The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1906, Image 4

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    . . ... . .- - .... ...iJmiiiaMaaaiiajaaaaaialaW
.alltlli )
' Vial l 1 -I ,ji
I. " --
-. ,'. .- i . ..iS'1Min;
1 1 ii i irm irTCM, fafcTT .'.u-'.iU I ,'.;Vr
, I'U&t.IHltliU itVKRY I'KtOAV BY
. "For avcry man square dcali no
less and no more"
wUC jftrilltflllltlltHIIHMIMtHHMItlMtllH ff "J
fill month iu ,i... So
Three. inonlh....M..i.tuii.t..........i.i...w,u.. .50
(Itirariablr In advance.)
HOW TO RltMlt.
order on
)-et;istcrfl lutlcr Make nil tvmitUticvs
f)'blc to The llend Ilullctiti
. W' Iwnk draft, postnl money
i rfend, cxtirewi inoncv Ohler, or
Stae anil Mali Schedule.
rum Fhaolko el rrinertUe 7 p. m. daily
i-iem t.akeTt- and Mle Lake
. ... . - i m daltr exttpt Tu
l-rom Tiunato Tn . Ttturn. ami Sat 1 t. n. ro.
..a p. m
I- rots UlilUir (tally ftml mtHday
T.tSAVIt Hkmu.
' 1 or shMfh Ha Wnmlte 6 . in. dally
let Lakcetetraiid Mlw I-ake.-.-j....... ........
. t-.m-j. vcllrP m , aally eaen Sua.
Vor fwiaaw TV- Thaw, ami Sal ... a. m.
I Mr Eftidlair dalle rH 8tteUy........j p. ra.
tSfcrtirrtCK linen Week. dy;Sa.m.to8r
m. Sunday, ftamt it a. m. to 11 m , and hall
fccair after arrival of nit mail trout rallruad
rtflchlnr lien before I y. m.
"jo. m te p m. Simitar and RutUta).
from s . m. la u mm, and new j
FRtbAv, FKHRUARY 9, 1906
At , its session of 1903 the state
legislature enacted a new code of
laws regulating the administration
of district school affairs. Among
other provisions was the following
"Wvpn a vacancy shall occur in the
flicp of ilirecud-, the clerk shall forth
uUlrcalt a itieetinr ol tile rentatninjr.
mmiiler, or niettilra, trbo slwll at oticv
rill the vacancy from nmonc the qualified
v oters ol the district." (Sec. J39U..B. &
V. '
Acting under the provisions of
the above section, which were set
forth in pamphlets distributed by the
state superintendent to all school
districts, the members of the school
boarH of District Jo. 12 recently
elected Di C. fvV. Merrill to fill the
vacancy caused tb'y the removal of
J. M. Lawrence to Roseburg. Since
this election it has developed that
the legislature at its last session
amended the section above quoted,
' ' -r k ' .
so that it now reads $s follows:
cceds of which will go to the pub
lie schools of that place. A merry
party of Iteml people have planned
to visit the neighbors to the north
and will leave about Gtjo for Laid
law to help swell Mr. Lobdcll's
Two Miles of Good Road,
Oregon's senior senator, C. V.
luilton, has become one of the most
ardent good roads champion in the
city of Washington. When the
federal government made an offer,
through Samuel Hill, to place two
miles of thoroughly modern road in
Oregon, at such place as the sena
tor would suggest, the latter named
Pendleton and Sulcm, as central for
the two great divisions of the state.
Arrangements are being made to
have a mile of good road built at
tacli place, the counties to furnish
the labor nnti materials, and the
government providing the machin
ery and experts to the
work. Senator Fulton is urg
ing the county commissioners ol
every county of the state to attend
this work, and hopes that the gov
meat's offer will result ia great
educational influence. The date
for doing the w rk will be an
nounced latter.
KrKltrUon tHjolntlivtrfof ltiltimiv rtrvtltfii.
. 11 . . .....
AIMll IO, l 11. 111.
(Compllnt f Hit Htvtvtuty ol Unit anil Attur
Itral.ttatliltl ImmiIi ntleitrtl tiv iliimtv llvthrf
THc-iHny, January 1. 16 ,
mil 10. 11
KCBl.lrntUm KwV. olklilrtl Urr mlmat-v tiro.
tlon Atll tj
Kr(.iatiun Ikh)1 cluMnt lor (tiirntl ttnlUm
May 13, j v m.
Direct Primary lilctllolt.
Comity clttk ilr uollcr of nlinaiy flullun
iii min innii ..mivn 11
1.l itav rr Allnw tll
on txlliH for Mate, niiiKtriuioil
oiiict, .inixn .
!,.( ilay Tor filliiR ix-llllon. Tor tilaclitH lialiitf
1 ami uiiiiui
Lait itay for itlliiK ftlltlom for cutlnty ofrtctr,
mlinary fl-rtKiii, jnll . ivi
lun iviHui pi unary ticctli
011 lor Mute
offiw, Mays,
Inltfntive Petitions.
t.t ilay fcr KIIhc (laMiphlf t UnwUH; mt,.
ur4. lVTHilr . lynjt
Ul iy fct fillnr tiihtatlrt IIIIihiii. IMhii-
i. 11
ry i. I.
li.l iU
t ilay forHIInx iMiiiiihlcl oiiiMttHs mm
IVbriwrv v i
Nlimtwr f lmialuir traulml lu lullta! Urn
or amcwlHitiiU. :.
(lencrnl Ulectlon.
ur fillnK CTitlftlf of iHimlnatton
yn hv ftwMlilv af gllw Aiwll iia
U.t iby fur Kllnic nomlualliii; lllUnn An
ttalt UHKV4, May l
la. lay (br rTtlnn rlltirtM of ntHiiUMthiii
for (mi illy oRlt by awtnitily of cltfr, May 4
lji.1 iWy for nilUK iiuluallnc iIHIim lr
ootiHty oltim. May if
(Icueral Ulectlon, June 4,
rttittana for umulnittton or ilMrM rArrr,
itch at i-lvH llf. ititirlvt ttot . Mil ii
atf an.1 joint rrpirli:aUv. rnuat ht Ht l lltr
oflkr-of-wCTTlarv olxatc. and mH In the OWri
ol tvoHly rUrk. ami tht Utn aovrrttlMc nwut
nathm lor auic oflk air an3MWr.
"When a acnit.y- MI1 decur in tin
office of director pr clvtfc .in a dUtrictof
the M'cond or third cUwv.n xpcctalchool
, meeting tq fill MUcU ,f cawcy hall U-i-alled
fn accordance uith Sctjoni338o of
Ilelllngcr & Cotton's ntiotated Codes
ami unites ot Ureoii
District N'o. .t: tisKinlxthp Ihird
class. Sectio'n 3380 B. it 0. pro
vides for the, method of giving
notice of chool njectigSj,,. (
This amendmenf became opera
tive February 22ndfi 1905". ,,,
It would appear, thercfore.that in
electing Dr. Merrill. ,jh,p board, not
Laving notice of the new law, acted
without authority, atfd that the ex
isting vacancy should hye been
filled by election of ib& district. In
view of this fact, no'tice of a dis
trict meeting to be held Feb. 27
for the purpose of filling the vacate
cy in the board has been posted.
Wheu J. M. Lawrence was
chosen to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Millard Trip
lett from the Bend school board the
law, as showu in the foregoing, pro
vided that the election should be by
the remaining members of the
hoard. The superintendent of
.schools, in coustrueing the law,
held that the person to fill the va
cancy in every sense stepped pre
cisely into the shoes vacated by his
predecessor, both as to term of serv
ice aud his position iu the board.
The legislature of 1905, as shown
in the quotation above, changed
the law so as to require an election
by the voters of the district to fill
any vacaucy in the board. There
fore, Mr. Lawrence was properly
chosen under the law at the time,
and would have held until next
June but for his removal from the
district. We trust this statement
will make the matter clear to many
vPho seem mixed on the subject.
Can Take Lieu Land.
At last the settlers on the North
ern Pacific over-laud land grant arc.
isurcd justice, after years of wait
ing. Senator Fulton has put
through the senate a bill to allow
nil settlers who took this grant laud
between the ruling of the interior
department declaring that they had
the right to do so, and the decision
of the supreme court reversing this
ruling, the privilege of taking lieu
land. The senator believes he can
put it through the house, with
proper assistance. About 000 to
1,000 settlers iu Oregon are affected
and on the Washington side there
are enough to bring the total up to
about 1,500 that will be aided by
the Oregon senator's bill. All of
the earlier settlers were protected
by the act of 1893, while all who
went on the land after the interior
department's ruling have been left
without any assurance of protection
until Senator Fulton began this
fight in congress.
$200,000 for a Horse.
James R. Keeue has refused an
offer of $200,000 for Sysonby, the
star gatlopcr.of the 1905 racehorses
Bad Wreck on O. R. & N.
The worst wreck, iu the history
of the 0. R. & N. happened Tues
day morning At Hrklitl Veil, a small
station between The Dalles and
Portland. The Chicago-Portland
express ran into the rear end of the
Spokane flyer, which was .standing
on the track at Bridal Veil, and
telescoped the rear sleeper Four
were killed and ehjht hurt. A
steam pipe iu the locomotive cab of
the Chicago-Portland express broke
and drove the engineer and ftreinuu
from their jiosts. The engineer
when he learned Unit a wreck was
imminent, rushed Iwck into the es
caping steam in an effort to stop
his engine but was so badly scalded
that he could do nothing.
Snow Crushes Buildings.
l4 TMHrt-lltuiM.
More buildings cnllupM'd during
the week from the hqavy weight of
snow on the roofs. .Schwurtz&
Budelmau's warehouse went down
and some goods were more or leas
damaged. They will lose consider
able grain. George Shaw's barn at
his rauch east of this city fell iu and
W. M Stewart's barn at his Poison
Creek home went down Thursday
evening. Mr. Stewart was at the
barn at the time and fortunately
got all his stock out before it fell.
of a-ytiabbld weUilirs Willi n few
3vear-old.s mixed in nt JM.90 jwr
head, ami also 2,500 of mixed
yearlings of John J, Marcus at 2.50
per head. The sheep to be deliv
ered after shearing.
Will lie Held at Prlnovlllo, Woiliiendny
nlul Thursday, Feb. M-15.
The Sunday School workers oT
Crook county will gather iu Priue-
ville on Wednesday and Thursday,
Feb. 14-15, and discus topics rein1
tive to Suudav School work. Rev,
W. C. Merritt, international field
worker, will be thetc atul take a
prominent part iu the er vices. The
programme is as follows:
i.trn Song ami l'rayvr Service
Hew J. T. Moore
y.y Organisation, .pHiiiitiiieiit ot
Commute, Hound Tahle Coiifaretiee, Sun
day School Miinuuetuaul
Itcv. W. C. Merritt'
3:13 Aililre, KvachitiK the Un
reached Rev. J, C. (Uiukc
3:35 UlMuwiou.
j:45 The Synoptic OihiicU, Turn
ing the l.lKhtuiMii the l.eiwon
1.. . ."... Kev. W. C. Merritt
Roll CitH of Sunday School,
Sour hih! Prayer Service .....
Kev. w. r. milieu
Teacher Training, I'ruf. H. A. I'ord
Mrs. A. C. Mritnue
WAM, rWKllHf, lliUNWite II M W
THE finest Stock of FRESH
MEATS in Crook County.
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a Firsfr-CIaiss
Market. Everything new and
ot the best. WM 1TE & HILL.
Weal Solo
Aililrew, stlur liiMMrHtloil
Working h tit Vi
the otltig
Kev. W. C. Merritt
9:30 Sung and Prayer Service
liwrcncc A. Hunt
90 Walk with Jeu
Rev. V. C. JlcrrM
10:30 (iettintt and Keeping Our
Scholar Mr Dr Snook
10.30 What We SrMHild Know ahout
(Vtir PiipjU Ketlimiud S. S.
I IMS Roand Table Cottfetvnce, Itv-
eWon I)ny u ml lt Poiliilitiea
Rev. W. C. Merritt
Song ami Prayer Service.
HttauHMW, Reiiort, Ittc.
The Master, TeHeherTeaehiuK
the trelmaa of th lt
Rev. W. C Merritt
Th IWMlithM of the Pri
mary DetMrtittrttt
1. The Cradle Roll. Mr.. ItlHe Hell
1. Utfle Heirinuent
Mm. C. I. Winiiek
3. Th Primary Claw Proper
Reinl Sunday Scluxtl
RouihI Tahk Cotifeieuee, The
Sunday Schotd Tcaelier
Kev. W. C. Merritt
Leave Shiiuiko 6 p. in.
Arrive I'rincville 7 n. m.
Ijeave Priucvillc las.iop. 111.
Arrive liend ...jtoo p. in.
I.envie llend flioo ri. tits
Arrive Priuovllle iaitxi 111.
I .wive I'rluuvlllc I p. in.
Arrive Shuuiko ,. I it. 111.
The Price of Sheep.
llunumtnt ljiltrpr(.
John Asher of Gilliam county
spent a few days in this community
interviewing the sheepmen. Mr.
Asner is in the held for all kinds of
r- nv-l liif yiinii
The prjee refused qr Sysonby is
wmewbai higher, tqthaLat
wlijch some of tlje(,rjrior.y2g.
doms" of tlje earth cojtfdJt ppr-
chased, and accordingly leMfatibe
importance of the .celebiated offer
of Richard III. Orcgonjan.
Will Drill for Oil.'
Madia. I'loucrr.
D. W. Harnett and F. M' Jjove
land are making preparation? t?, be
Kin drilling for oil inside iof a
month. Mr. Lovelaud and Frank
Forest have ordered a large,, oil
anil, which tuey expect 111 about
two months.' In the meantime Mr.
Loveland will drdl with the ma
chine he now has on hand. The
drill which has been ordered is war
ranted to go down 1 ,500 feet. The
well will be put down in the Hay
stack neighborhood either on D. W.
Harnett s or Alfred Cook's place.
not seem to be in a hurry to sell
However, while here he contracted
with Win. Sweok for 600 yearling
wethers at ?.V42 and 800 head
America's Greatest Weekly
This is the highest price ever offer-1 s'cep but says the .sheepmen do
ed for a horse! being $t,ooo more
than was paid for Flying Fox, the
KuglUh thoroughbred, and 50,000
more tnutj was cvpr paid in the
United v$jat$jt 'Jlie locomotive,
the bicycle . and trie automobile
have afipfjleqhehiscilt generation
many facUitieA for iuick,tfastt not
enjoyed by Taui Revcft pltd the
riders of hisi dabiif, feapite the
increasing facJjtfes fjpr,gettin; oyer
the grouud, the horce ia holding
his own
The Best Known Newspaper
in the United States
Circulation 185,000
Popular in Every State
Simik and Pra,fcr Servlec
....x Kev. J. A. Mitchell
Voeul Sito Mr. A. C. Strang
AildraM, OrgituiHMl to Win,..
Kev. W. C. Merritt
Siwclal Muk.
IliWc Content, Prinoville S. S.
Kef rcrhuwiiUi Social Hour.
Bend-Silver Lake Stage
G. A. COOK, Proprietor
LBAVItS IIIINO every evening hut Sunday on arriv
al of Priucvillc stage, nun through to Silver Lake iu so
LCAVI2S SII.VHK LAKH every inorniiix excupt
Mouduy at 6 o'clock, urrlven at llend t jo next mnruiiig.
Best of Accommodations on the Kouto.
Fare Through, 7. v: round trip, i.. Forty pounds
of baggage free; cxprciM 2 centa a H)tiud.
Bend Livery & Transfer Co.
Capitalists Buy Water Power.
Modrat 1'iuiicrr.
It is reported that the Sherar
Falls on the Deschutes river, one of
rite finest water powers in the state,
lias been bought by San Francisco
capitalists, who will develop it. The
deal includes 900 acres of land ad
joining the falls aud the well known
Sherar s Inn situated at the falls.
The falls are located just above the
Sherar bridge and about 30 miles
alxvc th'e mouth of the river. The
consideration for the deal has not
been made public.
Chalk Talk at Laldlaw.
F. Milo Lobdell will give a chalk
olL tonight aV Laidlaw, the dro-
The earliest spring chickens
boasted by anyone so far this year
have made their appearance iu L.
H. McCaun's hennery. Seven
downy little chicks were hatched
The TUvhi )UJ l hw liiitaltrtl Ih IU new
bullilln.-, wit 1 a iiiwltni plant and juliiiinil.
aud farillllrt rtjuil to an publication Iwlwcni
New Voik and Clilond, II l the only witkty
iitw.if c4llnlr(fri)j fer trtty state awl
trrrltury, The Ht of the U'urM u itnk
that Im.y people Aiu mure )ty coiprheMd.
than by rrfilltiu Mtnilietoimc eulumna nf dalllrt.
All eurrmlt luilka made plain In oicli Ihiic tiy
iwfil rdltotlal hullcf wrllleu from Inceptluii
dnwnto.Ute The only paper puhtiiliril eRC
lauy li(W.ptn yiiu ..If ir do ntA rrail daily
kv t, aud yet llilr.t fur plain ftiru. That
Hit xluilix hhwuwiMrK Popular, la morrii hv
the fact tlirt, t14i tVcktly lilMle uuw liaa o,.i
iSf yearlir aii'.acilder. ami U rtuulai-d in all
IartaoiUaU,M' In addition in the uwi. the
I lllade pi'lia aNijr arid a-rial alorlra, and
manr otpaiuiienu r iniur ililli.l u erary
member vftfciuiitv Oulvuiieilullar a yron
Write fur lr i ptennnn cupy.( yrt lr
, TftjiifO, Ohio.
The Toledo Dixie tdd Tir'r llfl.r.H
TI.Vfi.6j per year.
Steamct Mown to Plccca.
Hum! KierOUHr.
The steamer Regulutor, which
has been plying on the Columbia
river for a number of yours, blew up
Wednesday, Dec. 31, while she was
on the ways at St. ohus being re
jifliied. Second Kngiiiecr De Monte W.
Wade and bin iihsistaut, Merrill H.
Steyton, were killed and Daniel
Reid, a ship carpenter, was serious
ly injured.
The cause of the explosion will
probably never be definitely known.
It is believed, however, that one of
the two men who were killed ig
nored the order prohibiting smok
ing. Wade and Steyton had drilled
holes iu the stnrIoard and port
tanks and were connecting them
when the explosion occurred. The
tanks were filled with fuel oil.
Men in other parts of the ship
were startled to see a great tongue
of flume burst from the forward
part of the vessel and immediately
there was a thunderous report. The
flames shot high iu the air. Men
leaped for their lives. The 18 car
jenters aud laborers employed by
the shipyard and the five deck
hands jumped from the vessel to
the flats below.
The Ixiat was completely destroyed.
J. PRANK STROUI), Atanajccr
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent 'i'ltotic No. 13
Hofliltlf ret, between Mlnnraota and Oitgan, .' Ilcilit Orccolli
Htli t
I'eb J
l-tb i
I't'i 7
heli a
Weekly Meteorological Record.
llend, Ore., I'eli. i to Keb. X, lyuS.
Max. Mill. 'Maua-e "" J' ''.ro I'rev'll
iax. ami. Kauge3J( u dp wi(U
J4 11 j M 40 ... hit
J a A r HW
Jl i i 31 ... KU'
41 A 14 f& .. NK
ll J H NW
4 U A V NW
Anrnna inillnir a akilan4J)McrlMkiii mar
nuliklr luraruui unr .i.wi Aiwieiher an
liiraiillim liiiliablr)r(fHU7ci)iiiniunlra.
lliiiiaKfrlrilrrviiildentiiiLiUjtHSlSflQK oul'alanla
out (ma. illiteii nenry, Kif 4? irluu inimni.
l'atalita Imkall irirununLatu in k. l. tmrmKwm
nouioiiBaa. niiiia
3Beno Bulletin
iptelat ruitUi,
I clear t cloudy partly cloudy
rrrcipltaUou.fut.MCek' 4 , , ., !.
Scientific Jiuicrlcatt.
A handimnelr llluatralud weeklr. Ijimait rlr
culalluii of aiiradamnio inurual, 'I'arnit, II a
jenrt lour moiitui, 11.1 Hold bj all wtwul !.
Autliorlzcd Capital $25,000
Incorporated 1904
The Central Oregon
Banking & Trust Company
TtaiiMMt a general banking and lin.t lHi.,ur. ikhci l.etlrra nf CitdK gl
llirwigbuHt Ihr watlil. acttaiadminirtralor eiamiiw , irHtirenf ratal. Iraiic
lera money l.y mad urlclrKrapli oulltitm made Homplly awl Umhi fc.waWe
INTHKItHT ON JHCIHITH-Thr Central llrrgii lUnklHg K TrB.I C. ha
added aeeeral uete r.aturt. In iu raHlly grliiK Im.hin. It will m aire Time
LntllWaU. of J).lt, wyliiB liitnl Itm n a fulMei l'ur Ml MonUu, J t
eenli fur One Vear, 4 lr cent.
Safe Dopoilt Doaei for Rent at Reatonabla Ralei
A Full Una of Logal Ulanka for tialo.
Agent for the Flro Aatoclation of Phlladelplils,
, and the American Fire Inturaryso Oo.
A. M. IRAKK, I'iiim. ...., If, ""OMni'MK, Viob I'him.
J. M. LAW ItKMJH, w'v
F. U. MINUIt, Caniiikh
Oorntr llond
and Oragon
i io h . nPNin
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
' j ,-J
Tluitier l.aud, Act June 3, ttji
U. H. Land Omcerlic lliitlta, Orr(.n,
Jaiiuufy in, vA,
Notice l liereliy given that lu compliance tvllli
llirpruvl'louaurtlie Act ur Cungren of June i,
i7. entitled. "An net lor Die uliuf timliir Iniuli
lu the luteif Cullfornln, Orrgoiii Nevada, and
Waalilngtitn Territory," a extended 10 all Hie
inilillc laiul alnlra liy Act of Augixl 4, iiVjj, ,e
lullowliig pcnKiim liai'c died lu Hill office llieli
worn ataU'iuciiln, to win
HIiiioii I'. I'm 1
oriirnnlte I'ulU, County of rluolioiiilali, ulnleof
U'lmhliiKtou, awiirn talciiieul No. i)Ai, fur Hie
iiiriiinteni inecHiwu unit i,oia juihI 4. itiiu.
p jo t,t Me. wiiii
I'lilltlp A. Annie.
(irornnile I'ulU, vouiily of HiinlioiuUlii
V or HllOtlMlllUll. .tal i
tVnililiiiitoii, nworn ftiiUncriil Nu. udi, (or II
mcliuae o Hie acW ill c Jo, Ip lu , r l e, w iu
Tliul lliey will ofTvr inuoftci hiiv tliut tlic lnii
ililrllt It lutlrt. valuulilf fur llri llinl.r ... ...... J
I linn for agricultural pilrpo-a, uud lo rutalilltli
llitlr claim lii aalillaiitl iMrfurelllc KegUler anil
Kicrlvrrattlle llallea, (Itigoili Oil Murcll .Sotli.
lie I'nlU, Waaliliiuttm: pud J W l' of Jtf
irrMiu. iiegou
Tkev luime Hie rulldwlnv Mtlltirtiv
oatrr. of i'rlnrvlllri Dr.ilinl l'llllllii A A11..1.
Mtiiiiu I'. Vox uud It. II houlhwcll, ali of limn'
Tlmlwr Lamlj Act Junej, 1117s.
U. H. I.anJ OftHSi.Ttie Dalle., Oregon,
H , ,i.-., fiiiii'iry w, itw4
-iViVV,' ' nirfr,,' r "'' ' copipUenra
wit ill prov 0111 of thai acl uf Jlnte t"ihfa
fi,i,lSJ,r,?J!,.ft,r 'r .If llXl'dn'
md1"l'i'lii.,0" r,"".,r ' " rlrn'.ll
I" die land .uira liy act. iif aiiuh.i 4
..I JD !!"1lw"l0,, ''c d. a Hay Vl
mitre their aworn alalemruli, lu'wli
"Xill1!; ?ter ',!!c ",rc'"uo ' w
Theodore J Tw'rcl,
rrjioii, Nevinln mid
ttnnll to all Hi
th III
lu tilt
v III 1 lie 11.111
. Oiegon
Oregon. 011 March joili, ijioo.
Any and all pcraoua cluliuluw ndvrriely auv ' Auy
ol the iKe InniH are reqiiratnl lu tijr llnlr ' !,lc"''
clnliue In (liUulhce oil or Ufure aald villi .. lit filial
of MitfCli, ij. ' 1 March, lygo,
)ri MKIIAld, T. N0I,AN, KvcbUr. Iwunu
They nntiie (lie folI.Jvvlnif wllnrHea Clmtlr. T
ntlnr liioniii4Twetl,lliirUe ,t iKi
f mid nil ittramiM rlfiimi... .i. . .
the iiiim in ,, . .rZ ... ""r'xt.rxv.r'r "i ' .
-c'rB'ii,!',,,.,,:'l" u ur Ufufe """ .2!":i"WteVli!&ynx
n ivju. . -
MiCJiAlt,X,W0fcAK, Ittlilir,