The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1906, Image 3

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T - rass;'-
In n Coiiilenscil Form for Our
f Ftosumo of ttio Lois Important but
Not Loss InleroilldR Events
of tho fast Week.
r Wllle m preparing n plan to mil land
t peaSMiat,
Iloosevtdt denies Hint liu I notiiiK a
dictator to congreM,
Tim kihi linn advlred French Calh
ollus to give In to tint statu,
Colnnnl Colton reitort that pe-co
m been restored In Fnnto Domingo,
Twenty-seven hodle have licit n re
cover" J from tlm wreck of Urn Valencia,
Hrattlo prople urn Indignant ovur tlm
Valencia Investigation and demand a
mora rigid Itxjulry.
HKimtor Heburn, o( Idaho, In seri
ously III nud nn ixrntloii lor nppendL
cltl cannot long lin delayed.
A wM wavo lis ilrtirk tlm eastern
imrllmi nl llin IflilliM Hlinl. In tiUc.
ri tlm lemperaluro dropped 40 digrcwi
In '.M hour.
Tlm American Hineltliig trust li buy
ing control In tlm large copper compan
ies ami It I Mleved a huge truiit In
being formed.
Tlm ITntlnt MIlinttiitliKia of Amnrlrii
have derided lo t-nll a s'rlko In every
. k .. mi i - .
r'ai flytw it timorueri Mprwru 10
affect (H)0, 000 men and vol oil tlm fuel
aupply nl tlm imtion.
Hermann ha flirrl Mil lo tlm
li.itun providing lor 100,000 (or tlm
wiifttnicUnu hihI umliiloimnt'n (or tlm
lint year of a sea-going drcdgo (or Ore
Itan liarlxifi.
(Treat Britain mny Institute radical
reform In Imr Army lo please Japan,
Vladlvpntok rebel Iiavo ilrlvrtl out
tlm Cck aih! enforced an armed
Tlm Annual report ol tlm 1'lilllpplim
coinnilnloii aliowo the Island to m In
good condition.
(leiierat Chaffee' hat retired i chief
ol talT of tlm aniiy. Ho I succeeded
liy John 0. Hale.
Many bodies am Mug recovered
front thn wreck ol tlm Valencia which
are not being Identified.
Fire destroyed a'u entire block In tlm
rtty nl Panama. Tlm on will reach
000,000, with vrry llttli Insurance.
0saok In HllwrU alter an armed
rontllotli with rebel threw over l,fM)
Into Uko llalkal through huU't In tho
Flro broke nut In tlm transport
Meade at Han Francisco. Three liven
wero 1 at, Tlm prnpony damage will
riot I mi great.
Tlm First Unltil Blair Infantry has
railed front New York for the Philip
pine., Tho troop dill gi by way of
the Hue canal.
It ha Jiul been kU'cii mtt that for
Urn pait four year the Kultahlo Um
liiiuranco rocloty ha luaurM free tlm
llvrt ol Ita 1)00 employit (or 11,000
A mil ha WutartM In Nuhranka
tolireak up a coinblnoof lire Iniurauco
KIiik Frotlorlok, of Denmark, will
work for An Alliance with Norway anil
A hluh olllolal In TlflU, Utiaaln, ha
liecn blown to plena by a revolution
nry bomb. ,
Tho not earning of tho Unltwl fitntea
Steel mrimrAtlon In 1U05 total nearly
HlionU ay h canceled tho Markel
oon tract for hotol on tlm oanul oue
became thoro wn too Brent a Kraft.
In nn nildreo to tlm Now York Med-li'AWMoulAtloii-Orovur
OluvoUnd P'
t)ealed to tho doctor to crttoft inyttory
niul talk In plain KiikIIhIi.
Tho I'ottal rrogroM lejtu nt Ita nn
nual iimotlnK in lloiton, dcolarisl In
favor of coitnolldatlon of third and
fourth olaai mall matter at tho third
olavi rnlo, 1 cent for two ounce. Tlm
would reduce Kunoral morchondUo ratcB
GO piir cent.
Frodorlok ha been proolnlmod klnjc
of Denmark.
Tho National Llvntock naioclntlon
nnd tlm American HtrxikKrowora' uho.
elation hnvo been consolidated. Tho
now orKtir.Uon will lo known na Urn
National Llvoitock asuotlntlon.
Olfford lMnoliott, chief of tho For
oitry bureau, after a conference with
loadliiK cottln and horeo grower of Col
orado, tins dovUed n plan wliloli he
liopuo will end rungo wan in that etnto.
Tho health of Oovornor l'attloon, ol
Ohio, I falling.
Tho I'oflton A Molno railroad haa In
croaml tho waueu of Ita omployoa 7 pur
John I). Itockofellor la in hiding to
nvold kIvIiik teHtluiony nt tho Mlbsourl
Tho liouno coinmlttoo on mlnea nnd
mining favor giving each etato a gov
orumoiit goologlst.
aonernl Wheolor was burlod with1
full military honor In tho Arlington
national coinotory.
AppraMllcat In Iron Hnvo n Narrow
liicnpo from Dealh,
Nnwort, 11, I Jnn, ao. Hnvmi
biilldlngH, ronhcutoil with thn UnltM
Hlnto naval trnltilng atHtlou nt CoiihI
urn' Harltor InUnd In thin ully woro
destroyed by flro toulirlit, cAiilng nu
itNtlnintol lox ol 1100,000. Tho'lmllil.
Ing dimtroywl wuro tho dnlentiou
building, innuhlno idmp, pnlnt hop,
pnyuiniter'a atorehoiiiio, carpenter ahop
nnd twoamnll ntoriihoimi'M,
Olio of I lie burned building con
tained nil of Dm Hiuall bout ami nut
ter iititd for prnutk'ii purpof. All
wnro diatroywl, Hovernl aprinlice In
Rluglo Iron were conflntsl In tho do
letitlon building nt tlm lime thn flro
broke out. h)Nknl Inntnidor Jonepli
Klrhy liberated them by a heroic
tffort. When ho renrhed tho deten
tion building ho could not ico tlm
young prisoner on Account of tlm
r-moke, but they nmwered hi nail.
HupiMirtiil by a Htm of men Klrhy
made hi way to the npot where tlm
hoy wero In oonflnNutnt anil pamod
tlmm back one by oim lo tlm men be
hind him. and co out to tho -n wall.
In pafaltiK over tlm tea wall two of the
manacled boy fell ovorlxiard, hut wero
For a time the famoiii old frlgato
Oonalellatlou, which I uiml a a prac
tice fhlp at the latlon, wa In daiiKer
of ilciiliiicllon, but prompt work on the
part of the firemen tared tho hlp.
flufrljraralor Car Af.nntt Reach Agree
ment on naductlon.
Kan Franchco, Jan. .10.Aa a mult
of a roiiferenro lelween "J, 8, Iixl,
reieenting tlm refrliccratnr enr r-ervlro
of tlm Hauta Fo road, and Holert Gra
ham, 1'aclflo coant reprerentativo of
tlm Armour refrigerating tervlcn, ro
dilution of rates on decldtiou fruit
from California to the Haolrrn market
I agreed iimu. Tho rrdtirtlon will
take ef!rt at tho brginulng of the min
ing veniou of the dociduoua Irult ahip
plnij. From Raoramento and Antloch to
Chicago a reduction of flO er car I
made, and from tlm lame California
liula to New York a cut of 17.f.0 I
nude. From Han Joaipiln valley
tolnt, inch a Htockton, Frrno, Han
ford and lakeifleld, the rate to Chi
capo I rixlucixl to 70, and to New
Yoik from tlm ame jxilnt to H1S 60,
tlniH piactlrally effecting an rinlli
tion of ratea from polnta In tho Hacra
rnrnto arid I ho Han Joaquin valley to
Hatern polnta.
One of the mot Important feature
of thi new compact I a clatiio provid
ing that no leuate or other peclal
roncrlnri ahall bo gtnntel to any
fruit ihlpper In California, and that the
reductd rat tlmll Ira atrictly main-
Loyal Troopa Reported Far Outnum
bered by Rovolutlonartat.
rJliansthat, Jan. 30 Driperate riot
ing I going on In Vladivostok, wber
the troop have aualu dunid their olll-
rera, and auoh regiments aa remain
loyal aro trying to capture the cliy
Meager detail have alfted throtifli, but
them Indicate that the present riot far
ecllpso In tlm number of men engaged
thine ol two month ago, when rnoro
than L',000 were killed am) wounded.
i All tlm hospitals aro tilled with
wounded men, while many other are
lyltiis uncared for In tho now covered
ktreet. The rlotera far outnuinlier tlm
loyal aoldlen, and aro well itipplled
with arm and ammunition, but appar
ently lack competent leadership, and
tho latter nro still In posseailon of the
lortresse. Tho last report from tho
city place tho number of killed and
wnuniletl At 3,0Uu, hill tneso ugurea are
being milled to momentarily as thoro I
no cessation of hostilities.
Flvo armored train which were lent,
manned with troops, to tnko part In nn
expedition to attack tlm mutineers in
the rear, wero ilerotlwl hy power in I ex
plosive nnd niaiiv of tho aoldlora
killed and wounded.
Invitations Limited.
WashltiBton. Jnn. 30. Washington
eoulety and visitor to Washington this
enson vnluo nothing no highly ns an
invl'ntlon to tlm I)iigworthItooaovoH
wethllug. anil iiuthlng I harder to ob
tain. I a limited circle, tho
(fiends and relntlvcs of Miss Itoosevolt
nip! Mr. Iongworth and the recoguixed
leaders of Washington society, who
are certain to receive Invitation, but
beyond this clrclolhora la uoubt. The
list of InvltM guests is not yet com
pleted, and it In not known who has
been chosen,
Nineteen Dodloa Found.
Victoria. 1!. 0 Jan. UO. Oriranlted
Bcarchers nro making every effort to o-
c'tiro an wio nomea oi wm viciimnoi um
Valencia dleaster that can ho found.
Nineteen wero recovered up to this
evening, and with n calmer sea at-
temidN will bo made to land near tho
bcoiio of tho wreck nnd tnko'tho lwdlcs
on tugs, It being impossible to taku tho
bodies over tho iiiinniit trails, ino
tug 1nno loft tonight, taking a party
to neslat in tho search,
Find Anclont City,
lfnln nili' .Tan. RO. flnunt KTaiu
rlco de I'oregny, an old French arch
aeologist, lias discovered in ino reien
lutrlot n niinloninln an ImmoiiBO nil.
clontoltyol tho Maynis, whlcli will
take months to Investigate proporly.
Tho explorer will return to this contin
ent next year to compiuio iiivusiiKnuou
of tho nnclont city, wIioho ruins nro o(
tho utmost nrchaoologlcnl Interest.
Frldny, February 2.
Washington, Feb. 2 Oratory on tho
railroad rate bill Ifold tho attention of
tlm house for nix hour today. Tho
speeches of Jlurton, Ohio, MtCnll,
Mas,, mill Itsssoll, Tex., wero feature,
while Thomas, N. (J , Jltirko, H. 1).,
and (Joiilden, N, Y,, took up particular
and specific topic,
Ileforo proceixllng to consideration d
tlm rato bill tho house passed n bill ex
tending tho public land law to n tract
of land ten rnlb-a niunro In Wyomlnit
ceded lo tlm Koverument In 1807 by tho
rihoshoiio and Arapalioe Inillnn.
Wnshlnuton, Feb, 2 There wa (or
n moment today n prospect that tho
statehood bill would receive It first
formal reading In that body, always tho
Initial itep In tho consideration of any
meaauro reported from a commltteo,
Tim senate look up tlm calendar Imme
diately nflor dlapoilng of tho routine
business and, na tlm statehood bill or
i! h pi ltd the first place, tho rccretnry had
begun to read It Itetforo any of It oppo
nenls readied thn situation, lie had
covered but a low page when Teller
put n (top to tho proceeding lor tho
The shipping hill wa in ado tho basis
of a running debate between ratterson
In optoltion and Oallingcr and For
kin In support.
At tho conclusion of this debato a
bill authorizing tho treasury to luvesll
gate certain Missouri slate war claims
wa passed,
Thursday, February I.
Washington, Feb. 1. Tho discussion
of the rallioad rato bill wa taken up
and pronecutfd with vliror throughout
the day. Ho many pakeri hnvo como
to tlm (rout on thl measure that tho
liousu agreed to meet at 11 o'clock
hereafter until tho debate is ended.
Tho eat nro of tho debate wa the
lengthy seech of Sibley, of Pennsyl
vania, who arraigned the legislation
with aigumenta of varied character,
all of whlcli tended to giro his reasons
for being unnltciably opposed to the
Tho resolution of Burton, of Ohio,
looking to tlm preservation of Niagara
Falls, was agreed to without discus
Ion. Tho resolution calls for Inhuma
tion from tlm International commission
on that lubjevt.
Washington. Feb. 1. Tlm senate to
day passed 30 or 40 miscellaneous bills
and gave several hours to the consid
eration of tho shipping bill. Among
the bills na-aed was one providing lor
a delegate In congress from Alaska and
a number providing for light houses,
revenue cutters And Osh culture sta
tion. Thn irrcaler part of the time
devoted to tho ihlpping bill wa con
sumed by Penrose in a ipeech In sup
port of the measure.
Other bills paind provide for a fog
signal atntion at Kdly'a Hook light
station. Washington; construction ol
one morn llsh cultural station on Puget
sound, and for a tcnder.for the light
house service In Hawaii.
Wednesday, January 31.
Washington. Jan. 31. Discussion of
the railroad rate bill continued In the
liou'o todav. Incident to it two
speeches, tim effort of Campbell, of
Kansas, and Martin, of Hcuth Dakota,
took n whlo range nnd swept the hori
zon of "trust evils' generally. Hart
lctt, of Georgia, a minority member of
tho commltteo reporting tho bill, tnsdo
a two hours' apeech, In which lie ilia-
cussed tlm legal and constitutional
questions Involved And Advocated the
passage of the hill as a proper remedy
f )r aii intolerable condition. The first
speech in opposition to the bill, which
concluded the day's discussion, was
made by Perkins, of New ork. Ho
based tils opposition to government
control of rates on an Inherent aversion
to government control of business en
terprise, lied tape And fixed condi
tions, ho said woro nn inseparable part
of government action on any matter.
A bill was pawed (training a federal
charter to tho Cnrneglo fund for tho ad
vancement of teaching, Tho fund con
sists of $10,000,000, tho Income of
which Is to furnish pensions lo retired
WnshlnstJi), Jan. 31. In tho senate
todny Patterson strongly endorsed the
position ol tho president in Siiiio Do
mingo and In tho matter of tlm Moroc
can conference, Ho said that he was
sorrv to differ from his Democrat lo col-
leanues, but that ho felt it Lis duty to
do so In these matters. Ho also ex
pressed absolute confidence- la the pa-
Offers to Build Railroads.
WashliiL'ton. Jan. 31. Wlllard Heed
Ureun, of New York, representing)'
iviuHcnto of ranltallBta and contructoifl.
has filed n bid with the War depart
ment for the construction oi too pro
posed system ol railways in ino run
iiinlni's. Mr. Oreon nnd his associates
contend that thoro has been no coin-
petition, nnd that tho matter is still
open, although tho department ban
nrni'tlitnllv lUTlHltll.l ft Itnrt of OtlO of
tho bide. Tho bid presented by Mr,
G recti proposes tho consirucnon oi a
minimum of 1,000 miles of railroad.
May Compromise on Rates.
Washington, Jon. 31. Thero wan
sonio talk about tho senato today of n
railroad rato mcasiuo compromise, tlm
smiuetitlon beluit that either tho Elklim
or the Fornkcr bill should bo mado it
pnrt of tho Dolllvor bill, so that two
courses of procedure could bo opened to
tho commission In regard to tho com
plaint regarding rates, one hy tho com
mission itself nnd tho other by recourso
to tho courts, In this way, it is
thought a rate bill could be passed.
trlotlnm of tho president nnd In his
good faith In announcing his determin
ation not ngnln to bo n candidate (or
tho presidency. Tho remainder of tho
session wni devoted to a dotnlo on tho
shipping bill.
Tuesday, January 30.
Washington, Jan. 30. Members of
tho house evinced a rnoro general In
terest In tho discussion of tho railroad
rate bill throughout today than In any
other topic of legislation (or Rome time.
Tlm delmto throughout wa listened to
attentively and many fjuetlona wero
asked of the different speakers to bring
out either obscure point In tho meas
ure, or evil complained of, which no
attempt had been made to Includo in
tlm bill. The debato wa opened by
Townsend, of Michigan. Adams, of
Georgia, representing the minority, fol
lowed In commendation of tlm measure,
And In praise of President Itoosevelt's
stand on the question. Ilinshaw, of
Nebraska, depicted the benefit the leg
islation would do to tho great trans
Mississippi country, nnd Itlchardson,
of Alabama, discussed as a Democrat
things dono and left undone In the
Tho senato todny passed 40 bills,
many of thorn of considerable Import
ance. The lilt Included a number of
in eas tiles for light houses, (og signals,
revenue cutters and public buildings,
and also tho bill providing (or tho re
organization of tile consular service.
Tho ahlpplng bill war under consid
eration for n time. It was amended so
a to relieve It cf constitutional objec
tions and Lodge delivered a speech In
support of the bill, in which he gave
the details of a combination of tho
owners of foreign sailing vessels (or the
puroe of controlling the freight rato
lu grain shipments from the United
Htates. There was Also r dlscuslon of
tlm bill miking common carrlors lia
ble (pr injuries to employes, which
aroio ovr tho question of their refer
ence to committors. Patterson gave
notice of n speech tomorrow on the Mo
roccan and Dominican questions.
Monday, January 20.
Washington, Jan. 20. Tho Chlncao
boycott nnd tho administration of the
forest reserves divided tho attention of
tho senate today. The Chinese ques
tion came up In connection with n reso
lution of Tillman, directing an Investi
gation by the committee on immigra
tion. Tillman modified the resolution
by omitting Vim major portion of the
preamble, and, after considerable dis
cussion, it was referred to tbo commit
tee on contingent expenses.
Heyhnrn raised tho question regard
ing the reservation of fcroita. lie
sharply criticized the methods of tho
Forestry bureau and charged it with
maintaining n press bureau (or the pur
pose ol attacking him. He declined,
however, to hold the president respon
sible (or tbia course. He said that the
courso was calculated to retard the de
velopment of the Weat.
Washington, Jan. 29. What la con
sidered a etrlko At the railroads was
taken by tho house today in the adop
tion of a resolution calling on the pres
ident to furnish information ns to the of nn agreement, in violation
of tlm interstate commerce law, among
tho Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio,
Norfolk & Western, Chesapeake A
Ohio, Ohio A Northern Central and
Philadelphia, Baltimore A Washington
railroad companies. Opposition to the
resolution did not develop until after
it had boon declared adopted by thn
speaker. At this point D&lzell, of
Pennsylvania, moved to reconsider.
This motion was laid on the table with,
tho aid of 37 Republican votes united
with the Democrats, under a rule
which makes It Impossible to recon
sider the resolution without n two
thirds vote of tho house.
Saturday, January 27.
Washington, Jan. 27. In a sosslon
of two hours today tho house passed
tho urgent deflcleucy appropriation
bill, carrying $15,210,103, Incorporated
in which is n provision that the eight
hour law ahall not apply to alien labor
era on tlm Panama ctnasl. In addition
it passed 202 private pension bills nnd
road tbo Mann general bridge bill,
making It tho unfinlahod business (or
Chairman ncpbnrn today reportod to
tho houso his railroad rato bill with tho
favornblo recommondatlon of tho entire
commltteo. The bill will come up
noxt wsek.
Light on Boycott,
Washington, Jan. 31 The sonato
will begin tho week with tho considera
tion of the Chinese boycott, Tho quesj
tion will como up In connection with n
resolution offered last week by Senator
Tillman, directing the commltteo on
ImmigrntloiHo investigate tho reports
concerning Chinese opposition to Amer
ican manufactures. When tho question
whs presented Mr. Tillman asked for
Immediate consideration, but Mr. Aid
rich objected, It Is understood thnt he
and other Republican senators dislike
tho proaniblo to the resolution.
Will Test Dry Farming.
Washington, Jan. 31, While the de
partment of Agriculture does not deny
throo Is merit In what Is known as the
Campbell system of dry (arming and
while it Is willing that all credit for
thnt comparatively now system shall go
to Rs instigator, there la a strong beliel
in tlm minds of Irrigation oflkials of
that department that tho ayBtera should
be cnrefully studied by the government
In order that it llmltn Ions as well as
Ita benefits may bo discovered.
llntv in MnUf n Htrnm Knitlfip.
Aii cnnlly constructed atenm engine
mny b mnilo by nny boy with very
simple mnlorlnl. An old bnklng-pow-dor
box will do for the bollor. Fasten
Kit lid to It with nlmllnc varnish, nnd
punch two hole In the aldo of tho box,
one about tho nlzo o( ajiln hole, tho
other n Inrgo nn n nlnto pencil. Tho
larger hole must be fitted with n wood
en pi n if or n cork.
Your boiler In now complete, but It
must bo fastened nt It two ends be
tween two upright post thnt nro at
tached to n baseboard, no thnt tho two
hole will be a the top of tho boiler.
The aldo ponta ahould rlno nt least two
Inches higher than the top of tho boil
er, nnd nhouhl bo connected nt the top
by n piece of ntout wire, which will
ncrvo na an axle to a stiff wheel, llko
n vcnter-whccl, or tho paddlo of n
Thl wheel I mado by taking n large
pill box, raaklriff alibi In Its (Idea, nnd
dipping in plecea of stlfT cardboard,
which project nt leant half nn Inch
on ench nldo of the box. When theso
nro In place, fill tho box with damp
amid to steady tbo slips and keep them
from moving, and then put on tho lid
of tho box nnd fasten It by gluo so that
it will not open. Arrnngo this wheel
on the wlro nxlo no thnt one nldo of It
cornea directly nbovo the pinhole In tho
Now remove tbo plug from the larg
er hole, nnd fill tho boiler with wnter;
then closo It, nnd light an alcohol
lamp under tho boiler. When tbo wa
ter bolls, tho ntcam will Issue from tho
plnholo In the boiler, and striking tho
paddlca of the wheel, will causo It to
spin very rapidly.
A grooved wooden wheel mny bo
glued to one side of tho paddle wheel,
nnd a string run around the groove
may bo connected with nny of tho
toya thnt aro to bo set In motion by
mlulaturo atenm engines. You mny uso
for the grooved wheel n small spool
audi na buttonhole silk la wound on.
This cngtno will servo for your
amusement na well ns a purchased ono,
nnd nn Ingenious boy enn tmprovo on
It nnd clnbornto It na much as he likes.
People's Home JournnL
The 3loon' "Wire.
In Itulawnyo, South Afrlcn, the na
Uvea Iiavo n curioua belief concerning
tho moon. These children of nature
any the man In the moon haa two
wive, ono of whom treats him well
nud tho other badly. During the first
quarter ho goos over tho hills to tho
y.nmbeal nnd Uvea with his first wife,
whom they call Keep the Door Open.
Sho feeds him so well thnt ho gets
fat nnd full nnd round. But on hi
wny bnck ho atnya at tho hut of the
second wife Shut t-o Door Tight
who starve and Ill-treats him, ao It Is
n very thin nnd woe-begono moon thnt
finally returns to start his travels
n fresh.
A Snow Hup,
Tvowcll and Caroline llvo In ono houso
nnd Klslo nnd Lloyd In tho next, nnd
tho four piny together In tho big bnck
yard thnt atrotchca behind both housoa.
Ono day, when tho snow wna noft
nnd sticky, I-ovell, who la on Kurojw
and Asln In geography, fancied n spot
of uutnimpled enow looked llko tho
continent of Europe, nnd ho begun to
shape It more perfectly.
Ho told Carolina If alio wished that
alio might umbo nn Africa to go with
tho Europe nud Asia ho wna making.
Caroline hurried Into tho houso nftor
her geography, for she did not remem
ber all about Afrlcn.
HUlo chose to make n map of North
America, nud said alio would help Lloyd
with South America, for ho had Just
begun geography, nnd wna not yet out
of tho United States.
Tho eastern hemisphere is tho tinni
est to do, because it la so Irregular J but
Lowell nnd Caroline modeled it In tho
ilnmp snow, nnd Lowell helped DUIe
nnd Lloyd.
The next dny thoy nddod areonlnnd
nnd Icelnud nnd Australia and Japan,
nnd other Ulnmla. Another dny they
mudo mountains nud mountain ranged,
nud since Lloyd had learned about vol
canoes, bo wax allowed to nuiko thoso
and to sprinkle nsltc on tho tops. They
began to flud geography more Interest
ing than nil their other studies.
When a annp of colder weather came,
tho children filled the rivers nnd hikes
with wnter which frozo; nnd elnco
thoy had mndo tho land high, they ac
tually flooded thnt pnrt of tho ynrd
ono night, nud tho next morning tho
continents stood out of frozen oceans.
Ilnys nud gulfs nud straits glistened,
penlnsulna ran out In tho ico ocean,
nnd tho Islnnds wero renl islands.
Although tho biiow wns now too hnrd
to hnudlo nnd model, tho children could
mark tho boundaries of tho countries
with twigs, put In capitals with brnsa
buttons, Inrgo cities with big buttons
of different kind, nnd ainnll cities with
shoe button.
'I'lioy learned tho school geography
lesion on thl nnow map In hnlf tho
usual tlmo nnd with much more plena
urc. Whenever ono hoard n now plncn
mentioned ho put It into tho country
Whoro It belonged, nnd otto morning
Lowo'l hurried nut boforo breakfast
to mnko tho Philippine Island, which
had Ih-oji forgotten.
Thoy nent chip ntenmcrn ncrosi tho
oconn, worked on tho Panama Canal,
explored tho frozen north, nnd wher
ever, nil over tho world, n wnr wn
Kiiik on, uicy pinnicu n nniaii ruu
ling on that spot on thc)-now mnp.
Youth's Companion. ,
iroa Mnla of Ptr.
Wo have nil heard of ttio lco pnlnccs
of Canada, hut here Is nn account of
n pnpor houno, built In tho town of
Hnvlnoroskn, In Itussln. Tho struc
ture Is mado throughout of blocks of
pnpler-mnclm, even the foundation nnd
roof being of thnt material. Ho, too,
nro the chimneys, although tho pnper
used in their construction was first
mingled with a fireproof material. Tho
house, which Is of considerable ex
tent, nnd will, In tho opinion of Its
architect, outlast such ns nre built of
atone and brick, was erected nt n cost
of rnoro thnn forty thousand dollars.
Am to "Gnllerr 0l."
Back In old London the Dniry Lnno
Theater, a vcncrablo playhouse, gnvo
nn origin to tho phrase. The celling
or dome wna painted In representation
of tho sky. Tho nrtlst placed In this
celestial netting numerous cuplds nnd
clouds. The gallery of the theater wns
built Just bciow this celling, nnd to
persons seated below the occupants of
the nppcr tier looked to be part of tho
heavenly ornamentation. In tlmo theso
spectators were referred to ns "sit
ting among the gods, nnd Dually wero
dubbed "gods."
Prodnct of Jtnam DUIntrcrraled, but
llclaln HrnlltiK l'onrr.
An electric process for the treatment
of pent has lately been adopted In Eng
land nt the Johnston & Phillips works.
The peat is transformed Into a bard
combustible, which Is well ndnpted for
uso under boilers. Tho operation Is
said to Inst two nnd a half hours, nnd
tbo material costs less than ordinary
conL Tho combustible which Is thus
produced has a high calorific vnlno nnd
gives scarcely nny smoke.
A plnnt on a largo scnlo Is to be In
stalled In Ireland nnd if successful It
will be nn Important movo In tho direc
tion of utilizing pent ns fuel under tbo
best conditions. In tbo present pro
cess the peat ns It comes from tho boga
Is placed In cylinders, which rovolvo
nt a high speed, whllo a set of nlr fans
la used to drive oft the water, which
forms nbout SO per cent of the totaL
A set or electrodes is placed In tho
cylinders nnd connected with a
dynamo, Tbo circuit is completed
through tho mass of the peat between
tho electrodes. Tho rcslstanco which
the pent offers to tho current causes a
considerable heat nnd the latter breaks
up tho peat nnd pulverizes It. but with
out causing It to lose nny of Its prop
erties. In ordor to incrense tho conductivity
of somo kinds of pent they ndd cer
tain chemical products. After thin
process tho jent Is trented by a set of
knendlng rollers, which gtvo it a plastic
consistency so na to cnnblo It to tnko
nny desired form. From hero It pnssen
to an automatic press which forms It
Into briquettes. It la then ready for
uso nnd Is taken to tho storeroom.
It Is to bo remarked thnt nlthough
tho passage of tho current through tho
peat gives rise to n heating effect tho
results obtained in this way are qulto
different from thoso which nnothcr
method of heating would produce. By
flro heat tho particles of the pent loso
their different constituent matters,
while tbo electric heating causes thoni
to disintegrate, thus freeing their cel
lular material nnd distributing it
throughout tho entire mass of the pent.
Thus nil tho particles becomo ndap'ed
for combustion.
To obtain a harder material the d't
npgrcgnted pent Is given a larger
treatment with the current Tho nlr U
kept out by n tight cover, and tho mass
Is then treated with nn adhesive solu
tion ao na to uulto ttio particles. Tho
exicrlmcnts have been mado with the
process on n largo senlo nnd nt a groat'
expense, nnd It Is said to hnvo been
greatly Improved in the details nnd can
now bo npplled commercially.
Knlr Wurntiiar.
Henry had been bo continuously nnd
persistently naughty that, says tho
New York World, his nunt, who had
chnrgo of him lu ids mother's nbsenco,
did not know what to do with him. In
despair sho said, weakly :
"If you will not behave-, I shall put
you In ono of grandpapa's heii-coops."
"Well," said Henry, aturtllly, "tieforo
you put mo In, I want to tell you thnt I
will not Iny nny eggs."
Saw Her nud "Ducked,"
Te8s Yes, 1 snw Mny Qaddlo nt tha
reception Inst night.
Jess Why, that's atrnngol Sho told
mo to-dny thnt alio didn't seo you
thero, nlthough aha was looking for
Toss Of course, stupid! Didn't I
Just tell yon I saw hor? Philadelphia
A girl will bellovo anything n man
tells her during courtship, but after
marrlago-T-woll, that's another story
If n sick infill can't kcop anything
clso on his stomach ho should try a
porous plaster,
Thero Is often a superior air nbout
an Inferior person.