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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1906)
. . Tf.,l ,. l1rla fT1)r)lf. THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. HI PROFESSIONAL CARD8 C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bend, - Oregon. W. I. MYERS LAND ATTORNEY Tlr iitl jmrtlw bfre III l' H. Mii tmt ami DftMilwpHl nt llic lhttrlr. Aim utll I'MCllr Office, LAIIM.AW, Oltll. U. C. COE, M. D. UI'I'ICK OVIM HANK Physician and Surgeon TllMtl'IIOMK NO. 21 lllth'I) OKKCON MI MfArH MeWMt MM ANHCIIV rprtmtv. . .1. L. McCULLOCII. Abstracter and lixnmlneruf Tllloa. IMINKVIM.H. OKIIflON HUTAMV I'VHUC INAl'IMNWt A. H. GRJVNT Ac M Liverpool, Loiidon ft (llobc, mid l.nncnshlrc I 'Ire liuuirniicc Companies. Ml!Nl, 0RIU10N , . Crook County Really Co Kent lislalc liouglil anJ Sold. Life and Accident INSURANCE. trie tn tiiiw ' itintu hxii niMt'iN TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths lk't of Mccomiuodntious and work promptly done WAM. JIT IlKNtl, OKWION PRINEV1 LLE C. A MclKfHMY H 0 r E Livhw Tl ,.-s mid K(H)ttV.1 lWM Clttfltl Ami well supplied-Katcs reasonable 1'UIXMVIM.X OKHGOH jprcc land in Oregon, i'i.r, fi. ii. WMITK K t Al I T l IklMtiil. .! Hl Iff H M I'-V. At lu IV Hrf illffl '.,IUhH 'If - REWARD! - The undersigned will pv Jio.iki for the detection mid convic tion of any JM-Hwou who in Hiiy way will fully injure or de utrnys Its I in eft in Ctook County. Till; DlSCIIUTLS TELEPHONE CO. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. l'Ak.KKIK TKAIN TIMK CAKII. oalh- WMIIti WO. 1 tMILV I. MA VI f.U, II ill 14 4 II 5 l l as ahhivhI STATIONS. ....,.. HKUW........U. ... .Mknlylic. ,...MBHHimii . lUy Canyon jituctlAu. .MPhihIjU . . . . hMM .,. Nruru ..WrtWliivlllc - ... -(!( Vul ry ...HemlHin., .. ..... Knt Wlloi HIIANIKO. a .... MM. Mhom M. I. IMIbV AMMIVM A.M. II t II K II W II M m I 4 W 4 W M ! 9 VI IS 14 y I.KAVH IMIly nlnue wiuii.tlMH Hi Slwnfko for Anlrl. 'It. llliitvllle. Ikiul, hmi, HINtr Mike. Mkp vlw. Mllrlitll, liuyvlllc, Aiiumiv, Aolivruutl. CAn u illy, j.l,., IMy Cily.Ml W-jJI. uu . m I lTlilfl I I.VVI.II.. I'. iul V rtlllMtrllttrinlciil, hUinlko. l). Uornol Strnyctf. Strnyod nwny froW fndrn!, Crook, county, Dickon, nlxint the J st of Novtinbcr, t;o, one blnck inure, weight about 1,400; btte sorrel mure weight nlioiit 1,050; one sorrel, ycnrlhg horse colt. All branded Dingle heart 011 right shoulder. Were hiat seen at U4hd. Any inforfnatit)ii regarding the above described' hor.HC.4 will le suit ably rewarded, Address all com SiunlcatiotiH'to Hhvord. Hofcombr lebcr, Lutiscu Co', CaUfornia. MND, OUKOON, FRIDAY, PEMttJARY 16, 190G. tiO. 48 Something Doing At Thi B. M. Co. Store Tho ab&vo qtliot hint should convoy soma ideas to you these quiet times. gl'.OkCK WASHINGTON was born on the 22nd of Kebru y ary and at an early age got busy with his little hatchet. Then when all wan discovered he told the truth about it. This is 1'cbruary, the month of the hatchetthe month for telling the truth. We cannot lie. We, too, have been busy with our little hatchet cutting prices on many of the lines in which wc are overstocked, and a few odds and ends we have decided to cloic out. The following are n few of our many Special Cut Price arti cles we will hell for CASH ONLY. Several pieces of dress goods suitable for children's school dresses, worth I2j4lcaiid 150a yard, special prices 10 yds. for. , 75c Men's Wool Socks, regular 25c value, sjwcial price, icr pr. 15c A few odd nlzas in Men's Pants at special prices. Comforts, regular $2.00 value & SI.50; $2.50 value $1.75 Kcd, Rray, blue and blnck calico wrappers 85c, SI.OO and $1.25 Men's heavy ilocccl, ribbed underwear, regular 75c gar ment, nt special price of 50c er garment. Men's, Ladies' and Children's shoes, several Io(s of broken sizes. Wc tuny have-just the size you arc looking for at cost prices and below Bend Mercantile Co. BEND, OREGON. s TIMBER LAND WANTED I have completed arrangements whereby I eon Imudk h number of good timk-r claims, in the Das chutes timber 11 1, at otuc Title must be perfect. 1 have special iiiiinry just now for laud in Tps. 2t, 22, 23 and i S , K. 11 K., and if parties owning liHiil there will communicate with me, it may ruoult to the advantage of all concerned. J. N. HUNTER, General Cruiser and Land Locator BEND, OR.EGON. J Bccauso wo are selling the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store tho best place to buy anything in tho lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors. Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE H, A. SATIIIIH, PROPRIETOR RPPEATING SH0T6U NS No maitor hoW big the bird, no matter how heavy Its plofnogo or awifi It flight, VoU can bring W to bag with a long, auonjr, atfalcht bhootinc Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results lira what count They always give tho best results In field, fowl or trap shooting, nd ar sold within reach or everybody' pocketbook, PRISE l' Snit namt and aiitut on pottnl ttrd (or or Utt lltuttrattJ caUhgui. WINCHESTER REPEATING. ARMS CO., New Haven. CONN. wmummmmmmmmmmmmmmm fc. W. Kern Of Welches, Or., ask ing that the loll on the Harlow road be abblislictl. Mr, Kern write to friends In this vicinity asking them to ild what they can to have this petition acted favorably Upon by the people nt the June election. This road id oub 0? the passes through the mountains near Mt. Tcffcrsdii, arid annually draws a large income frtim travelers from ijnateril atld Central Oregon pass ing over td the coast. Mr. Kern, with liiativ others, thinks thistax rtti Ifir Irniolitltr niltillr (4 tinitivt laud sliddld be abolished. The people can decide the question next Juuc. CITY COUNCIL GETS BUSY SCHOOL BONDS SOLD Bend's Dlrectbrs Consider Bids Submitted. TAKEN BV A PORTLAND FIRM NBT WALKS AND CROSSINGS ORDERED WHAT !1Ab"uEBN DONE. Hrlcf Statement or Crops Raised on the llxpcrlincnt Fnrni. The Pacific Homestead, a farm jourual published at Salem, is hav ing n subscription voting contest mid offers as its capital prize a 40 acre tract of land in the Pilot Butte segregation of the Dochutes Irriga tion & Power Co. The article speaks of the crops raised last year 011 the experiment far near Bend. Residents ol this section know very well what satisfactory results were obtained from this farm, but it will undoubtedly be of interest to Bulletin readers iu other localities to sec n brief statement of the actual prolucts from this farm. The crops grown were as follows! lS'ght and one-half acres of wheat. Two acres spelt. One mid one-half acres vetches and field peas. Two acres grass. One acre onions. Twenty-three and ouc-hnlf acres oats. Two acres Polish wheat. Six aud one-half acres clover and timothy. Ten acres potatoes. Three acres garden vegetables, Kighteelt and one-half acres barley. One acre rye. Two acres ulfalfa. Two acres carrots and turnips. Three acred miscellaneous. The gross yield nt market prices was 42 au acre. Abolish the Tolls. An initiative petition has been filet! with the secretary oC state by Police Officer Appointed, Oambllng Ordinance Passed and Sunday Closing Ordinance Tabled. The city council get down to work Tuesday evening and turned out quite a grist of business. The two ordinances introduced by Coun cibnan John Overturf at the meet ing of January :o were brought forward for final consideration. The 011c relating to the Sunday closiug of all business houses except eating homos, drug stores, etc. had roused much opposition from the citizens. During the past month no small discussion has been beard on the streets concerning this pro posed ordinance, and the general concensus of opinion seemed to be iu opposition to its passage. There fore, when it came before the coun cil for consideration it was promptly tabled, and many think will die a natural-death The ordinance prohibiting all forms of gambling met a more fa vorable reception. Only two mem bers of the council opposed it and on a vote it carried 4 to 2. As soon as the ordinance is published it be comes effective. Floyd L. Lobdell was annointed ponce oliicer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C. M. Weymouth. There had been con siderable opposition to continuing this office, but those favoring its continuance finally won. The office cnrrittS n salary of $65 a month, the hours during which the officer is on duty being from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. A sidewalk was ordered laid on Oregon street along block 15. This is the block directly cast of Hotel Bend. A cross walk between Hotel ijenu ana a. u. usteoenet s corner was also ordered. Improvements will be made to the approaches to the cross walk between the B. M. kore and R. B. Mutzig's. H. C. Ellis qualified as city re corder, as did also George Whitsett. Sr., as councilman to All vacancy caused by the resignation of Mitlard .Zriplett. ... ... .J , MADRAS WELLS 00 DRV. People'of That Town Having Dlfil- cuity to Uct Water. Many of the wells at Madras which have been supplying the surrounding country to a large ex tent with water have gone dry. There are two explanations given for this. One is that the great de mand on these wells has takett the water from them faster than it can flow iu from the springs which feed the wells. Madras as is well known, lies in a natural basin. In this basin it has been possible to get water by sinking wells, but n few miles from town water cannot be found. Naturally, therefore, there has been a great tax on the wells in Madras. The other explanation is rather extaordinary. Recently a well was J drilled there und at the depth of 250 feet the drill broke into a cavity. It is believed by soule tftat the water 13 now draihiug into this cavity through this opening. Mad ras people are now Singing, "You never miss tlie water till the well runs dry. , Bonds Disposed Of at a Very Satis factory Figure Many Inquiries Received from the East. Sheet find Pillow Case Masque. Tile Modern; Woodmen of Bend have planned d masquerade dance for the night bf Feb.f ?2. It will be a sheet aiid tJHldw ,'calje masque rade, tfor tttU3C 'uor. ' initiated, a sheet nlid pillow" ' chse,, masquerade J .. ...II.... 4I..1UI lf.lla3l.--"iAjUJ to masque tliSdaucersI, .Numbered coupon tidkets Will "pd .giych each dancer Ut theddof 'M, latter, in a drawltlgi. the 'tvyo lucky numbers frilrahwV'Pri&s; suffer will be served oy me jxoyai jNeigUDors. The bonds Voted by the Bend school district last summer were sold Monday evening to Morris Bros, of Portland. Their bid was" $6,500 at 5 per cent., principal pay able in 10 or 20 yeats, optional with the school board. The board called for bids on $6,000 worth of bonds at 6 per cent, payable, cither in td or 20 years. There were numerous inquiries sub mitted iu response to this call, antt quite a number of bids placed. The list follows.' Morris Bro9., Portland No. i, $6,400 at 6 per cent.; No. 2, $6, 057.50 at 5 per cent; No. 3, would buy the full issue authorized by the district S6, 500 on either of the foregoing terms. Browne-Ellinwood Co.. Chicaeo $6,045 at 5 XA per cent. C. H. Cofliti, Chicago $6,061 at 6 per cent. S. A. king, Chicago $6,006 at 6 per. cent. J. M. Holmes, Chicago $5,550 at 6 per cent. The bids submitted were very gratifying to the board. The terras under which the bonds were sold were at one per cent, less than the second best bid and carried a pre mium of about $66. This one per cent, interest on $6,50d for 20 years1 is $1,300. STAGE LINE CHANQES HANDS Q. M. Cornett Buys Back the Bend- Prldevillc Line. A. deal has been recently closed where by G. M. Cornett of frineville buys from the Bend Livery & Transfer Co. iu stage line from fiend to Prinevlllc. The sale only includes the stock of the com pany, consisting of horses and wagons. Mr. Cornett has also released the Cookii from their contract to carry mall from Bend to Silver Lake. Mr. Stroud reports that Mr. Coruett is seriously considering a cltangc in the time schedule from Prinevillc to Silver Lake. This clwnt;e contenlptatca a new division of the route. One station would be placed at Vandevert's ranch, which is about 3j miles south of fiend, and an other at some middle point between Vanilevert's and Silver Lake. The mail would start from Silver Lake at 2:30 a . in., would arrive at Oend about 5 o'clock that evening and at Prinevillc between 11 and 12 o'clock that night. For pa&s engar travel this plan lias some advan tages. The ride across the desert during the summer in day time is uncomfortably warm. The plan being considered would do away with this and would get iiassengcrs iu Prineville in time to take the daylight stage to; Shnniko with a wult of only a few hours. Mr. Cornett took possession of these lines yesterday, the 15th. Tho Little Brother Oocs Also. Many stories arid jokes have been told of the" "little brother" and his unpleasant pranks when the elder brother and siiter "went courting," but Bend ttow dumbers among its youngsters oue who has introduced a touch of originally in the Usual proceedings. The ride to Laidlaw last lr riday evening by two of Bend's popular young couples was a very pleasant ' affair beyond doubt, but was probably not so pleasant for the little brother, who had stowed himself away under the back seat. It is well known that "Doc" possesses a kind heart, but we did not suppose this quality of the heart led to take the little brother onhese very pleasant trips, such aa the one above referred to. For further particulars, "write to or call on" Creed or "Doc." Another Townslte at Cllne Falls. G. V. Moore:, who owns a 40- acre tract at tire west end of the uc miHgc ywuc x'uua, ja prepar ing to promote a towusite on hi? land. ' lzxh ef&tnig a store build ing wfyich will soon be opened to the public yritll a fine stock of gen eral merchandise. 4rhe store is a two-story bliildigl 18x25 feet. Thfc 40-a.cre tract has been cleared of sage brush aiid Mr. Moore is' $re pariug to lay it off into town lots. m