The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1906, Image 5

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Have yon Nccn Orntil'M (INjilny of
fruit ormiBWi nppicM, biiiiiiniis mill
The moiciiry llilrt inornliii: Htoort
i above yaio, lliu huuoikI cnlilcul
nilit of tliu winter
F. C. Rowlec of Redmond whs In
llcud Ttiasdity and W'udtiiwdity at.
(ending to bualiiusH inalUru.
Wllll.iiu O. Ktllux, the popular
itieieliiint anil ixwtiiMNtur of I.nld
jitw. vs Hcntl culler Wcdnetidny,
Ollke rooms for lent in tlie Pilot
Hnttc Devwlopinoiit Co.' olllce
liiiildlux. Apply at tliu i:oiijmuy
oft Tucwlay for
tliu vicinity of
Ix: y.oiiu a week
junttM McCoy
his liotiiMtctitl in
Mndrus. Il will
or 10 tiny.
S. M. Rubers thovc over from
J'rintvillc Tiiuwluy wjtli a loiu) of
furnltitic for tli A- II- Mppmun
(.tore at llcud.
John if. (Joddnrd onine to feiitl
Sunday from Powell IliitUr where
lie is lu'lpiiiK sink a well oil tlie
lluldwin much.
CoinnitmcitiK on Sutiirday, Jan.
jo, until further notice the ltend
Social Club will Kivc a dance every
Kntiililay nlnlit.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George O'Nell of
the I.onc Pine Tradlni; Co. of
Forest, arrived in llcud Wednesday
for a stay of a taw duya.
I'. W Marshall of Portland was
taking orders In llcud the first of
the wtvk for Whittlcr. Fullor t
Co.. dealers in juliUs and oiU.
C. A. Jones, uotarv pulilie, cnu
lc found ut The Ilullcliu office
ready to draw and acknowledge
deeds, and uiortgnKari, and attest
twpcrri of any sort. TyicwritliiK
done. 4tf
As soon as the snow will jiennit
Millard Tripplct will move with his
family onto his homestead in iSi i.
where he will reside for some
mouths. His homestead Ik about
nix miles south of town on the
bank of the Deschutes.
l)r. Hurris loft Monday for his
home at Hillsboro. He has Ueu
on his ditch html a short distance
ch.sI of Bend for the ast mouth
uftsistin his sou Jesse in the clear
iiiK of it When the doctor left
they had all the pine trees cleared
olT. The sou Jew: will remain
during the winter and finish the
work of removing the MitRe brush
and juuiciH.
It. M. Rice of New York arrived
in llcud Sutiirday. Wednesday
noon he left for .Sister. He was
making very minute inquiries re
garding railroad construction cast
of here, anil mi id lie wanted to fol
low the Corvallis & Eastern survey
as closely as possible to Sisters. He
had a man of Oregon showing the
Corvallis & Eastern extended ticrnvt
the state. Considerable specula
tion was arousrd as to his purjwse
in visiting here and in making such
careful inquiries' regarding railroad
extension, but it was impossible to
obtain any definite information
from him.
Toilet Articles
Prescriptions Carefully
We carry In stock every
thing usually handled by a
firrtt-class drugstore including;
Stationery, School Supplies,
Magazines, Toilet Prepara
lions, Confectionery, Cigars
and Smokers' Supplies, and n
Pine Line of Watches and
Merrill Drug Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Pasturage for horc, jo cents a
week, fla a month, near JJend.
11 H. W. Murium..
Oeorge Ifqbbsand Harney Lewis
came In Sunday fiom the Johnston
pilinli for it few days in town,
I'lliu barred Plymouth rock
roouturs, full blooded, for sale at
J. 50 each. C. IJ.Al.i.KN. tf
J- I'.. IJyim came to leud from
his raiicli Hoith of town the first of
the week for a few days visit.
I'oit Several work and
driving liorspfl, Must 1 sold
quick. P. I,. Tomncinm, llauk
llil(iig. .j3f
C. M. Kedfleld of Redmond wan
a Hed visitor Tuesday, iflcd here
by I). I. & p. bseuMi. Here
turned Wednesday.
Oeorge Mcvcr came homo to
Ilcnd Tuosdny after a stay of sev
eral days in Priueville. He was
called therp on busincsH matters.
C. K. JJawRou. representing
Long Cr wholesale grocers of
Porhind wasdoiiigbiiHlneHS in llcud
Monday, He loft Tuesday morning.
J. I. Weil, alias "I)ad", linet
been apKinud oliainiMii of tliu
election Ixjard of tliu Rend precinct.
This appointment is for two years.
At Redmond C. M. Rcdficld, F.
T. Redmond nild C. W. J.ord arc
apKjiutel judgeii of elections P. C
Rowlee. R. J. Ummnii mid Prank
Glass, clcrkn.
I,ast Tuoiidoy "Dad" Wcat fin
ished filling hiii Ice house. The ice
was in line shaM, six to no ven in
dies thick and clear as crystal. Jfo
lias stored aliout 70. tnnii.
111. II I
.. mwf i : rr- .vu a,
. 1 . 1
-1 srv-
I lie iippoliitmciit
clerks of election
of Itidircu and
for llcud nrccinct
No in as lollowi.1 J. I. West, A.
C. Lucas, H A. Sathcr, judgoi C.
S. Benson, J. H. Ovcrturf and J.
Prank Htroud, clerks.
A despatch from Washington to
the Orcgoiiiau. dated Jan. 10, say hi
"Senator Pulton today made a
fbvorablu report 011 the nomination
of J. M. Lawrence as receiver of
the Rosehurit laud office,"
I). McMillan announce that he
and his family will remain in llcud
at least until spring and hopes b
that lime to have arrangements
completed so that they can romain
permanent residents of llcud.
Harney Lewis, who has been
working for several wcokw at the
Johnston ranch, stopped hit labors
there Saturdjy night and will
scud some tinto on his homestead
two and a half miles west of Jlcnd.
The judges and clerks of election
for the Deschutes precinct for the
next two years arc: II. W. Recti,
C. H. Low, W. II. Staats, judges;
JohuSteidl, Chin. Hrock, C. S.
Staiibiirrough, clerks. Voting
place at Lytic.
Someone is" up to Imd business
when they deliberately break the
wires of the Deschutes Telephone
Co. Within the past week or to
days, about 10 miles from Hctid on
the Hcud-Priucvillc road, someone
had climbed a Kile, broken the insu
lator and then when the wire fell to
the ground took a stick and twisted
it in two. Whoever did this met
with a descrvablc accident and
probably cut himself 011 the broken
insulator, as blood was found on
the pole.
Postmaster Grant recently re
ceived a request from the Oregon
Inn to nominate some young lady
in this vicinity to enter the contest
for a trip to Yellowstone Park.
The Orcgouian next summer wilt
scud 34 young ladies to the Park
who prove to bo the successful ones
in a voting contest. Postmaster
Grant nominated Miss Marion
Wicst and scut her photograph to
the paper as requested. A ballot
box will soon be placed in the post
office where coupons clipped from
the Orcgouian and good for so
many votes, can be deposited.
On Saturday last n ileal was
closed whereby the stockholders ii
the llcud Mercantile Co. purchased
the interests therein of Messrs. Mc
Millan and Hoiieyman. Steps
have already been token to increase
the capital stock and new parties
will subscribe to the same, O. S.
Crocker of Portland, being one of
the new stockholders and will take
active part in the business. For
the present K. F. Uattcu will have
chnrge of the business, assisted by
Messrs. Crocker, McDonald and
Honey man.
J. A. Messiugcr of Hillsboro has
purchased the Madras hotel prop
erty from Archie Mason, says the
Pioneer, the deal including the
livery stable run in connection with
the hotel, and the price being 900.
Mr. Messenger expects to move
there in the spring and go into busi
ness at that point. For the present
the hotel has been leased to W. C
Moore and the bam to Charles
Dlv-.ney. Mr. Messiugcr visited in
Madras for n week during the early
fall, and his investments In prop
erty at that place resulted from the
fuvorable impression of the town
which he received at that time.
Our January
Clearance Sale
1 Ml1 '.'
Talking: Machine Coupons Given
, with Sale Goods.
Ovid Riley came in from his
rnuoh down (he river Thursday to
attend to business matters at Rend.
II. R, flatohwull reached llcud
Monday with a load of freight from
Hhaulko, Ho said the roads arc in
frightful condition.
The P. II. D. Co'ii saw mill was
shut down the first of the week in
order to do some general repairing.
It resumed operation today.
Uriiesl L- Hcott of Rockford,
Wash., was a guest at Hotel llcud
Saturday. He came to Iknd for
tliu purpose of looking over the
Hilly Robinson will take a trip
up-river to Ryan's ranch Sunday or
Monday to get two fine Jersey cows
recently purchased by Hugh
H. Sill, Oreu Gurucv nud Joe
Sattdct of Alberta, Cauano, were in
ltend the first of the week inspect
ing this region. Mr. Sill had had
a misunderstanding concerning a
purchase of laud near here nud
came to straighten it out.
That Is the Question before the Council
Concerning a City Policeman.
The topic that called forth n most
vigorous and spirited discussion at
the council meeting Tuesday even
ing was whether the city of Rcud
should dispense with the services of
a jiollceman. Under existing con
ditions the office of marshal, an
elective one, carries with it a salary
of $ 1. 00 a year, while the city po
liceman, appointed by the mayor,
commands n salary of 65 n mouth.
The custom has been to let one man
fill both positions.
It is maintained by a part of the
council that the city does not now
need the services of a policeman.
That there is nothing for such an
officer 10 do and therefore hissalary
should be .saved to the city's funds.
Hy those favoring the continuance
of the office, it is claimed that inas
much as the policeman also acts as
a fire patrolman at night, it would
he a very risky add foolish thing to
discharge the policeman and leave
no one to act as a guard against the
work of an incendiary or to give
the alarm in case of an accidental
fire. It is argued by the oppou
cuts to this view of the question that
il a fire patrol is needed nit effort
should be made to secure such serv
ice nt n smaller wage.
That is the condition in which
die question stands. Decided opin
ions are held bv both sides to the
controversy. The discussion waxed
hot, was very spirited and long
drawn out. The council is about
evenly divided 011 the -question nud
final decision was deferred until a
later meeting.
The ordinance creating the new
office of chief engineer of the Hcntl
lire department was passed. This
officer is to have full command of
all companies and npparntus in time
of fire and is to exert n supervisory
control of the whole department,
subject to the orders of the council
and mayor. It is nit appointive
office nnd carries nit annual salary
of $25. Mnyor Goodwillie appoint
ed S. C. Caldwell ns the first chief
engineer of the Rend fire depart
ment. Councilman Millard Triplett ten
dered his resignation us n member
of the council. In n short time Mr.
Triplett expects to move with his
inmilv onto his homestead six miles
south of Bend, nud for that reason
resigned. The resignation wns ac
cepted nud his successor will be
chosen nt the next meeting,
The council adjourned to wcet
ucxt Tuesday eveuiug;,
Parties from Idaho Dcslro to llrcct
(irltt MU on thfl Deschutes.
Mr. Morris of Cliuo palls was in
town last Monday representing
Prickett & Morton of Payette, Ida
ho. These gentlemen purchased a
mill site at Clitic Falls and had pre
pared to erect a flour mill there.
They shipped part of their machin
ery to Clitic Falls and were waiting
to rpacii'c the balance of it when
they learned that the water tower
they were planning In utilise was in
such shape that tiu.'y would be de
nied the usa of U for a time at least.
Whan they learned that their
title to the water power nl Cline
Palls was questionable Messrs
Pricktttt & Morton sent Mr. Morris
to Laidlaw to sea if a good milt site
could be sccurad here. He looked
at several places where good water
power was available and was more
favorably impressed with the power
and mill site owned by 11. V. Nich
ols than any other in this vicinity.
Mr. Nichols offered to make them a
liberal concession if they caw fit to
locate here. Laidlaw Chronicle.
Projcx pourul In a Well, Apparently
Wasted from Soiy Rock.
"Dad" West tells a story of find
ing a small frog about the size of
the cud of your thumb encased in
the middle of n large stone which
he broke open one day while quar
rying rock for building purposes.
The frog upon being freed from its
prison hopped off as frisky as could
be. This story has points of sim
ilarity with the following oue which
appeared in last week's Madras
I'rcil l'islier lm six little twt In hi
well which he miyi he wouliln't mvnu for
100 scrva of Intut in the middle of the
towtxitcof l'iihcrvillc. These ore six
Kiitall vrnler froiM. Their origin is un
known hut ai far ns Mr. l'Ulicr knows
the first savr the light of day nbout a
year nj;o when he struck water in the
well nu his place. At n denth ot IK) feet
he )ud failed to find water and he wan
atill working in solid lmuili rock. A Iiiu
hlnat of lewder was tint in and when it
had been touched off and the atiioke had
cleared away, they went down and found
the six little frogs, which Mr. l'islier
uys the blast had liberated from a prison
of Kolitl stone. There was no evidence of
any crcvirc through which they might
have come, though this blast alo gave
Mr. l'islier his llrst water in the well,
two or three small streams aloutthe site
of n straw coming out of the otherwine
apparently solid wall of stone.
The origin of the frogs is 11 mystery,
although there have been other instances
in which frogs or liiardshacleen found
at ureal depth in apparently solid rock.
A uelghl)or of Mr. I'isher found a toml
under similar circumntances at a depth
of over W) feet.
The iirchcnee of the froga in the well
U all the more difficult to account for
from the fact that this is a froglcss conn
try, the presence of frogs even on the
Mir face of the ground being unknown.
The meeting of the Deschutes
Settlers Association set for Saturday
Jan. 30, has been postponed to
Saturday, Feb. 17, to enable the
members to attend the Farmers'
Institute nt Laidlaw Jan. 30.
All those desiring to attend the
Institute kindly notify the under
signed. P. L. Tompkins, Secretary.
Weekly Meteorological Record.
Ilcml, Ore., Jan. u to IS, lyoS.
Dale Max. Mln, Kangt !j',f,
! i
ail II t 11 17 it ,j
mi u J? U U ......
an u y U la 31
nil I M li 13 as Slu.
it I 17 IS 9 IV ila.
an 1; 40 16 u a tin.
an it t M 5 i J 1 In.
Rest ImjKjrtcd and Domestic
Excellent Bar Service,
High Class Gentleman's Re-sort.
Only first class good6
kept in stock. Call on us.
A. C LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of tl)Q season
First-class Kquipmcnt Finp Rooms and Beds
! ' " llll IIHII I- ! HP" !-
All stages stop at the hotel door
cltur f ctoiuly partly cloudy
rrlclltulloii for wttk water J) lu.
A. II. UiUKr, VoluuUry OJntrvcr.
General Blacksmithing and Wagon RepoiriHg
g&T Our shop is located opposite Baptist tCburclt.
Commission and forwarding
Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited l
I'rotnpl attention rtaid to thoic who
favor me with their patronage
A Complete Slock of
At Bend,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At Bend.
Oregon. t
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Delivered at 'J
Low Cost
Anywhere oa
Tt I mmAm t I
me 9.1 & P.I
m C.5.J. Co.
Pilot Butte Development
No matter how big the bird, no matter bow heavy its plumage or
swift its flight, you can bring it to bag with a long, strong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are what
count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap
shooting, and are sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook.
FKEEt Stiul aK attri a fttt cari fur r Urg IllatlnltJ ttUlofu.