The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1906, Image 7

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    zZjx a-Mttxsmrim'u lawwe.
-V Titn Ilimaal,
tioMMtr ii on or tnu icmiinff prin.
fljlll'H lllMHIll HI WO ptlllllO I'llUfllf,
mul tint (oncliorit bi'xln citrly to lm
prona tho viilui' of tliU Irnlt In chnrno
tor on tint inlnitn of tint ymniKnat pu
plla, A Hoillh I'hlciigti trm-hrr hint a
pupil who novo her iiitlcli aorrmv y
liU uiiftirtiiiinln linhlt of fllthlng mi
txvry poaalhht oocuhIuii. (Jim tiny aim
kcit him lifter si'linol nml garo IiIiii
m-rlinm "talking In." "Junt Ionic at
tlie life of (Jenrgo WnahliiKton," alio
anld, "he couldn't toll n Ho," "Hull,"
remarked tint unregi'iit'rntn youth,
"what wan Hip tinilliT with hlmt"
A Nnro Mut,
MVondbjr Ml mn tin hn tiocn
working on IiIn family Ircn of Intn."
"i'i, It ai-miie to ktvp IiIiii pretty
"Itntlipr rnnipllontiil work, eht"
"Vrnjl licllcvo hn dln'ovnrr-d a
hangman' iiooatt on one or the
bram-lif nml In' having nomr troii.
bte anwlitij It off" I'lillmlrlpliln Prr-aa.
Tho morn wo know of our lilt, lha
milnr ik! aooner relief will oeirte.
Palm and tohra o( Ilia (loth,
Joint and inuKilei ais
Tha mtulon ot lha Old-Monk-Cura
ti to euro, ami ihu world knows
II dees It salely and autely.
t'rlo, 35o. d 500,
- -
I'ortUnd Irod Dircttory I
Nm and Alt Jrtaa la 1'OTtUmJ f Raaft.
a Matlt flutliMta flm. j
n7lT hi I tf.VKH. Ko-alila(al.iilUW
fill wpiaMHkM WMi4ril,iltak A V
KAIHi lKlKUn- W'Matrr tau I'mllilL
pr.a.1 0iaaw !. iaiaV.
KfaANTH' IKI-IKH) i rr .. Hntm! KaKlu
tin fra nawiMt(aa kukal WwlUil,UIK
IIQII)ikf M Ua4'.f"MU " rM.MiUt
ltM. lHajaif Ha l'rM( W.
TIIUMafH uIh utmal aaarakUa At In
WMianfWffl hm VwK(,Oluk ACh.
IiiTiriiui. rye. .r.rrfi. M.ii-7C
kxlutnrt ami aa )4 wal 1 Wwaldl, Uaiha io
Uht'.AM aKI'AIIAIIlMn-W gaalaltlM Iba V H.
fw,u(Ma(Mk- UVWal. Wrll. It fla ralw.
WK.VHCUtrillMU-Haltam A
riihlUInx, ala
a AJfrJ I
lltlaa la lata it a
H )iMia rHrrwl aMhH
lltta la lata 11 a rvra aatiMa.
Mairlai aad Mull
altaala. Ilf4la ala
rIKK 1-AxrriK "MWI'tX a .t.f Ih. ( airrlrrl
Utaaaal. to FMtrp.aialala Wnlalofar
ltau. al ma ft. H n. lauka A li, .il
AMar alrH, IVaHa. 4, llt(Mi
rill'lTTKV""HMIl-irratt .al tt l'a lo 'ay
m.p aa -nw a. iw ,.. Hnnnuri a' i, ,
klA MM I.THV IKa:it
IKKtln Awi Ml 1 U,
TAIIU -4INtMMilanM"ia In I' M l4,
Ola. l alUiiaaiii."ai..lii.ii an . i-,
IHaaaltHtaaiaraaiaai arat.m laauraa l( at I Rk
Wllla hrf fir aamaaM ! pd".
FlAMH A UHtlANn-taMiai i-Umi lioaa nn !
lUo aaMal, Ortaaa iM lMat an aaar pajrtnaiila.
WrllarWIiti lIHa.iiiM t.Mta i-niw. Allan A
IIHWM-IUakat KM-, Nl.lauU. IHaaon.
6iavai llarh ajxia rrali Kklntr anj lllat t.f
linuMM. rut HAt'KAi III' I'fi.-'iW' Inal
alia aal by wall rvr tf. In aumpa, l) ami llr
taH Inlnlw.
Human llalrllonlt -Nallrnfa. laniWwr. Mtn'a
?) a ami t, il i,lli j . low mi iriiva,
aaMl fu (lf wk. I al . mall axl.rt a tiWUHr
I'ai.a Hair Nora, lua Wa.lilmioil M. ). laa.
faalatl, Ualilaal anJ alruaiatl mania IMItar
aaj Iba luaikal. Ill Hut a H,arar aa Uia awaaf
with laa liuraaa. Wrua l( ilaaadvilaa ratalaf
aa4 trlraa. (
rsl ! Marrlaan BlraaC CurllanJ, Orafaa
Ms &
I Mvl Btvai .b H ata. i aaafcr aakaJ
izmzxzm zmmn
' yl
Dr. G, Geo Wo
Ttita womlcrful I'hh
riaaa lluclur la ralliit
(raat bacaiiaa lia ourra
lwu'la without upatii'
lion lhat ara (Ivan up
lo dla, Ha rurra Willi
IIiiim wmidarful I'ln
maa liartia, itwia, bu.U,
liarka ami vaialabli a
that ara antlraly u
kiitiiaa to inmllral ao
ama In llila onuir. Tliio.iau U ii.j ji hi 'a i
haruilaia rnuiill-a llila laiimut uo. '"r kuotva rainrillat vililli
ba auecaaarutlr una In iliitirrn. illaaataa. Ha
yuaraulaantucutacatai rli, aailuna. luuK, llir 'a1,
ibauiiiatliiu, na.rviiuaiii'aa, ilouiiu'li. llviri k i'
nia, tic. liaa ol Irallmonlala.
Cliaraaa lilotlarata. Call anil aaa lllm 1'allcula
out of Ilia rll jr wrlla fur hluiikr ami o roulara,
tC2t rirtt St., S. C. Cor. Morrlion
Mention pr. PORTLAND, ORtGON.
IllalUuuiiliU;rup.lailallooI. llaa Ml
In lima. Hold Iir druf (Ut. Ml
ltJi,flRf ltTilrfla1a1?aani
M Uaaa aaiaaylMera,uanlltrana
'luainr. Wiau jiHirrlli.r'lntrU
ItrtT a, tlirr wara Ilia brt on Ilia
markft.tmlih ti4alanlioiniy. B
at tat afar alnra. Wi aia ai)iu la
M nnx.ran.l vnaUUIaamla,
M IsottHaa.t Annual, iMUltrulljrlUlw
f 0. M, FCHRY CO,, Dttroll. Mich.
hUZVl, in ureiHL
., ...
rsooas oarsaparilla
rurinoi, nnrlcliei ami rritnlli U Mood
end IjiiIIiIh up Din wliiiln ayatin.
It radically mul pfrnmiiniilly niraa nil b0l
illaoaaua, from iniiia Id acrofula.
It U tlm html ruiiMlliilloiinl mnnly for ea
Urrli, rliMlliiatlam alnl iyaiU.
TIwm la no tlmn of M,r when i U not more
wMely iitufiil limn Miy ollmr inmlleliiii.
Tlitao lUlcini-nU aro eoriflnriwt Jally y
turn I nml urateful invn mul woimm,
Oyit 0,(XjO talliuilla In tlm laat two
Jrraia-nn uuiiialrl.miaipruklieil roori I
NOW Hit up In lalilrta. kj well m Uailal
IMld form, too Do. ci On Dollar.
."Vol Nmnr Mlin.
"It'a nmllj- itlNtniwiliiK to think,"
anld tlio ivt'tiltliy Mr. Knrnmr. "Hint
limn)' very common nntl luiionint pvo
jplft will Imi admitted to heaven."
I "Well," replied Mr. Ciijllinj, "Hint
nr-edu't worry you." Philadelphia
I'lao't Corn l n r'"l roiirli Atrdlclna.
nita curoi cmiiii mm wilt
ra. AlilniKKi'ta.Ktiiiila,
for forty
III Ulnln I'kiiII,
"Hut why ahould you worry oyer
your otiJ" anld tliu lucubntor drum
incr. "You anld lie wna cut out fur
aoniPtliliiK KrwitV"
"Thnfa Juat the troulile." l!hi-.t tho
rr IIiiim Ilia mmtm am ti.iitliinlt V nut-
body Jumpa.nheml nn' cuta hint out"lJ'vo lok 'wi the entire expenjll
1 I lure of tho national ROTcrnmont, In-
nltlilfrtr tlia tMiaitrti mil an1 ilia matin.
!.' .
UHM.U.1.1 ra.
I Itaaetivl "llrrv la your rlnjr, floto
mon. I can never marry you, for I
lorn another."
Holomon-"Vcio laa d. man you
if if
CITO r.rmananllj' rur4. tin
!llu nrniiiJ'iiiwHriir K
lMt(.r. ( ttt Vim b a trial
)r.M.II.KIIi.a,Uj.,ll Ar4tnL.
"llrarmil You won't kill bin, w''M.ln producta In. toiaijo, $100,000,000;
"No, but I vlll aril him da rlns
aheno." ThIm.
In tke coppar halt of Hhitata county,
('aHftfrnla, r kaa iru feund SAO fart
Uepi-r than It ttaa liven faHind hitherto.
Wolbariwlll AM Mr. Wlmlow'a fvihn
Hrai llta Watt retnaOr lua fur tltftr aMIJran
ouriuf ma itaiuinr rii.
JVtil Aurlt an llnaf llallrr,
"Theao alHHta will to all right," anld
the inlHamnn, "affttr you hnro K'ot
tliciu broken In." The yimiu; mnn,
who bad burn liciltntlui; between Hint
pair and one n alto laruci, took the
anlcatunu'a word for It, mid purc'tnacd
the atioo. A witik Inter ho mine
back to the atoro with a porcrptlbla
"I with you'd atreteh theae ahoea."
Iir aald. 'Tlipy hurt my fit tvrrl
"Hnvrn't you cot them brokin In
yctr naked tlifaaleanmnT'
"Ob, yea," aald the young man.
"The trouble I that I can't set tux
feet broken In."
r;Air. ftOntD.'c.
- aonon biwiq chicaqo
Town axoiwi co iTi4Toiono.
No other bodily ouflcrlnjj is equal to that produced by Uie pain of Rhcui
mnlism. When the poisons und acids, which cause this disease, become in
trenched in the blood there is hardly nny part of the body that is not of.
trenched In the blood there is hardly nny part of the body that is not af. j j;nvo' Ma tnjj mt 0ft ror7'i -vo Him
fected. The imtsclcs become sore and drawn, thonenxs twitch and atlng1, ' ,,. liml t0 ,i0 j. replied Cltlmun; "ho
iccicu. uie imtscics nccoinc aorc nimurawu, tuo nerves iwucn anu Bttnp,
ihc joints inflame and swell, the bones ache, every movement is one oj
Rony, nnd the cntite body is rackctl with pain. Rheumatism is broupht on
by indlccstion, stomach troubles, torpid Wvcr, weak Kidneys aud a general
.'.."..'.. . ,. .- i. ..- r .. n
anus or Ices one day and in the
nhouldcra, feet, hands, back or other
parts of the body the next. Others
nulTer more seriously, and arc never
free from pain, Tho uric acid mid
other irritating substances find lodge
ment itt the muscles and joints aud
hn these deposits increase the mus
cles become ntifT nud the joints
locked nnd immovable. It matters
1 hot in what farm tho disease tuny be
the cause is always the saint a sour,
held condition of the blood. This
I vital fitrcnui lias lost its purity nud
freshness, and instead of nourish-
inir and fecdiner the different tmrts
With licaUh-L'ivlnir properties, it fills them with the acids and salts of this
painful nnd far-re.ichitiff disense. The cold nnd dampness of Winter always
Intensify the pains of Rheumatism, nud the sufferer to get relief from the
agony, nibs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or use,s
fillisters and other home remedies. These arc desirable because they give
cniporury case and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is in
the blood nud bcyoud the reach of such treatment. S, S. S. is the best rem-
I fl OBlH aaflaaah cUV
ejcclted nerves, reduces the inflammation, dissolves the deposits in the joints,
a-oiinvoa nil nnln and comnlctclv cures this distressintr disease. S, 8. S. is a.
..!., .,r tnr nliitmatism in anv form
lar or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, withow;
charge, to all who write. JJl SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA. GA
lliiuha Wrlltnu in Prlaon.
A jiuhllnhiT wim tnlkliiK nhout 0cnr
Wllilo'n dtrano iook, "Uo I'rofundU,"
with Hn imthftle dfcorntlon of bint
I'fiitliiK Itu wIukk nitulinit tlio Imra of
a cv,
"VII(I'' In not tlio flrnt kooiI Iwo'i
to" hiivo liccii wrltton In J11II," ho nnhl.
"Jnll, In fm't, ncciiia o bo 11 uood plnco
to wHIb hookii In, I.lloniry tntu ur
Ih tliNiiNolvvx tlirrc.
"John Iiilnynn wroto 'I'lljfrlm'i rro.
rt'n' In Ji II.
"CfrvnutfB wroto 'Don Qulxola' In
prlioii, ;
"l)if(tf) In Id the ilnnn for 'Ilolilnaon
Criiiiou' durliiK n term of cniilliiuinont
linpoNfMl on him for the wrltlni; of a
jiiunphlrt rnllcd "1'lie Hhork-nt Wuy
with tlm DlKNviitnm.'
"!.'IkIi Hunt wrotu 'lllmlnr In Jnll.'
"Hlr Wnltcr HkIoIkIi, durlnif hli four
torn ypnrn' Imprlaonmrut lu tlio tower
of (.oiidon, wrotv liU oxcollcut 'Illntory
of Ihn World.'
"Hllrlo 1'vlllco anil Taito both did
Uiclr bcit work In jail."
Loiiai From Iniect Pottt,
U. . Mnrlntt, of tlio Department ol
Agriculture lu Wahliiton, liai pre
pared ntatcment an to the lorn by in
Hod iH'atn lu tlm United Htntei each
year. Ho notea that the lowir-11 each
, 7""
In all the plant product ol the
both In tlio uTomluuuiil In the
i UtOfeil lnt, tOtfftllOr
Ith thoaa In
' "i - r- " -- -
lenanca 01 1110 army anu uie navy.
. IMnclne tlio value of IbV-ee tirodticta at
.. " An - ,-.; ,
annual ihrlnkKo due to Iniect peata of
'"Hy " ! cent in many cei 01 ou
iw cent j but t 10 per cent, $500,000,.
1 uuu '" l" tniriimum yearly lax wriicn
Mtcl hJ ,urVn ' VniniAa of Uie
1 farm." Thla iloea not Includo Ion to
or to natural forrit and food ptolucti,
aluo $100,000,000; making r total an
nual Iom of 1700.000.000 directly
traceable to Iniect peata. From W. B.
llarwowl'a "Havlnt Calllornla'a Fruit
Cropa," In tho February Centry.
a QUA,
"ffi tnjorrd your piano recital latt
rrnhig Irauirnarly, profanwr."
"I am clad you did, madam. I wa
unatila to Im prearnt myatlf, on account
of an accident, but a brathcr artlat kind
ly flllad tli acagfinat for ma."
Ucafncta Cannot lleCurtd
tir loral apptkatlnni aa thtj rwinot rrach th
Claxd Kirtto ot tCo car. 1 tars li only on
war iocurila,iiM. aliil that la hr conatllu.
tlvtiat rewr1la lii(aaa rauaul lr an In-
Kmlaf Man Tut Whrn ILIatulai lafnnamaa
lnr.nilwbcniiiaentiriyoinar, ixatnraata uneialbefnl1ammatluiicot
nauiiuinuiiinnoiine niuruua iiriiuc ol iua
taken out and ttila tutxi rs to-rl to Hi nortnal
roflillllua. hvarliia vtllt txi ilntrnol toretarj
la.aKa ....., ..a k u.i ..! .& m t mm
whtrli la nMMtiir tut ta tncauixl conJltlon of
lliiriruroua auriaraa.
W IUglavOua llunilra-l Dollai
rata ol ItralnriaftautVMir catarrh!
Dollara for any
tarrh) that en -
not ! curanl tijr Haifa Calarrti Cur, bcoil (of
circular!, Irr.
r t dinner w, iojuo,u
Kol.1 hr IrunrliI.14o.
llalla rauiUr lllla ar the Uat.
Cnnli! .fot Trnat lllra.
After n wordy argument In which
neither ncored two Irlahmcn decided
to flght It out It wna agreed, aaya
the Washington Post, thnt when
either anld "I've nough" th fight
ahould ceaie.
After thoy had been nt It about ten
mlnutea one or them roll, and l"'e-!
dlately yelled. "Knough, l'vT enough!-
Hut hi. opponent kept on Poundng!
htm until a man who wae watching i
them aald:
I "Why don't you let him up? He
aaya he's got enough."
I "I know he aays so," aald the vic
tor, between punches, "but he's such
a liar you cau't believe a word h
urork with any aatlafaotlan. Mv lava
vrara badfjr iwollaa and drawn ao x
ooulil aoarcaly walk. I tried mauy ram.
edtaabut oould. at no rellet. Iwaafln.
lly raoommouded to try li. 8. 8, and it
oon cured wo aound and well. I am
now 74 yeara old aud havo never had
any return of the trouble,
Sax 104. Aurora, III
Sometime aao Z hrtdRheamatlamand
had to quit work. The liatne lu my baok
and between mr ehouldora waa eoln-
tenee I could not ret or eleep
I tried
orary thtuir but nothlur old me any
erythtutr but nothlur aldmaany bockI
tilt I heard of and took 8. 8. B. Thla
madlolno cured me sound and
vuriflod my blood and mado mo
& now man.
OOnilAI) 1.UU11,
Andereon, Ind. 103 E. 10th Bt.
Ior Kcumattsm, it goes into uie,
blood and attacks t lie disease at us ncnu,
by neutralizing aud driving out the
acids and building up the thin, sour
blood it cures the .disease permanently,
While cleansing the blood S, S. S. tones
up the stomach, digestion and every
other part of the system, soothes tho
: Muscular. Inflammatory. Articu
Ho Mny I tender you aoiiio chicken?
Hho I wlali you would. U'm trni toutfli
to ent tho wny It la 1 LoularUlu Cour
Ciiatomor llnvo you tho Inat Liter
nry lKet? Clork I'm worry, but tho
Inat copy linn hveu nold. Will What to
Knt do? Hx,
Mniiiiim Como now, Wllllo, you
iiiunt have your neck wnnhod. Wllllo
Aw, aayt Who luvuutod neckwuahln',
anyhow? Hx.
Ada 'i'luild, Uu't ho? May Aw
fully. Hu'h m afraid that mIio'II any
no thnt ho won't kIvo hor n cliuncu to
any yea. ilrooklyu Mfo.
Miidnm Ito auro to put plenty of
nuu In tho enko. CM)k I'll crack no
mora iiuIk to-day. My Jaw hurtn mo
ulrviidj'. Ilariwr'a Itnrar.
"I know a man that Im. never Ix-cn
klMMxl In hi life," mild he. "Well,"
nald alio, uunympiithcHcnlly, "H'h his
own fault. "Detroit Tree I'reai.
"l)o yoji er- over, tell flbn?" naked
tho Indy who hnd ndrcrthied for n mnliL
"Not for mynclf, iiin'uin," nnawered tho
npiillcaiitj "only for tho mUaua." Tit
IIIU. Wenry Willie I hnd a good Job once,
but wan forced to rcnljr.ii. Mm. Hand
out Mow wna thnt? Weary Willie
Why, becauiKi do bona wouldn't flru tuo.
"You'ro aucb a wretched writer It'a n
wonder you wouldn't i?et n tyitcwrltlnjc
mncblne." "I would, only that would
ahow whnt a tulncrnblo aieller 1 am."
IMilladclpliln 1'rena.
"Why, Johnny, I nw nnhnmed ot! you.
How could tako little Kthefa half
of the npplo nwny from hor?" " 'Cniue,
I iUa, J ain't ?orot wbnt you told mo
to nlwnra tnko aUtea imrt"
....,,. fnIIl,p folt ..,. AMrcM.
cd about lila koIiik on tho nidge, did
they not?" "Yen," nnawered MUa Cay
enne, "but not until nftur they bad
aeen hlin uct." WnahliiKton Star.
Her friend Yen, my nnceatora moved
In tho beat colonial circle. They were
Tories, you know, Tho colonial dame
Yea? Then, I 'daro aay, my ouaiitora
hcljiod to keep thorn moving. Kx.
Mary Ann I've como to tell you,
mum, thnt th' gasoline atovo lina gono
of tLa'oiiL Mlatreaa Well, light It again.
Mary Ann -I Can'L Suro It Went out
I , rJ ," , ,, " , , . , ,
through th' roof ! Cleveland leader.
,, ,,i.,.. ti-.- .i,. ,..... .1.
11. tJWVIIIJIIIH "WW t.l VU4 ."
tcr llko tho vngngemeut ring I pi to
Her Young Itrother Well. It'a
' ,,lt, t0 '"" ''0 bu,tt hard tlmo
' getting It off when the other follows
"Very well, air," anld Dr. Quack, nf
tcr Ida quarrel with the undortakcr,
"I'll mnko you aorry for thin!" "What
nro you going to do?" tho under
taker; "rotlro from practice." Tit
Ult. Hnaked I don't object o much to
Fanny klastng her dog, but I prefer
hor to klaa mo before, olid not aftur.
Waaper I know, but don t you think
tuat til0 dog lM Hu proferouce, too?
KrlcmlNow thnt you ,wvo. mndo
, ,,0? 0,d ,.
. ',. .,...., ..i
1 IIUU I niiuil JVIIIO Mini llumra m;nvii
telling peopio wnai a uurueu weaitu in
aud how happy I wns when 1 wua poor.
Ilacon Did you ever get anything on
tho installment system? Egbert Yen ;
I got my household that way. Flrut, j
I got my wire, then hor father and
mother, and uow I'm getting her broth
era and sisters ! Answer. ,
Chemist (to poor woman) You must
tnko this medicine three Uukm h day
ortor meals. Patient Hut, sir, I sel
dom get mcnla these 'nrd time. Chem
ist (passing on to tu'it customer)
Then take It before. Glasgow TImu.
"Your llttlo dog," remarked Sub-
' ..!, j "IriLa vnrv nil.t. Wllllt lllll Villi
- )ly linil t0 ,i0 j.. rjiiied Cltlmun
' ' ' x t w ,nuch nml wo ve
I ,, kUow."-rhlladelphIn I'
"a , " , , V . . - i..
I rutin rsirl int tho iluori Slsl
In a
to another rollow.-Detrolt
"Nor" declnretl Mr. Nugget, "thero
never waa n womnu on earth who
could refrain from turning around to
rubber nt boiuo ttthor wanmn's clothe"
"Not" replied his wlfu, sweetly. "Didn't
you over hear of Kvot" I'hlladulplila
Mrs. LoveaBcrap I eo by tho pa
iwrs. Oeorgo, that a curtain Miulamo
wall, it louep and auroral other Husslan In
feolllka dUa mvo cUsttHi-ln n COssnek rest-
ment In onlor to provo thnt women can
tight; Mr.-Iiureaaernn-How enttitly
unuoceisary, my doar,--3udRt. .- ' ,
Dick Tato suss MoriM8iuei you
ium, been lu my otllcv for to years 1
iXalid I harVleaWtovoKiu
' . ...,..".... .. Y
better orcry uuy. win you; tio my
wlfol Isaltcl Short-Oh, Mr Tntc, Is
It fair to usk mo' to giro up u Htwuly
posltlou for an uncertainty? Hrooklyii
Au Kngllsh dohtor, on wing sued, nil
mlttotlW ha had bormwdl ti mpm
but said' thnt thp plaintiff KW
at tlw time lt was a ''Kathleen Mnvour-
1.... II MA K-ntlitnnn Miiviit.t.rin
I1UUII .Vlllli iv'viiuvii i'Iiiin iij..vv i
lonntiv nuQstlpnca - th- court lvIiMtaaKc
nuMloaW. ..''Xhat', yjnjr rMtuM
ono of tho 'It may bo for yenra, nnd
It may bo rorovcr sort." rsow iovij (
Trlouuo' "
ITanrt-rreaaad Oil of 7nann
"This oil or lemon," anld tho aptce
norcbnnt, "la an exquisite thing. It hi
hand-prened preaacd by hand out of
lemon rind. Bmoll it."
The odor of tha clear oil gaggefltcd
unlit lemon groVca mllca Tn extont on
a mouritalnaldo overlooking the blue
"I'll tell you bow the oil of lemon Is
extracted," be said. "A man sit, with
a sponge In one hand and a pteco of
frcah lemon pcol In tho (Ttlior. Ho
prcnaea the peel ngnlnat tho sponge,
giving it finally a certain difficult and
doxterou twist, and thla breaks the
cell In the rind, and tho oil there's
only n half drop of It cornea reluc
tantly out upon tho sponge.
"When the sponge has taken np the
dribbling of about a hundred rinds, It
Is wet enough to be squeezed out. An
ounce or so of clear and fragrant oil
them flows from It.
'There Is no wny to extract this oil
within a lemon rind except by squeez
ing and twisting the rind by hnnd. It
takes (he rinds or about 1,200 lemons
to tnak one pound of oil."
Nut at Illau.
"Our English cousins," remarked
the woman who has Just returned
from tho land of John Hull, "do not
wait until tho arrival of Hallowe'en to
becomo Interested In tho tasty and nil-
trltlous nut I was particularly Im -
pressed with Uielr manner of serving
cobnuts, which are similar to though
larger than our hazelnuts. For lunch-
eon or for tea these nuts were quite
the most delicious things I ate. They
were served fresh and green, with do -
llclons brown bread and butter and
a salad made or crisp white Icttuco
leaves, with a French dressing. Over
tho re these cobnuts come, as a rule,
from Uie neighborhood of Kent Eng
land may be lacking Jn fruit, but she
certainly takes advantage ot many or
her other products."
Send postal for
"Vook of
Tresents "
for KC
right a
way. It's
purer and
more efficient
than any Bak
. inj; Powder that
costs three times
as much.
25 oz. for 25c
All grocers
A ml do' n d.nlal work a lihailm. that Is
Ui-' l Ml ot lit- W A. Wlaa. Inotirra.
UOlxtimaal an aapart d.nlnli who art
ev i it tn wrlorm lha twxl imporiani
iiruiii .ipnaiVnaa. No maiiar Ui Datura
of iba w rk. Itare laaiuan taura lu da lu
DR. II. A. 8TVHDKVANT. "pital at on
Ctt-ldrvn'a Taatti anil Itiula inf.
KaM'nr H'Jc. Tn rJ anl Wuh naioa Hia.
s a. m. to p. in. suudayal loll. Van tn
Weak Pool a WciUr ari HaatUr TiiKalt
SaSBat JHaSSafjaaBal
OR. W. A. W1SC
aB 12 jbmbi
Grandfather's Cure for
- IO L-JV I'i
REAT. medicine, tho Saw
buck. Two . hobr's a ay yvlng
wood will ' RSep' anyone's
Bowels regular.
No need, 'of pill, iCathartlcs, Castor
Oil nor "Physio," If you'll only work tho
Sawbuck regularly. t , lt . I
,r V " , .t ... . ..
Pon und.-Ten-Mllo .walk will do, If you
haven! rot a'wnnil n ..
Exercise is Nature's Cure for 'Consil
But, It you will take your Exercise In
an Easy Chair, there's only one way to
do that, and make, a Success of It.
Because, there's only one kind ot
Artificial Exerclw for the Boweb and Us
name Is "CASCARETS,"
Casoarets ara the only means to exer
cise tho BoWel Masses, wlthdut work.
Thoy. don't Purge, Gripe, !nor "upset
your Stomach," beoauso they don't act
uxo Cathartics.
laey don't ilush out your Bowels and
JFbr Lung
Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
- Mr Ilttl W liat a larrfbla roh. t tr1a4
TtrTthlnc I couM haar of bat In iln anUI
I triad Aiet"i VUttf 1'aMoral Tha nrit
nlfht ha waa batlar, and lio ataadllr Imprnrwt
onill ha waa pttltctlj wall Jltta. 8. J,
HTSSts, Alton, III.
HtA bfJ.O.Am Co.. Ixtwall, Mam.
ii. auiaHirra v
uai viocx
Koop tho bowols regular with Ayor's
Pills and thus haoton recovery.
I a snperb nefca.
Manager Jackal (of the Junglo Unl-
( rcrslty eleven) We're going to let
1 "Quills" Porcupine play half-back till
j Monkey 'OS I hear he's a mighty,
.dangerous proposition.
Manager Jackal Well, he never
gets sat on more than onco during a
. game. Puck.
OOO'OOO'Ct inolB spjX uf
IS u ujH,u ati jo noi3i pjol aqx
WUES -writing to adTe-rtUars pleaa
tnaalloa ttila paper.
you know
the secret of
the Wave
JaquesMfg. Cot.
Intestines with a ccstly waste of Digestive
Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel,
Jalap, or Aperient Waters, always do.
No. Caacarets strenedten and stimu
late the Bowel Muaclea Instead.
These ere the Muscles that line tho
Food passages and that tighten -jp when
Food touches them, thus driving that
Food on to its (Inlsh.
They are tho Muscles that turn Food
Into Strength through Nutrition.
Well, a Cascaret acts on your Bowel
Muscles as If you had Just Sawed a cord
ot wood, or walked ten miles.
.That's why Casearets are safe to tako
continuously In health; and out of health.
Because they move the Food Naturally,
digesting It without waste ol tomorrow's
Gastric Juice.
They thus work all the Nutrition out of
t before It decays.
The thin, flat, Ten Cent box Is mada
to fit your Vest Pocket, or "My Lady's"
Carry it constantly with you and tako
a Cascaret whenever you smpect you
' ''need one.
Thus you will ward off Appendicitis
Constipation, Indigestion, and other
things besides,
Druggists 10 Cents a Box.
Be very careful to get the genulna,
made only by tho Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every Ub
.let stamped "CCC."
W want to stnil to ear frieqds a bMntlfol
Frtncq-etsiened. GltLD-PLATEO BONBON BOX.
hard-jmt:ta In eclort. .Itisj ttacty for tho
dreulnx tattle. Tn cents la stamps ft aided as a
measure of HMlfilth and to mitt cost o I Casearets.
With whlchlhla iHSty trinket ts loaded. 713
Send to-day, rnentlonlnc tbls paper. Addreis
StttUac Remedy Company, Cakaco or Mtw York.
or. r, p. wise.