1 l ...USt:?', ' i WIiBiwMBHiW tf' TROOPS IN MUTINY Seize Heavy Guns and Capture Fortress at Vladivostok. WORSE THAN FORMER TROUBLE SEARCH FOR LIFE. Dosparato Battle Botween Loyal and ricbelTlout Troops Machine Guns Turned on Lr.ttor. St. Petersburg, Jani 27. That there has been ft renewal ot the mutiny at Vladivostok was confirmed by a tils patch from that city tiled Thursday and received hero lato tonight. The dispatch indicates that tho mutiny, which began last Monday, had not been subdued, and that tho situation was far more serious than was the outbreak in November, as tho mutineers in clude both sailors and artillerists, who am in possession ot tho battery and aie well armed with ritles and machine guns, as well as having heavy fortress guns General Mltschenko, who has been cent to deal with the mutineers, the dispatch adds, has no easy task, ai tho Cossacks given him are ill suited for capturing a fortified position. He de clares that the promises ot Immediate transportation home for the men, with which the government ended tho for mer revolt, are now scarcely effective. The mutiny is due to the reserve men, who are thoroughly undisciplined and are clamoring for their Immediate transportation home. ALL SIBERIA IN REVOLT. Arsenal Sacked and Pitched Battle Fought in Fortress. St. Petersburg Jan. 27. Reports from Trans-Baikal districts ray that the Coesacka have joined the peasantry and expelled officials from office, forming a revolutionary government ot their own. Estates are being ransacked everywhere in the district. General Linisvltch has telegraphed the Cxar that sailors in Vladivostok have broken into mutiny and attacked and wounded the commander of tho fortress. The outbreak was caused by the countermanding of an order to senu them back to Europe. Sailors Invaded the armory, seised a quantity ot rifles, occupied the battery and demanded the release of prisoners, when Commander Selivalow remon strated. The mutineers opened fire on the commander and bis loyal guard' and a general fight ensued, in which the commander and others were wound ed. A determined effort was made to suppress the mutineers, in which there was more firing and a determined bat tle was soon raging. In the fighting it is said there were 200 killed and many others wounded. Cossacks have been sent to re i tore order. Steamers Patrol Scone oCDUajler to Valoncla, Victoria, B. 0., Jan. 25. Tho wrecked steamer Valencia now Ilea sub mersed and broken, but a portion of a mast stands nbovo water and the fleet ot steamer nud tugs hao "today been turning their attention to patrolling tho Vicinity with the hope ot finding boats, ratta or wreckage still atloat with survivors, though tho chances nro small. Ashore, several parties have been tolling over most arduous trails, some carrying succor to thoso who wore washed ashore, others scouring tho rugged rocks of tho shore line seeking for any survivors that may have reached shore and bo lying hungry and helpless, and others nro engaged in tho melancholy duty of recovering bodies. Ot tho total company ot 154, but S.I havo been definitely accounted for, and three men, believed to be other sur vivors, wero seen on shore from the whaling vessel Orion, near the wreck, huddled about a tiro. Six survivors havo been taken up on tho Salvor; nine, most ot them so badly cut up and bruised, without food, and so overcome that they could not stand, much less walk, are still camped at Darling Creek, a telegrsph hut, and IS others were picked up by tho City ot Topeka. With tho three seen from tho Orion, a mile and a halt from tho wreck, add ed, the survivors total 30, leaving a death list ot 110 persons. Not a woman or child is among tho saved. Scant hope is entertained by thoso on board the patrolling steamers that any others will he recovered, for the doctors on rescuing tugs say the limit ot human endurance will have been passed before that time. I ' in thYnationaThalls of congress I STEAMER VALENCIA WRECKED WRECKAGE COMING ASHORE. IMPROVE TAX SYSTEM. Up Moroccan Conference to Draw Rules Harmony Apparent. Algeoiras, Jan. 27. Spain at today's session of the Morooean conference pre vented the draft of a convention provid ing for a better rot urn of taxation in Morocco, and also for the creation ot new revenues. The conference afur some discission expressed the opinion that nothing should le proposed for Morocco which may modify the lasi of the present organization of the country or be in contradiction of the habit ot the Moroccan people regarding land taxation. The conference decided that the wi rk of drawing up the new rules 'hull Im entrusted to the same committee which examined the question of the control ot the trade in contraband arms, with the addition ot Belgian, Russian and Mo roccan members. ilerr von Radowitz, head ot iIih Ger man mission, an M. Itevoil, chief of the French delegation, had a long pi I vate meeting today. Although the re suits were not disclosed, the meeting produced a distinct feeling ot optimism among the delegates. Germany Fears Socialists. Berlin, Jan. 27 Several members ot the Prussian house of lords today In terpellated Chancellor von But-low regarding the government's proposed line of action against the Socialists. They asked whether the government thought the existing legislation ade quate for opposing the Social Demo cratic plans which are hostile io the Fatherland, Count Kulenberg. in sup porting the interpellation, predicted an open struggle with the Socialists. If the Socialists were let alone he mid, the downfall of the empire must follow Earllng On Tour of Inspection. St. Paul, Jan 27 President A. J. Earlintr, of the Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul railway, ar ived in St Paul this afternoon at 3 o'clock on his "pe dal train, and departed for the West at 3:30. Mr Earling said hi" motion was to look into the matter of truilnaN for tlie Milwaukee road'a Pnolflc Cnast extension, and that 'h would inspect three routes which he had in view for crossing the mountains. He declined Undertow Snatches Nudo Body From Party of Soarchers. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 26. A dispatch from Cape Uealo says that Llghtkeepcr Paterson tits returned from the wreck over the trail and reports that the steamer Valencia is no more. Pieces ot the steamer and her cargo were teat tered along the beach when ho left. The first thing seen by tho party from Cape Beale was a trunk, evidently that of a foreigner named Frank Novak, and papers and clothing were found with that name. A nude body was seen in the surf, but before it could be reached the un dertow took It out and it sank in deep water. Two bodies wero recovered from the wreck, but neither could be identi fied. The beaches near whero the ship went ashore are covered with broken cases of canned fruit, butter, lemoni, oranges and pineapples. HEYBURN STRIKES SNAGS. Friday, Jan. SO. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho llrst at tempt at tllihustertng during this ses sion occurred lit the house today on n Democratic endeavor to do'eat tho pro vision ot tho urgent deficiency hill waiving tho eight-hour law for foreign laborers on the Panama canal. The amendment was placed In the hill In committee ot the whole after tho house had divided many times on every pre text which Williams could make the cause (or a voto. When tho bill was finally finished, late in the day, n de- maud for a separate voto and roll-call on that amendment was made and or dered, nt which time tho house ad journed. Tho voto will occur tomor row. Tho nmondmont was ruled out of tho bill on a point ot order on Tues day, and its Insertion today was effect ed under tho provisions ot a special rulo brought in from tho rules com mitted tor tho purpose. Tho only other controversy ot the day resulted from an attempt to increase by 15,000 tho amount for meat inspec tion by the department ot Agriculture. This increase was refused alter an ani mated debate. the courts pursued In Santo Domingo could foreign nations bu prevented from mining the custom houses ol that coun try and securing a position there which might threaten thu approaches to thu Panama cnnnl. Arouses Antagonism That May Kill Pure Food BUI. Washington, Jan. 20. The pure food bill, that had a lair prospect of passing the senate a week or ten days ago, may find rough sledding before it gets through. Senator Heyburn, who has the bill in charge, made an able pre sentation of his rase when first he call ed it up for consideration; he met all objections and did it in a friendly way. But several times since, when tho son alor has brought the bill before the senate, he has made unfortunate re plies to criticisms, and has aroused an tagonism. The senate cannot be dri von ; no senator oau compel the senate to act in accordance with his wishes. It is a case where more votes are caught by sugar than by vinegar This fact has apparently en-aped the attention of Mr. Heyburn. Indeed, the junior Idaho senator, in talking with his colleague, has stated Itoastfully that he does not prnpoie to bend to the managers of the Republi can party in the senate; he will not obliterate his individuality, hut will assert himself, and by sheer force put bis pure food bill through. This is an unfort-nate attitude, for once the sen ate becomes satisfied that Mr. lie) burn proposes to ride over it rough-shod, and drive bis col leagues into line, Jtnt that soon the senate will demonstrate that the power of a single senator in legis lation is very small, particularly it he be a comparatively new senator. Un less Mr. Heyburn changes his attitude and "stands in" witti the leaders he will not get h's bill through. McCall Sells Palace. New York, Jan 20. John A. Mc Call, ex-president of tho New York Life Insurance company, has parted with what he had often spek-n ol as his most prized potrereion, the summer palace he erected and furnished at Long Branch at an expense of 1600, 000. The pure-hare prire was about $.'(60,000. Of this amount Mr. McCall receives only about $100 000, its the property is mortgaged for $250 000. The principal encumbrance is a mort gage for $150,000, given to the New York J-lfo Insurance company. Battle In Now York Streets. New York, Jan. 20. A score of Chi nese engaged in a revolver battle in the streets of Chinatown today, which resulting in tho death ot two Chinese, Ch ng Yong and Lee Soon; the mortal wounding of a third, and the r-erious Thursday, January 26 Washington, Jan. 25. Tho house passed tho statehood bill according to schedule today. The Republican opK sition spent its entire force yesterday and no effort was made to defeat tho bill on Its final passage, only 33 of the "Insurgents" voting agalnit it. The bill passed by the vote of 104 to 160. Tho debate which preceded this vote bsgan at 11 o'clock and was practically featureless so far as any hope was en tertained ot changing the measure In the slightest degree. The bill as parsed provides that Ok lahoma and the Indian Territory shall ronsittuto ono state under tho name ol Oklahoma, and that Arizona and New Mexico shall constitute n state under tho name Arizoua, Should the terms of admission be ratified by the resi dents ot tho two former territories, their respective state constitutions must cintaln clauses prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors and plural marriages. The constitution of Arizona must prohibit the sale of liquor to In dlans forever and that of Oklahoma for 21 years. There arc many other stipu lations concerning schools, courts and politloal subdivisions ot tho proposed new states. Washington, Jan. 25. Tho foreign affairs of thu United States continued to hold the attention of tho senstu to day, tho Moroccan and Dominican mat ters being immediately at issue. Money was the principal speaker and ho talked for over two hours in opposition to the course of the administration with ref erence to both Santo Domingo and Mo rocco. Ho contended that there was danger ot becoming involved unneces sarily in the affairs ot other countries by participation in the Algeciras con ference and that this country was not sufficiently concerned witli tho conduct ot affairs in Santo Domingo o justify our course in that island. He also took the position that the president had transcended his authority there. Hey burn spoke In support of the annexa tion of Santo Domingo. Wednesday, Jaunary 24. Washington, Jan. 24. When the smoke nf the liveliest legislative battle of the seeslon had cleared up in the house today, Speaker Cannon and his organization were in complete control and the joint statehood program of tho administration had been adopted. Previous to the vote the debate on tho rulo had proceeded under high ten sion The speeches wero short hut the word uttered wero hot and lull of s ing. The rule adopted provides that tho bill granting statehood to Oklahoma and the Indian Territory as "Oklaho ma," and Arizona and New Mexico as "Arizona," should he debated until 3 o'clock tomorrow and then voted on without opportunity for debate. The house adjourned at 6:30 o'clock, after agreeing to meet at 11 o'clock tomor row. Washington, Jan. 24 Mr. Lodge today presented in the senate the pol icy of the administration in the matter of the Algeciras conference over the Morocco and also with referenco to Santo Domingo, He defended tho course of tho president In both In stances, contending that our represent ation at the Moroccan conferenco was essential to the protection ot Amorlcan commercial interests and that only by Tuesday, January 23, Washington, Jan 23, For innro than three hours today Spooncr occupied the time ot the senate In explanation and defense of the course of thu adminis tration relative to tho Moroccan con ference at Algeciras, Spain, nud In con nection with Santo Domingo. Tho speech was delivered to crowded gal leries and to a well filled senate, at.d received careful attention throughout. It was In tho main a response to tho speeches ot Bacon and riltman, and Its purpoao was to justify the president's acts In both the matters under discus slon. Washington, Jan. 23. Tito eight hour law cannot bo abrogated (ar work on tho Panama canal and caual com missioners cannot receive additional compensation beside their salaries as commissioners. Thoso two changes In tho urgent deficiency appropriation bill now under consideration by the homo was tho net result ot today's session. Innumrahlo amendments seeking to perfect tho bill as to caual ground pur chases, purchases ol coal tor the navy, etc., consumed time In discussion, tut met defeat when a vote was taken. When the session ended, about half of tho bill had been considered. It will bo laid aside tomorrow, when tho state hood hill Is to bo brought In and to havo tho right ot way until disposed of. Monday, January 22. Washington, Jan. 22. The qnestlnn ot regulating railroad rates took prac tically all ot tne time of the senate to day, notwithstanding that no bill with that end In view has been reported Irom tho Interstate commerce commit tee. Tho dlecuselon of tho subject was In connection with Clary's speech, AI drlch, Forakor, Bailey and New lands being tho priuciplal participants In ad dition to Clay hiui-eif. Clay advocated the passago ot a hill which would gtvo tho Interstate Com merce cnmmliaioii power to regulate rates, when complained of, and said that, it there was no legislation along that line, the country might count up on agitation of tuo question of govern ment ownership. In that connection, he refsrred to tho large vote given Mr. Hearst in tho lato New Tork municipal election as an indication of the poplari ty of municipal ownership ot public utilities. Washington, Jan. 22. With a point ot order pending, tho eight-hour clause ot tlie Panama caual Item in the urgent deficiency bill was buffeted about In debate during tho greater part of to day' ses-lon ot the house. The debsto was general and the iKiint of order which will be made by Hogg of Colo, rado, or by Williams, tho minority leader, can only Imi made when tho sec tion Is considered for amendment. While the eight-hour provision ot tlie Panama part of tho bill la what is objected to most strenuously, speeches were mado for and against the adminis tration's canal policy. Williams, the minority leader, declared tlie work of digging ought to bo done by contract, Du Armond, of Missouri, Immediately contended that this could not lie done successfully, and Burton, ot Ohio, urg ed that congress should scrutinize ap propriations. Hepburn, ot Iowa, urged the necessity of centralization in re sponsibility, and wanted the president held responsible for the work. .Strikes Rocks In For Oil- thu Strait of Fuca, Victoria, II. 0., Jon, 23. Tlioslenm or Valencia, which was en mute to Vic toria (rum Hun FraiiuUco with 01 pas sengers nud a crow of 00, went nshnio at midnight Inst night during n thick tog, at Clin) One, near Cnrmniinl, point, ami n large number were drowned when attempting tu leave the ship. Tho steamer is on thu rocks against a high cliff, and Is likely to go to pieces nt any time. One boat' crew reached Cape llealo at 3 o'olovk this afternoon, and iitnu men got ashore near the telegraph huts, about Hi miles (rum the light house. When the boats worn lowurod, soon alter the vessel was driven Into the slurre alter she began to sink, there was a great loss of lite, The lainta tilled with women and children wero smashed against the side ol thu steamer and 1 1 In them were lost. The lights had gone out by this time, and the crew could not see to wurk Seven boats and three lllo raits were lowered. Only two ol thorn have Jieon heart! from. There wero thought to be about 100 persona still on tho wteck, and tho sur vivors who reached Cape licit I o say at least At) were drowned alongside tho steamer before they left. Tho Ixiatswalrt and tlvo seamen were sent to secure assistance, and are the only ones that reached Capo llealo, ar riving there about 3 o'clook. ;IA LIFE RAFT FOUND lilylituon, Hull Demi, Survivors ol Viiluiuilii, rickml Up, ANOTHER RAIT IS OUT AT SKA HUNDRED REPORTED LOST. Lighthouse Keeper at Carmanah Fllss First Telegram. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 23. A tils patch (torn Cape llealo says the steamer lost Is tho alonola of San I-ritiiclsco, which went ashore on the Vancouver island coast nrar Ctoo Osn. The light homo keeper says between 00 nud 00 were drowned. The news ol the disaster on Vancou ver Island coast Is meager, being run fined to the mepge received by Car, tain (iitudlii, agent ol marine, (rum Lighthouse Keeper Peterson at Carma nah, saying as follows: "Steamer wrecked Itrlwcou hero and Ctoo Ote, AIhiuI 100 drowned. Nine reached talrgiaph hut. Will wlrn morn imrticulars as soon as possible." Cloo Ote Is about live or six in 1 1 hi from Carmanah point, and 06 ml leu (ram Victoria. Cape llealo I ISA mile from Ictorla, at the easterly entcranco to Barkley sound. SEEKER FOR PEACE. Saturday, January 20. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho cry ol gralt railed In tho house of representa tives this afternoon caused tie defeat ot an amendment to an urgent deficien cy bill appproprlatlng $10,000 to sup ply an expresi deficiency In tlie fund used for tiie payment ot transporta tion charges on silver from the sub treasury to trade centers. Tho amend ment was proposed by General Kloler, Hep., and was opposed by Iteprsenta lives Tawney, Minn,, Smith, la., and Hill, Conn. Representative Hill raised the point of order against It. Ho Inst. Hill charged that tho appropriation was a speales ot graft for the express company. Htnltti joined in tuo declar ation that it was no longer necessary for the Federal government to continue tlie appropriation, and that if the transportation ot rilver wan not made so profitable tho coin would remain in circulation longer. Hague Delegates Chosen, Wai-hiiigtnn, Jan. 22 Secretary Root today announced that the Ameri can representatives to the approaching conference to be held at Thu Hague will ho Joieph II Chcato, formerly ambas sador to England; Horace Porter, for rnor ambassador to France, and Judge Rose, of Little Bock, Ark., ex presi dent of the American Bar association. Besides these delegate there may be others, thu number being conditional upon the Russian representation, and there will also be a number of secre taries, stenographers and interpreters. injury of a fourth combatant. Tho Nswlands' Plea Against Bill. battle was betwe n members of the two Washington, Jan 23. Senator New rival societies, the IIp Sings and the lamia tmlnv mutinied his statement in to eay where these routes were located. On Leongs. Chinatown was full of opposition to the Philippine tariff bill, visitor at the time, witnessing tho eel- i ., hearing now proceeding beforo ebration of the Chinese New Year, tho senate committeo having in charge , this measure. He took the position Give Isle of Pines to Cuba, that it would be cruel to tho Filipinos Washington, Jan 20. The senate to accustom them to a subsidized price committee on foreign relations '-oday for their sugar and return them to tho world's prlro. about iao a ton lets, when the Philippines are separated from Investigate Abuse of Chinese, Washington Jan. 27. Senator Till man has introduced n resolution di recting tlio committee on immigration in InvesiiifHte charytB nf 11) trea'mei t of Chinwo aliens traveling In tie voted to' report the treaty with Cuba United Stato- by officers of the Immi tolfng the Isle of Pines to that repuh gratlon sorvico. lie The treaty was not amended. this government, Wants Philippine Socrotary. Manila, Jan. 23. T. II. Pardo du Tavern ha resigned his positinn an a number ot thu United States Philip pine comrnlslon, assigning as a reason his bullet that tho Filipinos should havo a portfolio. His resignation lias offered an opportunity for one of his colleagues to express a desire that in the future there be a Filipino delexato In congress, Commissioner Idu is re ceiving thousands ol congratulations on his appoinment as governor, which is universally approved, tho'igh many re grot the transfer of ex-Govornor Wright, Irrigation Engineers Confer. Washington, Jan. 22. Irrigation en gineers ot tho department of Agricul ture, under the direction of IS 1 wood Mead, are in conferenco In Washington to outline the work for the coming teu ton. A. P. Stover, of Oregon, and 11, O. Raechbacher, of Idaho, are attend ing the meeting. Thoro enginucra nro not connected witli tho Reclamation service, but make a special study of water resources, tho use of water and drainage problems. Ambassador White Trias to Reconcile Germany and Franca. Algeciras, Jan. 24. Henry Whlti, tho American ambassador to Italy and head ot the American delegation to the Moroccan conference, Is making tho weight of tho United States felt In quiet endeavors to bring Franco and Germany nearer together lielore Jlho disputed questions arise In the conven tion. Thu questions cannot lie long de layed. It has been Impossible for the "nlted States to taku the lead in seeking a way toward an agreement that shall guaran tee to all the countries an equal footing In Morocco and yet recognize In tome respects the sm-clal rot itlou ol France. It Is a difficult task, but all the govern ments, except those directly concerned, are assisting In It, beeauso of the dan ger of thu situation, should the confer ence (all in settlement. TREATS AFFAIR AS A JOKE. Rescued Say Ninety Poopla Ware Sllll GIlMglnrj to RiKt'J'ig, Rut Can not Long Survive. Seattle, Jan. 26, A spoolal repre seulatlve ol the Post lutelllgeneer wires from Port Angeles at 3i30 a, m. thnt thu rescue ship City o( Ttikepa nicked up a Meruit at I o'olotk yesterday af ternoon six miles off Cape llealo with 1H survivor ot the Valencia on hoard. The men were in n pitiable condition and almost dead (rum exposure, The wurk ul rescuing them was dangerous. Thu limn were too exhausted to even tie a rope around themselves. The rait put tint (mm the wreck when tho Queen was sighted and si tempted to reach her, but before It could get within sighting distance that vestal put about and headed to the straits, where she spoke the Topeka and toiil ol seeing tho Valencia, When the Tukepa hove In sight the rati was once more maunrtl and put forth, with the result that It was rescued. The survivors told terrible tale of the wreck ol the vesel They said that she will break up before morning and every soul on loard will hn tl. Wnni they left the ship, there were alxmt V0 people still on board, most ul them clinging to the rigging. After fdcklug up the rait, the steam er went in search ii another rati which the rescued men raid had left the ship earlier In the day. The vessel ran fully ft) miles to the other side tit the wreck looking l'ir the craft, hut ih slun ol it has til be seen. It Is the general Im pression that the rait foundered. Jt wa utterly unable fur human Mug- in live lung ihi a rait In the terrible hh during the rain ami hitter cold wlml. Vessel Reported Ureken Up. Ylrtorla, Jan. 24. A dlspairb re ceived by W. F. llullei, el Kqulmlt, one ol the owners of the str-smr Sal vor, IriHu his brother, II. F. Mullen, on lwmrd at Bamtlehl, sy the Valvwla broke up this afternoon. Since aUiul noon yesterday nssUtancu was liumtl hle Ix-tMtiso ot the heavy teas. BURTON GOT MILEAGE. Venezuelan Mlnlstor Refutes Explan ation of Talgny Incident. Willemstad, Jan, 23. Advlres re cnlved here today say that the denu of thu diplomatic corps nt Caracas, tho Belgian charge d'affaires, has conferred wltii Senor Tbarra, tho Venezuelan Foreign minister, on the Incident at tending the embarkation of thu ex French chargo d'affaires, M, Talgny, on hoard tho French steamer Martinique oft La Uuayra, January 14. Senor Ybarra evaded thu request and treated the Talgny Incident lightly, rc marking that M. Tatguy had "allowed himself to bu caught like a rat In a trap." --- I,, Klnjr Peter's fhrono Shaky. London, Jan. 24. Special dispatches from Vienna to the Indon papers are Inclined to attribute thu strained rela tions between Austria-Hungary and Servla partly to thu waning Influence ot King Puter. The king la reported as being powerless to control the policy ol his cabinet owing to tint growth ol Und id I and Republican lulluerires, The uorroMKindont ot the D.tlly Mail says; "It la believed In A -stria that the days ot thu Knrageorguvitch dynasty an- numbered nud that King Peter and his family will be expelled, ' Are Shut Up In Kansas. Chicago, Jan 24. A dispatch to the Tribune from Chanute, Kan,, says: The independent oil refiners of Kansas havo mailed to James It, Garfield, com mlsiloiiur of corporations, an appeal for justice against the alleged conspiracy between tho Standard Oil company and tho railroads to shut Kansas nil nut of thu market. Tho refiners who signed tlie appeal havo Investod more than $1,000,000 In reflnorlcs, tank cars, storage tanks, wagons ami barrels. Asks 02,000,000 for Mllltla. Washington, Jan 24 The Natlannl Guard association today reaffirmed Un approval of thu bill ponding in the sen ate and house, carrying an annual ap propriation of $2,000,000 to increase tho efficiency of thu mllltla and to pro moto rifle practice, Senators Stand In with Evasion of Rules to Help Him. Washington, Jan. 23, One nf tho most remarkable priK-rdeores In the history of the senate prmirrrd today lit order to avoid a technicality which prevented Senator Burton, ot Kansas, Irom drawing his inllenuo for the pres ent session. In order tn have bin requisition honored, it Is necessary for some official of the senate to take oath that liu had seen the senator In tho chandier, but since thu Indictment ami conviction ot the Kauias senator, h has not apHared In thu elmmlxir. There Is no disposition un the part nt any one to withhold the mileage, ami tho senator, therefore, was asked In step from tlie cloakroom Into the cham ber for n moment In order that hn mlght he recti by some ollh-lal He r!o ullned, but an employe engaged him la conversation in the cloakroom near the entrance to tho chamber. The employe suddenly turned the senator so that hi farted the chamber and, the attention of the officials previously having been dliectrd toward this door, he was seen from the chamber. It was then certi fied that Senator Burton was In attend auco ami his mileage was paid him. Flood Sweeps Valleys, Weston, W. Va,, Jan. 25. A heavy rain storm resembling a cloudburst pasted over the southeastern ortlon of this state yesterday, flooding Cherry, Holly, and Klk rivers and carrylnir away bridges, houses and many million leet nf valuable timber. In Rich wood the water rose five fret In the houses, The water carno up so suddenly that men, women and children had to wadn walst'deep out ol their home to tho mountains. Over 12 miles n the' Hully river and Addison railroad wus washed away near Hurley Junction, Amorul Exclusion Law, Washington, Jnn. 26, Roprrnontas tlvo roster, ol Vermont, Introduced a bill today modifying tho provision of tho (Ihlneco exclusion net so thnt merchants, Ktudents and other cIiihsi-h entitled tn enter thu United Slates may do so without being subjected to the al leged Indignities complained nt by tho Chinese government. The bill provided that after Chinese linve been admitted to tho United States they are entitled to trial before they can be expelled. General Wheeler III. Now York, Jan. 23. Brigadier Gun oral Joseph Wheeler, United Hlntt-B army, retired, Is seriously III at tho residence ot his sister, Mrs. Sterling Smith, In Brooklyn, He bus been con fined to his bod for three day with rt bronhclal affection There In tear thnt his Illness may develop into pneumonia. Entombed In Ooal Mine. Poteau, I, T,, Jan, 26, New had boon roculvd hero of nn explosion la miuu no u at Wlttovlllo, n mining vil la un three mih-s from here, and It la said that 30 minera nro entombed.