The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 02, 1906, Image 3

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Tho only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions Is to elennso tho blood,
improve- tho digostion, stim
ulate tho Uldnoys, liver and
skin. Tho medicino to toko is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which hns cured thousands.
I'lilll I'rr.lininn.
Wlirn young ,logltm took tin, trnln
for Harvard hi futhcr snld: "As
soon iin you llml out lot mo know If
you Imvu passed your outriiuvu xiim
Two day Inter, In tho midst of
making n heavy dim I, I in received Dm
following tulegrnnit "Vc. J. Mim
fit', Jr."
Quito prrwruplcd and pawled, lie
telegraphed Imoki "Yes, wlintT"
Tim well trained mu wlrvd back:
-'ot, air." Judgn.
JuitlneT r Sura Slsjn.
"How ilo yon know that Hut couple
U iiisrrledf"
"They rlil on my car ewy day."
"Uli. then yiiu are acquainted with
"Not lint ill nlwya pay () car
fare," Houston IT'iu) I '(.
An article puhllihrd In a newspaprr
of Hungary rreetitly led to llilrtr.n
duels, III nil of wlildi nirmWi of the
tllturlal fare took pert. Wm tnnlit In Aitairrr,
Once, In Moscow, nenr tlio llorovltch
sktilu Kiitu.-lio (Count ToIhIoIj, saw n
persistent huggnr. asking nluis, wlio
cixclnliniMl! "A lltllu penny, brother,
In Hut nniiii) of Christ."
A police olllrer approached; ho mm
young, iniirlliil, nml wrapped in tlm
regulation nliofpHkln, At sight of lilin
tint beggar lied, hobbling uwny In
fright nml lutNtn.
"I It possible," until ToIhIoI lo him
self, "Unit pcoplu urn forbhldurt to null
tlinrlty. In chrlst'ii itniiin In a ;tirl
tlnn liiuill"
"llrullier," li said to tlio pollcumnn,
"enn you rend?"
"Vw," snld tlio oillpor, politely, for
Tolstoi has n grand air.
"Have you ruml tlio lllblo"
"Ami ilo you remember Christ's or
der to feci! Ilio hungry?" nnd ho cl
tril tlio words, Tlio pollciiuinti was ev
lili'iitly troubled; ho turni'il to hi iiucs
tinner nml asked i
"Ami you, Mr you enn read J"
"Yea, brother."
"Ami Imvu you read the police rrjju
Intlomr' "Ye, brother."
"Ami do you remember tlmt begging
In Ihn ninln streets I forbidden?"
The prophet found no uiuwor rcsdy.
Bum- Magailne.
Norwny'i shipping It xcell In ton
time only by Uuglsud', Ucrmauy'i ml
Opl sre i 10ft when flnt tkrn
from tht mlnti that pieces csn I picked
off with tht finger.
Whenever a sore or tilccr doca not heal, no matter on what port of the
body it tuny Itc, it in Ikchubc of n poisoned condition of the blood. Thla
poison tuny lie the remains of nomo constitutional trouble; thccllcct of a
long apcll of aiclnrtM, which hns left this vital stream jolltitcd and weak,
orlx-cauac the natural refuse tunttcr of the Ixxly, which ahoulil miioII
thtuuvh the channels of trnturc, hns been left in the nystcm nml absorbed
into th circulation. It docs not matter how the kjIhoh lecniiic iutrencheil
in the blwnl, the fact that the norc is there and docs not henl is evidence of
n iloep, uidcil) lii)c chum. There is nothing that entmes nintc ilincoiufott,
worry and anxiety than n fctciiijf. duKlmticlnjf old itore that ruiats treat,
inoiit, Tht very alf ht of it is abhorrent and nugKCflts Kllution nnd diseaae ;
Widos the time and attention iruired to keep It cIimii and free from other
infection. At it lingers, slowly eating dreper into the tmrioundintf flesh, the
cuifcrer kw morbidly anxious, fcarlnj; it may be cancerous. Some
oi imme amicteu uitii nu old sore or
I Iirto lml n orlpploil feet 11 mr 111,
vrlilfli oitllait mo to uts , timtn. lly
turna uimsoouiilBbla in.ani tills tirneo
cnutfil n li il Ulenr on my lnu nboul six
ror bko. I hail voot ineiileat alien
Ion, but tlio Uleor uutwor.o. I wu tn
iluc.a lo try U. II. H., unit iji irUil to tay
It outail in ml J am euuvlncsd
that It aavetl my loy for in. I have.
in.mioro, a-reat rami in h. u. h. ana
irlailly raeommemt It to all notUlnir a
rfllabU lit nod tniutlelna.
JJrutoi, va.Tonii.
ulcer know how useless It is to ex
jwrt n cute from rlvc, iiomlcrs, li
tlons and other external treatment.
Through the use of these they have
neon the place bet; in to heal nnd mm!
over, ami were OJMxrHttilatiujf them
nclvwi that they would mmhi Ik: rid of
tho detectable thinp, when a fresh
supply of tMiison from the blood
would cnusc the inflammation and old discharge to return and the sore would
lc as Iwd or worse than before. Korea thnt do not henl arc not due to out
Mile causes; if they were, external treatment would cure them. They nre
kept open beeatise the blood is ntecpeU in poison, which finds an outlet
tluiHigli IhcM places. While youiiff jteople, and even childtcn, aomctimca
under with nonhealing sotcs, those most usually nflltcte! ore persons past
middle life. Often, with them, n wart or mole on the face inflames and be
gins to ulcerate from a little rutii;h haudliiii; ; or n deep, oflensivc ulcer de
velops from a sliirht cut or bruise. Their vital energies and jniwcrs of re
sistance have i;ruwn less, and circulation weaker, and crhnrs some tnint in
the blood, ylncli waa held in check by their stronger constitutions of early
STC iff '''' Klow' itself. It is well to Ik: sus-
mKrCSi ffv picious of any norc that doca not heal
Khj? Vljav readily, because the same i;crm that
WrviiM fchT prixluces Cancer is Iwtck of even' old
jaa, Ryyy -v ttyirn'r iTh eotc "'"' on'y ,lcc'1 to ',c c't in the
W 3tu' & Mt4EJr il circulation to produce this fatal disease.
DltDtri ticoCTADl r There is only one way to cure these old
rUntLY VC.UC. I AtiLL. rorcs and ulcers, nnd that is to j;ct every
Iinrticlc of the jvoltou out of the blood, l'or thla puros nothing equals
i. 9. S. It rei diiwii to the very Iwttom of the trouble, cleansed the' blood
and inaketi a pcrinancnt cure. S. 8. S. enriches nitd freshens the circulation
so that it carries new, strong blood to the disease! parts and allows the place
to heal naturally. When this is done the discharge ceases, the sore scabs
over and fills in with healthy flesh, and the akin regains its nntural color.
Ilook on Horcs and ulcers and any medical advice desired will be furnished
without cliarsc TlIC 3WSFT SPECIFIC CO., AflAHTA. GA,
Get What You Ask For!
THERE Is Ressin
Why the Coed People of
America buy CawsAieU as
PmI as the Ckwk Tjeks.
Every scoond emo one, sernewhere,
Is Duyjnu a llltlo Ten-Cent Box of Cas
csrels. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 J0 times lo (he Minute,
60 Minutes te the Hour, 3600 Doies an
Hour, 36,000 Ilexes a Da, ol Ten Hours,
1,080 00 Boxes a Mon'lh. and then some.
Think of 11-220,000 Peoplo tske a
Csioaret tablet eseli day. Millions uso
Caiearets when necessary.
Tho Judprient o( Millions of Drlcht
Amerlosns Is'lnfalllble. They havobeea
Duyltic and Taklnc Cosearels at that ralo
for oyer Six years
a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind
Over Five Millions of Dollars havo
been Spent to make tho merits of Cos
carets known, and every cent of It would
be jest, did not sound merit ohlm and
held tho constant, continued friendship,
Patronage and Endorsement of wtiH
pleased people year alior year.
Thero Is also a Reason
Why thero aro Parasites who attach,
themselves to tho Healthy Body of Car.
caret's success Imitators, Counterfeiters,
They aro Trade Thieves who would
rob Cascareta of tho "Good Will" of the
people, and sneak unearned profits,
earned and paid for by Cascarels,
It Is not an Experiment, not an Acc
dent or Incident, but a sound, Honest
Business, based onTlme.Trle.d.ond.Tesjed
Merit, never found wanting,
Thero Is a Reason.
Cascarels are tho
All Disease Germs:
Implacable too of
tho Incomparable
A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest
Product and a Disregard of tho Purchas
ers' Health or Welfare,
Bewaro of the Slick Salesman and his
ancient "Just as Good1' story that com
mon sense refutes,
Cascarels aro made only by tho Sterling
Remedy Company, and tho famous llltlo
Ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box Is hero
shown. They aro never sold In bulk.
Every tablet marked "CCC.,T
Bo euro you get tho genuine.
cleanser, purifier and slrengthener ol tho
entire Dlgestlvo Canal,
They Aol hka Exercise on tho Bowel
Muscles, mako them strong and active
able to Help Thomselvos do their work
keep themselves olean.
Cascarels aro tho safe-guard of Innocent
Childhood against tho Dreadful Death
dealing Dangers that threaten tho Lives
TheyruryegetaWe. absolutely SB".' wX AMrHJ
Harmless, always Reliable and Efllolent, SUrlu Kaway Company. CUuto or New York.
tsr ruEB to oua wiuendsi
nsrd-enameiea in town. ","".",...
Sresiloiuble. Ten cents In stamps Is ake4 as a
meotoTf5lraiihsaa to cover costofCascarets.
With wBteaTEIaaalnty trinket Is loaied. WJ
Dr. V. I. 'J. Ili'roiilt, tho Kn-ueli
moliillurKlcnl oxpurt, who tins licon ex
iiiuliiliiK tlio niltiliiK and otlmr ro
noiirctm of CiiiiikIii, predicts tlmt In
tmi yuiiiM tho Dominion will have be
coiiio a Kront iiiutnllurKlciil country,
linvhitf nu Iron ImliiNtry lnrKur than
that of any otlmr country In tlio world.
Ko, too, liu thinks that within n doendu
CniiMihi will outstrip nil other countries
In wlicnt KroivliiK. In Ontario nnd
(Juobic thoro ii ro luiuiviiso (ii'ponlt of
mnKui'tlti, which Imvu ruimilueil uudo
M'lopisl for luck of ehiMip fuot. Tlio
ltivtHitlon of tlio uluetrle suiollliiK pro
cm roiuovc thl otixtnch, boentiNu In
tlm iii'ltfliliorlioixl of tho oro depoiill
wntur power I ubumlaut.
Tho Importation of Injurious birds
and inauiuuil Into tho United Htntvs
ha lii'ou carefully KUirdod iikuIiihi
sluro the jihuihko of tlio I.ncy net on
stay M, 1100. In tho llvo ycnr end
Iiik Juno IV), JlKi;,, tho authorities Is
tuiil IClil jxTinlt for tlio entry of
UXMJ.tXll blnU (chlvlly cnimrlo), 'i&M
uiniumiiU nml thlrtyelKht reptile, and
thirteen permit for tlm entry of 0,WW
eitK of Ksuio bird. Of the connljrn
inuut -KC were luxpected. No lnjurl
ou nuliunl I known to havo been ad.
mltted, but suvou iiioncooBcn, fifty-four
llyliiK foxe or frultentlug bata, ono
koliluioJae, fifteen blnuuielxeu nml two
stnrltiiK have been rofuacd entry. At
Honolulu six ken were refuaod entry.
HtntUtlc showlriK the cuoruious
waste of encrxy Involred In tho pro
duction of artlllclal light nru nlwnys
jjutfrestlna. If for no other reanou Uinn
Hint tuey muxt continually aumuiuio
lureutor In tho tearch for butter
method. Kir Jnme Dowar recently
'presented thosu llure bo f oro tliu
iltoyal luatltuto of Great Ilrltnlu: In
nn onlluary candlu tho total amount
of energy transformoil Into light I
only '2 per cent Oil and tea tamp
aro not more economical. Tho lucaii
dencent electric lamp utilise 8 wt
emit of tho Mittrgy oxpendedj tho arc
IlKht 10 per cent, and tho tiinicriwduin
IlKht 15 per cent. Then como the
glowworm ami mock ux with Its W
ier cent of expended euurgy turned
Into light.
The (mmmIIiIo vnluo of radium to the
pliynlclHii still remain chluily n mat-
tur of conjeeturu. Two lullnna, Tlx-
xonl and HoiiKloraunl, have antlsllud
themxelves that It twin an Important
1 Influence iihmi rabies, ami that It may
I act either uikiii tho virus or directly
iiH)ii tho bitten itulmal. When tho
'virus Is expo! for four to thlrty-slx
j hours to radium rays It is converted
Into a powerful vncclue, Injections Into
n rabbit's eye overcoming tho other
wine fatal effects of inoculations with
dog's vlru. With a powerful speci
men of radium, the direct exposure
of several hour during six days, nub
mnl Inoculated forty-eight to one hun
dred hour I it f oro treatment wero sav
ed, while ilmllnrly Inoculated animals
not treated nil died.
It Is well known thnt pure qunrtx
ulnss iKKnemo tho property of trans
tulttlng, rery abundantly, tho so-cnllcd
jchemlcnl rays of light, by means of
which photographic effects aro produc
ed, and It ha oftou been attempted to
make photographic lemc of quarts
alone. Unfortunately, quartz also pos
'lo tho property of double refrac
tion, so that, unions tho opening of tho
lensos Is very narrow, good Imago
'are not produced. Recently a French
I optician, F, Storln, ha succedel In
making smnll photographic lene of
quarts gins III which some of tho
dlttlcultles have been avoided, and tho
lento show groat rapidity of nctlon.
Bttll, tho problem, confeisedly, has not
been entirely solved, nnd the new
lenses nru recommended by their lu
reutor only for special purposes. As.
trouomers nro particularly desirous to
outaln photographic lenses possessing
the peculiar permeability to tho actinic
rays that characterises qunrtx.
A I.noU of Orplmna.
Tlm Irish duelist who lamented hav
ing "ns pretty u challenge as ever was
penned, but no ono to whom to give
It," was In the same trouble as the mu
ntPiimlltv of 1'arln. Tho city has n tlno
orplwnngi', llternlly appointed uud with
nu ample staff, tmt wim no orpmun.
A Mine. Tamlces left nearly a million
nnd her villa nt Orsay to bo maintained
us an orphanngo for girls of tho eighth
nrrondlssemont. Tho girls were to bo
provided with n, dowry ou leaving,
l'ntls has searched tho hlghwuya and
byways of tho district, ami but two or
phnns hnvo been found.
Dlvlilril ou llrllKlon.
A curious diversity of religious be
lief Im ouservnblo In tho family of Iml
Stanley of Alderley. Tho last previous
holder of tho title, n brother of tho
present peer, died In the Mussulman
faith nnd wuh burled according to tho
rites of Islam. Another brother Ik
ciune a convert to tho Homnti Catholic
faith and is now a domestic prelate to
tho Pope, Ono of Lord Stanley's
nephowH Is a lluihhlst, and a brother-in-law,
now dead, was an atheist.
If tho human raco wero built on
plans that moot dally requirements,
men would havo two moro legs that
thoy might constantly bo kicking
themselves, and women would havo
six moro pair of hands that they
might keijp up with tho work tho chil
dren mnUo around tho house.
An a town grows older, It becomes
moro and moro exponslvo for a uuui to
bo u satisfactory father.
How Many
Birthdays ?
You must have had sixty at
least! What? Only forty?
Then It must be your gray
hair. Aycr's Hair Vigor stops
these frequent birthdays. It
elves all the early, deep, rich
color to gray hair, and checks
falling hair. And it keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
" I nrrttlr trontiltil wIlhStnilrtiO'wMch
trrx1u-M a moil i)l,l.liU llclilnr of lha
Mill, I lfll Arf' ilalr Vlcor nl ilia ctan
druff tvin llirp.arl Mr li" l" WPP''
falllliK out iinlll now I lii a i,.nllt liaaa
ol li.5.M llATIU t. KIXMK. rialn0ld,CiiD.
M4t by t, 0. A rr Co.. trowall, XCu.
Alia naaaiMiurtra oi
it pro. pLu'
Itmion'i InillrTrrrncn.
It was late In November that Deli
lah suggested trimming Samson's
"Hair do you want It cut?" she ask
ed, with a satirical llttlo grimace.
"Oil, any old way," ho answered; "It
doesn't matter now that tho football
season Is orer." Cleorland Plain
At Dlaadmntaa;.
"Too say Conirreximtn are at dis
advantage In dealing with the railway)"
asked the Indignant citizen.
"xes," answered Senator Sorghum,
"they are st a disadvantage."
"For what res ion 1"
"Well, you ce, Congress can't buns
p- that will get you anywhere."
Washington Btai
TITQ rrmnntty CntM. JToliliornmomnwi
f 1 10 nn.fnrl1r'iBiori)r.Klln'(lfMt Nfnra
jlatinr.r. Fnl for I'rfnllS lrllttlfHltr-.ll".
Dt. IU II. Kllnt, U1.,MI A rth HI., Jlilladf Ipbla, Va.
Anil Thrn If Went.
Mttl Itrother (to stster who I fitting
with her flsnee) Do you know whst I
Hitter No; what I It?
"I think If I were not In the room
Mr. Jone would kit you."
"You Impudent toy I Luare the room
tuttantlyl" Tale.
riiot Cure ft a remedy forconght, colds
end consumption. Try It, 1'rico zo cent,
at druggist.
An Accomplished I.litr,
"That friend of yours, the politician,
Is tho most mendacious fellow I over
met" j
"No doubt of It He's equal to four
fishermen, five Ananlases and six ,
Philadelphia lawyers rolled Into one,
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
ixi wis wmm xii nu raiis., ij
IdJ ntt CotkIi Bjnip. Tim (lool. ua fr
rVl In lima. SoM hr lnil.l. HI
Fffn1! Sll ara twl lAwnM M mil twita lra aprntiti
iii-i uoT-wprnmii- nan a rariurr
or .tiiI Mia In making uni
wrrnlcir ta til tAr
Vft are ijtiAlun In rrtmlne
, Mwwrr aiwi Trir-iai4a aaani.
" ioi aaaaai iraa.
Motbtrtwllt find Mm. Wlntlow't Boothtnc
Pjrup lha ten remedy lout for their children
during the la.thlos (rlod.
Dlrrrrrnt JVnraca,
"I sappose," said the romantic citizen,
"that you are greatly lauded for your
"Well, not altogether." responded the
Pittsburg millionaire. "Some call It gen
trotlty end some call It restitution."
Louisville Courier Journal.
How's This 7
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
anr ca.oof t'alarrb that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh lure. m , ,
r. J. CHESKV A CO., Propc, Toledo, O.
We, ttio uridertlgnl, have known . 1,
Chaser (or the lati U yrart, and believe him
tirfaaflv hnnnralila In all builcait Irauiao-
(lont and Ouanelallr able to carry out any ob
' llxallunt made by their nrra.
Win A Tali I. Wboleialo Ururrti ti, Toledo. O.
I Wiuwxi, KisMUttUMaaviK, holetal Drug-
IcUlt, Toledo, O.
Ilall't Catarrh Cure tt laien Intemally, aet
ing dlreetly uiia the blood and mucout tur
lacn ot the ajilem. Trite tie. for totUe.
UOKl or an uruKfiiii. iciunoBiui in.
UaU'a faintly nils ara the butt.
Frt-llnw In Ilia Art.
The singing teacher was visiting tho
school, and as this was an Important
event In the district tho pupils had
been Instructed to memorize a verso
or two to recite for tho entertainment
of the visitor.
During he delivery of his lines, one
small boy was especially notlccablo
for the action with which bo accom
panied his words; so much so tbst tho
teacher, surprised at his efforts, com
mended htm highly on tho ease with
which he sjioke nnd tho apparent prac
tice which be must have put on the
"It was fine," sho exclaimed. In clos
ing, "and shows a largo amount ot
rehearsal! Hut Johnny, where did
you get the gestures!"
"'Taln't the gestures," replied tho
young genius, with a twist "'taln't
tho gestures; It's tho hives."
Concerning Common Sense.
The man who knows when not to talk,
poesoeses Judgment of a high order.
Peoplo everywhere are displaying good
Judgment by eating Pillsbury's Vitos
for breskfast. It is it mighty good
thing to bo outside of; try it.
Drearr Halatene.
Landlady Are you aware, Mr. Ski
doo, that the lets one ests the longer
one lire 7
Mr. Skldoo (with bis mouth full)
Buret lint what's the nse of living that
way? Judge.
"l have tried all L'ndr cf waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fiih
Brand for protection from all lunds of
Ha. .m ..4 .44r-M T ft wrll-r f IMf
a.wlklt.4 .ll-nM-1 Im4 raw t pfrSulka)
Highest Award World' Fair. 1301.
Coaen. U. S. A.
Toronto. Gwfc UH)&
Uaktr, tt WamrtKf Wit WtaUtr Clothing
Tht Sn of Aa Fnh
WIlIHf wrlllna; to ad rertliera pteaa
mention tbla papar.
Tlio Kind You Huvo Alwnys IJoiiRlit lins borno th ina
turo of ClniH. II. Fletcher, nnd 1ms been nindo nntlcr Ida
Tiursonnl Hujiervlsioa for over JJO yenra. Allow no ono
to dccclro you In this. Counterfeits. Jmitntlonx itnil
Jnst-ns-pood " nro hut Experiments, nnd ciidnuger tlio
health of Children Experience niniiiKt llxperlincnt.
CnNtorin. Ih ii Intrudes1 nubstittito for Castor OU. Pare
Rorlc, Dropi nnd Soothlnir Syrups. It Ih I'lcosnnt. It
contains neither Opium. Morphlno nor other Xnrcotio
Kiilistancc. Its niro Is Its (ruantutcc. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Favcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea mid AViml
Colic. It relieves Tccthlnr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio
Stomach anil JJowelfl, (;iviur; lionlthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Chlldreu's I'auuccn Tlio Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Me Always Bought
Boars tho Signaturo of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tx ewKf, tt Muaaar etacrr. aiwToaaciTT.
iWhat JoyThey Bftl
To Every Home
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californlan
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
tui we parents ana me cnuaren, wnenever a laxative remedy is required.