The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1906, Image 2

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Lawyers Lobby to Get Big Fee
for Sate of Land.
Opening of South Half of CoMllo
Reservation May Bo Dofoatod
by Crooked Schomo,
Washington, Feb. 3. An attempt of
certain lawyers to hold up tho Colville
Indians for $160,000 rash is apt to de
foal tho bill now pending in congress to
open the south half of their reservation
and pay tho Colvillo Indians f 1,600,
000 Jor tho land which they relinquish
ed in the north halt of the reservation
ten years ago. These lawyers have
been itching for many j ears to get a
largo slice of money which they believ
ed the government would pay tho In
dians, but so far have not succeeded,
became congress has nerer made an ap
propriation to pay for the Colville land.
Back in 1894, Acting BecrcUry of tho
lntorior Slmmi approved a contract be
tween tho Indians and Marsh A Gor
don, under which tho latter were fo se
cure the panaira of a bill through con
gross paying the Indians $1,600,000,
tho lawyers, in turn, to receive a fee
amounting to 10 per cent, but this con
tract expired in ten years, and, when
the lawyers sought to havo it renewed,
Secretary Hitchcock put his foot down
and refuted to permit the Indians to
become involved in any such deal.
Ex-Senator Marion Butler, of North
Carolina, and Hugh Gordon, of tho old
law firm, are now lobbying beforo con
gress in behalf of securing an appro,
priation of $1,600,000, and then pull
ing down a fat tee ot 1U percent ot mat
amount. Mr. Butler became an at
torncy in the care by assignment, and
baa been pusy on the Colville bill for
a year or two, though not Invited to
take a band by any member of the
Washington congressional delegation.
Only last year Mr. Butler appeared
before the snate committe in advocacy
of this bill, ando, when questioned, as
to his rights in tho premises, declared
that ho and other lawjcra were acting
under an approved contract with the
Indians. Yet at the same time be
made that statement, the contract bad
been void for more than a year.
Mr. Butler, it is learned, takes the
post' ion that tho old contracts are still
in force, notwithstanding that they
have not been renewed by Mr. Hitch
Henev Says He Will Prosecute
mann Among the First.
San Francisco, Feb. 3. Francis J.
Ileney is engaged in mapping out
plans for the continuation of the land
fraud prosccuions in Portland. For
three days he has denied himself to
callers at his office, but today stated
that be bad not completed his arrange
ments. He is confident, however, tiiat
bo will be able to reach all the offend.
era who hate not yet b-en brought to
justice. The disappearance of 8. A. D.
Puter, Horace McKinley, Marie Ware
McKinley and Emma L. Watson dos
not worry him g-eatly.
"I ran get along without the four
people mentioned in probably every
pending case except one," remarked
Mr. Heney today, "but I believe we
will locate most of them. I know
where Marie Ware McKinley is. She
is in fc'an Francisco, and I have every
reason to Ixdieve doet not intend to re
fuse to be a witnes again. I under
stand Horace G. McKinley has gone to
the Orient, deserting his wife, Marie
Ware MiKinley."
Mr. Heney added that lie will, in a
day or two, bs able to ansiooncn his
plans. It is known that, while in
Washington, he promised Presidfnt
Ilooeevlt that the case against Con
gressman Biuger Heruianu would be
one of the first taken up.
Deficit Nearly Wiped Out.
Washington, Feb. 3. The monthly
statement ot the government recei to
and expenditures Issued today shows a
condition ot the treasury which is em
nently satisfactory to the authorities.
One year ago today there was a defl t
Of over $23,600,000, which has m w
been reduced to less than $3,400 001",
with the prospect that this amount wi 1
,be entirely wiped out within tho net
30 days. This, improved condition Is
due almost entirely to a largo increa e
in customs and internal revenue re
ceipts. Imports Double in Seven Years.
Washington, Feb. 3. The Imparts
into the United States havo practically
doubled in value in the Inst seven
years, according to a bulletin Issued by
tho bureau of Statistics in the depart
ment of Commerce and Labor", lii the
calendar year 1005 the imports aggre-
gated in valno $l,17l.ui)U,()uu, as
against $036,000,000 in the calendar
year 1898. The increnso In importa
tions is distributed through all classes
and all Articles of merchandise.
Military Reserves in Hawaii.
Washington, Feb. 3. -TJie president
bv nroclaination Jins act aside certain
landa at or -near Diamond Head and at
Kuplkiplkio and, at Punchbowl 11111, in
the territory of Hawaii, for military
....., ....hi it ruin Iwi determined
by actual survey what portions of the I
permanent military reservations. I
land descrioea ww ij ni"
. F
Evorv Mine in Country To Bo Tletl
Up Till Bottor Pay Is Secured.
Indianapolis, Ind., Feb 2. Tho re
jection of tho counter proposition offer
ed bj tho coal operators of tho central
competitive dlsttlct by an almost unan
imous votu ot tlio national convention
of tho United Mlncworkers, and tho
adoption of a resolution efh-red by Sec
retary Ryan, of Illinois, placing tho
miners on record as n unit in refusing
to sign an agreement for any district
until an agreement Has signed for all
districts under the Jurisdiction ot tho
United Mlneworkers, has created n
situation which, in tho opinion ot tho
olllclals ot tho miners' organisation,
will result in tho disruption of tho
Joint agreement and probably ono of
tho greatest strikes ot organised labor
tho country has over known.
Immediately after the rejection of 1
the operators' proposition the conven
tion set about to provide means for ac
cumulating a strike fund of $0,000,000
in addition to a llko amount now on
deposit in the international, district
and sub-district treasuries ot tho min
ers' organisations. To provide for an
emergency Secretary Wilson moved
that a per capita tax of $1 a week be
voted and that all districts take care nf
tho dependent miners within their
Jurisdiction tor at least six weeks.
Ho said that after that tiruo he believed
the International organisation would be
in a position to take caio ot tho miners.
After the motion had been amended to
substitute teu weeks for six as tho time
during which the districts should Care
for their dependents, tho matter was
referred to tiie international executive
board with power to act.
Catholics Resist Entrance by Officers
of French Republic.
Paris, Feb. 2. Every hero in
Franco the actual putting into opt ra
tion ot the clause of church and state
separation bill which provides for the
making ot inventories ot thn p,operty
ot the churches has aroused a storm of
protest. In several provincial parishes
Catholics havo gathered in tho churches
and made such strong resistance that
the government commissioners were
unable to enter the edifices.
In Paris today violent rcenea took
place In several churches, notably that
of St. Clothllde. An inventory of the
property ot tho church of St. Roche has
not yet len made, owing to tho op.
position of the congregation, but the
defenders of the church of St. Clothllde
succumbed before the assault of an
arrued force which acted on the avowed
intention of the government to use
every means at its disposal to compel
obedience to tho enactment.
In the chamber of deputies this after
noon Premier Rouvicr replied to an in
terpellation on the subject by a Social
i't deputy. The government, however,
ecu ml a vote of confidence by 334
a tains t 100, after tho premier had
assured the chamber that the govern
ment was desirous ot using tact and
moderation in carrying out tho law,
but that it was fully determined to per
form Its dnty, no matter what the coat.
A dlspacth from Dijon says fresh dis
turbances broko cut today in front ot
the church of St. Michael. The square
was cloded only after tho lty use of
fire hose and tho efforts of mounted
gendarmes. Many arrests were made.
Democrats Propose an Inquiry Into
Southern Pacific Combination.
Washington, Feb. 2. The Post will
say t morrow :
The minority members of the house
committte on Pacific railroads sot to
gether and agreed npon a plan of action
through wbleti they hope to throw the
searchlight upon aq alleged combine ot
the Southern Pacific and its tributaries,
which they asort is on all fours with
the Pennsylvania, Baltimore A Ohio,
and Bout em in the East.
A resolution will be Introduced in
the house requiring the president to
transmit to congress all information
that may be in the possession of the
Interstate Commerce coniuiltslon or
any other division of any department
of the government bearing npon the al
leged fact that the Southern Pacific
Railway company is the holding com
pany of the Union Pacific, the O. It. &
N. Co. and the Oregon Short Line.
Gale Breaks Up King David.
Victoria, Feb. 2. Tlie steamer
Qu en Ciy, which reached Clayoquot
to lay, reported that the Britixh ship
King David, which was wrecked on
Bajo reef Dwember 13. and abandoned
by her crew whilo standing high and
dry at low water on the reef, broko up
during the gale on Monday, January
2.J, wlien the steamer Volsncla was
wrecked. Captain Davidson and crew,
excepting tho chief cfiker and eight
men, who were lost when goiig to
(Tape Bealn, to seek assistance were
saved by tlw 0 u"" ""''
Caucasus Again In Revolt.
St. Petersburg, Feb, 2. It is ronort
ed hero that tbe village ot Salugordon
lias been bombarded by the artllloryin
coneequmce of tho refusal of the inhab
itants to give in to the organisers of
last month's disorders. Tho Caucasus
is again in a statu of rebellion. Mobs
are plundering in Kutals Shosa and
Klizibothpol, and there have been
many fierce encounters between the
Mussulmans and Armenians. Tho
troops are unable to quell them.
Let People Elect Them.
Columbus, O,, Feb, 2. The house
May adopted Him senate joint reeolu
t oi urging emigreis to submit a consti
tutional amendment providing, for tho
olectlon of Unltod States senators by
di ect vote of the people.
Govornmont. Will Soon to Tnko-Actlon
on Oregon Forests.
Washington Tho present year Is
likely to seo several million acre added
to tho forest reserve ct Oregon. Un to
this tlmo 0,072,650 ams havo been
brought within permanent forest re
serves, acd 0,008,330 acres additional
have liecn temporarily withdrawn.
Just what part ot this latter i.reu Is to
become permanent forest rcsorvo and
what part is to bo turned back to tho
public domain has not been determined.
Out of tha withdrawals, however,
2,130,400 acres set appart for tho Blue
mountain reserve will bo' placed under
tho forest admlulsttatoln.
There lias been an intimation that a
proclamation will soon issue creating
a Roguo rlvor forest reserve' In South
western Oregon, tor which 1,192,320
acres havo been withdrawn. This pro
posed reserve takes in tally halt oi
Curry and Josephine counties and small
portions of Coon and Douglas. When
originally mapped out, the Roguo rlvor
resorvo was deemed Impracticable, be
cause tho railroad land grant traverses
tho area. Now that tho lieu land law
Is repealed and there is no danger ot
(ieu land frauds, this objection from
tho government standpoint seems to
havo been removed.
Various withdrawals ot small areas
In Marlon, Linn, Lano and Douglas
counties, aggregating 260,040 acres,
have been made with a view to enlarg
ing tho Cascade reserve along Its west
Iwundary. It Is quite probablo that
these tracts will be permanent reserves.
The same Is true ot tho withdrawal of
12 000 acres in Clackamas county ad
joining the Cascade reserve.
In Morrow and Grant count Irs a
withdrawal has been made embracing
417,000 acres, which will eventually be
made Into tho Heppner forest reerve
unlets present plans ato abandoned.
It has not yet been I'etermlned what
disposition shall be made of tho Warner
mountain withdrawal, which embraces
2,830,810 acres in Klamath, Lake and
Crook counties. Much of this land,
upon examination, has been found un
lit for forest reserve purposes, and will
probably be turned bock to the public
domain, but thoe portions wtilch aro
valuable for timber or as protection to
watersheds aro likely to be permanent,
ly resor7cd at some future tlmo. In
addition to tbe foregoing, l,2t0 acres
in Jackson county have been withdrawn
with a view to enlarging the Ashland
reserve and 4 480 sores in Crook county
withdrawn to enlarge Maury mountain
Initiative Petitions Filed.
Salem The secretary ot state has
notified tho governor that ho has ro
celved and placed on file In his offlce
two initiative bills, ono to abolish loll
road j and for tho purchase of tho Bar
low road over tho Catcado mountains,
and the other for amending the local
option law. Both bills are accom
panied by petitions having the required
number of signatures to insure tholr
submission to a vote of tho people.
The governor must Issue a proclama
tlon for each bill, to be published In at
least one paper in each J idloial dis
trict. The publication of these pro
clamations coats tho stato $276 each.
Look for Busy Season.
Bakr City In splto of the heavy
snow, the past week has been lively in
mining circles, especially have the
placer men been active in preparation
for the coming season with tho pros
pect of a plentiful supply of water.
Georgo W. and Edward Borman havn
Just put 16 men at work cleaning out
their big ditch near the old Virtue
mine, seven miles cast of Baker City.
In that vicinity there has been more
snow this winter than at any one season
In the 31 years tho B"rmans havo been
Heavy Steel To Be Laid.
Albany The Southern Pacific com
pany has already begun the work of re
placing tho light rteel on Its track In
the Willamette valley witli heavy 76
pound steel rails, and the distributing
train is scattering the now material
along the company's lines through Linn
county. Beforo the end of tho coming
summer tho company expects to have
the entire lino through the western
part of tho stato laid with these henry
Feed Cattle On Beet Pulp.
La Grande Grandy A Russell, tho
butcher firm, are feeding 1,000 head ot
cattle this winter, mostly for their own
use. A great deal of sugar beet pulp is
need, also a large quantity of hay
Ten men are employed steadily In feed
ing and caring for tho stock. Five
teams aro engaged In hauling beet pulp
and three wagons aro used in hauling
To Prospect for Oil,
Eugene J, W Zimmerman and U.
F. Mitchell, of this city, who are work
ing op a coal prospect ten miles south
west of Eugenu, are preparing articles
of incorporation and will organize a
joint stock company immediately to
work tho property. They havo struck
a vein of coal which they say promises
well. They also announce that they
will bore 1,000 feet or more in hope ot
striking oil.
Minors Smoke Cigarettes,
Eugene The members of tho Loyal
Temperanco league, recently organised
here, have taken up tho matter of en
forcing tho law against giving and sell
ing tobacco to minora. They nnnounco
that the first ono caught violating tho
law will be arrested and fined.
Wator Users Sign Contract Is Best
Among Irrigation Plans.
Washington Olllclals of tho recla.
mntlon nervl o oro pleased with tho
progress being made by tho landowners
mi tho Umatilla Irrigation project.
Lite advices from tho local engineer In
dicate strong Interest on the part ot tho
water usois, who havo alieady pledged
13,000 out ot tho 18,000 acres Included
lu tho project. As most ot tho legal
dilllcultles havo been adjusted by tho
secretary of the Interior, It Is 'believed
that no great delay will otuur in sign
lug up all the land embraced In this
Although Umatilla Is ono ot the
minor nationid works In point of cost
and acreage, its favorable climate, low
altitude, fertile soil and adaptability to
a wide variety ot products makes this
ono of tho most attractive projects un
lertaken. The laud is suited for orch
ards and small fruits, and, when so
used, from 10 to 20 acres aro ample tor
the support ot a family. Tho fruit and
vegetables aio the finest on thn market.
Transportation facilities aro excellent,
the markets being Portland and Bpo
kane. The engineering works ar simple,
and, while the cost ot tho, water la $00
per acre, It Is relatively low, compared
with ttie valurtproducod, Soil experts
who have thoroughly examined tho
whole area aro cnthttstastlo concerning
tho future ot this section when watered
and predict a populous and prvsierous
community here at no distant day.
Snow Is Heavy.
Hums With 24 inches ot snow In
tho Harney valley, and at places three
feet ot it, with the mountain roads
almost impassahto on account ot tht1
still heavier snowfall there, stockmen
are anxious concerning tho prosocts nf
getting their stock through the winter.
There Is an abundance nf hay In the
county, but stock, and especially sheep,
lose tlesh after feeding any length of
time on tho wild product ot tho valley.
In addition to tills fact, thcrn Is tho ap
prehension that a cold snap would prob
ably have an injur. ous effect.
Traffic Resumes.
Surnpter Tl. revet e weather which
has visited this section for several days
past has at last sub-lded, and business
conditions as a consequence aro assum
ing a morn normal tone. Roads are In
better shao and sleighing is good
agsln, The Bumpier alley railway
trains are still somewhat delayed lu
making the round trip Irom hero to
Austin and return, and almost every
day are several hours late in making
connections at Baker City. '
Land Money Divided.
Salem Secretary ot rttatn Dunbar
has apportioned tin! R per cent land
sales fund among tho several counties
of tho state. This fund was received
from tho United States government and
constitutes 6 per cent ol the proceeds ot
sales ot government land In Oregon fur
1005. Tho apportionment is made
npon the inula of the acieage of tlc
several counties. Tho amount Is $23,
Macadamize Milton Street.
Milton Arrangements' are Iwlng
mado to macadamize Main street as far
as tho depot and on to connect with tho
road that will bo macadamized from
Walla Walla to Freewater and Milton.
This will be done In tho early spring.
Wheat Club, 70c; bltitslom, 73c;
red, 08c; valjey, 73c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $28; gray,
$27 per ton.
Barley Feed, $23,033,60 per ton;
brewing, $23 60024; rolled, $24026,
Buckwheat $2.26 per cental.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy,
$13.60(314 per ton; valley timothy,
$9(310; clover, $7.6008; cheat, $708;
grain hay, $708.
Fruits Apples, common, 76c0$l
per box; choice, $1.2501.60; fancy,
$202.50; pears, $1 2501.60 per box;
cranberries, $13013 60 per barrel.
Vegetables Beans, 20c per pound;
cabbage, 202)ic pej pound; cauliflow
er, $1 85 crate; celery, $3.60 per crato;
pease, 12)0I6o per pound; bell pep
pers, 35c per pound; pumpkins, ?01c
per pound: sprouts, 0070 per jtoumlj
squah, lJ-f01cper pound; turnip,
OOc0$l per sack: carrots, 05076c per
Hack; beeU, 86c0$l pirsack.
Onlont Oregon, No. 1, $1,1001.25
per sack; No. 2, 7Oc0$l.
Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks,
05c per hundred; ordinary, 60c;
sweot potatoes, 202c por pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27032",'
per nind.
Eggs Oregon ranpli, 23Jjf2lo por
dozen. .
Poultry Average old hens, 1)0 12c
per pound, springs, 11012J(io; mixed
chickens, lOQlOJc; broilers, 150I7n;
dressed chickens, 13014a; turkeys,
live, 10017c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
18020c; geeeo, livo, 0010a; geoso,
dressod, 12014o; ducks, 10018c.
Ifops Oregon, 1905, choice, 10011c
per pound; prime, 8S0Oc; medium,
708c; olds, 607c
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
10021c per pound; valley, 24020a;
mohair, choice, 80c,
Peef Dressed hulls, 202a per
pound; cows, 34c; country
bteuj-s, 405c,
Veal Drossed, 3W08Wo por pound,
Mutton OTesDedp faifcy,' 808tf6
nnr pound; ordinary, 406; lambs,
Pork Dressed, O07o per pound,
ie y m ' "
i. $
When Valencia Struck, Thoro Was n
Mad Rush for Boats.
Seattle, Jan. 31 l.lttlu by Utile thn
toKliiuntiy ut survivors of thn I'lielllu
Coast company's steamer Valencia, bo
lore Inspectors Whitney and Tiirnei, Is
demonstrating that Immediately alter
tlio boat strut k there was a mad rush
lor tho boats, In which thn men jostled
women nsldo mid fought for places, and
In which tho otowoltlinr was powerless
to prevent tho overcrowding ' '
Iwals, or, losing courage, Joined tho
Thorn aro conspicuous examples uf
si Atuun wlin did nut attempt to xnvu
tlteinoelves. and there stands out oerti
siuunlly a man who advised caution,
hut among tho majority ot the crow
there seems to havo spread a psnie as
great as that toll by Km passengers
thvmst'lvis Inspectors Whitney and
Turner the former lu particular
show a sympathy for Captnlu Johnson
that Is evident lu their rzaiiiluatlmi of
witnesses. Inspector Whitney today
sieimd eager to demonstrate that Cap
lain Johnson luteiidtd to havo held the
life boats on tho Valencia until tho
morning alter she struck and then send
oft tho passengers. He was Just as anx
Ions to hi lug out proof that the passed
gers led a rush toward the life boat,
and were reonsllilo for their over
crowding an I loss,
Strongest ol all tho testimony that
bears Uxu tho crew's rexulblllty Is
that of Quartermaster Mattin Tnrwy,
who testified late today that he had
helped to lower llfi Wat No. 1, whess
(all collapsed and precipitated the pas
sengera Into tho water. Tarpey says,
tin, that a watchman tiegited tho men
to stand bark Irom the boats and give
tho women a clkauco, ,,
Henny Coming to Study YaKlma and
Malheur Projoctif
Washington, Jan 31. D. O. ilejinf,
In charge ot government reclamation
work in Oregon aiid Washington, re
turned today from Holland, and will
spend seveial da) In conference with
tit pirtnieiit ulllelala Itefure gulng Writ.
Wlille hero ho will probably lake up
with 1' I rector Waleott thn prnMitlin
uf Senator Fulton that tho Malheur
project be remodeled to firlgatooiily
the-" lauds nut entangled In the wajun
road grant or railroad right of way.
When he lisw here, Mr Henny
will go first to the Vallum valley to
ascertain what piogrct has hcn tuadn
since tin left, then to Portland,
Senator GiarJn today asked the He-
clamatiun eeivice to make an investiga
tion of an Irrigation project In Crook
county which It is Imped might ullll.e
the wator of tho Dmcliuini river to re
rlalui about 1,000 acres. Mr Walcolt
told tin .enstur there Is no money avail
able for further aork In Oregon at this
time, and will not le for several years
to come. Fur that reason he did not
deem it advisable to authorize now in
vestigations at this time.
People In Thousands Submit to Gov
ernment's Demands.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 31. Alarmed
by the vigorous campaign waged bytlie
troops under General Allkhauoff, the
inhabitants ot the Caucasus aro aband
oning the revolutionist can so. They
are coming In by thousands to make
submission, and are giving the mot
alijcvt promises ot good conduct in the
luture. In many rases tlie Inhabitants
themselves jiavo seized and delivered
up the ringleaders ot thn Insurrection.
In n telegram to tho emperor, Count
von Vornnlzoff Dashki ft, viceroy f thn
Caucasus, says General Alikhanoft re
relied ouit deputation of 8,000 perrons,
representing 12 rnmiiiiinei, near Kwl.
rill. Tho deputation, whlth was
headed by noblea and clergymen, prom
Ised to sUip tho dUirdurs, to return all
property and arms seized and to pay all
arrears of rents and taxes If tho general
would not punish their people,
Another deputation hroight In the
participants in the attack on the troops
at Tengira bound with ropes.
In the dlstrli t ot Osurgetl, however,
the viceroy says, tho entire imputation
remains obdurate. Ono half tho peo
ple, have fled to the mountains and otli
e-s are roaming tbe country, ravaging
It and burning houses.
Inereaso Paper Currency,
Washington, Jan. 31. Representa
tive Fo!pr, of Now: Joney, chairman
ol tho house committee on banking and
currency, Introduced a bill today pro
vldlng for the Incnase ot tho amount
of gold certilhatoii by oinpoworiug the
secretary of th treasury to mako do
posits of gold coin in sums not less than
$20 and to Issue gold coin lortiflcaUs
in denominations ot not less than $6,
This bll Is designed to Increase the
amount ot paper money in smaller de
nominations, Tho mini 1 1 est gold ctrtl
flcate now Is or $20.
Oust Trust from New Jersey,
Tiontou, N, J., Jan. 31, In the
state senato t"llsy, Mr Mlutitrn Intro
ihiced a resolution calling for thn In
stitutlon o( loyal proceedings in tho
name ol tho statu against tho Standard
Oil company nf New Jmsoy and Its sub
sldlary corpomtlons in tho statu for tho
purpose of annulling and forfeiting tho
charter of the company on' tho ground
of tho alleged vlolatim p( tho commr n
aw relating to monopolist! ana ot ine
Elklns law. '
Hadley Helps Ohio' Flght4
Jifferson City. Mo.. Jan. 81. Attor
ney General Hadley today wrojo't'o tho
Now York comiiilssonor who Heard the
tlin Standard Oil company, asking him
lo forward the testimony (o the attor
ney gonoral ot Ohio,
All Aiiruo Tluini H'iis Confusion
Un Hoard Valencia.
Member of Crow Says Passnitgora
Had As, Much Chance at Lira
Rafts as Craw.
tteattlo, Feb. 1. Tho positive declar
ation Hindu by Frank Ktchley, ii Urn
man aboard tho Valencia, that ho had
refused to risk wearing a tule Ufa pre
server; the stateiiient ol T. Bruwn, n
passenger, that tho preserver ho found
ashore Immediately sank when thrown
Into the water, were thn sensational
features ot today's Inquiry Into tho
Valencia wreck.
Hiipplriiieutlng thesw sworn statu,
ments, and equally tuiortant, Is thn
iwrrmptory demand nf tha Heattlo
chamber ol commune that President
Itoosevclt send (ruin Washington
commmltteo to make a thorough Inves
tigation ut tho wreck.
Fireman Itluhlvy'a declaration that
no olllcer went oil in command nf No tv
lifeboat was the other sensational Na
ture ot thn day. Kluhley's statement!,
IIiuukIi, aro not worth much, for he.
was badly inlxrd on the staad when e
smliied. and later thn sailor Joslyn
cotitradlctfd him llatlyou iMiluta where.
Itlchloy had wavered under eross-ezapi-iuatlon.
Joslyn testified that after the No. 0
boat had gone he went lo No 6,
, Contradicting the testiulotiy (it II. A.
Hawkins, wbu yratrrday said thn tor
waid fall on this Imm1 Iwd broken, Jos
lyn said It was all right. lln staled
that tho after (all hnd beeriOHt, When
the last boat was iwird from No 6
(il s, ho said, It had Irecotiio necMary
to take the fal's from No, ll over and
rig them on thn No 6 davits.
WilMatH Daugheriy, a lirwaan, stated
thn I'fshoal'a tackle was In tad cmmIi
tlon. Ho said that when the order waa
given to lower the lnat It was diftleult
to do so, hecainxt the rojw holding
them to the davlta were untangled, lit
hoard Mime unit order the lnwt Mm
nretl, hut does nut kiHiw wl.u gavn thi
order. He helix-d lower unit of thn
bita. ,
When askmwlwt ohanra I lie im-
srugers had at gattlug Inly thn life ralL
lin vavo thn significant answer:
"They had as intiih ohanco a thn
Transfer Command to Wood wills
Public Ceremony.
Manila, Feb. 1. Major General Cot
bin today relinquished oommaud ot thn
military division of thn Philippine to
Major General Wood and sailed fir
Hongkong, aceomiMiilwl by hla jte's-m
a) suit. The transfer of command wa
made with lmpre"lvn eeiemony at Pott
U.utlago. Army and navy olllcns,
olergy and tiuslnrss men and others
from civil lifts wrrn present. Jor I ho
drat time In the chatign nf rnininandera
them was no parado i ( the troops,
In elylng over thn command to Gen
eral Vixl. General Corbin said'
"It has been my aim to makn tho
army heru an honor to thn country and
a credit lo tho military service. Cm
Ing hern, I placed myself In touch Willi
Governor General Wright, nnd lis met
mn In thn saiuii spirit in which I ap
proached him. ,As a result there lias
been a total disappearance of the last
vnatige ol friction and Jealousy hclwnen
thn military an I civil government."
Major General Wood and Governor
Ida uiadtt brief speeches expressing thn
universal regret over General Corhin'n
departure, All classes of biiiluess men
declaro that General Corbin has dnnu
morn to aid common o than any pre
vious commander. Them was a popu
lar demonstration when, ho embarked.
General Wood has announced that liu
will continue General Corbln'a Killey.
Patterson Tokos Hand In Smoot Caso
Washington, Fib. 1 Komn signifi
cance is attached to tho change mado
today In tho membership of thn sonatn
committee on privileges and elections.
Clarke, ot Arkansas, lias never attend
d any meetings, nor was II known how
ho stood In regard lo the Riuoot case,
ponding be fore tho cominlttfo It In
known, however, that tha siibdltutlon
ot Patterson (or Chuku Is satlsfuctory
to those who have been opposing
fiinoot. It Is ulfo known that Chuku
has been dissatisfied w itli tho commit
too ntslgunioiilN given him.
Flood Swallows Monuy.
Kl Paso, Tex., Feb 1. Laden wild
bullon valued at $100,000, a train .r
donkeys was on its way to Miizalhiii
from the Giiadalqpo do low Koyin uiiucn
in Hlnnloa, Mexico, when tho roadbed,
high above tho river, caved In as thn
result ol heavy rains, Tho burros and
tholr precious cargo were swopt uway
in tha iloodwatuts. Ruvorul drlveru
perished with them. Hearuh was Im
mediately begun for the precious metal,
which was lu bars ol gold and silver,
Revolution In Colombia.
Piinninu, Feb, 1. I'rivulo advices e
culvcd hero (loin Ciirtnguiu. are jn tho
(fleet that Gunoral GoiixsiIuh Vnloiiula,
ex president of Columbia, and General
Nolospma liuvo started a ruvolutloii in
tlie province ot Antlqula iignlust Presi
dent Koyes.