The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 02, 1906, Image 4

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    Pit i r'rismmmmarft
aaaaaaaajajaatjeaafjaJajMa tatLM
m a m k m
r i
rvruM jerjucr r&uur r
"For very ma wjtuxc tie!, w
(cm Mid era more."
Ms wwtki.
Tfcrrr fnimiat .
(U'wUUr la a5ae4
Paikt-r Leak ttrait, jioaUl ewery
rti w Krai. ejra jmmcr orfcr.
mrfatmsS IrMer. Mai all hImww
tte ad Ma Schedule.
A- tr ITEM
KfeasitLovta rriae -TV
Lb mm l I-"
... I
as data- ease Ta
t-nw Turii Tw Tfcafa aad
FnuUMb'Mrwi aaaay i . aa.
Luti JBtS)
, Mwelt vU hnwrt A a. fa.
1 r ldkc4nr avtjt) aaVrr Ult.
r rand T-. Taat aad hat
ItudUwtUatr ''I tar - -J 9-
r&rrMtf lh.irt y:t.ta.l
win. (m a ta t-
iefdac a4 brfr S y fa
TMtomt ar- k W. tra
'a. k ta mm a. ta. kaa4 u biaMars.
wi n a. m ta it cwea. a few" ?..
The ve beg sude b)- the
oterf Western Crok eonttty to
. a . a
MCtire a vctec m the uaasaaioa 01
the coaWJty's bcs is a reavm
aide one. The oters arc tlcaiaad
iijj 0thiag btst what jtsally betesgs
titketa. Dariag the fast two or
three years devctopmeat a Westers
Crook bos been very rapid. A large
netabcr of settler have come ht ami
made their home here; others ate
coffliatg every day. Lamls have
bacs cioared, fences bUt. resi
dcNOaSjaractod, crops put in, aad a
apfesdid growth has been made
along all lines that help in opening
up a new country. With tlik dc
vdopmaat has cotae the uatnral in
create ,of property value, until now
a goodly per cent of tbc county
laxca come rem Western Crook.
J fence if we are to maintain that
fM American principle that "Tax
ation without representation is tyr
nny." the western part xf the
county must be granted a voice in
transacting the cojgnJyU business.
Heretofore petitions on various
occasions have Ifijtu presented to
thp county orL Invariably they
have met reusa. There is little
inclinatiou to Uy any blajse on the
present board of cowmtssioncw
further than thsl they do not seem
to be acquainted sufficiently with
the needs of this section of the
county. They are Lelieyd to be
fair-minded men, conducting the
county's business in an economical
y.ay, and conservative in their pol
icies. This conservatism, coupled
with a lack of sufficient knowledge
of Western Crook's needs, has been
the cause not fafrfjucailv of their
refusing aid where aid was justly
due. It U LcJiaycd (hat with a rep
resentative from this end of the
comity elected as comnjUsioner a
man who is acjuainted with Des
chutes valley conditions much
cause of this former trouble will be
Kvcry section of the county
should hive as much representation
in the county's business as possible.
No section or clique should seek to
dominate. Hence we believe the
voters will see the justice of the pres
ent movement and will grant West
ern Crook a proper recognition.
A moit bitter and determined
fight is being waged in congress
against President Roosevelt. It i
largely confined to the senate, al
though the insurrection has much
jitrcfigth in the house, The presi
dent's independent methods and
lib efforts to push certain desirable
legislation through congress,
coupled with hiH recent disregard
of old-time political patronage rules,
has started this movement. A
Washington correspondent says:
"The money power of the country,
which is plotting the president's
overthrow, lias been quick to take
advantage of the situation, and to
try to develop it." Congressmen
allied wltli such forces of corruption
urc the ones behind the opposition
The president's efforts for the puri-
fiiinn f noliUcs are really the
ilcatlon of politics are
cause of nil the trouble.
There are
too many professional politicians in
our congress to enjoy the adminis
Iwnou of auiuu as morally pure and
free rom corrofftioa &s is Frcstdcat
RooserrJL The Sjbi las becota
sobducr tkil it is Mid the people
kec&a ure the presklcat aad
his polkncs. Willi peWic oputoa
fjtxadwc nair hehiad bra. the
forces f cpmsptiea aire set besoac
tx a9cat Roosevelt is attttuxlly
a fighter. He his two the pespJc'
a4ta4rstS9B xad ftkh hr his fear
Scwsess aad iaiejrk, mad he rai
oestiwe to coaxazad their support
Few tltisgt adreniK a Iktwn. tet
lcr Una a fin -cia jcltoet systm.
Head has made an exceJteak start
mi this dircctkiB. Oa Kearairr 14
the twters iM be exited m to say
whether they wst a high scImksI
estabikheal here. Sine; present
pUas calf iz addstiwMl ex
pease. there Keat ( be svS-
ciest reason why a
HaaaM ttet be added
yteaB. The ekctioai
high sebeoti
10 1 school)
a conditUnt '
1 staatL k krely
a legal form
ality, as Bend is already teaching
ninth and tenth grade siadics the
fret two rads of a high schawl
The district smM comply with the
law1, however, and it if well to
ort a foundation now that may in
the intare develop into a compWtc
high school Kver sonce the Pfl-
I grim fathers landed on the New
England shores, the Utile while
cbo bouse and the church have
been two mot important factors in
American civilization. We are
justly proud of our public school
ytem. It befcooue Bead to con-
jiinue this work of so much im
portance and to place the mark of
approval on a high school at this
coming election.
The lack of intercot
shown by
voters in election that
"olf years" has been one of the
chief causes in putting poor men
into office. The duty that falls
upon every voter should not be
thus neglected. Under Use new
primary law it is necessary far the
voter to register if he perJorm lbs
duty as a citizen. He cannot cact
his ballot at the primary election in
April if he neglects to register.
Hence ft is important that this pro
vision of the law be well attended
to. The citizen ha got to show
enough interest in politics to reg
ister or the new law will prove no
letter titan the old one. Now is
the time. .
The Bulletin's error last week in
attaching a most utisavory title to
one of the prospective candidates
for sheriff was due wholly its ignor
ance of a western term aftd not
through any intention to give of
fence. The term used pXHsesses
diametrically opposite meanings in
the Kast and West, and we plead
guilty of being a "tenderfoot. "
The incident calls to mind a certain
Ilaitern profcA&or who was teaching
in the Idaho state university. Be
fore one of his chutes Onk day be
referred to a "cayuie" wind and a
"chinook" pony.
Co-operation of persons to violate
or evade the luv is criminal con
spiracy; co-operation of citizens to
uphold the law and prevent fraud
ii not only permissible but- highly
commendable. KermuK this dis
tinction in mind will tend to clear a
certain confusion (wm a number of
troubled brains. AH goal citizens
and officials of the government art:
expected to co-operate to support
the law,
It may not be amiss to remark
that certain "charges" recently
brewed by the Reed-IIarshman
outfit against a federal appointee
from this quarter did not have
strength to stand alone. They
were snowed under so deep that
(Jabriel's trump won't wake them.
To expose the character of their
bponsors was enough to damn them;
hut it was easy to do more and
more was done
Horses Snowed In.
There is a bunch of horbcs on the
high hills above town. Nearly ev
ery day they can be seen from
town come out on the north side of
the peak, where the snow is prob
ably shallowest, and, dig around for
grass. The whole hunch will
probably stay there till they starve
to death unless rfomc one breaks a
trail out through the deep snow
' 'ves them down. It would
immune u un me ji.iri 01 me
UWIIVI, Ui Uliy UIIG mi inui niuiicr,
to break a trail to the animals and
deliver them up from their snowy
peril. If-ukeview Uxatuiner,
JJJ Tr,' a Attar-
iLrrwtrtHnWU rrf r u,
ttt Jaaaary , , !
Lartf t , .
gtor, r
r P av
CHnxt Primary EJtictloa.
Cm etmU er tmfHf fmTT rtiffiaa
MlkUl MlM MMCf
tt -IWH tfN aMK
UfM fir wtt aaptw "I'M Hf
Hwm ManA
a mtHmi
I tfffcmi m twff Acr.
1m iwtatfr ffMttt
Cc af rvuT iaf wr aw
Initiative Prtltfaas,
t ar at IB i Mnyatm icait mtm-
jfru Jffmjuno ft y'5
IX mf tar SV( HiaailHc J all i
LMCClar Skw(JmfMrU llf't
atf W armmy ft iTmm
Hiwtwrf Mta'atu mwtia MiUliilr Va
r MHirfMaM, MS
Ocacral Ulcctiea.
Lm tmy tar Mate lnUtimn af iiiiimhIip
Ui mnnt 1 af 1 Liiaj T Uilim. t
LM r far iac finwtinHn jiftfuai fW
tatr klMl
IX At fcr fBtsr nififarti af
F ay 1
Ueneral Election, Juoc 4.
Mark Twain a Wemaa Suffrarc j
In H. Twama "faaWwuajt the,
EajaaSaf'' it a axtfaV A pane naawit a '
MbM ittiiaai ta Nt-a grttVtaid la wtiidl '
a Kta tkc ouVnaJ im innaia thai
ais r M Una awiU) tt aayat s
Mfwrtmn a to Ut jtwm. in nar-:
JtciaJ iryart be aiantoaaaf) thMMMraawart
"A fcatarr of Mag itirt w ta nir
tMBii 4 naUratty ' tar ) ittyit.
Wctnun c t ta wjt ntolaaOjal. la
filial 1 utiaa !- tUta far aara
At fatMmr a lOaadMaX ainawatat aoataat
a siwrna
(v Ut MtoanltM arttk-
-sm aruac naaafim Ta jinmUitt
Kaara tinitmniaia cvrr toaec tar u
flag rrr eua tar wummm'
irat ta m ly. aa
aaaa aeT aoarafl a fan.
ti yaw Uary
"Java uaaUl a fnr! a aart f imj urt
lor ttwar fXhiri and wrvraaaa taaarr far
.kx. ----- rm i .
i m- a mm wwmu f&uf iv a ataflfjtr t
ut attiiadi Ukr tfaac for tWf haar
wiuanUt aa. la 4" aar tfarr fav
aasaaaaiv aarav aaaaacf m
a Ufa car aUMaar aooK of
la taat Wraf Uaar tfatjar Mrit
rt tfaiatulna frra m tfilmallT
ta tkat Uaar wnaoat fata u
aaaS"iF f4T " J fjfl
arr krararul ar.
fffftfraantai the arvtau '
1 ttaat Uarr
aaraai .
ecaaaar aa4 earner aaa t-rrvrrrraaec
aaa SortitaaW. It ktlaa aaaeh to coa-
Mad prr
the Sreraae ana 0 aartMac : mmA
ymfaaai annrtar rati rf r aiafc
rtaiiae (faat far M tfac atrtt&c wataaa't
iaVraf yrt ta teyrral Mtfnruat iriaik
tfac ef id tact tet-tat hv tajuv taat that a
iut far t- Xaa k rater! tfar faai
face f totn the tittaaiiiiK tart far taw,
f mi ail.rr taat
t aa ta the ataidte ut
prat-eat etrataty
wm a ittUl wo.-H. aad
ittaaraat aa4 autaat. Tfa it aanii't
aortaattr aV ftw kail ae forc.
1 aoatlrr wfaefc aaai will
In another
ii ytartf"
LalJlaw Fenced In.
Bend people traveling to and
from Latdlaw report that home
steaders are setting posts and pre
paring to build fence across the
roads leading into Laidlawfrom the
north and est One fence crosses
the road about half way up the
stfie ot tuc mil diicctly out trom
Laidlaw, while the less traveled
road leading into town on a lower
VuH4 frUlrt Laa4 OArr, The Ikilbrt, Orrioa.
JiutMry . VA.
A wilSelrut evaUtt IB4trit htrinx Urra flt-d
lalM.bmu- hy Altrrt W 1'aj. atnitrrtaal,
UiM (wmrt4 ralrKa, ttyn. mdr Krti
ratrr it r H arjf- arf ", ae ,
Hy ii mc tiAV II ri) t.w w, U JMtW
V Juan cbalrMrr. In wltrh H it aH(4 Ibtt ubl
tfaVlh, 'C fhaTu iTSaTr SSa. !
iwrvt r. jimrt ait mlmHy ukl ifMt
far wvretlua i athi Ux imW.
Ihtl MM
tract It tuA rtltlrl au,n aivl tuiil.1
rt it tuA rtltlrl uyun aa4 aulll.lM uf M
ty ft rr-irfd ljr U Ibtl mwI tfUftd
wf wtfUbtdar U, hi.rmlyinrut h Ikc
army, otvf r urlui uflb l nHt4 KiKt
w iimr l wr M paitirt arr hrrthjr rwllSrd
tdltyiMtr, trtputut n4
Mid allriralkMI at 10 n'cl
offer rrldracv touch!,
tki al 19 o'clock a m on March m.
'm. iWfart L A. juart a autarv iil4lr. al hr
lofjwfr I A- jvart
Hlixr IM Jtci4, Itlrwmi aad that liital UittiMf
wMlkx Bldal wii'rlwkaM m March i'A.
Ufatrlhr Icrylalrrau'l Krcrivrral the I'aHrd
MtUt IHdornmuThr llallrt. rr(a.
Thr Mid (OBtttUnt baring, la a pwjxr a0Hla.
rll. 6U4 lanuarr 14. , art farllt faclt which
tlwa- b.l alter due dMfjrnfcr xtnHt tcrvlcc af
inn ivak cjiiiiioi ir inuir, 11 urrruy urnrrro
aaddtrratd Ibal tucliauAKr l (lcn ly due
aad bciHwr pMlca(i'iH
fimy MKIIAKI, T JfOI.AK. Krlttcr
$eil& Bulletin
WJCBl 4M uarVuma JaMaymnt VPaaBnCU, mxuUnTUMT OtjmjfHl
tar t MM iiinimnii tHMi W MM in Ow J w nMa J X U'miW-
aVWwiiati aTiaaar t tafi' i Onnta,
af aaaatr Otart Mrf ifc, Ara mitaur nl . - - - - -
aiaaaA vw Mtav ,vmiv tv vytatcataf t MAaa.
- - - a
Jaaa taaatl aaC am
ttiiatiilft ta mat
anal at haat tfcer
MtahMJua. aaaa
act tfcat hat aot
I rrade is ah t be crossed by a
-Fence. If the roads are cloned U
jg atfCC4sitac CTfKsiaE the tivtl
e 4Svtice further p-$iream
aad dririac to LaidUtr a the west
1 ddt: f the river. This report sb-
sUbUMcs the rtatcmcjit raade at
fcc pjnid aectteK WcaWday
aic ht that if fences were buX b'
tbc Uad owners Lakllaw tvonM be
"- ... I
Awtrf Lta. Art law y iT.
V a La Oftrf. TV- IwSea. Orrcna.
aaaf tt. yt
Mm iia f-.i-m rflMMl CriT af Jwm . ;
ITi lam i r Tanay " tt a lb
WtiM ttoaioVf txaf Aar4, H.
fm4 afCa1. Mrf(Hm
mlniill m ttHl ? 1 a.
mar i int 1 1 T Mx rM rS1 -
fi it t. r it
Citaa V L
W . atHMtf f'OMnitr rfOnpa
aMMt ! ; tara yapi',aiiT f.
Vr tmiii at ttw K iHtnnr
W kr HM vflf Uf Wv Uu4 liar te4
mupa krr T iamiW faro Umlr of it
Sw !. imamrtl rwinw . 4 a ta
-- a - - - --1 1 lull tfe Krar ftrf
mm M I a
TUrt nn a utaii ii nainiii'i cwm r
aaauaaaBB SainmW nano? aoaaaaaanaaBBL na aahs
Mt aAaa tHarsafaf Uioj aT vam)jml taaotB jpV
aAaa. twA
WTHWi 1 aHBLA.1 (wn
r. S. Laaat Otaac. Tr SnUu Oftfaa.
MJi a tfPM
yittatartt iamatwt w inaaiii it ta 1
aW mtmm a i afiar At. a Caattrm W )a v '
MMMai totaariW MfrWlinl f twai
m fHMliI to a it
ay MI af Aaffa i. li.
WOJa tt Carry.
af taaraaaa ar af Orvraa ha
tfctoavr ata la Mm. vflar M, tra iummK
t Mrr '
1 taala-iCarK at Ka
. r ar ta
Aai wile' intf tort
a tk tW Iaa4
iiantoac ial itor W !
ftTatai!-?' TT7T1i' TtiT
k,,,, ,r y. Maw. uhm. aa
trr '
4a a
MtUaa M Carr Ktra-
tm af rar
U K ininaiiii af ma
to Ok tara
aai at Siaan Urr t tmtm
' 4.. j
tSfcHXta. T aOLAX kctM
Ttail htm. JUt Jatw S. ttx.
' v--m t.t.t.t t. . vitv-
.iunift run 1 tKiv,AHu..
V - LatatOawr.Tfarltonr. Orrra
fBrnsmT p ffUmpaaO" fmwsanj Iftaml ffsnj tMatmpHatafaajC mium
tW ftKiati aTtaa An af ftawm mi Jaar 1
-UMtkr Ifcr tr ut uttt pf
m ataa to ttt ia
lata itotn ay ad af Aih( 4. rr.
. Afar. aaa.
TVMh. mmmmrmtt!mmm Mat mf ftntmm
to., da. 4y MWtotaa- kMcc arc i-woMr
a jJ. fc Ok aairJMn af thr art( m
- lf - r J r- a
4jU U ffrt nuf to Omtw tfax tar ba4
rr ruf to mm
atta i44r far at
la far aynraMarat vwry-.,., h4 to nuMlia
krr tattni to Mat toa4 Ufarr tar UriVrr Mat
Katittar H The lann. orrgva. aa Wr rati mj
af XMrt.
Km aaairt at an Mlraari Ottaiwr,
C Ma AUrrtl ltofa. a4
' " af Tar ttttfat. oaaa. t4
MrTtetMl aflanla4 Orrfaa
rlthalut 4.rtjr Ifar
rr twfOTlwt to 6V Ibrtr
vpajmnura mj BPfftfl aartamsj
Manai. 4.
r Wtorr hM ma 4ar af
SOW!. UagMtt
Taatjrf Lal. AM af Jaar V lT.
V S laatl VtTtr TKr I tlW,. rrca,
IxnuA-f 4 y-
Matitr It fcrf rfcf (taa IfaX to aaa4ia rNh
Iter ptwMotM al liar A af Cair f Jaar 1,
lay taWlMl ' Aa act far Uw Mtr af UatWr aa4t
tolkr MMafCaNfarata. Orrfwa. - tut
U toftoa Trr Htory . ' at ira4l to N Ikr
y-uMtclaa4 HMttmf M4 af Aa(t4 4. IV.
AU J lUrrlarlaa.
of rrtix 1 ai . taaaly af Cruvk. Mttr afOrrfon.
h.tlait4.y AM la IMt altrr trr intrt Milr
miM m m. for thr (Mfctuw af lactr((awU.
aa4 tHarK af arc M.ty ) i,l H r,iu4 IM t.
kc y. ip 14 1, r 11 1. r hi
AM wW arTrr prtW la thaw that Ihr Ittxl
nuihi It mrr Ftatbt far Mi Ural' '
tiMH! Ibtn fur t(rlHaril u,riwr, aad t
rtuM.h brr aUlm tu m!4 Un4 Ufarr Ihr
CaualyCtriktt l'rnrMlr. Ofrgaa, on the Jlh
Ujrfcf Mtirb, lyA,
Miratairttt nHNrwi, Cktrlrt Hfk,Jlin
mM aa lira i-wtwinirr in ui nrM.1. urrt .
i ' llr af marrUlr. -.
Any and iH wixm. 4llii( adrrrarly thr
hit dtawttitd laada air rwjut4 la Sic lh4r
rtolMt In Ih4 i(Tkc un vr tcfarc Mid Mh day af
Mirth. v,A.
jfmij MICIIAKL T. NOI.AK. Hrglatcr.
U. 8. Uitd Oilier. The lltHra, Orrcan
UcarmUr y. ivH.
A ufBrltut conical afMarlt harlnr Urn filed
la tliit offter by Kll W Cruap.cwntcMaat acaluit
boMcatcad entry .Vu 1 1 ,yy. wade hrptruiCcr ly.
'$. fur rtf. tec JJ, l m, a. rilt.w m. by Olr
I. Korltalt. evHtettcc, In which 11 It allcgr that
Mhl Olc I. Kurhidl hat whulty alwndunrd aild
tract, that he hat chanird bit mldrncr there
frm fur inure than ill montht laat . that
Mhl tract it not arttled uwu aad rnltlraird by
aid party aa rnjutml by law that Mid allcfnl
alMCiicc It li'd due to hit cmplorrnent In the
army navy or marine cvrpt uf the United hlatrt
111 llnirufwar auld partlra arr htrl by notified
tu appear rrtpond and olfier cvl'lrnce tuuchiiif
mhI alleratlbii aliu o'clock a irfc un I'ebruary
ij. IVA Tefurc A II Olaut a, uptary public al
hitulfice In lletid,Crrr(uii,andliat final tirailnr
will i held at 10 o'clock a m. 011 February J,
I'A lrforr the KrKUter and Ketclver Rt Unltrii
Htatea land office lu T'1 Ill'f. Orrxon
The muI roiitrttant having, Ut a riper
affidarll, filed DeccuiUr iv. lyoi, tet futtli facta
wbicli abow that aftrf due illllriice perxitial
terrier of tblt nut Ice can nut hr made, it la hereby
urdrredaud directed that audi nullcc be (iren
by due and proper publication.
iyfl MICIIAI.T Nor.AN, Keglaler.
V. H. Mini Office The Pallet, Oregon,
peccniber 16, 140).
A aufflclenl rontett affidavit having been filed
In llilt "five by Daniel K. Hniilli. coiilealaut.
agalutt liuuiatead entry No. 6, made Octuber
15. lyo. fur H'ine, iiltiiwK.aer iv, tpiHa, r 11
e, w 111. by Martha Murrit.coiiletlee, In which it
It allrifrdlhat tald Martha Morrit bat wholly
iibaiidoncdaald tract that the hatrhatigrd her
rcaldciice therefrom for more than tlx nioiitht
Ui nual. Hint aald tract If not acttled uixiu. and
tuliivalrd by Mid Hirly aa required by law, thai
aald alleged abaciicr wut not due lo her employ,
incut In the ami) , navy or marine corpt of the
I'liiled Htatea In time of war, aald partlra are
hereby notified lo appear, rraixxid and offer
evidence touching aald allegation at 10 o'clock
a. III. oil I'chruur I), 1006, before A. II (Slant,
a. in. oil I'ebruary I), lyo, hciorr a. 11 lilt
a notary public, at hit office In He
Oregon, and that final healing will be hi Id
lu clock a. in 1'ibriiary J J, l'6 before Ihe K
iillC, l lilt omce III lieno,
id at
ry ii, i'n liefore the Krg-
iatrrand Uicrlver at the UplUd ritutet luud 1 11 The Hallea, Oregon.
Th un lil emilaataiit bav uir. Ill a limner afflda.
I ill filed lirrcinlwr l( ivojiet forth fuita which
1 arrow I hut after due diligence prrnonul ttrvlre of
1 til Im notice cannot U- made It It hereby ordered
and directed that inch notice Ik given by due
land proptr publication
1 Hir-fti MJCf(AlUr. N0I.AN, Utfiittr.
iftnaintii Ti naaii
MMM wm
OaUav. tNftM
Ut Aaasaav
Aay taa tU mm M(
WAU. STMtLT Ot1 . M Ca
lHE finest
Cured Meats and Lard and all
the Accessories of a First-Class
Market. Everything new and
of the best. WHITE & HILL.
Leave Sbaalko
6 p.
Arrive PrhswiWe. 7 a.
Loavc Irinevll1e..M..i3:jO p.
Arrive Bead 7op-
Bend-SUver Lake Stage
G. A. COOK, Proprietor
LEAVBS UBND every cvetunfi Imt Sunday ott arriv
al of Prmmtle stai-c. runs throujeh U Silvar Uk in o
LKAVHS SILVHR UKU tvvty morHinf except
Monday at 6 o'clock, arrives at Brml 1 30 next morntwi;.
Best of Accommodations on tho Route.
Fare Through. $7 50. round trip. $14. Forty pounds
of baggage free, exprcai 3 cents a pound.
IBend Livery &
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Pboae No. 15
toadttrrrt.Wlwrca Mlaaetarft aadOrrgaa.
Authorized Capital $25,000
Incorporated 190-1
The Central Oregon
Banking & Trust Company
of BEND,
Treatartia graerat baaklag aad Iratl Ui.h Imuci l.rtlrff f CinM gemt
Ihrtmibawt the wwrW. aett at adminiatralse t trrulur or IruMre uf t4ir-, trail.
frit laoary by wad or telegraph cu4trvtlotiaM.dc prarafXty aad apmi ftvvraUe
I.VTKKIthT OM DKI-OSITH The Central Orrgaa Itaaking A TrM C. ha.
added arveril new (raturrt tu Ht rapidly grww lag W4 neat. It altt mw glttTlme
CriUrWalet ut DrpMll. ylng latere.! Ihrrrwn aa Mlowt I'or Ma MacitHt, j per
cent, far One Yetr. 4 per cent
Safe Ooxei for fttnt at Rcsionabl Ratat
A Full Line of Lor! Olankt for Sale.
Agent for the Fire Aitoclatlon of Philadelphia,
and the American Fire Insurance Co,
A. it. DRAKK, Fttra. A. I.. (.()()VIl.UK, Vicis Pkim.
F. U. MIN0H, Caniiikk
flarbtr Bhoa
In Hot. I.
MUG 1 1 0'KANU, Prop
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Tnulc,
Timber Mud, Act June , lt;a.
U. H. Md Office.The llallct, Oregon,
January ti, I'A
Notice It hereby given thtt in compliance with
Ihe provlaiout uf the Act of Cougrrat of June 3,
i7, eiilltlrdi "All act for Ihe aaleof llmlK-rlanda
111 the ttatraiif California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngloii Territory," at ealruded lo all thr
public land ttatea by Act of Auguat 4, 1H01, the
lollowlug craoiif have filed In IhltoflUc their
tworu ilatcmeiilf, towll.
Simon I'. I'oi,
of (Iranllr I'allt, County of Hnohoinlah, ttalrof
waaiiiugiou.'-avvoru aiaicuieiit no. 1701, tur lite
ptircliMcoflhceMawtf and Lola jaud 4, aecjo,
fp 10 a, r Me, win,
rhllllp A. Angle,
ofCraiille I'allt, county of Huolioinlali, .luleof
Wnaiiinnlon. tworu lateiueiil No, u6i. fur Ihe
purchaaeuf iheacK ol fee 30, tp aoa, r 14 c, w in
That they will olfir brooflo a how that theUnd
ought It more valuable for itt ttmlicr or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea, and to ettablith
their claim In aald land liefure the Keglatcrnud
Receiver at The Dallcf, Oregon, on March jolb,
They name the following wltuetaet: II. A.
I'mkr, ofl'rliievllle, Oregon: rhllllp A. Angle,
Hlinou I', I'ox and ). 0. houthwell, all ofOrmi
ile I'allt, Wathlngtoii, aud J. W. I'arrltli, of Jef
ferxm, Oregon.
Any and all pcranna rtalmlug adveraely any
01 inc aoute ia
nda arc rcuuetlcd lu file their
claimt lit thlt 0
nice 011 or lcfore aald 30th day
of March, irOS,
MICllAljl, T, N0I,AN, Kcgltter,
stock of FRESH
Crook County.
Jliilllv irlll-U
' Ijavc Bend 6x0 a.
I Arrive rrinevflk I3a
' Ixavc 1'rlnevtUe I .
Arrive Shaniko I a.
Transfer Co.
HcnJ, Orexon.
Oorntr Uond
' etrttti.
Timber Mnd, Act June j, f;f.
U. rt. Land omre.Thc Dallcf, Oregon,
January It, ipoe,
Noller It nerchy given that lit rompllrncr
with Ihe iiruvitloiit i,r the act of June 1, irt,
eiitllled,''Au act for the wile of limber lamia in
the atatct of California, Oregon, Nevada aud
Waahlngtnii Territory," at r.lended to all the
public land atalet by act of Auguat 4, itoj, the
following ixraoua havr thlt day filcii In thlt
office Ihclraworn ttalcnicutt, to-wll.
Henry Twl,
ofllciid, county of Crook, ttale of Oregon, tworu
tlatemrnl No. 1760. for, the purchaacul Ihe nwl.
tec lo, tp to t , r ij e, w in. "
ThewlorrJ Teel,
of Mend, cciunly of Crook Mule ororegon, aworil
ttatemeut No, 7W, fur Hie putcliateortlieael
cj, li joe.r lie, w in "'
That Ihey will offer proof lo thow that the
laud wnighfit mure valuable for Ua titular or
ttoiiethiiii foragricul iiralpiirMfand laettalH
lltl heir claim Ic. aald land before the Krglatrr
nud Kecelver at the land olficr in The liallet.
Oregon, on March jolli, ici. ' '
.. T.'"' .".fmr "" f'H"vliir wltneMct, Chnrlet T.
(.nltor, Ihomtt Twecl.lleorue luira. v
lllllilr 'rl..l.krM I '... ,t ... M.T. .' 1
Iweel, Henry Tweet mid
John Hlehll
......,,., ...,...,., ,,
nil of Mend
Any aud all bertont claiming a.1i'r.iu n..u nr
.1 1 . ---- m ""'.-.J hu, w.
ine uooteiauiif arc. militated tolllc their clatiin
111 nut aiiice oil or llclurc lie and toll dnv
March, 19061
MICH AlU. T.NOLAN, Hcrllttr,