The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1906, Image 6

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A Dead Past
Kr -
CHAPTER XIX fCeotlnued-l
"Von, Kitten! Hew cm you b "
Tint In jour husband' own house?"
There It the agent, Ralkea."
"Mr. Halke haa only teen m one,
la erralng dre. He li away now. I
bitl look rery different, fa will net
rtcogalt me. I matt tay on day aomt-
whtrr to change ray rJolhea. Ton, whi
Cod n torn quiet hotel and tH ma what
to dor
"Oat. Kitten, you bewilder mt. Tea
7 j oa with t go awar a that Des
mond may oat Cod 70a, or know irbtrt
70a ar. and yet 70a want to go to hit
own beate."
"It U the list place ob earth where he
wlH ever look for me. If ha can help It.
Brian will sever set foot In Kepptagtea
HaM agaia. 'li oat aik me why. I
knew It. asd I abaH be aafe there quite
aafa, fer who can say a word agalast
roe If I am under hU roof? Oh, ye, I
har thought of att that, and bow un
kind people are. asd what ill-aatured
thine they woald y. bat. 70 ee.
thera I am aafe. and I haW be dead to
them sod to Mm," h added leow
bar breath.
UrUn did net come home that after
noon until nearly dinner ttme. A lose
d7 of almost complete Itotitkm, devot
ed to earnest reflection, had bad a good
effect upon him.
II ran upttalrt lightly, and opened
tho drawing room door. Kitten wn eat
there. Tnea he recollected that It waa
late, aad that ahe waa, 00 doubt. In her
own room. resting for dinner. Ha went
to her bedroom, bat the door wet wide
open and the room empty.
He lammed to bit door aad went t
hi dressing lablr. Upon hi plneutblon
lay an envelop addreited to hlmtelf In
hi wife's handwriting. With a trange
sickening apprehentlon, he tor It open
and read:
"Mjr dear hatband, we haTe made a
terrible mistake, and we can neier be
happy together. I am going away to
that you ma? be free, and may be oftea
with her who baa your heart. Da net
look for me, for 70a wttl nerer find me;
you wttl be far happier without me, bnt
I shall alwar lore you aad think of
700. I cwald not fiH your life or your
heart, dearest lore, aad to do let than
that it too hard for me to bear, aad o
I am lcarlnr rea. Good by.
No more, no reproaeh, no assay of
cotnnltlnt. bo anxulth of detpalr.- Hi
wife had left him. and aeme one mutt
hare toM her about Rosamond Earle.
Of all the person who auffered be
cause Kitten cbote to ran away from her
busbind't hoate, none endured at firat a
more acute sense of agony conected with
that event than did Margaret Orantley.
The next day all the world knew of It.
Th scandal-mongers and th goslp-lor-er.
and all the crowd of tlttle-tattlen,
male and female, buxzed about Ilk bee
nut of a hire orer this one Httl delight
ful raorael of scandal which bad come
to diaturb, with a pleating excitement,
the errn current of a hitherto uoereatful
season. It waa the talk of th club,
and the popular topic of th park.
"It setma that Hrlan Desmond neg
lected her," aald oae.
"Well, the mutt be a thoroughly bad
Jot," aaserted another; "and auch a fool,
too, to go and bolt!" Thla one, of courae.
waa a woman.
, Aad fint and foremott amoBg them
all, as a matter of eourae. waa Mrs. Tal
bot, and many were th knowing wink
and nodt and ahakes of her head, half
uttered sentence, and half-eempleted
revelations, by which ahe gar Terybody
to underttand that ah knew of a great
ma ay more horrible and dreadful detail
than did any one elte, and that there
were things thine connected with th
who! bumes! Ab, well, if they wero
but known well, he could only aay that
th hair on the heads of tho whole pop
ulation of Loudon would simply stand on
end with It!
"And Is It really true, then, that that
poor youvg fool, Hlr Hoy Orantley, haa
gone off with her?" aaked tome one.
"Not a doubt of It," answered Ger
trude, almott viciously, for h waa an
gry with Itoy for admiring Kitten.
"Why, I met hi titter at aupper laat
night, asd you abould hare seen th
poor woman's face; why, ahe nearly
fainted when she heard the newt."
Three days tnus patted away, and attll
conjecture and go til p ran rife, and aean
dal refuted to be alleneed concerning
Mrs. Desmond and her dolngt. And
then one 0ue morning, Jutt wbeo Mar
garet was nearly driren demented by all
the rumors and bints wbleh her dear
friend In erery direction took care to
conrey to her, up drore Itoy himself In
a hantom, to her door In Connaugbt
Kuare. with hit auiall portmanteau
nbore him, and with as unconcerned an
air as though be bad been away for a
couple of days' bunting or shooting.
"For hear en' aake, Roy, what la the
meaning of all this?" she cried breath
letaly to bltn, a he entered her draw
Ins room.
Hoy looked surprised, almott tnoro by
her manner than by her wordt. Ilia tit
ter waa rery pale, her role ahook with
motion, and her bands, aa he took them
In his, trembled nerrously.
"My dear Margaret, I do not under
atand you. I anything the matter?"
"Anything the matter? How can you
aak audi a thing? Do you take me for
a child, Roy? Do you auppoto I do not
know, baro not heard ererytblng every
thing?" "I hare no Idea to what you ara allud
ing," h auwrd her In calm aurprlae,
looking slightly puzzled and bwllderd.
"Where Is Mrs. Dttmond?" th asked
him almost In a whisper, so terrible was
her nnxUty. ...
"What haa that got to do with your'
be answered har Impatiently, almost
"Alii" she cried, "then It I true what
everybody la saying? It waa you who
took her away from br husband's houto
you know where she !," she answered
One before Margaret bad fn that
wlhfc blaze ot angar la bar young broth-
er'a face one btfe-re, when ah bad
aald tfclagt agalett Kitten. In ese mo
meat Hey was Iranifaraied, hit eye
flatbed, hit brew ceatracted, a tterm of
pinion brek out all erer th taseeth,
young fac. H remladed her of hi
"Hew dar yea." fa said tetrtely.
"hew dar yes tpeak taefa a thtag et
ber, th who It at par aa an aagel at
heJy aa a Mint. What can you be Ilk
to reatar te taaircfa the whkeaeu f her
nam by yr ril ttaaders?"
Margart fell back a ttep. Almott
It teemed to her at If !t7 weM har
truck her. tfa rag la bit fac wat
terrible. Tail hoy her boy, wb had
bees aa a child to her. a bay no
heater, bat a mis, aad a man with
wbom it wat at safe t Meddle. He
fricfaleaed her.
Whit with anger, aad Uxapabl of
reptyiag. aire ha a bHad trreet of itreag
aBd ditjoiated wards. Hoy brake away
asd betook hieateif to FelMa. H sprang
apttaira three t-p at a tiwe, and bartt
Into fait ceatia't drawiag room.
Mr. Tlt wat tlttiog with her. As
fa catered Felicia uttered a cry of tar
prite aad delight, and raa eagerly for
ward to meet Mm.
"Oh. Hey! Hoy! how delighted I am;
why baro you been away? Hat. ef
coarse, new 70a will b able to explain
where yea hare beea. Hew glad I am
that you hare com baek; net. all tfaet
horrid, wicked ecaadala wttl b ttopped.
Did I net tell you. Gertrude, that It waa
net true?"
"Welt, that remalaa to b seen, my
dear Felicia," aatwered Gertrade alrHy.
"Sir Hoy ha not cleared hlmtelf yet
yoa te, to tay the le-stt. It is unfortu
nate that he aad Mrs. Desmond should
hare been both 'mlttlag' em th time
day. It remain to be explained, ot
-Why oa earth should Hoy'a absence
be connected wkh Mrs. Desatoad," cried
Felicia Impatiently, "or who ladeed can
tay that he bat bee away at all?"
"Why. my dear" Ooekiag theat off oa
her fingers, "tkrre dioaert to which he
wss eBgaged, akd at which he aerer tam
ed ap aor erea teat any excuse," remark
ed Gertrade. with a e relet t thrag of
her shoulder.
Tbtt wat true, aad Hoy for the first
time reeolleeted these brwkea eagage
meatt. with a sort of horror at hit own
careirtaBess. He looked from oae to the
other ef the ladle la abtate dltaay;
he began to pereeire ia what light hit
conduct appeared to tb world.
"It It net true?" pleaded hit coasla.
with a wistfBl ea treaty la her dark eyro.
"So. ef course It It net true," he an
awered quickly. "How could It be true?
Hut errrybody em te har goae mad.
For bearen'a aake tell me bow tblt bat
got about, ami what I am te do to ttop
Itr He wa no longer angry, only dlt
mayed and distressed beyond meature.
"You hare only to aay you don't know
where Mrs. Demesd is," ssld Gertrude.
"Hut I cannot aay that. I do knew
where ahe it." he aatwered grarely.
And then Mr. Talbot laughrd.
In aH bit life Hoy nerer hated Mrs.
Talbot so cordially asd so Intensely aa
be did when she attered that short laugh.
It waa a laugh that meant so much.
Contemptuoas disbelief la mankind, tri
umphant eoaSrmatlon ef the suspicions
of the world, the rula of Kitten's fair
name, all seemed to be eoatprited la that
abort, aaeerisg outbarit of ill-timed hi
larity. Felicia, oa the contrary, itemed op
pretted with detpalr at ber cou tin's most
unexpected antwer. She tank down Into
a chair with a look of helpless distress,
and tears gathered thickly la her eyes.
"Oh. Roy," she cried, "don't, don't say
that. It cannot be true don't say It."
"Why should I not say It?" he an
swered, a little defiantly, becaut of that
other woman who aat by with a aneer
upon her lips, "It Is quite true. I da
know where Mrs. Desmond Is now. Why
should I deny It? Sh wss In great
trouble. Hbe sent for mo becaut I am
her oldest friend, and I helped ber to
Itare town and to go to a plac where the
wlthed to stay fer a little time."
"And whero la that, pray?"
"That la her aecret and mine," he an
twered frowning. And then Mrs. Talbot
laughed again.
Hbe got up and ahook out her skirts',
and prepared to take her Itare of Fe
licia. "It won't wash, Hlr Hoy, It won't
wash!" she said, with odious laugh still
upon her lip. "Will It, Felicia, dear?"
"I don't see why you should doubt my
cousin's word," said Felicia, rather dog
gedly; "there ia nothing extraragant In
what he baa told ua. He Is Mrs. Des
mond's oldett friend. If the waa In trou
ble It was quite natural that the abould
send to blm."
And then Gertrude laughed again and
took her leare of the coutlnt.
There waa one thing which Hoy un
dentood, and of which Gertrude and the
world knew nothing, and that waa the
peculiarity of Kitten's character, which
had led ber to do a thlug which, to the
eyes of othera, waa foolish and repre
hensible; but which was In entire accord
ance with the natural simplicity of her
own mind. Ern Felicia, who waa affec
tionate and aynipathetlc, could not enter
Into this.
"Roy," she said to him, when the door
had doted upon Gertrude, "this Is too
dreadful! How Is this business to be
bettered? How are these two people to
b brought together again?"
"I bare no power to Interfere," he
aald sadly. "Kitten I no child. I can
only do aa aba tells me to do."
Now to Felicia, It teemtd that Kttteu
waa not only a child, but alao an ex
ceedingly foollth one; but knowing Roy's
Infatuation, she forebore to express her
"Do you think of the husband, poor
Mr. Desmond? It Is dreadful for him."
But Roy could not be brought to pity
Drlan. The man who had dared to win
the deep lore of Kltteu'a aoul, and to
glre her back nothing but the empty
husks of hi life, waa to him an object
not of companion, but of abhorrence
"What It h doiec-ls be looking for
her?" waa all ho aald gloomily, atttr a
"No, ho tecmt ttuatxJ. 1 hte rn
know, becaut becaaie ilr. Halkr. hit
coutte. It with hits." ,
Felicia tpoke of IWrsr Halkr with a '
little telltale coafuttoa f ataaaec, which
Roy waa far too Mac absorbed la kit
own trouble to observe,
"HalketT b said tkarnlr. "Kurl
that I bit ageat. who lire at KeppUr- '
tea? It fa la towa. tbr
It bad beta Roy't tecret ktiw lhx
tbi gentleman might recogaite Kitten,
aad b tbe ate at of restoring her to her
"yes, h went to howadrs So aire at
oace, aad bat beea there erer tine."
aatwered Felicia, who thought ber hero
a rery prlac aamxig mm for tbtt act of
eat my. -Jlr IVsatotid hat kept hi.
"He It gotag back to KepHactoa. I
tappet?" iae.utrrd Hoy eagerly.
"No I doa't tatak be U. Mr. Halket
raa la tblt moraiag. kaowtag I tfaoold
b aaxioas." added Felicia. coWiag a
nttle. "to ten tu that Hriaa DetcnoaJ
has asked him to go abroad with him
at oace."
"To go abroad r cried Roy. acbatt.
"Do 70a meaa to teN ate that be I go
lag to make a search for bis wife? That
be It coateat to gire ber u wlthoat as
effort? To leare ber wltboat erea kaow.
lag what Cis beeatae of ber. or whether
tfa bat got eaoaea to Hre apoa? Good
faeareas. tbe mi a raaaot be such a brat
a taatr
"Mr. Halkrs certalaiy toM ate be was
going abroad at oace. I kaow aotkiag
"Fettrtar b crteO. "It canaot be. Do
70a thlak that be ber faabiad bo
Meret hi tblt wicked tlaader agaiast her.
which Mrs. Talbot aad rraotaoas women
of her deserlptioa fasro set afloat?"
"No. bo. I hope and trust he ha set
heard of It." ahe aatwered eagerly. "I
do net thlak he hat yet Hat at aay mo
ment It might get to hit ear. Oh. llr
if only it coakl be ttopped !"
And that wat what Hoy, toe, taW,
orer and orer agala to himself, as h
weat seswly bark to hit titter' botise.
"If It oaly could be tloppedr
Hat bow caa tbe roke of tcaadal be
stopped? It is oftea bard to make peo
ple beilere la aa abselate troth, bat to
beilere ia a lie, that seeeas to come easily
to errrybody. aad oace fairly started oa
Its way, a lie It at bard to atop at it
that magic fiddler of Gerataa fairy lore,
who bat beea daaciag bit way orer th
world eTer siace tbe Middle Ages.
He wat rery depressed aad uahappy,
a a flaag hitateif wearily lata a deep
armchair ia Mitt G nut ley's drawiag
room. Margaret waa adding ap htr
weekly bill.
"Well. Hey?"
"Weil. It it as yoa taW." he aatwer
ed gloomily. "Yoa were right aad I
wa wroag. It is Bet, I tappose. for th
first ttme la oar tires that I bare beea
forced to aekaoa ledge at atarb."
"There It, of coarse, oae thlag you
could do. Hoy, which would effectually
ttop tblt uaeotBfortabi tcaadal at oae
and forerer."
"I wish te goodMess yoa woald tay
what it It, then." he answered. 'God
knew, 1 would do anything."
"If yea were to g!r out at oace that
you were engaged to be married to sent
girl, everybody would pereeire lattaatly
tbe impossibility of there being any truth
In the report which hare coupled your
name with Mr. DrtmoadY."
"Engaged te be married!" he cried,
coatemptuoutly; "bow can that b done,
pray? What utter nontent! To be en
gaged. I mutt aik i me woman to marry
me. How can I go oat ana us tnat at
a moment' notice? If that It your plan,
Margaret "
"There It alway Feitcla," said Miss
Graatley. quietly, without venturing to
look at him.
Hoy did not answer, aad Margaret eoa
tinued, after a paute; "Felicia would
marry you to-worrow; there is ho proUm
laary loretaaklag to bo goae through
with ber. Facie Gregory Is so tick ot
Ijonden and parratal care that he wilt
bestow ner gumy apoa tae ur cofoer
and you above all others. Felicia her
self Is fond of you "
Here Roy rose rieicatly from bis chair.
and with an exclamation ef angry impa
tlenee went oHt ef the room, slamming
the doer after him.
(To un continued.)
Coot More, but lie Didn't Hare to Tush
the Coach.
A gentleman who recently returned
from a far Western trip told this atory
the other day of a atnge coach rble
which ho had In the Rocky Moun
tains. "I wanted to go to a ruliilrii; en nip
which was ten mile from the nearest
railroad ktntlon, nml the only wuy to
Kfit there was either to walk or go by
"When I reached the coach the driv
er wanted to know how I wished to
travel first, second, or third class. I
thought this question peculiar, ns I did
not see three coaches, but one. How
ever, I decided to go lint class, and
the driver replied the fare would be
12. Khortly ufter I had taken my aeat
another 1111111 came tip to tho coach,
and, after talking with tho driver, de
cided to go Hecoml class, at $1, Ho
entered the coach and sat directly op
posite me. Presently a rather tough
looking fellow, resembling n trump,
also entered the coach nml aat down
beside me. He Ktiid he would travel
third cIuhs, and his fare was only SO
"After we were on our Journey n
tie way I begun to wonder In what
consisted the difference of iiccoinmodu
tloiix mid why there should be three
classen when we all ahared the snnio
coach. My Ignorance on this point waa
enlightened when we dually came to a
long hill. Tho driver stopped his
hordes, and, turning around In his Heat,
cried In a high voice: 'First-class pa
sengers, keep their seats; second-class
passengent, get out and wulk, and,
third-class pasxengers, get out ami
push!' I waa glad I was traveling first
class." Baltimore Hun.
Borne men ore surprised when thoy
discover that the truth answers better
than ft lie
.. .. -rVlii . s '
.1 .OTrS? Z- aIa. V.
iJ-mML. itur-it AUi-J.
' mmSmSrmjm
ffioMtr "XiW
ISfcY aev'L-O !
KfaxMz&i!. ?.-n
A to Cement Cots eels.
During late rears farming Htv
MUHltle are giving muck attesttbiu to
tbe public highway, realizing that It
la wottcy well expended Oae of tbe
chief xtte accouttts has lcc for
csiherts and these atv iultc a high
wbe ta tlag to W bridged l nar
row, fw the reason that leiw cipcvls
sad. much lighter Itimbor is used
hfitcv the culvert wast be rosier rd at
frnjacat iNlerrai. A the cot of lm
ler lK'reae-s the cssi of cemesit aBd
rota eat httlhllag block aad alabi dr
crcase. mi that tbe future will sec
ttsaay more stntcturv ef different
kinds built of esMtrrv-tr) than It bat
Imhn tboagbt prtab4c to use la the
Kxpcrt say that a ejnu ef twenty
Arc feet or le ean b brblgcd with
a fiat culvert ef cement at low cost
and tbat the vcttrk Is lasting. The main
essentials In the cement culvert, be-
rtMSH or (lmiit cttvrHT
ond the first -rlnss material, uf course,
are tbe submerged ttit-sdT wall at each
cm! to prevent uadermlHlNg am the
wing walls at rack end. Iu erery sec
tion there are HtasoR who are fdMtl
lar with tbe working of concrete ami
falshw-ay overseers shoubl consult
these men before Investing money In
the old-time and expensive wooden
culverts, The illustration shows the
side wings of the cement cuhert,
which add to Its durability Indian
spoils News,
rotator from Small eet.
Considerable argument I rife
among writers as to the relative mine
of small ami medium or large tubers,
for use as seed. It Is claimed that
the small tuber will often (generally,
perhaps) produce as large ami fine re
sults as the Inrger tuber used for
seed. We Itelleve this claim I ofwii
to question at least beyond llie first
generation, for It Is tte to say that
degeneration can only be tbe result
from planting the small tulers a num
ber of seasons In successkm. This
seems to be a logical conclusion to
reach On the other hand, It Is quite
a logical to assume that the fine me
dium or large tuber, containing as It
must all the vigor and flue points of
the variety, will produce flrst-claa
progeny and, we believe, this Is es
sentially the case when the seed tu
bers are selected from one's own prod
uct and selected at the proper time am)
properly cared for If the seed pota
toes are selected from the bin, be the
selection from small or the large tu
bers, In the spring Just about the time
they are wanted for use, It must not be
expected tlmt they will give us good
results as those which have been proe
erly selected In the fall and properly
cared for. There Is a decided saving
of time, money and fertilizer In the
careful selection of the seed potatoes,
as any one will discover who will take
the necessary trouble Kxchange.
Increased the I'ulato Ylrltl.
In a three-yenr test of growing pota
toes ufter clover lit Hie Ontario Ktn
tlon, an average luiTeuse of thirty
seven bushels per acre was obtained,
aa compared with growing potatoes
without tho use of clover. For fertiliz
ing tho land for potatoes' the author
recommends the use of a moderate
quantity of barnyard immure applied
on the clover In the full, or of well
rotted manure used In tho spring; or, If
co'muierclnl fertilize nre used, hii ap
plication of rK) to 800 pound of or
more per acre In the proportion of 2.7)
uoundM of nitrate of ftodu. Xd) ikhiikIh
llt-r0f HuperphoHphnte. und Mt iminnlH of
sulphate or muriate of potash An In
crease of forty bushels per acre was
obtained In a crop cultivated six timet,
as compared with one cultivated three
times. In a three-year test spraying
with bordeaux mixture apparently in
creased Uie yield ninety-four bushols.
Tbe cost of growing an acre of pota
toes yielding 800 bushels Is estimated
at 182,14.
Ksrm Not,
Long and bard pulling makes wind
broken horses.
Hens are without exception the
moat sadly neglected of all the living
creatures that are profitable to th
farm r.
-. yi5-!-
If sheen lire nut kept iHiiisliiiilljr In
KmnI cuiiilltluii tho iiinllly uf II" ,"1
It affei'leil
You onn't grlml corn nml Kt wlii-nt
Hour Nellher chii )iu f"ril alrnw i'l
get butter fnt.
A liniper poultry house Is lint lit'
warily one with 11 Jlm-crnck roof nml
a gilt ueuthi'r-cock.
ProlH In dairying ileliends upon four
things KOtKl IMS. pMHl mill CllMtp
feed, good enre ntul n good nmrkvt
the I'nrm 'I'milslnm.
It 1 the exception, riithcr limn the
rule, to llnil n shop its a brunch of
farm work nowaday We run In the
store for nny little thing wo want. my
two price for It hiiiI Iim" vnltmhlu
time. Our fathers had nil of the snmll
tools In the hoi nml i-ould inuke nny
retntlrs not of n serious nntttre oh nny
tool or appliance uf (he furm 11 nil do It
quickly ami Inexpensively Our hired
help are kopt busy 011 rnlny ilay (to
Ing oer twtls himI rrngoiis. iwtnllng
ami rejmlrliitf If the hnruess tireflks
there am wniitl ends of lhril ready
for use or some rivets to repair larger
break. The shop contains n small
anvil ami a lo a well a n Mixxleii
rlamp In which to hold Hie emit nf
leather when sewing them. Nulls,
screws, IhiIIs, hinges Mini the Ilka are
kept In small numbers, but In vnrlotis
sixes, Oils, monkey wrenches, chisels,
hammers and tbe like nre nlways
there and we are prepared for any
small trouble. A very snmll corner
of the lurn I Urge eimugh for the
shot. ml It will pay to begin now to
fit up such n place, adding toot n
one can.
Small tnrmlnv.
It Is not always tbe man who 'tis
. ! er .V") acre of MPd who Is
tiiakla,r the most nHiey in promrtiM
to tbe aMMHtat be bas Invested III It.
There nre those who with 10. 1.1, V
or acre. 1 re waking mere than tho
average farmer with five or ten times
tbat amount uf law I A a rulo It
Is became the farmer has n mrt of
bis mean reserved as a working capi
tal. With It he ran secure latior. I HI
pletnents, fertilisers ami all tbat Is
necessary to bring bis little farm up
to the highest point of successful pro
iloctbiH. Many of out farmers would
do better to seil half their land at
even half tbe price and devote the
ifloney thus net) Ml red to better mnH
itglng the remainder of their farm,
than to pay taxes upoH the entire
amount they miw farm or rather half
Carallsr Apparatus,
An efficient mode of treating bruited,
Irritated and sometimes diseased limbs
nf nnlmnls ns. for Instance, tbe leg
of a horse Is by
pouring a stream
of water umiii the
limb at a point nf
fected. Heretofore
It ha lieen univer
sal I y customary
for the person In
charge of tho ani
mal to hobl the
ml of n hose nt
the liolnt desired
mama stiuam n ,, p r ,,,
stream of water iiion It for such
length of time ns might be deemed
necessary. ThU mode of holding the
t renin Is more or lex defective. In
thnt the stream of water could mil br
ixiiired upon the exact spot for nny
grent length of time on account of the
persou holding the hose becoming tired
ami unable to direct It uniformly. In
order to obviate those dlfucultles nml
to produce an apparatus not requiring
continuous attention, the device here
Illustrated wit produced.
Calsrs t'ltraplr fattened,
Professor Roberts, of the Cornell
station, claims that to fallen eultes
successfully on sklui milk ami grain to
supply the butter fat, tho calves
should first be fed a moderate amount
of nuw milk for a few days, nml then
skim milk should he gradually mihtlt
tilted so that at the end of n few
weeks tho calve would be fed entirely
on sklui milk. If seven pounds of
corn meal Is mixed with one pound ot
linseed tnenl, old process preferable,
he finds It will uiiiki) a fairly good sub
dilute for the butler fats of thn new
timer tliinllllra,
White clover does not seem to be 11 f
fectitl by the no called clover sickness
which Interforcn with raising common
clover more than u certain number of
years on tho siiine piece of laud. Al
hIUo ulso seems lo suffer less from thn
sickness and will thrive 011 a rather
wet, heavy piece where red olovor
does not do well, likewise stands se
vere cold better tlinii red clover, hut Is
not liked by cattle so well as either
the red or while clover,
tloof I'alnllMa- I'osls,
The roof weurs out, unless kept
painted, faster than any other part of
a woodeu building. It pays better to
keep tho roof painted than It does the
sides, and It will also need to be paint
ed oftontr. When shingle are used
from clear, straight-grain wood and
kept always palntod, they will last a
very long time. One of the advan
tages or painting roofs is to keep wa
ter from the nails, where rusting soon
rots the wood where they are driven.
A1 'F
1 1.11 landing of Henry II In Rr
Und from France
H'.'l King Henry VI. of ICngltnd Urn.
1 1.17 -Hixtsiiimid, Kmprror of (Isnusny,
InilT I'epe Clement VII etesped In dlt-
gnle from prison.
IRID .Meeting of the Diet ef Wormi.
15 li Mary rkaart, daughter t Jamtt
V , bum.
I.7HI Fnpe I'lut IV. died.
1MH (Imtavus Adotphui born.
lUUS-John MlltoH, Ik port. bora.
HtlS Col I'rhl prevented tt lUHtloert
u( llritlsh I'arllsmeat from eultr-
Ing tbe House. Called "I'fW.'t
UVll Itnglish I'arllsmeat ordered th
ta-ly of Oliver Cmmwtll hung it
Wilt) Ten 8eltlh Covenanter execut
ed In Kdlnburgh.
IUSH-I'IIkM of James II.
1712 Treaty of .Moscow between Great
llrltalu ami lluista.
I7irt-Cbrles ItalelllTr. liarl of l)r-
wealnaler, eteeutrd. takr pe.stian of liked
1777 Hitspeastoa ot habeas corpus art
m Grttt Hrttaln.
17H7 Delaware by aaaaimotis rot rati-
fled Coattltalten nf lb United
17HCV Hon land lll. "father of th
IIMlWt postal tervlce," Urn.
1710 IndUas admitted la th Union.
INKY Ceresaoale at Xuretnburg mark
ing epeohu of Art railway In
IKI2 Ktmarl Wolworth. tutbor of
"The Old Oaken Rocket," died.
IHId HiHt s Hfoeiaboed I'retUltal
of Metlro.
IHIH lltvld Carter made the first df
tmslt of Callforabi geld la th
United Mutes mint.
IK. I The IntHMiraUte Coneeptlnn d
rltreil by lb Pep.
IM1 Father Matthew, apostle of ttm
peranee, dld at Cork, Ireland.
1NII nncrest (Mated bill authorising
exrbnnxe f Union and Confeder
al prisoner.
INK Rattle f PralrU Grove, Ark.
Ibdl Preskleat Lincoln nrged curtail
meat ef Slste banks.
mw The Gladstoae ministry atsumetl
orilee . . . .Paragatyaa army d-
felted d destroyed at VllUt.
IWil Many lire lost la the Urnbig ef
lb Ring theater la Vienna.
1881 Wnshlngtoa moaameat at Wash
ington, D. C, coMpletml.
1KHI Third Pleanry Conocil eiote.1 a I
1M1 Ird Dafferia saeeeede.1 frd
I.yltletoa as llritlth ambastadar
at Paris.
IWCi Great detaoHitratloH agalntt mu-
nlcloi abate In Madrbl, Hpaln.
IM7 Attempt on the Hfe nf th Hultan
of THrkey.
IWiH-Gen. Catiito Garcia .lle.1, aged (13.
IhPll-Certlflrate of election given lo W.
.H. Taylor a Guvernor ef Kn-
HXW Prrtldtut Cattro orderol arrett
nf foreigner In Vcnetiiela. . . .
Thtimat II. Heed ile..
IIXW Four kllle.1 In rnllrond wreck at
Worcester, Mats .Gen. Iloye
elected President of Colombia...
... Japanese )r dlaxiheil.
lisil Ulmr rioti begin In HI. Petere
burg Mr. Cassle I.. Chad
wick arrested Three Hilstlan
Uttleshlps milk at Port Arthur,
Hlr William Watson hn ben ppolnt
el chairman of the Cunard Hteamthlp
Company, rlro bird Ivrrclyde.
Krnutt, thn Ctsr of Itussls's chef, It
by tradition and position a ruttemsn.
sml has the right of wearing a sword.
The Khedive of Kgypt It not only a
moiiogsinltt but a teetotaler, ami doe
nut stiMike not even an Kgyptlan clgsr
Prof. Cerebotnnl, a Frenrhmnn, has
perfected im apparatus which will trans
mit the peculiarities of a man's hand
writing or drawing, eiinbllng him to sign
check 1,000 miles nwuy.
It Is understood tlmt King IMward
will confer on the Mikndn the decoration
of the Order of thn (Inrter, which will
he conveyed to his majitty by a special
minion, headed by Prince Arthur of
The King uf Greece It the greateit
Ihigiiltt among monarch. He rsada
twelve Isngunges mid speaks moit of
" The King of Hpnlu Is a skillful aad
fearless rider, a keen motorist, a disdly
hot with cither rlflo or revolver, a
splendid fencer, am) an exceptionally
clever boxer,
Tli young crown princes of Germany,
who Is popular, haa set a new custom,
that of carrying a slick while wnlklng.
Her royal hlghnuis has a largs collec
tion of slick from which to ttltct to
watch tht coituma sh wean.
1 M.hWN
7 ICt.l IIHla.1 tTfaatX.. '.