1 W ?::;yv "- y'm-mnwi. -. r?:.M.?.M .HMJ8jH' ivfc , JU wwrwtlWpWy.pipWiHlIWWw I i UWHillllW f!?' "" " N'i-iy' tIBHH "Wf?SKwfir7lW!&X& The Townsife of BEND On the Deschitfcft &iver !n Western Part of Crook County, Oregop. nvwOTRWIM M o 'J a' l i f tir' 'i'I'iT " r ?. j t - ' . w x?x xex J ' f ' j r -4Kb Am cv N-.-,V -ya. xx'y&xxvvx'i av x Sv ' vVXsi;y?X 4cnf A PIM I AX X VA V V A)r ! . I xXX VXiyA Xui 1 XaY Xy ivXJCX fXK I-1-1 xrjr.vN. x "v. x -v- . v -"v. .. -. -w-vv x r i ;; I Ct7Nvyvs. A'X wxS XnZxv I I xxjxxy Xoc yOyvi AAA XJ Xtvkn5v vOX l ' x Center of the ncY Irrlgntloq iDeY'm?!1 covering 250,000 AQRES QP RICH LAND 11 r I Fl R U j 7 j I- ! ! I T'T 1 ' I I'" 1 V .- I ' ' 1 ' f 1) J ' ' Jh "" tt H tS A ft fl C I A s rr? J I ?ft :&: SPS ? W n (4 W TmTmTR n 1 t 1 Wm$& u ? a Hf D, AVE;', , f . J 4 s -LJ- J y j "- f I ' HiM-R .fji-ift. M S YVer- .iJiJri. IS' At Gateway to the Qreat DESCHUTES' PINE Timber 7& Town has Grown nlmost entirely In tltc juint year, the jont office dating only from April H, 190.. ktul ling excellent jmlilto schools ntul complete puhllc ufltur worlcs, KOA FOR INFORMATION INQUIRE OF The Pilot Butte Development Co. Proprietor Townsite BUCKING BRONCHOS RARE. COQ- was said Outlaw Moiaf Years Past Is Bccanc tetrAatetfated. The oatlavr horse of years past, the hero of broncho-bnekiug in the south and west is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and in 10 years will be more scarce than the fast dying buffalo and the old-time cow boy, according to John M. Kuy kcodall, wko makes a specialty of procuring the wildest horses that can be procured lor bucking tests. "Ten years ago the outlaw as nlentitut as rack rabbits," Mr. Kuykcndall, "but I have been able to get only about 30 real buck ers that will pat up a good fight out of 50,000 horses that I have looked at during the last year. The out law horse comes from the poorest blood tliat roams the ranges of the West. He is a criminal among horses just as surely as men who go wrong have bad blood in their veins. His parents are in nearlr every case mustangs, and the stock is the same as that which roamed the plains of the West in the early days and degenerated through use lessness. "Nearly any horse will buck if you turn him loose in a pasture sev eral months and then try to ride hm, but he will kick uponly a few times and then quit The outlaw will buck, though, after he has been ridden successfully, just as soon as another man gets on his back. It takes years to break him of the habit, and he is never safe. If he gets a chance he will start off buck ing again and he always is danger ous. "You rarely hear of a famous bucker now, although 10 or 20 years ago every large range had several outlaws that nobody could ride. The cowboys can ride as good as the old-time cowboys, and they are Hot degenerating. The breed of horses throughout the country is improving steadily, and this is the death knell of the outlaw. It will take nwny some of the most pictur esque Western life when they go entirely, but that id gding rapidly auyway, and' the horse owners will be the gaincraV-Denvcr News. Week, $2 a month), sear Dend. tf H. W. Mokxiia. Oregon Apples 15 Cents Each. Hood Rivtr Nw-letter. In a recent letter to W. R. Win ans, Hon. Martin Dodge, who was here with the good roads commis sion last year, says: "I was. at a dinner with Judge Babeock in Clev land, Ohio, recently where we had Hood River apples which cost us 15 cents each. netrt Land VlnM iToof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. K. Land Office, Tie Dtllr, Oregoa, January ji, ifA. Notice U hrby tlrtn (hat Dartd M.Hraith. aulcntcofK. M. Kuthcrfurd. tmlftut ofMary Mctlowsn. orrortland, OrcKon. ka bled notlcr of Intention to make proof oa hi detert-laod claim Xa. 44a. fortheiwtf. kcis. Ip it, r 11 r, w m. before the Krpitter and keceitrr at The Dallca, Oreton, oa the Mth day of March. I94. He tunn the following: witaeiae to prorc the complete Irritation and reclamation of aafd land, William A. KIce.ofKalcm. Oreron. Prattcia il Oeorge, of Portland, Oreijon; loCa II. Cook, of KedmooiS, Oregon and jamt w, Bruce or wait- Duff, waanington, I9-B116 MICIIAKLT HOLAK.Rexittrr, ML Egaf OREGON (IP) Shout line AND UNION PACIFIC TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Lotiis New York Ocean Steamers between Portland and Sau Francisco every five days. Tickets to and from all parts of tlie United Stales, Canada and Eurote. For particulars, call tin or address JAS. IRELAND, Agt., ' The Dailc. Oregon. CONTEST NOTICK. DRI'AKTMKNT OK T1IK 1NTKKI0K, V. S, LaaJ O Ace. The Uallea, Oregon. December 16, 1005. A nufSrient conical affidavit harlng been filed In lhi office by 101 ' Croup, conteatant. agalntt homeatead entry No. I l.aTv. made hetletnler ig, ibi, iare(, kc , ip to, . T 11 e, w m, ny Ule U Korholt. cuutettce, In hlrh it la alleged that mi uir 1, Hornon na wnoiiy alMniioneil !! tract, that he haa changed hia retMence Iherc from fur more than li niontha tail na,t. thai uld tract l not actUril uon and cullleatnt by aiu MFiT rruireu iy iw, mat aKi aiicget abaenceu not due to hla employment In the army, nary or marine corjwuf thr United hlale In timeofwar. aald partlra are hereby notified to appear, respond and offter cridence louchlns uld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on February ij.19. before A. II. Graut a notary puMIe at hU otfiee In Ilcnd.Oregon. ami that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a.m. on February ji. 1906, before the KreUtcr and Receiver at United Natea lanu ailtce in The Pallra, Oregon. The Mid contcdanl having, in a proper rfidavit. filed December lu. loot, art forth f.na which ahow that after due dll(grnce prrwnal aervkeof thla nolke can not be made. II U hereby ordered ami dlrrcted that auch notice be glvcu by due and proper publication. i9-fi MtCHALT. KULAM. Krguler. CONTEST NOTICE. DKPARTMKKT OK Till? INTJ'.RIOK, Vnlled fiUtea Ind Office, The Ille, Oregon, January l,lo. A auffieient conteat affldavit harlng teen filed In thia office by Albrrt V rope, contrttanl, againtt homeatead entry No, umi, made l'cl ruarr 17,1903, for wM aejf. aej; awj. ec o, K ncXacc. IP 17 a. r 11 e, w m, by David I'. Jonea.contettcc, in which It la alleged that Mid David P. Jonca haa wholly abandoned ul tract; that he haa changed bi realdence tticrefiom for more than ala monllia lot twit that Mid tract I not aettled iibon and cultivated by Mid party aa required by law, that aald alleged abaencewa not due to hit enintovment In the army, navy or marine corpa of the Unltett Ktalra ih nine bi wjir, maw pa men are nrrcuy uonneu to appear, rrapond and offer evidence touching uld allegation at 10 o'clock a ru 011 March 10, l4, before C A. Jonea a notary public, at her olfice in llend, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a in on March I S, iuu before the Kegiiter aud Kecelverat the I'niled htatci J.ind Office III The Dallca, Oregon, The ukl conteatant liaviag, in a proper afflda- iii.km j.nwi ,v, iv,miuiiM li Wlllll how that alter due diligence pcraonal acrelec of mia nonce cannot ie mane, 11 la Hereby oruercd and directed that auch notice be ;iveu by due and proper publication fa-ino MICIIAl'.I, T. KOl.AN, Kegiiter. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijrjnjra TfUDK MAHHB DKtIONI CnovMtawTB it anvana ladalile a iketeh and dMerlDtlon mav (tnlcklr aaeartain or opinion, fra wbalbar au invention it pioDaoiypfi .Inn. a,.lri AnrtAAmH ,.WH. ... .... - yw......... lani, iraa. yipMi uancr 1 rtcalV -MM.a3!irtJf,,tf Py(CM"vrt WIUW"l(fIM .... ,1.... ...I- A L ... A .. A J A hahdio euiaiion ml .omalyllWi or any acitntisa lournai. 1 (rnii, m a ar month!, fb Sold byail hawtdMlara. mssssmof Timber l.aml, Act June J, llfl, NOTICK POH PUUMCATION. U. H. MndOffic.Tr.t llr. Otrron. May H, Kfii, Notice It herehy given thai n comiilianre )y the ptv.loiii or the Act of 0onif nf Jane 1. I;. enllllol "Ail art fur iheMleof limler biiwl In the alalea of California. Oregon. NevJLda, and Washington Territory.' aa eatemltd la ill the public land atatea by act of AuiT't 4, lVI, Agnea pui, of The Italtea, county of U'aaco, tf pf Oregon, haathla day OtnllH til erftoe her awprnaUtt, menl No, 647. fUr the pqrehne pfhf ttK'.MC ii. ip 19a, r lie, w m. And will nffrr proof lo ahow that h.r Uu't aaught la mote valuable rur lit timber or atone than ff agrtrultural rmilxMea. and to ealabltih her claim to Mid land l-efwe Ike Kegialer anil Mrceivrr, at The llallea, Orcion, on the itlh day of March, lo4. ' Hhe namea at wltneaaeti Mlchatl O'Connor. William O, Maaan, Alfred llurgaaon, ftitd John Oavln. all of The IWllei, Oregoa, aud John McTaggart, of for tlaml, Oregon, Any and all pcranm claiming aitvrrtely the ahnve-'leKTlbeillandtarerefjUeaicdto file Ihelr ctalma In thia office ou oe before uk ill 4y of March. l4. jiymij MICKAKt. T. NOf.AN, UrgUler. Timber Uud, Act of Jrttje i, l)l, NOTICK POH PUDMCATION. U.S. Lan d Office, The Dalit", Oregon, DecintUr 6, 19a), Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with the provUiona ol the Act of Cungrrat of June A, IV entitled "An act for the Mle oftlinlKr lamia In the atalca of California, Oregon. NcvoiV,. and waaningion Terrnory," at eatended to all the public land ataltt by act of Augilat 4, koj, Ada J. Harrlngtoa, of Priiievitte, county of Crook, Hale of Oregon, hatthitday fllrd In talt ofTioe tier aworn ttalf ment No. mi. for the purchaae oflhr aeMnwVf , and aHne!ofaeCi5,lp II a, r lu e, andlMl, ec v, tp it a, r Ii 1, w m. And will offer proof lo allow that Hie land aought It mure valuable for lit llmbe," or alone than for agricultural purioare. and lo rtlaiuiaii tier claim to Mid laud heroic the Comity clerk at rrlueville, Oregon. 011 the ijlh day of March, loua, hhenameaaa wltueaaet; Charlea Drock, John iJloaa and Ora Polndeater all or llend, Oregon, and Joacph II. Iltncrof l'rluevlllc. Oregon. Any ami all peiaoiit claiming adveraely Hie cUtitu In thU ofTlcv on or before mIJ 7lh Uy of atral trwA Jiy-mij MrCHAIiL T, NOLAN. Kegialer. CONTEST NOTICE. DlfPAIlTMUNT OK flli INT1I0M. U. 8. Ijind Omce. The Dtllct, Oregon, DectmUr ii, J. Aaufficlent coiileat alTuUHt having bceu fileil III til la office by. Daniel R. Hmlth, conleataut. agaliiathomateudciilryNo, 1 1601. made October 5. 1001, for uVineJt', iiUim, tee 19 tp D a, r 11 e. w 111, by Martha Motrlt.coiitttlfe, In which II It alleged that Mid Murtlin Murrla hat wholly olMiiidoueil uld tract that the haa changed her reaidence therefrom for more lliau ait monlha U1 jHiat, that aald Iruct la uol actllrd iiimiii, and culllvutcd by mid Party aa renulrril bvluwi iimi Mid alleged abtencc waa not due In her employ ment In the army, nary or murine corpa of tlie l4ailtA.I lltillari Its lluid .tT &A M . ..I. ft ....kil . flit., (.Mt ,, .i,r ui w)r, hiu iwriiraarv hereby nutlfied to appear, reatwnd nd Hirer evidence touching Mid allegation at in o'clock m. on I'cbruar 13. iptt. Uforr A. II notary public, at hla timer .in llend. A. II (Irani, m ,tww,j ,.,Mifc, t ill WIHVV 111 Jieilll, Oregon, and Hint, final heating will lie held nl 10 o'clock a, 111. l'cbruary , IVoA tielorc Ihe Keg Uteraud Utceiver at the United HUlea Unit office In The llf, Oregoli, The aald conleaUnt having, Itla proper alnda vil, filed Deeemticr l, 1903, act foilh facta which how that afttr Uiie diligence pcraonal atrvlceol thlt notice cauhol be made, II it hereby ordered and directed that tucli notice lie viveu liv ,1u and proper publication, Jlj-fiS MlCUAILT,NOLAXf,K(UUft Timber Land, Act June J, lljt, NOTICK FOll 1'UIIMCATION. U, H, ,n.l oiOce. Thr Dailet, Oitgun, Oclolier 1). iv . WMUf U Kaitliy glrtn ht In romplunr wlh tnepruvialontorihe Atl Hf lmigir of Jmiei, tjl. entitled, "An act for Ihe Mtc of Umbel laiwla In the ttkltaitf California. Oiegtm. Nevada and Waahlngtun TrriHoty," at cttcudnl lo all the public lamt alalea by Act of Anguat 4, lf. Wranttt M. I'Mlkf, of WalU Waa, county of Wall W.lta. .r pf Waahingtuti, haa IbU day fittd ii l)ilvfi hit wornalattment No. 11,9, Kr Ihrpurahatr af Ihe nK,Hci),iMi iije.wm. And will oner proof lu tlipw thai Ihe It ail loughl la laorv valuable foe l( limber or atone than for agrlttlU'iial piirtma.et, and to cttahttah hla claim lo Ml.J Upil Mfuiethe Kriirr aixl Mceeiter at The llailri, 1'rrgpn, ri iReardilay pf April, yl He namea at witnetaea ltl Vf. ClOiin. of Walla Walla, Wellington, John, Uuu. vfnltlera. ore eoniJOMpli . lUliltr Plltl KlrllMa Hmllli both of llend, Ofeguu, Any ami all petaona claiming adveraely Ihe abovenleacr Ibril Uiuta grr rriiuttlnl lo file Ihelf ctalmtlu thlt ofTioe on or lrrurctai jrd day Of Alllll. lUMu ji9-mju MICIIAKI. T. NOf.AN. Kegialer. Timber Mnd, Act Nut j, l;l. NOTICK FOR .'UULICATI0.N. V , l.auit OlTice. The Datlrt, Oregon, Jaaitary II. Iv Nollce U hereby glvtli that In cmnpllatice with Ihe provlalotit of llie art of CungreM of June t, ij, enilllei''Anact fur Ihe aalcof llml-er laiiilt In ihe ttalta of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami Waahlngtou Territory, at eilrinlcd lu all the miii land Malta dy act or AueH.I 4, taaj. the follatrlnciianikd lieraona have Alrd In llila onU Ihelr anorti ttalcuieiiU Ift-wlli Mary J Willlamt, of Bend, eaunly of Crook, atale of Oregon, iwom latcmcnl No, yll, filed November ft. i', for the iurchate or the ejiwU and t)aw( arc 11, Ip 19'. r lie, w in, Hte It. Mwtr mi- of llend, coiiuly of Crook, atate nf Oregon, tworn itatcmctit No, U1, filed Nuvember J. Vi, tot Ihe purchtae ef the ntK aee j, tpiaa.rioe, w in, That lliey will nffVr proof lo almw that the landt aought arc more Valuable for Ihelr limber or atone than for agricultural puriawet, andlo catabtlah their dalmi tu aald laiultlieloie the Kegialer ami Keeelver t Ihe land onke In The Dailet, oregoa on April J, l&A They name the ftitlowlua: wllnettcti Orare I'. Ijiwrrnce, Jowpli N, llliuttr, Juliu IHom, Maiy J. Wllllama gnil J. M. Uwrriiee, al of Html. Oregoa, Any and all peraotia claiming ailvertcly any of incaoovcieacriiteiiiina are reiueatel lo file Ihelr claimt In llila office 011 or before Mid jrd day of April, two. 6-my mIcHAHI, T. NOI.AN, Ktgltler. NOTICK KOIt PUisMCATlON. U. fi. Land Office, The Dullet, Oregon, Marih Hi 1904. Notice U hereby given I hot In comiilUnce wllh lPtoi1loV'fhe Act of Cungrcat of June i, !?. eulllkil, ''Am 1 act for III talcorilmber laml) 11 lit .it.i.tf (,rfuiir.t...iA ,0....... , , ... . 1 . T ,"' """,' "iaiii icvHiia, huh Waaliliiglori Terrilor," at ealtluled lo all Die public laud atalct by act Of Augutl 4, koj, William Curry, of Waaco. county of Hheriiiau. aulu i.rn,..n 1,.. llila day fileil hi Ihia office hit aworn aluteiiitnt No. am, fur the piirchate or the iiwjfntli, ilnw!,tciaiidiiel(u.eKaecNo, to, u ip 14 a, t lo e, w in. And will offer nroof tuahow that the laud pught it more valuable for lit timber or alone ban for agricultural imriWt.aiid.la etlabllali IiIh lalm ft, Jul. I l.....r !.. .1.- .. l . ,.1 i .. . '"i ." iiure me nrgirier ' Klvtr il The tlallct) Oregon, on the ylh f " ,'w' i iir unit ;t 111 wiineiuta iirifiit ! CUrry, Kith. O'omuor, all of The ville, Oregon. anl I (Inrnitii. Mlrliu.l Dallca, Oreiiou. ahd L. It. Alllnlihain nf Prior. Any and all ptrtoni tUllllllig ddvertcly the 4 lira . I t..l (..!. .. . a . aa al t .. t i clalma lii.thlt office Jti-tnt. -- - " ra wi to it at at( mitllttii I 111 awetlcKrltidUaiiiUnre rUMlcd lo tt their day of March, ioS. MlCUAUIi T, MObAif, KtlUUr, OFFICIAL DIHF.CTOHY. ONITIIII HTATU Pietldenl Vice I'retUtnl rWvttlatyof Hlale Hecrelary MTlfatHiy.... Werriary nf Intetlar ,.M WelaryffH'ar ..... liecitlary ef Nvy..,, Wtf tUry of Cttintxrrre. ISMlmaalrr (Iraetal.... Allorney (Itntral laecretary ofAgrltHitture, ..Tbtotote KoHvrll Ctiailrt W. I'tliUaWa ........ W. 1 Kot UalleM.Hnaw K. A. Ilrtatitvwk .. W. II. Talt -C. J Itontuatle . 1tor II. Mrtcalf ...!. n. CMte1)uii Vm. II. Mu.ly Jamea Wlltoti HTAfK Oovrrnor... .... ..,., Herniary of Male..,,, Tltaaurrr. .,.... ..... Allorney (leMcraU.MM,N Rupt PubliO lll)UcllOU i imitr..im.M,,ww.,l.iM Dairy and 1'o.jd Cam.,.H, V. . pautlou,. Cougitiutn Buprtmc Judgtt.... mo Oro, , Chunbettalil Ha..n. ' I. Ianlr wMamaiw"C. H. Moore A. M.Crawfwil I, II, Avkerinan iwMMJ. K. U'hlluty . J. Vf. Ilallry Jalio M. Otailn C. IV. I'utlnn Hlngtr llcrmaii J, N, Wllllaliiton C. H. Wetvetlon . ,H. Iitaii l. A. Moote -I KKVltNTIl JUDtCIAI. DlHTUICT J'"lgem tin) .Mm.M.w.. IV, I,. Ilfldthaw Attorney..... .... w.w..w,,l'ranb Metitft l.ltdlrtl.ATlVIt Join! HiialQrMaH,M,nM.n,MaM,H,M, J, A. M)Cok U.m....I.u.. pi .. Hinil.VMf4.M.M.MM ( I. N, llur ... II, A. Km . ( N. Wtiaal N, llurgrat iiniil Idon CkOOK COUNTY Judge. .,,, m...m,iiiimiiiiiiiiiiii,i.i.ih A, Hell Clerk., mm.. ...., J.J. Miilll' Hhcrlfr,..,M.,.,M..Hw.MM..MMHMC. Ham Hmlth Tf eaturer,...,.,,.,,,.,...,..,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,, O, C. Olay Ataetor,.i.,,..w,MwwN.iuwwJi D lll'ollclle Kchoot Hilpl - hi,,.h,.m,.C, II. Dlliwldille rlnrveyor ..,, . M, C. A.flraict Coiontr .. .J. H.yCrool.1 M. irf I'owtll r IJ.n, Hlearnt Tlllt COl'KTH. Ciacuu Cot'MT I'lrtt Monday In Mayt Ihln) Monday ill October. I'mjiiAiDt'iiUKT-l'ltal Mniiday In eirhmoulli. CiiuuiftaiiiNima' CilUkT l'fr.t U'eduewlav in jauuiiiy, ihtviii ami Nouinbcr. Conimlttlotiera May, July, HcpicinUr 1IKNI) Phkcinct. Jutlice'of l'cnce,M,u,H.UiM..ll. C. IllIK Cinatahte,.,u....,..MMM..HM.M.,,..i....M,!' , (lllc Kod HuKrvlaor.,...,m.M.f)vid W. li, Kilty lllMI) KCIUMIb DltTUICT Nil. II. IJ.il l,awjclirv l)l(lClop.,,M. t A. I., Cuodwllllr I W. . Nlchid CUrk ta(tMHllaM eilat..Htt.ar ), Wttt I Mitt Kuili I,. UelJ TcHchcrtM IMIm Rruce Juiit) (MUxMurluuWkat 1'ITV oi- lll'.jlll, Mayor n , I tloodivlllll' Krcordcrn II, C. lillll Trcatiirrr , , , -I'. O, Minor Marahal f.... C. M, Wcymoiilh M. I'rauk Htruiid t nhu II. Oielllirf Atdtnucu iiMU.mii ".,. H C. Caldwell ii, a, ruitnrr , ti, Wi WhllttlliHt