- . JSLj, ZZSrSSSr&if-' "& ISftlll sssJ .-'J-t, ulrU ff LOCAL B.f 3 llrtvc yiJU K'Bl.Htur(!(U jnck Wittier ciiine to Ilcutl from liM Ttimnld rittlclt hint i-laturday. U. V, Nlchdliirt of Silver Lake was u l'ildt Utilte I ml gufeAt lant Saturday. Wiiut to fcotcliaiige it No, ,1 Stlidc linker wagon for it a4 wagon, K. A. I'urtrr. .j5m9 Deputy HliotllT J. S. Smith of t'rlttttvlllu luglmetud ill tile l'ilot jlutle lmi Saturday Uftt. ,Mr.t. S. M. WllltUd nml daUgli Icr, Mlwi ItiiKQiilu, wont to tlicir liuiiiarttoittbifotttli of Iloild Wednui liny. Ofl lot room for tent lit tile Pilot Unite Development Co.'rf office (fuUdlug. Apply lit the coinMtiiy's Oliil'U. tf lull kind had the contract filiimncvrt and Duality of brick lilsoosnl lie lias work. Tlit .;'JU7,7ITvr ',(tjWfrnru ?. t.fm fr-rp- C. It. I)nwl and I'. II. A Ifiividimr tailtuiiHiiif ffir I'nrl ........... ............... . Iioiimm. trniitmctod liiisimi-w in ik-tul lunt Saturday. Tin; Rev. J. C. George will Imld (cellar prtmehiilg jwrvlcmt In the Jinptist church iibai Sunday morn ing at it o'clock. II. It. Sutchwdl of Ilcud h haul liig telephone Mlc for the C. S. I Co. to b lined in the company's lino along their canal. J. I'raiikSlrnud, accoinHiiiied by ill wife mid Miss Nola Kevcr. bent to Prineville Wediiemlny. They cxxk! to return tint flriit of hejtt week. Dr. C. 1$ Ooin will iicntc the cabin lie halt been occupying recent ly on ttio Xichol much ami will fciovc onto hU ditch land between Itcnd and tie xiriiiieiit farin. Albert Sel left Monday for I'linevUle mid the Hayrack coun try. He went afttr feed for the lietid I.ivery A Transfer Co's bum lie will return the llrst of next week. I'. C. Knwtcc mid C. M. UeUriekl en in to llentl WediicaUy. Thev wore looking after the work con liocted with the building of the wiiiK-dnw at the D. I. ft Co' hcadgute. Hig protinratkmit are being itinde for lite "haul time dance" to 1 given on the nlfcbt of St. Vnlen tliic'i day In the II. M. hall. The proceed of thlti dance will go to Iiiircha-ic inittrnmcnUt for the licud baud. The beautiful winter weather, Wlt)i ntich an abundance of .sun. .ihiuc. is Matting the early (lowers from their winter's sleep. In the Hardens around town the jonquil bullw arc beginning to .sprout and the buds on the rose bushes are swelling. Traveler coining l) Hend from Powell Hutted teKirt that much plowluc in being done mid tunny acres will mhui lx seeded. There Is no frost whatever in the ground liud the octrly seeding coulbiucd with thin winter's plentiful amount of iiiolmurc, ninures n splendid harvest the coming season. The building Into which Dr. Nlchol will move Ills drug and grocery stock is Iwing thoroughly renovated. The partitions are be ing removed and what was the three rear rooms it being repaired. Floyd Lobdoll and Nick Welder art- putting on the new paper. When completed it will make a very attractive and commodious .More room. Work on Bund's flue new .school litntsc is programing nicely. The large chimney is-tiomplctcd nud the Mnaller one will probably be finished today, Fred Ilumulcl has tor building these considering the and mortar rtt his done verv cdod flic carpenters nre working J largely on me grouuu uwir mm iiiiil are ilillshhig the three tower rooms as rapidly as possible. The Oregon Kastoru surveyors moved their camp from He ml Just Sunday morning to Wet Weather .Springs. The present location is only temporary una the camp will Jirobably he moved at IheCiMdf this week to VamlcVett'fl ranch ot Uvu, where the bulk df tile pro vision nttd graiil have aifeady bceit tnken. ThU crew did a very'edm ilieudable tiling bcfdfe leaving lleiul, and tjial was to completely Uleaii up all refde dit Hit canip ground and bllrti it. Uegistratiott of riei(f and Des chutes voters lin$ beVu' delayed Somewhat fecedtly dii rtcteo'tftft'of running odt of registration Wankf A new aty of these 'arrivelj' in the Wednesday tlight nlaJl, nrtd' A 11. Orattt W tiovv "re'ildy 'to take vpur itanie it fid party "nfilliatiofi This matter 6f registering WitoM hot be neglected. It fs desired to poll the largest possible Vole at the, county primaries'.' "This cannot be done if the voters ilegleet to register al oacu one so uotug win iusu un i VOtCi i TIiUiIiiih ltyaii wm 111 ilcnd fVoiil hlw llprlvcr ranch lust Siilutdny I,ce Caldwell of ItoMatltl itU. tercd at Hotel Ueud last Sutllrdoy. Alfalfa Inly, lO.d n tdil, at llentl I.ivery & TruuslVr Co's banii .jytf Hire Inmitiiuce, legal Wanks, nd tary jniblic and conveyancing at The Central Oregon Hanking & Trust Co. '. 46-49 I'riiulc Dreutl left Wednesday for ins Homestead on the I umalo. He will clear the laud, preparatory to spring seeding. Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Krlckson sent a few days in licud the first of the week. They came in from their ranch on Hear Creek. .Make your sweetheart happy. Grant can help you with tho.se elc gaut new valentines he has on sale. AIM) a line of uniipte valentine (Kistal cards, 46-47 Hilly Hobisou startetl last Mon day morning to drive through' to Shumko with Mrs. Ildgau, Mrs. II. J. P. McDonald and Miss Km ma Krduiau. II. J. dverturf has joined with those who are improving their resi dences in Heud. He has recently planted 14 jHiplur trees around his place, now occupied by W. T. Casey. Harry linpiug, who lias been, night clerk at the Hotel Hend for some time, left last Sunday with the surveyors for their new camp at Wet Weather Springs. It is 1111- deMtood he will r.ct as assistant cook, Die bonds voted for the con struction of the new K'hool house have attracted considerable atten tion from outside capitalists mid inanv bids are being received by the school Iwatd. TliekO are all Mralwl bids mid will I oixuied to morrow, Feb. 1 a. Mitts Kinina Urduinu, who has lceu visiting her sister, Mrs. II. J I. McDonald, for the txist six mouths, left Monday morning for her home at Seattle. She was ac couiMiited by Mrs. McDonald who will visit at the old home for a mouth or six weeks. A. A. Anthony returned to Ueud FuuMlay evening after uu extended stay at l'ortlaud and Mo.cow. Idaho. During the greater pari of his absence Mr. Anthony has been taking treatment at a Moscow hospital. He returned to Hend to take up lii- residence oil his home stead northeast of town. The pic social last I'riday even ing was it Very successful affair. A pleasing program was heard oy the crowd in attendance, after which the pics sold rapidly. Many more could have, been disposed of if the ladies had had them. As n result of the social 510.50 were added to the church's funds. James A. McCoy retarded Mon day Irom a stay of some weeks 011 his homestead near Madras. He turning he stopped at Redmond and purchased Ho acres of ditch laud in that vicinity. He already owned 40 nerds there and this-will give him lau acres all in otic piece. Wednesday' he left Heud for this laud uiul 'will begin improvements on it. It lit six miles tidrthcast of Ucdmoud. 1 The work of constructing the wing ditm at the I). T. & P. Co's headgrtte south of Ueud Of pro gressing nicely. It hail ' been rf very difficult plaCc to bu'lld n'dain as the current is so swift" tit that place. C. M. KedfieJd Itoid the strength of the water a.t U'ditshed through the ifarrow clfaiftief 'Vvoiild pick up the huge ruckil thtJ men were plndlllg for the1 dam and toss them around like marbles, Contrary to.thc opinions' df many the Oregoif KMterti surveyors are keeping OH the fast side- of the river and will" not cross It nt any place ill this t-iclAity. giving Haiti tht' Hue as allrveyfcd swings somewhat to tht eaftVtuuii'keepiiig dn 1igl ground thul ajiproachiug the rise ut 'tn vu butte on an easy grade. During the' week thd crew h.iiJ been runniig the line directly tferorf a p'ortlon of 'thei lava betl, and it will pass dhto The Meadows east of Ittvu buttq. 1 1 - No rfrmilt'niilouiit of Interest mid Specuratiou was ttroiUctl '111 local circles the first df the M-ecfc'by due, T! V. SullauV vho arrived in' Heud Friday ' night1 'on 'the atrtgc and registered tit Hotel1 Ileiirf, He iiiitdd-n.vcfy clost inspection of till country hciVAbouts ami 'trdveldd Up and ddwh' the rh'f oil foot, remark ing ns he li'tirued' to the tititel oud evening fttt -Ini' hAU cUvcd:Vit lcast'2'5 mlleJ tjlat Ihiy. HC secured t pl,'t dfl thfe'ltowtt aVidftclbk Mt nUiwy with Wai. 'To rv Ilttitl mad he stfid lib whs Afore.' th'aa pleased with'tl'ic Jepuutry 10,tc oiul wns positive that it hnd.n splendid future, ouiet efforts , to determine the reason' for his interest in Heud and vicinity met no -sticcess. He was entirely non-committal. It's your guess. stAMtco, are. , r 1 tflif mm. ,. , i,UIMHil J rtrr.!'"!." : -'.-- . .. ---iv" "-" rr 1 IIHJItV'J.t.ld'iL-l.iiLJJt"1"' k I 1 u 11. W lilTllllllliW 1 wkw1 Vli WANT A SllAliH 01' YOUR TRAD FOR iQoe, bllr High Grade Oodds oflered, Service and Jpw I'rlccJ, Aftrlt it Q Central Oregon's Big department Store... ; I-'very cash purchaser can have n Grand Hntertaitier a Talk ing Machine in tlfc home. We arc giving them away. Get informed and save ofir coujxjiig. MmmmMmmmmmmmmBmmmmemKwiMmwnmmmmmmmmmmm lohu Ryan wss d Heud visitor a few lwurs Thursday. Good alfalfa hay, 516.50 n ton at Hend Uvcry & Transfer Co's barn. '47tf Mrs. Christcuc Weidcr retunieil to Heud Sunday from-- an cxtcndutl visit in SKkaue, Washington. Tout Langdon, one of the engi neers for the D. I. Si P. Co.,-was in Heud today on his way td the company's hcadgatc .iouth of town.' lie recently returned from a trip to Portland.- George Shobcrt moved his family and household goods out to his homettead at Powell Duties yester day. He has been living in Hend during the-winter sending the children to school. The Rev. J C. Gforge, who preaches in Hend every- - second Sunday, is to give an addreds at the county Sunday School convention at Prineyille on the topid "Reach ing the Unreached." Wednesday Lew Reed and C. R. Mcl.alliu came from Ucdmoud to rcpnlf a break in the ditch not far from Btiid. The ice jamming in the ditelt U causing considerable dam age tlicrcfp during tile winter. It seems that Clarence Parker had a ruuaway yesterday morning about seven tulles front Hend while driving the stagft to Prineville. Jim Sears reports that he passed Parker driving n strange rig and later Sears passed the stage tipped upside ddwu, Hit tdugttc broken in three plttccs, and' blankets, robes, etc. scattered promiscuously avout. In the absence of Parker", 'full par ticulars could not be obtained. HAVd YOU LOST IT? i.i 1 1 If ybtt liavc, ndv.crtiiie-fbr it in THK UKND bUM.KTIN. Vou will 'surely get satisfac tory results. 1l Here's n little fable a trufe fable'. 'Three mouths 'agb u tedlit'df'horses .-strayed nwny front their owner nt Madras Several vi!eka afterward he Inserted 11 .4nlall dd.-nTHR HUIyLlvTIN. As a result" the horses were found in the vi cinity of Silver Iyake. u Moral It pays to advertise. Moral No. -J ' r Advertise in TliliHRND' nUWUTIN . RHDMOND'S SURPRISE PARTY Prlends and Neighbors Help V. C. Row Ice Celebrate Ulrthilay. HKlllOMi, I'cIi. 8. I'. C. Kovrlec was very jiRrecnbly irpricI Ut Friday evening, when d party of mcrryml.crii Mthelel nt U IKtl Ul hrlp lilAl cell lirHle hi blrtliiUy. Cunts nml dancing uere hi order fur the evening and a very pltwtant lline wan h.ltLjrtlU Jtliret Ilroi. are puttrW in more Mielv Iiir and rc-arranging the tntcribr oTtlieir torr, titflkini; retuty for a Urge contijjn iiieiitot Hood. ' C..M. Ulflel(l, who Iim, been Mipefin teiulliiK the work at the ltendgates above lVeml, arrived in Redmond Monday and rvjwrU work proj(rciiiK nicely. Mm. J. '. Circle U oil tjtc mcJ list. 11. ii. Cook of Portland in a Reduioud vUitor this week. Orn It, if nn tor came Monii from Dcnd lat TuaMiay and will be with us lor a few weeks. (Tee Ittc for lnU wctk.) C. H. Hhret left Ucdnlond Mondrtr on on cxtemlcU wiMnein trip to I'ottimni. Mr. Hhret expect to lc Rone a month. Mr. Tackson has moved his hoUsc frolu the rear of his store to hU lumber vanl and will make the yard his headquarters Irom now on. C. P. Pecker of I.aidlaw and T. C. Pecker of Redmond went to Prineville WelucMlay to attend to tome business matters. 1. , 1'rclchtcr Wtlllfimsou nrri'el hi lown Moudnv with a" large load of fufnilure for II. T. JonM -1 J. V. WatMiil and A. O. UKlyeo l'ortuiiil wefe In town Monday, lliey are contemplaHii ail investment lit Redmond tvil cltle. ' Jaiiiea McCoy, who has been spending n fow weekn On Ills , tfomestewt near Madr, jcnt ftveral day around town look i ii j; over Mine la'ull. i J. II. Cook is witii us once more and is aaln doing biUluCM fit the old stand. Mrs. Clios. Heed was' iA from the Johnston rhnclt Monday and spent a few daya with Mrs, P. C, Rowlcc. DOffldS AT TUAIALO. 1 ,. Local Happenings Chronicled A Pica foV Better Roads. Tables supplied First-class Equipment 'A. C. tUCAS, Proprietor lied with all the delicacies of the season r- M tnc Rooms and Beds All stages stop at the hotel door v , , RALP11 HEtPQN , General, ,BIacksrwthing and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY .rrm&r QMSdiop is Jocatal opposUe JiAPtiChurch. 1 , OENGRAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. SIIANIKO,. . - O.REOON Large, Comnwdioiis, Warehouse. Cotisigiirrknts Solicited Profnpt attention paid to those; who favor nre witll their p.(tfdlug.r,..... ' - mm A Complete Stock of 6MS, At Bend, Oregon. DRY Rough, Surfaced and jMouIdcd -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses- 1 At Bend, J Oregon. .1 Rddsonablc Prices Good Grades Dry Stock INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPIAP RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED CEltlNO ' YINDOV JAMDS WINDOW dASINd head ulocks o. g. baseboard stair treads water table o. g. battins mouldings p". b, d. patent rooming fence Pickets shingles ETC., ETC. 1 JU . Lsaber Belircrei at Low Cost Anjrftkere oh The Lands of ffiie D. I. & P. Co., or The C. S. I. Co. f L -. r , ij IMP ttiuAio, t'ch 0 Wfc were snrprised SuiuKty inorniiiR to find the ground cote red with snow bat it has diwpjxrafcd Cattle are dolii- (ood this seitwn (m the desert. Very few are tlnft fed. II. R. Sntchwell of llrlilt pwsNt through Tunmlo today, lie Is IrauliiiK telephojio.potM for the C S. I. Co. 1' V Swischer Is mnkintjf nnc snlc ktuntltd itunroMMimnts on fits place one niile c4st n Uorc f. f.WlncffoM AAl W. A. Mudd of liidlaw Jrova out to Tunmlo Sunday. Mr. McGoWftit expects to do some ini tiroiux on his hoiucstea'd this sprim;. lie ht nlfemly erected a very neat house. Ta wafm (Irfj-s the past tui weeks ll.ui. tlmu Mil ,1. ...iiy.lil tflll...!, en .lin. plowing will KHui tie in full swhiK. Some mil active; paxf. in the political ttes c already plowing in tlw McAllfster xlonS of the State. I have Studied nciKinori.oor. , u coou,. carefdjly, arjd have Doesn't it wake one feel well to 1 J$.,"nrf heiitatioi in' nfiirmint.that from the Dtschutei Valley when they reiirt everv oq:." of view there has been a ohoirt the fearful storms they arc Iwviugf I e ;'V P0'"1 9l Y'e J"6 uas ?." a in most every other part ol the l tj ti marked !mprqyement in handling t I' U(U Mliciv in llfV ltili Ul 4 ainillkq. cusfoAi F&kb Mill in connection. The Pilot Btitte Developirient Company BEND, - OREGON HWm A An Advocate bi Wo'rnah Suifragc. IiUCTiKtrfox, Oregdn. For ti years i ha'vt lived in Idaho, at ii6ise, thi1 capitol of the state, and know vrcU the conditions before the ballbt was givfcii to women and the tondftfo,n's"siiice woWen lave ttken . . , 1 where they thought it would be so disagreeable and trying. Iiidalio after several years of experience we are, emiueutly pieasea wiiu woman atitirage. n' R. B. Wright. our political problems-:' Alt we IhcIc now in a. railroad. We Imve 'pfKlv neither of rlie n'artie: rfnre j.r.'itoli'e some kind ol A ronrf. We - A?VY nJWPW.0Ji Wle W"1" aax.G the munte.ipdlity qj- the state.in man whose, jfe .reputed to1 , be impure pr imm,ora. The have lturnetl that the wQmcn. cannp); he held in line, even, wtt,h the paxthip. And r before tlie .Nyomen Ver jVpters,. t,be fmmoramy 0 1 ft ma, was nq gooa reason, to either 61 tlia(par,tlc3 why he sjiqvdd, pqt bq 9n:itj'atcd fpr office . ,, v , r. Siih bjjUqVVf131" Blven to our vomcn. they are more intelli- enn't .'t our kciictoim county otfitialsto help w on our roaiis, so I jjuess we will hae to telcumph Hnrriumu. rfe will Ticlp w. Miiylw, It uriulrt hb n powl tlriup if our election emiit in the wiutv-r m tpu aspirunts to ofTtces would hue to CO bumpety, htnnpoty nml skating dowl) thy hill, probably IntuliiiK 1 URniiuit tree o rock ot upsettlnj;. TheiiaVlpj before they Htnrtt-d out on nnothcr'raufr paiti they would see tlft. tlccvtHy o' a (lljcrid appropriation to put Unj r"oads In. shape so they could dail nloneT '""'l not luiNO to carry a spring fntliioii t'o dfvold tire Ixiinpi. 'i'his woulij iAtprove the tfnftil mid the rountrv. If it did mlittiiii ish that J 1-1,000 cn.un .'""d- fuinli wo gent pn te social, ecouomic, indus heard m much about twfy Tfukstfop We trial aiid political questions, before county fu a isj;rnc. Take of, Instance from TFumalo to llnilf to mius, 'Biure h aliout flU pet year expended on this road, What can wo expect but u rough ami tumble rle. lint there will come u tiny, when the Deschutes will have some buy.-Croaker Nil, Oregon's Winter Climate. ,, II00U Hirer Mtws-IUcr. Talking about flowers in winter time in Hood River, Frank R. Dav enport, brought us a "little bauch of daisies" which he gathered "under the pld apple tree" las Monday. They were as fresh as a daisy and lookeUas though they had never seen allow, ' Of, Interest to Land Filers. A JeJer recently regeived by J. N. Hunter from the land office at The EhOIeV giuss -tho information lha,finpi pfqofj-cati,be. made at Betid. Those persons whose laud jiotices.,hye' been .published with the place to make final proof at Bend, can do so by havitig eithet Max Luddemann or Don P. Rea commissioners at Madras, or Coun ty Clerk Smith come to Bend and hear proof. our pebplc and I belieVe they vote mure conscientiously than the men. Tljtf polting pfac'es on election day are rntiet and orderly, and women, even ' the most fastidious, find absolutely nothing objectionable Tell Your Neighbor Wlutt a. welcome visitor to your fireside THE BEND BULL TIN ix each week.