C&ES8. NEWS OF THE WEEK fn n ComlonsGd Form for Ijnsy Readers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS r Rssumo of tlio Lot Important but Not Lest Interesting Evsnta of the Past Weak. Tim Hanhi Domingo revolution In practically nt mi end, Tim revolution lii'ltusnla linn spoiled the Christmas festivities. Wltto U accused (if nullifying tlio concessions to tlio Liberals. No more Jamaicans will lm allowlod to go to Panama to work on llio en tin I. Tlm liotiRo nml sentati are sure to dash over tlm niiroiilntion o( money. Urn In tlio heart of Kansas City do ntruyed thren blocks, Tlm lonit will rrncli IflOO.OOO. No liven wnrn lout. 'I Im drydock Dewey, mi Its way lo the Philippines, linn reached llermudn, whero a "lop wan mado for con I and provisions, Jeroum In preparing to liullct IiIk Hull In Insurant n companies In February. Tlio miinll men are expected to turn stain's evidence, Two commissioners of tint Chlnoso emperor nrn on their way to thin coun try to attend American schools nml study our way. Tlm Navy department has presented medal of honor to the II iimmheia of tlm Heiiiiingtou's crow who survived, for bravery In rescuing mora unfortu nate shipmate. Tlm secretary of tlio Interior ha wlthdran more than 1,000,000 acre of public land In Arlionn nml Now Mexico from nil foium of illnjxmal except timlnr tlio minora) law fot Inclusion within forest reserve. Tlio bomr haii received another rata hill. A rUii of toriur now exist nt Itlgs, Russia, An Immense graft I'X Hi. Inils o lira has Itrcu exKted. I'rraliloiit Morales' army haa Ih-cii beaten nml hit general killed. From Kansas north nil trains nro greatly delayed by mow storms. Iloth sldis in tlm strlko of printers (or an right-hour ilay claim gains. Wltto lui ordered wholesale arretta of all oppononta to tlio guvernvnt. Twenly-onu minora worn killed In an vxploalou at tlio Coaldato, W. Va., coal mines. Ono of Huston's savings hanka haa lieen looted by tbo officers nml tlio In stitution closed, Ilnrvnnl university authorities baro ordered that thorn mint I hi n change in (oMhall rule. Tlio government will lnvrtlKtn tbo '. rrcont mI of tlio Fort Stevens military I reservation In South Dakota. I Small railroad companies of tlio mid 1 l!o went hat a reserved tlm right to 1 Issue passes, hut nil tlio larger line twill enforce tlm now order strictly. I Tbo Navy department haa petl 'tinned congress for n largo number of changes In tlm navy. Ono of thu change desired la tlm re-establishment of tlm miik of commodore. Wllte's rnhluot I denounced na grafters, Tbo national debt haa decreased dur ing the past year. Congressmen nro nugry nt losing paste and may rotallato on the rail roadt, Throe Cheyenne, Wyoming, aoldlora will die na n leault of drinking n mix ture of hay rum, lemon Juice and hair tonic. A New York grand jury haa boon drawn to try about 1,000 nlleged frnudi nrlilng out of the recent election. Wireless messages from tlio drydock Dewey r-jnirt It to he making good progri'M in ila trip across tlio Atlantic. The production of gold nnd allver In the United Htatre for 1005 ahowa nn iwcroaio of f 0)00,000 gold and 1,000, 000 ouiicea of allvor. Jmnei W. YYadaworth hai been nom limtwl by Republican! In cauciii m ponker of the Now York aatomhly, thus defeating tlio plana of Udell, Flvo men hnvo been arretted in con iiectlon with tlio murder of ex-Governor Btcunonberg of Idaho, One of them, Thomas llogun, is believed to hnvo nt leuet made the fatal bomb, Kentucky Democratic momberi of tbo legislature In caucus hnvo nomi nated Thomas II, I'nynter for United Btntci senator to succeed J, 0. 8. Illack burn. Tlio nomination carries with It tho certainty ot election. rnnamn u preparing for n general 'election, Tho bin drydock being towed from Now York to Manila haa encountered a torrn. A sink in the tunnol connecting New York and Brooklyn has stopped trains Umporarlly. Tho Now York legislative cominltteo on Insurance haa doclded on a meaauro to regulate companies doing business in that stale do anEAT whono ro Arizona, Joint OlntobooiJ Willi Now Mexico Gondomnad by President, Now York, Jnn. 2, Jnincn Douglas who In tlm executive head of tlm mill lug enterprises In Arizona, grouped an I ho Phelps, Dodgo A Co. Iiitorimtn. It uolod today regarding bin views upon tlm proponed Joint ntnlvhood of Arl xonn nnd New Mnxclo, Mr. Douglas any, ntiioug other thlngni "To force Arlxona Into it union with Now Mexico in to do n great wrong to the pooplo )f tlm former territory, who, In raclitl antecedents, mllgloun prefer uncen and ludimtrlnl lutercntn, nro wholly uullko tlm luhnbltnntn of Now Mexico, New Mexico ban a imputation ntifllclent to Juntlfy her admlnnloii na n Ingle ntnto, ami tlm peojilo of Arlxona, among whom I have npent more than 2r year of my life, would rather wait 20 yenrn for ntntohood than ho Joined to New Mexico, "lu tlm event of Joint atntohood, the vnat Intereiiti In Arlxonn would be out voted nnd no controlled In the mcttorof tnxntlou by tlio K"'"ter populntlou of the premtnt territory of Now Mexico, which In vantly lean linpoiUnt in tlm vnlun of Ita taxahln proorty. "I enn well umlurnland Hint it may aoeiii di'ilrnhln to itihitlluto n ntato goveriuueut for tlm territorial form whenever It ran ho widely accom pllibed, nnd ran nino apprclnto the political rorialdorntloun Hint nro In volved In the contention for Joint atnto hood, hut neither ahould outwolgh the liijuitlco that would bo Involved In audi nu unfit alliance nn that of Arl ionn and Now Mexico,'' WANTS HEHtllVE OF 60,000 MEN Chaffeo Proposes to Use Men Already Tralnsd In Army. New York, Jan. 2. Lieutenant Gen eral Adua It. Chaffee, chief of staff of tho army, today expressed himself na In hearty accord with tho provision! of tlm nrmy hill evolved by tho general staff, and now in the hnuds of the sec retary of wnr. "Matters military In this country," snld tho general, "naturally mean tlfe outlay of money, but I bollnvn It will worth all it costs to strengthen tho military arm of the government by creating, as contemplated In the bill, a rreervo of 60,000 men. Ily creating this forro of tbo men who hnvo served ono term of three years ami hnvo been bonoiably discharged, wo shall Have the ttenellt of the Instruction they hay received, the proficiency they have at tained In marksmanship and tbclr re gard for discipline. "It will bo invisible, with ruch a re servo, to put tho army on n war footing with seasoned troops. The reservist! would bo enlisted for Ave years, during which they would m under pay and al ways subject to a rail for service, but In time of pence permitted to follow th vocations of theli choice." (loueral ChafTeo returns to Washing ton tomorrow. ANOTHER HOPE FOR MALHEUR. Senatora Propose Irrigation, Exclud ing Wagon Road Lands. Washington, Jan. 2. Henators Ful ton and (learln today called on tho ill rector of the geological survey to see if It 1m oalblo to revive tho Malheur ir rigation project, now practically dead. They hopex tho government will do something that will boneilt settlers owning land lu that vicinity and sug gested that tho original project might bo reduced in alio by eliminating tho wagon road land and land Included in the railroad right of way, which proved serious obstacles In tho way of tho first project, Director Wolcott promised to glvo Immedlato attention to this request, and in a fow days will ndvlao tho sen ators whether or not It will bo prac ticable to remodel tho project as they hnvo itiggeMtod. It such a plan is feas ible, there la so mo hope Hint a modified Malheur project may ultimately bo built. Try to Liberate Peons. New Orleans, Jan. 2. The Fodoral nuthorltlc! lu this state are determined to put an und to tho practice of placing negroes In n atato of peonago, which bun been in vogue alnro tho Civil war. It ia tho plan of tho planters to take n n Kroundorcontract,ngreelng to furnish nil bin living expenses for a torin of years, and to Ret nil the profits of tlm negro laborer during that time.. TIiIb afternoon J, J, Nowlaud, of Washing ton, Lit,, waa placed under arrest under Indictment by tho Federal grand Jury on a charge of peonage. Want Open Debate on Treaty. Washington, Jan. 2, Democrats in congress want tho policy of this govern ment towards tho republics of Central and Bouth America to bo discussed oponly in both branches. Should the contention of so mo senators that tho treaty with Santo Domingo la of such widespread Importance that It ahould ho mado In tho form of n Joint resolu tion and submlttod to .both bouses of congress, prevail, tho debate, it la be lieved, will bo protrnctod and blttor. Bomb Kills and Mangles Many. Drlnak, Woat Husaia, Jan. 2.A strlko waa declarod hero today, Martial law has boon proclaimed. Ily tho ac cidental explosion of a bomb at a meet ing of workingmen last night eight per sons wero killed and 83 wounded. DARE NOT REVOLT Llltlo Danycr ot Drcak Between Conyrcss and President, HEAR VOICE OF THE NATION Many Senators Soon To Do Elected and Opposition to Roosevelt Meant Political Death. Washington, Jan. 2. Two-thirds of tlm United Htstcs senate will come up for re-election within tho next three year, nnd of this total St are Republi cans. This fact Is likely to have con siderable Influence ujwjn the ultimate stand taken thin winter by the nenato on measures advocated by the president and endorsed by tlm pooplo. It docn not necessarily mean that tho senate will fall lu line and follow tho load of tho president, hut It points to such ac tion, and tho wise observers, after studying the situation, think they can sen tho nruntii supporting tlm president on tho largo Isstiea now up for consid eration. During tho first weeks of tho session It looked very much nt If tho nenato would take Issue with tho president on many imiKirlant questions of legis latlon. There wero unpleasant words regarding tho I'annma canal; there were murmiirlngn nbout tho pros! dent's course regarding Hanto Domln go; and Ixdilnd It all considerable private comment tion the president's railroad rate inilicy as outlined in his ruesagn. Many senatora have reached too conclusion inai um president is recklessly usurping tho powers of con grens to noma extent, and they havo dis played evidence of tigllnens on that ac count, ror a time It looked as if there would bo revolt. Hut will there bef Mather, will not tho senate fall In lino and follow the lend of tho president? It Is a serious thing for tho party in imwer to break with its president, nnd such a movo is more npt to Injure thoso senators nnd representatives of tho Insurgent clans than it Is to Injure tho president. What la more, the party In iKiwer uiuit suffer Iruin any such revolt. These thing! are lxilng carefully weighed, and thero aro those who now predict that there will Imi no break between congress and the president, unlesti It may bo on tho railroad rate iscuo, and even on that Issue a compromise Is more likely than an open rupture. KILLED DY DOMO. Ex-Qovernor Steunenbera;, of Idaho, Victim of Dastardly Outrage. Ilolie, Jan. 2. Frank Bteunenberg, ex.goveruor of tho state, was killed Saturday evening at his home in the suburb! of Caldwell. A dynamite lomb had been placed at bis front gate with some contrivance by which it exploded as ho entered, ltoth legs wero blown off and ho lived but 20 minutes. There Is no known reason for the outrage, but It Is charged to some uicmlHir of the lamoua inner circle of tho Coeur d'Aleno dynamiters, whom lie prosecuted ao relentlessly in 1800, while ho was governor. Governor Gooding Is in communication with the authorities of that county and is pre pared to put tho full support of the state behind tho olllclals there In run ning down tho perpetrators ot tho crime. It la thought prohablo that the lead ing detective agency of tho country will be asked to send some of tholr best men to tho scene and the state will offer as groat a reward m the gov ernor may find ho haa power to pro pose, Hteunenberg waa governor of the state frvom 1807 to 1001, having been twice elected. lie was born in Iowa U years ago and had been In Idaho since 1887. Ho left a wife and three children. Anarchy on Siberian Road. St. Petersburg, Jan, 2. - Warning news has liecn received from Siberia. It is reported authoratlvoly that the Siberian railroad ia disorganised M fr as Chellablnsk, Railway stations havo been pillaged by soldiers and sailors. General anarchy prevails along the line, and trains nro being run with great delays and uncertainty. At Ir kutsk thero has been a general head-ing-up of tho line, nnd robbery and plllngo havo mado tho place almost untonablo. Dlsnstora ot tho worst kind aro feared along tho whole lino. Morales Lands Forces. Capo Haytlon, Haytl, Jan, 2. Con firmation has been recolvod ot tho re port that Morales' cruiser Independent cia yesterday landed 260 men near Puerto Plata and In tho namoot Presi dent Morales notified tho governor of Puorto Plata that tho cruiser would attack tho port by sea nnd hv land If It did not surrender within 24 hours. Tho Amorlcnn warship off Puerto Plata will not intorfero with tho operations of tho Indopondoncla. Smoot Confident of Result. Washington, Jan. 2. Senator Smoot, of Utah, bellovoa that when a voto la taken in tho aennto upon tho question ot hia right tc retain Ida seat, ho will coino out victorious. Ho expressed himself as anxious that tho tost be epeedtly mado. Tho call Issued by Chairman Ilurrowa ot tho commlttoo on privileges and elections for a meet ing Saturday, haa brought up public interest. YERKE8 18 DEAD. Complication of Diseases Carries Off Uullder of 8lreet Railways. Now York, Dec. 30. Chorion T. Ycrkon, tho noted railway flnanclor of Chicago and London, died last night in bin npnrtmouta at tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where ho had boon ill tor mora than nix wockn. Mr. Ycrkcn suffered from n complication of diseases, grow ing out of n hovero cold which ho con tracted in London early In tho fall. Ills condition had boon critical for ton days past, and tho attending pbyslclann gave up all hopo several days ago, al though members of tho family clung tenaciously to tlm belief that tho re markable vitality of Mr. Yerkes would eventually pull him through. Hlnco early yesterday morning tho patient Jiad Imjoii kept alive by strong stimu lants. Charles Tyson Yerkes won born At Philadelphia, l'a., Juno 2C. 1837. The Ycrkcn family is ot Dutch origin, tho first settlers of the name coming tc America a, fow years before the arrival of tho Quaker colony under William I'enn. C. T. Ycrkcn wan educatod at tho Friends' school and Central High school, of Ida native city, and began hia business life as a clerk In tho flour And grain commission and forwarding house of James P. Feiot A Dros,, being presented with a salary of $00 at tho und ot bin first year. His latest exploit waa to revolution Ixo the rapid transit system of London. Ho built a system of underground elec tric lines, which shines by contrast with the old Metropolitan (under ground) railway In every particular, having pure air, clean stations, clean and comfortable cars. He then secured control of tho Metropolitan, altera con test before a commission of parliament, against J. P. Morgan, and has been en gaged for several years in transforming it Into an electric system. REBELS WRECKING ORIDQES. Sllll Active In Moscow, Though Their Leaders are Captured. Moscow, Jan. 1. Tho robots are still activo lmro, despite all reporta to tho contrary, as developments of tho past few hours have plainly shown. In order to cut off Ingress to tl.o city by rail from Tver, the Insurgents today placed hotubn under tlm brldgo between that place and Moscow, literally wreck ing the brldgo. A mob of armed men made an attack on the police barracks and was defeated with great lost ot life. The police lo cated tho mooting place of tho Social Revolutionary committee and arrested all the members. A quantity of bnmba was alto lxed. Kn raged at the arrest of tho committee, a mob destroyed 200 wagons loaded with provisions for sol diers. Following this tho prefect ot police ordered the soldiers to shoot any one found Interfering with either pro vision wagons, telegraph or telephone poles. Tho streets of the city present a ghastly appearance. Tho bodies of un Idontlflod dead are found lying every where. It is said that when the police arrested tho revolutionary committee tho workmen were discussing a termin ation of the strlko. SAVES HALF DAY. Reduction In Schedule of Transconti nental Malls. Washington, Jan. 1. The postmaster goneral has announced what, from a loslal standolnt, Is regarded as ono ot the niott Important changes in mil- way mall schedules that have occurred In many years, affecting all points in the Kast having business with points west of the Mississippi river. It be comes effectivo I)cccmb?r 31. A change of the schedule on the Union Pacific railway between Omaha nnd Ogdon, Utah, and on tho Southern Pacific between Ogden and San (ran- cIsco, with supplemental changes on the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy and Chicago A Northwestern railroads be tween Chicago and Omaha, reduces the tlmo ot mall In transit bstween New York and Ban Francisco west bound, And letweon the samo points east bound, practically 24 hours. A busi ness day Is saved each way. Direct connection Is made at Ogden with a train from Green River, via Po ratello, Idaho, and Huntington, Or., to Portland, expediting mall for Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho 12 hours. Abolish Private Car Lines. Des Moines, Jan. 1. Tbo Western Frultjobbors association today adopted strong resolutions demanding tho enact ment of legislation abolishing private car lines and pointing out the Insuffi ciency ot pending legislation beforo congress In this respect. Tho associa tion also gave endorsement to Govornor Cummins, who aroused tho wildest en thusiasm at tho banquet by his arraign ment ot prlvato car companies and of congress for what ho declared to bo Ita alothfulneaa in heeding tho petitions ot shippers for relief. Foclatlsts Urge Poles to Strike. Warsaw, KiiBalan Poland, Jan. 1. Bands ot Socialists aro parading tho streets bore, trying to enforo tho orders for a general strike. Thoy compelled tho newspapers and insurance otlices to closo and sent out gangs ot youths to smash tho windows of shops whose owners refused to closo tholr establish ments. Traffic Is much Impeded on the Vienna railroad. Military engineers are maintaining traffic on the Mlava branch of tho Vlatola line. Drydock Out In Atlantic. .,i,"'eJ:.Ja";.L'r7J;?:t u.y... ""JI nuiv. icn uu.uiuuil a Island yesterday on ita long alp to the Philippines by way of the Sues canal, passed out of the Virginia capes at 10:40 tonight. Hafofr AtfMrhmriif. Even In this enlightened ago acci dents duo to n fnlluro to turn oft the gas properly are still numerous enough to command attention. A nnfety attachment for grui burners In th recent Invention of a Now Jersey inn n, and If It will fulfil tho claims advanced It Is well worthy of atten- I rm A7If AUTOMATICALLY. tlon. Instesd of employing a stop- rock th attachment regulates th flow of gas and as long as the gas Is burn liitf remains lu that position, but should there b any carelesnncnn In turning off the gnn the attachment dots no automatically. Whether the gas Is purpooely extinguished or ex tinguished by accident, du to a high wind or when blown out by an ignor ant proon, the attachment acts by grnvlty to clone the plug. The at tachment In pivoted to one end of the stojeock, nnd consists of an arm which extends parallel with the burn er, and controlled by a levor. At the top of the arm is the portion which engages with the burner being mtds In the shape of a ring connected to two horizontal band. When the gas la turned off and the attachment In Its normal position It Is at rlxht angles to tlm burner. When the lever In oper ated to turn on the gas the attach ment closes up until the top engages with the tip of the burner. As long as the gas Is burning the ring and bar at the top sre caused to expand, but should the gas lecoinH extinguished by a gust of wind or otherwise the band Immediately contracts and as sumes a position which forces the at tachment by Its own weight and grnv lty to quickly full to Its normal posi tion and shut off the gas. Hop for Ollln Floor. Tbo aim of the majority of Inven tors at the present time Is In the di rection of deilgulng some contrivance which will supplant hand labor, and In tho main they arc successful. One of, the latest la a simple dot Ice bavin? a clamp which holds ono or more pieces of felt; the latter tlng satur ated with oil to he applied to floors. A Massachusetts man Is the patentee, an Illustration of the device being shown here. Parquetry floors are now In great demand, and formerly It was roii oili.no KLoons. the custom to apply tho oil and other substances Used for surfacing the 8NAKE WA8 BOLD. Held Stllkmnld Cnptlrv by the Ankle mid Drunk tbo Milk. Miss Marie Czeruey, daughter of prominent residents of lion Homme County, S, I)., had a thrilling adveu turo with n monster snake, as tho result of which sho narrowly escaped death by blood poison, by stopping on u rusty null while striving to escape from tho snake, ktiya tho St. Paul Dispatch. Tho young woman, with n pall In her huud, wcut to her favorite Jersey for tho purpose of doing her evening milking. During the day tho animal had been picketed lu u tamo grass plot, mid at tho time of milking still bore tho picket Hue. Tho Jersey ap peared to bo greatly annoyed by tiles und mosquitoes and changed Its posi tion a number of times. As tho cow changed position Miss Czeruey would follow It up, nnd during this operation her ankle became en tangled as sho supported lu tho picket rope, Tho cow seemed to grow quieter nnd after mllklug steadily for several minutes Miss Cseruey bi'camo concern ed at tho small amount of milk lu the pnll. Fearing that the pall had sprung a leak sho looked full into It and at tempted to raise It, when sho was horrltled by tho discovery that a mon ster snake had its bead lu the pall, tho weight of the reptile making it difficult to raise tho pall from tho ground. The snake evidently had been drinking the milk about as fast as Wi mt0 th, Pn. ,j,,l frM0nt h. tlio Al.ixn. err, Miss Cterney' gave a scream, sprang to ner rest ana made a uasn for her home. Hut she had taken only a few steps when sho mado tho fur AW fllTOl wood by hand, the process belmc very tedious and requiring considerable tlmo nnd labor. Tho use of tho de vice shown hero would obviously snvn much of his labor. The clamp which holds the felt Is made of metal, tho front and rear being plates exactly alike. Tlio upper edges of the plates are bent Inward to give additional stlffnws, nnd the lower edges alro bent Inward and formed with toothwl pro jections. The plates constitute a Jaw for folding nnd engaging the layers of felt. The two plates are connected at points above tho center by a hort xontsl plate, the latter serving an n hesd and gnlds for the felt which can b pushed up against It and bo re tained in a horizontal position. The uppr portions of tlm plates are h!d apart by a .pair of stiff springs which surrounds two bolts connecting tlm plates. To release the felt the upper edges of the plates are pressed to ward each other against the power of the nprlugs. A handle attached to the rear plate serves as a mode of op eration. In use the felt Is saturated with otl and applied to the floor very much Ilk a mop. Iloeklnar flathtnb. The ordinary bathtub Is amply suf ficient for the average person, but anyone who Is more fastidious, and desires something unique, can have recourse to the hsthtub Illustrated be low, the Invention of an Ohio man. Tbo construction Is such that the per- ROCKI.IO DATHTUU. ton sitting in the tub can rock It back and forth, causing tbo water to swish over him, and. If he possesses a vivid Imagination, he will think ho is at the seashore taking a salt water bath, with the waves dashing over him. The body of the bathtub Is supported upon rockers by uprights at the front and back. Pivoted to the front of the rockers is an arm which extends to ths top of the body. A pulley Is attached: to this arm, through which paste n rope, tho latter being secured to the body of the tub, and passing through a second pulley, connects with a han dle, which Is operated by the person In the tub to rock the machine, caus ing the water to flow up into a back portion above tbo seat. It will bo readily seen that by pushing the han dle the upper part of the arm will bo pulled forward, raining the front end; of the tub. The lining ot tho tub la arranged somewhat In the form of tho seat and back of a chair, with a deep er portion for the fecL A casing ex tend h around the back and partially along the sides, at tho height of tho shoulders of tho occupant, when seat ed. A covering can be placed over this back portion and bo supported upon rods, the covering having an aperture for the head, and can bo used for tak ing Turkish baths. When used for this purpose a box for holding a lamp Is hung In the front end of the tub. ther discovery that Instead of her aukle being entangled In the picket rope, it was the snake which was eu twlned around her ankle. Tbo rep tile colled so tightly and was of such weight that the young lady waa thrown violently to the ground. Finally galulng her freedom from the monster, which sho was ablo to shake off only after superhuman ef forts, she continued her flight totvard homo. In her haste she stepped on a rusty nail, which penetrated tho flash to tbo depth of about two Inches. lilood polsou set lu and only by the hardest kind of work was the llfo ot tho young; woman .saved. Alt Unrrlendljr Feclluir. A philanthropist ot Louisville was talking about the late Dr. llarnardo, whoso whole llfo was dovoted to tlm helping ot alum children. "Dr. llarnardo," ho sold, "was as Interesting as ho was good. To con verso with him was n rare privilege "Certain ot bis Ideas wero once at tacked by a philanthropic young noble nun; a youth with many millions and much enthusiasm, but. very llttlo mod esty or tact. "Dr. liaruardo uaturally felt rather bitter toward this rich and Inexpert onced and presumptuous intruder. '"1 feel towards him,' he said to mo, 'as the barber feols toward. th man who shaves himself. You know, what that feeling Is, don't youV "The man who shaves himself, says the barber, 'ought to bo compelled to cut his own hair.' "Kansas Oltjt, Journal. Some way when a man ssysi TM' aee; I'll have to study about that" yon feel that he U going to ttU tb treCsv 4 I m I ii