1 iWMPft' psjw 1&H SJ Mi'l sac 'Dgiinq . -, m , ti . t lOrfntttrk King, V " tp T " uent Tax Notice.! w?wc:":,,u 6TATK Ol' ORH KOO.V, t Mi V Cwmr or cabox. Notice la hereby glrcn IhaLpurauiBt lo Ui rteentlon lued out of Ihe county court of the BWe of oircoii for hr Cpunty of Crook, on the ifhilijrul tretAher" Itmi iit to the imected. commanding lae ti cp'le't att of the Uxee charged agaltil the Sertrsl delinquent tax pay er who ire delinquent bn the atsewhietit roll for the yer 1904, 1 wMon Tnursdt-.lht' Mb day of I'tbruary, 1906, t the north door el tre court house In the city of PrlnrrUte In a Id Connty el Crtmk, offer for sale at Jiuhllc aiiUlun' awd will sell all the real eatale of thccllnqncnt-ttx. pat era for Iht aald year iot ln the Milder who wfti slier to pay the anwitrfilbf the tare charted, lo rdlier with the rwna.lei latere! und ccwla, and take a certificate thetefwat the (owed rate ol Intereat not exceeding Irn per cent per annum. The name of the owner when known, the de scription oflhc lande h la k sotd. and the ainountef the taxea, penalties and lnlcretarc at followit A O Alllnrlnm.Iot mwifofne tf of tU ofnwi ami nejf of wj kc 4 p 11 south range 11 et Tax . I 7 Penalty and Interest ... . t 4t Total..... .. 8 Jl I. lAmngham.lll. i.J. 4. neV of.iej' sec and lot I ec ij tp 11 south range II eat. Tax .. Aj AS Penalty and ateret.. .. - - ..... li JJ - Total. .,.,.,..., .... . 70 41 Albert AHen.aeK h Koecj6tp it south ranee ii ran. 111 9 9 1 M I'enallr and interest Tnlat ' a II SO Hardy Allen, IK ef rcK nd H ef n( arc 1 tp 11 south rang-11 eart. Tax . . IS 41 Penalty and Intercut . ...... j ye Total... . . . ... t 11 COAmb, nwi( sec II Ip 11 south range r east. Tax. . to je Penalty and Intemi . .. 1 w Total lite Minnie Anderson, H of sett set :i at! nM frets' sec 14 tp 11 south range la eait. Tat ... .... . 5 Penally and Interest- ..lie Total ...... .. 11 bo J V Archibald, n olswtf and n)j or se H ace tp 11 south range 13 eat. Tax 714 ren-ny anqinicrrM . .-. . ' ToeaI.. . .i... l .-.jJliu....--X 1 Aahtflie, Hf V are u Ip t? o-lh range Ueartf TV.....f..'- .. I'enallr aBd Interne . r Total..1:.. r-'-fc'l : - ' Aahvoul Tewnnlle Co. all tt-Mno4d1 A Hi wood aud addrtloaa tarer lit, tfwt Tax . . . I 4) ja t to It 6a 7J9 Penally and Intemt-. Tout i..:. i .-'.'...f M 4J 4 74 W V Ileal, wK t5 14 tp ij aeulh tange If ea. iiiMM... ..tu. m.m.- renaltyandjnleren .-.. - -' Total '.X..L. . .JL.I-. !C. lJ ra II 6j J Iiunu;norne)f andnejf oTI)W!trc MtpiVaoutA raifer Ij etntitrt iwtf e VaccIMp '1 outh' range ij et. Tax & Penally t4 jnjefeit .,....... 111 Total .. . it 6; C W flame. II p PtlnetKle, lot 1 arad j, block . aud Org Town Athweodlota 7 aodS. Uocko. Tax ., ... 14 U Penalty and Intemt -.. 4 V4 Toul. . .m.... rtto I, riurnrt, at 11 r rnnertde, let j. Mock ij. 111 to, 1 ti 7" s 40 jS 5S l5 6jo in . 174 Penalty and Intereat , TVdtli, , ..... .. t . I B II lUroea; e5ej;. ac J and nMwK. aee a.ipioanic. las.. Penalty and, Intereat. toui. X V -Payer, neV arcji, tp liar toe Tax " Toffi";? ,:""y;; wr i M.rtrcTt. nvnwu, twV nwV arc w. Ip II a: r if ei Tax Penalty and intereat - : Toul,.,:! ii j : u 2fe,E? tp ij south, range na;. la a rrnalhrmtKt hrtrreat. 1 . iu ToUI. . lib nnergland. iwif arc I tpi; aouth range 11 eart. Tax . . .. . .. I jo Penalty and lotrrert. j w ToUI. .. . . . aa (to WJ Iilrlna. neiT aec 17 tp 11 aouth range 14 k 111 . 11 ja Pxnalty and Intemt . . j ja 4QW. 1 . .. ij jixnic una, w)t ai ot)(, B!t el acx. ae U ofae aec 16 Ip 16 aouth range eart alo a parrel ofland in lllnerllle com nendng at a point ixju feet eaat of the w corner of Uock j, .Vmom'i add, running thence n 140 feet, thence e to (ret. thence a 140 feet, thence w to feet ttxptareofU-glnnlng. alao a parcel of TWin" f Prli'erlBe ceinmencinr at a efnt 1 eet cand ju fret n oflhc aw oreeeV I lock j. Newaoma add. run ning thence e U tret thence n I fen thence war feet .thence ito feet to Placr of beginning1 Tax ' enaltrand intereat. j 6j v Total . f . ..... ji i CJ nreedfug, iin(otK and aK nwll -aec jl tp It sooth range Heart. Tax 1041 lt-nalty aad interrrt .. ..... ... j it ToUI . to 69 jari uurocK.i acre 01 una in ne ne)J aee ji tp 17 aouth rage 1 J eart. Tax- . lTniUy and Inlrrrrt .. ToUI.. . JR!lrock,acXccijtpil aouth range 11 eart. Tax . . Penally and intereat.. I u 16 IJ s 1 71 TOUI . j nroc-, iiwk aec ij Ip is aouth range 11 eaai. Tax . . . . . . Penalty cad intereat x .1 ,3 P K Henl. nh of seK aec 14 tp 11 aouth range 11 eart. nw Jf of nwtf aec 10 tp 11 aouth range 11 r and awj of awU aec xatp 11 aouth range 11 eart. Tax.. 11 5a , , Penallyaud Interrrt 1 ja rBllunrincniluwagiia kc 14 ana aWof nwJf.aeK ol nw),'. neaecij, nw K sec 16, all Imp 19 aouth range 11 eaat Tax . ji jo Penally and latere it. . . 6 yi Toul. . . 7 to U V WUHS, in H HW)i nf x n lX' B( actfaectjtp u aouth range it eart. Tax is jo u Penalty and Intereat .... . j i M 'Total . 6 " i&!iXB1Aoft"'H- "' n"V. K of lifltr V l oull, ""I l eaatfax 1 jo . . VeaJltrand liitnert .... i jo ToUI ii 60 jGCantrlU.c'tof.cia aec Jl tp ij aouth range it eaat. Tax. .... nj W,PJnw.iTi of nw. tola j and 4 aac 4 TtJissoulh range 11 eart and aU of ne mfnKofae!$aecotp naoutb range heaaft Tax . 40 45 . , Penan j and Intereat. ii Twl , 41 4 aSt Carey. netit aec 14IPI) range la, and a)i aaAaeofncKaecialp ij aouth range eaat. Tax , 14 ij . renaltyoad interrrt....... ... .. ,... e It " Taul . 41 oA OleJi ChrUlrnaou, a)iof nwjf. necf awjf, lt oi aeu. see 17 ip ao aouth range 11 east. Tax. 19 JO , Peually aud hrurest'. , . .... Total...... . . A Clark, aei sec II tp II aoalh eaat, -Tax-. y, l'4nlt)rajlffflifrrt. ... 1 IO -... 11 ao range 11 - 11 y ... . ij to Mr..)'. KClfnV Vtwaom'a add to rrineriUe lota in 11 block 9 Tax 1 ij 1 .. , I enaliytnd Interest. iM - Total Ij w C AOIne, allaccj&tp 11 aouth range IS raat aud lota 1, 1. j, 4, sec I Ip ij aouth .range ij eart and awtf ol ncjf. nwtf of aeir ec 14 tP IJ aouth range 11 eaal.Tax 1 Ij . Penalty and Intrreat j 77 Total. . . .. '..... 34 Co W M Cobb, lota 1'iind i of netf aec 6 tp Maoulhexiige 11 east. Tar... ... 14 7 .. l'enalty-and InUrest 1 vj Total..... . . . 17 u S WCotuptdu, aecoiid add to Prlnrrllle, lot I block 1. Tax .... . 11 jj , Penalty atid.lu;ertt . i 'Total.. . . . , yl ijsj I' M Conger, wiW.wn ! of nwi acr IJ tp ij soul it tange 10 eait. Tax. ..... 10 y. I'euauy anu micicai .. , , , j jo Total.. . ........ . ii 60. J KConglctou.seJt'scc'itp 19 aoulh range tocaai, i . ... ....,....,. io"50 ,1'enalty'aUd Interrat .-T'i. j i Total ' ..-... v y., 11 to Hhefiuan conrlrtoii, na 01 uw, aeifot nw )jiiw)of uejJ, aec iH Ip ij'abUta range 10 eait. Tax .... .... ...V.'.' ' is 57 I'eaalland intereat. .','. .. j 10 Total .... 1169 UConulelon, ne(ccjj(i 11 aoulh range jo y 3.1 caw, in, j.... feuallr and Intereat.,,. i TotaL.M. ,.... .... JaVa K II Cornttt, a parcel of laud la l"l"T-. . ville coiumeadug at a poltit io'feeC uuith rnmuaw corner of block's M It I1 running- thence eaat 160 feet, thence M,uth,U4 feet, theuce wcit & feel, iheuce north IU feet to place of begin- iilnif. Tax......... ,,.,!t;" .,..... as ........ w as ..... b. 4(,l ... ; 7; i tt kaity aua mtcrcsi aiiiv o."HLiyiSLT.v. - V Total . ' . ...,... U. II U V J Ccauutfyi wj of neJC t of imlf aec S lu u. aouiK rairge ij eat and wKfW . and eH af y if Jf ace KTtjV 14 aoulh range ! Total . . . . t 1 V H Cowle. lot M ami see so lot I. twit. ( nwi( are til lot I, . 1,4 aniUief 3 tpaaouthrahie ijeaiiamtawu qimt H.nwjj ofxW'ot" 'fJ" V rit aouthrangeijeatt, nw ofiK 1l ofnw5t''l.',,"'!'?'H ; nwtf nwK.ot"nwteeit.neM of ie' aeejl rtwX ofS we V wC'll,i1-,tH kci6, W ofeel"nwM ofxV.ae WoftwV tiw) ofiV'' Mtn-. trf tr U nwtufM'f-rM.fnetf eSiK nw y main 11 auulh'ange I4at and T S oftwij arcj.cii ofaeV arc 4 P It aeulh rang i ea.nwM of nwt arc J tpu aoutfi range 14 eait, aU t.nwt, wwUof""1 ecjiadneorn,c c n.nwV of net aecii tp la aoulh range Heart n-v eci.eW ofaei- nwM of W. w! ' n'X eS olnwU-"e'P I aouth range IJ eart awif of awi, lie if ofawK. nX dIkK-kK of ntV. kV of nw 7tpMeulh range 11 eat. awi(fV nSnf awU, etf of awl,, nwjj of nw( mi 10 S(ofw)i aee a to lo aoulh ranee tieatl andeHof ae'f acC4 tp loowth range ijcart. Taa,.,iftu 1-cnaHy ami Intemt . aa ti Total 17J i Mil M I. Crain.aU of nwVi tan l'ah.1 4 aec 4 Ip Ijawath rangt ieaa Tax it ja Peoahy awl Intereati . t 4 Total " It T A Criiwell. cS uf new aeu. nh of nwV arc JJ Ipiaatmth range 14 et. Tax. i J Penalty aud latere! - .. I J T4t . Ji M Outran, awh of nei ec M trt la aowth range 17 eart Tax - . 4 l'eoaltr and latereat . ...... la Total Central Orrgen IJvertiwk ft AgttewHwral Aawictatian. aeV oftwlf, awij of m! ae J to l aawth range laeatt. Tax Penally and latere! .. . Total Andrew tathl. awif arc J Ip aaaoatth range 1 J rati. Tax . l'tnahy and hatereat . . Tata! .3 ti a ijS. M I, Iealy,BeK of nwtf mc J4,aw arc it andeofaek aeW of nrV tro 4 ID li aowth range 1 eart Tax . it Penally and Interert IT Tetal - ra a A r iieeaer. aie!j ieci7. nH 1 net arc aatp it aauthrangr iaeal. Tax to a Penalty and latere 1 a Total . i 1 - II t MaryDclerc e of awlf ate titptS aowth naff M eacl. eU ifaaV. krV af awl aec ij Ip 1 aaath range ij eart. Tax PenaMyaml Interrrt . , Total . "i HaatH I More. aKef awjj, at, of nwtj. rwy af neifv-CM tp i?wth range ax eart. Tax ... Ienalty and Ititereit 4 7J s2 Tout J Olkrathit Krtate. wHof nwlf. aeV efnw U.nwU ef iwjf aec J tp 9 wmlh range I J eart Tax 17 54 Penalty and Intemt .. j J4 Total . . . 11 i Ijwyert e; sec 11 tp IJ smith range Heart. Tax .. y Penalty and lnterrt - . a to Total 11 60 Jaa avaran Hit. wUefawW arc 14. nvi of ft V aev'ii Ip 11 south range 14 eart. Tax tj Ji inuy and rnterrrt 4 71 Total v H 17 R KHgglerton nSef nV. H ef netf ace a rp it south range it eart. Tax. .974 Prnahy and lalercat ... 1 95 Tout. 11 69 amnel Klmare, wij of wf see lilpti south range ss cart. Tax,. j aj Ienaltyand Inttrert 1 a Total. . II HHertsan. seV sec tp 11 south range I M eart. Tax - . . .-. J jj I PenaHyand Interest . . 14 Toul . - ., 6 js I Lena HMertsenvnwtf sec 14 Ip tj outh 1 rangrtarart. Ta. - . . J JJ I PenaHyand Interrat . 1 ..7r&2 . . - 1 ' r roneu, wca 1 ana 1 aec 4 ip IS son in raage 17 cast, etef aec a rp le range 10 eart. Tax ij jo Ienalty and interest J 11 Total .. . . ja 07 J.N HngHh.ncX sec7lp 19 south range ij eait. Tax ... . to aa Penalty and tntcrtrt ... . 1 te ToUI ... ... . . . 11 fro ClIHrickaon.awlt'orawViec rf. ttV of sej; sec 17. eh ol nefVncV of self arc , sw4 of iw)( arc 11. nS of nwtf, aeK af nwj( sec in tptaaouta range 17 east. Tax . ... 4 36 Penaky and Interrrt. . 9 63 Total , .... . jj 94 J D Hrsnn, lotaj,4, awif of !,', wfj of awJX arc 4 tp It south range ijrart.Tax 1990 Penalty and inltrert. - j yi Toul.- s . ij M A A KTerest.K of nwjf, nhiaf awjf ec Ij tp 11 south range 10 eart. Ta-i. ....... as a Penally and Interrst . . - 1 M ToUI. , . .. , 11 60 i V HTerrrt. h of aw;; sec 3 tp 11 south range M eait and nSofuwJf aecntp-lt a aouth range 10 eart. Tax k a rcnaltyaud interest . 1 H ToUI .. it 60 CAKariss.se qrarcsjtp 11 south range le east. Tax .. . . 10 jo Penalty aud interest . ... tie Total. ... 1160 Cha Farret, w hf of aw ijr, nc qr af aw qr, swqrof neursrr 14 tp 11 south range IJ east. Tax. ..79 Penalty and Interest . 1 u TeUl . . . . , . 9 J7 krerdfek, awqref awqr arc9, hf of ne qr.ncqrefscqrsrcetpii sowth range II eart. Tax.. . .... .... yo Penalty and Interrrt. ,,,,, 1 p, Tout ijG C II J II A Porter, h hfefneqr.se qrefne qr, Mcqrefse qr sec 10 Ip ij south range le eart. fax ... .... sa 1 ciuky and tatereit. . . .... 1 5 Ttal ... .1141 LW Krasler. e hfof nwqr, a hfafnrqrsec II tp 11 south range le east. Tax.... to 50 Penalty and Interest . . j 10 ToUI 11 to ItC Frailer, n hf of ae qr- se qr of ae qr aec land nwqr of lie qrsrc 1 1 tp 11 south range 10 eaat. Tax . 10 y Penally and Interest j 10 Toul ... 1160 l. k rrencn, ne qr sec 14 ana nw qr sec ij Ip 11 aouth range 16 east. Tax.. JI 00 4 1JJO 41 Ot JO I'emlly and lutercrt ..... Total J L fiard. palinain block 6 tot 17. Tax... Penalty and liitrrnt.. .... Totat . A J Career, nbfofaeqr. awqrofae qr, se qrofwqrsrci7lpi9aouth range 10 east. Tax. .. . ... Penalty and interest .... Total . .. ... I. I) Clllenwater a hfof aw qr, ae qr of ae qr, ne qr of or qr, aw qr ofae qr sec J6 tp li aoulh raage 19 east. Tax. .... Penally and Interest ..... ..... Tout m. It C Crater, e hf of ne qr, e hfof ae qr sec I 10 jo 1 10 1160 410 4 S4 W loxroia isugc 13 rail. Tax......... II JJ Penalty and luttret.... ........ 1 44 Toul 14 TV W II Crater KaUte, orig town Ashwood, lot . J. 4. 7 Mock 4. Tax . ,.. a 40 Penalty aad interest.. ..... ,..., m Toul .. . ,a o MonaandC ACrarra, ehfof aeqr, seqrof ne qr sec It tp ij south range 11 cart. ax ... .. , Penally and lntercat-. ,. Toul.. . KfCuaamer.ahfaec tfttp 19 aeuth raage 17 eart. Tax .. .. Penally and iMcrerl r,,-,,. ., ToUI .. . ,... John Cummer, a f aec jrS Ip 19 aouth ho 4 7 7 8 06 IUgK IJ IIM. IBS Penally aad intereat. 71 I J4 (06 lotai T Hansen, c ufefueqr, sw qrof ne qr, qrsfscqrsecjjlpia aouth range I caa.. Tax ae range la l( Jo ItnaJty and Interest. . Toul ', M, M J llaney, aw qy aec 17 Ip IJ aouth range aoeart. Tax. ..... Penally awl Intereat .. ..' ' " '"" Total . Jjo 19 no IO JO 1 10 H lUugen, aw qr aec 17 Ip 19 south rangeTj late 10 jo 1 10 east, ill ....... Penallyaud interrrt ,' Mral. UUarrey, aeqr'of uw'qr. ne qr'o'r -" S' " ""J see 7 ip is soutll Peiialtr and Interest - .. ToUI . , ,. K;ilarlley,neqraccj4lM aoulh range 16 cart. Tax .. ., JOJO Penally and InUreal , , Jo Total . , t,, Alitliony Hardy, a hf of nw qr,n hfof aw qr IVnalty and intereat. ., j Jo Total U'J Hardy, w kf of nw qr, w bf afaw qV'see .- 1100 IJItilOsaulk'rvnee lleu.tt Tax.. Penallwandlnteieit . ... 9 i ... 1 v 11 jj 1 joiai- ... fc,7i,MrkAVMIarHtliloii. tlrat' aihl Tnfull Hr!e.vll,c "f n Wock '5.Tax ft UI I 60 iicnaity ami'iiitercai ..'. .,,; . Total,.. ;' .... .-...' JM) Harrigan, j of t'('Irtu 34 9 61 lo 36 2 II 12 67 mi 3 bck jj iji 1 1 suiiiij' ratire nraat. Tnr " ' Penalty etui intereat.-,'' ....... W V llarria, , of ncW, n t, of k itc I tp IT soutll rnngc 30 eku. .Tax::::, ...... 14 57 I'cttalij-ami Intcrtu 4 9 . (.Total ... 19 4 UC IUUr' he V cc 5 tp 13 outh range 17 can. i,ax i.,,. Vcttaltr anil interct ToUl 4 . . Win JlajMcii. rrinevllle, firt itiW lot 4 hlock 4. -'Tl Venaltv anil iuterviV . . . ToUl , . Will Hay, )j of UvU, jic.4' of uwr .'4, nw,U of ticji.acc li tp 16 south rniijja iu.ra.tt. Tax .... TciiaH)- ami itcrvt Total ......-.., ... I'rctl Haariiie44' sccbS tp 17 south raiiKC.ll cwt. .Jux Penalty anil Intetcst -Tjital t . HcWrr sV.WhUe, w H of nc, acX qf lie V xc 33 ami an If of liw ( w 33 tp 17 south range 35 cast. Tax renalty ami lutchxt Total.. 0 li Hcmlricks e'j of actf, ,( of c4, c,'4; of snV t?c J4 tp 13 MMith rattcc 14 et. Tax. IVnalty antl iHteroat Total .1 M (. Hittktc IfeUte. M II 1' 1'rittc- ville, lot 4 ItriK'k IB; tax I'etMlty ami iHlcreit ... Total 10 50 J IU 13 60 3 16 , 3 io 19 N JS 4 (I ft) I SI 7 TO RltHcr IlixIvHi, e stM 31 tp south raHifc lo caMt. Tax. IVttallv awl in l rest .... Total John. Hume, ijwjj mc 13 tp 13 lt JM t IS .Mmtti maRc 10 east. Tax.... retialt)' atstl ittUte-4 .TqUl . j 1 . . . ; J 1 fU HHisMkar, pttrtNtl in I'ritia- vtlhr qrtm,at a jurtitt jt n i iw coriter Jl Ci NcwtHCa W rntuticK tlvwe c Huft, thcHce 11 J40 (utrMua a4ixft.tHoHcc 1 .340 ft to iUfe of IwKlHiiiHj;. 1 Tax . 1 ... ... . VctnCtr. atwl itttcrrt..., Toul Hattic Hj-att, M of H see Jji tp if south raHfJe itiOtU Trtx- I'eltalty ami tittcztrsf ........ Total " . , i K Ciihile, tiwfCi3 tp 15 MHlth rein;c 10 et Tax I'cttaltv nml liitcrvst .... ..Total. ... 33 So .6 3S 39 " "16 s 19 So 10 30 3 10 13 60 10 ait 3 10 13 60 to 30 3 IO 13 (Y 10 JO J till 11 60 '. 3 ?f .oS 630 I, v lG 91 TO K) 1 . 5 4i. '1 o. 0 6 73 1 34 8 06 Ira Ishiui, MtV see .Ip 19 south raiic lo.cat. Tax I'ctuJtj awl intcrct Tutalt, J I Johmtea, of nveft, tie)!' of nwX, ha of ite.' t 37 tpio MJUt!i.mj)c 11 eaat. Tax. .. Penalty iihI intereat Total, j, . . ... I, A Johnvjrt, jick kc utp-2 south ranRe .I3st. .Taxi l'cnalt'y atpl .intereat. . . . Toul ,. , . n!i 11 ,u EsUf. IU-rohnsou, tir.'i cc t tp 15 autitlutaiir tncait. Tax.. I'enalty ami .Intereat ToUl 1 ... j I . ' R I JehnMBvcK of jicf kc 18 tp 1.1 south rajic M east ami cj l 4i sec - tp 13 sotuii raitK- H cut. Ttix v I Penalty ami intercut ToUl - A I Jolly, w'4 of ne!i xc 39 tp 11 south range lo eait. Tax l'cnaltv ami interest ToUl '. ... S S Jones, i kc 36 tp 19 south range I7eat. Tax , , Penalty ami interest Total Journal Publishing Co, kcoiiiI all . I'rtneville lot l block 1. Tux 3' (a) Penalty ami interests 3 33 TitUl ; .. it 31 93 Jos k, KcntlMc, ; sec. 17 tp. Ji rotitlt range 10 et. Tax. 10 50 3 10 13 60 Penalty ami intciest ToUl 1, . a ...... .... . Jo I. Ketnltlc. vt'i of.Kji', ncX of w, ; of nw sec 39 tp 1 1 sottth range 10 eaat. Tax.... Penalty ami interaat ,,. . . ToUl M '. Kentietly, nw of k kc 34 tp 9 MHith range 16, ami e)( of hwJ sec 19 tp 9 south raiiRt- 17 eaat except one acre in nw , li of xH soc 34 tp 9 south 10 30 3 IO 13 60 range lb eaat. rax . . . Penalty ami intereat , Toul D Kingsbcrry, sej' kc 31 tp 7 soutll range 1 1 east. nx.... Penalty ami interest OWl Ilial4ll4illl(t4lt M J Kline, lot 7, kJC of nwtf, w H of ne', nw'4 of m: ac 7 tp 18 south range II east. Tnx Penalty ami interest i oui ..,,,,...,,,, A KoUinan, it If of neli, tX of ne H, neli of e kc 33. tp 17 south range 13 cast. Tax.... Penalty and interest. i Ola I . t S S Kromj ivt.cc 33 tp 13 south range ipcait. Tax, ......... Penalty ami intereat.... Ola I a)ayaia W I.eathart, ne! kc i tp 20 8 33 I 63 9 5" 160 3 19 Fo J 6 50 I9NI 10 30 3 10 13 60 south range 13 etr.t. Tax.... lo 50 Penalty ami Interest. 3 10 13 60 3rV6 7,9 4 73 7 00 1 40 H 40 22 93 4 3 27 50 Jo 50 3 10 13 60 Total J V Leonard, wli of ne kc 23 tp 17 south range II eat. Tax Penclty anil interest... Cilia I aaaeea f f M Ixwii, se1 kc 3 tp 13 aouth range 16 cast. Tax..,, ...... Prnalty ami interest..,..,... I OUI a..........,,,,..,,.... Kva Lewis, nc,! of wcjfpf south range 16 east. Tax,,.,,,.... Penalty ami interest, ,. .,,... 1 Olassl Mtlf If Mrifflr' C C Mewallcn, rf4 ixe hr tp 14 aay4tl aoutit range 30 eal. lax.,.. Penalty ami intereat,,,..,.. JOIAI 'HtiMMilif-rirftrra M K Linton, vj4 of w'i kc 16, nej of nc kc 30 tw 13 south range 11 east. Tax. 4,..y..-,.-Penalty mill interest ,..,..... (j mi ,'. . f jw V. J Link, nw; kc 31 tp h soulh range 10 east. Tax.,.,,..-,.. Penalty ami interest, ...v, .',. James Ickwooil, ne'i nce'j tp 15 south rangr 30 cast. Taw,,..' Penalty ami interest .,,..'. J.'. 1 otai ,.,,,,.,, ,,.... Si K Iogan, a parcel in IVineiyillc; com at a jiolnt loo ft t of r cor of lot 6 block 4 M II PJmt ville thence a 114 ft efco'ttiVirt ft w Ko ft to iKgiiiiiing ailll it Ji of 11 Jj sec 36 tp 14! tuxfth range 13 cast. Tax.....i,,, Penalty ami Interest .);.! 9 95 I 99 II 94 10 30 2 10 12 60 lo 3 2 10 J2 Ui J5" R .3 '6 iti 96 Win Malloy. lot IJ kc l, lrtti lfl wli ofae kc :K) tp 1P SlAM raitgeOeast. Tax... Penalty awl interest .v.v XoUl,.., u.i itti UUi . .. ...x..-r y jwyw.A,..,.. ?, W" J .aIbIIov. Palmaln, lots 2, 7, 8 lilock 11! ami lots 1, li, block li. Tax .... .111 Penally ami Interest . 1 . Total Mary Maloney, i of k,'. o(k'. v' ofne'C, kcII tp UsottUi raucc IM enst. Tax. 14 W) aVHj 17 7. 10 fl '.' Ill Penalty am) intctest. .. 12 W Perrj .MJtupin, vH of v'. f,f if itwt,.vJCife,U kcjJ p U uuiiii niii-i tit cut. Tax. ... -S ? Penalty ami in.tetet .A Tax. . . j. V "' Hilwin Maya, mv'irof neiM. Jytft otnwU. kc JHiM ft WMlh rnugsj IH ewtt ami u' ioi qr, e,4 ofK.ir, kci 8 tp 9 I 2l5 south raute H eaat. Tax.... Penalty anil Interest Total 1 , ...... Hulwtt Ma-i. jr. e of ntv tr. nw ijrof nirKtp ll Mmth rengu 18 c ami w ir of w tt s-c IM tu V oth niHge 1 ,t Tax , Pettalt v ami irtlcnft nui !.. ... 1 OeotKC Meyer. S.l mhlltkn to PrlHfvllr hit 7 Utxk 8. Tax. Pcifetlty ami iHtereat ToUl A MteUtsMHt, cM of sw qr, ht atnl I kc ni tp 11 sottth raHge ll.ast. Tax PetMlty rnl iHtereat To).! v , 0 MicVhanm. nt-,(ir sec M tp 18 HHtlh run 10 nasi. Tux .... Penalty ami inlr real Total. V 1) MllWr, ; of Kr, Hvt jrof se jr. ' V.tft Be t)r m 1 1 tp li MMtH raiiRi" 14 wst. 'IVs.... PcMftltyanxl intcrajit ...... Tout " l 't K Mors, vqr sec :W tp It atiMth raHip W cit. Tax IVitAlty ami into tent . Twlal . , . .... I. It Mocgsii: h qr. eVf.of ihv qr, hh t,of sr qr,,sr qr .of sw qr S0f4 tp IH aouth rttHge Vi nlat. Taxi Pehalty ami intrreat Total . Joseph Morrier. cHofKijr. nw qr of seqr, awqr of Itc qr sco T tpai south ranitc H east. Tax Penalty ami iHtctwtt ToUl ..... 1 It Moore, s of so qr KC tp I MHtth raHgc 1 ent ml c,j of neqr KcHtp 12 th range locust. Tax... Pi Hwlty ami intereat Toul " -1 1 .... 1. A Moore, swqrscc;iAtptMtith range 14 cost am! tot ,1 ami 2, Hof Hcqrscc 3 tp IS sottth range 1 1 east. Tax Penalty ami interest .... Total .... J MMcCulhiH,AhwoMl, It 8 Mk 31. ltBWk II. lt7MLll.Tax Peoalty ami iutcrsst H- Total A 10 ) sin ISM 10 mi siu is m to 6r7 an ,V IP "all SW la Hi Atn WSrtt It ) 21 IX Nl 1141 A 71 IJI HI 17 101 22 31 4 411 I77 10 .Ml 2 IU 12 HU Joel-McCullotti, AihwiMxl, kU 1 itmli2Mk 11; Us Penalty ami intereat .Total 1 .... JohtOIcCormick. -qr kc 28 tp 1 1 sottthvroliKc 'JJ aunt; tax.. Peiallty awl Interest ' ToUl Jahn'McOraith, n of ne qr, wqr ol hc qr sec 12 ami sw qr 01 k qr sec I tp 21) soutll range lit c Ux Penalty ami interest ToUl II) Ut 2 111 12 N) A McCrall, wVf of nwqr c HI ami eyi ol nc qr sec .1 tp ir south range 10 east; tax. ..... Pcoaltv ami Interest .. . ... Total. , ,. 4 .... 10 .V) 12! 10 12 fW W A Natl, koc of.se qr aec h ami 4,S of aw Jjr, rf tr oi so qr V tp l' sotttli tl)ic 211 eat;tax fjetrtalty jinr! i.Uarnal . . . . . Toul .Jl ' n . P . . . .?fl So r rah NohtV rl .ilNPrimrille t let ft ami UJsllc tj,tat. .. . Ptmalty ami jntr rM teooJ ji IV 30 IWai.,. , It A Nonlqoiat, hv( qr of sw qr, H m hw qr, it qr w qw qr soc 1.1 tii 18 MHtth range 10 east; Ux III V) Penalty ami interest .1X0 ToUl .... .. 1N) 0 V Null, sw qr of npqr, w of se qr, sc qr ol sw qr sec r tp 22 MHith range li east: Ux 17 tM I'cttaltv ami Interest . . . . "R'.'A Total.', .... 24)71 Sarah It Null, nc qr kc lo tp 22 range l) east; tux), ... , , . . Penalty ami Interest . . ToUl 1. , .. M M it,!... .. 1 ..f ...,. n. 1 ..t . L.- 11 .V) 2 mi lit H0 . a. W IVII.. ! ' rf, .11 V. IT ,. .- Til ... Ilrftllt ....... 11 I. Ill l lCI- III ) IV nMMllI 1 ""K1 ' I 'I east; Ux 1 t. . . 10 Ht Penalty ami interest . .... . lUttlA! Total , ., 10 HW J A Outrun. eH of sw nt. 11 5i of k qr kc 11 tp 22 south ritnge I' ", 14 cast; tax .... 11 . 11 W) Penalty ami interest . n -2 80 Total,,., 11 . 'ill" ll W) I, C Owen, ae qr ofae qr sec f 5. w ir of iW or arc Jl. ne nrof lie iiVi W a lid fit ijruf nwipraec ijlp ilieblh range 10 eait. Tax " MraM (Jlell, neeir of aw A fee t Ip is its af south rangr Jj eait. Tax Penalty and intereat , , ,. . w. fohn Palmrhn. all Iota unaoWt lu l'a'irUIn xarcn 1,1904, laa ri Penally ami Inlerefl t 9 " II J Palmer, w hfof rhf tec ji 1)1 J lotitll '. range 1 1 eaat. Tat J Penally and Inltreft 1 -Vj loiai , , 11 ,. , .ill . ! rauuna nan Aasoctaiion a parcel cw m cur sec J4 ip 10 range ijc w ui men (i Ito feet. coo fret, llicn a no feel, Ilien w 6u feet to beginning. Tax lo vi Penally and Interest l't Tolal ll fi D J l'edgra Hitale, w hfof aw qr, a bf of 11W or, ne fir 01 uw iir aec aip tjaouiri mux loraal and w hfof aeqr,e hf of nc e hfofseiirseciOlpil aoulh range. eat. a hfol ae or see it anil m hf of a qr, nw qr ofae qr, e hfof ne qr, w iif ttt near aec jj Ip 11 south range 10 cast. Tax 14 44 Penalty vndllilerrit , ,. ,... 4 Total --II Ml" ,iM I! 11 Perrin,srqr,aec ij li toeoiilii range ij -Mat. Ttt K, " 4 ' I'easllysHdliiieiett .... . 4 Total nh" .its i A I'eteraoh, hw fit ffcjlp 7 aoullirang ll' eait. Tax ' r' 6 So Penally and Intetrtt. ,.. ., , .1 ,v All l'ri-rso,i;rhfclfieqr,awqf,hriieqri tleurof.tiwiriu;c,4i Ip 11 aoulh range iile.jfit.-'Tax "r 10 jo f'eiiallKniidinlM.eit ... .110 1,1 , tpUi -i . :'; -. ; " i.fo ttcveliTllllllppl.ii lifofatfJir res 17 Ip Ij SOIItll utllraiixe.il at. Tax I'lo 'il l'ital ,,. ..,, 11, ,&., TUil II"""',T" .lltll jlPic-artt. ! Ji I' I'flneVlllt. ibl ?1 Mrs J l.lockH. Ta ... ?!; Penally KUd IhlelcU , , .. A v1 li ATl'if"rcc. ae llr Jt s til U Idlilli ralige 'id , ?,' ill il J'olmliter. a barrel com al a polrlt foo leet e W cor of aw qr.of tic qr aec,4 lp9ou (It, range lAcaaf llieacee 114 feet . 'In W Veuaity and lutcrett ' .! A att - ' - " -"tlirTn-M C W I'ottrr. w qr ate ij tf 'i ,,h 19aat. Tax l-tnaltv ami lliltttat 10 jo 10 MTft.!. . hi ..r . .itirf IJ .Jl I) .roiV nt sec 11 Ip IJ simlll ilig rs'l. " "2 iVnally ami Inltttil J. Total ,. , r, ,,,,., ,:.,." II A I. Pwera, r mui w 111 ec ijip if """ ,. j tange Hi tail Taxk Penally tliil Inlctetk . H! Tial " ..,.'"' M I hw. SI II P Pllntill c ( J SH4 32 Muck IJ. Tat 1 Penally aii.l lnleitt IIUSI I ha 11 1'iUrr.alifof ttnr M Mtn IMauir .a .... .J.i u ir mi ., t.r . S til 11 .milli sana U et. Tax ' '' Penally antl Intrietl IJj . Thlal 1 I 1 nv " I" It Hey. sexjraf.se lir ire titpilsrmth tange II rail, ,T t Penally ati'lluleitl . Tlal ,.! 1 l v n tj f H Mlnle w hfef.tt'lili.ae nrafne qr. r urafanar iee k In it iilh tange e eait. Ta . in. r h in pa Pewilty an4 Inlrirtt Tniil r 1 IH 11 s lnhH tt Klttef.a hf.t ne 1'.eJ 'Jl svmlh range ij aft iml a hf .lj ..r 1 Iti 1 1 smAh ranxe 17 rail. Tax Hi M Pewalty btiatni ' Total . I ,i . (' Hi KOtegeti ehf4.a)t.w Meflf . lain it kMlhlUHH 'leaat. Tat n Jw Penalty antt Inlets! TmiaI ii I II. . w M AC T I. Kagir. n hi sj i Ip If aolh range 17 nH Tax lwallr ami Inlatewt Total . i u I. S M4rt, whf isf M K. "f ". iia ajr tea tSatHl nw t wfnwqr it It H auttth lawae n ewHk Tax Penalty awl intrtt Total ' ..watwi Helaml. Nawsatet aU lYtatajrWIf lot i. V awa hswk I. Tat Penally ami interest Tosal !'. t M I H r J if C Hwwtat" we )r it tp if swath it east. Tax Penult- aw4lMtret Twlal . . -' . A (tan- att t. 4 hf of jw Vf sat I Ip swath mnge iSaatU Tat PvsmHj antlMltet YJl I . . I i . . l I lei iiaol it ! 1 II u U It Mh.ifwll sraiMt lfwwh rwwge ivntv 4"a . i S If waltv w Uttetost i li tTotat.' . t i . , . r , II sw t MShwh ih'aiwsjt ah atnwajf m iiisi.ualaisanliaMt, Tax If) KiHihT ami iwteastt .tat! , i . . . It J KSags se er re tp l swath range jaesot taat ... le KoallvawdHtetett . Toul , t , - ' S Hahltwey. Hfataa nr wao-l M hfaf nwtr sec tt Ip af awwth age It ewtt. Ta .. . t I'eaahy ami htetrt I Ttwal I JJ U' II Mrttn. ne at ueuluM MWth range 14 east Tax Ja Penalty mmt Iwteteri Total . H IC lwhetiM. ne ar sec M Ip If wwlh ranaw Hrat Ta lynalty aawt Intetett Tatal ...il. II M hwHh. ne ,r w qr ee It Ip 17 swath ranges east Ta Penalty awn Inlet nl Total - . Prank JMalth nw ar sec II In M sawtb t H r t '4 ranaritriMt Ta ) J" lywalty an InleteH Total l w k O MwMh Newswm a a44 twlttnnttlt hrlt I, to bsuek h Tax ii Ptftiy an4 IwtrHwt a Tatal J 7 J KMaMh. wqr sec Mlp IJ sawlh tange sa eat. Ta Itnatte ami lotttsat H Sw I Total , ,N MwHh. se r sec tw Ip ij ea.l Ta a IVwalty h4 Inter rt Tatal II swath raaie sa iw I II II A ataHh. e kf at ne r. nwiilWnf or sec jatp m swath range ll eal ami tear l e wr trt M Ip ivwwthtHge ll rat Ta le ta) Penalty ami HUeit.i I w Tatal It Mr K WMmith. neqrwf H'Hr er ri IP wwth raage ss et ami whf alnw qr, uw ar tawar c ll li it swHth range si eal Ta M Penalty ami Intemt I l Twlal T ts I.ewltNallMrr. tirur t IB It sawth range II ea.l. la . t S I'cttaltv ami Intefs.t J Twtat i ' " l sw I. Hhpatka setr. a htetawqr. nenr otaw irmi se qr of e qr tp it wmIm ranxetl eat aa4 a hf of nw ar sec ia tp ii MwtH range it eal, Tax I) S3 IVwalty atMl latere! I Total II rUwtaw hleWI, ne qr it ne qr aec Jt hf f x ar sec . w r M aw iir sec IP HI mltl ranke ireast. Tax 1 Penally anal Inleteat I s Twtl . s lA,ttpr Beqrwf nwqr. nhl wt new. arsii-we sec nln to awwth tange II rail .Tax- le M lflty ami Interest 1 Total l (1 U' nMesrwa se ar see st In I? swath raare loes.t. Taa Pa sw Penally ami Inleie.t 1 J Total lilt ktaele k4t i ami 1. e hf f sw aw e ta tp i; swwih range ll aati tax 17 rVsMitly ami tnlet.it J 17 Tatal , 41 J II MrawkfMgc. Wt i ami 4, a hf wf Me qr sec Jlp i sowlh raMre ItwsM. Tax 1114 I'swattysml lHlrt.t M Tetal 15 J C J HtwMIng Aahwtmllal I blk 40 Us ej Penalty ami Intete.t it Total JJ ZntrtftHt, ehfnfaw qr, w hrscqr se It tp 11 aoulh lange It eal: lax Sal Penalty ami Interest I 7 Total- lo JJ 1(() Taylor, re qr sec 17 tp 11 south range ... .. IO JO I'ewallr and Inlerett Total 1 I 10 II so JTTedford tola 1 and 1 aec l tp 17 smith ranee iyeal ami lie urefneiir sec 11. 'se iir (ifenrsec II In ll lame II; la Ait Penalty aud Intereat I Jl ' Toral ' 7 91 C !!TrrilPwnlt. aw iir aec 10 In ll awith Vntfvt .t;tai lo jii Tensity and Interest J jo . V Twlal it 1 19 so C WTJiwinlhwall. w hftof n VnffV neqrsectolpil eaiftat" r- w qr arc lv and auuin lange 11 in V J IV si I'euallr aixl lMleret Totat 1 - ' TCTrue seqr aec jotp II aoulh tange raililai In jo Penalty and Inttre! I lu Tolal II Oi I' I'Tryoni neqr of re nf aec 11 Ip 10 soulh range If eaat'aiilfw hf of aw qf, aeqr ef awqrarv7lplaMilh ralige laeatljlax 4 Penally and lulrreat 4 Tnial " j 04 ThoTweelilieqrttC9lp IJ aoulh tange 111 east 1 laa 10 jat i'euauy ana inirreii 1 lu Total 11 , Thoa Twret. aw qr of ii qr tec tp il aouth range-1 J ea.l lax 4 ij , . ,'l'cna.lty and Inlttr! M J ii.irsiier, a ni oi h ni arc 5 ip 11 aoum miiirit mi; lax 1 1 .VI I JO IJ o 'J-entJIr Slid Intereat T6ISI" " H Uiltworlh, w hf of nw qr Vec IJ ll Utoolli lauge J I eait and e hf Of ne qrtec j( Ip 14 aouth range jj caiti tax Penalty audluterrat , Tolal ' II Vaudcrwal, aw qraec I tp to south range 4 w 14 A4 ijeaM.tax 10 ,V i-enany aim miereti 1 111 To,sl .... ' " II Ao ueo voore, 111 01 ae qr, ne qr or sc qr rc 16 1(17 sOilltl range 11 tall, tax fel'?" '"""." CarAtfin Wntriirri rtrqr of ne qr see 16 It) "To aouth railge IJ eSitli lax Penalty add interrst Total' " ' 4 "4 4 M 7 ClIAVlitler c llfrc Mill ij aolilli range 'W'etil. lat ji I ui rriulty uud inlereit T..I1.I I ii 4 J IJ Jo J H Walklifa. iiV(Vr)il rieqr aect ll Ij toidli range in'ca.liVt- ' 176; US 11 Jo A 50 j jo lyho I'.i.lli. .11,1 llll.Ull ffiiir''r'"k' " xteWrl'VefCiiif 7tUllinrange 1650 i.V lyso fa w.Xftv,,fC'',, AMJaWk't.'1. aec 16 p 14 south 7 to vrf'v.Ht'h ... , tiM Weill e hfof i qnlmsIud 4 ire 19 tlioutli'etfnVeij Pciiallvaud Interri 1 rail 1st 1071 1 it TbUl JllJ M J Wlgtr, Attl atlil I'llntvMt loll 7 suj Moekllilsi oJ Penally and Inltlttt tu Twlal , , . 9fft J II Wlgtt, aw qr of e f i l I" Mllli laiige I ral and a hi nl 11 e qr, In! are 4 ip s smith rangr 19 rl and w (if awur awqr of nw iir see j Ip ig vxilh tsMge,ptw i. IVuallyaint Inlttr! . loUl ... jHWInilrt, iiiriec)li ll ulli ist-a.l fa , , . it TlJ :ifl lange i-enany ami mieiei Tntal , , . , ,. . Ailnlpli MtMtiMllr liit sec JJ li tange luraal. lat 1 Penally and lnltrt Mill 1 leisi ....'. ' 1 hit, tlewlge warn, H III art tw qr.tw jjr 01 nw tu aeetawieqi i ne qi s; xj ip n will range jeal, lax uja INrnall) awd iHleftat 1 vj Tulal 1 j aw p ' Wowl, lot I, J. ami 4 at I ami lot I see 1 ii it wwlh lanre It tail, lax t Penalty ami Inlettwl t4 1Hat 7 at, WlWtmd.w hfwf w qr m ssaml r hf af eqr as at tH M sowlh lange 9 att a 11 M Penalty ami inletest 1 u ,'u,, . .-.-, e . ' C It Yarwwiwl h hf ef "eajr. n hf af aw aw ae ti Ip 11 wwth tange in a4i tax ia Pewally ami IsttMast ( ia Tetal lit Asa I. Vowng m hf ami m at wt ll Ip It Mwlh taaire laewMi w ji sa tVwalli atwt iMtottM la Total M 7 Kt p tell Wear ww qr ef lew at set 4 Ip 1 j waalkrwaaie stawst.taa in Petsslty seal InlateM w Total j pi MaM sal will b maaW In law assweer ptwewtnl hy law nsr the aale of teal swtals nrtawr t seeatlow aad will sw ehjaH W teiWaasatoti ax awawaiea hy taw ThewdewMlaw tvHHSrwcd peuaaaalr al in otloek la Use lotewuMSi of aht tts! oar ef V.I. taary lea ana will he nmllsi inaat Iraaa an i.. ail UHlll the IM K 111 11 haawtea) oe wall! all the Lsiut kasw twee wial laslaat at PrlwavtMa, tlevvaat Ibl rd day ! Kawtiwi, iswt, C AM astir 11. ahetlsT VtwwV VawtHly IHegiwi Hyj II lUnaa IWpaly. Ttwtrwt Umt. Act jHe j ity. N0TICK V0H IS'lllalCATIOX. U a Uml Wiwte. The Issilsw. fHeaoa, iHHWtaswt iw Metlee s hetehjr gleea that In reaapllawte with Use swawiaaets oflhe Art of lowgtew wf June j. laya, ewlltlasl. "An set hw I he Msrofllmbet laml Iti tlstateef Callnsraia. iMejtaw Netwala aad Wasiitatfteal Teitltaty.'' a eatetwhwl to all ike pwatar ssmt ta4ea ky Act of Aegswt t. lat law MtsMtag-wsaaeal awt-4 "we '. Meat ht lilt etwee Ihett waeN taleftt. te wit llawty N sfPoetlaml tamHly af MnHtaswiah, atahrwf tHe gm worM ttatrsseMt Ne I far I he pwretvsse the Mheq- see s Ip 19 . r ij t w m A Halt MrKcewett. Mfltwtlaml swMNlr of Mwlta ItmsHSah. state eTIHe 141, law ih pwnkawr gam, taotH MalewieHl Ne fi HlheaHnwh; ami It 1 1. sec 4, tp '9 . r 11 c, w tw Thwtlhwy wiarttpajlwwsw that the laml wmght I ami valminte Aw Ike tlmlweef stwne Ihefstm than lot agtsrwltwfal pwtpx ami lo e.UstKti tawtl eUlm. MWi UwM V-lwte the Megftet ami Keeeteee at law laml airWe ia TW Isallaw, tHegwM wn the Mil 4ay f Pestwai IV Thy waese lite asMwwtHg wttwaM W M Wit klawww. K 1 stcVaan I, II McCatm anal I. A halhee, all wf Peswl lH-ee A llart McKeweeti and lleatr N Jewe. taMh of PtwtUmt. trtsaww Any ami alt h"w easlmlag s4etsrly any of the aVwse ilawattWat lams at twats4 le ale Ihett eiates In Iht ettWe am wt twfstc Ike ma Mh way ef Petwwaiy. HsA dill MICIIAMI. T. NtllJ. KfgWer t TtMttwf ltmi, Act Jnwe I. Ir NOTIC'K KOIt I'UHIiItWTrON. U.H. UwdlMwee The Isslles.fHrgitH. July IJ lwt Natsre s hetekr rteert that In tswaplMMcw with Ike piettilatliwf I he act ef Cuwgreaaef June . t7. esttltssat "An act fcwlhe aaleet'llmlwe laml ht law wtats ef Callfwewsa tttegwa. Nevada ami WasWwgteai Tetrttawy.'- aa exlemteil la alt Ihe pwaast laml tte ky art wf Augwtt 4. M. Pe4ttek M lttMell wf Hew4. ctawaty of Creek, "tale eOtegeti. ha tbh 4ay Kkwt IM Iht e(ne hat alalenteat .Sw ww the pwraisasc wfthe Ml J, mw iwlrkMK awr j.liaa. r ij. arm. Ami will after ptwwf te shew lhal Ike taml swwclat I rawtte ealwaaae rot Ha tlmtarr ae ilowe than far agrteallatal trn'Sawe. ami inestaMMi ht ttalm la sasl land iwfaee J ll Lawrence I' a .waamlwMter, al hit office In Head, tire gww. att tne lh tlay of Petwwaiy, ime II watwea a wllnawaaa Jahw Hw.afnt4ei Uregsss). JuhM MeMI llewry W Krrsl. aad llmry Tweet, all ef He ml IHeaawi Any and all petsew rlalmlHg adtersely the al.we eVxetlmx Umt ate tewwe.ud tw Ale Iheir Stalaa le Iht etfaar att at Iwiwre sakt tin day el lieewaty, Sy ill ft MICIIAMI. T NOLAN Hegialer jw, OVIMCIAI. DIKKCTOKY. UNITIIII UTATlwt Thlare Koeseeell Ctssrss W I aiihank W I. Ki-ri . . . Leatte M Khaw K A IHUhcW ... . W II Tan. . t. J Hwnapattr .... Victor II. Meleaif It H. Cotlet)-i .. Wm II Xoudy V Pre-satewt I4ectetary of atal . aectetaty ml Trswsery metetaty af ltttttwr .. .. Hewtetaty af War. ............ heeiatary af Nay.... . ttf etaty ef Cawwieee-.. IWmailff tlewttat.....,...... Altvtitey lleweral. . ....... rwcteU'y af AgtlswtatenMm. HTA tH Ooeernar ... .....-(1 Pectrlary of Mate .. Treaiuier AllHtiiey fIeueral,.,M Kupt PlllltlClHttllUlMHI. , .James Wltsuti 1. I! ChamtcetalH .- - I' I. Hunlwr .... C. H Mmwe .A 11 Claw ford . j. II Ackettaan ...-J K Whitney ...... J W Halter J. II. Mitchell C. W. Pulton Illuger Herman J, f. Williamson C. It. Wolrrrton K It llean . A. Mow Printer. ... Hairy ami I'oud Ceni U. K. Ben tor, Coagrcmenn Itupreine Judge- HKVKNTH jUIIICfAf, IMriTKICT uJge.......... ....m W. I liradihaw Attorney ......MM...uMnM.,.,Ma..r'rnk Mencfet I.IKIIM.ATIVH Joint Hentlor.M J, A. Mycotk a J M: ( N. W lliirgn Jiniiillt hcaldun Ncprraenlatlrti., CKDOK CtltlNTV JmiyC.,9iassttat9l HIHM tiff L,,ea4seaa9ateeM4H ... W. A lltll . . J.J. Hiullh C. Ham hiullh . .. ). 0. ISray II. La I'olltltr IthttlA.., MniMWihii T? eamrcr iiim. mm.m..wiw. AtlOr,.MMM,IIW.,l,M.M,aM.MMj Itchltol rlilpU.M.mm.mwimmMC. It, Itlliwllltllf Hurvcyor. ..,.. .., JL.. C. A. (hair Corouer,.MM,iN.iumiwM.um..M....MJ, II. Crook CM. r h I). Powell H, rtlearn ComailuloiitriMMH, iMflMlrtlMWI TIIHCOltKTH, 1 CiaClMTCimaT - pint Monday In May, llilrd Monday In flctolier. I'aiiiuTK Ciiuar-I'lril Monday In each inonOi. C1lUMlaalllNlMa, cwvat - first Wcduexlny In January, March, May, July, HeptcuiUr and MuVemlier. Iiitnli ruhvihtr, Juillce of Peace ..,!. J. M. Lawrence Coiiatalile ,. li. w title Road nupcrvlur ....u u)d W, II, Kile) linnii rK-noot. DiatRlcr No. 11, 1. t tjtvfttt 00 ... .. ..- -." ........ inrectori.ini.. l., tlowlwlll I W ri NlrKol , Clcrkii I., i,tw w,,, 11, Wie Silas Until 1.. Meld 1 caencis, ,,,, ;,,,., MI11 Grace June Cirv dp lllihtl, Mayor..,,,, m... .M..ntukVA..MsAi L. flooilwilllt Krcunlrt,iii .v. 1 1 M.A. I K.t.l J M Mwreiicc .1'. II. Millid Trnltittcl Manual .,,., II. MM C. M. Weytuoulh tii. II. Kflckaoii Duncan McMlllsd 0. W. Merrill Hugh O'Kaiie C, M. HtdflcU J.X.WUI AMcriatrtiiii.i)iHi.oiiii i mi