;,, , x:.ai J I llll I II UK !'.. 1. 11 1 , 1 1 1 in 1 I,, !. j .1 H Li C LOCAL BITS Cliiirlci mill Jnck Wainicr of TiiiiiiiIo were Ituiidvl.sitoirt Monday. Kcttioiulicr the prcncliliijf nervlctm itt the I In it l.'it clniicti next Sliiulify morning. Mr. mid Mrs; Clmrlus Rood have Ik'cii lU-ntl villoi a linger portion of tills week. . Flue burred Plymouth lock rooster, full blooded, Tor miilu at f.3 50 vneh. C. H.Al.l.ltM. tf Mrs, Hogim, si.tter of Mih, IIiicIi O'Kunu, Is NtifToiliig with nn nttuck of la K'l'lw' I'liHttiriige for lioiso, So wnti n week, fi a inoiltli, titr Iteml. if li. W. Mokkii.i,. II. J. Uverturfwlll UhcIiIii Mi Ruth Reld'.s pint lit the Haul pub-lu- w-hoot during tier lewve of ulv me. Ted Henry, J. F. Nell mid Hrl Neil came litim LaldlMW Monday 1 veiling to attend the Woodmen re- ll'ptiOII. Dr. II. F. Iltitler, deiilUt, will ar rive in Ilend ttMlay and will le here . wral duv to do dental work for Itiixte detltltlK It. .I-U Ml. S M, mikI Mim Whitted viii'cil during the pant week or 10 I ut at the Gideon liomeMeiul on tin- Tumalo, thtce mll MiitlitvetU o) Ik-ud. Ocorup L. fllininouq nfLtilMlaw wiw n cnllor In IJciid Wediietfdrty. JIiikIi O'Kniie k having nn loo IiotiHe built on lots east of t,c ,oto, Mm. Frank West left Hcud Sun. day for a visit of Mvcriil weeks In Iowa. Have ou seen (haul's display ol fruit oranges, applas, bananas ami lemons? (,olf The ncIiwiI bell was heard uf;u!ii Monday inoiiiliur after n two wm.lu' vacation. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Reod were Ileud visitors during a portion of this week. I.ee Hoyer, a traveling man of Portland, was a lieud culler tliu (Irsi of the week. -iirrn. wa i 1 ni- wmm iT m- K 4 IT -T" 5 - vmmtmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmm a2JsMfo, one. Tout I'ttrminton oauie from Red ta'iil Ihi HuudH)' for a week or 10 dis visit in IMrud. Front here he will go to Seattle, WmIi , to attend t j buitiuew mattm. 0 A. Jones. notary public, ran '- lotiud at Tin Bulletin office ti.ntv to draw and ncknowldn li"l nul mortgage, and attet 1 ijk-w of niiy sort. Typewriting ! IK. .ltf II T. Jotut f Portland. pccil -,t t.t of tb Kovcrttweut, arrived hi I lend MimwImv mi h tour of In- Ii tton. lonnccled wllh home vt,l, tiinlvr claim, etc. in this M'tnity. Advertised letters in the Rend xtiflice ure m follow: M. D. (otl'tt, Heft Jamta, Ml. Mollk Martin, (5. I.. TIioinimoii, John M IniK'iinn, Mrs. I.iuWe W. IMior. Woodcock Ilcwv Wilson. W. M. WIU011, Mint J,.kc Wolfer. Chnrh - Ket wss In Hetul Ttien d.iy from the Johunlou isuch. Mr Kud cxects to hnvc a tliwiMiud ncrts under cultivation on the ranch next summer. I'IowIuk bus been prahibitcil of Intc by frost in the Ktotind, but the task of pulling the juuiers and cutting off the wijje bruih Is RoiiiK steadily forwnrd. Mrs. A. M. Drake left lust Mon d.v muruttiK for I.os AukcIuo, Cab, where sh will remain until spring. Mrs. Drnke is not in very j;ood health and it is Iiojh.nI tbe warmer California climate will benefit her. She was HCConuMtuied as far as Portland by Miss Ruth Reid, who went to coiitult a specialist regard ing a trouble, which she has had of lite, with her eyes. "Dud" WeM dne to I'niicvillc with them. 'p.. -..-.. t 1 II1IIVI , J. & Taylor, Toilet Articles A1IHDICINES Prescriptions Carefully Compounded pv. Drugs ' Wc carry In stock every tiling usually handled by a first-class tlniRstore lucludlnp; Stationery, School Supplies, Mngazlncs, Toilet Prepara tions, Confectionery, Ci,'rs and Smokers' Supplies, and a Pine TJne. of Watches and Jewelry. ...Perfumes... Merrill Drug Co. Bend, Oregon. Horn, to Mr. and Mis. P. IS. Dayton of Iiidlaw, a topound sou, 011 January 10. The HciiJ Social Club will Kivon dance at Its club hall tomorrow welling. Hvcrylxxly iuvlttd. The P. H. D. Co's mill was shut down Monday and Tuesday in order to repair the furnace. John P. Parrott, rcprcAciilliiK a tea and spice hous ol Portland, visited Ilend the first of the week. Office rooms for rent lu the Pilot Hulte Development Co.' office iHiildhiK. Apply at the comNiuy'H oiiieu. tf Wc have for service at our home stead, three tulles south of Hem), a Hereford bull.-iKANcr & Oak matt, tf Mrs. C. A. Jotius and her datiKhtur, Miwi Grace, entertained a small Ntrty of friends Wednesday evening. Mayor Goodwillle was a hii'duc.'ts culler at Prlueville Saturday Inst. lie rettiniwl to Ilend Monday morning. Pok SAl.K Several work and driving holies. Musi Ixr Mild J nick. P. I,. Tompkins, Hank uildiiiK- .tjtf The Musters have leeu hnuliug 1ok for tlwlr mill the mst two week and uxecl to begin snwhiK a wevk from Monday. A. P. Ilardbury, repreMiitiug the Pacific Coast Hlscult Co., of Port laud, was doing bttsiucMi in Hetul the first of the week. Miss Jackh; Hrock, who has been working for the Laidlaw Chronicle, left for Portland recently to join her father and mother at that place. ISarl Knight of Redmond came to Heud Wednesday for a few days' stay. He is assistine; in repairing the I). I. & P. ditches near Heud. Mrs, Ralph Sheldon ami Miss Nolo Kcvcr were initiated into the Mistletoe Camp of the Royal Neighbors at Heud last Tuesday night. Mrs. II. Taylor, 1(. D. I.utf aid S. 0. Hadley or Silver Lake registered at Hotel Heud Tuesday. They were 011 their way to. The Dalles. I. D. Jarvis U building au ice house for A. H. lUtobouut at the rear of the White House Har. Its dimensions are 1.1x34 feet with so foot XtS. T, C. Ryan and wife came in from their ranch Saturday. Mrs. Ryap remained a guest at the Hotel Rend, while he returned to the work on the ranch. Charles Reed, I,ou Lovcl, Orace Woodward, Joe Grainm and Guy At wood arc iu Heud this week stopping up sinks itt tile Central Oregon ditch not far from here. Kenneth Minor gave a party to a number of his young friends last Saturday evening. Qames of vari ous descriptions passed the time away pleasantly for 13 or 14 guests. A. C. Stubling, of the Stubling r.lipior House at The Dallas, was it Heud business caller Tuesday. Wednesday, iu company with A. W. Clothier, he drove to Rosland, returning later iu the week. Arthur W. Clothier, rqprescntlng the Massachusetts Mutual Life In surance Co,, and also handling a line of shoes for Goodwin Ilros., arrived iu Heud Tuesday. Wednes day he drove to Rosland on busi ness matters. Ralph Sheldon has just completed a large sled for Andrew Robinson for hauling logs from the woods' to the I.iustcr mill. The front run-, tiers are nine feet long, the rear ones eight, and the bunks measure eight lect in width. Mrs. Henry Muster met with quite a painful accident last Satur day morning, While coming to town she slipped and fell, breaking her left arm just above the wrist. I)r. Coc reduced the fracture and she is getting along nicely, Harry Hill, of the firm of White & Hill, reached town Tuesday after a business trip along the river south of Heud. While gone he bought a number of fine cattle from Charles Graves, also 100 head of sheep from the Daly ranch ut Hear Creek BlMcs, WIS WISH AIJ, OUR CUSTOMERS, AND PRII5NDS A Happy and Prosperous New Year n mm inn iii iimiii 1 11 1 iTunirn -itw i ' ' 11 ? pfiwiiniia.iii RnMHHl START THIS Y1SAR RIGHT HY TRADING WITH YOU'IJ, PIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE US. About a month or six weeks ago W. P. Vaudevert shot and killed a large black bear on his ranch near Lava, He brought the skin to Heud and Wednesday sold it to ISarl Knight. Mr. Knight will ship it east and have it made into a rug. It. I. Rose and Mist I,ora Mc Daniels came from Priueville to be preMMit at the Woodmen Reception In Heud Monday evening. While here they were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. John II. Starr at Hotel ll-iid. They returned tn Prlueville Wednesday. A. II. Grant has just completed a holt? 16x18 feet on his homottetid went of the river, about a mil and a half southwest of town. ltd. Hrrxtcrhous did the work. Mr, Grant is having a number of ikmih cut and will fruce about 10 acres of the homestead. Misa Ruth Reid has been granted a slate certificate, for five years, by the dciMrtmeut of education of the state of Oregon. Miss Reid sub mitted school papers granted her iu New Brunswick and received the Oregon certificate from the showing made by these patwrs. Heud people, receiving letters from Antelope, are informed that the great theme of conversation at that place is the excellent chance Bend has for a railroad iu the very ucar future. It is considered a sure thing by Antelope people. Mayor Goodwillic gave a sleigh ing parly to 16 friends last Friday evening. They drove south to Hen bam Palls, and enjoyed a pleasant ride and the beautiful moonlight for two and a half to three hours. Re turning the party stooped at the A. M. Drake home where hot coffee was served. District Deputy John II. Starr reorts that there will le a joint public installation pf the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbor officers at Priueville on January 32. These two camps arc in a very flourishing condition, the Woodmen having a membership of too, the Royal Neighbors 75. G. W. liastntau and R. A. Rose passed through Heud Tuesday on their return trip to their Washing ton homes. They had been to Sil ver I.akc attending tq matters con nected with a timber plnitn. Mr. Rose was well pleased witlf this country and says he tuay come to Heud to live iu the spring. C. S. ISaton is having a large sage brush grubber made for use 011 the h. A. Baldwin rnnclj. Jt is be ing made similar to the one invent ed by George Simmons, who has n ranch near I.nhllnw. This utachiuc will have a 7-foot blade and will re quire four horses at least to woik it. Ralph Sheldon is making the machine. upon iu that vicinity and that the country there is settling up rapidly. Water can be obtained at a depth of from 15 to 20 fiet." At tlmt depth a yellow sand is found and upon dig ging into it a foot or two water be gins to flow and rises four or five feet in the well, remaining at that heighth. Chrismaii of Silver Lake has installed sn electric light plant at his hqtel and uses gasoline en gine for power. Tlii plant is also uied to light the town. The farm ers near the village intend to wire their residences and will conduct the current to their home. LOST MIS WAV. Tramped In the Woods Two Days and Nights without Pood. I,ot in the timber two days and two nights without a bite to eat was the experience of Michael Rogers a few days 'preceding Christmas. Mr. Rogers hasa homestead iu 21-15, in the vicinity of tbe ice caves, and one day started out to hunt. He wandered into the woods some dis tance from the beaten paths. As darknois came on and he desired to return home he found that he could not tell north from south nor cast from west, could not find the road, and therefore was lost. That night he had enough inatchcf to keep a fire burning. Iu the morning he start ed again iu the vain search for his homestead and tramped all day. Night found him still far from any human habitation, with the supply of matches exhausted, no fire, and 110 food. Consequently he trumped all night in order to keep warm. The following day was spent in the same unsuccessful search for home About 9 o'clock that night, Sat urday, Dec. 23, I. H. McCjuii was awakened at his homestead in 19-12 oy Hearing What lie at ttrst sup posed was a cougar crving in the tinil)cr. Listening a moment he heard the call repeated and fearing it might be someone in need of help he opened the door and answered. Immediately the question came out of the darknos, "Where are you?" Mr. McCann told the questioner to come, north, and upon being in formed that he didn't know which way was north, got a light and put it where it could be seen, whereup on Rogers soon stumbled into the cottage. He was almost exhausted by his long tramp and fast and sank upon the lloor, too tired to stand. Mr. McCaun prepared a slipper for him, gave him a bed for the night, and in the morning stocked him with a day s provisions and took him to the ice cave road, where he soon located himself and easily found his way home. He had been going directly away from his home stead and was distant about 24 miles from home, but had walked much fartjtcr ip his wandering through the woods. Kobcrt Gathcrgood, who is work lug for White & Hill, had a team of horses down iu the ditch " east of Heud last Sunday. lie drove into the ditch where the road crosses it to get water for use iu the slaughter home, and then attempted to turn around by circling down the ditch a short distance. One horse got mir ed iu soft grpiuid and fell in such a manner that its head was held utider water. The other, in the rumpus that followed, also got down but did not thrash about any. Gathcrgood was obliged to get out into the water and help the one mired or he would soon have had a drowned horse. Fortunately no damage was done to the harness or rig. J, N, Hunter returned Tuesday from n trip to Silver Lake. He re ports that within the past few mouths xd claims biwe wcu filed. florscs Strayed. Strayed away from Madras, Crook county, Oregou, about the first of November, 1905, one black uiarp, weight about 1,400; one sorrel, yearling, horse colt. All branded single heart 011 right shoulder. Were last seen at Heud. Any information regarding the above described horses will be suit ably rewarded. Address all com munications to Edward Holcomb, Hieber, Lassen Co., California. Notice Notice Is hereby given that the co partucrnhip heretofore subsisting be tween the umlcrhtgned mid II. W. Recti, under the firm name ami style of Slcldl & Reed (nlbo the Deschutes Lumber Company) has ticeu dissolved by mutual consent. Accounts due the former co partnership may be paid to either of the former partners. (40-43) John- Sritiur.. Dr. V. S, Nichol returned home last Satuaday, having spent a week Jn Fortlnpd. 99 business, fjlV rp aftLMXmr:"acTL jj - G. W. Whitsett's B Saloon. -J C ut ml,, IJcst Imported and Domestic WINES, JLIGUORS CIGARS. Excellent Bar Service. High Class Gentleman's Re sort. Only first class voocls kept In stock. Call on us. PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCA, Proprietor Table supplied with all the delicacies of the season Rirst-elas Hquipment I'ine Rooms and Ileds All stages stop at the hotel door RALPH SHELDON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing' HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY jtfJST" Our shop is located opposite Uajitist CUurch. tlCTEffMaT-EETHfJ REPEATING SHOTGUNS No matter how big the bird, no matter how hevy Its plumage or swift its flight, you can bring it to bag t h a long, strong, straight shooting Winchester Hepeatirg Shotfju i. Results are what count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap shooting, and are sold within reach of everybody's pocket book. FttCL t StnJ mmi end eJJrtit on a potUl tttl ter ev Urgt illntrattj taUUgu. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW HAVEN. CONK ll r -3 At Bend, Oregon. A Complete Stock of DRY Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- At Bend Oregon. All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses Reasonable Prices Good Qradcs Dry Stock INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPI,AP RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED CEILING WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASING HEAD BLOCKS O. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATER TABLE O. G. BATTINS MOULDINGS P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. 'Lumber Delivered at Low Cost Anywhere on Tbe Lands of TbeiD. I. & p. Co., or plie C. S. I. Co. CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION. . The Pilot Butte Development I Company I I3END, - OREGON . F. MOODY OGNGRAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. SHANIKO, -. OREdON Large, Commodious Warehouse. Coasigaaieats Solicited Tronipt attention paid to those who favor me with thefr patronage.,. I ; k ! 1