih lo bavtt Imnn contrary to tlm comitltutlon of tlm UnllivJ Ktatci. (lallliiKin mii'i tilled durliiK tin day In mini r I n k llm Hxiiik of a dalo for vol Iiik on Ibo uhlpplnu bill, tlm hour iiaimtl bvlut! SViHliiifilay at A p. in. fixvcral bilU Hem iimmI ilurliiK tlm day ami Tollr mmln a xin-ct'li In opw It Ion to llm ulilpploK bill. Foraker aiiiuHiurvl (bat Im bad no Intfiillou of attomptliiK to delay action on tl o tAtphood bill, ttbloli bo op- Wanblnyton, Ftb. A. (inliloritblt fault ha liriiod with tlm rullroAil ratu bill in llm lioutu tmlay, comltlorinc tlm farl that It la a iiiMtmirpof both mrllii. l.ttiUliflil, of MaIuh. ami (iroetotHir, of Ohio, IhiUi nMkr K'lnt tlm bill. THt otlmt pimIim waro uia'Ih, all of tlixm by ummlM'ta hIhi will votn for tlm bill, but Miiim of wltom would llktt an iipirtnnlty to amend It. (Saint, of IVtiHi"ii, ba an autl-WM amimlment Mblrb Im vt 111 brliiK forwaid at tlm proprr lime. At tlm coiwlnslon of thu day Hep burn. In chart; of tlm mra'tuo, iad it hnkwl now an tliotU'b dfbalo wmild omicltnlc at N n'elock Wflnrtay. Tlm riMillltK of Ibo bill will Infill at oncn, ami ho think It can U oondtnlrd, all prnWHiid aincmlmtMita illMHnl of and tlm bill hhh1 that day before adjourn ment. Saturday, February 3. Waidiliiirlnn, Ffb. II. Various pharci of llm railroad rato quoftion nrro thrtiilif.1 ovr In the home today In tlm rouran of nlmt uprcchra which occttplwl alx and a half hoiitd. Tlilt oouclutlt'a tint llllh day ol tlm dlfctimliin, but the Pint la not yet. Many nmmtH'ri on Utth aldca ol the homo dmlrit to reoord their vImnr ami K'ocral dobato will bo allowed to coutiiiun. Itrprernttlvii Itautlall ttxlay offprl a hill tbat bo will odur aa an amend itmitt. it m a ken strloKfitt provllon axalnat tlm nlvliu or aceepllntt of rail way pHii or franks by Atmators, oon KroMuit"! and jnilrn. Ho proKHHH a fin i. ol not lot than f 1,000, or Imprln ooutMit for not lta than onti ywtr, or both, and diHjiialidcatlon from over ARaln Imtdlni: public ollk'v. Tlm ahfnt or olllelal of tint company Hiving tlm Ht or frank, uhiii conviction, la to be lined not les limn flOO, nor nmro titan 1 1, (UK), or Imprleomtl fir not lers than sis mouth nor moro than ouu yar, or Utth. New Naturalization QUI. Wmihlmiton. Feb. 0. Tint house rnniniltieci no imioh-ratioii and natural isation practically nirrriol Ifxlay on tint lloan'il naturalisation hill In n sightly atimmlfd furm. A tint bill stands now, it rcqtiirtta applicaiit to tlin their aitplleation for Dual cltUtmidiip (tapers 00 days before Ibo hcarltiK; provliiea that the court order tilta! I not luno until :0 days aflor tlm hearing and allow appeal from oourt ordnra. GorntAny Hopes for Agroemont, llerllu. Fttb. 7. It was reported in oomuu'rcial til relet tcxlay that a tarltl arrangement between Germany and tho UnlUnl Hlatca, to last ono year, hail been UKreod upon, but Inquiry at llm American etuhavay anil nt thu foreign nlllco walabliHluM llm falsity of tlio to port. The forelKU olllcw, howovor, ap parently I more hopelul now, Call on Veneiuola to Pay, Wualuniiloii, Fcb.o W.J. Calhoun, thu president' sjiecial vommlealouor in tho arpbalt controversy with Venexnola, Im arrived in WaahiiiKton, and today culled at tho Hlitto department to con Btilt with Bucretary Hoot In relation to tho presentation of facta in Ida olllelal report, Tho dcclalon of the president aKain to demand of tho Vcnizuolnn Kovurnmant n Btittluiuont of at least n part of thu asphalt company's claims, it ia said, marks tho rofuial of the Btitto department to accept tho Vouo sutlau contention. Townsltos on Irrigated Land. WashlitRton, Feb. 5. Tho senato ir rigation commltteo today ordofod a (..unmUii rnnnrt on Senator Huvburn'a bill provldlitK for tho segregation of loO aero townsltca on governmeni irrigavion trncta and requiriiiR the secretary of tho Intorlor to sell wator rights in such towns for municipal and domcatlo pur poses, auah water rights to be bought and controlled by tho towns. Tlm bill also tho eala of wator in towns for power pubposoa, LEA8E ffANQE LAND. Day of Small Cattleman Is Near al Hand In Wosl. Washington, Feb. 0. Tho time Is uniiiesllonahly coming whou oongree will aulhorlci) tint leaning of that part of tint public domain sultablo for graz ing, but not nt tho preHunt Hc'fllon. Tho tendency of tho Union Im to break down thu largo stotkmuu who have dominated tho public range In timed pant and to protect nml oncoiiraso tlm small stockowner. Tho cattle baron of tlm, liko those of his number who till survive, had little Inlorest In tho public welluro, His tas a war of ex termination on llm small stockman; he had no caro for tlm futuio; bo looked only to thu profit of today. Tho result has boon that, whin allotted full swing, Im hit demolished all competi tion, ho has ruined thu nubile range, nml lis grown rich to mmu extent at public cxpeutu. Hut this order of things Is coming to an end. Thu Itoonevell administration I no lover of the wanton cattle baron. Ilperfers tosco tlm Wct II lied Tilth small stock owners, for these men be count citizens, and good citizens; they havo an Intercut In tho public welfare; they emit an lulltinmtt for good, and It Is thu purpose of tint administration to help them as far a potibh, ilut the procof of evolution must be slow; It cannot bo aceomplishetl in a day. One of tint moot effective means of pro tecting tlio small stockowner la to adopt a system of leasing thu public grazing lands ami exerting a government con trol which will preclude monooly and give tlm settlut and tho small stock ownei a "rqtiaru deal" In Hut parceling out of thu public rango. A bill for this purMe, hlei in general meets tho approval of tho administration, was drawn and introduced br llopiweiita tlvo Iircy, of Iowa, chairman of the houiH committee on public land. True, it stand little chuiite of panting llm present uongreas, becaustt theru Is a strong sentiment among certain West ern senator ami representative against the leaving of the public domain. It I a new departure; It Is a radical move, ami, while It I Ik.uiii1 to come, tlm reiitlincnt against It I siilllclently strong al this Hum todeft-at the I-acoy bill llui tlm bill serve a Rood purpotu It brings tlm leasing question before tlm nubile: it will 1-ad to ueneral dls- rtiiwloii throughout tho West; It will be Instrumental In shaping public sen tliucut, ami In tlm end it, or some sim ilar bill, will go through, and a mater ia) chock will be placed uoii tho oper ations of tho cattle baron. Tho bill ia the basl of what In tlmo will become a uotoiloUB fight in congrcrs. PUULIC WORKS IN HAWAII. Delegation Comes to Urge that Cus toms Money Do Used There. Washington, Feb. 0 A delegation of Hawaiian oltlzens arrived hero today to appear before n committee of con grrsa to advocate legislation requiring three-foutha of tho customs duties and internal revenues collected In the terri tory to be expended on pullllc works there It Is raid $1,200,000 a year, equal to $8 per capita of tho population, is taken out of the territory, which the members of the delegation say conrtl title a heavy drain on it reaour es. Tint memtxrs of tho deltgntinn include W. O. Fmith, attorney general of tho 'slaml before tlm annexation; George W. Bmlth, president of tint loard of supervisors of Oaliu county, In which Honolulu Is situated; Mark II. Hobln ron, J. It Oalt, K. A. MiOuerny, I). II. Case am' A. H. Lwltensteln. W. O. timllh. the chairman of tho commis sion. In speaking of tint visit of the delegation, tonight, raid: "We nsk nothing for tho exclusive benefit of Hawal'. We are hero to ask that 7o per osnt of the ruitoms duties and Internal revenue collected In tho tenUory for tlm next twenty years be expended on public worka. We do not ask it dollar for our own current ex ponso. Tho only benefit tho people of tint islands will reap will bo that the money spent for wages on the proposed public worka will be in circulation In tlio Islands Instead of bolng shipped In gold to Han Francisco. Italy Has Forest Fire. Milan, Feb. 0. A forest lire that started threo days ago on the St. Goth nr.1 mllronil Is still biirnimr. and now rovers 12 square miles. Sovoral bun- droti workmen are emieavorinp to eavo tho signal poats along tho track and peasants aro working to preserve their h.iiniw from destruction. A number of factories and n chapel have been destroyed. Tint big electric station at Ansiisca. near Dommodisila ia sur rounded by fire, ond several towns are without light, nml ninny lactones nave abut down for want of motive power. Order for Coal Strlko. Imllanapolls. Fob. 0. It was Inti mated at tho national headquarters of tho United MinoworkurH of America to day that bofore the adjournment of tho present session of tlio executive noaru, Reoretarv-Treinurer W. II. Wilson will he instructed to prepare a formal strike order, effectlvo April 1, In order to avoid tho necessity of reassembling tho board after the adjournment oi me present session. No meeting of the boanl waa liout totiay. Japan to Increaso Navy. Toklo, Fob. 0. At a meeting of tho Bcolonal budget committee totiay dolo gates representing tho government aald that Japan expected to Increase the tonnage of her-navy to 400,000 tons for the fiscal year 100t37. Iliinnway Frciyli. DhsIics Into a I'nssenycr Train. DOTH TRAINS ARE DESTROYED Freight Standing on Tract Starts Down Stoop Qrado and Over takes Passongnr, Helena, Mont., Fob. 0. The most disastrous railroad wreck Hist lift hap pened in this section occurred last night when n runatay Northern Pacific freight train crashed into a passenger train a short dhtance west of bore. Four persons are known to have been killed, having been burnol to death in the llamt'H which broke out immediate ly following the wrrck. It Is thought two others also met death. A number of passengers and trainmen were seri ously injured. The story of tho accident shows It to havo been most remarkable. The pas senger (rain pasted through Austin, about eight miles west of Helena, on time. Following it was a long froight train, madu up ol boxcars and flatcara loaded with lumber and shingles. At Austin thu engine was uncoupled from the freight to take water and the train was left standing on the track. There Is a steep grade east of Austin, and by some in e mi the freight train got start ed down the hilt. Tho parenger train stoped when it arrived at tho Montana Central cross ing. Then the engineer heard a sound behind him that warned him of dang er. He started his train, but it had gnuu but a few feet when the freight crashed Into the rear car. There were hut two oars in the train, a combina Hon express, mail and passenger car ami a day coach Tho two cars were smashed and thrown into the ditch. The cnyiue of tho pasecngcr became un coupled from tlm cars, but did not leave tho track, and Kngineer 1'clty managed to keep almad of tho flying frslgbt. Tlm freight wont probably 600 feet, when It. loo, went off the track. In a few minutes fire started, and for hours the cars and the lumber burned fiercely. MAY END DOYCOTT. Radical Changes Made in Chinese Regulations. Washington, Fob. 0. Secretary Met- rail, of the department of commerce ml lihnr. todar took action which is expected to dccrcao considerably the frlctlpn Imtween this country and China and perhaps causo the abandonment of the anti-American boycott, wnen lie nn'iroved tho renort of tho special com mission, compoted of Assistant Secre tary Murray, Solicitor 81ms and Rich ard Campbell, ol tho Immigration bu reau, providing for a radical revision nf vxlstlmr retaliations under which Chinese may enter and reside In this country. The eommission'B report touches, by way of either excision or amendment, 24 of the existing regulations Ilesides certain alterations that promlso to avoid (Mny In landing Chinese who apply fur admission, other alterations have ben matlo where possible with a view to avoid any action that would seem offensive, provided that the object intended by such regulations could be aceomplishetl otherwise. As an Illustration of this, tho com mission recommended the discontinu ance of the llertillon system of identifi cation. Another amendment is acquirement that the administrative officers should advise Cliineso persons, either laborers or of the exempted classes, before their departure from the United States, of tho conditions under which they will Im admitted upon their return. Upon Ibis point tlm olllcera are directed to use special care, so that no Chinese person win has a right to reside in this country shall bo allowed to depart I herefrom under a mistaken impression that ho will be readmitted. Germany's Back is Stiff". Berlle, Feb. 0. Germany's attitude toward tho proposition to place tho con trol of the Moroccan police in the hands of France and Spain is one of Arm oppo sltlon, sinco the arrangement would, acoortlimr to tho Gtrnian viow, amount practically to giving Franco full au thority over the police, which Ger many hitherto baa steadily resisted. The Foreign olllce saya that tho dele gates (o the conference will devote the next few days to an informal exchange of views on the subject of tho management of the police. Kidnap Alaska Women. Ban Francisco, Feb. 0. Captains of whaling vessels have been accused of kidnaping native Alaskan women, and tho United States govurnment has or dered a rigorous investigation. Col lector Stratton today received instruc tions from tlio departmeutof Commerce and Labor ordering him to Investigate tho matter and arrest tho offenders, Tho chargo la made in a report to the department by Captain Hamlet, of the revouuo cutter Dear. ( Little Damage to the Moade, San Francisco, Fob. 0. After having mado a thorough Inspection ol the troopship Meado, Major Lea Fobinger, inspector general ql the department, reported today that tho total damage to tho transport would not excoed (20. A number of army officers, howevor, lost nil their baggage and personal effects except the clothing they wore, A CUM0US BRID0E IN IRELAND. liw interesting structure shown In tlio p.turo span n rat mo on tho Irish coast near Ilelfast, Tho north const of the Kinerald Isle la very broken, ami In many places the public highway aro mnlntnlnod with tho greatest illlfleulty on account of the winter freshets. So many ordlnnry bridge have been carried awny by the storm that much Ingenuity has been exercised In order to secure permanence. Ono of tho latest Is thla skeleton structure of steel hoops firmly secured nt both ends with anchors of tho same metal. ROSE FROM POVERTY. ir. II. Itoicrrn, Mntxlnril Oil MnK imlr, V Onrf Sfirilmr. Henry H. Itogors, "the piston rod of tho Htnndnnl Oil engine," roso to Ida present commanding position In the world of flnnuco from tho work of n newaboy In the village of New Hetlford, Mntw. Hut there were member of bin fnmlly In tho town of Fnlrbaven. Conn., where Im was lorn, who needed hi help and he found a Job n deliver' ly In n grocery at ?.1 a wc-ek mid board. Hi sent the ?.'! home nud nfter five j ears of service Itocnino bond clerk. To this day Iw rvcvitint.4 to hl IntlmatM bla rlw to a bir of f3 a week at the proudest achievement of liV Ufa Now Itetlfiinl at tlt tltm, for Honry II. Itogera la now nearly 70 j'oant obi. - - .yr. PI ..-..- .,.. naH'Oi-yn o.v4tteMee! by Ida lavlsW uxHtUlturi or money ror Falrlmvem J Fifteen jeaw ago he le cau to mskj Falrlmten famous by do nating a school Mm; costing $100,000. Two yean later Islet children, three daughters Bud n son. built a library at n momorla'l to n sister, stocked It with hooka, statue, picture, and endowed It with $100,000. In 1NW Mrs. Uogers, now dead, presented Fulrhtiveu wlthn Town Hall costing ?O,00a Ills coun try homo tU Knlrlmven coat him moro than ? 1,000,000, and U one of tho Bliow IHduta of New Hnglund. Hut nothing he over tlld In or for tho town of his birth created the sousntlon ho made wheu, In ISJHl, ho made a trip to Fulrlmven nntl proontwl a iwtltlon to the beloctuum that he bo made mi IHirliitendtint of Btrtni. Tho salary was ?:i a day nud the work moro than any man of millions would want to glvo It. He waa promptly elected "HUHr," to tho constornatlon of the first fmulltoa of Fnlrbaven and to tho disgust of most of tho other families, each of which had a memlicr that wanted the Job him helf. Previous to that time the Btrovts of tho town hod beenv neglected. Mr. lingers was an enthusiastic wheelman. Thus, In a snudl way, ho was bolng thwarted In a desire. With character istic promptness ho applied tho same aggressive mcthoda In this an In a deal involving tens of millions. On bis elec tion as suiter lio got out tho snow plows and kept tho streets clear of snow. This was followed by n general clcantug tip, repairing und overhauling of tho streets when tho weuthcr permitted. Ho gavo Fulrhavcn the best streets boasted by any New Euglaud town. ) W&zm II. II. ROOEKS. PRESIDENT OF FRANCE. armiilann nf n lllnckmnllh Jfotv Hrml of llrpnlillc. M. Falllercfl, tho man who waa elect ed President of France to succeed M. Loubct, Is of extremely bumblo origin. HI father wo n magistrate's clerk and his grandfather a blacksmith, whose forgo and cottage, propped up against tho walla of the Cathedral of Mczr.In, have only recently dlsnpitcnrcd. Fnlllerca, who baa bcn President of the Kenate, has a stabiles political record. Ho has managed to keep him- y. falliehu. self free from all scandals, notably that of Panama, which tarnished tho repu tations of so many public men In I France. On the other hand, ho Is with out any striking Individuality, conveys the Idea of lack of backbone, and has offonded a number of peoplo by his weakness for the pomp and ceremony of oillce ami for aristocratic associa tions. He will probably be an entirely msslvo executive of the will of tho Chambers of the Natloiul Legislature. He Is terribly fat. not particularly decorative, ami will In his fondness for the trappings of his high estate at tho Klyhoe Palace recall many of tho amus ing idiosyncrasies of ioor Felli Fnure. j -t ONE ON COLONEL BRAGO. JtilK lUililimon Vmrm tup llciori; r Courlruu In Slnklnir UD Quarrel. So ino years ago In Alabama ono of the most talented lawyers practicing In the South was tho lato Colonel Itragg, but he had n poppery temper. Not only dW Colonel Hregg's dlspo attlou involve him from tlmo to tlmo In serious dlrferoncttri with ids col leagues but It also led him to break off nuitcable relations with a Judge ltoblusou, a most estimable Jurist, who, while prosldlug over a suit In which ' Ilrag was Interested, had by his decision Incurred the resoutmout of the mlvocnte. . So for n long tlmo the colonel declined oveu to spook to the Judtfe, save wheu it was absolutely uecoisury fn the courso of business. Finally, however, his better nature getting the upper hand, Colonel Itrngg determined to apologize to Judge ltob lusou nml muled vor to effect a renowal of their former comparatively ploasant relations. Meeting the Judge one after noon on tho steps of the Stato house, ho Impulsively thrust out his hand and Bald: "See here, Judgo, let's be friends again. This thing has gone on lonir enough." "WJiy or, Itrngg." asked tho Judgo In the meekest and mildest way luiag Inutile, "what's tho matter?" "Simply thU, Judge," continued tho tlery llntgg, "I admire you so Im mensely that I cannot for my life bo content to remain on bad terms any longer. I felt that I must sponk to you." "Why or, Itrngg," piped tho Judgo In the thlnnost of voices, a well feigned look of nstoulshment ou his face, "why cr, Itragg, haven't you been speaking to mo?" At this tho lawyer wilted. Llpplu cott's. TlcklUh Subject. "I like to call on Miss Rldorlelgh.,, "For 'goodness sake, why?" "JlecausQ alio never bores mo talking about things that happened when suol was a little girl." Cleveland Leader, Two of llfo'a urgent requisite aro good health and a little more mono?.. 1 C ' ' " V" t f 1