The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 02, 1906, Image 8

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.' V?
w WtiWffff ?W 1W
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Cftt'NTV nFMOMc ) I "' '
Notice li hereby gtvtrqlha,! pursuant lb
i eieetitlou Issued nut AT the ruftftu court of
ruiirt of
rooW. on
. male of Oregon fortheVounty ofCrooKl,qn
f I kV.. . -t i.
vith dpy of Odpbtr.. Wpj. and lo meslfrected.
ramminunr rae ia collect tui .w me uin
er who are delinquent on the Assessment , roll
fertile year 1004.1 will An Thursday, OtOOi day
ofrrhruacv.,he.lsllht north ilnarml the Court
hUuse lu ihecftyV'tTineTllle, In $M4.1iitnty
vfoom, oncrsotTtiiev puonc auction .Win win
eTI all lh tUM' of Hit dellnqiient III par.
cratof theMldcariapl.tothehiuVer who will
Oder to pay IhoatnauM of Ihe latescTargcd, to
gether with thejoiaUUs, Interests Vitd. costs,
and lave a ccrUfic-te therefor at the IdweilraU;
0I1 -interest to,exedng tea per ch pel
nnmswl v
"TCiejiameorihe owner Vrhen known, to Ale
scrtplleinofthe lands so In be sold, ami pe
.amount er the taxes, penalties and Interest are
aa follows:
A I. Alllngham. lot 1 aw( otae V f 't
otpwH ami ne( of ,w)t ec 4 P
sualh range 11 cast. Tat ,.... I c9
Penalty and Interest......-... . ....... 141
ToUU... ..... ... ...." ... 8 jt
t KAIIIsgiiau.iots 1, 3. J. 4. netf of aeSt
tecaaandlollsecsstpilotath unit
t tail. Tea-. . j M
Penaltyaad.lnttcrtt.......'.. ,.... ti 7,t
TOUIi4Mll(HHJitMttHMI4mHA .. JO 41
Allien AiieniMM K aecAtip u town
range ucsU Tax ......... ... .
i . Penally and luurrttt.... ...,. ......
To(lLU.,,.. li. ............
Jlardy Ud,jiJ Wrt and X of iwyf sec
itpaajoulhragrlieait. Tax... .
I PetUiertiHsttret. ........ .. ..
T4atJ:..- . ..........
COAmbs, nw) sec It tp laaouth range 16
eat. Tax ., ..
i. Penalty and latere t . ........
'Total ...-.......... ..
Minnie Anderson, of aeV sea :i and nH
ofntX sec 14 tp la aonlh range lo east.
i lenjillyandliiieret ."..JTinni.'imm
J W ArchlbaioTnli oTawtf anTnwif "of "se
Js ace a tp it soulh range 15 eaat. Tax
Waallr and lntrmt.....i
II 6
IS jt
It it
10 50
a to
10 jo
.. 110
II to
TotatI ..
K Afhllne, nejf aecjatp J 9 south range
i j rail. iai... .... .
ltnilty and Interest. .. .,
fttail a.. 11. a. iljKj... .
a te
11 to
As.hwood Townslte Co. all lou unsold In
Ashwood and additions .March 111,4904
71 6
14 74
Penalty and Interest- .surlh. o.
Touii .. .....,,;;,..rr.,.,
W F Deal, aw Jf sec 14 Ip U south ranee
rsst. Ta
Jf- !ctu4ty nnnt(txaMkclnl.."H,i,
lo y
a ia
11 so
J L Hant, n!i of nej and nejif of rtwjf
Mpssonth range i) east 'and twj(
V ace ai Ip it south ranee li east '
lOUIj. .......
Tax toj
jTHiaiiyaaaiBteresr. .11 ijjUJ... an
Tout ij-ljunJ. .1
CWnatnes,M IIP Printline, lot a and J.
block a and Orr Town Ashwood. lou T
and. Mock 6. Tax..,... 14 6S
- rnnujiua iniereM... u 494
..l0'1-1" . . ...... J
nKnrn.,)ilII nvrintrillt, lot i. block
fi- Tax.. . 609
Penally and interest. . . ...., t it
ToUL.-ij. ....... j ai
SH IUmcocM ). sc land nM'wU.aec
. . .tpictte. Tax.. .. jt6j
renaltr and Interest... , il yt
Total- , ... 4 jj
RKBsiter. neV. secji, tpusrioe. Tax 513
Penalty and interest 1 05
Total - I, , ........ (11
Mrs MM Beck. nUnwJf. swtf nwV sec !,
iVtiilty and Interest. .Z. 46
ioixl. . . . . a Ti
tD It souUs. ranre
loeast. Tax .
a ic
Penalty and Intemi h -.
Total . ,
EIltrKUnd. swV sec lip it south ranee 11
east. Tax . . 1$ jo
ltnsUr and inter At . .... .
Total T (-... . . . tgfa
W rix, ntH?secr7tpn south range 14
rait Tax . u
Tensity am interest
ij so
Jennie tilack. wU of net. nwU of !. u-
W of sef ae; 16 tp 16 south range aa east,
also a parcel ofland lu Prinerille cum
snendng at a point lam fret east or the
aw comer of block j, Newsom'a add,
runpsng thence naio feet, thence e So
leet thence a 340 feet, thence w 80 feet
ta.pUccorbcginnlHg.also a parcel of
Tkmf in lTinerillc coramtacine at a
point iiso leet e ami joo (cet n oflne sw
Venmer ot blocks, NtwsotnTi add, run.
nlng Uieatt ea4tret thence n las feet
thence w-a4feet thence a infect to
Place ofteirlnnlnar. Tax it iS
renalre and Intern, .. t 6 1
C J rtreeding, sH ofnejf and H nwtf sec
. Ai tp IS south range 11 east Tax. 1641
)-esllyaad Interest . t at
Toul . . . ,, 69
MraMIHicock.iacrcoflandin nc!f ntli
sec j Ip 17 south range ia east. Tax
1-cnslty and Interest
JXIlrock.scaecijtpiSsoutb range 11
east. Tax .....
Penally and Interest.
I 7
K ay
J 6 lirock, nwjf sec IJ tp 1 south range'Ti
Mtsti-Tar.-.r .. .
" Prnaltyaud Interest . .. .
Tout ' ' .?..
PRIlenl. n of ntj sec at IP la south
range 11 east, nwtf of nwjf sec 19 Ip ai
kouih range 11 east and swofswt' sec
. ; tpai south range ia cast. Tax 11 jo
1 ' Penalty and interest ... . 1 w
Toul..... . . ,, fa
.i.iir.iuaiiix.iiwj kc i) ana
'nUofnw)',ae)iolnw),nesecai, nw
W sec . all In tpig south, range ia east
" ' 1'enally and"rnterest.'.'jrr .T 7 ...'" J6 jo
. ef sect J tP 11 south range 16 east.Tax 1050
T. t"" isu inicresi. ...... . a 10
Vai . ..... . ... 1160
HHCatly.n'iof nwV. self ofnwt. nru rr
awK see aitp 14 south range 19 castTax 10 jo
Penalty and inteiest... ... . , Xo
. X01'.,;. " ., , ",-- -. ia 60
juwinnii,cncRKC ja Ip li south
iiiisvomi, -iax..
a. I.M. lt' Mft Int. i...
.ou.ii. . . ,.,.. 14 j,
II ofnwjf . Iota land i.see
iP'i aojAh range II east and sHofmctT,
and n!4
ofsejaec 10 Ip aa south range
0 east Tax. -or-
Penallyjind interest.
40 45
. an,
.1 ..
1 otai.
rXf "ar timlf .... .. f t5 .
vJ ' R .iF ,a .e " ann
scandaeKorne)t'aeci6tp ij, south
rangtycast. Tax ,4 ,,
Pctttdtyand intfrrst 'J ,J
OtrK-Cbritenson. KpTuwrn7tf ofVwjV', '
nwkofaeV ec 17 Ipao south range ia
. east. Tax . ,.-.... ... . . . , )0 u
Ptnslty.aud Interest... ...... ,10
Total,, , . , . , i. ... 1 ta 60
ACJark, scsecu tp 5i snnh range it
tAU .Tav . . ...i 11 so
' tvinatty and interest. .. .. a . j
To 1- ..... ' . u C
MrJ4 MOIne. NewsonVs ad4 to Prinerille
m-ii,niuj i.x j as
Penally and Interest . i ti
Total... .... .... is 94
CACllnc,atlsec)otp la south range 13.
ex and loU 1, a. j.-4,jsec l-ij. soutt
wrfre 13 east and swivel neft' nwtfof
t itSc M f P.15 outn r"e J east.Tax .a It
M Penitly and interest ,... in
Tout . jj iJ
W AI Cobb, lota 1 and a, V of neU sec 6 tp
15 south rxurcni eit. Ta ,1467
Penalty and Interest . J 9 1
Toul : ,.. .. 17 H
a WtCompton, second add 'to Prinevillt,
lot 1 block a. Tax ..... .113a
Penalty and interest . 1 iu
.T?U," -"i'V .r . - 'J "
. WWU.,, frj w. n7S VIHKSC;J
, lp 13 south-range ao-easr. Tair.!. .'..j. 10 30
I Penalty ajui, interest ., a i0
Totltl, ,i - , v ... ".. .... : . liCo
J l? Cstveleton, e!4'ccatp'i9'aoUtTi frigt
lo.eait, TAX,.,. ., .. .. 10 si
nalijnd .lertsf ..,'. r 3
ou.2E"iv..-V- ;, .-... ;.
Jf..nwjj'pr ne, see a tp'-it" south
taiBe iq'rast.- TaJi . ' . . ic 50
Penalty and interest . 3 10
Total. . j, .. . 11 -y
Ijf 1J VUBglC.UII, HI) VV J ip lSUUin IHlgC
16 k
Paualtyand Inlereit ..
Tol ... . . ....
7 10
r J Connolly, w 01 uti,xn oritwjf ,aec as
Ip 14 aouth raugaaj east aud.wKcif neK
and eii of uwjsec 26 tp,4 south range
j. ajeast. Tax. - .' "
Penally nd interest.
r u
Mrs I. U Cornell, a parWl of and in Prinvo
Vine coniincnciuai- n point 700'ieet'
south from sw corner of block 3Mt I'
running Ibenct) -C4 160 feel, thence
outm.4 iectk,wicn west 160 feel,
encenonn iMiccvtopuce ofpegln-
. Penalty aai'nterct,r
jr . ' , V'l' ' . -j.'
..,t. ,..., o 49
frit A
Cornell fc King, jfwff .ail
VC J 17 Ml
eeaip 17 aouia ,
.... It Pi
uiii... ........I 4 51
Tiiaiiy aim ihtii
V R Cowlea, loliaUd atcV) tot 1. ne of
nwK MCVjandlotil, s.,t, 4 and
IpfaMilhWlige.lijFaiOindswM of nt
HinAVofJeK Votai.i.jiatc At tp
tKMilhWjIgeUeaiX.nwtf ofawUi w)f
ofnwft aeejrt, wUoTsw) eci, st of
nwtf. JkoOWJf, nerf or iie
aecjt. K.0' K'K ,,c itW4ofeh
ec 16, sl 8r eV ec ls nwK of Vi tie
V ofawU, itWltcfHWi ec to. alt of ae
K,nwVofst( nwforiiejf. H r nw
V accatpilmxillHangeMeast and sw
iifixli'Ofelf C 4 tp II
Siuth tanre Mean, hwJiortiwW see 1
lp 11 south range tiejist. )i oi uwif,
hwflofnwK see ji ad h;U ornetf sec
,tli nwit of neV sec it tp la south range
itcast nV sect, seK ofsr'f tlwlf of
aeK.iwjf ofneU. eS olnw'f sfctp to
south range tj eait, swt of awj, liejt
ofswV, nwivfseV.awV of neU.aeW:
ofnw arc ;4p to wiith tanie it east,
nViofswV. aev of lirU.
nwjif of nwiftec to, swVofswV sec i
Itila Mitlti rtHW lttftl aMtt ptl vtf !
sec 4 t' la south laugc 1,1 east, Tsi 146 oj
Penally and Interest .. ) II
Total .... . . .its 14
MrsM I.Crla.s(of nw;;, loti ,t ahd 4
see 4 tp 1 J aouth rangt 1; east Tatv. 11 ji
Ptuatty ami Interest , ' .. 4
Total 141;
ACriiwell.eitofntJt' aecil, nK f nwi
sec u tp 10 south range 14 east. Tat.. 64
lenatty and Interest I j,
Tolal...- 8 jo
M Curran, awv of ne) sec 10 Ip to south
rangeijeaM. Tai.. ...... . ....' i
Penalty and lalcresl , ..- ......... 16
Total. .. t ca
Central Oregon Livestock & Agricultural
Association, sen oi awi, awj 01 sen
sec 5 id 15 south range 16 east. Tax
Penalty and Interest . ...-m
Tolsl. .
Andrew taat. iw sec 14 Ip 90 south range
t least. Tax. . . .... . ..
11 jo
Penalty and latertsl . .. . 1 P
Total . 1 1 I
M L LValy, ne of nwjf secju, V see 17
ana e,-t 01 sen, seu 01 nex sec J IP 19
south ranre 16 east. Tax I tt
Penalty and Interest. ....,,.., 1 76,
Total . . .... . ....' 10 s
APlVtker.siiofseVseci?, nM of ntj
sec soip 11 aouin range loeasi. iax. i
Penalty and Interest. .. ...... . a to'
Total. . . ... . 11 60,
Mary ivelore, oiswt.seciatptl south
range ittstt.eH sfnwV.ueU of awls'
sec 11 Ip is south range 43 east. Tax .47.
penalty ana InttrtsJ i
Total . . 3
lUurl iwlorr. 'UnTial. si. cf H I. wl .
of neX sec 33 Ip 17 south range aj east.
Tax ... , t 90J
Penalty and Interest J ;S
Total aa 64-
JODouthlt K.tslt. wHuf'f ofnw
J4.nwufawx sec) Ip 9 south range .
13 cat. Tax - ...1734
lcualty and Interest 3 31
Total- . at t3
Dwyer. seX sec 11 tp IJ south tange Vf east.
Tax (in,i to 30
Penalty and Interest - a 10
Total. . . - 11 so
JasKagan Ksl, wl(ori)( sec.vt.nK or se
V sev 33 tp 11 south range 14 cast, Tax
Penally and Interest . 4 71
Total.. . . , ...... .... all 37
niiggiesion. n" 01 nsi "M ue
sec tp 11 south raugc 17 east. Tax . 974
Penalty and Interest 1 93
leui . .. . . ... II 09
Samuel Klmore, w) of nw) sec litpia
south range loeasi Tax. . -.
Penally and iultrest ..
Total ... . .. .
It Ktleruon, se)(seca7lp la south range
10 east. Tax . .... . ..
Penally and Interest... , ....
Total- . . . .
Lena KlletUon, nwtf sec 34 tp 13 south
range lacast. Tax.. ..
lenaltyand Interest ... ......
Toul . . . ....... ,..
V V Klllett. lets I and 3 sec 4 tp Is wuth
1 .
6 jo
raugci7east, eKofswJt' sec aa tp 16 !
range aa east. Tax. . . ., . . . 33 si
Penalty and Interest . . . - 3 11
TWal ... .... . y7 67
J N KngtUh,nejseC7tp 19 south range 13
east. Tax . . . 10 30
i-rnauy aua innreK - .. a lo
Toul .... . . . . tihi
CllKrickso,t4orswyscc 16, set; f
sejt sec 17. e)t ol neM, neU of se sec
. swV of sr,' see at, nSofnwy, sef .
ofnwj sec a4tpisouth range 17 east.
Tax .. . 4 ji
Penalty and Interest . .. 9 65
Tout... . .. . . .7 ,
JDKrans. lolsj. 4.wi of nwj;, wrf of
aw;(aC4tpu south range least.Tax 19 9a
Penalty and Interest 3
ToUl.. . ,. m
AAKeerest.a.SofnwJi. nKofawJl tci3
tp II south range 10 east Tax... 10 30
Penally and interest .,.,,. .,,., a 10
Tout. .. . . .. 11 to
JKKreresl.sHofswJf sees lp ia south
range 10 east and uof nwjwcntp ia
south range 10 east Tax ... 10 v
Penalty and interest . j 10
rt.T01 ia6o
C A Varus, se y sec 19 tp 13 south range 10
east Tax .. ... 1030
Penalty ami Interest . 10
Totsl . i . .. ia 60
Chas Parrel, w hfofsw v. ne qr of sw jr.
vwsr v m 'p Nuin range
15 east. Tax ..
Penally and Interest ...
Total , ,. ... .
(.rerdick,swnrofnwiu'aeC9, a hf of lie
qr, nc ;r of se qr sec a lp 31 south range
7 9'
I 59
Penally and Interest
C II A. II A Foster, n qrofnc
hi . - "P. sv m ip ij south
range locaai. lax ,,,,, pij
1-enally and Interest. 3 JJ
f i i...irHr ...-..'" ." ia 41
u r, 1. .n,,! 1,1 ui nw qr, a ni 01 ae qr sec
II lp 13 south range 10 east. Tax.v, 103a
Penally and interest . ,7o
TotaI... . -vw uto
II C Prasler, n hf of se qr- se qr of ae qr nee
aandnwqrofneiiraeciitp 11 south
range 10 east. Tax ,.. .iojo
Penalty and Interest ... , t to
OUI. ., -IH,H Mtw. .MM 11 fiO
(.KPrcuch, ueqrsecuaad awqr sec u
tp 11 soull-rauce aSeast, Tax. . . .. 11 00
cusiij inj . . ,
Total ,.m. t4f .. , v
J I. snl. rslsln block lot 7;. Tax.
Penalty and Interest .. ., v .
33 30
ioui . ....., ..lL.. .1 .w,
AJCarrtt.nbfofseqr, fcwqrofse qr, se
h. qi v7 ip tysouin range 10
Sn?.r IntereM-.. . ' ",
Total , .. ..n , u to
I. D CilltnwaUr a-hOsM qr, ae qr efsetrr.
south range 19 cast. Tar-!....
Penally and interest . . '"
Total. . ,, ... K,
IIC Crater, ehXaJ ncqr.c hfofseqr sec i
5 04
if '--" J east. Tax....., 1 j
"" - " ereM.rt.1 1,
W JI Crater Hstale.orlg town Art wood, lt ' 7V
?'3:jl4- Tan.., ,.' a4
PenaUy and lnure, ., , d . U
.. ToUl .... ,. 4.,tVA. 0 ON
Mona and C A-Crayea, t lif of se qr, se or of
neqraecutp oaonlh range 11 Sst.
Penalty and lutereat .
K VUummfr.recri6ip .9 with range
Penally, and listerast ...
TOUI ...-. ,
John Oumroer, n h sec 36 tp i'o'"south
range ir cajlv T ,.. .
Penally nasi Interests ,.
Total ... Mw ,
T 1IHKU, c irf ofnr qr, iv qr of ne qr, "nr
qrfa.rqriiecj$tp il muth ranee 10
f TTs ,,, ,,,
J-cnbttycwl UKrr.t
4 19
8 2
6 7a
M '.I'i- w'qr aec'n tp 11 'south range "
lase. Tax.- ...
Penalty and Interest .. ;",MW
19 M
611.!-.. ... u
llituceiiaw qr mcc 37 lp if aouth range 13
t-:i.I-j ...r.": "A" 10
Itenaltv and lntri
3 IO
13 60
sw qr. lots 1 and j sec 7 lp- M south
range 17 east Tax . 7T
Penally and liilcrest.., A
II 13
a 33
K J Hartley, neqrMMlpia soulh raiiKe " "
16 cast Tax , ,n ,
Penalty and Interest . . ,. ,. ',?2
a...2iiJ,..:. . Ji !:: " to
...,...., inrni,, nroiiiwqriii niorswqr
, 6eC4 tpMsoiitli-raugc locast, Tax-...
mlly and. Interest . ,
Total. ., ,, ti , ,
D J llnidy. vr bfofuw qr, w hfofsw qr sec
IT to
4 i
" eiUllla( "'' '.,f rt"
' j . 'v wwuw funic r j cusr ur. , ..
11 33
JI A I Hurrfiiil'toU, flrat add
1'rfllPvUla, io
t is Mock 15Tflx
8 OI
I Co
9 61
1 i-eiiouy aluljiHcrirDt .t,
. . Total.... 4....
-""- 'jL-"r
X71V Harridan, sj of cT, lotn 3, 4
and 5 iec 35 tp 11 fontli. fiige
aeofet. Tax...... ry..
Penalty and interest, , , , , ,
1 Total
10 56
23 67
ni "" n
i''' ' 1
mK v1 kurti VttiiRfe Hi ,, ,.
ciut. t'. 1:.. , ;,:..; l 5
Venall)-and InteHilU 1 ; ; ',.', A9
, Total ... 1 1 1 1 . , , . , , . aJ 40
UUIIHSIIty, IIC, BCC J m 13 aolllll
rntiKC 17 eMlt Tifi.
l!cnitHy mid IKlele'itt .....
Win Hrtjllcn, l'riiicvllii flbl ittltl
lot 4 block 41 Ttixii;, ;;,
l'Minttr mid ItiUtviU ;: ,;
Total " 1 ! . . i 1 ! : : ....
Win Hay, of iiw's! iicV 01 utv
4, nw)i' of lib' .. I5 tp 16
,1 lo
h tv
j tp 10 ,
fount ratiue 10 cant; 1
l'cnnlty nittl llltcrvnt t
Total .... . . , :
l'rttl Hae.ncVct it aoiltll
rnitKC 1 1 enst. Ttix.'.i..:..,. 1650
l'c.inlty ami I11tcrc.1t ;:..;,. .3 o
Toml .:;,;: 19 Vo
HcMcr S: White, w'f 01 nfc'f. '!
o( nc.V cc 21 and aw,'' 01 tiw
'4 cc JA tp 17 aouth ratifcc 3 t
caat. lav...... ..::. 3 36
renally and Interest.., ,; 67
Total., ::: i 03
O I. Hcndrtcka, e)i of nc, sw'
01 ae'ii acx 01 iw'4 kc 34 ip
ia Mutli raitKc 14 cntt. Tax;
renally ami ititereit,
Total .,.. 1 1 l
MO Hlnkle Hitate, Mill' rrllfe".
vllle, loH Mock !:' tux -Penalty
and intcreat " '
Total ....,- ,1
Hltncr Itotlsou, k.V ec 3i"tp 1U
south rnte 10 cast, Tnx .'..',
l'cnnlty utul interest V.
Total . " .. ..,.
Jolinltuiilc'.tKr'.'t'c'c' 11 tit ITU
b 9
3 M
11 3
ll 'M
l 111
T Ml
, 1 10
ti 60
uth ralij lo'chst. Tax....
16 30
' .1 W
renally ami interest. 7 ...
'Tdtitr'' ...:' . ..V
111 Ml
1 tlf
nfiulUit tnilM6h, thence
l-4V..ililivvXX f tl,-,..
i'l.ft Wfilarc l)f tRliiniiiK.
Sfiw l
I'.j t I'm
H Htittsnkcr, pat
1 )9
6 38
16 3
i 30
19 .So
lo 50
3 111
13 6u
ro 30
3 Hr
13 60
10 5
3 10
13 60
10 30
J 10
13 60
5 'J
J 03
16 91
30 39
5 3.5
6 30
6 73
1 34
8 06
36 60
5 3i
31 9
10 30
3 10
13 60
10 50
3 IU
13 60
. VcitillfMtiid ttlffftcst
Hallle Hlat(, a.vf trj K'mc ii 'tp
.! jtttirrnhj;e 1 1 Vail. TltV. .
, rcnalfy hijtl itttercst
w Total . - " ' '
R C Hyilc,-ti- sec 2 tp IJ noil til
lH);e'loMeaat. Tax..,. ' ..
I'ciinlty wt' Interest
' iTdlal.
Ira ffliam, njv'f mc i tp
19 noith
jniic ivcim.
Vennlty Bild interest ,.
Totaff 1 ' . .,'
J P JolllHOII, !f of tVi "Cj of
nw,,my' of no' cc 37 tplg
NiutltTaiie 13 eat. Tax.. ,
I'cnaltv'ntul inttirMt
Totaf J
A John oil, 'tie V a'TJU tJ'i6outli
ranKci3et Tax
1'cualty mid Ihtcust ' ....
Total ...;.. ..-.i
listale II Johnsoti, awjaf rvec , tp
13 south ratine to esMl. Tav. ,
Penalty mul Interest .....
Total ' -r.!.v
K P JohtiMii, cM of iielf if 9 Ih tp
lit south ran (re 14 cast and cH
of X cc7 tp 13 south raiiKe
14 ca4t. iax
Penalty and Interest
Toul , .... ' ... ..
A M Jolly, wK of, iic'mc 39 lp 1 1
noutliTntijje in cnit. Tax.,..
Penalty and" Interest
Total ,.,.,,,
S S Jones, i)i ec 36 tp 19 aouth
ranjjc 17cm. Tax.,
Penalty and Interest.
Journal Publishing Co, second add
Priiieville lot I block 1. Tax
Penalty anil interest.,..
4 olai ....,,..,,,,,,,,,
Jo I. Kcttiblc, t,v:H sec 17 tp II
south range 10 east. Tax....
Penalty and inlcn-tt
Total ,
Jos I, Keinblc, ty of sc, nef of
aw, sejt of nw sec 39 tp II
south nrtiDc lurtut. Tax....
Penalty and interest
Total ,,....,..
31 . Kentieily, nw,! of U sec 34
tp 9 south range 16, anil v'(
of nnJU sec I ytp 9 south range
17 east except otic acre in 11 w
of tX sec 34 tp 9 south
rang itieaat. lax.
Penalty and interest
lotaj ,,,,.,
D KingsUrry, t)i sec si tp
south range 1 1 east. Tax,
renally anil interest.
Total .,.
M J Kline, lot 2, se of iih sw
ii of netf, nw tif sc sec 7
tp 59 south range II cast. Tnx
I'cnulty and interest. ,
Total ,,....,,,. ,,,...,.,,
A Kotzinan, lA of tie, U of nc
lit n; of se sec 33, tp 17
south range 13 cast. Tax,.,,
l'cnnlty and interest.
-JOt I a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S S Kfoin, tw'X sec 33 tp 13 south
range loeast. Tax.,,,,,....
Penalty and interest, ..,..,.,
I olai , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
W Iathart, nc sec 13 tp 30
south range 13 east. Tax....
Penalty and interest.
Total ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
J W Leonard, sw of 11c txc 33
tp 17 south range If cast. Tax
Pencltyamd iutcrnt,,,.,,,..
olai ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
M Lewis, sa sec I tp 15 south
range w eaat. Tax.,,,,
Penalty and interest,,..,,,,.
Total ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.
Kva Lawix nej of sec3 tp 13 south
rang 16 east Tax,,,,,,....
Penalty and in Ureal , , ,,,,,,.
Total ssr,', ,,,,,,..,,, ,
C C Licwallen, sw rce 10 tp 14
BOirtlf range svaust. Tax,,.,
Penalty and interest,,,,,.,..
Total ,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
M V, Llutoii, sw of sw sec 16,
nc of ne netfao tw 15 south
rinigtf ii east Tux,,,.,,,,,.
Penalty and interest , , ,
Total ,,,,,,,,.,,,.
I J Hii)if iiw sec j tp li south
ratige lo eat Tax
Penalty and iuturcrtt,,,,
Totar .a,,,,,,.,,,,,..
Jairrw Ickwood n sec 7 tp 15
south range ao-nst, Tax,,,,
Peiialty mul interest
16 50
19 HO
10 30
3 10
13 60
10 50
3 IO
13 60
7 00
1 40
b 40
33 93
4 5
37 50
3 10
13 60
9 95
I 99
11 94
3 itf
13 Co
to 50
? 10
' 60
suiar ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
N Ii Logan, a parcel in Priiieville
com tn a point lou It a oi aw
eof of rot 0 Moclt 4 M II Print
ille thence a 114 fteKo ftn 114
ftwffoft to beginning und 11
i of n'i ttt 7(1 tp 14 south
range 13 cftxt Tax,.,,
Penalty and infeftrst , , .
Total,,, ,,,,'
a t t s
Wn Mallo
Malloy, W H Kf 20, Iota I, 2i
MC Of be BCtfifO tp 11 souitll
.fcnjgcOcust. Tax.... ,,.. ,
Ifinlflf fVtl'rl iitfufudf-
J Malloy, i'ttllllalti) loU 'J, T, ft
tslobuflC Hull lUtn 1; IU, hlobk .
icVA'tilill ii'itcifciil '";.. 1 1 ,a
lar) MaWIUsr. hi A i!(i 'v.v
tlf MV, V of UC.'r, MC.fl tp . .
1 1 aotitlt initile W eititl Tux 1 10 f
i'ciiHUv Hj iutfctfc.t : ..11. a I
Wtry Mhlllilll. bM of W. Mi,' of
:y .Mhlllilll. fc (il W. so,' of
llv'Jiiw'ofac'freiM tp II
,ifl fltnge III eiis '. MX.1...
28 W
ft 71
III 2.1
4 C,ltaity ami itiicicsi : .mi
Tux". .; . " 11. 1.
IMwIii Mays; liw' of ne1, iie'i;
itw. sec at tp 111 MiulH
rntiuc In rrist mul nw tir ot 11c
nr, eji of sc r, Mtc 8 tp l
4 2)
ft 01
South range III vhIi
Vilty and littbrcsi
I ,
llolxrt Ma)s? Jr. ei of nw qr, nw
"ilr of nc qr mc va tp 10 south
fangr 18 e ami sw tjr of aw qr
heci tp 0 south range It) cast
Tax,.,, '. hi. ..
Veiialty dml Interest
Total ... .... ....
George Meyer, and addition to
Priiieville lot 7 block !l. Tax.
' 'eualty ami Interest
ii'ityV . '
A M Cflnton, Haf aw jr, lots JI
mji I sec ill tp 1 1 south range
I casl. Tax.
Penalty ami iutcret.,
lulal,.,,. .,.,. ,,
O Mjcklesoit, nc' cir sec ill' tp IU
loitth rauic 10 cant. Tax,.,,
:i :mi
1 U
2 10
txiiaHy nndiiitcrcst
, , .
I' tJ,MIITcr, aif AVselir, niirof b
.ArlM.S... Vt'WkVl Tv .
Ill r ""' ri s a .1' '!
rotii ,, V '"i : .'-1 "".M
tt Muf. UirjcTI 1p'lr' .-Hmth ,l, '
ta 10
12 IU)
Tnfnl " ' I1'"
I 1
. :r hi i j .
I, K JiiirgXfi.iieVirllci ot nw 11
11 w ii r,
nwiirof scqri , hr of sw qr
W5.-I ti'10VoyAtfttigv2l east.
Tax?. ' ...
Ml (til
"ft tut
3A (IU
Penally ami interest.
Total .,...-'
Jocph Muriier.Vaofsqr,
of sc(r,flVjr,of lie tjr
tp 22 south' ItitVijc east.
nw. ii
11 .V
t'ciiajty ami liilcrvst .... . . ,
Total ..'.., A
1.1 Wl
HMpqrc,at of a qr sec ft tp IX
south range 15 oast anil eX of
ncqr secMtp 12 south range
,ireiat. Tax.., ,
l'tnalty and interest
I, Abloom iujrMrC.'Vi tpl2sotltll
laiigr 14 mil anil lots 1 ami 2,
Ji "f-DC 'If sec 3 tp lit south
taugcUcast. Tax....
Penalty ami interest ....
J MMcCujWiVliMood.U 8 blk
H. ItrtliU, It'" Mk 11. Tax
I'enhJfV ahd interest
Total . ,,
JoeLMcCtillotii, Ashwootl, lota 1
1 (IS
0 II
ft 71
22 l
4 til
10 Ml
2 10
12 CO
atulVlk 11; tax..
'and interest
' . . . .
John .McCottnick, sw qr 1
17 soil lit ranc 20 en
28 tp
Penalty mul interest
Total ... j. .... ....
Joint -McOmiili, sjj of nc qr, ueqr
o( nc qr sec 12 ami sw qr of se
qr sec 1 Ip 20 south range 13 c
tax 5. .j., . ...
Penally and interest
Total ...... ....
10 .'i0
2 10
12 W
A McOrail, wji of nw qr sec
ami c)i of nr qrcc 2 tp
wniut ratige w cast: nix,
Penalty ami interest
Tofal.. r, .. ... k
V A Nail, sc qr of se qr sec H' ami
i of aw qo aw qr of so qr set!
II tp 10 south, ruiigc 20 cast;tax
Penalty mid l.itcrest .
Total J ...I ... ....
Sarrah Noble, .'In! add vl'riueville
lot ii and (I blk 0; lax.
Penalty and lute rest
Total ' t .7
It A Nonlquist,. nw qr ofstv r, ti
of nw qr;'ti qr of nwrirsce lit
tt) IS south range. 10 east; tax
Pemllty dud interest . . .
Total ..c, . 7. ...
G W Null, awnjrof nc qr, trJ of
se ir, se qr of sw qr see 2 t 22
soulh range 0 cast: tax
Penalty nnd interest .. ..
Total..., . ... ,. ....
Sarah 1'. Null; ne qr sec. 15 tp 22
range II east; tax. ,.
Penalty and interest .. . .
Total..., .... 'V ,,
M M Orlen. iM of senr, tW ot sw
2 111
r. iv.
1 tw
10 20
in to
20 71
11 .V)
2 M
r sec 111 tp 18 south range 11 t if
east) Ux .. .T . .. in.41
Penalty and Intotest I'.fa
Total,. .. .. .. .. . 10 0
J A Ostron, e)i of sw qTfUiK of'
se qr sec 11 tp 22 south range ' k
14 east! tux ..... .... .. 1)
Peualtv and interest .. .. 2
Total..., ,. .. . . V13K0
I, C Owen, se qr ofae qr sec aji sw iir of sw
rscs4i neqrof ne qr sec Iviirwl 11U
qfof nwqrsec J tp l I'Jrtth fanfe io
eait. Tax
Itna.tVaud Interest . , .
Total . '
lrs M olcll, ne (jr of sw ir (ec a lp it
South range si east Tak
reaalty and interest . , , .
John ralmihtt, all Iota unsolil 111 rsimaln
Aiaren 1, iyn4, lap ,.
1'enallyaiidinlti-es.t . ' ',
Ii; Palmer, w lifbrr )ile(t li it (outh
range I east, Tax
i'eually and inlereit , "
Ina Hall Assoclatloll, f palt cim aw
tor fc J4 IP in raitKC ijcwn inep 11
llufcel.ceofccli then a 110 feet, llien
eof sj4 IPl" ran
I, ceo I
ret to Im
woo leet lonexiiiuinK rax
io jri
a To
13 CO
I'tiially and Interest
II I'ctlila Kitale, w lifoi'sw Iir, ahf ofhs
Total .
lr, ne qr of uw sir sec J lp aa soillli rahf e
iu eaat and w hf of te ir,e hi uf ne "ir,
r lif Of senr see ao
ip 11 ,i
south ranre tp
rati, hfof ae lr See ii an
MandO hP ol aw
qr, nw qi
lie ilr sec
. uw iirofsen
nwqrofscrtr, ehfolnerr, w hf of
ne ilr sec Aj tp 11 aqunt range 10 cast
T4s 34 44
Penally and iMterei't . . , , 4 4
))i I'erHu, seqr see II ll I'dioillH range 13
east. Taa . , r , r ., 4 10
Peuilltyandlhleieit , ',"r" 4
..TelAl . 304
A I'ctcisun. it qrtcC sip it aouth rsilge 11
call. Tk ,. ,. . ,, , , , . it io
Penalty and llilef ell ' " ' I ' u,
ToUi t,;., ; ; . . .. i$lo
A II I'elerson, n hto(,ll cl, 4w qr of ne qf ,
ncqrol nWrtr see ai tp ia south rsuge
i6csst Taa f , . w IP 3d
Penally sad Infeicit l ' , aiu
Tli I,,.,'- . ,i.Co
Steven l'Hllllppli II Idol se qr tec 17 tp IJ
XsnVn,):-.' . "A
Mril'liPleWettM It r rrlaatHlle, tot f',
MoekR. ja. .... uulh hi... " V.
Penally aim iiiteteir ,' ,
Penally and iilteteir ".'. "" ' . 4 J
Tnlsl '-ll . 36 AD
K A Pierce, ae qr ret! 34 lp t J teala rasge so
Iaifeifc'. ; ,,0.
lrs.l I'oliideer.n,Wcelentflt a point
400 feet e sw cor cii,inTq?of ne qr sec 34
lp 0 souifc, rapKf,t au ft
11314 feel w 314 fctts 314 feel o te(Iu .
iillg. '.Tax - - S i JI
Veiialty sul JuUlCll . 40
'Fatal IT
- '. - - . - v'' " " !) ii miamVim mrnfTj
C W roller, aw nr see 17 lp IJ loillll ftlill ... ,
19 east. Tax IU !
l-enslty nnUnltttsl ," V1
Tnlsl .... Ufo
T M I'oil, a htuf s qr ate 15 ami 11 Kiiif ne
It sec ai lu IJ south lanif a tail. ThX IV "
Penalty and inlciesl i
Tolsl . lu
A MMwerJ.eltfofw lifseclstp I; smith
lantr lo'rast Ta
A 311
fetislly att.l Inleiesl
' A ''
IV Stl
M J I'llce, M II I1 I'llndllle tuts 3
lilock is, Tax '
ami A
il M
reiisuy ami iiiteiesi
Total " I .
HAD filler s lifcf se Mr see 4 In l I it lie'
In rail and w hf ill e lif see 10 III II
muiIIi tsiije IS enil, Taa U 0)
I'enslty ami Inlrieil i ')
1 Ttsl iu ?
It Rrv. se ur nf senr sec 11 In ll south ISIInf
eiesst. Taa H M
renally and lnlcrnt li vi
x Total m TT 41
C l( jRAif. w.liroi ne qr, se qr 01 ne qr, ne
nt sfsaur snen III 1.4 svtilli inline to
ril.'Tas I" i'l
, Vl.y.d,le.. , (MU
JohnH Klllfr.fhf of, Ma, lt, see J li IJ
.iulhrsiirWts.linVs lif uf uw qt
srtulnitsiinth'mnrelicait. Taa lull
Penally aid.nttiel , , . a ,
TvIM " . . , '. ' ". ". i'
RCKlera,eIlfolllWlllrorntlr sec ,
to lu (I suiith laime ueasl, Tai II V'
Penally suit Utleiesl , . ( i Vi
Tirtal y...n "" ijSu
T I, Hiits, Mh(seil it south tatiRf it
eaii. in
l"ntly ami Interest , u
Total . AT '
I li
t. HMuitieia.w Ur nf hf nr
sec Maud nwqrufuwqr sec H l li
soulh lame l east. Taa
Penally and luliirsl ,
l.oiilw Hutsiid. ,Nw sum's add I'llneylllt
lots i,a, 4, and t Mink l, Taa
Penally and InUiesI i,n t.
Tolsl , "
. ............ .....iu ..
f y
v in
V K..IK"IU. iiv q. ptv .1 li ly ruiiin ,nn,. .
aa csit. Taa io Sol
lYttally aiidliilrreil , , l lol
Twisi. ' n.
A rVV''. ) i hfof nwqr sec I lp II A
aiUJilanr ISesil. Taa I" ".I
.. I'eiUlty.andlultKsl . .ii, . Ill
,TtUl : ' . ii n
st )( mhuP'Jwe qr sec ilp lis4ilhtanie
.rVS", ism - i" yrr
Penally 4it lute lest
'TfUl.v , ' ' '
U Niklwrh. nrhfofs-ynr, a
'li lu Ml south laiis; ij eait.
Venslly and Interest
I lu
. . A..
"TOUI "" ' ' " ' '
J hliatifiirisy se qrsccMp li swlh lange
ruiesi taa
I'enslty and InUiesI
Tni.t . i
i iw
ii H
H H.a(liteVl e hfofsw qrvcOfy and n lif of
,Hr qr see jniiiasuuin rsuge u eaii.
I'enslly and lultiesl .
Wllhlglin qeqr ss ji lp io tenth rsti.r I
ll east. Taa ro y'
Penally a ...I Inlstrsl ... tin
ll l SJohelm. ne qr sec 14 lp l south fan
iutbsi iaa
Petislly and Inletesl
(I Kanilth. neqrswqriec il lp It
tanterie-ail Taa
Penally and lultiesl ,
I'lauk nmltlii nw qr see II lp HI
rans.cjfra.1 Tat
Ptnally and luterel A
Total - '
K U Hmltli, Mwn's add In I'ltHeeWe Ul
J, . u ami io utk w Tat
Wiially and Inter ret
IthmHIi.sw nr see l In 14 south lame 10
1 M
eait Taa H
I'tiMnr ami interest a i
Total v n
Nanillh, seqr kcsoIuij soulh ranee IO
eatl. Ta Ms jo
Penally and Inteiest a lo
Total II so
II A pinHh, e hfofue qr. nw qr sf ne or sec
lilu iasoHlh lanee il tail and sear Ml
eqr sec ralp ts4hlaii(ell rail Tat
rsnaliyauilliilNtst I
Toul i
Mrs II WMmith, Heqrofneqr tec II Ip II
south iane It es'it ami w lif of nwqr,
nwqrui sw nr arc 'I ip il sowin lange
I cast Tat
Penally and Interest
Lewis father, ne ur sec a Inn south ranee
I 4
II east. Taa I Jo
Penally and Intersil J JH
Tstal V io
I, ii Mias, seqr. a ntoi aw qr. neqr eii sw
qrsrC I. seqr u( seqr sec alp 14 soulh
tanie II east and a hfof uw qr sec l lp
II soulh raaaelirsil, Tai IT
Penally auuinltresl 1 SI
Total ai oa
hlinnivAleMI, lie .irofneqpseeisia hf of
svqrsec t. swqr ofswqrseC H IP h
south ranee II eaii Taa J is
Itnsllr aqd Inlticst . it
Total . fr ja
II A apear ne or of nwqr, it hf
qr of ne qr sec tj lp 19 suulh range II ,
vs.t. T " 10 y
Penally atnLisltrert a to
Total 1 ' II lo
(IVfNenm seorstc t; lp if soulh rsiie
loeast Tav I
Penally and laleeest . . . J w
Total f, So
II II Mtele lol 1 and a, e hfofnwqr stc l(
in if sooth range 11 easljUa If 14
Penally end Intersil J ST
Total 1 II 41
J II hlrawMitigf.iots jamli.a hiui nr qr
Vc sip loMHth ratine II sail. Tat
Penally and Inltttsl
C J hluldltiK Ashwmat lot I llk 411 1st
IVaslly.sjiil lulcre.t
Total ' ,r
'HlltMHl. efcfof iwqr, w hf seqrsec II lp
14 south range ljeasllat
Penally sudluttrcil
Tolal . lo ji
l( O.Taylor seqrstCITtp II soulh range
I lo eaat, latr 10 JO
I Penalty and Inteiest 110
Total ' II (i
JTTail'oitl.fotsi and 3seel tp 1; south
falls ilas and neqr of neqr sec IJ,
se qr bf irqrsec 11 lp II range lllaa t
Penalty an I Inteiest I ji
Tolsl 7
C f.Thouilhfralt. sw qr see! lo Ip II soulh
'range 11 tXt.laa 16 yi
y I'eiwillKa'iJ Inltrcsl j jo
'""TI I' ' ' "
C WThotiihwsll, w hfof nwqr tec sy and
I e h(lneql'lre 40 tpilmulh range II
sail; laa
" Penalty trnd Inlereit
10 yi
TCTiuc, seqr stc join 11 soulh rans;e 10
east, tak
Penally and Interest
P rTlTon. ue or of sear Ice it In 10 soulh
10 SO
a 10
11 to
! : . .. "..i -.- -
range irean ami w ni u sw qr, seqr 01
Srursec7lplasoulli range laeaslitaa 4
'Penklly and lulcrcit
T)Im Tweet neqr seen Ip 11 sOulh lange
'ip eait) taa 111 y
w i-eiiaujr auu inierest a lu
, Total 11 60
TMQiTveei iwqromwqr sect IplStonlh
: aaagi,c kmv( ftaas
'jtrntltVaud Interest
J Dnrwr shfuf n hf sc j lp It south
, range 14 easli taa
' JViisllyamllnlttetl
"1'olal . ' ' '
H IhieVorth, w hfornsftfrseca) lp 14 south
range a rsiland e hf uf ne ir tec 14 lp
14 soulh range 3 eait, laa
Penally allit interest '
II Vaiuterwal, sW qrarci lp To south ranre
t SMiih. laaall l.i.
4 U
II l'
4 10
a 10
Penally Uiiit.lntelett
TnlMl 'U. 1
Ceo Voore, a lit of seqr, lie ijr o!
qr rc
I" IPJ J to'll". rsiige It call
JittArautf.luietesV '
CklllsttJiw Wsgrier, nw qr oT ue qr
4,lb koulh rsnke IJ east! Vn
. ' 'Venaliy srldlnlcrcst '
rite id tp
1 til
.iToth ,
CrWa,llerf, e'lttsec'lSlp j rodlh rnagr
ipcaii.iax ,, IH
je.ianjr null lllicrgtl'
Tolal k
JSWatklna, ilwi(TOl;ieqr iec4 IpSXlofllh
, isnge 10 eal''lkV .
t Penally and Inttrretr '
I Total ' '. . .
lklkWuid',,fe rjr aec l Ip 17 aouin
, range 1 eait tax
O Votntlu Alt1 1U.W. . .-., '
4 3A
as io
11 so
19 So
' rotoi v
A V Wayiiard, iMrrVec jt tp 17 imillfi range
. nLi,.tti.Kjl...t. . .
, iihi.Y uiiu Jurtet(7 t j.iu
, Total ''. k . 10
West llfot- u lif.Af ueisfC 16 lp 14 south
. tPlP.f'?!,.,. ... 6H
A .10
reuaiiy aui inwrttK"
0 A westl W'qr'of at XT stc 31 In 19 aoulli
range 11 east, la
Penalty nudllircrcrl y
8?l Weatie-hfof-awqr, loltAud 4 arc 19
til 19 soutfi rsngc ijessti lu ''
renally suj lulcrtil.
'1 ayjs
M J TVUle.nM still t'rliiatlltf lull 7 and 8
.'title, ntai
oik I II tn
I'ttisliyand llilttrt
wiglf, awilriiisViIrt
illi' mlill
tang Itfrail anil a III
nr qr, tut a o
lp,l suulh istigr l) mil mul w hf (
sw ilr. sw nr
01 nwi r see j tp i soul 1
iNitinibcssniitr 1
Penalty and Itilrirat
i H
liuai . j
J HWInilrr, neijr lecll
lp 14 ami
i'iIIIi tan)j(
Itieasiiiae 1
Penally nnd lultiesl
Tutsi . , ,
..1 1. it ...l. I
!jjli 11 south,
Adulph JU'in.tllt.neilriec
intigp luesilitat t
I'msltv nnd Itileirsl
1 1 10
iiunrv . I 11 . . t r
(trotg Vvood, l Mof iwnr, u
II to
ql ql nw nr
JI lp li .
sec ti uil(ir ol am 1 r srv
soutii rH;t 7rt, tm
IVn.lltY anil liileieit
llllMl Ji I . t I , , I. im
1'1'WoM 1; '.flifU SftrmiKt lol lire J ,
1 ip 11 iHutii is iige i)rastiii Aw
PeinUI, nitilllUfeL 1,4,
iiiiui , . .
W J WIHSl, W, III 01 I
seqr sre .iti il
'ec sa and rid of .! '
pit sooth taiitvral laa ha
Prnsllv and llilnttsl
..! ' .
ff t
0 It mwimhLIi j i iqi,'nhf irf sw nt
sre 11 tp il Mliilh isliigr 10 's.l, aa
Penally and Iptfltsj .
Tolal , .,,. 't. '
Asa I. Yniillg II (lOinllw' qi isr ( p
s.hii)i isiigr 10 r,ti lag
P,r.j.,r.mlhjlfMnv. u, ,,,
Pelllhlsle nwdUU liw It taa; Ip )
wiuUilaiigt jAsslUlsi
a fn
,11 VI
PeMSlty aii.luriat
Wat ..iH'J. J
Held sale will He ntaat M IV4LAia Vt.ldtJ
iy ta for the san a real etMt'n.ef'einitl,i
jia alHi
.lay until the lll i t..sinlr Uut uulU all y,
landi kale Iwii4iSI
t ii
til at punt
tneillle,fOitgo(i,. ,U U M
n 1. ." am a,v
tlillACioik euuty
Iiyj U MifeMt istputy . .
.'', Tlmlwnl anil Alt J nt j .lfJl l
I a 'sahlfKia Whs Ililli. iMiV..
V a. atsf x-s - .. xrasi(i aa(V
1 l , , ,teil.4l i. iri
HoUte Is I eel ft IHst'ln rwMil.llsiut will
Iht MMklMolllwl Ik Ail Ul VOIIll Of.Jlllir.s,
iM, tNlltltd. "Aniel lor Ihe wleorilml-i'lssJi
lu file Hales l CaHswiiIs, llregoH. Nttsjl.ii.
WaihlHgtoii Telilltiiy as ettta.lrd la oil, On
.uilcla,udIMltiyttrt of August 4, IHi. tlr
(ttnowlnr iiamtd irsii have tn Nov l. I'M,
nlttllnl.s't4: iheli sMti stsiemtnli. to-wit
M ' ffeiilV 5.;jpV-
of lotltayidii '14I1IV of .Mnlfiistosh, sjalevof (ly
gun, linn .s11WT.11 n, -4 itH iis Hsiflisie
uf ihe h (' sV lp r ij t w w
X1 'Ull Meateaoelt,
of IVilln.l.itx niy 01 MtditHmish sUtrnfOie
gun. twtMH (istement No '74 1. ftr Ihe porehaH
of Ihe H.uo'i aqrl IU J and 4, stc 4.lpifS
r 1 1 e w in w , .
ThsllWw nillo.leiwtMt'iiostiow UMllkeiUawl
sooghl tlMote alo'4r for Ihe tlwVt, t sum
IhtirartlhaU lor Sk''KMltuial poipin nd 1.1
ntaMMtf iwir talMa If.HUl UsnV (-.sWf Iks
Ksessttk sV4 kteeteee. at Ike land ofsVe In The
h.Ui,UiagtH a the lh Hay of I'tlowtr
sy i ,
Thryi'an ilv Mlowlog wllns W. K tt
klHsMtt. M J Hit-aitu.I. It M.VaOH, aodK t
Dolher alt M Hettd.loeatM. A Hart iUKtHHtt'
and llatiiy N, Jones, fcoOi ol PmIUsmI, Qttu.
Any asxlall itsni claiming sleertt aujsai
Ike stt4tota- Vit4sste teoas.lall la all
their rla.oH 10 ihts ntir no or Wtoer lf soul
Mil 4y M I'ehttiary. !'
stlfa MICIIAItl. T KOMH. Kegt4et
Ttmtwe Mod, Act Jotte 1. t.
V a lod tiffko.Tke lWi.Oitwi,
Jotf IJ. Ht4
Nollee ts ketftqr rleea Ileal 1st taMopUsHe wHli
Ihe Oolsioi of Ihe set of ioogroMof June 1
lts, tHlllksl "An set. tor Ike sole of !tmlf tandi
Ih Ike Malos of CsllsMHsa lllegon. Nefada and
WaiMtigliHi Teittloey.' at sleit4 lo sit Ike
potiMc ItHd Halts Wy set of Aogost 4, Si,
Viedttfek M 14.111.
of Itemt. evHHty of Crook, slat fcfintrlon Ha
this .lay AhxtlH Ikls ortwe Ms s.n slaltiutnt
No iAi for Ihe putehsse oflke ltl j, seKHle'
ami eHiwH. e lp 10s 1 ije. w 111.
And will after petMf In show lhal lb Und
swighl Is Htoee safuslde fl lis llwIWr or stone
Ihsn bagtlcolluiat HilMes. ami loesttMHk
hlstlslm twsakt Uml lirlorr J. il Ijiorenrt
f 14 VioomlMloorr. at his onV lif tlrixt, die
gon. on Ihe Whday of Ptlooattr. IviC'
lie namto at ultiieswn John Vttosi. of Hlalrts,
Oltgwi, John nltt.ll lltnry W Kred.and lliniy
Twtel. all of llefht Ottgun
Any ami all persons (tsfnilng adrel Ike
altrrHleseiill lauds ale rtqneiletl to Ale Ihtlr
claims iHlhllolfle uii or ItttoleuM 4ldtyol
lehrusry, i.l
di fi MICIIAHI. T, H(IIK. Krgieler.
' ' TtwlfT Land. Act'Juae J, UK.
K0TI0I. VOtl I'lrniilCATIO.V.
..4 ..U ft laa40le. The lull, Oregon.
(Moliet 14. ft.
Mo4ke It heretay g4re lhal lu tvmpHtiK-e with
the plt4UMM ofljtie Ail of Cngies of June t.
107s, etullted An act for Ihe sale olllMoee lands
In Ihe slate ofl'aHfoeHU Oitgoo, Nr.arfa. and
WastilugluM TeliHory, at 4l.Hded lo all Ihe
puMk land st sits iy Act of Aofost 4, lyt
I'lanets M llutke
of Walla Walla cnouly of Mall Walla, title of
WaitilHatirti kaslhls day nlnt m IhtsomH-lilt
awmu sUleHieot No a;i. Ie llieimislitseailke
tiw(, stc is. , 1 to s 1 it e..w m.
And will otter prof lo show lhal Ihi laml
sought Is more valuable for Its llmlwr or.alone
lliau for sgiieutloral Hiii.Ms ami lo tsliMlih
hit claim lo sahl lamt before the Hrgliler and
Keteltrr at The IMlltt. Oltevii on llie trit .lav
of April, lo
lie names as wlluetstt Ktl W Croup, of Wall
Walla, Waihliiglou, John liloss, of hitlers Orr.
..... .....k r ......... ....1 U1.1...1.,
rl" Jir" r" . ii.i.i.Ti wi.m niiim.i pmn(i,
othi.f It. ml. Oregon
Any ami all twrsom clahuliiir aiKt.Mlvth
atiielcscillwt Uu.Uaie ttqiitiltd In Me their
claims In Ihls olliee on or liefurcMld Jul day
of Anrll. lr.
jiV-mjo MICIIAHI. T. NOI.AN. Register.
Timber, Act June J, 17.
17 II. t.snd Ufflit, The iMtlte, Olcgon.
NorelnWr 17, lytj
Notice Is hetchv illttll lhal III muihtlsnr wllh
Ihe provisions olthe Ait of Congtesa of June .
IJS. enlllled. "All set fur Ihe sale of limber lands
In Ihe stairs of California Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Iriillory," aa ettcudtd In alt Ihe
public laml ttalrt by Act of Auguit 4, 171,
Hellna H HMluhuur,
of Html, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, lit"
Ihls day (lied In Ihls office her sworn sttteniriit
No. 3711, fur Ihe pulchasc of Ihe ac) of stc II. tp
Its, r lie. wjii
And will Oder Jiroof lo show lhal the laud
sought Is more valuable for lit llinlter or stone
msMior ageicuitaiai iimpnsfs, ami lo eilalillin
ner ctaint to stm laud nciure
1. al Lawrence.
H. Cominlssloner. at his
olA in liend, llie
too. on the 1th day of I'cbruaty. iikjA.
She namea as olliiettrs John lllost, Joseph N
Hunter, John tnd Chatlct A. Mpauihour
all of Mend, Oeegon
Anyaud all person claiming adversely Hie
abovc-dcscrlbcd lamlt alt requested to ale thclt
claims In Ihls oHke oil or before the saldjlh
day of Pcbruary, lv4
dl-ft MICIIAItl. T. NOLAN. Keglslcr.
Tlmlier Land, Act Junej, 1N7H,
U. H. Und Oftiie, The Oalles, Oregon.
Noveiulier aj, IV'J.
Notice ti liereliy glee" that Ih Compliance wild
Ike rovlslons ut Ihe act of miigresa nf June J.
sm. ...ilt.H. . .. .. e.. .hw ..I.. ..r I1...1.JV
0,. .,ll.,. .... p ,., wtl. 11. llllt
lands In Ihe Males of OIIJotiiU, Oregon, Netnill
fsnt Waalilnglnii Tetlllory," si eklemtcd lei nit
he nubile laiHtftatrt by set ol Aliiiuil 1, 1H01,
the iijliiwliiu.i.siutil tMrsnut hate nlnl In ilils
ofHcc Iheir swoiu stltiiieius, to-wlli
At, , 4'w wooua,
01 KICIHU04111, cjmiiiy 01 waynr, tiaieni imilnnii,
sworrt staleiueiil No. 3733, Hint (Hruhcr aNlh
lixiS.tor tnepuicbaseof Ihe ae(, sec Ji, Ip ids,
r lo e. t- hi. ,
t Walter I Uiuli
ol'rlKhTitaml.coiinly uf W ne, stnle of Indiana,
swurn llateineiit Nil. 37M, TilcsJ Nuiehiber tatv
ToS,iur tlieiuttliaicof Ihcnwjf aecjl, Iptst,
r e w .1.
j Thsl Ihity will tifler proofn to, ahow Dml the
I1111I1 iDnuht ale mure tuluabtc for Ihp llmliet
W stone than fur suilnillurul niiri'osre,
atrd to aslaldlsh Ihtjlrclulmi V
U BMltl lllllll IU.lkf
inc argii
sittumlKeceitcr id the laud ufTlcc IA
The llallea, Oregon
oil Vplirliurv 7II1. it.
4U ......ia. T.. r..ll ..... ...I...-.-L1.. ....
.v.' .' ".v tuv iuiiowiiim- .iiiicssca nil.
yoi(Js, Wallfr J WowU auiT llarty L.WwhIs.
all of.Kllliiuond. InilUim, Chailta ft. dctta o(
iTie iwilm
Oregon, and bmnutl Wcin
ni, oi
rl tiers. Otriron.
Anuond all lMranus rlntiirliic nilLirKrlv nnv of
11. ,
liersoua claliimig nil
ribcil luliils ufa rri
Ihejalieivfleacrlbed laudt nfe rrriucsted loflle
lberclslins,(iiUiJt olle aji or before IheaaM
- 'iy .
sum niiioesuinrei 10 ipiri'liuiari ai' Hot ini ,.
law The Hill H rmiitVlrHniNjt
ino'tloek In the loitliooil ' Mbl tli .Ur ')
luary. fr sih) will ! tinlln4fil nam day li.
7in tiy 01 vcurnary, 1000.
1 Ml
TOUI, ,, ( sr4
WICUAliL T, NOt AN, ftckUUf.